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2 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Sandoval is SUCH a douchecanoe.  I just can't with him.  Shit happens DUDE.  Oh and by the way, little miss RACHEL is just as much a douchecanoe as Tom Sandoval. 

I feel so bad for Sandoval's MOM.  There goes her dang retirement, right down the tubes,flush.  She's probably gonna have to go back to work now. How ridiculous.  The whole thing is just sad.

I know moms support their kids, but seriously; to this extent? Live in a van down by the river so my kid can show his ASS on national TV?  Spending my retirement $$$??? O hell to the naw.

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9 minutes ago, bosawks said:

I imagine the Spirits responsible for Sandoval’s “spiritual awakening” are pretty much saying “This is on you dude”.

He just should have used the old line, he had just used that old cliche, “I need to find myself.” Spiritual awakening? If I roll my eyes one more time, they’ll fall out of my head. Keep digging, Sandy.

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1 minute ago, RoseAllDay said:

He just should have used the old line, he had just used that old cliche, “I need to find myself.” Spiritual awakening? If I roll my eyes one more time, they’ll fall out of my head. Keep digging, Sandy.

I know, right?  I'm trying not to roll my eyeballs so far back that they never roll back to their original position!

But seriously, what a PANTLOAD!

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Ariana looks wonderful on WWHL and she is handling herself beautifully with grace and style. 

I find it interesting that she said her new boyfriend keeps her satisfied.  I do remember Ariana mentioning that she had faked it with Tom many times even though Sandoval said she was multi-orgasmic.  So whenever Tom complained about their limited sex lives I thought maybe Ariana wasn’t into it because Tom wasn’t a good lover.

Edited by Emmeline
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7 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

I know, right?  I'm trying not to roll my eyeballs so far back that they never roll back to their original position!

But seriously, what a PANTLOAD!

And honestly, to even infer that Rachel "might commit suicide" over this is just so SICK. She seemed perfectly happy to stick the knife in Arianna's back, be a shit friend, fake everybody out with the whole "I'm so young & dumb" routine...  Really. If she's in a real psych place, good.  That's where she needs to be.  She's in need of some real psychiatric help.  Otherwise, too late. Say it. Irredeemable. 

Tom too. 

Edited by goofygirl
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17 minutes ago, Jennifersdc said:

I just got to James and the little cocky cock and his stinky 40-yr old cock comments. Missed if he called anybody fat.

I can’t believe I’m saying this - but I love you James Kennedy. I actually always thought he was pretty funny - despite all his faults.

I also think Stassi is pretty funny - so judge away.

I don't like JK but his comment to Sandoval (in the previews for the reunion) when he tells creeper Sandoval "you're  a 1 with a mustache" is EVERYTHING! 

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 it’s totally about somebody stroking your ego.

He literally said to Scheana "she made me feel NOT washed up" it's like Blame it on Rio.

Ariana's WWHL is literally melting down my youtubetv it's skipping around and freezing. Maybe this should be the last season, how in hells will they ever top it. She also nailed it that he is LOVING every minute of the negative attention. I am surprised his pathetic band hasn't covered Loveboy's song yet.

I LOL when upon connecting with Rachel he called her Ariana and then had to correct her that he didn't say I love you he said 'they' love you, followed up with but I do. Tom is one big but(t).

I loved how in she went on Schwartz who promptly fell into parody by putting his fingers in his mouth like Lala mocked. Hilarious.

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Tom and Racquel and their weird relationship and the galaxy lights. Just wow. Tom found his partner that he can quality time with his same penchant for psychedelics. Well, he talks about it too much to not be using hallucinogens on the regular. It's hard to say if Raquel is into it, or if the galaxy lights are just a conforming thing.

Weirdly, I kind of want some galaxy lights now. I might try it.

Everyone should directly ask Coors Light for compensation. This season I have seen too much Coors Light drinking and specific asks for beer followed by.. a Coors Light! I guess they need to pay all these folks their money.

I think Swartz has some real problems. He never seems to be really honest, makes a joke out of everything and pretends he is clueless about everything-- never really takes anyone seriously or seems to have any true feelings or care for anyone. He is just hanging on hoping each day people will still hang out with him. His dumb comments all the time... UHG.

Kristin looks like she just had some surgery done on her face and she's really really swollen. Her face was way calmed down on WWHL, but on this episode it looks like she was a few weeks out.

