Trini May 21, 2023 Share May 21, 2023 (edited) THE FINAL RUN - The Flash, the fastest man alive, is tasked with his greatest challenge yet, to save the timeline and save existence. Friends old and new gather for an epic battle to save Central City, one last time. The episode was written by Eric Wallace & Sam Chalsen and directed by Vanessa Parise. Airdate: 5/24/2023 Edited May 25, 2023 by Trini Link to comment
Trini May 21, 2023 Author Share May 21, 2023 Link to comment
scarynikki12 May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 Alright my work schedule is back to normal and I can watch live. Time to pour one out for Flash. Incidentally, Blue Streaks is a god now? Chilldude betrayed them yet again and is still a welcome part of the team? This show is consistent at least. Zoom! My favorite evil speedster welcome back! Now put on the mask because you're scarier when you're Tony Todd's voice. What's White Suit's name again? Godspell or something? I like the actor but the character's not as memorable. To no one's surprise it's Thawne wearing Wells' face. They couldn't stop themselves. Nice timing on the Tobin Bell as the voice of Savitar going on screen when Savitar himself shows up. I am supremely annoyed they brought Eddie back only to make him the Final Bad but I will forgive all if he's given a happy ending. And NOT by killing himself again. Rick does do a good bad guy at least. Cobalt Blue? Man the name quality really tanked when Cisco left. That suit is straight out of Power Rangers. This is ANOTHER situation where Snart would be a tremendous asset yet I don't see Wenticorn. And, as this is the last Earth Prime Arrowverse show, I will lament one last time at there being no Legends in sight. Seriously, Eddie's team has five speedsters (hi Tony Todd!) and Barry's has two (Bart and Wally had other plans?) so this really shouldn't be a contest and yet we know Barry will prevail. At least Snart would have planned for that ::grumbles:: Zoom, I'm not kidding, PUT YOUR MASK BACK ON! Not seeing your face is more effective. I hope Joe shows up and gets through to Eddie. Let the Pep Talk King work his magic one last time. Still don't care about The Grand Romance Of Chester And Allegra. Bye Zoom it's been fun. And a pep talk saves Eddie. At least 9 years worth actually led to something. Still only halfway done so plenty of time for Tom Thawne to show up and ruin things. Gus has decided to sit on my lap in front of the laptop so this should be interesting. Chester's theme song should be Black Hole Sun. Joe at last. Shouldn't Nora vanish when the baby's born? Is this Original Wells? Helping Blue Streaks ::rolls eyes:: ascend to the...heavens? I'd rather see Tom Thawne fight Barry again. Baby Nora is NOT HAPPY. SHE WAS WARM AND COMFORTABLE UNTIL YOU MEAN DOCTORS SHOWED UP. Baby Nora is now EXTREMELY SKEPTICAL. Thank you show for giving Joe and Iris this moment together. Baby Nora: not bad Grampa, you should give Broadway a try. They killed Caitlin and Frost with little fanfare while Blue Streaks gets a major goodbye scene. This show makes no sense where Panabaker is concerned. Shouldn't this ascension take place outside? Oh so no one cared about Caitlin dying because she was always going to come back. Again this show makes no sense. Baby Nora is HAPPY AT LAST. How is Adult Nora still able to exist? Did they replace this stupid blue streaks with blonde ones for Caitlin? And apparently Frost is still dead yet Chilldude doesn't seem to care. "I love me" ok that was cute. Of course they have to single out Cecile while celebrating Iris. Was she supposed to get a spinoff, the network said no, and they just made this show her spinoff? Joe waited until the final five minutes to propose. Cecile if your response is "finally!" maybe you should have proposed to him. You're allowed to do that, it's not against the law. Baby Nora WANTS STORYTIME RIGHT NOW PLEASE DADDY. Avery Hall, Max Mercury, Jess Chambers are new speedsters. Barry gets his speedster team after the big fight with Eddie. 1 1 1 Link to comment
