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S20.E05: Seeing Red

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I was hopping mad after watching this episode. Well played, producers - you got me. After sleeping on it, it’s really neither here nor there if you’re not the winner or the loser. Safe is safe. Anna’s was dreadful and she knew it but Hester’s was so much worse that all the drama was clearly manufactured as it wasn’t ever going to matter anyway. 

I loved Brittany’s look. It was different and cute and really hit the challenge brief. I’m glad she recovered and landed what sounds like the perfect gig for her with Peloton. 

the judges really don’t care for Rami this season. His look wasn’t the best but it wasn’t bottom three bad, imo. 

I’m about over Fabio. “My draping is awesome. Everyone else’s draping is lazy.” Rami was draping when you were still in diapers - get over yourself. 

Fucking Hester. Everything about them would be better in a dark room, so at least Elaine was right on that point. That runway outfit was offensively tacky. It looked like something a frat boy at Panama City Spring Break would wear to the strip club. Way to honor your non-binary model by putting a spotlight on their crotch. Hester of all people should be more sensitive to that. Thank sweet baby Jesus she’s gone. 

I hope the dust up at the end was exaggerated by the editing. Korto was right that it was some bullshit but that’s on the judges, not Anna. Even Anna knew it was bullshit that she was in the top. Her talking head fashion is incredible - I haven’t cared for her designs but the girl has great personal style. 

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The judges seemed particularly stupid in their comments about Anna's work. They really struggled to justify their choice, clearly following some kind of production script to generate angry drama.

Telling a draper not to drape is absurd.

Korto is very direct, and I guess she's finding the production shenanigans intolerable. Some of the others agreed with her but limited themselves to grunts and rolled eyes.

I hope Brittany will be OK. Presumably she is on blood thinners after a stroke, and hopefully she does not smoke. I loved her design and am glad she won.

Of course Elaine could not resist saying the guest judge is her "good friend." Such a poser.


Edited by pasdetrois
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5 hours ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

I will miss laughing out loud now that we won't have the weekly reveal of Hester's latest talking head look.



5 hours ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

I will miss laughing out loud now that we won't have the weekly reveal of Hester's latest talking head look.


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11 hours ago, T Summer said:

I just went to rewatch to hear Brittany's backstory because I didn't catch it, and the latest episode available on demand (on my cable)  is Coronation Day :(

Our On Demand is never available until 24 hours (at least) after a show airs. Check today.


ETA: I think Brittany's stroke was caused by one of those malformations in the brain that's a little ticking time bomb until it goes off. I always think of the Nate character from Six Feet Under. I also had a coworker who had a similar stroke. He woke up with a horrible headache, but had a project he had to finish, so he got up early before his wife and daughter and went in to work. It wasn't until he had to ask the security guard to let him into the office (because it was so early), and he discovered he couldn't talk. He made a full recovery, too. It's easier when you're younger.


Edited by carrps
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On 7/7/2023 at 11:12 AM, jackjill said:

Anna's dress was poorly sewn on the back as well as being ugly. The ruffles she makes look really good, but the placement and the dress just didn't work. It looked like a weird sack dress and the model couldn't even sell it.

The desire to become all inclusive, particularly in  regard to gender and size, is all fine and good but the honest truth is that not everything looks good on everyone.  This is where design really needs to come to play.  The designer should be translating their vision to best flatter the wearer because the clothes are going to be worn by people, not hangers. The contestants know their models in advance so they have an opportunity to do that...but they don't always.  Prajje's (I think he was the one with the draped jumpsuit?) design this episode suffered a lot from being on that particular model also.  

8 hours ago, Fake Jan Brady said:

I will miss laughing out loud now that we won't have the weekly reveal of Hester's latest talking head look.

This one always looks like a pre-schooler obsessed with putting on everything they find in dress up box in the classroom at the same time.

They completely lost me when complaining about the fabric they were forced to use when it was clearly a matter of poor design.  


On 7/7/2023 at 8:04 AM, cinsays said:

the judges must just be listening to the producers to maintain drama to have judged her as one of the best and they have lost my respect. boo

It certainly seems that way.  At least they got the winner and loser right.


On 7/7/2023 at 1:15 AM, 30 Helens said:

Elaine defending Hester’s garment by saying it would look better in dim lighting is everything I hate about Elaine. 

What is wrong with her!  She is one of the worst decisions this show has made.  I wish Nina would talk about her taste level.


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I love Bishme but it bothered me a lot that he used so much black. The contrast was the basis of his whole design. The brief should have emphasized everyone has to use ONLY the red color not just same fabric (he used black interface for his design on the fabric). His design was unfair in comparison to everyone else's and didn't meet the challenge. Although as I write this maybe Brittany's win was due to the fact that in addition to good design and workmanship she used a contrasting thread so not all red either. Hmmmm but hers was just thread and not 25% at least of the jacket.

