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Kate Plus 8 - General Discussion

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Among Kate's many complaints was that she wasted a week of her time preparing for the family photo shoot. You know, the yearly shoot all families have with a professional photographer and 3 outfit changes?? She is really in outer space. Most families I know get the school picture each year (if that).

I was also taken back by how they have so much "stuff" that she was just throwing toys away. So much waste.

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Well, this episode didn't annoy me as much as the others. Kate didn't seem as overbearing and negative, given that family photos and yard sales are generally super stressful activities. Or maybe I'm just like the frog in the boiling water and I'm becoming numb to her attitude? But heck, we even saw her and Maddie hugging and genuinely loving on each other! 


There was one part that made me bristle, but. It was when she saw how Joel had arranged the bookshelf. The way she spoke to him about it just came off very demeaning. It wasn't like the books were just thrown in there. Even though they weren't spine facing out, it seemed like Joel had taken quite some time to organize them. And they were in a shelf with a closed door, that seemed pretty deep. I can't be sure, but it looked like to get at some books you'd have to look behind others anyhow. I don't know. She could have at least led with, "Wow, Joel, I can tell you really put some time into that. Thanks. But do you think we might have an easier time finding books if we did it this way?" Encourage. Don't break them down. Maybe a minor thing, but it stood out to me. 


One thing I find kind of interesting is that it seems whenever they show a flashback to the old J&K +8 episodes, they're painfully trying their hardest to remove Jon from the shots - as if Kate has ALWAYS been a single mom. 

  • Love 12

All that stuff and all those people and she only made $1000 at the yard sale? I have one kid and a 3 bedroom Cape, small basement & no attic to store anywhere near the amount Kate's family has. I had a yard sale three years ago and cleared $600.  She must have had to pay rent for the location?  Or did she keep part of the money?  Which, no big deal if she did- it's her stuff and her time & effort.  She just made it sound like she was doing this as a way to clean house and be charitable to a cause she loved.


Kate looked like she was truly enjoying the yard sale once the people were lined up.  She seemed to chit chat politely with many of them and she sounded so surprised how nice people were.  I remember years ago when they moved into that McMansion, someone on TWoP who lived nearby told an interesting story.  She said she and a few other neighbors walked over with a basket of muffins, jam, cookies etc to welcome the Gosslins to the neighborhood.  According to this TWoP-er, Kate sneered at the basket and said her family only ate "Organic" and told the women to not step foot on her property again without invitation.  Kate said anyone on their property would be considered trespassers and she'd call the police.  I think shortly after they moved in they had a gate put at the end of the driveway.  I get that they didn't want looky-loos stalking them or the kids.  But in 6 years living there Kate never making contact with neighbors is just weird to me.


Mady and Cara are so sullen and miserable.  I know teens can be manic and have crazy mood swings, but Cara seems almost catatonic in most scenes and Mady is either raging or stomping or crying.  The little girls are always disagreeable around their mom too. I was glad to see the 2 older girls have a party with friends and not just their sibs.  I don't get why Kate thinks the younger ones need to be included in the older ones' activities so she searches for something suitable for all ages. I think Mady & Cara would appreciate a "Little Kids-free" day with just their peers.


I had to laugh at the photo shoot.  No one but Kate has a full day of hair, makeup and wardrobe changes for a family portrait.  Not to mention the hours of time in that studio. We never did family portraits growing up, but I have taken my daughter to get professional photos taken...at JC Penney.  And we were only there for 30 min tops.  And I had enough sense to bring a few snacks and toys to entertain her and ward off the crankiness.

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I had to laugh at the photo shoot.  No one but Kate has a full day of hair, makeup and wardrobe changes for a family portrait.  Not to mention the hours of time in that studio.

That's about 1/10 the time the Kardasians probably spend.  I'm sure that these were a combination of family photos and publicity shots.  If you're on tv you need publicity shots at the agents I'm sure.


I thought Kate and Mady forcing Cara into a group hug was one of the best bits.  That and the six on the sofa discussing hugs.  I had high order multiples in class and that is exactly how it goes.

Producer: Do you get hugs.

Chorus: No

Leah: I get hugs at bedtime.

Chorus: Yeah me too.  Oh yeah I get those.

