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S13.E03: It's Not About the Pants

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30 minutes ago, CallmeCray said:

I can’t help but think that if Sutton HAD been taken down on stage, she would have been MORTIFIED afterward, so I think she was probably grateful for the opportunity to clutch those pearls in order to shut down that possibility.  

I just don’t think it would have gone well for her, as uncomfortable as we’ve seen her in so many more benign situations.  

She is so socially awkward, she would have died on that stage, she wants to fit in with the others, and be edgy, it just doesn't happen. I thought  Erika fit right in, and of course she knows them, wasn't that scuzzy looking one part of her glam, or something. I've been to plenty of strip clubs, nothing like simulating oral sex happened. 

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8 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

And do they consider what the person is wearing?

I figured they did and that's why Erika told them to wear pants. OTOH they brought Kyle up there and she was wearing a dress...🤷🏽‍♀️

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4 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

I figured they did and that's why Erika told them to wear pants. OTOH they brought Kyle up there and she was wearing a dress...🤷🏽‍♀️

True, but you hear the guy ask Kyle if she wants to go up and  she says sure. And this was after they'd already  done the Erika/Crystal dance so Kyle would have known what she was agreeing to. And they didn't try  to spread her legs or anything,  they did a different act with the whipped cream and when  she said no to them  spraying  it in her mouth the guy did it on her leg and chest instead.

I just can't  imagine if they tried to spread a woman's legs on stage and she kept her knees together or shook  her head no they'd force  it. I think  they'd just modify and tame down what they did.

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19 hours ago, dmeets said:

Sutton would be intolerable to be around. Such a high maintenance friend it’d be utterly exhausting. Just like she blew up at not being in on the fake vodka joke, now she’s pissed that the dancers didn’t make a beeline for her. Bullshit that Ms. Sex Twice a Day, Numb Clitoris from All Those Vibrators has a problem with a gay shirtless man sticking his head on a woman’s crotch. Whatever would the ballet board think? And then the high maintenance schtick with both Ari with the pants and Garcelle with the itchy back. Whether she’s really that precious or if it’s playing to the camera, it’s annoying when it’s accompanied by her social hissy fits.

So was Teddi’s vodka comment actually implying that Sutton spikes her Ocean Spray? If so Sutton needs to consider using something else.

As someone who’s consistently disliked Door-it for going on 7 seasons now, I loved Crystal’s dig, even though I’m sure it’s going to spiral into a feud and an issue at the reunion. And way to make Garcelle’s feelings all about you, asshole. These women have a habit of trying to constantly make Garcelle and Crystal apologize for their feelings.

THIS!!! X 10000!! Perfection.

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16 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:



Who would have thunk.

I used to work with this hideous woman that would get on my nerves every single freaking day.  I used to dish it back to her as fast as I could!  But during LENT, I would relent.  I'd bite my tongue. Seriously.

Then I'd go to church on Easter Sunday, eat a bunch of great food and Monday, Honey: It was ON. This went on for YEARS!!!😂

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16 minutes ago, ww92 said:

True, but you hear the guy ask Kyle if she wants to go up and  she says sure. And this was after they'd already  done the Erika/Crystal dance so Kyle would have known what she was agreeing to. And they didn't try  to spread her legs or anything,  they did a different act with the whipped cream and when  she said no to them  spraying  it in her mouth the guy did it on her leg and chest instead.

I just can't  imagine if they tried to spread a woman's legs on stage and she kept her knees together or shook  her head no they'd force  it. I think  they'd just modify and tame down what they did.

Maybe they have to pass a dance class called “Audience-Participation Contingency Planning.” 

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1 hour ago, ww92 said:

Sutton definitely could have handled it better instead of ranting about how she wore pants and how she's on  the board of the ballet theater or whatever it was. She should have just handed her ones to the other ladies, told them the show was a little too raunchy for her taste, to have fun and she was going to go into the casino and do some gambling. Text when the show was over and they could meet back  up for a drink. If I were her I wouldn't have confided in any of them about what was really going on except maybe Garcelle and that would only happen off camera. Even if the others didn't believe her and suspected it was because she was feeling hurt or unattractive, a real friend would just totally go with the excuse given. There was no reason to do otherwise.

