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Kate Plus 8 - General Discussion

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I can't tell they're impressed. Any person with half a brain can use a belt sander.

She was an idiot over the sander, she acted like it was going to run amok and kill everybody.

Speaking of coaching, I believe the kids are coached to say that shit about her deserving to be happy.

Somebody who treats people the way Kate does doesn't deserve shit in my opinion.

Like another poster said about one of the younger kids talking about how Kate does so much for them was them being coached, I firmly believe that.

I don't think the kids are impressed by anything she does.

I don't think they would get Mady to say anything she didn't want to say.  The kids never said they were impressed, so it's not something they were "coached" to say.  I can just tell they're impressed.  I can see it, if others don't, that's cool....no big deal. 


I used to be a huge Kate hater, but she has softened a bit.

Edited by Honey
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I haven't seen the newest episodes yet, but from what I've seen, I think Mady and Cara would benefit from being allowed to have more freedom, away from the rest of the family. I think part of their snarkiness is that Kate drags them around to everything and doesn't appear to let them stay alone at home or do things on their own. That's really smothering for a teen, who is at the age where they are forming their own identity, and figuring out who they are as an individuals away from their parents. I noticed in the episode where they were left on that island it seemed like a really big deal that they were allowed to be alone with their friend somewhere. They are teens. They are old enough to do things themselves. I was going into the city with my friends to shop without my parents at age 13, but I doubt Kate would let her kids do that. Just speculation, maybe it's improved in the newer season because I haven't been able to watch it, but I think if Kate let them have more freedom, their attitudes might improve. 

Edited by mangosplums

As I watch the current season and listen to Maddy and Cara snipe and complain(albeit with good reason, at times), I, too, wonder if they realize that the fortunate trips, home renovations, landscaping, certain shopping excursions,... are the DIRECT result of the family's seemingly perpetual presence on television-- intrusive though it may be. Kate nor John have any other form of income(certainly not actual jobs) that would allow for ANY of these 'luxuries' and, frankly, a majority of their fundamentals.


I bet most of them would trade all of that to just have a normal life. I don't see how the trips are fun for them when its all staged for the cameras. How can it be fun when they tell you that you didn't enter the room the right way so you have to do it 12 more times to get it right. Those aren't vacations for them, its work. I would bet my life that most of them would give it all up to have a normal childhood where every private, intimate, embarrassing moment isn't out there forever for all the world to see.

The kids may not feel that way now, but when they're old enough to understand the impact of having those moments on TV, I think they will all feel that way.

I agree that Mady can't be made to say something she doesn't want to say but if she's told they'll lose their house and won't be able to eat or go to their schools if she doesn't say it, she would.

I don't think Kate has softened at all. I think she realized how much people hate her and if she wanted to keep selling out her kids for money, she needed to change her image.

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And they're also at the age where I think most girls tend to want to be more solitary and have their own space and privacy.  Having cameras tag along while they're shopping for clothes probably wouldn't sit well with a lot of girls their age.

I believe Maddy and Cara are quite comfortable with the cameras and Kate has made them very aware that TLC is providing them with future earnings, tuition, etc. This became clear when Maddy was "flirting" (Kate's words, not mine) with those boys, and reminding them that if they wanted to see more of her, they had to watch 'our show'.) Any teen who is comfortable telling other teens they are on a show, is very comfortable with the attention.

Edited by Chalby
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I believe Maddy and Cara are quite comfortable with the cameras and Kate has made them very aware that TLC is providing them with future earnings, tuition, etc. This became clear when Maddy was "flirting" (Kate's words, not mine) with those boys, and reminding them that if they wanted to see more of her, they had to watch 'our show'.) Any teen who is comfortable telling other teens they are on a show, is very comfortable with the attention.

I believe this too. Maddy and Cara have come to play their roles, not entirely dictated by others. They are doing their teenage schtick.I have noticed they are quite polite to shop people and others who are there to work in their adventure sites. I could be wrong because I watch kind of loosely, but it seems that way. They can be teasy-rude with each other, but laugh about it later. They are very reasonable in their talking heads. 

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I think Kate is padding her resume with all her home improvements. If TLC drops her, she can try out for HGTV.  Seriously, we've seen the landscape redone, the deck being built, refinishing antique furniture and picnic table project...


