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S07.06: Panic at the Disco

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I don't understand these people.  I've never been so involved in any of my friends' relationships that I make it a priority to find out what they're talking about to each other and why are they moving so fast and why are they spending so much time with each other without me and why are they calling each other babe and why are they making googly eyes at each other and on and on and on.  And believe me, if any of my friends insert themselves in between me and my man's new relationship they're going to be iced out of my life immediately!  Ok people, Carl loves Lindsay and Lindsay loves Carl!  Get the hell over it.  I can't believe Danielle was like, "Lindsay and Carl are having a tiff.  Good Lord, now their playing beer pong!!! Oh the horror!!!"  Good grief, stop being so friggin weird.   

Edited by swankie
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This cast is getting very boring. Special thanks to the production crew for bringing some good looking dogs(pets) on this episode. The dogs are the best part of this episode.

Edited by APK
I have difficulty typing.
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7 hours ago, ninjago said:

How old are these people that they think you don’t have to sometimes make sacrifices in a relationship?  What a terrible attitude.

They are all in such toxic relationships that they think it's odd when people communicate with each other and actually want to spend time with each other.  So MUCH projection coming from Danielle, Paige and Amanda. 

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Too bad Andrea isn't a regular anymore. Maybe he could explain to Chris that women aren't an alien species and that you talk to them like regular human beings.

The dogs seem better adjusted than Kyle or Amanda.

Lindsay and Amanda don't get along. Everybody, including Kyle and Carl, needs to accept that. It happens; it's not the end of the world. Grown people simply limit contact between the two and make an effort to be civil when it has to happen. I'd rather watch people dealing with these situations in a good way than have the tortured drama.

The pearl-clutching about going to Montauk was ridiculous. Compromise is what happens in healthy relationships. But this wasn't even that. Lindsay was OK with going out and OK with staying in. She deferred to Carl because she didn't have a preference. She got what she wanted, which was time with Carl.

2 hours ago, ksutton625 said:

So MUCH projection coming from Danielle, Paige and Amanda. 

I hadn't realized this and I think it's spot on. Maybe also add Mya, whose relationship is going south, and Ciera who is still talking about fuckwad Austen.

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15 hours ago, ninjago said:

How old are these people that they think you don’t have to sometimes make sacrifices in a relationship?  What a terrible attitude.

The same people who think it’s okay to tell a nice girl who’s trying to get to know them that she talks too much and that she’s an annoying tryhard but “Don’t get in your head about it.”

The same people who actually think Carl was more fun when he was a raging alcoholic. 

The same people who think Kyle and Amanda have a solid relationship and are “Mom and Dad” - seemingly forgetting he broke up with Amanda before S1 but repeatedly called her to come over for what I can only assume was 4 minutes when he wanted some ass.  Knowing it was going to be televised.  

Gross people.

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I watched less than 5 minutes and all I have is Amanda needs to stand up straight, pull her shoulders back and walk like a normal person and not an old woman. I think she thinks she’s being cute but it’s not attractive. It’s kind of like the millennial/GenZ two finger grip on forks/spoons. Affected and not cute. Ugh. 

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Yikes though, Lindsey was really getting pissed when Carl was explaining what he and Kyle were talking about. She could not control their conversation and when Carl repeated to her what they were talking about she wasn't having it. Lindsey is very controlling and after the honeymoon is over and real life sets in Carl is going to get sick of her shit. He was really starting to get upset with her  last night but pulled back because of the camera's. 

Carl not wanting to go to Montauk and 0bviously Lindsey wanted to go was also a big tell of what their future is going to be like. He's not drinking. He's pushing 40. He doesn't get a big thrill of going out to the bar anymore. She's drinking again and deep down wants to party. He better get her pregnant soon, maybe that will calm this little philly Lindsey down! Lol!

I do think Danielle has some deep down resentments that Linds and Carl seem to be so happy right now and in their romance bubble while she and Robert are nearing the end of their relationship. That's gotta hurt. 

As for the rest of em', grow the fuck up!!

