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Jeopardy! Season 40 (2023-2024)

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Today was a two-fer for me: two games watched, two FJs correct! For yesterday’s, I’m sure living in Texas didn’t hurt, although I did consider California. But while California may be long, Texas is long AND wide, so I figured the East-West advantage would give it the edge. (My husband, who has lived in Texas twice as long as I have, said California. HA!)

For today’s, I figured it had to be a child of William or Harry. As luck would have it, Archie popped into my head first. Character… plausible year… done!

46 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

My Dad used to cook during Jeopardy! too

I cook during Jeopardy! 😊

57 minutes ago, Quickbeam said:

I was sad when no one got the Letterman reference.

Me too. Thanks to Dave, I know whether many things will float or not float. I also know how many Spidermen will fit into a Jamba Juice. Sometimes knowledge comes from unexpected places.

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I remembered watching "Will It Float", but I just couldn't pull out what show it was on out of my tired old brain. I blame Halloween and also the fact that we got into the 80s last week but had snow today - bad Halloween trick.

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Rats, I was almost there on FJ! but I must have miscounted somewhere and landed on Lilibet.  Wait is it really Elizabeth?  That doesn't sound right either.  Couldn't think of a corresponding character for either name.  Meanwhile her big brother was right there staring at me!

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15 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

But the 1941 introduction of the character was the real giveaway because if you think what character became popular around that time that shares a name with a Royal family member, then yeah Archie Comics come to mind.

At least that's how I figured it out because at first glance, I thought Harry was the sixth in line but couldn't figure out what popular character was introduced in 1941 with that name.

Archie (the comic book character) never even entered my mind. So I had to go by my average knowledge of the BRF. And, thinking Harry's line was removed from the succession I wandered toward Beatrice, but didn't get there. Though, to be honest, even if I'd gotten to Harry's son, I wouldn't have come up with Archie.

The other day I surprised myself by getting ALL the jokers. Coincidentally, I'd seen a thing on Facebook, I think, about all the jokers - and remembered them when it came to the questions. I hadn't really seen many of them in their roles.

Edited by Clanstarling
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Archive game today since i didnt get home from lunch with triends until after 4 p.m. Halfway decent J round - could have been good/great if I hadn't tanked 2 categories (only 3 out of 10 correct). Ran "Groovy" and "Bye, George", and got 4 in "Yeah,We Went There". TSs were George Sand and Episcopalian.

Did a little worse in DJ where I had 3 bad categories. Did run "Go "Ome" and got 4 in "A Fish Called..." and "I'm on the Case". One TS - catfish.

Got FJ. Knew it couldn't be 2000 or 2004, but I went with 2008 because I knew the Democratic candidate was Obama - I thought that the Republican candidate was Romney (it was McCain - Romney was 2012),  but I stuck with 2008. Yay!

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I said 2016.

I got the missed clues of Episcopalian and Minerva.

I got the entire categories of Greek/Roman gods and ome right.

If I wouldn't keep confusing John Jay and John Marshall I would have got all of case.

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3 minutes ago, IdEatThat said:

just watched the Halloween game.  One of the categories was “words out of Halloween”    One of the questions/answers was harpy and was ruled correct.  How is that  possible? Or am I misremembering?

Harpy was in the Monster Manual category.

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I'm glad Ken said they'd accept the names, because that's what I wrote down.  And I wrote down the correct ones!  

I also got the TS of Royal Society, Episcopalian, Krebs, and catfish.

Heh, Dave's Barbie-pink hair -- on Wednesdays, we wear pink.

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Wasn’t home to keep score tonight…might check the archive later but I don’t feel like it now and I need to eat something. I did, however, break my FJ streak. 😕 Oh, well, 12 in a row is surely a personal record I am unlikely to ever get close to again.

Loved the pink Mohawk! Certainly wouldn’t want Dave to blend in with the set! (But I also noticed that the tie wasn’t the same shade.)

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10 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I enjoyed the positive, mutually supportive vibe in this game.

