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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Yes, but she is also a HUGE bitch in them and I find that hilarious. I really wish we could have seen her play without Cirie because I bet she would have been a complete nightmare but in a fun way lol.


She really is hilariously aggressively mean, right? It really IS pretty funny. 

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8 minutes ago, Katesus7 said:

Jared absolutely wants to backdoor Cameron, even in his conversation with mommy.  I hope he gets his wish.

This is one of the few times that the right call IS to backdoor the person. Cam will probably get to play for Veto, but there's at least a CHANCE that he isn't, and, well, if that happens, he's fucked. So it is a smart play.

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30 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

What does everyone think the scaryverse twist is going to be next week? I was thinking maybe they'd do a battle back with Izzy and the 2 DE evictees but Izzy is home so I guess not. Maybe just the 2 DE evictees then.

I could actually see that happening because it would basically be like an elimination challenge from The Challenge: USA.  And that stupid Buddy Games show also has elimination challenges between teams.  They could use the idea to do more promotion for those two shows.

I would actually like to see something like that, because if Cam goes this week and Jared goes in the DE, then Cam beats Jared at a one-on-one elimination?  Hahahahaha.  The flipside would be if Jared actually won, then we would never hear the end of it.

Edited by lilabennet
Stupid website
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2 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Izzy's interviews so far are capital D delusional. 

It's sad to me that she thinks Jared and Cory's fight was about her, as opposed to being about Jared's ego. But it also explains a lot about the way she saw her dynamic with those two. I believe Cirie genuinely cared about Izzy. I think jared only genuinely cares about one person, and it's to Izzy.

55 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I mean.

I'm dying. I'm DYING. How is this man even real? Unfortunately we'll never know if Cirie believe him, because who would she tell?

I liked how Cory nicely told production to back off America while she's crying. I hope these two make it out of this week; I vastly prefer them to many of the other remaining players and believe they deserve the credit if someone with the last name Fields doesn't win this season. Cory seems to think that if it's the two of them on the block it would be him leaving, but I think it's her. 

The last two pre-jury evicted houseguests having a battleback makes sense to me.

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Re Izzy's interviews, in one of them, when poor sportsmanship was mentioned regarding her pushing Cameron, she defended it by saying if she was a man, no one would be saying she's a poor sport.  Way to rationalize physical violence, Izzy. 🙄  She should be banned from any future BB shows or any other CBS show.

Edited by Gemma Violet
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3 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Re Izzy's interviews, in one of them, when poor sportsmanship was mentioned regarding her pushing Cameron, she defended it by saying if she was a man, no one would be saying she's a poor sport.  Way to rationalize physical violence, Izzy. 🙄  She should be banned from any future BB shows or any other CBS show.

Izzy never actually shoved Cameron. She tapped his shoulders, absolutely, but it wasn't a shove, nor was it physical violence. Should she have done it? No. Does it deserve a ban? Also no. 

That being said, yeah, Izzy does seem bitter in her exit interviews and doesn't seem to understand the entire situation on why she's being criticized. I hope that, with more information, she'll get it. I did genuinely like Izzy. She was flawed, but I did enjoy her presence in the house. Hopefully she gains some clarity but if she comes on the finale, STILL bitter, I'll change my tune because it would be enough time for her to process things.

Last night was a boring night of feeds. They mostly played games, which I guess is not bad. After 45 days of straight gaming, it's about time for a boring night.

The only thing of note I've read is Jag/Matt reiterating that they trust Cory/America but still want to play the middle. At least Cory/America are still in good graces with the two. 

Hopefully, the Cameron backdoor goes through. I get, for Team Fun Feeds, Cameron winning veto and taking down America is more interesting and Cory vs Jag is more fun, but I am really sick of Cameron, AND I don't want America further tied down with this guy so...bring on a boring week, please, just let it be predictable and easy for once. I genuinely would rather someone like Cory or Jag on the jury (yes, even Jag, the Unreliable Unreliable) than Cameron. Not that I think Cameron would be a terrible juror, but I'm also just ready for other people to start winning competitions. 

I think Cameron as a game player is fine, but he really brings down the vibe in the house. You can really tell how bothered people are about him and it's not getting any better with him. 

I do think, if Cameron and Jared are the final pre-jurors, it opens the game up immensely. Cirie will likely get Matt/Jag back on her side, Cory/America might try to bring in Bowie and Meme more, Meme/Felicia might pair back up with Cirie, I think Matt/Jag will be the next targets (Jag probably the first juror) and I think things in the house will be more fluid with people's interests not matching up. 

I could see a scenario where Jag is first juror, Cirie/Matt become a pair and then they have to decide whether to link up with Cory/America or Meme/Felicia. I could see the boot order going similar to this:

Cameron -> Jared -> Jag -> Cory -> Matt.

And then we could very well have all women in the F6. And that idea excites me a lot (though I think Blue goes somewhere between Cory and Matt; I'm not sure who links up with Blue, after Jared and Jag go). 


