Geeky GenXer May 10, 2023 Share May 10, 2023 Quote Mahmoud reaches a breaking point, shocking everyone and leaving Nicole in tears; Isabel's jealousy threatens her marriage with Gabe; Rishi pleads with his family to accept his relationship with Jen; a cheating scandal is exposed. Expand First Look: 19/05/23; TLC: 21/05/23; Discovery+: 21/05/23; 2 Link to comment
Popular Post magemaud May 20, 2023 Popular Post Share May 20, 2023 I thought Gabe was pretty obnoxious last week and it continued in the First Look for part 2 of the Tell All. I guess his mother never warned him if he rolled his eyes too much, one day they might stay that way. Then Debbie jumped in with her unsolicited advice and she was just as obnoxious as Gabe. It’s funny because both of them started out so likable. 19 6 1 Link to comment
Back Atcha May 20, 2023 Share May 20, 2023 On 5/20/2023 at 3:49 AM, magemaud said: It’s funny because both of them started out so likable. Expand Yeah! Very disappointing. 9 1 Link to comment
bref May 20, 2023 Share May 20, 2023 My enjoyment of Debbie just disappeared with the quickness. 8 2 Link to comment
DEL901 May 20, 2023 Share May 20, 2023 I guess they were edited as likeable because all of the rest of the Americans were worse and the audience has to like someone. Just like the fake tension with Gabe’s marriage…we had to root for one relationship to succeed and the false tension just makes everyone happier when the marriage finally happens. 6 1 Link to comment
Frozendiva May 20, 2023 Share May 20, 2023 Wonder if they are just putting on a persona or trying to act in a certain way to land a Pillow Talk gig. 4 3 4 1 Link to comment
magemaud May 20, 2023 Share May 20, 2023 On 5/20/2023 at 3:39 PM, Frozendiva said: Wonder if they are just putting on a persona or trying to act in a certain way to land a Pillow Talk gig. Expand I think you’re on to something. 1 1 1 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe May 20, 2023 Share May 20, 2023 I think Debb might get a Pillow Talk offer. The only issue is her partner…..?….her son? That would be a problem. 3 1 Link to comment
magemaud May 20, 2023 Share May 20, 2023 (edited) On 5/20/2023 at 6:17 PM, SunnyBeBe said: I think Debb might get a Pillow Talk offer. The only issue is her partner…..?….her son? That would be a problem. Expand Of course it would be Julian because... Reveal spoiler HE was also auditioning at the Tell All and people have uncovered that he gets work as an extra for movies and TV filmed in Georgia Edited May 20, 2023 by magemaud 1 2 3 Link to comment
Popular Post Adeejay May 22, 2023 Popular Post Share May 22, 2023 I thought Gabe telling Rishi, "You have no balls" was rich. 1 1 24 Link to comment
Popular Post Tango64 May 22, 2023 Popular Post Share May 22, 2023 Never liked Mahmoud but I’m sympathetic to his reaction to the obnoxious Gabe’s goading about his religion. Not cool, particularly from someone who wants a lot of understanding and compassion about his own life. 23 8 Link to comment
Chalby May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 (edited) I'm only half way through but already I'm telling Gabe and Debbie to shut up because they're making statements that are stupid. Did they even watch the show? (Debbie's still in the 1960s with her "Hey man...".) Gabe telling Rishi to answer yes or no, is a joke because Gabe could never give a straight answer to friends, family or Isabel. He'd rather shush everyone than answer, or he'd get that weird sheepish grin like he's up to no good, or being devious. Jen's friends do not understand what inappropriate means. Rishi sending a photo that's already on his "gram" is not inappropriate. And although I love Gabe, his insistence on calling the men liars (Debbie too), etc, or insinuating they're being pushovers re parents/families tells me more about him and his views, than them. And mahmoud made his country and religion look bad, no one else but him. Gabe was confrontational, whereas he should have said I was raised Muslim... Mahmoud doesn't know where Gabe's anger is coming from, BUT he responded like an ass. So a Muslim man whos guiding his wife can flip out, curse and swear, then take off, because that's what a Godly man does? Don't use religion as a cover for your personal inadequacies. Why not just answer about whether he'll force his daughter to wear a hijab? Nicole is just very weird and immature for a 40 year old "woman". And Kris is gross. She's the one who fits the description of cheater, liar, and scammer. Danielle values herself and what she "brings" to the relationship, far too highly given her "product" is faulty and on the brink of bankruptcy. Edited May 22, 2023 by Chalby 7 1 10 Link to comment
