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Season 25 Live Feeds Discussion


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I really want to know what went down after the feeds turned off today. Because that “pow wow” was still going on but Blue was completely oblivious downstairs. I thought her vote to evict Izzy was kind of oddly happy, but I guess she somehow got clued into all of Jared’s bullshit at some point after the feeds went down? I’d say “well, we’ll see it on the show”, but let’s get real, that ain’t happening.

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5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

To be fair, between everyone just getting off slop, the wall being leaned forward earlier than usual, and the slippery water/substances on that big AF ledge they're standing on, I totally see why this comp ended early. I think production WANTED it to. 

That, and Jared had 18 hours of sleep each day so he was well rested compared to everyone else.


5 hours ago, Jillibean said:

I don't think it helped that they were all on slop this past week. 

Excuses, excuses… someone go shoot James Huling so he can turn over in his grave properly, please.

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20 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I’m not a Cam fan but I wish he would have been on that wall, I doubt anything would have made him drop before asshole Jared.

Agree, and that's why the smartest move would be to target him this week. Cory and America have won zero competitions between them. Cam has been a comp beast. 

Part of me thinks TPTB changed up the jury to take another shot at ditching Cam before it starts. We'll see how that goes for them. 

I have no real hope for Blue to see the light, but I'm glad she got angry enough for a few minutes to confirm to Cory what he has suspected all along; that Jared has been crucifying him for sharing information with America while doing the exact same thing with Blue.

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35 minutes ago, Jillibean said:

I have no real hope for Blue to see the light, but I'm glad she got angry enough for a few minutes to confirm to Cory what he has suspected all along; that Jared has been crucifying him for sharing information with America while doing the exact same thing with Blue.

From what I read here I thought Cory was busy crucifying America every other day to look good to the others.  Everybody has their nails and hammer out in this game. 

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Ok, so I am surprised, waking up and reading that Jared is NOT targeting Cory/America, he still wants Cam out with Jag as a secondary, and Blue turning on Jared because America filled her in on everything. I really thought Precious Baby Boy would want Cory/America targeted for hurting his feelings and threatening his masculinity, or whatever.

Also, Jared got more pictures of his dog and America got annoyed by that, so that was funny to wake up to.

Blue turning on Jared, though, surprises me a bit but not completely. I thought she had caught on to Jared weeks ago and was ready to fake a showmance with him then, but she didn't do that. I'm not 100% convinced she won't just fall back into his arms but she SEEMS serious now.

And I'm glad Matt and Jag are definitively against Jared. I really did fear that Matt would be pro-Jared again after yesterday, but it seems like he's ready to take him out. He spoke to Blue about noticing that Jared tried taking advantage of him having a disability (when Jared pointed at Matt during the Cory fight and said "you must have misunderstood"). 

It turns out I may not be FULLY out this week, after all (but I'm still gonna take more breaks than usual and catch up on some shows).

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8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

She just realized what she’s tied herself to?

It’s her own fault for taking 6 weeks to figure out the obvious. I thought she was wearing blinders towards him because she didn’t care about winning and is just there to promote her social influence, so did she think at the half way point that she should suddenly start playing the game?

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He spoke to Blue about noticing that Jared tried taking advantage of him having a disability (when Jared pointed at Matt during the Cory fight and said "you must have misunderstood"). 

I literally said this on titkok account last night and someone told me I'm the ableist projecting onto Jared, and that when Jared said the R word he wasn't being "intentionally" ableist. This is really S8 all over again with Jared in the Evel Dick role, America loves a garbage man.

I am surprised he's not nomming either one of C/A but they are still very much in danger and I suspect neither one being nommed is down to Jared wanting only people who could potentially win the competition for Veto to play to make sure Cam goes.

I think Taran had talked about how after Cirie was unhooked from Felicia/Kayak she had a convo with Jared that seemed to change his whole demeanor and stopped his A/C shittalk and I suspect post Wall she had another one. But we'll see how much control she can exert over him for the week. I mean I still don't wanna watch this week's feeds but I'll watch the updates.

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3 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

To be honest I don't hate this result of Jared being the HoH. I like things changing constantly in the house. If say America had won we'd have a week of waiting for Jared or Cirie to leave. Now the power structure will change again and it will be fun. I don't care losing one of the (now) big alliance.

I mean, it's not like Cory/America had power for very long. Their power, quite literally, lasted all of 36 hours. Cirie had wanted Felicia out, anyway. Maybe it wasn't the ideal choice last week for Felicia/Izzy noms but they almost got what they wanted, anyway. 

