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2 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

Did they say that the battery in the bomb had the same lot number as the batteries at that CVS? I wasn't sure I heard right. That would be another rather compelling bit of evidence.

I heard this, too.


2 hours ago, 12catcrazy said:

And what I don't understand is that 4 jurors didn't understand this in the first trial. 

Yes, that one juror said that he wasn't sure the battery was part of the bomb.  I thought he was overthinking that whole scenario because unless it was shown that someone else had a tie to making a bomb or paying to have one made, Stephen was going to be the culprit.  The method was too specific (unlike use of a gun or a knife) to have it be anyone else but Steven once it was established no one else had ties to bomb-making and it wasn't the person in Texas.

If he hadn't killed Ildicko using a bomb, then I do think his attorney might have been able to raise reasonable doubt about Elizabeth, the handyman, or Ildicko's husband.  That first juror seemed to need to tie Stephen to every piece of the bomb instead of simply tying Stephen to the fact that a bomb was used to kill her.

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2/17 episode "The Perfect Life"

Andrea's interviewing drives me nuts! I just want her to spend some time on the facts and evidence in the case and less arguing with the suspect. While I think she thinks it makes for a dramatic sound bite, it actually makes her look very immature and unprofessional. Also, what the heck is she doing with her eyebrows these days?! They looked normal in the old clips but in the current ones she looks like Groucho Marx.  

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"The Perfect Life." Couldn't figure out why they chose that title until more than halfway through. OMG, Remy could not have been more obviously guilty if he had a big blinking neon sign over his head that said "I killed Jenn." Bragging about having a wife and a girlfriend and calling it a perfect life? 

The DNA under Jenn's fingernails doesn't really prove anything at the end of the day. The inference is that she scratched someone while struggling for her life but the fact is that people get dirt and crud under their nails for all sorts of reasons, and frankly, how long had her body been out there before someone found it? No testing at that point could even be considered conclusive let alone evidence. 

It's a travesty Remy was able to get off relatively easy with a plea bargain. We know his son believes his innocence, more or less, but I'd be interested to know where his two daughters stand. 

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

It's a travesty Remy was able to get off relatively easy with a plea bargain. We know his son believes his innocence, more or less, but I'd be interested to know where his two daughters stand. 

I thought his son was relatively unemotional about the whole thing (except for his kind thoughts about his mother).  I couldn't really tell if he really thought his father was guilty or innocent.  I also wondered about the two daughters' feelings about the situation.

I thought Remy was just a despicable person.  I am not sure what his children thought about him, but he did not seem to have concerns for them.  I don't think he mentioned missing them or frankly caring what was happening to them because of his trial.  In all his ramblings, he never talked about how his the kids were doing or that he missed them. 

I did think it was rather interesting when near the end they talked to the inept lawyer who defended him and the  lawyer said that he personally always thought Remy was guilty from the beginning.  Hey fella, so did all of us!

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:


It's a travesty Remy was able to get off relatively easy with a plea bargain. We know his son believes his innocence, more or less, but I'd be interested to know where his two daughters stand. 

I can understand The DA going for the plea bargain after talking with Jen's parents, but they'd have won that case again.  Remy's lies about that morning aren't going to change with new lawyers or  dna evidence.  I would love someone to press him about him finding Jennifer's phone, too.  

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I've known and watched a lot of annoying people, but WOAH BOY, Remy is like the king of all annoying people. How he got one woman, let alone two, will never make sense to me.

And what is UP with the run of Andrea episodes this season? Dateline has to have some freelancers who can pick up in Keith's absence, right?

Edited by jmonique
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7 hours ago, iMonrey said:

OMG, Remy could not have been more obviously guilty if he had a big blinking neon sign over his head that said "I killed Jenn." Bragging about having a wife and a girlfriend and calling it a perfect life? 

I got a kick out of it when they showed a news clip of Remy being interiviewed shortly after his wife had gone missing. He was all teary-eyed, and he said words to the effect of, "I have no doubt we're not going to see her agan." I know what he meant to say there, that he was certain they would see her again...but that's not the way his comment actually came out. I was like, "Interesting little slip of the tongue there..."