Aiden:  And I get hugs when I go to school.

Half the chorus: Me too

Aiden: And if Mommy is going on a trip.

Chorus: that too


So you're left with what? what?  Wait are there hugs, who gets those hugs, etc.  The teacher would ask about homework from one of the quads and all four had different answers and good luck figuring out what the answer was.


I don't see any of the neighbors having a problem with Kate.  I'm sure there could have been something that was edited out but there was so much tabloid coverage something would have been caught on camera.  Kate did say some of the proceeds so the $1000 and change was probably a percentage. I thought the pay what you want was an interesting way to go.  If it was my yard sale I would worry about people just stealing things.  Maybe I have rough neighbors.

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All that stuff and all those people and she only made $1000 at the yard sale? I have one kid and a 3 bedroom Cape, small basement & no attic to store anywhere near the amount Kate's family has. I had a yard sale three years ago and cleared $600.  She must have had to pay rent for the location?  Or did she keep part of the money?  Which, no big deal if she did- it's her stuff and her time & effort.  She just made it sound like she was doing this as a way to clean house and be charitable to a cause she loved.


I thought I heard her say "PART of the proceeds" would go to charity. Because, yea, it seemed like she was making a lot more than a grand. But it was an odd amount to give. It was like $1,011.55 or something like that? Maybe she made double that and split it right down the middle?

ghoulina, on 04 Feb 2015 - 09:31 AM, said:

I thought I heard her say "PART of the proceeds" would go to charity. Because, yea, it seemed like she was making a lot more than a grand. But it was an odd amount to give. It was like $1,011.55 or something like that? Maybe she made double that and split it right down the middle?

She did say part of the proceeds.  I heard $1,500 and something.  She probably took out her expenses, paid the kids a little bit each, and donated the rest.  I bet the animal shelter was thrilled to get it.

Edited by Honey
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Celebrating the dog's birthday with his own cake and birthday gifts? Isn't this the same dog (from media and Hoffmans book) that she locked in his cage for hours on end, locked out of the house and gave back to the breeder?  She never even took back the other one. She had two  dogs, Shoka and Nala.  Celebrating the dogs birthday was a stretch for me.


I thought Mady mimicking Kate "Come and get your popcorn" was hilarious!


So nice to see the hugs! 

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Yes this is the one of the two dogs that were sent back for training after they sent Jon's mother to the hospital by jumping on her.  And of course she locked him in a cage for hours.  It is called cage training, very common.  Once Shoka was professionally trained he set up as a guard dog.  So his home is probably near the garage although judging from the dog bed on the steps he must like to take sentry duty on the front steps.  It looks like he has an electronic fence by his collar.  I'm just imaging a big dog like that with acres to run on and at least 3 energetic kids at any time to play with.

I would guess that Nala was untrainable and happier as a pet.  I think I saw article that says he was with the breeder.  Maybe he has some breeding talent.  :)

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Although, I just wanted to add to my post, that this episode was much different, imo. It showed Kate in a much more favorable light.  She was talking nicely  to the people from the yard sale and found long lost friends. It was nice to see. She had one lady come all the way from Ca! That was something! She was funny and took pics with people.


I have a German Shepherd who I crate train, and she is my second one. The Hoffman book described conditions that Kate's GS dogs endured were almost abusive.So now she's celebrating that dog with his own birthday cake and presents?  Its like they went down a list to fix every negative aspect she's had. Her now being an animal lover is funny to me. :-)

  • Love 3

Just wondering, how many episodes were filmed for this season? I saw an ad that stated the season finale was next week. Didn't it just start the middle of January?

It's a short season. I believe the network only chose to do these five episodes after the response to the "the kidlets are growing up" update special(s). There may be more episodes in the spring; I think it depends on how these episodes performed ratings-wise.
  • Love 2

My wife has resumed watching this for some odd reason so I watched along with her last night as I had nothing better to do.  At least Kate has calmed down and seems fairly normal now, not the screaming beotch we've come to know.  I read that Jon had shown up at that yard sale, I guess they edited him out.  The episode was actually tolerable and she was engaging with the locals.


TLC is still continuing its strange fixation on large families, dwarves, and hugely overweight people, judging by their current lineup.