THIS!! No reason she couldn't have gone to the casino and spend those dollar bills.  Kyle following her out and texting was just throwing gas on the fire.  OR starting the fire?  Who knows, but waayyy too much drama for me.

PS: Teddi is an idiot.  Stop trying to make Teddi happen, KYLE.

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11 minutes ago, QQQQ said:

God-Damn Independent: term used by college students to refer to a non-Greek student.

Oh, then me too! The sorority girls always looked at me and my friends like we were gross anyway, even after they started trying (and failing) to dress like us.  

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We've all seen Sutton emotional a few times. I think she felt some type of way not being asked (yet) to get on stage. BUT, I think she was surprised by how raunchy it got. I thought she was dramatic about it with the tears, but I agree if she just walked off and was left alone, wouldn't be that big of a deal. I think Garcelle was genuinely concerned and confused by Sutton being emotional and leaving. Not so sure about Kyle. I feel like Kyle was more playing the role of Housewife, not friend. Anyone think Sutton is still hormonal or something? I think she seems like such a sweetheart most of the time, then there are these odd episodes. 

Dorit, Dorit, Dorit. That whole conversation reminded me of when Eileen talked to Lisa Vanderpump about her insensitive grilling and feeling like she's the one who needed to apologize. We never saw any of the women other than Crystal and Sutton express concern over Jax. I don't blame Garcelle for what she said. I don't think she said it from a place of attacking the women but sharing her genuine hurt. 

Dorit has a pattern of overreacting to everything Garcelle says. Really rubs me the wrong way. The others can be vicious before Dorit gets defensive. 

Speaking of Dorit, Crystal seemed like she was offended by Dorit's "really?" to the perfect nipple thing. I didn't take Dorit's reaction as surprise Crystal got that compliment, but surprise by such a comment coming from Crystal, who is one of the more demure women in the cast. 

I'm liking this Erika who lets stuff go. I'm concerned about how thin she is. I hope she is healthy, but I always think she is so pretty. Her perfect face, perfect skin, hair (extensions or not), how fit she is, she is a gorgeous woman.


10 minutes ago, Stats Queen said:

Sutton, well, wasn’t her best during the show. However, she did excuse herself and leave, Garcelle was concerned and followed her friend out to check on her. Sutton did NOT make a fuss about excusing herself. If t was another friend group, you would have thought that she was going to the bathroom or having hot flashes.

However this is a reality TV show where cameras follow up everywhere. It wasn’t until Kyle inserted herself into the situation where it became a  “Sutton ruined Crystal’s night”. Sutton was perfectly fine IMHO with leaving and waiting in the Sprinter Van for everyone else. Kyle was the one who made it a production and texted that Sutton’s upset we need to leave. THAT was all Kyle. 

I do think Sutton initially was hurt that everyone else got “attention” but her and she wasn’t pulled on stage. However, it was a very visceral reaction when Erika went spread eagle. The change in her face. Seriously, I am right there with her. It was so raunchy. 
I would bet money that Erika made sure she was pulled in stage and Sutton was ignored.

Sutton, was usual, did a bad job of explaining her actions and feelings. that being said, Kyle is the one who made this an issue and made the other women leave.


I read your post after I posted my own. I thought a lot of the same! 


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I’d put money on the fact that the majority of housewives regularly have a flask with them during filming.  That’s not the breaking news that Teddi wants to think it is.  

I remember my first impression of Sutton was not at all favorable, and it’s when she was snotty as hell to Teddi, who was pregnant at the time and somewhat emotional.  I felt Sutton was pretty mean to her, in addition to acting like she was above all of them and her shit didn’t stink.  It wasn’t a good look, and was a far cry from the uncomfortable, insecure sides of Sutton we’ve seen since.  