SabineElisabeth May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 I still CANNOT stand Daniele. Healthy self-esteem is a good thing, but IMHO, Daniele's opinion of herself is better described as conceit. She says she knows her own worth, but again, IMHO, if she were basing that worth upon the right things - namely, that human beings have inherent worth by virtue of being human - then she wouldn't think she's God's gift to the world, while showing through her words and actions that she thinks Yohan is a piece of shit. Somebody in the Tell All Part 1 thread mentioned Daniele's bankruptcy, and because the Tell All Part 2 is boring me to death, I decided to hop on over to PACER and have a look-see. Will share the more interesting tidbits, but labeling the info as "spoiler," since it's not really episode related. And disclaimer: While I'm an attorney, I'm not a bankruptcy attorney, so take any opinions or conclusions I express accordingly. : ) Reveal spoiler Daneile initially filed her bankruptcy in Jan 2022 as a Chapter 13 (meaning she would pay back her debts over time), but converted it to a Chapter 7 in Feb 2022. She reported her income from her teaching job to be $8700/mo gross and $4700/mo net; she reported zero income from teaching yoga. The only notable assest listed is a 2014 BMW 335i, on which she owed a little over $15k - with a monthly car payment of $630. (Not sure how that's even possible, but that's what her schedules report). She also reports paying $400 a month in car insurance. She lists her pension account, but reports the value as "unknown" (no idea if that's normal or not). As far as her debts, she reported owing: $80k to EZPass (I swear to God, not making this shit up), $4600 in unpaid parking tickets and fines, $36k in rent, $4k in utility bills, $4k to Verizon, $63k in student loans, and a bunch of credit cards and accounts in collections (so not immediately obvious what the underlying debts were). The only thing notable listed in her expenses was her rent ($3400/no). In May 2022, she received a discharge (excepting her student loan debt). Overall, not completely sure why she bothered to file bankruptcy at all, given that a huge chunk of her debt isn't dischargeable, as well as the fact she was planning to peace out permanently to the DR. But, that is my non-expert legal opinion . . . it might make perrect sense to a bankruptcy attorney. Of course, there's also the possibility it really was a waste of time, but nonetheless, was what she wanted to do (in which case, nothing egregious about an attorney assisting her with filing for BK). 10 5 1 7 Link to comment
goofygirl May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 I was surprised that people were so easy on Danielle. She LIED TOO. A LOT. To Johan! Whatever happened to her moving HIM to the USA? Nada. I think some of Danielle's easy going nature (her facade as it were) still has people snowed. No questions about her bankruptcy, no questions about her wanting to stay in the DR all the while telling Johan they were gonna live in the US.... Weird. 10 5 Link to comment
Popular Post TwirlyGirly May 22, 2023 Popular Post Share May 22, 2023 Gabe: shut up. Maya and Randi: shut up and go home. Debbie, I used to like you. A lot. But when you mocked Rishi's accent and called him a coward you revealed your true colors. Zip it. Gabe - in case you didn't hear me the first time: shut up. I've been doing a lot of research this season on Indian family marriage culture and laws. I recently made a very surprising discovery. In India, adult children are required by law to support their parents. Children who do not fulfill their financial obligations to their parents can be imprisoned for up to three months: Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act 2007: Summary •The Act for the maintenance and welfare of parents is applicable to parents of any age or senior citizens (people above 60 years). •Maintenance orders can be sought against children or any relative who can be the legal heir of the senior citizens. •The Act also mentions the establishment of a Maintenance Tribunal by the State Government. •Parents can hire family lawyers for understanding the context but do not necessarily need one while the matter is before the Maintenance Tribunal. •The maintenance application process is bound to be disposed of within 90 days of serving notice to the children/ relatives. An extension of 30 days may be given in case of exceptional circumstances. •The maximum amount of maintenance payable under the Act is Rs 10,000. This bar is proposed to be annulled through a pending bill after the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens (Amendment) Act 2019 comes into existence. •The State government is also required to establish old age homes in a phased manner starting with one in each district. •Non-payment of maintenance and welfare of parents may result in imprisonment of up to 3 months or until the amount is paid, or fine up to Rs 5000. What I think Rishi wants to do is marry Jen, but minimize any negative impact his marriage might have on his mother and uncle. He said in tonight's Tell All that he was looking for a job - I think so he can provide them with financial support. Jen needs to make some compromises, though. She can't expect Rishi to make all the compromises for their relationship. If they can live near his mother and uncle, then Rishi will