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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

And then we could very well have all women in the F6. And that idea excites me a lot (though I think Blue goes somewhere between Cory and Matt; I'm not sure who links up with Blue, after Jared and Jag go). 


Blue is in one of the more unusual situations I've seen for a BB HG in a while, where her closest allies are against her showmance. That typically doesn't happen, as normally, once you get into a showmance, you're firmly in THAT person's alliance. And that really hasn't quite happened for Blue just yet. Don't get me wrong, she's firmly aligned with Jared, but I mean when he goes, I don't think she's sticking with Cirie, ya know?

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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

do think, if Cameron and Jared are the final pre-jurors, it opens the game up immensely……..I could see a scenario where Jag is first juror, Cirie/Matt become a pair

We do need Cam/Jared out for a wide open game with players that are fun to watch!!  I really like a Matt/Cirie combo, that’s a good pairing for each of them. There were a couple of times last night where they had to hide in HOH bathroom  & I was rolling😀.

Cirie: I’m not gonna hide in a god damn bathroom anymore. 
(2 seconds later, someone’s coming up & they head back to bathroom)

Matt: if we get caught we’re gonna have to tell them we were making out!😀

I am surprised I’m saying this, but if only one of Cam/Jared can go next week, my vote is Jared…that’s the key to wide open game. 

Edited by pennben
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1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

Izzy never actually shoved Cameron. She tapped his shoulders, absolutely, but it wasn't a shove, nor was it physical violence. Should she have done it? No. Does it deserve a ban? Also no. 

That being said, yeah, Izzy does seem bitter in her exit interviews and doesn't seem to understand the entire situation on why she's being criticized. I hope that, with more information, she'll get it. I did genuinely like Izzy. She was flawed, but I did enjoy her presence in the house. Hopefully she gains some clarity but if she comes on the finale, STILL bitter, I'll change my tune because it would be enough time for her to process things.


Izzy shouldn't have put her hands on him at all--if you're not going to touch someone affectionately on your way out, don't touch them--but I'm sure she was in a stress fueled fugue moment and barely even realized what she was doing. I think Cameron was more shaken by her words than by the physical part. 

I think given some time to settle and be outside the house and review what happened, Izzy will calm down. She's such a huge fan of shows where what happened to her is the norm. And I think developing a more nuanced understanding of where specifically she erred in her judgment will help her chill a bit. She got way ahead of herself mentally and was overconfident of her position in the game. When she sees that Cory was loyal to her until she made a big unforced error with him, she's going to think about things a bit differently. It's certainly a testament to Cory's social game that she felt so comfortable with him, but it was also a very bad read of what seems like a pretty apparent situation. For whatever Cory said or didn't say about America, he was sharing a bed with her, and Cory is clearly not someone who would just be using someone for a hookup with no feelings involved. Izzy let her own feelings about America influence what she believed Cory's to be, even with Cirie suggesting otherwise. 


I think Cameron as a game player is fine, but he really brings down the vibe in the house. You can really tell how bothered people are about him and it's not getting any better with him. 

Yeah, I really need Cameron out so the internet can stop blaming America for ruining this promising young man and focus on her ruining that other promising young man. Misogyny (and possibly racism) for the win!

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10 minutes ago, Skooma said:

You mean you can't even tap someone lightly anymore in America with people getting up in arms over a natural way for humans to act?  Social media has destroyed this country.

Depends who is doing the assaulting (or otherwise) and who isn't. No idea how that's the fault of social media though rather than the country as a whole.

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5 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Re Izzy's interviews, in one of them, when poor sportsmanship was mentioned regarding her pushing Cameron, she defended it by saying if she was a man, no one would be saying she's a poor sport.  Way to rationalize physical violence, Izzy. 🙄  She should be banned from any future BB shows or any other CBS show.

Oh wow, I don't see it as a violent move at all.

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I just looked at it again, and it really just seemed like a double tap on his chest to ward off a hug from a bigger, stronger person that she's loathed since Day 1.

I can't help wondering if some of the viewers (not anyone here, to be clear) are having ugly thoughts about Izzy being some kind of butch, threatening person just because she's gay. 

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58 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

Oh wow, I don't see it as a violent move at all.

Yeah to be honest I wouldn't either. Now that I read the comments here I understand why it seemed like an aggressive move but if I were Cam, I'd think "look she's making a fool of herself" rather than "she is being aggressive". I saw it like "don't even think of hugging me sir".

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While I still like Izzy her interviews have been delulu. The woman said she was playing the best game in the house in her EXIT interview, said Cory who she planned to cut at 7 "betrayed" her, and alluded to the idea that Cirie/Jared had discussed F3 multiple times and she had a path to F2 with both. The key to BB is people believe what they want to believe about their allies. Izzy wants to believe C/J will take her to F2, she wants to believe Cory should put her #1 in his hierarchy even though she only puts him at 7. This is why I enjoyed Vanessa (and Steve too) so much she didn't give a shit what you said because she already knew what you would do regardless of what you said. Cory could see he wasn't your #1 because he wasn't and so your ass is out and no you weren't playing the best you were just playing the hardest. At least Cory is self aware enough to know he isn't playing the best.