Edited by CallmeCray
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7 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

horse teeth Mauricio and poser PK

Hahaha.  Poser PK is my new name for him. 

2 hours ago, ww92 said:

I wonder,  do the dancers whisper to the women on stage to ask if it's okay if they do this or that? I mean I might be okay with sitting  in a chair and having a guy dance around me but I don't think I'd be okay with me on the floor with my legs spread. I don't believe those dancers don't have several different options for what they do with the ladies on stage based on what the  ladies are and aren't okay with.

Erika said she knew all those guys and Mikey's partner is one of the dancers.  I would not be a bit surprised if they (or just Erika) choreographed  that bit of clothed porn when Erika talked to them about the women being invited onstage.   



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2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Could someone please remind me about the fake vodka joke that upset Sutton? Thank you!

I think this references a trip last year where Kathy, Crystal, and a few others pranked someone by seemingly downing martini after martini but in reality the martinis weren't vodka, they were water.  Sutton wasn't in on the prank, Crystal tried to let her know but Sutton once again got all butthurt about it and made her hurt feelings into a thing. 

Sutton has seriously thin skin for someone that talks to her assistant the way she does, screams insults at Crystal (a previous season) and bullied pregnant Teddi right off the bat.  She needs to calm down and lighten up. 

Also, anyone that talks to their employees the way Sutton does just isn't the  classy person she imagines herself to be. 

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56 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

I think this references a trip last year where Kathy, Crystal, and a few others pranked someone by seemingly downing martini after martini but in reality the martinis weren't vodka, they were water.  Sutton wasn't in on the prank, Crystal tried to let her know but Sutton once again got all butthurt about it and made her hurt feelings into a thing. 

Ah, yes. Now I remember. Sutton kept finding reasons to be angry at Crystal, too. Thank you!

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3 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

She is so socially awkward, she would have died on that stage, she wants to fit in with the others, and be edgy, it just doesn't happen. I thought  Erika fit right in... I've been to plenty of strip clubs, nothing like simulating oral sex happened. 

I was wondering about this as it seemed kind of excessive. I was taken aback by the guy eating whipped cream off Kyle. That seems so unhygienic for a dancer to do. You don't know what the attendees have been up to before going to the show. That part kind of grossed me out. I'm not sure there's enough money in the world for me to be eating food off strangers' bodies.

Edited by Surrealist
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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

I'm liking this Erika who lets stuff go. I'm concerned about how thin she is. I hope she is healthy, but I always think she is so pretty. Her perfect face, perfect skin, hair (extensions or not), how fit she is, she is a gorgeous woman.

Except, based off next week's preview, Erika tells her dancer friend that Sutton ruined their entire night, right in front of Sutton. And I guess wanting her to apologize, even though I doubt the guy cared about her leaving. Everyone being asked to leave early was on Kyle and her texts.

I guess Lent was over by night's end. Erika seems back to her usual cheerful self. Lol.

Edited by Surrealist
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Dorit is such a horrible person. Everybody knows Dorit doesn’t care about Garcelle’s sons. Why is she only this awful with Garcelle? I hope Erika tells Jagger to get the f- - - out of here, when he’s a teenager. And then tries to seduce him when he’s in his 20s or 30s. (Okay. Not really. But still.)


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10 hours ago, QQQQ said:

I really like Garcelle and think she's usually the most level-headed HW. Which is why I'm not really sure what her goal was in bringing up her kids again and saying she didn't feel like she could trust the other women. First, no shit. Second, she's smart enough to know with this group it's "fool me once, shame on you... fool me twice, shame on me." Third, she's already received apologies -- if they weren't adequate or sincere, I don't think yet another conversation will change that. 