Primal Slayer May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 These battles are kind of laughable. All of a sudden the entire Team flash is able to keep up with Speedsters and easily defeat them at that. Cecile can fly and zoom through the sky. I cant even count how many times "I am the fastest man alive" was said by every speedster lol. Why do they think that we can this much for this long ass Chuck/Allegra kiss? As if they are some epic romance? How many people have you loved that have died? Your parents? By going back in time so much? Team Flash is intact. Caitlin is...."dead" I guess but not really. Oh hey...Caitlin is alive. Another person that Barry has now not lost lol. Iris didnt really get a lot to do in this finale which is a bit of a shame. Joe talking about how great of a mother Cecile is, is awkward. Especially when their daughter isnt even at this function celebrating the birth of her niece. Not really sure why Wells was at the party? Shouldnt he be off in the universe? .....did they really just have Barry pull a Buffy "every person who could be a Speedster, will be a speedster" as if the world didnt have enough metahumans? It's a nice easter egg since they're all comic speedsters but it made zero sense 5 Link to comment
Terrafamilia May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 "Wake up, Chuck!" I don't think that reads quite the way the writers intended. And guys, try holding off on the make-out session until after the present crisis is resolved. 1 Link to comment
bettername2come May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 The Good: Eddie turns good. All the evil speedster returns. It was nice to see and hear them one last time. You especially, Tony Todd. Bringing Caitlin back from the dead. I was gonna be annoyed if they didn't. Joe's back! And he sang! And he cooked! And he proposed to Cecile (finally!). I did keep forgetting their not married. I love that Singh was his wingman (ringman?) and had the ring ready to go. And I appreciate that Cecile threw a pillow down on the floor before Joe knelt down. One last Iris/Barry montage for the road. Although maybe Joe should've sang "Running Home to You" instead for the final song. Baby Nora is adorable. Barry wearing purple in honor of Nora while holding her. I can't remember him ever wearing purple. The Bad: We're not acknowledging Cisco? Really? No fruit basket? No video call? I was hoping Carlos was pulling an Andrew Garfield and he really would appear in the finale, but to not even mention him? His best friend came back from the dead! Wait, did they never tell him Caitlin died? Cecile really had to say "I feel your..." one last time didn't she. Ugh. I would've appreciated the "Barry chooses speedsters" montage if we'd been given any indication this season that he'd been researching people to choose. Or if they'd thrown in some actors with histories as DC speedsters. Although the only ones I can think of are Kyle Gallner who played Bart on Smallville, and Michael Rosenbaum as animated Flash. Couldn't have hurt to emphasize the multiverse one last time. Hell, Barry could've also thrown the lightning at himself in 2013 as well as 1990 Barry. And it would've tied in with Grant's wish for Barry to be the lightning bolt that struck 2013 Barry. The Random: This is not a criticism of the show, but even by TV newborn standards that was a big baby. And she clearly had strong feelings about being covered in slime for the birth scene. 2 2 1 Link to comment
baldryanr May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 Hmm, the evil speedsters were taken out so easily it makes you wonder why Barry needed an entire season to beat them. Apparently if he had his current Team Flash instead of those pathetic losers from earlier seasons he would have spared himself all of that angst. Not all of them, though, since Chillblaine and Chester were useless. Eddie looked really goofy when he running. Did no one notice that in editing, or was there not enough time to do anything about it? Cecile has tied Ava from Legends of Tomorrow as the character most blatantly loved by the showrunner. Of course she can fly - forget Virtue, they should have just named her Superwoman. Plus she had the advantage of facing an idiot who sent in his clones one at a time. 4 Link to comment
marketdoctor May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 I thought the ending was (kind of) a comic tie-in, but I didn't read enough of them to be sure. I liked the Ferris Air reference, one more time. Thanks, Arrowverse, and good luck cast and crew. 1 Link to comment
Frozendiva May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 The end of the Arrowverse? Good luck to everyone and thank you. The show itself probably lasted two seasons longer than necessary. Everyone got tied up sotrywise and the metas will still continue to be heroes. That was one big baby Nora. I would have been screaming a lot more. Awkward to have big Nora and baby Nora in the same time. Caitlin came back, Joe and Cecile are engaged, we got to hear Martin sing again. Disappointed with no mention of Cisco. The show closed its bookends and will now live on in streaming or box sets. 2 Link to comment