But yeah, he was a piece of work. Going on about how a Christian rock song (of couse it was a Christian song, pardon me while I roll my eyes) made him think, not of his wife, but of her best friend, and his feelings for her. Buying said best friend clothes that she had to be careful not to wear around her husband*, lest he get suspicious. Going on about how yeah, he had an affair, but he wasn't a wife beater or a child beater or anything like that. Way to set the bar super low there, dude. What a prince. 

Also loved him shit-talking his wife and her mothering abilities on social media not long after her body had been found. Better hope his kids didn't stumble upon those comments when they were online. 

And then he and his mistress are shocked to discover that they did a crappy job of keeping their affair a secret from others in town. 

*I also got a kick out of Jenn's friend being all judgmental about Jenn's interactions with that online guy. Honey, you have no room whatsoever to talk, sit down. 

Yeah. At best, he's an asshole cheater. At worst, he's an asshole cheater who's also a murderer. 

Edited by Annber03
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Appropo of nothing, my neighbors dog's name is Remy. 🤣

Remy is such a sociopath that even being in prison doesn't seem to phase him or dimimish his delusions of grandeur. 

The friend is nuts to do these interviews. If she thinks it is redeeming her in any way, um, no. Maybe it is her way of wearing the hair shirt. Hated the way she kept saying "my friend, my friend, my friend". Honey, you were not her friend. 

Finally, I was also fascinated by Andrea's evolving eyebrows. In the interview, she should not have raised her voice and tried to match Remy's "energy", it came off like she was kind of joking around with the murderer. 

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18 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Remy is such a sociopath that even being in prison doesn't seem to phase him or dimimish his delusions of grandeur. 

I did criminal defense work for over 30 years (now blessedly RETIRED) and the word "sociopath" has Remy's picture next to it!  Oh, how many defendants(inmates) I visited in jail/prison/court over the years who match his description??  Too many to count.

I was FURIOUS watching this episode because it was so obvious to me how this CREEP swindled, cajoled, influenced and enticed so many people in his life (mostly women) to achieve his "grandiose" vision of himself!

Of utmost importance in the overall scheme of things, was the fact that he SHOUTED in Andrea's last interview with him that "no, even though he signed the plea agreement, he WAS NOT GUILTY OF THE CRIME!"  In MY STATE, that would be ANOTHER CRIME!  When a defendant signs a plea agreement, he/she must swear in court that the admission of guilt is being made, "intelligently, knowingly and voluntarily."  Then, the Judge asks the defendant to make a "factual basis" for the crime he's admitting to committing.  That means he reads a prepared statement of exactly how,when and where he committed the crime and the details of the crime.  On the basis of that "avowal" (sworn statement) the Judge accepts the plea agreement and sentencing is set.  That Remy, on national TV ADMITTED to lying would definitely have the prosecutor in my County charging him with another crime to which he would, undoubtedly sign another plea agreement (there's really no dispute) and add YEARS to the 8 yrs he already agreed to serve.  Let's hope that happens!

Also, I believe he was brought up by parents who saw him as the "moon, sun, and stars"...in other words that he was a "superstar" who could do "no wrong." The fact that the parents SQUANDERED over $100,000 on the first IDIOT LAWYER was heartbreaking and then having to expend many thousands of dollars MORE on the second team of lawyers who offered the State the plea deal they accepted, was indicative of how little responsibility their son obviously took about the crime he pled guilty to offending. 

I can only imagine that mom and dad are continuing to finance his "commissary" in prison that I can only assume he's using to "grease the palms" of many of his fellow felons who are ready to extort him for every penny they can in order to keep him "safe."

The other people I feel sorry for are, of course, his children (I assume he sold his house to provide the caregivers with funds to raise them) and the paramour whose life has essentially also been ruined by her continuing anguish over their affair.

