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S01.E11: Ready or Knot

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Yeah, none of the dresses were ones I'd pick, myself, really. But I did like Abby asking all the women to demonstrate how well they'd hold up while doing the chicken dance :D. I also got a good laugh out of her telling anyone in the courtroom who was a stripper to leave, and half the crowd in the room walked out :p. 

The ending with Dan and Abby and the rooftop was sweet. Even with the view of the couple who needed curtains :D. 

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Gurgs (& her stripper crew) for the win  — again! — and I’m glad I’d forgotten about the stripper evacuation (iirc, part of the preview for season) because I laughed out loud.

Olivia is better with every show.  I never saw that coming.

Ohhh Neil.  Get those two in an elevator soon, plz.

We’re a little group in this thread, so I feel like I can put this out here: when I saw Abby’s face after the bride greeted her father, it pinged so hard, bc I knew what she was thinking, and perhaps I would’ve skipped watching tonight, bc then I knew what was coming.

It’s the anniversary of my dad’s passing.  I’ve not handled it well.  But I am grateful for smiling through this ep, despite the punchline!

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28 minutes ago, voiceover said:

Ohhh Neil.  Get those two in an elevator soon, plz.

Neil looked really handsome all dressed up in his tux! 



We’re a little group in this thread, so I feel like I can put this out here: when I saw Abby’s face after the bride greeted her father, it pinged so hard, bc I knew what she was thinking, and perhaps I would’ve skipped watching tonight, bc then I knew what was coming.

It’s the anniversary of my dad’s passing.  I’ve not handled it well.  But I am grateful for smiling through this ep, despite the punchline!


My sympathies <3. The anniversary of my dad's death is coming up next week, so, yeah, that part of the episode got to me a bit as well. I'm glad that this episode was able to cheer you up a little. 

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3 hours ago, Annber03 said:

The anniversary of my dad's death is coming up next week, so, yeah, that part of the episode got to me a bit as well. I'm glad that this episode was able to cheer you up a little. 

The anniversary of my dad's death is next week too.  He died 3 years ago from Covid, very early in the pandemic.  And yeah, that part of the episode got to me too.

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9 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Originally Episode 9.
Scott Lipman as Rich
Lyric Lewis as Cynthia
(l-r) Julia Finkelstein as Kaitlyn, Anna Lamadrid as Andrea, Amanda Perez as Jessica

I am not sure why the team went to all that trouble to fix up the roof if the wedding isn't happening anytime soon.

Because this show is ridiculous. I’m only watching it for them to still do which I am having a hard time finding. It was sad when Abby mentioned her father and how he would not be at her wedding.

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8 hours ago, Annber03 said:

Neil looked really handsome all dressed up in his tux! 

My sympathies <3. The anniversary of my dad's death is coming up next week, so, yeah, that part of the episode got to me a bit as well. I'm glad that this episode was able to cheer you up a little. 

It’s been decades since my father died. He never got the chance to see me married, and so forth. So it even pinged with me after all this time. . 

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My dad's passing anniversary was last week.  And I'm engaged, so this was partly a hold my breath episode when that happened.

The wedding planner was a bit over the top, but I still laughed.

Honestly, though, I am not at all invested in Abby's engagement/Rand.  I thought when Rand was in the episode from a couple of weeks ago, I thought it was such a physical difference from Abby (and especially compared to Howard in TBBT), that was fun.  And I could actually see why they are together. But if Abby is planning on staying in NYC, I do not see Rand making that transition.

  • Hugs 5
19 hours ago, voiceover said:


We’re a little group in this thread, so I feel like I can put this out here: when I saw Abby’s face after the bride greeted her father, it pinged so hard, bc I knew what she was thinking, and perhaps I would’ve skipped watching tonight, bc then I knew what was coming.

It’s the anniversary of my dad’s passing.  I’ve not handled it well.  But I am grateful for smiling through this ep, despite the punchline!

Same.  Hard same.  It has been a long time since my father died and it isn't an ever day hurt for me but this pinged.   

And I didn't love that she picked a venue that was meaningful to her and her dad and it was replaced with a venue that was meaningful to Harry and Dan.   But it did look like only 6-7 extra people would fit on that rooftop and that would be a win.  

It isn't like the Rand wedding is ever going to happen.  LOL.  

I thought all the lineup dresses were better than the one Abby picked but the bride gets what she wants and she's welcome to want a dress I find meh.

I hate the way the cafeteria scenes are shot,  It is the place where it is the most glaring that John Laroquette is doing most of his taping sperately... and that I don't mind it is just the blocking of those scenes.   

