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Kate Plus 8 - General Discussion

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On 12/13/2016 at 10:57 PM, Awfarmington said:

Can they pack in anymore vacations, parties or fun activities while Collin is away? I hope his current lodging doesn't have TLC available. I can't imagine having the time of my life when one of my children isn't able to be part of the family. 


How many puppies does Kate bring home before returning? The last time, she came home with two, one went back. The remaining pooch was in a few scenes but tonight they didn't show him at all. Maybe he's been returned for the newer models. 


Oh yeah, what happened to Shoka, the adult German Shepard they had? Did they give him away and then get two puppies instead?

I feel like I just want to fly down to Alabama and give all the excursion operators a big hug for having to put up with Kate. WHY does she bother to take these kids on vacation if she's just going to be a wet blanket the entire time??? I loved when the segwey guy asked, "Do you guys always complain this much?" Yup. And I don't think Kate is really that scared of everything. She just likes the attention. Maybe if she'd can her shit for five minutes, she could pay attention to her kids and get them under control. Instead, the whole thing is a giant cluster. No fun at all. 

  • Love 10

Once again Kate blames the event coordinator/guide/coach for her &a her kids' inability to do a new task...kayaking, Segway-ing.  Rather than screeching at the professional employees, a normal person would approach the person in charge and say, "Look, none of us have ever done X before, and since we are a large group, could we get a little extra time to review how to do X so I, as the adult feel confident my kids get it?"  Since none of these trips come out of Kate's wallet, you would think she would be over-appreciative for the time and effort these tour guides spend on her. I sure hope TLC writes big checks to these folks for putting up with Kate's BS. I am also tired of hearing/seeing Kate avow she 'will not' be doing a particular activity only then to spend 15 minutes of screen time crying hysterically and sniping at the staff to do said activity.  I wish the producers would just tell her, "Take a seat, Kate.  This activity is strictly about the kids and their reactions. You will not be ffaux coerced into 'winkwink' participating"

And for someone who swears she should live by the water, Kate is forever caterwauling when she has to get in or on a body of water.

  • Love 12

Bless the poor man who had to deal with Kate and the kayaks. She was such a completely hysterical mess. If I were Alexis I would have knocked her ass in the water. How does she expect anyone to have fun when she's so uptight all the time?

Then during the puppy training she "jokes" that the kids need training. Guess what, Kate, the kids get training from YOU. The kids follow her example, so when they see her screaming and being blatantly rude, they think that's how they can act, too. So whatever bad behavior Kate dislikes in her children is definitely coming in part from the way she's raising them.

Line of the episode: "You sure complain a lot." That's right, dude, you got it in a nutshell.

  • Love 8

So, this isn't a show about raising sextuplets anymore. It's about watching a group of spoiled children complain their way through numerous elitist vacations all summer long while listening to their hysterical mother try to steal attention attention way from them. 


And no one mentions Colin. They ignored him in the episodes he was in. Hopefully he is happier where he is. 


No normal family can afford those vacation in one summer. Why are they so special that we need to watch them take one? Ungrateful. Sad. 

  • Love 10
On 12/8/2016 at 7:43 AM, ElderPrice said:

I am a Nielsen family (shhhhh, it's supposed to be a secret!) and refuse to give that abusive screeching Mommy Dearest my numbers. I'd rather give the ratings to Vanderpump Rules or something equally as classy. 

You are the first person I have ever heard say they have a Nielsen box on their TV!

i don't watch this show, never have. I somehow clicked on it in the activity thread by accident.  I love that I did because I saw your post!!  I have always wondered if you really exist. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

I refuse to watch this shit show, but I have come to hate TLC for giving this worthless bitch, and the Duggars, their own show.  I have boycotted TLC forever.  However, I will joyfully buy Collin's tell-all book in a few years!  

I wish I had your strength. Not even kidding. 

But tonight....oh my god. She is such a nasty lady. I would be MISERABLE if she was my mom. 30 minutes of this episode should be enough to get me to quit this show. 