I did not enjoy seeing my 2-day FJ streak come to an end. I said 2016 (Trump/Clinton). Oh well.

That's why first and last questions aren't my favorite.  This one wasn't too bad because there were only 5 possibilities (but I still said 2016).  But, when you have all the elections to go through you think of one that fits the bill and you stop, or just don't have time to think through everything.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

That's why first and last questions aren't my favorite.  This one wasn't too bad because there were only 5 possibilities (but I still said 2016).  But, when you have all the elections to go through you think of one that fits the bill and you stop, or just don't have time to think through everything.

That's a good rational. For me, I think it's just because that's the date that sticks in my head. Why 2008 didn't, I have no idea. It should have, as it was definitely historic.

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7 hours ago, Katy M said:

But, when you have all the elections to go through you think of one that fits the bill and you stop,

That’s exactly what happened to me. My fault, but yeah, remembering all the elections is a lot in a short time span. Especially since it wasn’t clear if they wanted names or years. 

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20 hours ago, Browncoat said:

I'm glad Ken said they'd accept the names, because that's what I wrote down.  And I wrote down the correct ones!  

I too wrote the names, and then realized it was probably the year they wanted, so quickly added it — that is, I "wrote" in my head.😉
When I saw the category, I was so worried they were going to ask for VPs from 2000, so this was easy, for reasons I can't explain here. 😉
Hopefully tonight won't be one of those categories I have zero knowledge of, like opera, or even most history.

I only got 1 out of 5 in many categories, although the GO OMEs were pretty easy. 

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8 hours ago, Katy M said:

That's why first and last questions aren't my favorite.  This one wasn't too bad because there were only 5 possibilities (but I still said 2016). 

1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

When I saw the category, I was so worried they were going to ask for VPs from 2000, so this was easy, for reasons I can't explain here. 😉

Since reasonable people disagree about whether 2000 is indeed in the 21st century, it’s probably safe to assume Jeopardy wouldn’t go there, and discount that as a possible response. 

Edited by SoMuchTV
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Really good J round, but a pretty forgettable, though not horrible DJ.

In the J round I ran "Growing Pains" and "Wood" and got 4 in "Mything in Action" (shocker) and "Completes the Proverb". One TS - Tales from the Vienna Woods.

Two decent categories in DJ - got 4 in "Cliffs Notes: Drama" and "Misnomers". Again one TS - champagne.

3rd FJ get of the week. At first I thought of the Irish Sea, but I realized that if Ireland and Great Britain were connected it would still be an island. So then I thought about Great Britain being connected to either Scandinavia or continental Europe which led me to the North Sea.

I didn't know that Gandhi was president of the United States.

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I got FJ.  I can't believe the one guy didn't guess a sea at all.

I got the missed clues of Eisenhower and guinea pig.  

I got hte entire categories of eoeo and drama right.

I was so annoyed with myself.  I totally know who Stevie Wonder is. I'm like it starst with an S, and that's as far as I got.  Ridiculous!!!!!  

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15 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I got FJ.  I can't believe the one guy didn't guess a sea at all.

To be fair, there is no way he could have won (barring a Clavin) and there’s no difference between the $ winnings for second and third. 

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I got FJ.  But the only TS I got were guinea pig and champagne.


18 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I got FJ.  I can't believe the one guy didn't guess a sea at all.

Eh, the game was a runaway, and he bet zero, so it didn't matter what he wrote down.

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Wasn't home again tonight, but I did get FJ (a semi-educated guess). I even almost ran the mythology category (just missed one because I couldn't think of the word Pleiades...my brain got stuck on Perseid which I knew was wrong but at least started with the right letter), which is pretty good for me.   

My dad had surgery this morning so I went to see him last night, and tonight I picked up dinner and ate (and watched J!) with my mom. He's doing okay (but didn't want visitors); should come home on Saturday (possibly tomorrow but my mom's kinda hoping he'll stay until Saturday).

I thought it was funny that Dave said last time that he changed his mohawk color because the purple blended in with the set, then tonight he was wearing a blue sweater over a purple shirt...which blended in with the set.