So the power structure still hasn't exactly changed, though Cam being the main target is still really promising, as long as it sticks.

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1 hour ago, blixie said:

I am surprised he's not nomming either one of C/A but they are still very much in danger and I suspect neither one being nommed is down to Jared wanting only people who could potentially win the competition for Veto to play to make sure Cam goes.

I think Jared's planning to nominate Cory along with Jag, at least last I heard so Cory, at the very least, is still in danger. If Cam doesn't play, Cory and Jag should both be fine. If Cam plays and win, Jag might end up going, or Cory might. It's dependent on if Cirie still wants Cory around (if Jared isn't considering Cory his primary or secondary target, I think that's partly Cirie's influence).

But it seems more and more likely that Cory and America can actually make jury. It's still up in the air, but possible, since Jared pissed almost everyone off last week to turn people like Matt and Blue against him.

If we get Cameron and Jared as the final two pre-jurors, I might have this higher up in my placements for seasons. I know the Cirie of it all is rough, but if she doesn't have her children in jury, then it doesn't give her two automatic votes. 

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I think that Blue realized that her reputation would be tainted on social media (lose followers!) if she kept on with her fake showmance with that jackass Jared. And maybe she has a big of a conscience. I wish I'd seen the breakup--maybe they'll show it. They'll have to because we've seen too many "cute" showmance clips on the episodes.

So it's Cameron and Jag. I'd rather Cameron stay. It would balance out the house dynamics more. Cory and Maldives aren't strong enough to oppose the Cirie/Jared/Felicia triad.  I suppose it will be set up as a back door.

So, good morning! After a tumultous day and evening, the house guests are snug in their beds. In the hospital room we see someone - I think Jag - in the bed on the left and Cameron on the right. They are in the beds that don't have the bars on the sides. Camera 2 shows a closeup of Jag sleeping. He looks peaceful.  Actually he just woke up, but he won't stay awake I'm sure. I wish this camera would show more of the room than a closeup of someone you can see perfectly well in camera 1.

Camera 3 shows the comic room. Bowie is in the bed on the left, then there's Red's empty bed with someone's shoes sitting neatly in front of it (Cirie's, I think). On the other side of the door to the hallway room (scramble) is Cirie, then Izzy's empty bed. Well, I think someone is in there. Maybe Felicia, although since she is always up first and early, I'd think she'd rather stay in the hallway room. Camera 4 shows Cirie and Red's bed. Bowie and Izzy's bed aren't in view.

I wonder what fireworks we will get today!

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12 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

If Cam plays and win, Jag might end up going, or Cory might.

Cam could take Cory off the block. But would he be more likely to save Jag? They've been - sort of - working together. 

I wonder why the whirling colonoscopy is on Cams 1 and 2, hiding the hospital room, but not cams 3 and 4. Just replace the hospital room view with the Have Nots room or HOH or scramble room. 

I expect Blue will land back in Jared’s tender loving arms very quickly (Mama C will make him apologize and sweet talk her) but if she doesn’t— or at least, before she does— there is potential for some messy secret spilling.

I’m still not sure if Blue knows the Jared/Cirie connection, but she knows he’s related to SOMEONE. And if she lets that out, a few of the hamsters (not Jag) might put their heads together and figure it out.

Another reason for Jared to get his woman back under control. (You know that’s how he’d phrase it.)

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12 hours ago, HelpMeRondah said:

Jared won

Delurking when I'm supposed to be working to say, FUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKK.  I was so pumped reading the feeds here yesterday (when I was also supposed to be working), and thought the broadcast show did a decent job of showing how Latvia finally convinced Timmy Turner to help her flip the house, then cheered when Izzy went saltily out the door.  I'll hate-read the forum in the hope that the Demi-Ghoul or whatever he was drags Jared permanently to the Nether Regions (snerk) but I fear one of my faves is leaving next week.  Hopefully Blue fesses up to her body count and it pisses Jared off that she didn't come to him as a chaste virgin, or at least Cameron goes so I don't have to witness the weird creepiness anymore.  

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Isn't it so absurd how much important information we just never get to see? I wonder why they've never tried to do online bonus stuff with the stuff we didn't get to see that's important to know, but not SO important that they feature it on the broadcast (as the broadcast obviously has very little time to feature everything).

Who am I kidding, though, that would require Grodner to hire more editors, and that's too much money spent. 