Edited by woodscommaelle
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Guest BarkyVonSchnauzer
On 12/24/2016 at 1:56 AM, bethster2000 said:

Who finds this entertaining?  Who wants to spend one nanosecond listening to that narcissist bray with those godawful capped teeth and those tacky fingernails that her children's childhoods paid for?

It's like she is becoming a charicature of herself.  Similar to that weirdo Long Island Medium.  The bronzer make-up, out-dated fingernails, the age-inappropriate attire.  The helicopter ride with her taking 10 minutes just to board the thing because of the tight skirt and 5" heels reminded me of a scene that would be out of a bad 80's movie.

Edited by BarkyVonSchnauzer

The crying during the parasailing was too much. Kate and I are about the same age, and I am long past the point where I will do something I don't want to just because other people are doing it. The whole parasailing crying episode was just to get attention and be a martyr. It was pathetic and very manufactured for drama.

On the one hand, I do feel bad for Kate. I really believe that Jon has dumped her with over 90% of the parenting responsibilities, and 100% of the financial responsibility. And that is on Jon. He chose not to try harder to get a real job and fight to see his kids. I believe Cara and Maddy about what went on and why they don't want to interact with their dad.

That being said, it is hard to continue to feel sympathy for Kate when she is on the television continuously whining and screaming and being the most unpleasant person on planet Earth. I don't know who thinks this show is actually fun to watch.

  • Love 4
13 hours ago, wings707 said:

You are the first person I have ever heard say they have a Nielsen box on their TV!

i don't watch this show, never have. I somehow clicked on it in the activity thread by accident.  I love that I did because I saw your post!!  I have always wondered if you really exist. 

I thought that Nielsen was an urban myth too until they knocked on our door and asked if we wanted to participate. I think we count as 500 families or something. The way they explained it, you can DVR shows and they will count in your numbers as long as they are watched within a week. So Vanderpump Rules, Teen Mom and Judge Judy? Oh yes! Kate plus 8? Hells no! But it's supposed to be a secret so that no one influences what you watch. 

Edited by ElderPrice
  • Love 2

So Vanderpump Rules and Judge Judy? Oh yes! Kate plus 8? Hells no! But it's supposed to be a secret so that no one influences what you watch. 

Tivo collects data for 'next day' ratings.  So there is actually something like 7 days.  So you can tivo something and then not watch it for a week and it doesn't count!  Now I know some people are paranoid about these things but rumor has it that if you always FF when Brandy Glanville is on the screen they report those details too.  So I use that stuff just in case.  There are shows that I tivo and 'view' multiple times in case they aren't getting good numbers. 

So in this case one thing I might do is tivo the episode and FF through everything but the kids?

18 hours ago, Amers said:

No normal family can afford those vacation in one summer. Why are they so special that we need to watch them take one? Ungrateful. Sad. 

Is it just me, or have they taken a lot more trips this summer - the summer without Colin - than they ever have before? If I had a child that needed in-patient treatment of some kind, the last thing I'd be doing is spending my whole summer on various vacations. Not only does it seem unfair to the missing child, but is he allowed visitors? How can anyone check up on him if they're constantly out of town? 


13 hours ago, Alapaki said:

I can't be too hard on the kids.  They didn't ask to be born to those two assholes.  They've never known any other life.  And the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania literally had to pass a law to stop Kate from treating them like props.

I agree. The kids grate at times, but I actually find them to be fairly likeable most of the time. I think considering who their mother is and how they've been raised, they could have turned out MUCH worse. 

  • Love 7

I haven't watched this show in years, ever since I sat down with my then young daughter, who adored this show, and watched Kate and Jon tell the viewers that they were splitting up.  We once even stood in a ridiculously long line at a local bookstore to buy Kate's book and get it autographed, and I will never forget how excited my daughter was when Kate walked by us and smiled.  Even I got a little star-struck, asking Kate if any of her kids were left-handed (I think she said there was only one).

BUT...I watched about five minutes the other night.  Kate was taking her twins clothes shopping, and blathering on about how it was going to be so special to buy them individual outfits, they don't have to wear uniforms anymore, blah blah.  And then - lo and behold - Kate ends up grabbing a bunch of clothes and trying them on while her daughters sat there and waited for her.  So I see absolutely nothing has changed.