Oh, Lisa V. Circling the cast around her place and acting like she cares. She makes the most of everyone per episode, so I get her trying to keep the show alive and have some screen time, but it's just SO FAKE. Her concern that is. 

Previous tabloids have said that Scheana knew the whole time, or at least at her wedding, that Raquel and Tom were hooking up. I sort of believe that-- and I think she liked having some gossip and tea for the producers to use, since she is the least interesting or relevant on the whole show. Especially since she is the most upset of everyone-- she's covering. 

Edited by bravofan27
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3 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

I think Swartz has some real problems. He never seems to be really honest, makes a joke out of everything and pretends he is clueless about everything-- never really takes anyone seriously or seems to have any true feelings or care for anyone. He is just hanging on hoping each day people will still hang out with him. His dumb comments all the time... UHG.


Tom Schwartz things he can befuddle his way out of this like some kind of American Hugh Grant

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6 minutes ago, BloggerAloud said:

Tom Schwartz things he can befuddle his way out of this like some kind of American Hugh Grant

He actually seems pretty nervous. At least, he isn't interrupting someone talking to him with random unrelated comments for no reason other than to be disrespectful and promote what he hopes is this lovable loser schtick that will catch on.

Ariana is very very pretty. 

Tom looks like Kevin Kline in "I love you to death" if anyone has ever seen it. I don't get his style. It's sort of Smashing Pumpkins, sort of Houdini. Swartz always looks to me like an IT guy. Kind of plain, clean-cut face, and socially awkward. If I remember correctly, he never worked at SUR? I can't remember, but I always thought he was a little on the outside until Tom took him under his wing. 

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1 hour ago, goofygirl said:

And honestly, to even infer that Rachel "might commit suicide" over this is just so SICK.

Is that what he said?  I thought he was referring to Ariana and why he "couldn't" break up with her?

1 hour ago, bravofan27 said:

Kristin looks like she just had some surgery done on her face and she's really really swollen. Her face was way calmed down on WWHL, but on this episode it looks like she was a few weeks out.

Oh, Lisa V. Circling the cast around her place and acting like she cares. She makes the most of everyone per episode, so I get her trying to keep the show alive and have some screen time, but it's just SO FAKE. Her concern that is. 

I thought a lot of faces looked "messed with" - emergency between-season filming seemed to take them by surprise 😄

I knew Lisa would say something inappropriate ("Things weren't as they should be with him and Ariana - I guess a beauty queen who's always up for it was irresistible") but frankly - given that there was an actual sex scandal on her/Jax's show, I'm amazed at her restraint! 😄

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5 hours ago, Steph J said:

Sandoval is basically the personification of the narcissist's prayer:

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And if it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did, you deserved it.

for as bad as Tom blew it by cheating...Ariana has not even been close to being a solid partner. She emasculated Tom putting him down in front of everybody over and over (she has his back when she is in the mood and it doesnt involve her friends),  NOTHING in the bedroom going on, when Tom tried talking with her about being unhappy she told him he was wrong and stupid about everything he brought up,  looking like she is showering once a week or two and CONSTANTLY being negative and a bummer for the last 2 or 3 years.   When a woman emasculates a man he will drift into another womans arms who is giving him positive reinforcement for sure...just gonna happen!  I mean Tom goes out of his way to make her her favorite coffee every morning, doing the shopping and he is always telling her how beautiful she is and on and on and on with ZERO positive feedback.  Ariana has turned into a complacent bummer and was getting worse by the day.  Tom told her he wanted to break up 3 or 4 times AT THE MINIMUM and she talked him out of it every time which is nuts!  He should have just bailed when he first wanted to and been done with it.  

As bad as Tom blew it by cheating and lets get a grip here...thats ALL he did! He doesnt deserve to lose his business or the way he pays the bills over a failed relationship gone wrong whic he tried to get out of numerous times and stayed to try and make it work.  No excuse, should have left the relationship first but it did not happen that way but he doesnt deserve to have his businesses vandalized, cars vandalized and on and on.  RIDICULOUS that this has gotten to that degree.  Ariana needs to take her share of the blame.  She has not been a good girlfriend much less a "life partner" the last couple years as she likes to claim she was.  This is pretty simple and should be a huge lesson for everyone on relationships.   Get complacent and lazy and negative on top of emasculating your man is recipe for bad news.   Emasculate = losing your man...for sure! 

Toms fake crying is hard to watch...just saying!

