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S29: John Rocker

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For this season, there should be a snake infested exile island surrounded by shark infested water and he should be abandoned on it permanently. And I mean permanently as in for all eternity.


I am a physically disabled female.  I shudder thinking what he would say about me and why in his opinion I deserve to be disabled.

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He's seems to be a peach on many different levels.


Let's go back, what was CBS thinking casting this jerkoff:



For a story published in the December 27, 1999 issue of Sports Illustrated, Rocker made a number of allegations stemming from his experiences in New York City and answering a question about whether he would ever play for the New York Yankees or the New York Mets.


I'd retire first. It's the most hectic, nerve-racking city. Imagine having to take the 7 Train to the ballpark looking like you're riding through Beirut next to some kid with purple hair, next to some queer with AIDS, right next to some dude who just got out of jail for the fourth time, right next to some 20-year-old mom with four kids. It's depressing... The biggest thing I don't like about New York are the foreigners. You can walk an entire block in Times Square and not hear anybody speaking English. Asians and Koreans and Vietnamese and Indians and Russians and Spanish people and everything up there. How the hell did they get in this country?


During the interview, he also spoke of his opinion of the New York Mets and their fans:


Nowhere else in the country do people spit at you, throw bottles at you, throw quarters at you, throw batteries at you and say, 'Hey, I did your mother last night — she's a whore.' I talked about what degenerates they were and they proved me right.
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Nowhere else in the country do people spit at you, throw bottles at you, throw quarters at you, throw batteries at you and say, 'Hey, I did your mother last night — she's a whore.' I talked about what degenerates they were and they proved me right.


Maybe it's because it was you, Rocker.

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We can only hope. 


I remember the "riding through Beirut" quote, but I hadn't read the tweets in which he jeered at people who weren't "smart enough" to use steroids. Sounds as if steroids weren't the only controlled substance he was working with. 

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As loathsome as Rocker is, I wonder how many people will have even heard of him and his prejudices? I suspect the Twinnies haven't, and I bet a lot of the younger ones wont have either. Could it be possible that his past wont hurt him?

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I can believe that many of the survivors won't recognize him. I'm not sure I would, if I ran into him in the flesh and only learned that his name was John. However, unless he's drastically changed his world view and the way he relates to people, I think he'll give people plenty of other reasons to reject him. 

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I like that thought, KimberStormer!


I had the thought last night that it would be funny if the reunion show was in NYC.  He'd probably have to be surrounded by armed guards at all times.  The only problem with this idea is that he is so delusional that the negative reaction that I suspect people would have towards him would probably just add fuel to his fire.

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You think after everything big brother went through last summer they wouldn't push the controversy but given they gave him a commercial what do I know


The casting folks love the controversial folks. Spice brings in viewers... unfortunately it's at the expense of quality. CBS knows John Rocker is going to tick people off, and we're going to tune in hoping he gets his comeuppance.


It's maddening.

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The casting folks love the controversial folks. Spice brings in viewers... unfortunately it's at the expense of quality. CBS knows John Rocker is going to tick people off, and we're going to tune in hoping he gets his comeuppance.


It's maddening.

Well I suppose they feel like they can control what the audience sees, so the worst isn't visible.  What kind of NDA's do these guys have?

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I can believe that many of the survivors won't recognize him.

This is true.  Although on the strength of his 7 Train remarks quoted above by Jersey Girl, he got an enormous amount of bad press nationally with his face plastered all over Baseball Tonight as the poster boy for assholery - and as for NYC, well I'm sure you can imagine.

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He was pretty impressive in the physical challenge.  But was he always this fat when he played?  


Nah, John was pretty trim, considering he probably trained on beer.  The only fat part about him was his steroid-inflated neck (and, metaphorically, his head). But it's not as though he lasted for a long time; he was 26 when the Braves traded him in 2001, and 28 when he threw his last pitch, so he had youthful vigor working for him at the time.  I'm just assuming that without the roids, he can't keep up his playing form.