I'm curious where her income comes from.  I don't think Jon contributes any child support. Does TLC cash pay for the day to day bills for the house, all the remodeling, utilities, groceries, clothing?  I assume production pays for the vacations and the little mini field trips to zoos, spas, restaurants, etc. But does she get enough of a salary to support that house and the kids all for just being "Kate +8"?  I sure hope whatever money the kids get for participating is held in trust and NOT in either of their parents' control.

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I haven't seen the newest episodes yet, but from what I've seen, I think Mady and Cara would benefit from being allowed to have more freedom, away from the rest of the family. I think part of their snarkiness is that Kate drags them around to everything and doesn't appear to let them stay alone at home or do things on their own.


I believe there's been at least two episodes this season where Kate took the younger kids somewhere and said Mady and Cara were staying home because they were still sleeping. 

In one episode Mady made a comment that they should have woken them up because maybe they wanted to go too.

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I wonder if TLC 'supported' the family during Gosselin Hiatus?

Psst‼ Does anyone know of the various ways and amounts in which the family is supported(salary, other monetary means, favors, connections,...) by TLC ? If so, do tell❗

I read an online interview that when Jon sued for custody of just Hannah it was because she couldnt take Kates cruelty anymore. In that article jon is quoted as Kate "cant afford our old lifestyle anymore and its a real problem for her" so however much she has, she is no longer rolling in dough.

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I wonder why Kate consistently mentions,"so and so is here to help out with the kids..." ( because she cannot function, apparently, sans helpmate.) *I am not dismissing Jon's lackluster support, nor am I attempting to unduly criticize Kate*. However, are not the kids old enough to do some of the 'things' for which Kate ALWAYS needs help? Aren't the children the ages of 11 and 14?

Is the help only for the trips,...or, on a regular basis?

What was the family's tv show income for the most recent TWO seasons?

Once Upon A Time, when Jon was attempting to dismantle the series and wrest control of the kids from Kate, what were HIS plans to support the children ?

I mean, he was busily running about with girlfriends, not working, and making accusatory television appearances, so...

And, how did he pay those lawyers' fees,...

What types of schools do the children attend? Are they involved in any extra-curricular activities and or hobbies?

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Mady actually made me laugh a few times in this recent dating episode. I chuckled when she said, so matter-of-fact, "It has a tie, put it back", about the top Kate was trying to wear. Then when she said that first dates aren't about romance, but finding out if someone is a serial killer or not - she's got some wit about her! 

  • Love 1

Mady actually made me laugh a few times in this recent dating episode. I chuckled when she said, so matter-of-fact, "It has a tie, put it back", about the top Kate was trying to wear. Then when she said that first dates aren't about romance, but finding out if someone is a serial killer or not - she's got some wit about her! 

I never thought I would say this, but I believe I watch partly from my enjoyment of Mady. There, I said it. 

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The "friend" who was sitting next to Kate on the couch have a real "single white female" vibe.

The makeup artist?  She totally did!  I don't think Kate has any actual friends left.  I think all her "friends" either work for her (the one who does her makeup, the ones who help watch the kids) or are the parents of her kids' friends!


Jon did an interview with Steve Harvey that's going to air on Monday.  Apparently he doesn't get to see all the kids at the same time.  He just goes to the house and picks up whichever ones Kate sends out the door.  There's one boy (he doesn't say who) that he hasn't seen in a year and a half.  Wouldn't that all seem to be a violation of their custody agreement?  Why can't he take action?

Kate comes across as a cruel, controlling bitch but what about those two teenage terrors?  Those two are so rude, nasty and appear dumb as a stump. They are just mean, nasty little carbon copies of Mommy Dearest and I don't know how ANYONE could stand being around them for five minutes without hauling off and giving those smug, bland faces a good hard slap.


Great job, Kate! They're turning out just like you!!

  • Love 5

Mady is the possibly the most individual of all the kids.  She is determined to go her own way and seems to have always been that way.


 I think Mady would've been happier  shopping in a vintage clothing store. Cara would've been happier if she had stayed home. Mady has been making me laugh and I'm kinda Team Mady now. I can see her calling her mom "Kate" really soon, if not already.