  • Love 4

I can't stand Kate for the most part but she's not a loser.  Jon's a loser.  He's even recently angled to get back on Couples Therapy with Kate to "work out their differences" and resume coparenting the kids.  Translation: get money from another tv gig and worm his way back onto the TLC shows with Kate.  This guy is a piece of work.  A low level techie with no ambition and no career prospects, his only strategy being to milk his D-List celebrity status.

  • Love 2

Although, I just wanted to add to my post, that this episode was much different, imo. It showed Kate in a much more favorable light.  She was talking nicely  to the people from the yard sale and found long lost friends. It was nice to see. She had one lady come all the way from Ca! That was something! She was funny and took pics with people.


I have a German Shepherd who I crate train, and she is my second one. The Hoffman book described conditions that Kate's GS dogs endured were almost abusive.So now she's celebrating that dog with his own birthday cake and presents?  Its like they went down a list to fix every negative aspect she's had. Her now being an animal lover is funny to me. :-)

Yeah, I would take that Hoffman book with a large grain of salt.  Kate does have some faults (don't we all), but she appears to be an animal lover.

  • Love 4

Kate has never denied what was in that book. I believe every word. We've seen enough for it to not be a stretch.

I agree with the comment that its hilarious that Kate is now pretending to be an animal lover. They do seem to have gone down the list of reasons the public hates her. Don't the Duggars do the same thing?

  • Love 11

I honestly think they are both reprehensible parents. Those kids seem utterly miserable. The boys seem better emotionally than the girls but i think they are fairly oblivious to what is going on around them and not as in tune to their mother's emotions. Kate actually has a profession. Why is she not working at that? She isn't a t.v. star...she is a nurse by trade. .a very honorable profession and one that would likely give her a more positive outlook on things. He needs to get off his rusty dusty too and just find a job and keep it! Kate had no problem funding babysitters to go flying off to do DWTS or CA. Why can't she do that to go work as a nurse 40 hours a week?

I don't get it.

I think everyone would be happier if she could get out of the house every day to interact with people not on her payroll.

Also, if i was Jon and actually paying child support i would be making damn sure it was going to my kids and not cosmetic surgery,tanning, hair extensions, gel nails and the gym membership.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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He was in arrears on support. The state was going to toss hin in jail. Kate waived all child support in exchange for him signing over parental right. He still has the same custody. That means visitation every other weekend and one night a week.

So he signed over the house instead of sharing upkeep. He signed over the right for his signature to be required on things like contracts, passports, school enrollment, medical approval etc. he pretty much is living his twenties. He has no responsibility for anything other than himself.

  • Love 3

Everybody keeps saying that Jon was so against the kids being on TV.  He seemed OK with it when they were together.  It was after he and Kate separated that he had his epiphany about it being so wrong.


Was it only OK if he also profited? 


I say enough is enough.  Those kids don't need the whole world seeing their every little move.  I can't imagine how they must get teased at school.

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I suspect Jon gave up legal custody, meaning Kate gets to make all legal decisions for the kids. Things like medical decisions, passports, schooling, financial decisions, etc. Usually parents maintain joint legal custody of the kid/s while one parent might have primary physical custody. Signing away parental rights means he is legally no longer their father, which I doubt.

Edited by Mittengirl
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I like Jon as a real father to those kids.  He's said he knows some may not come on visitation days for a while, and that's ok.  He also lived life for a while in a broken home and relates to that.  Those who live around the area report they see him often out with the kids or at their sporting and school events.  I'm sure he allowed them to be on TV again, not that he gave up parental rights.  I think he is still adrift and needs to stop drinking.

  • Love 1

Among Kate's many complaints was that she wasted a week of her time preparing for the family photo shoot. You know, the yearly shoot all families have with a professional photographer and 3 outfit changes?? She is really in outer space. Most families I know get the school picture each year (if that).

I was also taken back by how they have so much "stuff" that she was just throwing toys away. So much waste.

My aunt and cousin LOVE getting family photos taken.  My cousin now has 6 kids and she's an only child so her parents take some of the kids once in awhile for long breaks so it's not uncommon for me to see many sets of professional photos taken over the course of a year from both my aunt and uncle with their grandkids and my cousin (and husband) with her kids. And then they usually do a yearly one with everyone all together.  They're just really into getting photos taken lol.