Speaking of which, I will give him credit for coolness under fire,  even though I'm a lifelong New York Mets fan.   When the Braves made their first trip to Shea Stadium after the Sports Illustrated interview was published (June 29th-July 2nd, 2000), Rocker of course was greeted very harshly, but he pitched a perfect inning in the first game, won by the Braves.  Of course, he then begged out of the next game with a callus on one of his pitching fingers, and one of the Great Moments in Mets History ensued, as the Mets scored 10 runs in the bottom of the 8th to come from way back and win, 11-8, climaxed by a home run by Mike Piazza.  (It would have been wonderfully ironic for the widely-believed-gay Piazza [allegedly Mr. Sam Champion, at the time] to have hit the homer off of Rocker, but it was still pretty sweet.)


And apparently, he was a real charmer, even then.  During the 2000 controversy, Braves outfielder Brian Jordan called Rocker a "cancer" on the team.  Not surprised he hasn't changed much.



I have a bigger problem with the shows that stuntcast famous assholes in the hopes of getting "buzz" or something from it.  This fucking show.  Sigh.


So you don't want to see Blood v Water V a few years down the line, staring Ray Rice and Janay Palmer?  Man, Probst will be so bummed…

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He is still on the roids.  It's pretty obvious.  You can still be fat, and on the roids, he doesn't have the discipline to eat right, and probably way overdoes it with the anabolics, so he has this really weird unattractive body.

Which is hysterical because he probably thinks ' I'm jacked! '

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He is still on the roids.  It's pretty obvious.  You can still be fat, and on the roids, he doesn't have the discipline to eat right, and probably way overdoes it with the anabolics, so he has this really weird unattractive body.

Which is hysterical because he probably thinks ' I'm jacked! '

Stick an 'up' on the end of that, and he might be getting somewhere....

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He is still on the roids.  It's pretty obvious.

He does look like it. Plus, I noticed a few shots of crazy eyes from him. I think it's just a short matter of time before the crazy spews out of him and it could be epic.

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What did Rocker say when he voted for Baylor the first time?  I thought I heard him say, "You're a squeeze, but you have to go."


I believe it was


"you're a sweet girl, but you have to go"

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I honestly didn't think he was gonna find the idol. I don't know how long it really took but it really pissed me off. LOL!! Now, we have to see how long he last, does he tell anyone & does he use it. Too many questions & no answers.

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It seems funny that a good majority of the cast know who he is.  I guess that is what you get for making the comments that he did.  I wonder why only one person knew who Jeff Kent was in his season?

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I have a problem with rich, famous people who are stuntcasted onto shows with nobodies, only to immediately start plotting against the first person who recognizes them.

Just.. don't go on in the first place. Asshole.




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I feel like he's never watch the show or if he did, it was casually at best - some of you will know that casual viewers have sometimes no idea of the dynamic AT aLL.


I was very surprised that he didn't express at least some kind of appreciation for "his woman" - but then again they haven't been been married for decades a la Culpepper household. Then again, it's probably better that he didn't, for her sake


As I said in the episode threat, I like Julie so far, and she threw him a good one with sending him with Jeremy - too bad he didn't capitalize on the potential aliance, but good for him on getting the idol - THANKS TO A GIRL, you know. [sorry for shouting, couldn't hept it :-( ]

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I don't understand the strategy of sending Jeremy to EI with him.  Well, I don't see what strategy there would be anyway!  LOL!  


It must be clear to them that an idol clue is there to be had so why not send your closest ally?  


And yeah, I thought Julie deserved a "well done" or "atta girl" from John.  Instead he reduced her to just a girl. 


I loved that he was beaten by a man much smaller than he, too!  

Edited by wings707
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I have a problem with rich, famous people who are stuntcasted onto shows with nobodies, only to immediately start plotting against the first person who recognizes them.

Just.. don't go on in the first place. Asshole.


The thing is, John Rocker isn't exactly famous anymore - he's a guy who people vaguely remember as that relief pitcher who said a bunch of bigoted things a while back.  Most people wouldn't remember him, nor could anyone tell you what he's done since he washed out of baseball.  I don't know that he's necessarily all that rich, either - he only pitched in the majors for 5 years or so, only a couple of those at a high level.  He desperately tried to hang on to his career, playing for unaffiliated minor league teams before giving up.  My guess is a meathead like Rocker has long since spent the money he made in major league baseball.