Kate? Where do I begin? And I only saw part of this one. The shopping. First of all....Cara and Mady....you can get jeans that come in lengths ANYWHERE. Try Old Navy or Gap. Why your mom kept that a secret from you is beyond me. Second....no, Kate....designer clothes are not more durable and better made....they often require special care and are made from more delicate fabrics. I'm cringing at the thought of Kate going batshit crazy the first time they throw those clothes into the washer and dryer. Poor kids. Third.....the things Kate "happened" to spot for herself? She totally researched those before going (right on their website) and waaaaay expensive.....$250. for those sweater-knit pants (which looked like pajama pants from Kohl's, FYI), which will have picks and pulls in them in no time flat. And the saggy-crotch jumpsuit? $345. And Kate was sure impressed with herself in it. Fourth...Kate "hates to shop"? What she meant was "hates to shop for anyone except herself". Her closet at home was loaded with designer clothes and shoes.


Not sure I can stomach the blind date. The make-up that she was saying was "so not me" was less than she had on in the talking head. Gah.

  • Love 5

I read an online interview that when Jon sued for custody of just Hannah it was because she couldnt take Kates cruelty anymore.


I found that article rather puzzling.  During "Jon and Kate Plus Eight", viewers used to complain that Kate blatantly favored Hannah.  In all the family photos that were taken when the kids were toddlers, Hannah was either sitting in Kate's lap or holding her hand.  I wonder what happened to change all that. 

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Jon did an interview with Steve Harvey that's going to air on Monday.  Apparently he doesn't get to see all the kids at the same time.  He just goes to the house and picks up whichever ones Kate sends out the door.  There's one boy (he doesn't say who) that he hasn't seen in a year and a half.  Wouldn't that all seem to be a violation of their custody agreement?  Why can't he take action?


I think it was reported that some of the kids don't want to see Jon at all.  So maybe the kids only go when they want to. I know some kids that are forced to do visitations when they don't want to but the parents send them off out of fear of the custody agreement, so maybe Jon and Kate's isn't real structured?



I think I now watch the show for Maddy too and I used to dislike her A LOT! She's done a 180 from like 1-2 years ago. 

She's definitely a mini Kate but it comes off more easier to handle and more entertaining because she's so young.  

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I saw the info for the new episode and figured I'd give it a shot, I thought maybe she'd show some remorse for some of the things she's done to her kids.

First clip was the gum on Colin's bear, Colin is standing there crying about his bear and in the present day clip, Kate is talking about how bad she felt for JOEL?! What the hell?

Then her mocking the boys with the "oh did I poop?" in a dumb voice, I was done.

She's wretched. She's always been wretched and always will be, she's just gotten better at hiding it.

Edited by Maharincess
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I didn't really see it that way. She just came across to me as a mother who has learned to choose her battles. No, she's not perfect and she's still controlling, but she's grown. I'm just not part of the hate Kate crowd. I have no idea how I would deal with all those little people at one time. I think I would be in the looney bin.


By the way, Jon mentioned in his Steve Harvey interview that the money was very good and very hard to pass up.

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What I don't understand is that Jon was some kind of IT security specialist and he seemed to walk away from that. Had he stayed with that he could be in a very high paying career. Yet, he's a DJ. I don't know, maybe that pays real well, but I'd be out there with the IT job and do the DJ thing on weekends if I liked it that much. Then again, there are people who just prefer a more chill lifestyle. If it pays the bills, so be it. He doesn't legally owe anyone child support so I guess he has decided to just get by.

I'm not a 'Kate Hater'. BUT, I am 'Kate Disliker'.

*( my feelings about Jon are on par with my sentiments about Kate so, fair play and all that... However, The Show pertains to Kate 'n' Kids, so...)*

Y'all, I realize that having a big ole mess o' kids ALL THE SAME AGE was rough( yikes! especially during the very young 'un' months through young elementary age ). Sure, others have had a mighty number of children and not had them 'wirk' as television personalities. Sure, others have literally toiled and labored for their LARGE family[ies]. But, I cannot truly say that many of those parents would not have accepted such a deal if offered. The respite from the almost insurmountable stress of the support needed in a similar family scenario/dynamic.

I don't know.