be able to help them when necessary. Perhaps Rishi could arrange for in-home caretakers for them (although I'm not completely certain about that). Whether there are live-in caretakers or whether they would work in shifts I don't know - I'm still researching whether hiring caretakers is possible. If it is, Rishi would need to pay for it, too. The point is the show is really making the entire situation sound like it's "If Rishi loves Jen he'll stand up to his mother, marry Jen, and not worry about how that may affect his mom - and if he refuses to do that, he's just a cowardly mama's boy who doesn't really love Jen". But that couldn't be further from the truth. It's a hell of a lot more complicated than that and I'd really like for that to be acknowledged by the show and for the other cast members to support Rishi instead of vilifying him. 20 4 9 4 Link to comment
goofygirl May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 Thank you twirlygirly for doing that research! It all makes sense to me to know that not only is Rishi obligated by LOVE for his Mom, he's also obligated by LAW to care for his Mom. Too bad old Jen friends didn't know this! And I totally agree. This needs to be said on the SHOW. 9 4 Link to comment
TwirlyGirly May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 2:27 AM, goofygirl said: Thank you twirlygirly for doing that research! It all makes sense to me to know that not only is Rishi obligated by LOVE for his Mom, he's also obligated by LAW to care for his Mom. Too bad old Jen friends didn't know this! And I totally agree. This needs to be said on the SHOW. Expand I DMd Rishi's IG account and asked him if he was told by the producers he couldn't mention that because they wanted to create more drama. I doubt I'll get a reply but if I do, I'll let everyone know. 13 1 3 Link to comment
anoninrva May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 12:48 AM, Adeejay said: I thought Gabe telling Rishi, "You have no balls" was rich. Expand twirlygirly already spelled this out, but Gabe and others being completely oblivious to the fact that Rishi can't just throw his mother and uncle out into the street is very telling to me. I wouldn't want to be Jen living in the house with a resentful mother-in-law either. It doesn't sound like a good situation for anyone. 9 2 Link to comment
Fable May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 (edited) Isabel rolling her eyes at Rishi for not choosing Jen over the family is a bit hypocritical, no? If I recall correctly, she wasn't sure what she would do if her own family found her relationship to be a problem. Funny Veronica saying Jen was lying when she said that she didn't care if Rishi was going to marry her or not, but in reality, was really just holding out hope. I thought the same thing about her when she was talking about Jamal on the Single Life Tell-All. Didn't need to hear an explanation of trans sex by Gabe. If I really cared, I know how to use Google. Edited May 22, 2023 by Fable 4 1 3 Link to comment
1011101010001 May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 2:05 AM, Chalby said: Jen's friends do not understand what inappropriate means. Rishi sending a photo that's already on his "gram" is not inappropriate Expand Plus Randi was fishing for a dick pic and when he didn’t bite tried to exaggerate a shirtless photo of a personal trainer as somehow scandalous. 8 9 1 Link to comment
1011101010001 May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 I think this is the first time we heard Rishi say finances was the impediment. He can’t afford to pay rent on two separate places. Then when he suggests building a second apartment above which is presumably cheaper Jen says flat out no. If the unit would have privacy it’s no different than living next door. I think he took a pay cut when he gave up law to do personal training and maybe he will have to return to law if he has to pay for two apartments. Also it’s not clear if Jen plans to work or contribute financially. We know she doesn’t want to cook or clean so other than gracing him with her presence and milk as she puts it not sure what she will be contributing. 13 2 1 Link to comment
Meowwww May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 Rishi says in mannnnnny words what everyone wants to hear. He’s so weak. I hate Kris. She’s so much like my narc ex. Fake tears, it’s all not her fault etc. 4 1 Link to comment
goofygirl May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 Rishi just needs to get with that cute translator and call it a day. 9 1 4 1 1 Link to comment
Tango64 May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 Re penis and semi-penis sizes:Just gross. 2 8 1 Link to comment