Fourth - doesn't she remember what happened to Denise when they all decided she "mom shamed" them? 😄

9 hours ago, CallmeCray said:

Absolutely, it’s been driving me insane since the season started.   She is definitely attempting to project some type of image.  She is just not comfortable enough in her own skin to be authentic on this show.

I believe she's a quirky person who's trying to make sure we understand that about her, but she can't stick with a schtick long enough to get anything going.  The face roller nonsense?  She suddenly goes nowhere without grapefruit juice? Copying Diana in having her "people" show up and set up her hotel room and clothes in advance?  Sex twice a day and vibrator injuries? She actually does have a "thing" - it's telling . . . a little story . . . with big eyes . . . and a cutesy voice . . . and these little pauses . . . I find her incredibly annoying.  I actually take her side in some of the arguments she has with the other ladies, but I don't care for her.

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48 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

I was wondering about this as it seemed kind of excessive. I was taken aback by the guy eating whipped cream off Kyle. That seems so unhygienic for a dancer to do. You don't know what the attendees have been up to before going to the show. That part kind of grossed me out. I'm not sure there's enough money in the world for me to be eating food off strangers' bodies.

I have honestly  never seen a woman spread her legs, and the guy go inbetween  them. I have seen women rub body oil on the stripper ,but they didn't  get that close. I wouldn't  be licking cream off of anyone. It seemed very set up to me...it's something  I really  didn't  need to see. Kyle didn't  have to follow Sutton. 

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14 hours ago, eXiled said:

Garcelle came through in her nurse's scrubs...but forgot to wear the bottoms. She's too beautiful for her looks to always be a fail. She needs a new glam squad. How they got a model out here looking so bad?


She definitely deserves better including better wigs.  I would wear this to the airport tho.

I think Sutton was jealous and I wonder if she had just waited a beat if they wouldn’t have come to get her for another part of the show like they did Kyle, or they saw she was wearing wearing her edgy white Talbots ensemble and said nah, maybe she doesn’t want to get dirty.

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7 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

I have honestly  never seen a woman spread her legs, and the guy go inbetween  them. I have seen women rub body oil on the stripper ,but they didn't  get that close. I wouldn't  be licking cream off of anyone. It seemed very set up to me...it's something  I really  didn't  need to see. Kyle didn't  have to follow Sutton. 

Ah, ok.

I've seen the dancing around a woman who's seated in a chair. Usually it's pretty tame stuff, so the oral sex simulation was pretty out there for me, plus the whipped cream moment. I wonder if that was intentionally done for the RH show as a way to cause a stir with viewers. 

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I'm no prude, but I was grossed out by the head-in-the-crotch and the whipped cream licking.

Heck, I was grossed out that the women laid on that dirty floor in their beautiful clothes.

But unlike Sutton, I'd have stayed for my friends.

Or at the very least, said I had to use the restroom.   To just get up and walk out, well Ms. Manners, that's just rude.

Then again, we are talking about a woman who screamed bloody murder at her "House Manager" (WTF is even that?) to find her white pants, which were hung neatly in the closet, as it turned out.  I hope she pays him well, poor guy.

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I didn't like how Sutton spoke to Avi. It got me wondering whatever happened to her previous assistant, Josh. I think that was his name. They seemed to have a great relationship. She used to feature him pretty prominently on IG. 

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On 11/9/2023 at 8:23 AM, Pi237 said:

I’m fascinated by how Sutton uses her eating utensils. She lifts the mashed potatoes onto her knife, then wipes the potatoes onto the flipped over underside of her fork with said knife, Then eats them. Seems like a lot of work when you can just swoop those taters up with your fork & eat them. Have I been using forks wrong all my life!? 

Disordered eating. She was not nearly this thin in her earlier seasons.

While I do think that Sutton was completely ridiculous and overreacting, I viewed at as first she was disappointed that she wasn’t chosen because SHE WORE PANTS, but then when she saw just how raunchy it was she was disgusted. The Chipendales of yore was not that full-on.

Kyle is straight up mean. Girl needs a cookie.