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Neil can leave any time.   The pining over Abby is just cringe.   

Olivia and Gurgs never once stopped to think - hey wait a minute, she's known us for all of 10 minutes, she MIGHT have a childhood friend she would rather have as her maid of honor?

Speaking of Gurgs -- they were doing wedding planning NOT having the bachelorette party.   She was being HIGHLY inappropriate with the penis gavel and the strippers.   It wasn't even funny.  (also as an aside, Abby giving legal advice to ANYONE is a huge no no for a judge).   I like Gurgs better when she is showing off knowledge of the courthouse.  

The only good part of this was when Abby realized how much she misses her dad.   Although if they came in to the city when Abby was off school, she is NOT from upstate.   She's from Westchester county which is RIGHT THE HELL NEXT TO NYC.   That is NOT upstate.   Upstate is Albany and above.   Real estate is too far for day trips to NYC.    Speaking of, why would she get married in NYC.   She JUST moved there.   It would make more sense to have it in her hometown.   Plus if they already started wedding planining, but stopped when her dad died, they HAD A VENUE picked out.   

Apparently in the show Harry just died, instead of 5 years ago.  

but there were funny moments.  

7 hours ago, arachne said:

I liked when Abby said to Dan, "Isn't your real name Reinhold?" Nice shout-out to TOS, and its creator. 😉

That was awesome.   

Although it wasn't great, having the line up of wedding dresses and then having them do the chicken dance was amusing.   


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4 hours ago, merylinkid said:

The only good part of this was when Abby realized how much she misses her dad.   Although if they came in to the city when Abby was off school, she is NOT from upstate.   She's from Westchester county which is RIGHT THE HELL NEXT TO NYC.   That is NOT upstate.   Upstate is Albany and above.   Real estate is too far for day trips to NYC.    Speaking of, why would she get married in NYC.   She JUST moved there.   It would make more sense to have it in her hometown.   Plus if they already started wedding planining, but stopped when her dad died, they HAD A VENUE picked out. 

LOL, I hear you, but my friends and I who are from NYC have long joked around that especially when we were growing up (which admittedly was a zillion years ago), to us "upstate" meant anything North of the Bronx, including Yonkers.  When I was a kid my father worked in White Plains, in Westchester County and we said he worked "upstate"!  That's the NYC "myopia" for you!  There was a magazine cover from the New Yorker Magazine that captured this mentality perfectly entitled  "The View of the World from 9th Avenue".

Anyway I'm obviously confused because I thought Abby was from Skaneateles, or is that just where she was living right before this?  I don't remember much about the original series as I only watched it here and there.   So she was originally from Westchester?  Where?

I agree with you that she would have already had a venue picked out by now, but I wouldn't think it's strange for her to want to get married in NYC.  I suppose it would be a lot more expensive but it might qualify to her as a sort-of "destination wedding".

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6 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Anyway I'm obviously confused because I thought Abby was from Skaneateles

She did mention Skaneateles.   Which is not a day trip to NYC.   Well I guess it could be a really long day.   Google says its a 4.5 hour drive.   

Here's how this episode SHOULD have gone:

Lots of cases connected to the Bridal Expo (great theme for wacky cases).

A couple who are upset because one of them has to leave the country before they can have the big dream wedding they wanted.  Abby offering to do it right there in the courthouse (forget wedding licenses and waiting periods, this is tv).  Father of Bride just barely makes it.   Cue tears.

Then the scene where Abby explains she realizes her dad won't be at her wedding.   Scene with Dan.   Abby goes and performs the wedding.  

Still JUST as funny without the stupid stripper and penis gavel/olivia gurgs fighting over being maid of honor and is about NIGHT COURT not everything that went on outside of court.

  • Like 5
1 hour ago, merylinkid said:

She did mention Skaneateles.   Which is not a day trip to NYC.   Well I guess it could be a really long day.   Google says its a 4.5 hour drive.   

Right, which is why I'm confused.  The other poster said she should be from Westchester County most of which is under an hour to get to NYC from on a commuter train, hence the believability of a day trip from there to NYC.  Did this reboot retcon her into being a way-upstater or is Skaneateles just where she happened to be living for work and she's originally from Westchester per the logistics of the original series?  That's my question.

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12 hours ago, merylinkid said:

Neil can leave any time.   The pining over Abby is just cringe.   