And as for Cirie she means what she says while she's saying it and that's the end of it. On day 100 she is not going to be held to something she said 50 minutes ago much less 50 days ago.

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1 hour ago, pennben said:

We do need Cam/Jared out for a wide open game with players that are fun to watch!!  I really like a Matt/Cirie combo, that’s a good pairing for each of them. There were a couple of times last night where they had to hide in HOH bathroom  & I was rolling😀.

Cirie: I’m not gonna hide in a god damn bathroom anymore. 
(2 seconds later, someone’s coming up & they head back to bathroom)

Matt: if we get caught we’re gonna have to tell them we were making out!😀

I am surprised I’m saying this, but if only one of Cam/Jared can go next week, my vote is Jared…that’s the key to wide open game. 


Matt and Cirie hiding in the bathroom was hysterical. Then they had to run to the Have Not room before Cameron could see them. They were waiting for Jag to come up and talk about strategy but he never came. I was surprised that Matt seems fully on board and with Cirie again. He said "I know you lost Izzy, but you have me." I don't know if that was bs but I believed him. I could tell that Cirie was having a hard time trying to discuss game because the only person she fully trusts now is Jared.

I think you can easily say Izzy was being a bit of a jerk to Cameron, but yeah, I wouldn't go so far as to call it physical violence. 

And yeah, her interviews have been fascinating in that she is so insistent that she DIDN'T make a bad move putting Cirie above herself that she is trying to claim that she would have somehow made F2 with Cirie and Jared (without her winning the final HoH).

By the way, with the big jury twist this year - why are they doing it? Can it really be as simple as them just being cheap, and saving some jury stipends? 

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58 minutes ago, Auntie Velvet said:

I just looked at it again, and it really just seemed like a double tap on his chest to ward off a hug from a bigger, stronger person that she's loathed since Day 1.

That’s exactly what it was.

34 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

By the way, with the big jury twist this year - why are they doing it? Can it really be as simple as them just being cheap, and saving some jury stipends? 

That’s totally why lol.

8 minutes ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

I must have missed it. Who is on the block this week?

Cory and America.

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In addition to, I think, clearly wanting out before jury, Cirie wants to go out falling on her sword for Jared. She knows she's in trouble, and she has a pretty flawless record up to this point. If she orchestrates her own eviction, she gets a triple benefit: possibly resuscitating Jared's game, going home and not to jury, and maintaining her legacy by creating a portrait for the viewing audience of a devoted mother taking the hit for her son. Up until this week I think she believed she could guide Jared all the way to the final where she would then take herself out. I feel Izzy's interviews basically confirm that this was the plan. Now she sees it likely won't happen and the next exit on the highway is looking pretty good to her. 

And I do think they'd have the votes to get her out, especially if she doesn't campaign. They only need four to tie because Jared, presumably being the "architect" of this plan, would break the tie and send her out. 


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1 hour ago, pennben said:

Cirie definitely wants out pre-jury. 

Yeah I think she stopped having fun but it was her fault. You can't have personal relationships with people while making them look like fools. This is what she did with Jag, he believed in 7 deadly sins and she didn;t even remember she had this alliance with him. I mean, yeah, everyone lies, but she was playing the mother to everyone while stabbing them in the back.

Or maybe the DR has given her hints that she and her son are not that well perceived from the audience and she wants out.

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9 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

Yeah I think she stopped having fun but it was her fault. You can't have personal relationships with people while making them look like fools. This is what she did with Jag, he believed in 7 deadly sins and she didn't even remember she had this alliance with him. I mean, yeah, everyone lies, but she was playing the mother to everyone while stabbing them in the back.

There is also a difference between lying for two weeks, or however long Survivor lasts, and three months.  She may or may not be serious when she says she wants to leave, but really why should she stay (production arm twisting aside)?   I assume she has plenty of money, a level of fame that certainly won't expand even if she wins BB, and she has a husband and other family back home.  This is a huge time suck if you're not having fun.  


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2 minutes ago, Gummo said:

IOW, Cerie took the place of someone who might've really wanted to be there, and now that every single thing isn't going her way, she wants to take her ball & go home?


She was the 17th HG. She didn't take anyone's spot. 

And to your last point she's been talking about leaving since the second week of feeds. She's been miserable playing this game for a while.

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10 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Re Izzy's interviews, in one of them, when poor sportsmanship was mentioned regarding her pushing Cameron, she defended it by saying if she was a man, no one would be saying she's a poor sport. 

The hell I wouldn’t.  Poor sportsmanship is not gender-specific.


10 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Way to rationalize physical violence, Izzy. 🙄  She should be banned from any future BB shows or any other CBS show.

IMHO simple physical contact should not be classified as “assault” or “violence” - but hey, maybe that’s just me.

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