Trini May 25, 2023 Author Share May 25, 2023 (edited) Yay! for making it to the finish line? I just wish this felt like a solid conclusion to a strong arc with emotional stakes, instead of a checklist of scenes. Again I'm confused as to why this Cobalt Blue arc wasn't the whole season, or at least half the season. So they really only brought back 4 evil speedsters just so Team Flash™ could have fight scenes? But the scene where they all met each other in the Negative Speed Force was good, though. And Rick is good at playing evil. So Cecile can suddenly fly now, and somehow brought back that supersuit from the future -- *I guess* that might as well happen to the showrunner's fave. Also it's just nonsensical that instead of writing her as a good mother they just have people say she is, repeatedly, as if that will make it true. Grant had some good scenes here, but it's truly disappointing Barry really didn't have an arc for the season. Just insane that your superhero lead didn't actually defeat anyone in the finale. I mean, he suggested they don't fight, and Eddie agreed. Iris didn't have much to do; but I did really like that she got a scene with her and Joe. And JLM singing! That was one nice surprise. Glad that the birth itself was uncomplicated; and the baby was cute! Wow -- Khione was a completely unnecessary addition this season. She came from nowhere and went back to nowhere. They should have just given Caitlin powers if Panabaker needed to be here. Um, no -- copying Westallen word-for-word is not going to make me care about Chester+Allegra. I might have felt better about the ending with Barry sharing his powers if it didn't seem like a tacked on pitch for a spinoff that we know is never happening. No Wally or Cisco mentions?? 😔 Edited May 25, 2023 by Trini 5 1 Link to comment
Jediknight May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 The ending with Barry sharing his powers was fantastic. Season 5's finale would have been the perfect series finale if not for the Crisis tease. Season 7's finale would have made an excellent series finale with the entire group (including Nora and Bart) together for Barry and Iris renewing their vows. They gave us 2 episodes that would have made excellent series finales, so I figured that they would stick the landing for the actual series finale. Yeah, that didn't happen. No Wally, Cisco, Bart, or Kara (although Melissa was probably too busy with her HBO Max show) was a big disappointment. Would not put this finale on the level of the finales for Agents of SHIELD, Stargirl, Supergirl, and Friday Night Lights, just off the top of my head. 5 Link to comment
KittenPokerCheater May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 (edited) 13 hours ago, Primal Slayer said: they really just have Barry pull a Buffy "every person who could be a Speedster, will be a speedster" as if the world didnt have enough metahumans? It's a nice easter egg since they're all comic speedsters but it made zero sense Yes, yes they did. That’s immediately what I thought too. And if I’m going to be nit picky, did those folks *ask* to be speedster? (Yes, I know they are comic cannon, but still). This whole season was a mess to me. I still very much hope Caitlyn gets together with Mark. Edited May 25, 2023 by KittenPokerCheater Link to comment
Trini May 25, 2023 Author Share May 25, 2023 7 hours ago, Jediknight said: ...Would not put this finale on the level of the finales for Agents of SHIELD, Stargirl, Supergirl, and Friday Night Lights, just off the top of my head. Even before this final episode, this arc was making me want to watch Stagirl's finale again. (I probably will.) 40 minutes ago, KittenPokerCheater said: I still very much hope Caitlyn gets together with Mark. It might not be the same characters, but I can totally see Panabaker and Cor doing a Hallmark rom-com together in the next few years. 2 1 Link to comment
tennisgurl May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 We made it people, we finally made it to the finish line! This finale is actually a bit better than I thought it would be, especially compared to some of the awful previous seasons, but it was still leaving us with more of a whimper than a bang. This show was truly the best of time and the worst of times, sometimes one of my favorite shows and sometimes one of my least, its had great stories, bland ones, and ones that made me want to bang my head against the wall until I passed out. It should have ended two seasons ago, but I admit that I'm still going to miss it. If nothing else, I'll miss the cast, especially Grant and Candice, who have consistently been some of the Arrowvers's best leads no matter how much crappy material they've been given, and they will always be my favorite versions of Barry Allen