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3 minutes ago, Random Lee said:

I love Bishme but it bothered me a lot that he used so much black. The contrast was the basis of his whole design. The brief should have emphasized everyone has to use ONLY the red color not just same fabric (he used black interface for his design on the fabric). His design was unfair in comparison to everyone else's and didn't meet the challenge. Although as I write this maybe Brittany's win was due to the fact that in addition to good design and workmanship she used a contrasting thread so not all red either. Hmmmm but hers was just thread and not 25% at least of the jacket.

I don’t have a problem with Brittany using contrasting thread any more than I objected to the zippers and other hardware.  But I agree that the black interfacing seemed against the brief.  I mentioned upthread that this was why I thought he was in middle,…so the judges didn’t have to address it. 

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I  don't even get why Korto and Kayne would be upset and griping over what Anna does. Let her keep sewing ruffles all over everything, how far is that going to take her?

The designers would do well to spend every free moment thinking about what's going to set them apart in future challenges. Keep those positive  creative vibes going. Think about what they're likely  to be faced with in the coming weeks based on past shows like:


an avant garde look

design something with mass appeal to be sold on X website

dressing real people, or being presented with a plus size model

athleisure or resort wear

comfortable stay at / work from home look suitable to run  an errand in


I'd have an idea in mind for all of those and even if the upcoming challenges aren't exactly those, maybe something  could be adapted or refined  to fit the task.


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I had a true WTF moment when Anna’s dress was one of the favorites. It looked like 1) party streamers; 2) collapsible garden hoses; or 3) dyed lasagna; stuck on the fabric. Another variation on an old, tired theme. Korto was indeed salty, but she was pretty much saying what everybody in the lounge was thinking. She speaks her mind, and I have to respect that. She is also competitive. People get called out for being one trick ponies all the time, and there is really no innovation with Anna’s looks. They need to put her on notice that they want to see something else going forward. So now, will we have to deal with Anna’s hurt puppy look, along with her “missing my baybee” tears? Sorry if that’s harsh, but this choice was bullshit.

What would have happened if they had asked Kara Saun to reveal the dress? 

Kara Saun’s and Brittany’s designs were my favorites. Brittany’s backstory…just wow.

While she wasn’t one of my faves, I was kind of sorry to see Hester go. At least she took a chance and definitely tried harder than Laurence did last week and Anna this week.

This challenge clearly played with a lot of heads. I don’t remember such contention to this degree among designers. Next week will be interesting.

3 hours ago, carrps said:

Our On Demand is never available until 24 hours (at least) after a show airs. Check today.


ETA: I think Brittany's stroke was caused by one of those malformations in the brain that's a little ticking time bomb until it goes off. I always think of the Nate character from Six Feet Under. I also had a coworker who had a similar stroke. He woke up with a horrible headache, but had a project he had to finish, so he got up early before his wife and daughter and went in to work. It wasn't until he had to ask the security guard to let him into the office (because it was so early), and he discovered he couldn't talk. He made a full recovery, too. It's easier when you're younger.


Aneurysm. It can also affect your aorta, both around the heart and the abdomen. My ex had the former, which he lived with for years before it got large enough to be corrected, and my dad had the latter, which was undetected until it killed him. “Ticking time bomb” is the truth. 

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11 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:


Yeah, and there's another name that I was thinking of. I had to google it: arteriovenous malformation. But, essentially, yes, it's a type of aneurysm. So sad about your dad. It's one of those things that you can't do too much about it before hand.

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33 minutes ago, carrps said:

Yeah, and there's another name that I was thinking of. I had to google it: arteriovenous malformation. But, essentially, yes, it's a type of aneurysm. So sad about your dad. It's one of those things that you can't do too much about it before hand.

They kept a wait-and-see attitude on my ex, because the surgery runs so many risks that it’s literally best to wait until the last possible moment to have it done. In the meantime, every chest or back pain makes you want to run to the ER, and you’re always checking your blood pressure. My ex after awhile just made his peace with it and decided to live his life. It’s been three years since his surgery and he’s fine.

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5 minutes ago, RoseAllDay said:

They kept a wait-and-see attitude on my ex, because the surgery runs so many risks that it’s literally best to wait until the last possible moment to have it done. In the meantime, every chest or back pain makes you want to run to the ER, and you’re always checking your blood pressure. My ex after awhile just made his peace with it and decided to live his life. It’s been three years since his surgery and he’s fine.

Glad to hear it!

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I am a recent PR person so I sporadically catch old seasons and started season one over the weekend. I am on episode three I think and the challenge is to produce a look from one bolt of white cotton fabric that is wrapped around the entire workroom and they are figuring out how many yards each person gets.  So Sirano kind of fudged his opening “I came up with this challenge all by myself no one ever thought of this until I”. 
The only difference is that they could dye the white cotton material.