Now I am someone who (very guiltily) watches the Kardashians, Sister Wives, and...yes...I once set my DVR to record an entire season of "Rock of Love."  But I can't handle Kate Gosselin and the way she treats her children.  It makes me really, really sad.  I felt awful after having watched those few minutes, and now that I know about Collin, it's even worse.

I'll hang up now and listen.

  • Love 8

I think Collin was sent away because he couldn't keep up with Kate's rules. I'm convinced she was the problem. Unfortunately, she's the gatekeeper so the truth won't be known until Collin (or Mady!) lets the cat out of the bag.

Also, why hasn't Jon written a tell-all? He needs the money and can't stand Kate. Maybe he's waiting for the sextuplets to turn 18. I hope it's a scorcher.

Edited by bangsrdown
  • Love 5
13 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Is it just me, or have they taken a lot more trips this summer - the summer without Colin - than they ever have before? If I had a child that needed in-patient treatment of some kind, the last thing I'd be doing is spending my whole summer on various vacations. Not only does it seem unfair to the missing child, but is he allowed visitors? How can anyone check up on him if they're constantly out of town? 


I agree. The kids grate at times, but I actually find them to be fairly likeable most of the time. I think considering who their mother is and how they've been raised, they could have turned out MUCH worse. 

Give it time, they're all still pretty young. I hate to say it and I truly hope I'm wrong but I see a lot of problems coming for the kids, especially the younger kids. I see mental health issues, substance abuse and other things in their future.    You can't grow up with cameras in your face, stage lighting in your bedroom and every single private moment of your life recorded for entertainment without major problems.  Reality TV of this type hasn't been around long enough that we know the effect it will have on kids who grew up this way.  Imagine you just started a new job, you go into the break room to try to introduce yourself to your new coworkers and they're watching a video of you naked on a potty seat while your mom takes a picture of your poop. Or Hannah's new boyfriend watches Leah say "Hannah pooped in her underwear". And that's the very least of what those kids have been through.  These examples are probably stupid but you get what I mean.  Like I said, that's the least of it. 

 Like I said, I truly hope I'm wrong but I don't think these kids are going to have an easy time of it as adults.  And it will be all their mothers (and Jon's to a lesser extent) fault.  I don't understand why anybody would put their kids on reality TV. I said the same in the Little Couple forum and the posters there about ripped my head off. I think it's horrible to put any kid for any reason on TV like this. 

I don't watch the show. I was weak and watched about half an hour of the New Orleans episode and that was more than enough for me. I caught little glimpses of Colin in the background, he looked so sad and really thin to me. He always seemed like he was standing back  seperate from the other kids. 

Sorry if my thoughts are all over the place, I had to take a dose of pain medicine tonight and I'm a bit loopy. I hope I made sense. 

  • Love 5

I do agree that the long term exposure on reality TV cannot be a good thing. I wouldn't have minded if they did it for a few years when the 'tuplets were babies, just save up a nice nest egg for college or something. And I don't mind so much on other shows like RH, if the focus is mainly on the parents and we see glimpses of the kids every once in awhile. But these kids are too old and too much that should be private is being exposed. I wouldn't be surprised if they had struggles with the other kids in school - either being embarrassed by what their peers see, or having some resentment and jealousy from their peers because of their "fame" and money. 

So yea, I'm not saying they're going to come out of this all healthy, adjusted, well-rounded adults. But I do think many of them still seem really sweet and well behaved, which surprises me given how they were raised. I don't think I've ever really seen Joel or Aiden do anything I was appalled by. The girls can be a little harder to take, but the boys seem pretty nice and laid back. I, honestly, think a lot of the times when the kids are "behaving badly" it's because of Kate - either SHE'S already setting a bad example with her diva behavior, or she's expecting way way too much of them. 

  • Love 1

I think Collin was sent away because he couldn't keep up with Kate's rules. I'm convinced she was the problem. Unfortunately, she's the gatekeeper so the truth won't be known until Collin (or Mady!) lets the cat out of the bag.