and Iris West. Glad that we got to see Joe again, that he got a nice scene with Iris, and he even got to sing, which is always welcome! I'm also glad that he finally proposed to Cecile, I keep forgetting that they aren't already married, and that Singh was there with the ring. I was disappointed by the lack of characters returning, no Cisco, no Wally, I was even hoping for a cameo from another Arrowverse star like Kara, who's one of Barry's best superfriends, but all we got was future Nora and the original Wells, which was nice, but not very much. I read that Carlos wanted to come back but there were scheduling issues, which is really unfortunate. I would have liked at least a mention. I don't love them making Eddie into the big bad so quickly, but I'm glad that he came to his senses in the end and that he at least gets to continue existing in some way. Rick does sure play a good villain though, he was clearly having a blast being back again. I don't know why they didn't make this the whole arc for the final season, really dig into Eddie and how he ended up becoming the Avatar, set up him getting his legion of speedsters, tie it into an arc for Barry where he really deals with his grief and guilt over his losses and trauma, it all seems like it would have been a great way to end the show. Instead we got a bunch of random crossover episodes, most of which were pretty lame, a lot of Snow sister nonsense tied in with Chilllame, boring subplots, the main villain being introduced in the very last minute, and no real arc for Barry, despite him being the main character. Bringing back a bunch of the past speedster villains was a cool idea and I really liked them all bickering in the negative speed force, but unfortunately the show took that cool idea and shoved it down the toilet. All of that buildup, and all of the speedsters were easily taken out by the supporting cast in one scene each, which makes all of their "I'm the fastest man alive!" boasting pretty embarrassing. In general the show has become WAY too interested in its supporting cast despite not making them very interesting or giving them much to really do. Its clear that Cecile has become the shows favorite character over the last few seasons, now she can even fly for no reason because the show loves giving her new random powers, and the show is always telling us how awesome she is and giving her more plots than even Iris, the shows leading lady. I full on laughed when they had Joe say what a great mother she was considering she only sees her daughter twice a week so that she can play superhero in the city, even though it should be easy for her to be a full time mom and superhero, and having her totally forget her other daughter. Jenna wasn't even there for the party when she could meet her niece and where her parents got engaged! The show is also still trying to make Allegra and Chester some huge romance, which I continue to not buy at all, I don't care how much they try to copy classic Westallen moments. Meanwhile, Khione ascends to a higher plane of existence before ever explaining how the hell an experiment involving bringing back a woman with ice powers from the dead created a plant goddess in her body, but I guess I'm glad that Caitlin is back. Looks like my jokes about how no one cared about Caitlin being dead because everyone knew she would be back was actually just foreshadowing what would actually happen, not that I'm surprised. I love how useless Mark was in the whole episode, he didn't even get one shot in against one of the bad guys, he truly left the show as be entered it, useless and annoying. Baby Nora is a real cutie, and I am glad that we at least ended with Barry, Iris, and baby Nora together, with Barry doing some call back narration to the first episode. Barry giving some random people speed powers is a cute nod to the comics as all of them are speedsters from the comics (Max Mercury is an amazing name for a speedster) but pretty random for a series finale. Overall, I cant say it was a great finale, especially as its our last time on Earth Prime, but it certainly could have been a lot worse. 5 1 Link to comment
cdnalor May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 17 hours ago, Primal Slayer said: These battles are kind of laughable. All of a sudden the entire Team flash is able to keep up with Speedsters and easily defeat them at that. To my mind, it would have been more believable if the Speedsters had been overwhelming the team at the moment that Eddie was forced to recall them. 1 Link to comment