Edited by bichonblitz
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For the love of god! Is this whole season going to be about the Mean Girl Club working overtime to get Lindsey and Carl to say they’re unhappy? Why does everyone care so much? Does no one have anything else going on for a storyline? 

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4 minutes ago, ZettaK said:

I don't have the strength to watch this anymore...

It’s so boring! Just a bunch of immature, over dramatic jerks getting upset about things no one in their right mind would care about.

I mean, I get that’s what all of Bravo is but usually they do it in an entertaining and funny way. This is just so boring! No one is likable. I’m nominally on Carl and Lindsay side because everyone’s obsession with their relationship is so stupid, but it’s not like I like them or like them as a couple. I just hate everyone else more.

Maybe if we focused on the new people more. They all seem like they could be fun and down to party. But no… I have to watch Kyle and Amanda be dog parents. Look, if I wanted to watch a boring person go to bed at 9:30pm I’d set up a camera in my apartment! Where are the drunker good times? I need some drunken good times!

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Without the ever annoying drama surrounding the Carl and Lindsey bubble there is nothing else to focus on!

Paige has a boyfriend that's not on the show this season. 

Danielle's boyfriend is working so she claims

Maya is on the verge of break up

Ciara single as usual

The other new girls are so juvenile

Most importantly and a big flaw for this season is that there are only 3 guys in the house- 2 in relationships and the new one afraid to talk to women because he hasn't been around them enough. Great Casting, BRAVO!

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19 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Yikes though, Lindsey was really getting pissed when Carl was explaining what he and Kyle were talking about. She could not control their conversation and when Carl repeated to her what they were talking about she wasn't having it. Lindsey is very controlling and after the honeymoon is over and real life sets in Carl is going to get sick of her shit. He was really starting to get upset with her  last night but pulled back because of the camera's. 

It seemed to me she was mad because they talked about her and her relationship with Amanda instead of Karl flexing his power over Kyle about his job.  I do think Lindsey is in Karl's ear about pushing back about getting more money and work less from Kyle.  The fact that Karl did not follow her script made her mad.  I have to give her credit for pulling back from having a typical Lindsey meltdown, but I think it is because she is aware everyone in the house is watching her and Karl.

I am not much of a Danielle fan, but I can see where she feels left out.  It is weird that Karl and Lindsey seem to stick together the entire time they are in the house.  Considering they were all friends for years and interacted with others in the house before they got together, it is weird.  I can see how Danielle and others say they are in a "Love Bubble" (borrowed from RHNJ) and it is not realistic.  I think Danielle misses her girl time with Lindsey and that is part of the reason she is a bit put-off with Lindsey.

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Yikes these ppl. They insert themselves so much in someone else’s relationship. I don’t think I’ve ever cared about my friends relationships as much as these ppl. And I’ve been around some dramatic relationships lol.

I’m sure Lindsey is in his ear a bit but Carl has also changed because he’s sober now. Just let him be lol. He’s still hanging.

I don’t think it’s weird that Lindsey decided to not go to Montaulk without Carl. Not going to a party isn’t a sound to call and emergency. Lol I personally wouldn’t have wanted to go either.

Danielle is projecting and trying too hard to act like she’s not upset she never sees her bf. Their relationship was probably getting close to the end here.

Chris is so weird with women. It’s off putting. I don’t get what he’s trying to do but it’s not working. If he wasn’t a conventionally attractive man ppl would prob call him a creep lol.

Kyle and Amanda’s dogs were cute. Everyone acting like they are the mom and dad of the house puke. Amanda obv told him exactly what to buy her for her bday. The food spread did look pretty good tho.

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19 hours ago, tvfanatic13 said:

Karma for the win!

Can Ciara just permanently remain in character as Karma?  So much better!!

Paige is like a non-entity this season.  She doesn't even seem to be interacting much with Amanda.  Maybe it's just because she missed an episode. 

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Karma was my favorite part!

Carl is trying to manage his sobriety and I can see why going to another boozy party would not be something he’d want to do. Lindsey is trying to be a supportive partner.   To me, that’s different than “oh my boyfriend doesn’t want to go so I won’t go.”