Meowwww May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 2:48 AM, MrBuhBye said: I think this is the first time we heard Rishi say finances was the impediment. He can’t afford to pay rent on two separate places. Then when he suggests building a second apartment above which is presumably cheaper Jen says flat out no. If the unit would have privacy it’s no different than living next door. I think he took a pay cut when he gave up law to do personal training and maybe he will have to return to law if he has to pay for two apartments. Also it’s not clear if Jen plans to work or contribute financially. We know she doesn’t want to cook or clean so other than gracing him with her presence and milk as she puts it not sure what she will be contributing. Expand Finances aren’t the impediment. INDIA is the impediment. It’s how they live over there. It’s not America and can’t be expected to confirm to American standards. I asked Jen on her Instagram if she had never seen Jenny and Sumit and she never responded 5 7 1 Link to comment
Adeejay May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 I was so disappointed in Debbie. Calling Jeymi "a predator" was rich coming from her. Afterall, this is the same lady who at the age of 63, was "talking" to a 20-year-old Moroccan. On the other hand, "it takes one to know one." Could have done without all the xes talk. And just because it can't be said enough, Shut Up Gabe! 12 1 1 3 Link to comment
Meowwww May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 3:06 AM, Adeejay said: I was so disappointed in Debbie. Calling Jeymi "a predator" was rich coming from her. Afterall, this is the same lady who at the age of 63, was "talking" to a 20-year-old Moroccan. On the other hand, "it takes one to know one." Could have done without all the xes talk. And just because it can't be said enough, Shut Up Gabe! Expand Me too. Debbie showed her lack of touch with reality all night. 9 3 1 Link to comment
Tango64 May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 Huh, Kris ended up looking like the good one in that relationship. Who would have thought that? That metrosexual guy commentator guy just keeps amping up the metrosexual, doesn’t he? 1 Link to comment
1011101010001 May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 2:57 AM, Meowwww said: Finances aren’t the impediment. INDIA is the impediment. It’s how they live over there. It’s not America and can’t be expected to confirm to American standards. I asked Jen on her Instagram if she had never seen Jenny and Sumit and she never responded Expand Well Jenny and Sumit did get married and they didn’t have to live with his family so while it goes against the culture it’s not impossible if the couple really wants it. On 5/22/2023 at 3:06 AM, Adeejay said: I was so disappointed in Debbie. Calling Jeymi "a predator" was rich coming from her. Afterall, this is the same lady who at the age of 63, was "talking" to a 20-year-old Moroccan. On the other hand, "it takes one to know one." Could have done without all the xes talk. And just because it can't be said enough, Shut Up Gabe! Expand She said she is not sexually attracted to young men and rebuffed his advances so I don’t think she knows what a marriage is. 3 2 1 Link to comment
Popular Post JayDub1987 May 22, 2023 Popular Post Share May 22, 2023 Y’all can blast me for being shallow if necessary, but is Kris the most physically unattractive woman to ever appear on this show? That one fell out of the ugly tree and bounced off every damn branch on the way down. 5 2 1 21 1 Link to comment
Hellohappylife May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 (edited) Gabe. SHUT.THE.HELL.UP. You are not the host. You are not cute, interesting or insightful. You are obnoxious & an attention seeking, child. Hopefully this is the last we see of him. Once again the American’s make all of us look bad, because they lack any common sense on how other people from countries live & function. They are too busy attacking others because they are offended instead of listening to the others view point, because it doesn’t match the “American way” Edited May 22, 2023 by Hellohappylife 16 6 Link to comment
magemaud May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 2:05 AM, Chalby said: Jen's friends do not understand what inappropriate means. Rishi sending a photo that's already on his "gram" is not inappropriate. Expand Especially when Randi asked him to send her a photo of a “special part” of him. I still think that Rishi shut that down because he thought he was dealing with a crazy stalker. 7 2 1 Link to comment
magemaud May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 3:51 AM, MrBuhBye said: Well Jenny and Sumit did get married and they didn’t have to live with his family so while it goes against the culture it’s not impossible if the couple really wants it. Expand One difference is that Sumit has a brother while Rishi is the only son so he has no one to share the responsibility Jen was a real bitch tonight towards Rishi’s mother. 17 2 2 Link to comment