Edited by rlc
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8 minutes ago, Surrealist said:

I didn't like how Sutton spoke to Avi. It got me wondering whatever happened to her previous assistant, Josh. I think that was his name. They seemed to have a great relationship. She used to feature him pretty prominently on IG. 

I don't like the way she speaks to him ... I get he is your employee but there are correct ways to speak to someone and NOT belittle them .. this isn't The Devil Wears Prada and you are not Miranda Priestly  .. It blurs between professional and Friend I understand but NO i would have told her where she could stick those precious white pants and kept it moving


Now I still love me some Sutton but she has some things going on that make me side eye her

1 minute ago, rlc said:

Disordered eating. She was not nearly this thin in her earlier seasons.


Its actually the European way to use your utensils.. they have rules you dont shovel the food in your mouth like we do you place small bites on the back of the fork



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14 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

Sutton, well, wasn’t her best during the show. However, she did excuse herself and leave, Garcelle was concerned and followed her friend out to check on her. Sutton did NOT make a fuss about excusing herself. If t was another friend group, you would have thought that she was going to the bathroom or having hot flashes.

The idea that Sutton didn't "make a fuss" about leaving doesn't make much sense to me. Sutton did possibly everything someone could do to make it clear that she was upset short of getting on stage to scream it.

First she complains that she wore her pants for nothing. Then she employs body language that screams "look at me! I'm upset! Pay attention to how upset I am!" Then she leaves in a huff. 

IMO, that was the biggest thing - through her actions, she turned all of the attention on her. When it was supposed to be about Crystal's birthday.

Now I would have understood if she had expressed trepidation about the show all along. But she didn't. She brought her ones, she wore her pants but she didn't get picked. So she did the next best thing, and went into a sulk so that everyone would pay attention to her and comfort her.

I would not have liked that show, either. But I would have made that clear all along and then once I agreed to go, I'd grin and bear it so as to not take attention away from the person having their milestone birthday. Sutton did the exact opposite. 

Edited by eleanorofaquitaine
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10 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I love when they show us Erika’s skin without makeup. The editors are our friends.

Maybe I missed this like I missed how Sutton spoke to Avi, but I thought Erika's skin has always been pretty without makeup too. Doesn't she just have some redness? Matter of fact, Erika has some of the most beautiful skin I've seen on a 50+ woman. The texture is incredible. She looks like she never struggled with acne once in her life. It's like she has no pores, no bags under her eyes. Don't see anything that needs lifting, yet she doesn't look all frozen with Botox or puffy from filler. I'm sure it's a combo of genetics and loads of money going to the best people for work, but most of the other women do not have skin nearly as nice as Erika's even with the same lighting, pro glam, and also getting work done like Erika does.

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Sutton didn't ruin anything for anyone. She quietly left the show. Garcelle checked on her and it got back to Kyle that that Sutton was uncomfortable and wanted to leave the show. She never asked or demanded that the others leave unless I missed something.  Kyle saw an opportunity to egg Sutton on and stir things up. Kyle is missing her partners in crime with Lisa Lips and Diana gone. So she is going to pull in Dorit and Erika for sure and maybe Crystal. She won't rest until she gets Teddi back on the show.

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Also I think it is interesting that Dorit was so internalizing Garcelle's concerns re her sons. In a rare wise move, Erika was keeping pretty quiet and Kyle essentially agreed with Garcelle. But Dorit thought it was being directed at her and that's probably because Dorit is the only one who hasn't apologized. 

Also someone said above that Garcelle was talking about the laughing because she couldn't talk about the bots but I am honestly not sure why that would be. They have long since broken down the fourth wall and talk about blogs, news articles, etc., all the time. 

If she wanted to bring up the social media swarming she could have. But the people who many think are responsible for it aren't there anymore. So I think she was mentioning the issues that the people in the room were involved in. (Though I don't agree with Sutton that Dorit is responsible for PK's comments, I do think it is appropriate to hold her accountable for the laughter and her part of the conversation).