Finally, it is INCOMPREHENSIBLE to me that individuals arrested in serious felony cases or ANY CRIMINAL CASES), don't IMMEDIATELY request a lawyer!  If the person cannot afford a lawyer, that what local Public Defender's Offices are there to provide to him/her.  

P.S.  I would say categorically, unequivocally and unconditionally that prison IS HELL!  That you have to go to the bathroom in public says a lot but even more than that, it is an atmosphere where there is constant noise, fighting, threatening, a lot of coercion and constant stress.  It's NOT like he described it at all!  And, yes, there's a LOT of contraband in prison; however, there is heavy surveillance pressure among the staff/inmates and if you get caught, straight to solitary (at least in my state).

Edited by pdlinda
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3 hours ago, pdlinda said:


Of utmost importance in the overall scheme of things, was the fact that he SHOUTED in Andrea's last interview with him that "no, even though he signed the plea agreement, he WAS NOT GUILTY OF THE CRIME!"  In MY STATE, that would be ANOTHER CRIME!  When a defendant signs a plea agreement, he/she must swear in court that the admission of guilt is being made, "intelligently, knowingly and voluntarily."  Then, the Judge asks the defendant to make a "factual basis" for the crime he's admitting to committing.  That means he reads a prepared statement of exactly how,when and where he committed the crime and the details of the crime.  On the basis of that "avowal" (sworn statement) the Judge accepts the plea agreement and sentencing is set.  That Remy, on national TV ADMITTED to lying would definitely have the prosecutor in my County charging him with another crime to which he would, undoubtedly sign another plea agreement (there's really no dispute) and add YEARS to the 8 yrs he already agreed to serve.  Let's hope that happens!


I was wondering if there could be consequences for saying he was innocent after that plea bargain - I was thinking more of the parole board not being happy.  It would be great if  years could be added to that sentence.  

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15 hours ago, TVbitch said:

The friend is nuts to do these interviews. If she thinks it is redeeming her in any way, um, no. Maybe it is her way of wearing the hair shirt. Hated the way she kept saying "my friend, my friend, my friend". Honey, you were not her friend. 

She was a shitty friend, that's for sure. 

15 hours ago, TVbitch said:

Finally, I was also fascinated by Andrea's evolving eyebrows.

I was taken aback by how high her hair was in some of those interviews. I assume some of them were from back in 2012, since they said they were re-visiting the case. I didn't remember it.

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18 hours ago, Annber03 said:

got a kick out of it when they showed a news clip of Remy being interiviewed shortly after his wife had gone missing. He was all teary-eyed, and he said words to the effect of, "I have no doubt we're not going to see her agan." I know what he meant to say there, that he was certain they would see her again...but that's not the way his comment actually came out. I was like, "Interesting little slip of the tongue there..."

I’m glad someone else heard this, because this more than anything is what convinces me of his guilt.   

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19 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I also got a kick out of Jenn's friend being all judgmental about Jenn's interactions with that online guy. Honey, you have no room whatsoever to talk, sit down. 

Yeah, sending a pair of panties to someone an ocean away is not at all the same as actually sleeping with your best friend's ugly husband. Not that I can understand falling in love with Bob-from-England while playing a game.

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Every time Andrea asked him a yes-or-no question, he answered with a booming "Absolutely!" Which did more to convince me of his guilt than almost anything else. Too much of a too-muchness is always shady. And the perfidious "best friend" was saying it, too.

I cannot believe that woman thought it was a good idea to go on TV and confirm what a snake she was. And she was concerned that her daughters had already been hurt by her behavior? Please make it worse for us, Mom! The whole country needs to hear you confess how cheap and contemptible you are while playing the victim. Ugh.

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The girlfriend didn’t seem anguished to me at all. She was saying what she was supposed to say, but her eyes were giving her away. I think she just wanted to be pretty on tv. Her poor kids. 

Remy & Michael from the Ukrainian orphan Natalia documentary should be locked in a cell together. 

Edited by Pi237
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Last night's Dateline was new to me too and once I saw where it was going, I looked up the case and decided to stop watching based on those facts.  I can't remember the last time I've decided a case was too disturbing for me to finish but this one was.