2 hours ago, SoMuchTV said:

Since reasonable people disagree about whether 2000 is indeed in the 21st century

My dad and I were debating that.

Edited by ams1001
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5 minutes ago, Ancaster said:

I thought they shouldn't have accepted "timber" - the phrase is "Shiver me timbers" - definite plural.

They weren't looking for the phrase the pirates say, they were looking for the word woodsmen yell, which is timber, not timbers.

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15 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

They weren't looking for the phrase the pirates say, they were looking for the word woodsmen yell, which is timber, not timbers.

Thank you very much!  That'll "larn" me to pay attention and stop being such an armchair critic!

Edited by Ancaster
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I was surprised they accepted Hades for the mythology clue since that is the name of the god and not the place. 

I was disappointed that they couldn't give Yoshie sparkling wine and I think the clue would have been fairer if it had specifically excluded sparkling wine as a guess (either by letter count, by including the phrase in the clue, or alluding to the specific region of France whose name we are not supposed to take in vain).

I was rooting for Emily so I was relieved when she found the second DD. She played extremely well. Nothing against Dave or Yoshie but Emily was crushing it.

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I didn't get any ts's or missed DDs but FJ was an instaget.  It seemed so obvious I thought it must be a trick but I couldn't think of any other seas that it might be.

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10 hours ago, SomeTameGazelle said:

I was surprised they accepted Hades for the mythology clue since that is the name of the god and not the place. 

It's also the name of the place, I've always heard it used as the name of the place as well as the God:

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: In Greek mythology, the Greek underworld, or Hades, is a distinct realm

god of the dead and the king of the underworld, with which his name became synonymous

From World History Encyclopedia: Hades was both the name of the ancient Greek god of the underworld (Roman name: Pluto) and the name of the shadowy place below the earth .

From Greek Gods and Goddesses.net: Hades is the god of the Underworld and the dead. In ancient Greece, few dared to utter his name. If they did, many were referring to his realm, which many called “Hades” as well.

35 minutes ago, Trey said:

I didn't get any ts's or missed DDs but FJ was an instaget.  It seemed so obvious I thought it must be a trick but I couldn't think of any other seas that it might be.

Me too! Though I did get Champagne and Guinea Pig, I was surprised by that TS too, it's something I seem to always have known, that they are Cavy's

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Great J round - mediocre DJ round. Oh well.

Only missed 5 clues in the J round and should have gotten 2 more - Bellevue and Rand & McNally - right. Ran "Big-Screen Elvis" (thank you very much) and "The Third Word" and got 4 in "Famous Pairs", "Only Partly True" and "Español". TSs were Kurt Russell and xenophobia.

No good categories in DJ. But I had 3 TSs/missed DDs - Cat Stevens, Marc Chagall (DD) and reverence.

No FJ today.  After the correct response was revealed I do remember hearing about Richard III, but I never would have come up with it.

I'm o.k. with Aaron winning, but I thought his over the top celebration when he clinched the runaway on the last clue was too much. It didn't matter in the long run since the outcome would have the same if Leah would have gotten that last clue. Just a bit tacky IMO.

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November 3:

73% / 67% / 69%

Okay game...in J! I ran The Third Word, missed one in Famous Pairs, Only Partly True, and Español, two in Hospitals, and three in Big-Screen Elvis. In DJ I missed one in Pup Music and Doesn't Stink, and two in everything else.

Did not get FJ. Was annoyed with myself when it was revealed.

TSes: (J had 4; DJ had 9 + both DDs) I got xenophobia, Bellevue, Cat Stevens, bliss, and Grandma Moses.

22 hours ago, ams1001 said:

I even almost ran the mythology category (just missed one because I couldn't think of the word Pleiades...my brain got stuck on Perseid which I knew was wrong but at least started with the right letter), which is pretty good for me.  

Apparently I was a day early for Perseid...


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FJ was an instaget that I wasn't 100% sure of if that makes sense.