What I do know is that the couple was aware that the result of fertilization treatments COULD result in a LARGE number of children born SIMULTANEOUSLY. SO, what WERE the plans for their care. I mean, really....they already had twins.

What I do know is that Kate's behaviors were not all due to stress and fatigue. Her personality behind-the-stress has been illustrated over and over. Kate and Jon CHOSE the family to be televised and paid. If you are being paid rather handsomely for the public's viewing dis(?)pleasure and have enlisted childcare helpmates, why the constant screaming and harping(?). Why all the misery, displeasure,... Where is the enjoyment of family? Where is the THANKFULNESS and JOY that your children are healthy... very well sheltered...much more than full-bellied... alive?

What I do know is that these mean, yes, indeed, Kate's mean and thankless presentations morphed into displays of entitlement: Australia(?) and the zipline(?)employee. I was flabbergasted at her heinous arrogance that she paired with ongoing rude deliberation. Also, during The Camping Trip from Absolute Hell, no reason existed for Kate to lose her damn mind and engage in those histrionics and tantrums. No reason, none. Golly❗ She had masses of help--free. She was given an 'I wish Upon a Star' trip--free. Wow‼ Free travel to educationally enhancing and interesting locales while gettin' paid a quite tidy sum. So, then acerbic, caustic, rancorous, dumbass behaviors are what you think best to grasp, harbor, and ultimately exhibit. Huh⁉ Huh! Okaa-ey.

And, what I do know is that I will not EVEN get into the conscious and intentional hurtful acts toward the children that we, as the audience, constantly view. So sad. So unnecessary.

Lately, maybe she's decided to take a "look in the mirror and make that change. Sha, Na, na, na,..." Nah, more than likely it's pure SHAM-fulness.

Therein lies, in part, the reason that I am a 'Kate Disliker'.


Edited by BookElitist
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SoSueMe, on 27 Jan 2016 - 4:01 PM, said:

Or allow your wife to decide that you will be the father to 8 children. IMO Kate was calling the shots in that marriage from the get-go.


I totally agree with that sentiment, but he was a passive and chickenshit partner in that decision.  Lots of people don't CHOOSE to procreate, but once the deed is done, they do have a responsibility for their actions.  So sorry, but your life as you imagined it is supposed to end when you have kids.  I do not buy in to that age old canard "she trapped me".

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Re: The advice episode,

She is a foul human being, excuses, snark, defiance, diverting blame. Trying to come off as the victim in all of this. Nasty person.


After most of the clips, she'd give some lame excuse then say "that's not an excuse, but...".

Her treatment of the guy at that jump thing was despicable and her excuse was that she was scared.

Screw her.

Book elitist, I firmly believe that she sought out ways to have multiples. She read about all of the free stuff that the family who had 7 babies (Mcoy?) got and she wanted that. I remember reading that she was reaching out to TV stations trying to sell the kids before they were even born.

I don't think her getting pregnant with 6 babies was a surprise to her at all. She knew exactly what she was doing.

I also agree that I'd love to see some gratitude for the health of all of her kids. Tomorrow marks 4 years since my daughter's life long best friend lost her son, he passed away on January 28th, he would have turned 2 the following month. I've been looking at pictures and videos of him all day so your comment about her never showing joy over the good health of her kids really hit home for me today.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 13

I caught a marathon and although the kids don't have the cute fatctor that they used to, it was nice to see their personalities.  Well, sort of.  Maddy and Cara are just awful.  The girls in general (except my baby Alexis) are simply a whole gang of mean girls and I was happy that the boys have each other.


As for Kate.  I found things very interesting now that the kids are older.  I've never made time in my life to actively hate Kate so a generic summation of her doesn't color every moment and word that is uttered.  I didn't particularly care for Kate but in a way I understood her.  I think she is definitely OCD and controlling and has a need to be the center of attention (narcissism).  I also think she has a quasi abusive personality that I read as perhaps a vestige of her own childhood.  I say quasi, because there are kids who are being beaten until bones and skulls break, who are tortured, neglected, not fed or educated, are sexually molested or killed.  The Gosselin 8 do not suffer these horrors.  They suffer a very imperfect mother, but they are not abused in my opinion.  What I found interesting is that these kids don't show any signs of being afraid of their mother.  They are more wary and mocking of her than afraid in a way that made me uncomfortable - even while I laughed at it.  It is funny that they have summed her up as an attention seeking drama queen.  But it is NOT funny that they say these things aloud, to adults and to strangers.  That is your mother and you owe her your respect, even if you dislike her.  Kids do not have the luxury of calling out and critiquing a parent.  Jon needs to shut that down, since Kate won't.