Olivia and Gurgs never once stopped to think - hey wait a minute, she's known us for all of 10 minutes, she MIGHT have a childhood friend she would rather have as her maid of honor?

Speaking of Gurgs -- they were doing wedding planning NOT having the bachelorette party.   She was being HIGHLY inappropriate with the penis gavel and the strippers.   It wasn't even funny.  (also as an aside, Abby giving legal advice to ANYONE is a huge no no for a judge).   I like Gurgs better when she is showing off knowledge of the courthouse.  

The only good part of this was when Abby realized how much she misses her dad.   Although if they came in to the city when Abby was off school, she is NOT from upstate.   She's from Westchester county which is RIGHT THE HELL NEXT TO NYC.   That is NOT upstate.   Upstate is Albany and above.   Real estate is too far for day trips to NYC.    Speaking of, why would she get married in NYC.   She JUST moved there.   It would make more sense to have it in her hometown.   Plus if they already started wedding planining, but stopped when her dad died, they HAD A VENUE picked out.   

Apparently in the show Harry just died, instead of 5 years ago.  

but there were funny moments.  

That was awesome.   

Although it wasn't great, having the line up of wedding dresses and then having them do the chicken dance was amusing.   


Huh, Neil is my favorite person on this show and I like his interest in Abby, which seems a better match to me than her fiance.

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Not a fan of "workplace romance" on shows because they are too lazy to do anything else.   The clerk-judge relationship is such a power imbalance that its just not a good look.   

I don't think Rand and Abby are a mismatch.   We've seen him once.  The scene where they are eating in her chambers, they looked like a real couple in love.   They seem to share the same interests and the same outlook on life - which is a bit perky but okay it works for them.   Now they are making Rand a bundle of phobias which is being played for laughs.   Because someone's fears are just so damn funny right?    It's also not like Neil is the most secure guy in the world.   What do Neil and Abby have in common?   Other than they work together?   

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I'd have to agree. I didn't think Rand and Abby were a mismatch in the last episode.  In fact, I was surprised how much of a match I believed them to be.  I thought they'd play up their inevitable doom up to the hilt.  I still think they're doomed but only because of a location difference. I don't see anything connecting Neil and Abby other than his crush which felt like it came out of nowhere.

As I said in the episode when he and Olivia pretend-dated, I thought they made more sense in that brief little bit than anything we've seen with Neil and Abby. 

Edited by Irlandesa
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23 hours ago, merylinkid said:

Speaking of Gurgs -- they were doing wedding planning NOT having the bachelorette party.   She was being HIGHLY inappropriate with the penis gavel and the strippers.   It wasn't even funny.  

Agreed. Something like that could get someone fired for sexual harassment in real life. These people are just insanely unprofessional a lot of the time.

8 hours ago, merylinkid said:

Not a fan of "workplace romance" on shows because they are too lazy to do anything else.   The clerk-judge relationship is such a power imbalance that its just not a good look.   

Also agreed. A judge and their clerk would be a big no. Or a clerk and a lawyer who appears before the judge they clerk for. I know it's a sitcom and suspension of disbelief or whatever, but these would be huge conflict-of-interest issues.

Edited by ams1001
10 hours ago, aquarian1 said:

4 1/2 is a fine drive for a day trip.  Leave at 7am get there before noon, spend 8-9 hours, go back home.  Easy-peasey.  Or if you're a night owl, like me, leave home at 10am, and leave NYC at 10pm and get home around 2am (aka bed time :P).  And yes, I work a 9-5 job, but for a weekend day that'd be fun.

That's if you took the entire trip at around 60 mph.  Factor in the traffic and slower speeds in NYC and the surrounding area and I'm sure it would take over 5 hours.   Being from NYC and having a limo. driver for a husband that drives to NYC and back pretty much every week from Hartford, I can attest to that.  That would be a rough trip these days.  My parents and I used to go for weekend day trips from the Bronx to Boston, but that was back in the '60s when traffic was much lighter, and even that was a stretch.  It might take less time on Amtrak, which supposedly is a 4.5 hour trip.

On 3/29/2023 at 8:00 PM, DanaMB said:

Why is he taping separately?

He’s 75 and the big group scenes take forever to film?  Concerns over Covid?  He’s the star and he gets to call the shots?

I don’t know.

And he’s not taping everything separately but watch in group scenes he’s either off by himself or he makes a quick exit. 


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I like the way the episode ended up.  The final scene on the roof was sweet and I really liked that Dan said that it was something that he and Harry and "the rest" of the group used to do.  That's the closest they've gotten to acknowledging the other original characters which I hope will come maybe in Season Two. 