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3 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

She must be stupid to not have figured it out. A few hours ago Jared was ready to vote out Felicia, so this is a huge clue that Felicia is NOT his mom, Cirie is.

The lopsided eviction vote clouds that, though; Blue has no reason to think Jared ever had any real intention to VTE Felicia.

Feeds are back! Felicia, Matt, Jag and Cameron are in the bathroom. Bowie's there, too, in the shower. Cameron looks very frazzled and unready to face the day. Matt is still wearing his red plaid Josh Duhamel outfit. But Josh is not there.

Camera switches the Maldives in bed in the scramble room, pondering deeply.

Camera switches to the comic room. Bowie is sitting on the floor, applying her makeup. She and Felicia are talking about Jared. Felicia is saying Jared is a trustworthy guy. Bowie said she really didn't have a problem with him. (Bowie! I was counting on you!) 

Back to the bathroom. Cirie is there now. She is going to brush her teeth sitting on the couch in the bathroom. 

House is subdued this morning.

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Jared's complaining about a scratchy throat. It started before the comp  yesterday. He was eating cough drops, but Cirie recommended taking an immune boost.

I wonder if his throat was affected by all the crap he was spewing yesterday afternoon.

Cirie, Jared, Felicia are talking in the storage room. Jared is feeling uneasy about Jag. I guess Jared formed a new alliance the other night, says Cirie.  He's leaning to putting Jag and Cory up. He says he really really wants to put Maldives up - he wants to back door her. Cirie asks is that the best move? He needs to think rationally, not emotionally. 

Jared said Izzy was messed up. She told way too much to Cory. Bowie comes in and has a little friendly game chat with them. I'm not understanding her loyalties here unless she plans to play both sides. Or she just plans on being cordial to all and play under the radar.

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Blue is talking with Jared. She has stuff to tell him but she wants to get the stories straight before she talks with him.  She doesn't want to talk with him right now. She's short with him, but I feel uneasy that she wants to tell him stuff. (Unless she plans to be an undercover agent.) Jared says he feels like she's pushing back. Pushing back on what? she asks. Pushing back on him. They hug. 

I wonder if Jared got a letter from his girlfriend.


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I half wonder if Grodner & Co. are starting to realize that fans aren't exactly thrilled with the way this season has been going and hearing the complaints about Cirie's obvious advantages. Because I wouldn't have been surprised to see some sort of twist thrown in to save Izzy or Felicia. But then again I guess Cirie wanted Felicia out anyway.

Still, as long as everyone else doesn't fall right back under a stupid spell, I don't think it really matters much that Jared won HoH. Pretty much everyone realizes Cirie and Jared are working together and have been using all of them with fake alliances. Cirie instantly lost her numbers. No matter who goes home this week, she's probably not getting those numbers back. 

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Well I was going to say that the excitement of last week cleared my skin, made my hair nice and shiny, and cured my stomach flu but then I saw who won HoH so I guess all the glory goes back to the Gatorade and decades of sleep.

I am sorry to have missed the brief, shining moment that 90% of the viewers realized that they were rooting for Fucking Bowie Jane. That must have been a trip. So close to having an HOLA, JULIE! Jessica moment.

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All the cameras are on Maldives sitting alone at the dining room table. It's so quiet, I thought I still had the feeds muted. She is very still.

Now Blue and Matt are talking about "us three". Going forward, they are the majority votes. I'm hoping the third person is Jag, but it could be Jared. Blue thinks Meme is close with Cory and Maldives. But that's good! Felicia is trying to recruit Meme into the seven deadly sins. She is asking why Jared didn't tell her and Matt about the seven deadly sins? She's indignant about that. Even Cory knew about it. She wants the six of them to say everything. (I'm now assuming Jared is NOT the third person.) It's nice to see Blue like this, all energized and excited to play the game. So much better than her diary room persona.

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Blue is off to find Cory. Oh, she and Matt were in the Have Not room. Funny how Matt obediently winds up the boot to have it kick him in the butt

Camera switches to the pool table nook where Jag and Bowie are playing pool. Blue sits on the couch of shame to watch for a while.

Cory's there, too, and they are having soon assigning house guests to mythical creatures.  Matt is a centaur. Blue is a Siren. Jag claims gargoyle. Blue says Cory is Rumpelstiltskin. Or Humpty Dumpty. Now Bowie is playing Cory. Maldives now joins them.

Let's check in on Felicia in HOH, having her one on one with Jared. He does not trust Jag. Jared definitely wants Cameron gone this week, then Jag the following week. Cameron is avoiding Jared.