And most of them have at least 2 outfit changes.  My cousin even gets them done for halloween. 


Next time I do a garage sale I'm just going to do the no pricing thing.  I've heard a lot of people talk about it and it seems to work out pretty well.  I would be pretty intimidated to go into a sale like that, but most people haggle the crap out of you anyways so why not just let them name a price and take your crap away?

  • Love 1

I think if I were Kate and had kids going nuts-so over wrapping some gifts I'd probably run away.  I can't hardly handle watching that on tv. 

I only see her trying not to hear them (mixer too loud) Has she ever gone over, told so and so to " STOP it, have the other ones sit back down and continue wrapping". You, know actually parent the child with discipline and tell them what not to do? If she took the time to parent them when that happens, then when they got to the photo shoot she wouldn't have to beg them" please don't have a fit, you promised to do this" . This would've been helpful when they started physically hitting each other. 


Which begs another question. What is she so exhausted over? That's not parenting, its more like just not dealing with it.

  • Love 2

I only see her trying not to hear them (mixer too loud) Has she ever gone over, told so and so to " STOP it, have the other ones sit back down and continue wrapping". You, know actually parent the child with discipline and tell them what not to do? If she took the time to parent them when that happens, then when they got to the photo shoot she wouldn't have to beg them" please don't have a fit, you promised to do this" . This would've been helpful when they started physically hitting each other. 


Which begs another question. What is she so exhausted over? That's not parenting, its more like just not dealing with it.

I'm not defending Kate but I'm sure the way she's been scrutinized over ever little thing she's kind of damned if she does & damned if she doesn't. If she disciplines them she's called mean & overbearing, if she doesn't she's a push over. I wonder when the cameras are not there if she would handle it differently. I never had to overly discipline my kids because we started with them as toddlers teaching respect & had zero tolerance for fit throwing. If my kids screamed like they did, they would have been removed removed from the situation. At times you gotta let them fight it out but her girls seem to scream & whine about everything whereas her boys are more easy going. She used to let Madi get away with things when she was younger so they've learned from that. Plus, she nags them about everything that her voice has probably been toned out. My mother was/is a nagger, she can nag for hours on end without stopping. I learned to sit & take it as a kid & tune her out. We never took her seriously because she nagged about everything. Kate fixes their new rooms for them & the kids are so happy to see them but she has to nag & bitch at them before they even see it. The rules for the room should have been explained before she fixed them & then reminded later after they had a moment to be happy about it. She looks for the negative things that will happen before giving them a gift. It's weird.

  • Love 3

My daughter was a big fan of the original series, when the kids were cute and little.  She is coming to visit and she doesn't have cable, so I am recording the shows for her.  What is the difference between the regular episode and the "enhanced" episode? Which is better to watch?


Thanks in advance for any answers.

Everybody keeps saying that Jon was so against the kids being on TV.  He seemed OK with it when they were together.  It was after he and Kate separated that he had his epiphany about it being so wrong.


Was it only OK if he also profited? 


This is so true.  Jon only objected to the filming after the network cut him loose, but he found out they could keep him from appearing in any other show.  He was hanging out with Michael Lohan, and the two of them thought they'd get some kind of divorced dad reality show.  That's when Jon tried to stop filming, so his motives are certainly not pure.


Kate said she agreed to no further child support because she doesn't want Jon to end up in jail and have to explain that to the kids.

  • Love 3

You know, you'd think after watching herself on TV all these years she would realize just how biting, rigid, and unforgiving she sounds. Hey, Kate, we're all human. Sorry that no one can live up to your insane standards. But damn.....maybe if you didn't give a flying fuck if the bath mat was placed horizontal or vertical on the side of the tub you wouldn't have a case of fucking stress shingles. Just saying. I get that taking care of 8 kids every day isn't going to be easy for anyone, but half of that stress is self created. 





OMG. This.


I stopped and replayed this scene at least three times looking for the messy, thrashed bathroom Kate was shrieking about, and all I could come up with was "She's having an epic shit fit over a bathmat?"