So, he's on the show to try and get back into the limelight and to (probably) start some sort of second career as a d-list celebrity.  In other words, he's there so people will remember who he is.  And he gets upset and when people remember who he is.


Hopefully he gets called out repeatedly for his history of bigotry, has to spend more time on Exile Island and then gets booted with the idol in his pocket.

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I feel like he's never watch the show or if he did, it was casually at best - some of you will know that casual viewers have sometimes no idea of the dynamic AT aLL.

Maybe Julie is the real fan of the show and he's just along for the ride.

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It seems funny that a good majority of the cast know who he is.  I guess that is what you get for making the comments that he did.  I wonder why only one person knew who Jeff Kent was in his season?

Jeff Kent was the better baseball player, but not a crossover personality perhaps?  Kent never made national headlines for being a jerk (though teammates seemed to not like him).

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It must be clear to them that an idol clue is there to be had so why not send your closest ally?


In the first episode, didn't Jeremy make alliances with all the women in his tribe? So that probably includes Julie, right? (I admit my memory is a bit fuzzy on that). An thus, as this point, she might well think he's her closest ally. With the blue tribe not having gone to TC yet, it's difficult to know what's what and who's with whom on that tribe :-)


Based on other players' talking heads, it doesn't seem that they are aware of idol clues on EI (of course, it's only this episode that we got to see that pretty much all of them know John is Rocker, so take that with a grain of salt). The only one who knew for sure was Val.


So Julie sent her potential closest ally to spent time with her boyfriend - not a bad decision in my book, in theory. And the guys made a deal to protect each other's "women" [soooo condescending...]. Of course, seeing the execution and Jeremy's claiming that she/Julie would go next if Val was gone, the outcome looks bad, but the original theory wasn't unsound.   

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OK, I can't keep my mouth shut any longer. I met John and Julie, and he's nothing like we're seeing on this show.

He was recruited by Probst and production to be on the show, Julie came along. Neither of them has EVER watched the show. He was believing Val when she told him she had two idols and that they could be found on the island. He wanted to go to EI, all the talk about being beaten by a girl was just that. Smack talk for the cameras, urged on by production.

He told Val she'd have to use one idol on herself since she'd been blabbing to EVERYONE that she had 2 of them. Dumb move on her part. He tried to save her, but once he figured out she was lying, all bets were off.

Ironically, he is now good friends with her and Jeremy, they were texting during the show last night.

They asked him if he'd come back again, and he said hell no. Julie said she ate a lot of snails and bugs out there. He did not seek out being on the show, they came looking for him to stir the pot with the various people picked.

Frankly, my opinion of him has changed after meeting him. He's a nice guy, offered to do a couple of things for me in the name of charity.

Other myths debunked by them... Natalie is a nice girl, she and Julie became friends. Baylor... least liked person out there.

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That's cool you got to meet them, and thanks for sharing!  If he had never seen the show before, now I understand how and why he believed Val had two idols.  Maybe he thought there was one given each round of Exile Island, and then she found a random one?  Still doesn't make that much sense though.  If he had never seen the show you would think he wouldn't know how powerful the immunity idol is and wouldn't spend time looking for it.


I agree with him that once Val told everyone she had idols, that he couldn't save her.  


Will be interesting to see how he is portrayed on the show moving forward.

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They are all told about the immunity idol beforehand, so he did have information that it's something you want to have. But he didn't know the history of how the idols work, that there's only one out there at any given time. Val and her husband were huge fans of the show so he was trusting them to tell him the truth.

The fishing equipment won by the blue team was useless. Julie told me that where they were, unless you had a boat, there was no way to fish. She said they were GLAD to offer up the beans for a flint, since no one could make fire. And beans were making people constipated. Believe it or not, LOL... she also cleared up the stuff about medical. There is a station at each camp where people's personal meds are stored and they get them there. They don't keep them on their person during the show.

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It doesn't make him look too much better to me that he was 'just pretending' to be a sexist asshole at the RC for 'smack talk' that Production egged him on.


I already hated Jeff/Production anyway, but having confirmation that they sought Rocker out and encouraged him to be an asshole makes me feel really justified in my hate.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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