Hellohappylife May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 5:09 AM, magemaud said: Especially when Randi asked him to send her a photo of a “special part” of him. Expand I was like wait what?!? If I were Jen I would be rethinking my “friendship” with Randi, Trying to catfish Rishi in the first place is already so immature… but requesting that type of photo is way overboard. 10 2 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 Jenn basically held Rishi's feet to the fire, forced him to tell his parents that he infact intends to marry Jenn, sure Mother Rishi was like, "Not on my watch!" Rishi tells his mother that it will happen, Jenn is thrilled to have it out in the open once and for all then says tell her it will happen within a year and a half...what? Why would she wait yet another year and a half, why not just go and get married? I have some theories about that, first they never intend to marry and their relationship is a fake or it is a real relationship and they are two stupid people with absolutely no chemistry between them. I do not believe they had sex, ever. 2 3 1 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 (edited) On 5/22/2023 at 10:38 AM, Baltimore Betty said: Jenn basically held Rishi's feet to the fire, forced him to tell his parents that he infact intends to marry Jenn, sure Mother Rishi was like, "Not on my watch!" Rishi tells his mother that it will happen, Jenn is thrilled to have it out in the open once and for all then says tell her it will happen within a year and a half...what? Why would she wait yet another year and a half, why not just go and get married? I have some theories about that, first they never intend to marry and their relationship is a fake or it is a real relationship and they are two stupid people with absolutely no chemistry between them. I do not believe they had sex, ever. Expand Totally agree. I have never seen anything between them. I recall Jen trying to justify her moving to be with Rishi the first time she went to India to her family, and it was so blah. She had no passion about it. And, his awkward pauses or attempts to fight back a smile at serious moments….. For all the talk, they seem loveless to me. Almost like cast for their roles. I don’t get it. And, what man who holds his family in such high regard would side with a woman who dissed his mom in public? It boggles the mind. Edited May 22, 2023 by SunnyBeBe 6 2 Link to comment
Baltimore Betty May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 12:31 PM, SunnyBeBe said: Totally agree. I have never seen anything between them. I recall Jen trying to justify her moving to be with Rishi the first time she went to India to her family, and it was so blah. She had no passion about it. And, his awkward pauses or attempts to fight back a smile at serious moments….. For all the talk, they seem loveless to me. Almost like cast for their roles. I don’t get it. And, what man who holds his family in such high regard would side with a woman who dissed his mom in public? It boggles the mind. Expand Maybe Rishi is trying to make a go of it in Bollywood? BTW, did we all notice his gut during the Tell All? Send that in a photo to Jenn's friend! 1 6 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 So, this season was filled with a lot of issues and couples that didn’t work out. I’m even wondering if Gabe and Isabel will make it. I’m guessing most people seeking foreign fiancés don’t watch 90 Day. Lol 1 2 Link to comment
Stuckathome May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 While I am sure Jeymi was fishing for a sugar mamma, I do not blame her for talking to the woman in TX. As she has said from the start, Kris ghosted her. Anyone who has done online dating can relate---I had many guys who I thought we had a great rapport going over text that just suddenly one day stopped responding. It was bizarre to me and yes, I was a little hurt, but they were not anyone I had met in real life yet, so I moved on. If anything, when Kris reappeared after vanishing like that, Jeymi should have ghosted her and just never responded, continued on with TX lady. If Kris took a break because Jeymi was blowing up her phone like a crazy woman, then why didnt' she step back and say whoa! BEeyotch is crazy, and just stay gone? She made contact again. None of it makes sense. I wanted to smack all of the panel last night wRT Rishi and his family. How are these people so clueless about Indian culture?? He is the only able bodied male figure in his mother and uncle's lives, it is his duty (and law apparently) to maintain his family. Why doesn't Jen say well I am not doign 5 am chai duty---we will hire someone to do that. Or we will hire someone to be sure to be there and fix things, etc for your uncle. I don't even think she is that into Rishi (assuming any of this is real)----she even admitted she never loved her ex husband and hasn't loved anyone else before. And she is late 40s?? That right there is a huge red flag. This is all a silly game to her. I felt sorry for his mom put on the spot like that. 12 5 1 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 I must have missed this, but are Kris and Jeymi married? I recall the ceremony, but………? The same goes for Danielle. 1 Link to comment