John Larroquette and the Wedding Planner actress were really funny together.

Nice also the callback about Dan's name being Reinhold.  And sad about Abby missing Harry, she also was smiling less in this show which was noticeable and fitting.  I liked her story about going to museums with Harry pretending to be a guide and making stuff up.

As far as Rand is concerned, I did see a spoiler about that on Reddit which I guess you can look for there if you like.  Anyway, I have to say that personally I think Pete Holmes is such a bad actor that I won't mind it at all if Abby moves on.  Sorry to sound harsh but I have to think he was cast for his celebrity.


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1 hour ago, roseha said:

I like the way the episode ended up.  The final scene on the roof was sweet and I really liked that Dan said that it was something that he and Harry and "the rest" of the group used to do.  That's the closest they've gotten to acknowledging the other original characters which I hope will come maybe in Season Two. 

John Larroquette and the Wedding Planner actress were really funny together.

Nice also the callback about Dan's name being Reinhold.  And sad about Abby missing Harry, she also was smiling less in this show which was noticeable and fitting.  I liked her story about going to museums with Harry pretending to be a guide and making stuff up.

As far as Rand is concerned, I did see a spoiler about that on Reddit which I guess you can look for there if you like.  Anyway, I have to say that personally I think Pete Holmes is such a bad actor that I won't mind it at all if Abby moves on.  Sorry to sound harsh but I have to think he was cast for his celebrity.



and he's a celebrity? - just looked him up, nope, never saw anything he has been in

and i am fine with that

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16 hours ago, roseha said:


As far as Rand is concerned, I did see a spoiler about that on Reddit which I guess you can look for there if you like.  Anyway, I have to say that personally I think Pete Holmes is such a bad actor that I won't mind it at all if Abby moves on.  Sorry to sound harsh but I have to think he was cast for his celebrity.


I agree, I can't stand this "comedian." He's not funny and a terrible actor, which made me immediately not care for the character. Why he is a "celebrity" is beyond me.

I didn't care for this episode. The strippers, the gavel, too much out of the courtroom. Olivia's  broad physical movements and identical delivery and over the top acting takes me right out of the scenes. She isn't acting, she only reacts, and it's not natural at all. Throw in the weird way woman have to walk in 5" heels makes her look so awkward.

Arguing over MOH role makes no sense. Surely Abbey has a close friend or two who would already have been picked. Especially Olivia, who up to this point seemed to have nothing but disdain for everything and everybody in the courtroom.

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On 3/29/2023 at 8:43 PM, merylinkid said:

Neil can leave any time.   The pining over Abby is just cringe.   

Olivia and Gurgs never once stopped to think - hey wait a minute, she's known us for all of 10 minutes, she MIGHT have a childhood friend she would rather have as her maid of honor?

Speaking of Gurgs -- they were doing wedding planning NOT having the bachelorette party.   She was being HIGHLY inappropriate with the penis gavel and the strippers.   It wasn't even funny.  (also as an aside, Abby giving legal advice to ANYONE is a huge no no for a judge).   I like Gurgs better when she is showing off knowledge of the courthouse.  

The only good part of this was when Abby realized how much she misses her dad.   Although if they came in to the city when Abby was off school, she is NOT from upstate.   She's from Westchester county which is RIGHT THE HELL NEXT TO NYC.   That is NOT upstate.   Upstate is Albany and above.   Real estate is too far for day trips to NYC.    Speaking of, why would she get married in NYC.   She JUST moved there.   It would make more sense to have it in her hometown.   Plus if they already started wedding planining, but stopped when her dad died, they HAD A VENUE picked out.   

Apparently in the show Harry just died, instead of 5 years ago.  

but there were funny moments.  

That was awesome.   

Although it wasn't great, having the line up of wedding dresses and then having them do the chicken dance was amusing.   


She said something about when she lived in “Skaneateles” . She also mentioned “Oneonta” a few weeks back. Both of these are really upstate. Approximately 4 hrs from NYC. Why do you think she was raised in Westchester? 

57 minutes ago, chediavolo said:

She said something about when she lived in “Skaneateles” . She also mentioned “Oneonta” a few weeks back. Both of these are really upstate. Approximately 4 hrs from NYC. Why do you think she was raised in Westchester? 

That was my question.  If her father was a judge in NYC no way could they have lived way upstate in NY and it's very possible that they lived in Westchester when she was growing up.  I'm just not aware of what the history was in the original series, but I was hoping someone here is and could settle this.