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The only defense I can think of for Korto’s atrocious behavior is that she lost to Leanne, who sent out variations of the same signature petals design week after week, and she’s never gotten over it.

I loved the idea for the challenge.  So often the fabric carries the design, and forcing them to use the same fabric meant they had to present actual design skills.  I wish it would be part of each season like the unconventional materials challenge. 

I have been a Washington Post subscriber for years and just discovered this week that Elaine writes an advice column for them.  I wouldn’t take her advice on how to boil water.  As my mother used to say, her taste is all in her mouth.  Turn down the lights and the outfit looks better??  Much better when you can’t see it.

Who knew we would start getting infomercials in the middle of our regularly scheduled programming.  

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15 hours ago, Glade said:

Anna is not responsible for the judges decisions, and in the end she was just safe; who cares?  Raimi and Hester's looks were completely awful.

Anna was in the top. That's what pissed off safe designers Korto and Kayne who didn't think Anna deserved to be there. But they blamed Anna, not the judges. 

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I have been a Washington Post subscriber for years and just discovered this week that Elaine writes an advice column for them.  I wouldn’t take her advice on how to boil water. 

+1. I was today day old when it landed in my head that was the case. Reading your post!

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The vitriol towards Anna seemed to come from out of nowhere. I wonder if the Producers were sneaking in some snarky questions during the filming....

Speaking of the Producers, I feel like you can hear their questions in most of the answers the contestants give. Nobody really talks like "My biggest threat is....." or "You know, I'm really concerned for .....". but man do they all, ALL, talk like that in their talking heads.

Maybe Elaine uses the same strategy and philosophy of communications that she does at her job that focuses on teenage minds that she does in a room full of adult professionals. 

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1 hour ago, Mahfouz said:

The vitriol towards Anna seemed to come from out of nowhere. I wonder if the Producers were sneaking in some snarky questions during the filming....

I'm sure they do.

DD was watching with me and she kept making comments about how much she disliked Brittany (until the reveal about the stroke) because she's in a lot of THs.  My response was that they likely show Brittany a lot because she likes to talk, but also that I don't remember Brittany snarking on anyone in her THs.  Only talking about her own work.  I found it actually refreshing.

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15 hours ago, TVbitch said:

I think Nina is perhaps a bit too mature to wear a top with 3 prominent chestal cut outs. It was not very flattering, and, of course, makes me question her taste levels. 😁


It's like the waist plunging neckline she wore during the first episode. None of her clothes have been flattering this season so far.


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On 7/8/2023 at 9:53 PM, meowmommy said:

The only defense I can think of for Korto’s atrocious behavior is that she lost to Leanne, who sent out variations of the same signature petals design week after week, and she’s never gotten over it.


To be fair, neither am I.

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Brittany's winning look and Hester's losing look reminded me of those magazine features where they show an expensive designer outfit a celebrity is wearing, and then show "how to get the look for less!"  Except Hester's disaster was the homemade version by someone who is just learning to sew clothes, rather than a knockoff. 

Korto, the reason Anna was in the top is that YOU, Kayne, and the other designers who were safe, bored Nina.  Your look was BORING, Korto.  A circle skirt and seatbelt-wide weaving was BORING.  Anna's at least was, um, something, and they rewarded her for making it in her own style, which most of the designers didn't. 

I don't know why Laurence came on the show.  Half-assing every challenge as if it's all beneath you makes you filler, not a contender.


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I hated this episode. I didn’t care for Anna’s dress either but the gang up on her was disgusting. The judges put her in the top but everyone got angry at Anna and it was not her fault. 
At least Hester went home, that was the only part of this episode I liked. 

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I can see maybe why the designers were upset if they felt like they should have been in the top or even if they thought the judging was bad then be mad at the judges but I don’t see why they’re were faulting Ana for the judges’ decision.  I mean if they were on top but didn’t think their outfits were very good would they volunteer to be in the bottom?  

Do they hate Ana for some other reason than being repetitive?  I mean she seems like she could be exhausting but no more so than Hester or Kayne. 

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On 7/8/2023 at 9:53 PM, meowmommy said:

The only defense I can think of for Korto’s atrocious behavior is that she lost to Leanne, who sent out variations of the same signature petals design week after week, and she’s never gotten over it.

I loved the idea for the challenge.  So often the fabric carries the design, and forcing them to use the same fabric meant they had to present actual design skills.  I wish it would be part of each season like the unconventional materials challenge. 

I have been a Washington Post subscriber for years and just discovered this week that Elaine writes an advice column for them.  I wouldn’t take her advice on how to boil water.  As my mother used to say, her taste is all in her mouth.  Turn down the lights and the outfit looks better??  Much better when you can’t see it.