I got the missed clues of Kurt Russell, xenophobia, Howe, Grandma Moses (I've been to that museum), Chagall and Van Gogh.

I got entire categories of Español, Elvis, art heists and mostly true right and the entire category of comets wrong.

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49 minutes ago, chicagofan said:

I'm o.k. with Aaron winning, but I thought his over the top celebration when he clinched the runaway on the last clue was too much. It didn't matter in the long run since the outcome would have the same if Leah would have gotten that last clue. Just a bit tacky IMO.

I didn't realize he had a runaway and couldn't figure out why he was celebrating like that..

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3 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

I didn't realize he had a runaway and couldn't figure out why he was celebrating like that..

I'm not very good at math, especially mental math. But she had $4400 so it was easy to double in my head and know that he had it in the bag.

Too bad we didn't get to see T.J. and Dave in the same game.

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2 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

I'm not very good at math, especially mental math. But she had $4400 so it was easy to double in my head and know that he had it in the bag.

I wasn't paying much attention to the scores..

2 minutes ago, dgpolo said:

Too bad we didn't get to see T.J. and Dave in the same game.

Battle of the Mohawks!

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I had no clue for FJ today, although once the correct response was revealed, I did remember hearing about it.

I got the TS of xenophobia, Bellevue, Cat Stevens, joy, and bliss.  I was quite sad that no one knew Cat Stevens.

1 hour ago, chicagofan said:

Aaron winning, but I thought his over the top celebration when he clinched the runaway on the last clue was too much. It didn't matter in the long run since the outcome would have the same if Leah would have gotten that last clue. Just a bit tacky IMO.

It was tacky.  And it was tacky when he celebrated winning the game at the end, too.  

12 minutes ago, ams1001 said:

Battle of the Mohawks!

That would have been awesome!

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I didn't get any of the TSs but FJ was an instaget. 

Aaron annoyed me. He made some gesture to his kids when Leah landed on a DD. And then the celebrating. Why did Leah bet so much in the art heist DD? She hadn't gotten any in that category.

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37 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

It was tacky.  And it was tacky when he celebrated winning the game at the end, too.  

4 minutes ago, Grizzly said:

Aaron annoyed me.…

To paraphrase the old marriage saw:
Overzealously celebrate your win on Jeopardy! in haste;
Repent on social media for a lifetime.


My only TS was Bellevue (from watching Barney Miller reruns).


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For FJ tonight, initially all I could remember was "the one that they found in the parking lot" - it took me a few seconds before I blurted out Richard III. I remember when they found him. 

I also didn't like Aaron's obnoxious celebrating before the game was over. Plenty of people have runaways and they manage to keep it together.

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Only one ts for me, Grandma Moses.

FJ was not quite an instaget but came pretty quickly. 

I think Aaron's OTTness is just part of his personality, not put on just for Jeopardy! His kids looked like they were used to his behaviour but were kind of embarrassed.

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16 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

My only TS was Bellevue (from watching Barney Miller reruns).

Lol, I "knew" it too from Barney Miller,  but all I could come up with was "the place they took all the crazy people on Barney Miller". I don't think that would have been ruled correct 

Edited by bad things are bad
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For me too Bellevue is one I should have gotten but couldn't pull out of my brain. But I should have gotten it from all the New York based procedurals like Law and Order - "we're going to send so and so to Bellevue for evaluation".

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14 hours ago, chicagofan said:

For me too Bellevue is one I should have gotten but couldn't pull out of my brain. But I should have gotten it from all the New York based procedurals like Law and Order - "we're going to send so and so to Bellevue for evaluation".

Based on watching those same shows, I kept thinkng Riker's Island - I knew that was wrong but couldn't pull Bellevue out of the recesses of my brain.

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22 hours ago, bad things are bad said:

Lol, I "knew" it too from Barney Miller,  but all I could come up with was "the place they took all the crazy people on Barney Miller". I don't think that would have been ruled correct 

I thought "Bellevue" - but for some reason my mouth was too lazy to say it. Sigh...

Edited by Clanstarling
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