7kstar May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 5 hours ago, tennisgurl said: We made it people, we finally made it to the finish line! This finale is actually a bit better than I thought it would be, especially compared to some of the awful previous seasons, but it was still leaving us with more of a whimper than a bang. This show was truly the best of time and the worst of times, sometimes one of my favorite shows and sometimes one of my least, its had great stories, bland ones, and ones that made me want to bang my head against the wall until I passed out. The final had some strong moments but was also filled with weak ones. So I’m glad they ended the show instead of trying to go on and just getting canceled. Eddied deserved more time to tell his story. They could have started it with just a small introduction and still tell the stories they had. Set up a mystery of what is happening. Then the ending could have been powerful. It just shows that the writers are tired too. It’s not awful but it’s more of a whimper than a shout-out. I’m glad there was a happy ending for Eddie as he didn’t deserve to end as a bad guy. I didn’t have an issue with Iris not having too much to do as she has been overused in past seasons and she got plenty of heartfelt moments in this one. Cisco should have been at least mentioned. A phone call congratulating Barry on the birth of his daughter would have been so easy to fit in at the last party scene. So many misses, as others have mentioned. But it’s not the worst final out there. I just wish it had been more satisfying. I’m glad we did get to wrap up with the ones we did see but I wish we could have had some other cast members there at least mentioned. The good does outweigh the bad...but my favorite seasons are the first few. 3 Link to comment
Artsda May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 I thought Joe and Cecile were married this entire time. lol Older Nora holding her baby self was odd. No Bart or Wally? No Cisco at all? They couldn't get him back for a scene? At least throw a line about him being out there. 2 1 Link to comment
shantown May 25, 2023 Share May 25, 2023 What a lackluster finale for a completely uninspired season. Can't believe we spent the final 13 episodes on Cecile and Caitlin 3.0 and Mark. There was so little Barry and Iris throughout the season, but especially in the last episode. The Flash couldn't even get a final win? Overpowered Virtue was better at fighting the returned speedsters than Barry. No mention of Cisco or Wally or Bart was particularly glaring for this being a series finale. There could have easily been a throwaway line about them - "Wally and Bart are racing to pick up Cisco" or something. I guess Grant's voiceover at the end was a nice callback for the ending. Here's hoping he finds success in the future! 5 Link to comment
Cthulhudrew May 26, 2023 Share May 26, 2023 (edited) "We could really use... the Flash!" "Hey guys, did you call my name?" "Barry! You got out of there!" "Yes- I only needed to disappear for the cliffhanger of last episode; it really wasn't a relevant plot point." 🙄 This whole finale was really poorly written and executed, but I think they saved their absolute worst material for this episode. Why else would we get such mellifluous lines like: "That's what I call mind over matter." "Thawne - STOP. TALKING." "Just another trick I picked up from my Earth-90 doppelganger." Maybe Barry messed with the timeline and the Writer's Strike happened months earlier in the Arrowverse? ETA: Also. SO. MUCH. YELLING. Edited May 26, 2023 by Cthulhudrew 1 Link to comment
rmontro May 26, 2023 Share May 26, 2023 It's fitting that once again Barry defeated the main menace by talking to him and convincing him to be cool. Barry's major power seems to be the power of persuasion. Also nice to hear Jesse Martin singing in the finale. 👍 I had a feeling Caitlin might show up once Khione ascended. It is a stretch to think Team Flash could take out all those evil speedsters. But they have been amping up their powers this season, and the speedsters were technically dead, after all. So long, CW Flash, we'll see more Flash adventures in the upcoming movie. 1 Link to comment