seacliffsal May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 I could barely make it through this episode-although I do watch it on my dvr and thus am able to fast-forward all the commercials as well as parts of the show. Gabe just needs to stop, well, as do the other Americans. Nicole continues to present herself as a young, innocent, unexperienced girl when she is almost 40. She continually pushes against the conservative culture but then during the episode tells the others that there are cultural differences and they should consider that in their relationships. What???? Debbie shows her real self which many of us suspected as she seemed intent on presenting a "character" during her time in Morocco. Rishi's mother dressed up for the show-she may have thought it would be an honor to appear. I was just dumbfounded by the rudeness with which she was met. I really hope the translator softened the words. No effort whatsoever to try to understand the mother's culture, tradition, and perspective. When I lived/worked in Japan I dated a wonderful man but we had the "talk" about cultural differences and expectations (this was in the 1980s so there have been societal changes). We both knew what that meant and moved on. Culture does matter and to ignore it will only allow it to fester and maybe worsen over time. I think Rishi is really under a lot of pressure. He loves his family and Jen. But he has a lot of cultural, familial, and legal obligations to his family that Jen isn't willing to understand or accept. Move on. Kris and her "when I get angry I just black out" can just leave. Do I think Jeymi is an innocent? No. But I think Kris knew she had the power in the relationship and abused that power (financial, maybe coming to the U.S.). I just don't know if I can make it next week for another episode. 20 1 Link to comment
TwirlyGirly May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 This morning, when rereading the article about the Indian Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act I linked to and quoted from in my post last night , I noticed something in this part that hadn't registered with me the first time I read it: "The maximum amount of maintenance payable under the Act is Rs 10,000. This bar is proposed to be annulled through a pending bill after the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens (Amendment) Act 2019 comes into existence." Concerned that the 2019 amendment may have reduced Rishi's financial obligations to his mother (IOW, what I posted in support of Rishi might no longer apply) I researched how this amendment changed what was required by the original act. Instead of reducing Rishi's obligations, the 2019 amendment increased them and also increased the penalties for non-compliance. Here's what the The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens (Amendment) Bill, 2019 changed from the original act: In the original act, children were defined as children and grandchildren, excluding minors. The 2019 amendment added step-children, adoptive children, children-in-laws, and the legal guardian of minor children to the definition of children. This means when Rishi and Jen marry, Jen will also be legally responsible for providing financial support to Rishi's mother. Parents were defined as biological, adoptive, and step-parents. The 2019 amendment added parent-in-laws, and grandparents to the definition of parents. Maintenance included the provision of food, clothing, residence, medical attendance and treatment. The 2019 amendment expanded maintenance to include the provision of healthcare, safety, and security for parents and senior citizens to lead a life of dignity. Welfare included the provision of food, healthcare, and other amenities necessary for senior citizens. The 2019 amendment expanded welfare to include the provision of housing, clothing, safety, and other amenities necessary for the physical and mental well-being of a senior citizen or parent. The upper limit of the monthly maintenance amount payable to senior citizens by children and relatives could not exceed Rs 10,000. The 2019 amendment removed the upper limit on the maintenance fee. The Tribunals now must consider: (i) standard of living and earnings of the parent or senior citizen, and (ii) the earnings of the children, while deciding the maintenance amount. The penalty for the abandonment of senior citizen or parent (not providing financial support) was punishable with imprisonment of up to 3 months, or fine of up to Rs 5,000, or both. The 2019 amendment makes non-compliance punishable with imprisonment between three and six months, or fine of up to Rs 10,000, or both. Remember: these penalties can also be applied to Jen if she refuses to contribute to her MIL's support! There was no provision for homecare services in the original act. The 2019 amendment now includes homecare and requires institutions providing homecare to register with a registration authority set up by the state government, and their staff must be trained and certified. So it appears Rishi (and Jen - if they marry) could hire aides to care for Rishi's mother to provide the same services that would normally be provided by Rishi and Jen were they to live in Rishi's mother's home - but Rishi and Jen would be obligated to pay for those services (in addition to the monthly financial assistance to Rishi's mother the act entitles her to receive). Although the solution would seem to be continuing the relationship but not marrying, that might not be possible, either, due to whatever the limitations are for whichever visa(s) Jen would qualify for. God I'm glad I've never visited India and fallen in love with an Indian man living there... 5 2 10 1 Link to comment