I also found it interesting that I find Kate more palatable now that the kids are older.  I think the control freak in her was in overdrive when they were babies and she had a say in their every moment and the attention she got because of them magnified it to the nth degree.  Now they are all individuals, some more challenging than others, and she seems to be more relaxed and yes, occasionally funny.  I howled when she tried to hug Cara and Cara pushed her away and the rejected slouch that she gave.  I also think her teenaged girls are VERY hard on her but that she takes it in stride.  She seems to relate more with the boys as well now.  I saw less temper, this time around.  It was a pleasant surprise.


ETA: I was also pleasantly surprised at the day on the water.  She didn't force the kids to suffer so that she might have fun, she point blank asked who wanted to come and who wanted to stay.  Three chose to stay and the other five decided to give it one more try (and it is true that sometimes you grow out of motion sickness and sometimes you do not...I did not...).  She didn't get mad at them for ruining the trip.  She just cleaned them up and took them home.  I was also proud of her for allowing the kids to enjoy the water park and even jump in there herself.  For all the talk about her hatred of Colin, I saw Colin be the kid to "rescue" mom.  I don't know the whole story so I can't judge her statements about what problems he may or may not have.  It is entirely possible that he - as a premature multiple - DOES have real problems that are not the fault of an unlikable mother.  I haven't witnesed any Colin-specific hatred though.  I think he's being cared for.

Edited by Timetoread
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If Kate 'n' Kids continues, my preference would be presenting less scenes of Talking Head Kate, but more scenes of the children's activities and discussions. For instance, other than incessantly griping about their mom, what do Cara and Maddy do? Can we see more of their involvement in their interests... What are Colin's interests? Alexis's interests? Nothing inappropriately invasive. However, if not for the children, the basis for the whole entire series would not exist.

Kate has curbed her (okay I must say it...) bitchitude. She embraced fame and the fame gave her 'the big head'. Well, this has happened to others, too. The 4year(s) absenteeism taught Kate that eventho' she luvs 'Livin' the Life', she's no sta'. After all, Jon's machinations didn't prevent TLC from giving a job to Kate WITHOUT The Eight--buut, she wasn't given one. She WAS made to realize--what TLC giveth, TLC can taketh. So, yes, she exhibits a calmER demeanor ON THE SHOW because she needs a job, but avidly craves this well-paid, perk-filled, fame'ho'ing J.O.B. She was MADE to acknowledge her unnecessity to the public, thereby to TLC. Hence, The New Kate.

*Kate does need to just cease the rationalizations.

Oh, and I hope that the Zipline Guy hasn't been holding his breath awaiting that apology.


Edited by BookElitist
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I'm somewhat ambivalent about Kate.

As far as her sense of entitlement in life generally, and her apparent lack of any appreciation for the benefits and the lifestyle that being on this show has afforded her, I agree that she's an asshole.

But as far as her interactions with the kids (especially when they were really young), I have to say I sympathize. As a father of twins, I've found that many (obviously not all) people who have no experience with multiples just assume that it's just twice (for twins), three times (for triplets) etc., the work that having a single baby is. And if their experience with a single baby was relatively easy, then that doesn't seem too bad to them. But the load isn't just multiplied. It's exponential.

Having dealt with twins and then another single-baby 20 months later, I know I did and said worse than what I saw last night. I'm just glad there haven't been cameras following me. I can't imagine what it would be like to deal with sextuplets with adolescent twins.

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Okay. However, you were not on television. You were not on a REALity show.

If one decides to be on such a show, one obviously wishes the public to view it in order for the program to not be cancelled. Since Kate and Jon were not coerced or forced in any manner to sign a contract and appear on The Show, it was their CHOICE to do so. And, with that decision of REALity show participation comes PUBLIC opinion--positive or negative. That is the nature of REALity tv. It just is.

Kate can remove herself from that medium alleviating both praise and criticism. But, she won't.

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