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5 hours ago, Marley said:

Yikes these ppl. They insert themselves so much in someone else’s relationship. I don’t think I’ve ever cared about my friends relationships as much as these ppl. And I’ve been around some dramatic relationships lol.

It seems that the ones worrying so much about Carl and Lindsay need to pay more attention to their own failing relationships i.e. Danielle and Mya.  Put your attention where it's needed.  And Danielle, face it, Lindsay will never go as hard for you as you do for her.  And that's a fact.

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11 hours ago, swankie said:

It seems that the ones worrying so much about Carl and Lindsay need to pay more attention to their own failing relationships i.e. Danielle and Mya.  Put your attention where it's needed.  And Danielle, face it, Lindsay will never go as hard for you as you do for her.  And that's a fact.

I’m sort of starting to think the Kyle cheating rumors might be true or at the very least Amanda thought something was up. She’s gotten weirdly obsessed with other peoples relationships before when she was concerned Kyle was straying or when they are having problems. I think it’s a part of her passive aggressive nature. She can’t face her own problems so she focuses on meddling with other people. Danielle I think is also projecting her own issues into Carl and Lindsay. I think Cierra, Paige, and Maya just hate Lindsey because of Austin so any excuse to go after her is good for them. All of it is stupid and boring though.

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On 3/21/2023 at 5:50 PM, bichonblitz said:

Carl not wanting to go to Montauk and 0bviously Lindsey wanted to go was also a big tell of what their future is going to be like. He's not drinking. He's pushing 40. He doesn't get a big thrill of going out to the bar anymore. She's drinking again and deep down wants to party.

Yea, while I think Mya and Paige thinking you shouldn't be making any sacrifices or compromises in a relationship is insanity, at this point Lindsay will have to continuously make some pretty drastic ones to really work with Carl's new lifestyle and I'm not sure that's sustainable.

I say this as someone who only started watching this show this season though so I don't really know the history lol.

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Andy needs to get some of that sweet, sweet BRAVO money together and offer it to Paige to sleep with Kyle.

She sleeps with Craig so it's really not that big of a leap.

Take one for the team Paige and re-invigorate this franchise!

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Karma Brown! Bam!! So funny! 
Otherwise a complete snooze fest of an episode and dare I say season so far.

Amanda remains so whiney. So thin. Perhaps that’s why no period? Can’t stand her or Kyllleeeeee. The dogs are their only redeeming factor. Kyles mullet and facial hair are a bust. He must have loved those heels tho! He was finally over 5 foot 6!

Chris is a cringey awkward creep. He brings zero to this show and is one of the worst makes to come on. He can not balance out sober Carl and obnoxious Kyle. 

I for one root for Carl and Hubbs. Although he is sober , as long as her drinking doesn’t bring him down then I’m on board. They are both moderating their behaviors and no longer are the worst behaved on the show. This bothers the others as they are no longer the scape goats. Danielle is super needy and a creepy friend. Perhaps if she was in a real relationship with a dude that was around more she’d get it.

Paige brings nothing to the show, Gabby is a stuck up greasy looking bore, and Mya has annoyed me ever since she outed Carl for smoking weed. She’s also not 1/2 as cute as she thinks she is. Sam is insecure as hell and I feel bad for her.

Overall this season has my struggling to hold on. I may be out next year without a complete overhaul of this snooze fest of a cast starting with Amanda Kyle Chris and Danielle. 



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On 3/21/2023 at 11:10 AM, Passing Strange said:

Too bad Andrea isn't a regular anymore.

Too bad for many reasons, lol. Like he's drop dead gorgeous, has the perfect body, a big D (according to Paigey), good manners, is bilingual, is a sweet guy with genuine feelings that don't always have to do with himself, is Italian (so am I, so biased of course) and goal oriented because the guy moved from his home country to try to make it as a model and is doing very well at it.

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Too bad for many reasons, lol. Like he's drop dead gorgeous, has the perfect body, a big D (according to Paigey), good manners, is bilingual, is a sweet guy with genuine feelings that don't always have to do with himself, is Italian (so am I, so biased of course) and goal oriented because the guy moved from his home country to try to make it as a model and is doing very well at it.