Edited by meangirlsstink
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3 hours ago, Steph J said:

Congrats, Sandy, you've done it. After years of never agreeing with Scheana "Always on the wrong side of history" Shay, I've now finally seen a scene where I'm with her all the way.

I'm not usually a Scheana fan, but she absolutely nailed it when she was tearing a strip off of Sandoval. Big applause.

Sandoval's various faux crying fests & hyperventilating breakdowns were hilarious. Master thespian at work there!

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4 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

I just have to say Ariana is a stunner. Sitting on the couch confronting Sandoval au natural with no makeup on, hair not perfect and tears on her face and she still looked great. Then the scene where she's talking with Schwartz in the restaurant. Omg gorgeous. RachHell can't hold a candle to that beauty. 

Ariana is stunning!

Rachel without makeup. Shudder.

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4 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Have to disagree with Lisa. Tom is a bad person who did a bad thing

More than once. He did it with Ariana,  while he was with Kristen. They do it with you, they'll  do it to you.

I would  never have guessed  that was Kristen.

I didn't  judge James, I enjoyed  his phone call to Rachel.I just can't hate  100% on  Sandoval,  no intimacy  in a relationship,  is not a relationship. They went to therapy. I think  he might have left Ariana,  for sex, that he could  find anywhere. 

Schwartz  was all about Schwartz. 


All those flowers Ariana  got, it looked like there had been a death, other than the death of a relationship. 

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Okay, now we know why Sandoval’s first statement was about not blaming Schwartz or taking it out on his business! Schwartz was obviously not going to let up until Sandy put out a statement—telling him to do so was literally the first thing he said to him!

Scheana was working overtime to rewrite the story of the shove/punch/shove with accidental nail grazing etc. She was so proud of herself telling Ariana et al until she found out there would be legal repercussions. Then she was backtracking almost as hard as Sandy.

Did Sandoval really say that Ariana should have followed him?!?! What?!? It’s your fault for trusting me for 9 years! That was wild. He “normally” deletes everything off of his phone. So in addition to checking up on me, you better do it quickly if you want to catch something!

He was more emotional talking to Schwartz and everyone else than he was talking to Ariana. He just looked terrified of her. But he should have thrown some of that remorse her way. Not that it would have helped in terms of forgiveness, but she deserved to see that he was upset about destroying her and their relationship—because otherwise she’s just left sitting there thinking the whole decade—or at least the last 4-5 years as he said—were an entire lie.

I have to say, getting cheated on was truly the best thing that could have happened to this woman. All of these opportunities and roles and attention is kind of outsized. I mean, yeah, it’s terrible. But like worthy of getting on Dancing with the Stars and going to the White House correspondents dinner?!? I mean, we can see that their relationship hasn’t been great for a while. He should have just broken up with her, and life would just move on like with Schwartz and Katie. Maybe Kristen’s spells actually worked! It really seems like he got hexed and she got charmed. 

Edited by JenE4
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Did anyone catch within the first 2 minutes when Sandoval was describing Ariana finding the video on his phone: "Normally, I would delete something like that." Really?!? Can't imagine how often he's had to delete incriminating evidence. I agree with everyone that Tom blaming Ariana as a way to justify his actions is BS. Nothing will ever justify cheating. And having to listen to Tom break down into heaving, gasping tears is ridiculous. That guy is a POS.

PS No one needs to hear from Kristin. Please Bravo, don't bring her back on the show in any capacity.



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I stayed up a few minutes more to see a little of WWHL. I have to say, Ariana looks great. It’s true — living well IS the best revenge. Let Sandoval stew in his self-inflicted angst and fake sobs, and let him keep on with his sad self-pity tour of whatever friends he has left. Live your life, Ariana; miserable Sandoval did you a massive favor.

What really pissed me off was him using Ariana’s mental health as another excuse to not man up and tell her he wanted to break up — anything rather than admit he just wanted to get laid, bottom line. SO glad Scheana set him straight on that. That was a richly deserved ass kicking.


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9 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Who cares?  Schwartz has tied his star to Sandoval's and if Sando goes down, so does Schwartz.  He can't divorce himself now.  Stick a fork in it, DONE-ZO.

True definition of “ride or die.” But seriously, I think his friendship with Schwartz has been the only relationship Sandoval has really cared about. Don’t ask me why — maybe because Sandoval’s ego gets off on Schwartz’s puppy dog-like devotion and loyalty, which he can’t get from anybody else?

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