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Aren't these women a little too old to need a birthday that's all about them? It seems that in almost of the the housewives shows  someone is bitching and moaning about how someone ruined someone's birthday. Grow up ladies. 

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2 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Sutton didn't ruin anything for anyone. She quietly left the show. Garcelle checked on her and it got back to Kyle that that Sutton was uncomfortable and wanted to leave the show. She never asked or demanded that the others leave unless I missed something.  Kyle saw an opportunity to egg Sutton on and stir things up. Kyle is missing her partners in crime with Lisa Lips and Diana gone. So she is going to pull in Dorit and Erika for sure and maybe Crystal. She won't rest until she gets Teddi back on the show.

Sutton didn't "quietly" leave the show, IMO. She may not have been yelling but she was very showy in her huffing out of the show. She knew that someone, likely Garcelle, would follow her. And she certainly was aware that the cameras were following her - that's why she was talking about being on the board of the American Ballet Theater, etc.

So yep, she got the attention she wanted by leaving. But it was by no means "quiet," in my view.

Also as for Kyle, she didn't follow Sutton. She said she happened to be going to the bathroom and saw Sutton and Garcelle talking. She probably should have just ignored them but then, Sutton would not have gotten all of that attention she was looking for.

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5 hours ago, Keywestclubkid said:

I don't like the way she speaks to him ... I get he is your employee but there are correct ways to speak to someone and NOT belittle them .. this isn't The Devil Wears Prada and you are not Miranda Priestly  .. It blurs between professional and Friend I understand but NO i would have told her where she could stick those precious white pants and kept it moving


Now I still love me some Sutton but she has some things going on that make me side eye her

Its actually the European way to use your utensils.. they have rules you dont shovel the food in your mouth like we do you place small bites on the back of the fork



Same. I'm trying not to seem like I'm defending her this season because, so far, she's been kind of annoying me. I still think there's something going on with her, most likely offscreen that she's not going to use as storyline for the show. 

Sometimes she acts like the stick is far too wedged up her ass. 

I still love her friendship with Garcelle. I've always felt they're the real deal.

Edited by Surrealist
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Sutton was very obvious about leaving the show. I usually like her but she did not politely excuse herself. She was bitching about wearing pants and being on a board then going off about her brand. I’ve seen this move done by ppl plenty of times. They are mad they aren’t getting the attention and know someone will follow them out. It’s so annoying. Sutton then seemed to be embarrassed she stormed off so she tried to be all edgy with her comments at their dinner after with the sex 2x a day and the vibrator stuff. It was lame and obvious to me. She was pretty wasted too I think.

Kyle seems to be in good shape but all her working out seems to be hardening her looks wise. Exercising is great of course but Kyle seems like she’s going to the extreme.

Edited by Marley
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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

She just happened to be going to the bathroom  Kyle never just happens to be doing anything. 

Well she had just been on stage where a sweaty guy had put whipped cream all over her and said sweaty guy licked said whipped cream off of her. While I agree she didn't "just happen to be doing anything," IMO that is because it's far more likely she was going to the bathroom to wash off all that mess than she was following Sutton. Sutton is not the center of the universe, much as she occasionally wants to be.

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4 hours ago, Starlight925 said:

Then again, we are talking about a woman who screamed bloody murder at her "House Manager" (WTF is even that?) to find her white pants, which were hung neatly in the closet, as it turned out.  I hope she pays him well, poor guy.

He seems eager to be a regular - I think they worked up this act of Crazy Boss/Patient Butler together. (House Manager is the modern term for butler - they handle household logistics. Lots of overlap with personal assistant, but more likely to actually have formal training in function planning, etc)

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1 hour ago, RealHousewife said:

Maybe I missed this like I missed how Sutton spoke to Avi, but I thought Erika's skin has always been pretty without makeup too. Doesn't she just have some redness? Matter of fact, Erika has some of the most beautiful skin I've seen on a 50+ woman. The texture is incredible. She looks like she never struggled with acne once in her life. It's like she has no pores, no bags under her eyes. Don't see anything that needs lifting, yet she doesn't look all frozen with Botox or puffy from filler. I'm sure it's a combo of genetics and loads of money going to the best people for work, but most of the other women do not have skin nearly as nice as Erika's even with the same lighting, pro glam, and also getting work done like Erika does.