thuganomics85 May 26, 2023 Share May 26, 2023 Well, not the worst series finale I ever seen, but kind of lackluster on a lot of levels. So, the grand showdown was newly minted speedster Eddie recruiting the likes of Reverse Flash (back with his Wells/Tom Cavanagh face), Zoom, Godspell, and Savitar to cause some hell and force Barry to let Eddie kill him so that he can have his "perfect life" back. Instead.... the speedsters; all big baddies in previous seasons; got taken out like chumps by the secondary squad. Yup, the folks that took Barry entire season (s) to finally put away are dispatch in half of an episode by the B-squad (and that's being generous for some.) Got a lot of opinions on that, but I think the worst of it is Eobard; the baddie to end all baddies; getting smokes by Allegra of all people. As much as I have grown tired of the character, there really is no logical reason that his arch nemesis wouldn't be the one to put him down for good. All in all, a lot of wasted potential here. My opinion is that I feel like this should have been the entire arc of the final season. Bring back Eddie in the first episode, have the first part be about the Negative Speed Force and how he ends up being swayed, and then the latter episodes will be reintroducing the rest of the speedsters and having them cause a lot of hell before they get taken out. Hell, it would even have made watching the secondary crew take them out possibly bearable if we saw them actually having to fight and learn to adapt to take them out instead of just automatically dominating them. Just felt so lopsided. At least Eddie did see the error his ways and will now remain as the Negative Speed Force avatar, but not be evil. Rick Cosnett definitely was a highlight for these last episodes. Meanwhile, Khione "ascends" or whatever the hell that was and Caitlin is back! Yay!!!! Or I guess that is what my reaction was suppose to be, but I couldn't do it since I struggled to care about this particular character for seasons. Won't complain about any excuse to let Jesse L. Martin sing! I truly forgot that Joe and Cecile actually weren't married this entire time. Nora being there for the birth of... well, Nora, does seem like a surefire way to fuck up the timeline in some way, but I guess it's just best to roll with it at this point. Jessica Parker Kennedy though is just so damn charming! Really bummed that we didn't get a Cisco cameo. I wonder if Carlos Valdes just didn't have the availability for it or if something went down to make him not want to come back. Sucks though. I'm guessing those new speedsters at the end that Barry created are other characters from the comics. Fare thee well, The Flash! I don't regret the time we spent together, but I won't deny that you had some issues: especially in these latter seasons. So much potential, but some questionable choices held it back, sadly. Still, I won't deny there were some great episodes/moments as well and it usually never failed to at least be entertaining. Cast was strong too: in particular, Grant Gustin could probably go onto even bigger things now if he wants to. Overall, this show's contribution to the Arrowverse won't be forgotten: for both better and worst! 5 Link to comment
7kstar May 26, 2023 Share May 26, 2023 13 hours ago, thuganomics85 said: Really bummed that we didn't get a Cisco cameo. I wonder if Carlos Valdes just didn't have the availability for it or if something went down to make him not want to come back. Sucks though. Yes, I found a report that he couldn't make it work even though he wanted to. Too bad that they didn't at least address it. Weakness of writing and it shows the flaws of characterizations in this last season. In real life, if you lose a friend you would react. So if they put those reactions in, at least it would have made season 9 stronger. I think it shows that everyone was ready to move on. Link to comment
baldryanr May 26, 2023 Share May 26, 2023 16 minutes ago, 7kstar said: Yes, I found a report that he couldn't make it work even though he wanted to. Too bad that they didn't at least address it. Weakness of writing and it shows the flaws of characterizations in this last season. In real life, if you lose a friend you would react. So if they put those reactions in, at least it would have made season 9 stronger. I think it shows that everyone was ready to move on. It's stunning that they weren't even able to squeeze in a voice-only cameo: after all, Victor Garber was able to do it a few episodes ago unless that was all archived audio. Plus they were happy to do a montage with old scenes (cue joke about how archive footage Iris had more of an impact than actual Iris), so Cisco could have been part of that, especially since he was the one who officiated the ceremony at the end of season 7. Speaking of reports, I'm assuming that Grant having Covid is the reason why we never saw inside the Savitar armor. There was no indication he was bitter time remnant Barry instead of a generic evil speedster. 2 Link to comment