Oh oh, all cameras on Cirie talking with Jared in the comic room. Talking crap about Cory in a pleasant, smiling way. They are also rehashing yesterday's big argument. 

Felicia leaves HOH and Maldives enters. She says she wants to know what is going on. She heard Cory's half and other stuff, but she wants Jared's side. So Jared says, first of all, Cameron is his target. Cameron, and no one else! He then is accusing Cory of playing up his game, exploded on him, and Jared is the innocent wounded victim, not understanding why. He also doesn't care about Maldives and Cory's relationship. Maldives said she talked with Blue, each said her side and they were OK.  Jared is now on his redemption tour. He's learned that you never burn your bridges all the way, but he can never fully trust him again. Rehash of yesterday's argument in which Cory is the bad guy and Jared is the victim of duplicity.

Jared is magnaminous. He approves of Blue being friends with Maldives and he's not going to stop that.

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Now Bowie is in with Jared. He assures her that she won't get up. He wants to work with her going forward. He's extending an olive branch. Now it sounded like it's going to be Cory and Maldives as noms and Cameron the back door. Jared is trying to figure out who he wants to work with. He trusts Bowie and wants to work with her. He's not sure if he trusts Cirie but he's working with her.

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10 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Purely logically, Cameron is the best competitor and he's clearly coming for them, so he's who you should target this week, but I dunno, can Jared really get past the Cory argument? 

That’s my sticking point with anything Jared says at this moment (well… ANY moment really, but that’s beside the point); absent Cirie’s guidance, Jared is a 100% emotional player and strategy be damned.

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Now Cameron comes into HOH. Cam, my boy, you done me dirty, says Jared. I felt you were going to, says Cameron. He says he feels like he lost his third friend (meaning Jared). 

This conversation is a lot like Jared and Cory's argument yesterday. Jared is rehashing the same stuff except Cameron is keeping his temper. But I think he may be playing Jared, too, just as Jared is playing Cameron. Jared says Cory can't make him sweat.

I can't listen to Jared anymore.

I just turned on the feeds for the first time today.  Now I'm trying to figure out why Matt is still wearing his lumberjack shirt and pants.   Don't get me wrong, it is a classic for a reason.  ::rolleyes::

Felicia and Meme are talking in the storage room.  Felicia believes that Cirie stopped Jared from using the veto to take Felicia down.  Altho she hasn't put together the DNA evidence, she is realizing she cannot trust Cirie and that Cirie/Jared are a team.  

ETA, Felicia and Meme just agreed to a final 2.

Edited by Thalia
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Cirie and Jared are starting to become an island of their own.  Meme laid it all out to Felicia about how they weren't voting to keep her until all hell broke loose yesterday.  Blue seems to be wising up.  I think Jared lost Matt for good with the whole "you didn't hear it correctly" bullshit.  Jag is gonna Jag, and Bowie Jane is gonna be Fucking Bowie Jane, but the difference between now and just a week ago is pretty stunning.  As much as I hate him, and hope like hell he goes this week, Cameron certainly did accomplish chaos with his HOH!

Edited by Katesus7
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4 hours ago, Gummo said:

Bowie, like Blue, seems to be barely playing, if at all.

I don't know, she was borderline amazing during the Jared/Cory argument and what she said proved to me she knows a lot more than she lets on.

25 minutes ago, Thalia said:

I just turned on the feeds for the first time today.  Now I'm trying to figure out why Matt is still wearing his lumberjack shirt and pants.   Don't get me wrong, it is a classic for a reason.  ::rolleyes::

I think he had to wear it for a week so presumably until at least the veto comp if not after it.

3 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Izzy's interviews so far are capital D delusional. 

Yes, but she is also a HUGE bitch in them and I find that hilarious. I really wish we could have seen her play without Cirie because I bet she would have been a complete nightmare but in a fun way lol.

So apparently the DR is yet again asking Jared to nominate America so last I heard it'll be America/Cory noms with the intent to BD Cameron. I didn't see or read about Jared's convo with Cirie yet though, which is where the real plan would come out, so who knows.

But if Cameron and then Jared go in the DE next week and are the last 2 non-jury members then that would be really fucking awesome.

What does everyone think the scaryverse twist is going to be next week? I was thinking maybe they'd do a battle back with Izzy and the 2 DE evictees but Izzy is home so I guess not. Maybe just the 2 DE evictees then.

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