It was way too freaky and I'm appalled at how many times these guys have tried to appeal their convictions. 

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Not sure if anyone here also watches the Hallmark Mysteries, but I just found out that Andrea Canning was the impetus for the Ruby Herring Mysteries series! Turns out that she has written thrillers for LIfetime, and mysteries and Christmas movies for Hallmark. 

She had been a fan of Lifetime and Hallmark movies and thought she could probably do that, especially given that she was working for Dateline and had a "wealth of information swirling around in her head". So she contacted a Lifetime producer and it took off from there.

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The one killer said what I've long believed about most mass shooters-its not so much that they're bullied, but that the feel they deserve to be famous and popular. And when they don't get it, they rage against the world for not giving them the life they feel entitled to.  As he said, he was keen to do a school shooting to feel important, because he felt like a loser. I dont think his comment about feeling like  he was being watched by an audience was just a way to deny responsibility by making it seem he was detached from reality so much as he was the star of a movie, and all attention was on him. Our society feeds on likes and attention. No one is content to just be an ordinary person. You have to be famous or infamous or the world is against you and you deserve revenge. I think if they hadn't murdered that poor girl, a school shooting was inevitable.

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6 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

Last night's Dateline was new to me too and once I saw where it was going, I looked up the case and decided to stop watching based on those facts.  I can't remember the last time I've decided a case was too disturbing for me to finish but this one was.

It was way too freaky and I'm appalled at how many times these guys have tried to appeal their convictions. 

Thanks for the warning!!  I did the same thing & deleted the recording.

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Remy was an arrogant psychopath. Of course he didn't ask for a lawyer when talking to police because he was confident he could talk his way out of it. And of course he said prison was awesome, no way he was going to admit he f-ed up. As soon as he said he and his wife had threesomes with his "girlfriend", I knew that of course he was guilty. Who says that??? And even if it were true, what possible difference would it make? It was just his way of getting revenge on his wife and girlfriend for abandoning him by making them look bad. 

Remy's defense attorney from the first trial was a real piece of work and grifter. This however was definitely a case of a guilty person getting an unfair trial. Not surprised that Remy testified on his own behalf. They can say he wasn't prepped and that the defense attorney should have had other witnesses, but there is no way Remy wasn't going to testify. Remy is convinced he is so charming and can talk his way out of everything. 

And yeah, I was distracted by Andrea's eyebrows too. Not sure what was going on there. 

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1 hour ago, GiandujaPie said:

And yeah, I was distracted by Andrea's eyebrows too. Not sure what was going on there. 

I think it was that some of the interviews were from the original story a bunch of years ago and the ones with better brows were more recent. Her hair was also blonder and bubblier in the earlier ones.

Forgot to mention in earlier post that the condition of the cell phone he "found" (i.e., planted) was so pristine considering we were supposed to believe it had been out in the elements since her body was dumped. But yeah, what an amazing piece of luck he had.

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On 2/19/2024 at 3:31 PM, Pi237 said:

The one killer said what I've long believed about most mass shooters-its not so much that they're bullied, but that the feel they deserve to be famous and popular. And when they don't get it, they rage against the world for not giving them the life they feel entitled to.  As he said, he was keen to do a school shooting to feel important, because he felt like a loser. I dont think his comment about feeling like  he was being watched by an audience was just a way to deny responsibility by making it seem he was detached from reality so much as he was the star of a movie, and all attention was on him. Our society feeds on likes and attention. No one is content to just be an ordinary person. You have to be famous or infamous or the world is against you and you deserve revenge. I think if they hadn't murdered that poor girl, a school shooting was inevitable.

And this was in 2009 before social media was as big as it is now. I agree a lot of the school shootings are just inspired by the attention school shootings get. The fact that these two kids chronicled the entire murder plot on video speaks to their desire for infamy and attention. I assume they chickened out at the last minute and tried to burn the tape.

It really doesn't matter which one was the "mastermind" they are both equally culpable. 