Stuckathome May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 1:38 PM, seacliffsal said: He loves his family and Jen. Expand I don't think he really does love Jen. How did they initially meet again? The first episode feels like it aired years ago, these seasons drag on so long. If he has a foreigner fetish, she was probably the only hook up who seemed willing to pack up and move to India. He knows damn well that marrying her is impossible without disappointing his family, but he hoped she would back off or be happy just living on her own, hooking up whenever---I mean, it isn't as if they are going to have children and he has to worry about actually being present day in and out as long as she is ok with staying not married. Anyway, I think overall if they did live together away from his family, he would be miserable. I am sure Jen's idea of living together in their own place is just transplanting her life to a new location---every aspect of the home and life would be how she dictates. They have spent vacation time together, not real life. The shine would fade real fast. Same with Kris and Jeymi---it was fun when Kris could string along this sexy younger woman with promises of taking care of her, but when she showed up and realized what life in Colombia meant for her in terms of $$ and access to her meds, she ghosted. 2 1 1 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 1:45 PM, TwirlyGirly said: This morning, when rereading the article about the Indian Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act I linked to and quoted from in my post last night , I noticed something in this part that hadn't registered with me the first time I read it: "The maximum amount of maintenance payable under the Act is Rs 10,000. This bar is proposed to be annulled through a pending bill after the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens (Amendment) Act 2019 comes into existence." Concerned that the 2019 amendment may have reduced Rishi's financial obligations to his mother (IOW, what I posted in support of Rishi might no longer apply) I researched how this amendment changed what was required by the original act. Instead of reducing Rishi's obligations, the 2019 amendment increased them and also increased the penalties for non-compliance. Here's what the The Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens (Amendment) Bill, 2019 changed from the original act: In the original act, children were defined as children and grandchildren, excluding minors. The 2019 amendment added step-children, adoptive children, children-in-laws, and the legal guardian of minor children to the definition of children. This means when Rishi and Jen marry, Jen will also be legally responsible for providing financial support to Rishi's mother. Parents were defined as biological, adoptive, and step-parents. The 2019 amendment added parent-in-laws, and grandparents to the definition of parents. Maintenance included the provision of food, clothing, residence, medical attendance and treatment. The 2019 amendment expanded maintenance to include the provision of healthcare, safety, and security for parents and senior citizens to lead a life of dignity. Welfare included the provision of food, healthcare, and other amenities necessary for senior citizens. The 2019 amendment expanded welfare to include the provision of housing, clothing, safety, and other amenities necessary for the physical and mental well-being of a senior citizen or parent. The upper limit of the monthly maintenance amount payable to senior citizens by children and relatives could not exceed Rs 10,000. The 2019 amendment removed the upper limit on the maintenance fee. The Tribunals now must consider: (i) standard of living and earnings of the parent or senior citizen, and (ii) the earnings of the children, while deciding the maintenance amount. The penalty for the abandonment of senior citizen or parent (not providing financial support) was punishable with imprisonment of up to 3 months, or fine of up to Rs 5,000, or both. The 2019 amendment makes non-compliance punishable with imprisonment between three and six months, or fine of up to Rs 10,000, or both. Remember: these penalties can also be applied to Jen if she refuses to contribute to her MIL's support! There was no provision for homecare services in the original act. The 2019 amendment now includes homecare and requires institutions providing homecare to register with a registration authority set up