I hope none of us face putting a child in a facility. But I assure you that it wasn't about simple rules.  The behavior that necessitates inpatient treatment is never a simple thing. 

  • Love 3

That's the terrible thing to me.  It seems like, whatever Collin's issues may be,  there is a huge chance they were triggered by the sheer number of people in that home (noise, noise, noise!), Kate's rigid rules, not getting enough attention, etc..  I'm not saying it's anybody's fault, it's just the reality of the situation.  But why on Earth wouldn't she allow him to try to live with Jon where he would be the only kid in a nice and quiet setting where he could work on his issues versus sending him away?  Even if she hates Jon, why wouldn't you try that before just sending him off.  I wonder if he got to come home for Christmas.  Poor baby.  

On 12/30/2016 at 8:04 AM, QuinnM said:

I hope none of us face putting a child in a facility. But I assure you that it wasn't about simple rules.  The behavior that necessitates inpatient treatment is never a simple thing. 

I don't think he's in a psychological inpatient setting. I think he's in more of like a school for troubled boys.  Inpatient facilities wouldn't keep him this long.  

  • Love 11
On 30/12/2016 at 2:12 AM, Maharincess said:

Give it time, they're all still pretty young. I hate to say it and I truly hope I'm wrong but I see a lot of problems coming for the kids, especially the younger kids. I see mental health issues, substance abuse and other things in their future.    You can't grow up with cameras in your face, stage lighting in your bedroom and every single private moment of your life recorded for entertainment without major problems.  Reality TV of this type hasn't been around long enough that we know the effect it will have on kids who grew up this way.  Imagine you just started a new job, you go into the break room to try to introduce yourself to your new coworkers and they're watching a video of you naked on a potty seat while your mom takes a picture of your poop. Or Hannah's new boyfriend watches Leah say "Hannah pooped in her underwear". And that's the very least of what those kids have been through.  These examples are probably stupid but you get what I mean.  Like I said, that's the least of it. 

 Like I said, I truly hope I'm wrong but I don't think these kids are going to have an easy time of it as adults.  And it will be all their mothers (and Jon's to a lesser extent) fault.  I don't understand why anybody would put their kids on reality TV. I said the same in the Little Couple forum and the posters there about ripped my head off. I think it's horrible to put any kid for any reason on TV like this. 

I don't watch the show. I was weak and watched about half an hour of the New Orleans episode and that was more than enough for me. I caught little glimpses of Colin in the background, he looked so sad and really thin to me. He always seemed like he was standing back  seperate from the other kids. 

Sorry if my thoughts are all over the place, I had to take a dose of pain medicine tonight and I'm a bit loopy. I hope I made sense. 

Sorry but the part I bolded above made me shoot tea out my nose as I had a similar experience over there. 

I totally agree that reality TV doesn't do children any favors. It's intrusive and weird and sad.

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I can only guess that someone finally told KG that making your kids appear on a tv show is detrimental to his health. Kate has shown that she will stop at nothing to keep that gravy train going. (My opinion!). But NO WAY would she ever clue Jon in as to what was wrong if that's the reason why.He said in an interview that he would never sign off on letting the kids be filmed. That's her fear. If he has any control of the kids, she can loose her job. THAT's why she doesn't want him to have the kids.

So, that's why I think he was sent away with his father having no idea why or where he is. If there's one thing I learned from having seen KG on her tv show-- this show WILL go on and anyone who tries to tries to stop her is history. So this way she looks like she is putting her son's best interests first. But in reality, in order to put your children first, you should quit the show.

  • Love 7

TLC seems to have pulled the plug.  I just saw this posted:


While the show has had an impressive run, a network representative told the press that the network decided the show would not be renewed for another season after this one.

“TLC has decided not to renew another season of Kate Plus 8. By the end of this season Kate Plus 8 will have hit the 150 episode mark (including Jon & Kate Plus 8); an exceptional milestone. TLC hopes to check in with Kate and the family periodically with specials in the future.”

  • Love 17

These trips just sound exhausting... something planned for each day.... just let the kids relax for a day or two on their paid vacation!!