7kstar May 27, 2023 Share May 27, 2023 3 hours ago, baldryanr said: Speaking of reports, I'm assuming that Grant having Covid is the reason why we never saw inside the Savitar armor. There was no indication he was bitter time remnant Barry instead of a generic evil speedster. No clue if it is the reason, but I wonder if Covid was the reason that the team handled most of the bad guys. They should have used a montage of the characters they wanted to showcase but couldn't have live. It would have helped a little. Link to comment
Quark May 27, 2023 Share May 27, 2023 This whole season was incredibly mediocre. I'm not even sure what this season was. Was great seeing Rick Cosnett back. Grant Gustin is a great actor, and I hope he goes on to have numerous other projects. As a whole, I did find The Flash highly entertaining, bar this season, which was just meh. 1 Link to comment
Pepper the Cat May 29, 2023 Share May 29, 2023 Iris gave birth to a toddler. That baby looked big enough to walk. Link to comment
Lantern7 May 30, 2023 Share May 30, 2023 Well . . . that was an ending. The past few seasons have felt like the series has been careening off the walls . . . and not in the good Legends way. At least the show stuck the finale even with all the absences and final developments. Seriously, I'm gonna miss Grant as Barry. I'm not sure I'm going to see the movie, what with the nostalgia porn and Ezra being a menace to society. Great for Eddie to bring back all the evil speedsters for one last ride (and leaving out headaches like DeVoe, Cicada and Bloodwork) . . . but "Cobalt Blue" just doesn't work as a name you can say on TV. I know it's based on canon . . . but nah. Chuck has black hole powers. That explains why he looked the same in the penultimate episode. Or maybe there was no budget for Old Person Makeup. Chuck was no Cisco, but he was his own nice thing. Goodbye Kione, hello again Caitlin. Big "Whatever" at this point. Ditto for Max's general existence. I have to wonder if Kione received a Dibploma before ascending. Hey, Joe didn't die! And I thought he and Cecile were already married. Nice moment either way. On 5/26/2023 at 5:44 PM, 7kstar said: Yes, I found a report that [Carlos] couldn't make it work even though he wanted to. Too bad that they didn't at least address it. "Cisco sends his best! Oh, and Duke is alive!" Sorry . . . mid-Eighties retroactive reference. *sigh* I guess that's a wrap on Arrowverse. It's a shame that it managed to get better reception than the DCEU, especially since some folks didn't think Arrow would work. If the new DCEU tanks . . . maybe the Legends can change things for the better. 1 Link to comment
marketdoctor May 31, 2023 Share May 31, 2023 One of the things that gave me hope was the ending, which could be, post-writer's strike, something they want to explore again. It might take a few years, and then we'll remember the best of The Arrowverse, and we'll want to see a next generation/what have the Legends been up to/etc. show. Just like the comics, comics shows never stay dead forever. Link to comment
Jediknight June 1, 2023 Share June 1, 2023 14 hours ago, marketdoctor said: One of the things that gave me hope was the ending, which could be, post-writer's strike, something they want to explore again. It might take a few years, and then we'll remember the best of The Arrowverse, and we'll want to see a next generation/what have the Legends been up to/etc. show. Just like the comics, comics shows never stay dead forever. Breaking and fixing time like only they can do. 1 Link to comment
CB-LXX June 2, 2023 Share June 2, 2023 Just watched last night, so I'm a bit behind. Not going to lie, I'm glad it's finally come to an end. There were some good seasons, but unfortunately too many bad ones. But I've been a loyalist for the Arrowverse (well except I haven't gotten around to watching Stargirl yet--guess I will add that) so I was going to stick it out to the bitter end (then again, I said that about Grey's Anatomy too, but that's neither here nor there). I'm gonna go against the grain here, but I was not impressed by Eddie, or rather Rick Costnett's acting (--oh wow, Googled him, he's Hugh Grant's cousin, I did not know that). Season 1 you know, I liked him well enough, but he was kind of just a side character at the time so I guess it wasn't as noticable for me. This time around, meh. Even the announcement of "Cobalt Blue" wasn't as impressive as I thought it should be (not a character I'm exactly familiar with, but with the articles I read about the character possibly coming to The Flash, makes him seem like he was big and important, important enough for huge fanfare, so to speak). When he said to Team Flash "... I have my LEGION," gave me a good chuckle. I was expecting them to pan behind him showing thousands of "minions" behind him. Because technically if you look up the definition, well that's what it's