by the state government, and their staff must be trained and certified. So it appears Rishi (and Jen - if they marry) could hire aides to care for Rishi's mother to provide the same services that would normally be provided by Rishi and Jen were they to live in Rishi's mother's home - but Rishi and Jen would be obligated to pay for those services (in addition to the monthly financial assistance to Rishi's mother the act entitles her to receive). Although the solution would seem to be continuing the relationship but not marrying, that might not be possible, either, due to whatever the limitations are for whichever visa(s) Jen would qualify for. God I'm glad I've never visited India and fallen in love with an Indian man living there... Expand So, are Jenny and Submit supporting his parents? 2 Link to comment
TwirlyGirly May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 12:31 PM, SunnyBeBe said: I have never seen anything between them. I recall Jen trying to justify her moving to be with Rishi the first time she went to India, and it was so blah. She had no passion about it. And, his awkward pauses or attempts to fight back a smile at serious moments….. For all the talk, they seem loveless to me. Expand I absolutely disagree. Not everyone shows their emotions publicly. When Jen was on her way to the cafe to meet up with Rishi (the meeting she had requested so she could tell him she needed to let him go and he needed to let her go), in the taxi she said (paraphrasing) that she was consciously trying not to allow the situation to cause her to fall apart, but that she expected to do just that in a week or so. She was afraid if she showed Rishi just how much severing ties with each other was affecting her it would make it even more difficult for Rishi to let her go. Despite that, at the cafe she wasn't able to hold back tears - and neither was Rishi. That wasn't the first time they cried when discussing being separated. To be fair, I think we all need to be careful not to judge the validity of the reaction of others to a situation based upon how we think we'd react in a similar situation if we were portraying our true feelings. Let's also remember Jenny and Sumit. From the time they were introduced on 90 Day Fiance, every assumption made by the majority of posters here about their relationship was proved wrong. And here we are - 9+ years after their relationship began - and the two of them are married and by all accounts, happy. Just because something doesn't look the way we think it should doesn't mean it's "fake" (you didn't say Jen and Rishi's relationship is probably fake, but others have). On 5/22/2023 at 2:20 PM, SunnyBeBe said: So, are Jenny and Submit supporting his parents? Expand Remember that Sumit has a brother able to fulfill some (if not all) of the legal obligations to their parents the laws require. It's possible Sumit and Jen are contributing to the financial support of Sumit's parents so the entire burden isn't on his brother and his brother's wife. 6 3 3 Link to comment
Cementhead May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 Aside from Kris being the most unattractive person on this show, I find Jen to be a close second. I find nothing appealing about her. Her personality is so basic. She's so sour and unpleasant. I think I saw her smile once. She's dead eyed and snarly. It's like if the word 'whatever' had a face, it would be Jen's. 4 10 Link to comment
DEL901 May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 I checked the conversion rate. I know there isn’t a fixed limit, but I was curious. 10,000 R = about $121 US. I also wonder what kind of income Jen has…Especially since she apparently has the cash to fly frequently and stay in India for long periods in India. 3 1 Link to comment
magemaud May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 12:31 PM, SunnyBeBe said: And, what man who holds his family in such high regard would side with a woman who dissed his mom in public? Expand If, and that's a BIG if, Rishi and Jen were ever to actually get married, Jen would have a worse relationship with her mother-in-law than Jenny does with Sumit's parents. At least Jenny didn't give Mother Sumit a big F-U. Jen was a real bitch at the Tell All, encouraged by her friends. 9 2 Link to comment
magemaud May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 On 5/22/2023 at 12:42 PM, SunnyBeBe said: So, this season was filled with a lot of issues and couples that didn’t work out. I’m even wondering if Gabe and Isabel will make it. I’m guessing most people seeking foreign fiancés don’t watch 90 Day. Lol Expand The Other Way always has an abysmal success rate. Once in a while the couples stay together but eventually the American brings the foreigner to the US which was probably the plan all along. 2 1 Link to comment
Shrek May 22, 2023 Share May 22, 2023 Poor Johan, imagine the horror of being known as the guy with the huge dick all over the internet !!!! I feel bad for him. 😀 17 Link to comment
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