Obviously these things are all planned so the show gets the vacation paid with advertising but holy moly... those are not fun vacations to me. 

I find it interesting that the little ones are saying 'it's not fairrrrrrr' quite a bit.  You'd think by now that they would have learned that when you are a family of 8 children that nothing is probably going to be fair. 

I hate to say it but I kind of love it that Maddie has now found her voice.  She'll shut Kate down real quick and as much as I think a kid should respect their parent, Kate probably deserves it. 

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On 12/24/2016 at 9:15 PM, mangosplums said:

Oh yeah, what happened to Shoka, the adult German Shepard they had? Did they give him away and then get two puppies instead?

They adopted two - kept one (which i guess is named Max?) and now have the two new dogs.

I cringed when she got the two new ones.... because I feel like nothing is different than the first time.

And she claims they are her dogs but then yells at her kids for not taking care of them.  

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, gunderda said:

They adopted two - kept one (which i guess is named Max?) and now have the two new dogs.

I cringed when she got the two new ones.... because I feel like nothing is different than the first time.

And she claims they are her dogs but then yells at her kids for not taking care of them.  

They first had siblings Shoka and Nala. Nala was sent away because she was hard to get along with(probably didn't like Kate). The new ones are Shoka's children, Mak and Nanuq. 

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, Honey said:

This latest episode is the very first time since the beginning of the show, that I've liked Mady.  Has Cara always been such a downer?  I guess she's just always faded into the background for me.  She is completely devoid of any type of personality at all.

The girls seemed genuinely happy at their party...something I don't think we've seen much of lately. Or maybe ever.

Aidan says some funny stuff. The kid makes me laugh.

I cannot comprehend not wanting to drive when you're 15/16. That was like the entire point of turning 16...at least for me and my friends.

  • Love 1
51 minutes ago, Honey said:

This latest episode is the very first time since the beginning of the show, that I've liked Mady.  Has Cara always been such a downer?  I guess she's just always faded into the background for me.  She is completely devoid of any type of personality at all.

I'd take Cara over Mady any day.  Yes, Mady had calmed down by party time and seemed almost normal, but the time leading up to it she was her usual snotty bratty self in the talking heads and in interacting with Kate.  And yes, Kate was having a meltdown, but instead of arguing, Mady could have said, "Mom, tell me what I can do to help you get this done."  And of course, Mady didn't like any decorations Kate picked out because it was Kate who picked it out.  There's no way I'd knock myself out giving a party for Mady.  

Edited by Gemma Violet
  • Love 2

Mady does come off a bit bratty, but I think she learned from queen Brat herself. Kate is snotty and unreasonable with almost everyone. In comparison, I think Mady is kind of chill. She just gets frustrated with her mother. I think Cara just has a super laid back personality, so she's better able to tolerate Kate. She just quietly does what's asked and ignores her mother. Mady can't. And I think Kate has relied on the twins, Mady especially, to be her emotional support since the divorce. It seems like it's kind of up to them to calm her down, and I think Mady just gets tired of it. Kate is too controlling. At sixteen, they really just wanted to plan their own party (well, Mady did, Cara didn't give a fuck), but Kate couldn't resist stepping in and controlling everything. She always has to not only be in charge, but be the center of attention as well. It must be exhausting. Her breakdown was embarrassing as hell, and I bet those happen a lot more often than we see. 

I did like that she sent the ice cream truck over the "little kids" (when are we going to stop calling them that?) since they couldn't go to the party. And Aiden's sugar reactions crack me up. Some kids really are more susceptible to that stuff than others. 

I get the not wanting to drive. I didn't get my license until I was 21. I went to a performing arts magnet school and there was no drivers ed. My mom was going through a horrible divorce, working all the time, and struggling to take care of her 4 kids. She really had no time to teach me, and - quite frankly - I was terrified of driving. My best friends, and later boyfriend, drove me everywhere. So it was never really an issue. But it is harder to learn once you're older. If they have drivers ed at their school, they should really try and get their licenses. Learning with Kate would be a nightmare. 

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