On 3/31/2023 at 4:18 PM, roseha said:

As far as Rand is concerned, I did see a spoiler about that on Reddit which I guess you can look for there if you like.  Anyway, I have to say that personally I think Pete Holmes is such a bad actor that I won't mind it at all if Abby moves on.  Sorry to sound harsh but I have to think he was cast for his celebrity.

He's a celebrity?  I have to admit I'd never heard of him before this.  I just read on Google that he's a comedian.  That in and of itself is the funniest thing I've learned about him because so far he's been anything BUT funny on this show!  I said above that they seem like a mismatch.  With any luck they'll never tie the knot and he'll be history.  I looked on Reddit but didn't see any spoilers, unfortunately.

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Thanks to both of you, them living in the City would make the most sense.  So I'm figuring maybe she went up to SUNY at Oneonta for undergrad. then after whatever law school she went to got a job in Skaneateles, then came back to NYC.

@roseha, if your spoiler is true it would make sense given the hints being thrown around in this and previous episodes.

22 hours ago, chediavolo said:

Why do you think she was raised in Westchester? 

Because in this episode she said her dad took her on day trips into NYC when she didn't have school.   You are not doing that from Oneonta (My great grandma lived in Oneonta) or Skaneatles.   But her Mom also said their town now had TWO buses.   So ya know, just lazy writing.

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14 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

Because in this episode she said her dad took her on day trips into NYC when she didn't have school.   You are not doing that from Oneonta (My great grandma lived in Oneonta) or Skaneatles.   But her Mom also said their town now had TWO buses.   So ya know, just lazy writing.

I missed that but yeah, definitely not a day good  trip, although they do do it you have to get up in the dark. & come  coming home in the dark it’s an exhausting day. And two buses just has me cracking up.! I’ve lived in the boonies like that, and there is no way! 

For the episode itself...80/s90s sitcom nonsense, which is what I've come to expect from this show. I'd like a little more, but at least it's not a prestige one hour dramatic reimagining. 

For Abby's origins...I can fansplain away pretty much anything, but it would be nice if I felt the writers had an actual story in mind, or else an in-joke (where we are in on it, mind you) where she claims to be some someplace else in Upstate NY each week. My personal theory is that Harry eventually left the bench and the city, probably as part of a fresh start for his wife, and I could see him going back to teaching after it was almost why he left the bench in a previous season. SU and Cornell law schools are both within commuting distance from Skinny Atlas. 

As a person from way upstate...day trip may be overselling it, but not by much. We'd do three or four hours in the car to spend a day somewhere, then turn around and go home. 

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On 3/28/2023 at 8:32 PM, ams1001 said:

I really don't know what was so great about that dress....

It wasn't as bad as the one in Pretty In Pink, but it wasn't all that.  None of the wedding dresses we saw were all that, in my opinion.

On 4/3/2023 at 9:23 AM, AncientNewbie said:

As a person from way upstate...day trip may be overselling it, but not by much. We'd do three or four hours in the car to spend a day somewhere, then turn around and go home. 

I'm not in NY, but I have driven four hours across Virginia to have lunch, and then come back home.

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On 3/28/2023 at 1:50 AM, kariyaki said:

"Ready or Knot". When the court is overrun with cases from a wedding expo gone awry, the team looks to help Abby plan her wedding. A wedding planner shows Dan the finer things in life. Olivia and Gurgs wrestle over who will serve as maid of honor.

I wasn't fond of this one either. As someone mentioned earlier, the stripper joke was funny but then they went back to that well a few times too many. Why did they decorate the roof area for Abby if Rand wasn't there and they weren't getting married for awhile? Did no one really not know why Abby got chocked up about the bride's father being there and the bride's introduction?


On 3/30/2023 at 8:01 AM, merylinkid said:

Here's how this episode SHOULD have gone:

Lots of cases connected to the Bridal Expo (great theme for wacky cases).

A couple who are upset because one of them has to leave the country before they can have the big dream wedding they wanted.  Abby offering to do it right there in the courthouse (forget wedding licenses and waiting periods, this is tv).  Father of Bride just barely makes it.   Cue tears.

Then the scene where Abby explains she realizes her dad won't be at her wedding.   Scene with Dan.   Abby goes and performs the wedding.  

Still JUST as funny without the stupid stripper and penis gavel/olivia gurgs fighting over being maid of honor and is about NIGHT COURT not everything that went on outside of court.

Agreed. It felt like they wasted a lot of potential legal wedding wackiness.

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