WTeverlovingF. That bathroom was spotless, you loon.

Edited by elainebenis
  • Love 4
needschocolate, on 05 Feb 2015 - 6:56 PM, said:

My daughter was a big fan of the original series, when the kids were cute and little.  She is coming to visit and she doesn't have cable, so I am recording the shows for her.  What is the difference between the regular episode and the "enhanced" episode? Which is better to watch?


Thanks in advance for any answers.

For one example, in the enhanced version where they went rowing, they showed a lot more of the boys doing the paddle boarding afterwards.  They add in some scenes that were cut due to time constraints.  I would record those.

ghoulina, on 06 Feb 2015 - 08:25 AM, said:

Right? And the editing made sure to show that. She's bitching and moaning about the nasty bathroom....camera pans to a bathroom I would eat in. Okay then....

When my daughter was young, I would have killed for bathroom that looked like that.  Well, maybe not killed..


I understand the bathmat thing..If it's hanging vertically and someone turns the shower on, it gets wet since it's hanging into the tub.

Edited by Honey
  • Love 1


I understand the bathmat thing..If it's hanging vertically and someone turns the shower on, it gets wet since it's hanging into the tub.


And this is where wrangling 8 is different than managing 2.  Everyone has to follow the rules cuz you ain't got time to be Columbo every time there is an issue.  As a result large families have more rule with less wiggle room.  I see it in the Duggars as well.  There is NOTHING on the floor of that house.  

Isn't Hannah basically Jon's twin?


See, I think out of all the kids, Hannah looks the most like Kate. It's all in the long forehead. Even though Hannah is one of the more Asian looking out of the kids.


Just the commercials make my blood pressure spike. I can't imagine mocking or rolling my eyes at my kids, on television none the less.

But, here I am watching an episode from 2011, of some RV trip where she brought along extra people to take care of her kids, then bitches bout how they're all unorganized. She's the biggest baby on the trip, and this is not entertaining. I will NOT be tuning in tonight.


That's what I was coming here to talk about. I just watched those episodes for the first time. What a dramatic bitch. Then when people don't want to be around her, she starts with the "Who cares? Everyone in my life ends up leaving me..."  Kate, you are a nasty hearted woman. What a pill to be around for 2 weeks.  I couldn't believe she was getting pissed at people taking her picture....from 1/2 mile away.


I'm already so sick of the promo they are showing three times an hour here. It is snippets of the kids and then long reaction shots of her mugging to the camera. I just want to reach through the tv and throttle her. She is well aware she is despised and smirks at the camera as if to say " couldn't get rid of meeeee. ..im backkkkkk! "



What's sad? It's more than 3 times an hour. They show her commercials every commercial break. And that one was one of the worst. Her constant mugging and eye rolling are just way too much.

  • Love 3

Re: the rooms.

I remember watching the episode back when they moved into the big house. Kate ushered the kids into the master bedroom, and basically said that would be the first and last time they stepped inside. She was very threatening about the consequences. I believe this is also the episode where she was saying, "Mine! All Mine!" As she gazed around her new large abode.

Am I remembering that correctly?

  • Love 2

Re: the rooms.

I remember watching the episode back when they moved into the big house. Kate ushered the kids into the master bedroom, and basically said that would be the first and last time they stepped inside. She was very threatening about the consequences. I believe this is also the episode where she was saying, "Mine! All Mine!" As she gazed around her new large abode.

Am I remembering that correctly?

Yes and this was around the time she was denying rumours that Jon was living over the garage. Kate slipped up and told the kids not to go into 'MY' room, not 'Our' room. Edited by Joe Jitsu913
camom, on 06 Feb 2015 - 7:22 PM, said:

I remember how sad that made me, Emme.  Obviously, you wouldn't want the kids running wild all through the house or going through your things.  But to tell your children that they must never set foot in your bedroom seems so cold and uncaring.  I'm all for rules and structure, but this is ridiculous.

Lol.   I have an actual padlock on my bedroom door (outside).  I have a little kitchenette on the other side of my bedroom.  If I don't lock the door my daughter and her friends take all the cans of soda I have in my little fridge.  I don't mind giving her one if she asks, but if she takes them all when I'm gone, and then I go to get one.......No.

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