Sutton was rather rude with Avi when she was trying to put together her outfit for Magic! Mike! Live! She couldn’t locate her white trousers. But I agree with another poster that she and Avi probably have a good rapport. They are performing for the cameras. Sutton was singing a song. It was cute. (I base this theory on the scene with Jennifer Tilly and Avi.)

In my opinion, without makeup, Erika looks like most women her age. They showed her sitting in a chair, her glam team about to spackle on the concealer and foundation. Her skin is blotchy and red. I can see her pores. My high-definition TV allows me to see a lot of stuff that I would rather not see. I think that she had a Zoom with her celebrity therapist at some point, wearing no makeup. They might have given us a black and white flashback. So her pores were very visible. 
But I am very much aware that I hate Erika. So I can’t be objective. I will concede that with makeup, her skin looked dewy and luminous (before she lost several pounds while going through menopause). Now it seems that her glam is not as talented (and expensive) as the team she paid with widows and orphans funds. They are struggling because the weight loss affected her face and aged her 5-10 years. 

So essentially I believe that if we had access to her glam team pre-Girardi-indictment, we, too, would have dewy and luminous skin. 


Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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13 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

I have honestly  never seen a woman spread her legs, and the guy go inbetween  them. I have seen women rub body oil on the stripper ,but they didn't  get that close. I wouldn't  be licking cream off of anyone. It seemed very set up to me...it's something  I really  didn't  need to see. Kyle didn't  have to follow Sutton. 

Yeah, that entire thing was set up in advance, if you ask me - and it was all about Erika, nobody else - not even Crystal.  I’ll never believe for a minute that any of them would have chosen to be there in the first place, they were going along.  

Erika’s need to remind the world that she’s sexy, horny and 100% uninhibited got old a while ago.   You’re not a unicorn in this day and age, Sweets!  Big yawner. 🥱

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4 hours ago, 65mickey said:

Sutton didn't ruin anything for anyone. She quietly left the show. Garcelle checked on her and it got back to Kyle that that Sutton was uncomfortable and wanted to leave the show. She never asked or demanded that the others leave unless I missed something.  Kyle saw an opportunity to egg Sutton on and stir things up. Kyle is missing her partners in crime with Lisa Lips and Diana gone. So she is going to pull in Dorit and Erika for sure and maybe Crystal. She won't rest until she gets Teddi back on the show.

Interesting to watch Kyle having to do more of the first hand stirring. 

Please…no more Teddi.  I saw a minute of her on Bravocon crap and that was more than enough.  I was ok with her during her seasons, too - but hope she remains in the past tense.

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22 hours ago, Mar said:

I hated this episode. That’s all I’ve got.

Yeah, I for one should have known better than to fall for the promos/previews. Sutton’s “meltdown” and Garcelle’s true confession felt so fake. 

I’m still wondering why the gals just didn’t let Sutton go if she was that offended. Let one person spoil everyone else’s good time? Then she talks nasty later on? If this were a scripted series there would have been massive rewrites followed by a lot of unemployed writers.

Edited by RoseAllDay
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15 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

In my opinion, it’s demeaning to ask the Magic Mike cast to simulate oral sex. Even if they say they’re fine with it or laugh about it. I feel the same way about many acts female strippers perform. 

Once again, Bravo using cheap sexualization to advance a plotline. This is right up there with the Below Deck men strutting around in Speedos or having sushi eaten off of them (among other more outrageous behavior). Willing or not, it’s gross. Exploitative. 

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