Who knew we would start getting infomercials in the middle of our regularly scheduled programming.  

Maybe, but that sure is a long time to hold a grudge. Rami did a lot of draping in his designs during his season. (He was on with both Korto and Leeanne, correct?) Uli had her “resort” looks that Michael Kors finally got his fill of. I get that they all have their respective design wheelhouses, but my problem with Anna’s look was that it was just… so boring. Just tack on ruffles to a dress and be done? And come out as one of the top designers over those who tried to make their creative best out of a crappy challenge (Hester)? Nope. 

Korto may be tired of Anna’s constant whining about being away from home and as well as fragile flower act. Korto does not suffer fools gladly. Plus, I’m sure everybody was tired and frustrated. Just a bad day all around.

I’m more pissed at Nina’s attitude. What was she expecting, exactly? Another nitpick — I wish the producers would not air the judges’ asides during the runway shows. 

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2 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

(He was on with both Korto and Leeanne, correct?)

Nope.  The finale was Leanne, Korto, and Kenley.  First all-female finale.  Rami competed against Christian and, IIRC, Jillian.

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@RoseAllDay the judges asides during the runway is one of my favorite aspects. I hope they keep it up since my other favorite part was them touching and going over the dresses between runway and final in/out has been done away with. 

I was side eyeing Kara Saun during the first episode; thought she totally maneuvered Nora. Watching her since then and also doing a slow binge of her season (season one) I think that was a one off for her and I hope she goes to the finale. She was really nice during season one! So far at least. I just finished that cringe bathing suit/Page Six episode so things could change.

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9 hours ago, RoseAllDay said:

Maybe, but that sure is a long time to hold a grudge. Rami did a lot of draping in his designs during his season. (He was on with both Korto and Leeanne, correct?) Uli

Rami was on S4 (with Christian), and Korto and Leanne were on S5. And Leanne didn’t do the “petals” all season, it was just the through-line of her winning final season. 

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Kara Suan showed her leadership and class in this episode. 
when she arrived in the first episode everyone fawned over her like she invented chocolate. She could rest on her laurels and take the accolades but she emotionally stood up for Anna and keeping the workroom positive and place for creativity to grow. She showed great character and I’m impressed! 
it’s no accident that people are piling on the most emotional member of the group. They see weakness and are ready to exploit it.

Kanye has always been inconsistent and his taste level is …. questionable.

Korto is just unpleasant 

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On 7/11/2023 at 6:45 AM, meowmommy said:

Nope.  The finale was Leanne, Korto, and Kenley.  First all-female finale.  Rami competed against Christian and, IIRC, Jillian.

and Chris March 😪

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4 minutes ago, meep.meep said:

and Chris March 😪

Unfortunately, instead of letting four people go to Fashion Week after they were all sent home to make their collections, the judges came up with a ham-handed mini-show playoff between Rami and Chris (RIP!) that Rami won.  So Chris's collection ended up as only a decoy.

Having already eliminated Chris in an earlier round, and Chris only coming back because Jack withdrew, it seemed like the judges were in no mood to reward him.  Even though Chris and Christian's avant garde outfit was one of the most fabulous items ever to come out of Project Runway.

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So this is way late, but two things stand out even two weeks later to me, both involving Hester and her nongenderconforming POV. First, Lena Waite looked so perfect in their ngc outfit. They said, during Hester's critique, something like, I think you should maybe have edited a little more and the camera cuts from them to Hester looking like a deranged garbage pile. I burst out laughing. And her model, DD, looked deformed. Like their modelly swayback was emphasized and the way they had to walk was just off. The whole thing was really, really bad. So yay she's gone. Into a happy life chasing the next fashion trends to pile upon until the model screams for mercy.

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I'm several weeks behind and just watched this episode. Does anyone else feel Peloton may have paid Brittany to give them a not-too-subtle name-drop? Peloton's been doing quite poorly since the end of the pandemic, so I could see them making an arrangement with Bravo and Brittany for a plug. She could have said "I've worked with a nationwide exercise company" or something vague enough that viewers could narrow it down, but she talked about Peloton by name at least three times. 

Along the same topic, about the shopping trip that Christian paid for... 1. I don't think the designers actually got to keep more than one item

2. I highly doubt the money came from Christian's pockets. It was likely paid for by the credit card company and the store they went to. 

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I doubt Project Runway would cosign on Brittany profiting from another company while on their show unless they are also getting a piece of the action - shows are too cautious of making sure they are the ones getting the advertising $$$s.  I think it was just part of her story.

I also doubt that the individuals involved as "faces" on the show pay for anything.  It is all advertising led, plus it gave Christian a fun boost for his business (which I'm sure he negotiated in his PR contract).  

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