And that's precisely why he doesn't fit in with this crowd.  He's way too good for them.

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On 3/22/2023 at 4:30 PM, Marley said:

Amanda obv told him exactly what to buy her for her bday.

   That’s what has stuck in my mind. Kyle did mention that he was going big as to make up for his lackluster performance on her bday the previous year. So this year he bought her a piece of art. Not just any art. It looked like a Basquiat. As in an investment piece. Of course she knew about it. That’s a lot of money for him to spend and good couples warn each other about large purchases. Secondly they took it out to the Hamptons to show everyone (who seemed to have no clue what it was or worth) so something that big doesn’t get packed in the vehicle without her knowledge. They might have looked at a few canvases, but the surprise might of been which one he ultimately chose. It was one heck of a gift! 
   Kudos to Paige, Ciera, and the others for getting up at 7:30 am to clean up the party mess from the previous night, get to the bakery for fresh goodies, and putting out that nice Sunday brunch. 

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Watching Paige/Ciara/Mya get up early to set-up Amanda's birthday brunch reminded me that I enjoy watching the friendships on this show. The everyday things that happen at a summer share house. I actually prefer it over the canned theme parties with a bunch of random guests brought in or the nights out in some club. Those moments, along with the glimpses we see of their work lives in the City are what originally hooked me on the show.

The issue for me are twofold: casting: the male/female ratio is way off, and Lindsey/Carl: convinced that Lindsey's "feud" with Amanda (and eventually Danielle) along with Carl's work issues with Kyle are solely to ensure they're central to the storyline/on-camera. I wish everyone would just ignore them. Then again, if they did, I guarantee they'd stage some fight just to get the cameras back on them. Watching Lindsey saunter over to talk to Paige (who she hates) and then go up and invite Amanda to dinner sealed it for me. Amanda was shocked, it was so out of character. Carl seems to be smitten and playing along but when he deviated from the script, Lindsey almost lost it on him.

Admittedly, my entertainment threshold is lower than most but I would love to see this re-cast with other Bravo celebs (like they've done with Winter House). I don't mind having one or two couples but ok if Kyle/Amanda are jettisoned along with Lindsey/Carl.

Still don't like Gabby but I am warming to Sam. Laughed every time she mentioned Montauk, only to get there and be booted.

Ciara looked hot as hell in that wig. She should seriously considering a hairstyle change.

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On 3/22/2023 at 4:30 PM, Marley said:

Chris is so weird with women. It’s off putting. I don’t get what he’s trying to do but it’s not working. If he wasn’t a conventionally attractive man ppl would prob call him a creep lol.

Conventionally attractive?!  He looks like Herman Munster.

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43 minutes ago, sugarbaker design said:

Conventionally attractive?!  He looks like Herman Munster.

Lol agreed but I think ppl would label him as attractive. I don’t see it myself lol.

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34 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

Bonus points for Wite-Out nails (kids ask your parents). 

I don’t know how you control utensils holding them that way. It irrationally annoys me. 


This is a thing?  It’s more of a shoveling than a spooning.

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17 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

This is a thing?  It’s more of a shoveling than a spooning.

Apparently.. All the young influencery people on Instagram and the SH/VPR's seem to hold their utensils this way. It's a thing to extend your index finger and shovel it in. I don't know. I just don't do that. If I'm using a knife and fork I hold them continental style because its tidier (having had to eat in business settings frequently for my job). If I'm just using a fork or spoon I hold it with my index finger and thumb on top and middle finger on the bottom. It drives me crazy. No one is taught table manners anymore. I've seen them all doing this on the show. One of them, maybe Amanda? chews with their mouth open sometimes too. Not cute.

Edited by RedDelicious
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5 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

Bonus points for Wite-Out nails (kids ask your parents). 

I don’t know how you control utensils holding them that way. It irrationally annoys me. 


I remembered it vaguely, but I watched the very beginning of last night's episode, and by good luck the first scene was of them eating, so I could see it. 

Edited by ZettaK
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On 3/22/2023 at 3:40 PM, Kiki620 said:

Paige is like a non-entity this season.  She doesn't even seem to be interacting much with Amanda.  Maybe it's just because she missed an episode. 