supposed to mean, thousands of "soldiers." I guess it was just supposed to be a fun word to say. Couple more nitpicks and then I'll stop the hate (ha) I also didn't care about Chuck & Allegra. Mind you, separately, I like them enough, and I certainly don't mind them being together, because whatever. But just so much emphasis on "will they, won't they?" over the last season (or two?), I just didn't care (and from the looks of things, I wasn't the only one). And although I didn't dislike Khione (or Frost--actually, I loved Frost in her quirky little way), I almost thought "what was the point?" I mean she was almost very similar to Caitlin in a way, just a little more mellow and earth-mothery. But glad she returned in the end. I thought the "death" of a character that was such a big part of the crew was just... passive? This pertains to the later episodes of the season, but what was the point of having Joe and Jenna move away if he was going to continue to make appearances through the rest of the season? I'm NOT disappointed that he did, because I really like Joe, but the whole thing just set Camille to look like she was an absentee mother. It was stupid and unnecessary. Also, I too have always thought they were married. Guess I just always assumed it was a behind the scenes thing that happened. I did chuckle at her throwing the pillow on the floor, I thought that maybe it was to make it easier for Jesse L. Martin to bend down (with his back problem and all). I admit I didn't even think of Cisco until I started reading the comments here (out of sight, out of mind I guess), but yeah it seems odd that he wasn't mentioned at all, especially since he has been mentioned on previous episodes. Iris giving birth to such an "older" baby did not surprise me. I mean that's most shows anyway. Why I hate birth scenes. Just don't bother. She was a cutie though. I'm glad Big Nora being there didn't cause them to wipe each other from existence (maybe that only happens if the two realize who each other are?). I loved seeing John Wesley Shipp return again one last time. I still heart him as The Flash from his series in the 90's. When I first started watching this version of The Flash and saw that he was going to be playing a character on this one, I was giddy. Let me tell you, that man was hot back in the day. Favorite "moment" of the season was Ollie's return. Even though I thought Arrow was definitely due to end when it did, I still kind of missed seeing Stephen Amell playing Oliver. So nice to have a little reunion there. Really, I want to add some stuff about Barry & Iris, but just not a lot that I can think of. I think because stuff with them just didn't seem to stand out this episode, I don't know. I will say this though, although the writing over the years has been iffy, Grant Gustin and Candace Patton have done spectacularly as Barry and Iris. I just wish Barry wasn't so opposed to just punching the F out of some villains over the years. You can't redeem everyone, but I guess when you're the good guy you've gotta give it a try. 1 Link to comment
legaleagle53 June 3, 2023 Share June 3, 2023 On 6/2/2023 at 10:31 AM, Kenadi O said: I'm gonna go against the grain here, but I was not impressed by Eddie, or rather Rick Costnett's acting (--oh wow, Googled him, he's Hugh Grant's cousin, I did not know that). I didn't know that, either, but now that you mention it, I do see the family resemblance! 1 Link to comment
amass June 10, 2023 Share June 10, 2023 Thank Beebo that’s over…. watched till the biter end but I wish they had ended this before Legends, that’s for sure… Link to comment
GHScorpiosRule June 13, 2023 Share June 13, 2023 (edited) On 5/24/2023 at 9:26 PM, bettername2come said: The Bad: We're not acknowledging Cisco? Really? No fruit basket? No video call? I was hoping Carlos was pulling an Andrew Garfield and he really would appear in the finale, but to not even mention him? For REALZ!!! I read the above comment how the actor wasn’t available, but they couldn’t have a line, or make a video like Jason Priestly did for the finale of Beverly Hills, 90210?? Or SOMETHING! I haven’t watched since the aborted end of season six, so I don’t know, but Candice just seemed to just call it in, in the last finale episodes. Like she was just reading her/Iris’s lines. And no Wally or Bart? I thought Bart and Nora were supposed to be twins??? Grant is still the best crier and real-live Flash and if WB is smart, they’ll cast him as Barry/The Flash in any future movies. If Grant is willing, of course. And if there are more movies. Edited June 14, 2023 by GHScorpiosRule 1 Link to comment
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