Wait, what happens if Paige  *gasp* starts to spend all her time with Craig at some point.  Will everyone be poo-pooing their relationship too?  

I thought Danielle was ridiculous getting pissed at Lindsay for not fighting with Carl more. Geez, let them get out of the early relationship part first. That will come with time. Ridiculous.

I couldn't take Carl with that dumb wig on. Karma Brown was awesome tho.

So are they not allowed to have big parties anymore?

I didn't get along with the girlfriend/later wife of my exes' best friend. I think the guys even had the same conversation as Kyle/Carl at some point. Eventually she and I just learned to be civil to each other and came to an easy truce as we got older. We were never BFF ourselves, but it was fine and we even did have fun together over the years. My ex got her in divorce though lol.

So tired just seeing Kyle drunk again and again. 


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On 3/28/2023 at 9:35 PM, KLJ said:

So tired just seeing Kyle drunk again and again.

It is the only thing that is close to being amusing this season.

This season the title to show should be Mean Girls Summer House.

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On 3/20/2023 at 8:34 PM, swankie said:

I don't understand these people.  I've never been so involved in any of my friends' relationships that I make it a priority to find out what they're talking about to each other and why are they moving so fast and why are they spending so much time with each other without me and why are they calling each other babe and why are they making googly eyes at each other and on and on and on.  And believe me, if any of my friends insert themselves in between me and my man's new relationship they're going to be iced out of my life immediately!  Ok people, Carl loves Lindsay and Lindsay loves Carl!  Get the hell over it.  I can't believe Danielle was like, "Lindsay and Carl are having a tiff.  Good Lord, now their playing beer pong!!! Oh the horror!!!"  Good grief, stop being so friggin weird.   

I wonder if this group can't accept this outcome because Carl's made out with so many female house guests over the years. They see how he keeps everything on a surface level, and Lindsay's had her share of men who don't stick around. Maybe people believe it's an arrangement (which is realistic, and makes sense if they want the same things.)

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On 3/23/2023 at 7:40 AM, peachmangosteen said:

Yea, while I think Mya and Paige thinking you shouldn't be making any sacrifices or compromises in a relationship is insanity, at this point Lindsay will have to continuously make some pretty drastic ones to really work with Carl's new lifestyle and I'm not sure that's sustainable.

I say this as someone who only started watching this show this season though so I don't really know the history lol.

I'm sure Lindsay is feeling her beau's sober life is the way to go, especially if she wants a baby. However, if she is holding back partying for other reasons (not a healthy baby) then she may become deeply resentful if her needs aren't met.

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On 3/22/2023 at 7:17 PM, swankie said:

It seems that the ones worrying so much about Carl and Lindsay need to pay more attention to their own failing relationships i.e. Danielle and Mya.  Put your attention where it's needed.  And Danielle, face it, Lindsay will never go as hard for you as you do for her.  And that's a fact.

For me, Danielle and Mya seem to be the most realistic, so I hope their relationships are solid as they deserve to find love.

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17 hours ago, Passing Strange said:

Kyle noted the artist on Instagram, Xolo Cantillo.

Thank you. I looked as his art. It does remind me of Basquiat. I don’t know if it’s as costly or a collectible, but if they like the artist, I’m glad they are supporting him. Thank you for the correction. I’m not on Instagram. 

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On 3/21/2023 at 1:35 PM, Drogo said:

The same people who think Kyle and Amanda have a solid relationship and are “Mom and Dad” - seemingly forgetting he broke up with Amanda before S1 but repeatedly called her to come over for what I can only assume was 4 minutes when he wanted some ass.  Knowing it was going to be televised.  

When I watch Kyle and Amanda, I think of myself and hubby. When hubby turned 40, we had just had our "surprise" last born, and I remember him fretting about if he'd still make a good dad to a teenager, if he's in his 50s? I am biased, but I felt he was an amazing dad for even worrying about it.

I don't see Kyle worrying about anything except himself. Being selfish is a hard habit to break, and I wonder if Kyle will be up for the challenge?

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