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On 2/20/2024 at 5:25 PM, iMonrey said:

And this was in 2009 before social media was as big as it is now. I agree a lot of the school shootings are just inspired by the attention school shootings get. The fact that these two kids chronicled the entire murder plot on video speaks to their desire for infamy and attention. I assume they chickened out at the last minute and tried to burn the tape.

It really doesn't matter which one was the "mastermind" they are both equally culpable. 

But I think that the dark haired kid had some degree of guilt (and maybe even remorse) which may be why he started spilling to the police.  The blond kid is just a total psychopath.  No guilt, no remorse, and apparently his parents are very happy to say that the other kid was the instigator.  I guess they think their son, the cool cucumber, was led astray.  I bet if you looked into the background of these kids you'd find some kind of animal torture/killing.  I can't believe you can go to sadistically stabbing to death a high school friend without some prior practice in killing other helpless beings.  

This case reminds me of a 1920s crime which horrified America i- the Leopold/Loeb murder case.  Leopold and Loeb were two young men from well to do families and they murdered 14 year old Bobby Frank who was a cousin of one of them.   Clarence Darrow was hired as the defense attorney for Loeb and the crime was the inspiration of many books and movies over the years.  

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On 2/17/2024 at 3:55 PM, badgerwoman said:

Remy's lies about that morning aren't going to change with new lawyers or  dna evidence. 

OK, so here's what I wondered about, regarding lying. Remy stated that he had done 26 marathons this year (whatever year the interview was taped). I got curious about how he did, especially doing so many...essentially one every other week, which is quite a significant running accomplishment. I scoured the entire Internet, and the running race results web sites, and found nothing, nada, not a thing for ANY marathon, let alone 26 of them in a year. Interestingly, the only mention of Remy and racing that I found, was a narrative from a close friend, who did mention Remy training and having about a 10-minute mile pace, but for shorter distances. We know that there genuinely was running training, because of the mistress talking all about it, and the running-clothes-buying thing. And the anecdote that was shared about Remy deciding to do a marathon with no water (WTAF!). But the fact that there are zero race results with his name, just adds further shade to an already shady-AF guy.

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On 2/20/2024 at 5:25 PM, iMonrey said:

And this was in 2009 before social media was as big as it is now. I agree a lot of the school shootings are just inspired by the attention school shootings get. The fact that these two kids chronicled the entire murder plot on video speaks to their desire for infamy and attention. I assume they chickened out at the last minute and tried to burn the tape.

It really doesn't matter which one was the "mastermind" they are both equally culpable. 

Which case is this?  

2 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

Which case is this?  

Cassie Jo Stoddart

The Secret in Black Rock Canyon

True Confessions

About Friday night's episode, 48 Hours did this case and focused to someone in LA who was related to the killer.

It is shocking that Chris Tapp now appears to have died under suspicious circumstances, and the former detective who forced him into the confession died of Alzheimer's Disease at 60.

Angie's mother has outlived everyone.

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Re. Josh fishing for weight-loss compliments, I don't think that's what he was doing (or only doing; he deserves to give himself a some props -- heart U, Josh!). Anyway, he mentioned in a podcast that it was in part to explain further to viewers that a lot of time had passed since some of the earlier, "bigger Josh" footage in the episode, and to get ahead of a barrage of social media comments about it. I think he said they started on this one in 2018.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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"True Confession" - This case reminded me quite a bit of the Ryan Ferguson case. Police frame some kid by basically feeding him all the info about the murder, it's clear as day when you watch the interrogation tapes, he knew nothing and was badgered into not only making a false confession but naming others in the crime. A not very bright kid with a drug problem taken advantage of by someone he's been taught to trust.

Then you have this arrogant, asshole detective who goes on to be elected Mayor, similar to the prosecutor in the Ferguson case who went on to become a judge. 

Sadly we see far too many of these kinds of cases and it just makes you distrust the legal system in general and police in particular. So many crooked cops! This show says so much more about cops sometimes than it does about criminals. I just think a lot of bullies and assholes go into police work for the power trip.

I want to know what "Jer" was on while Keith was interviewing him. His pupils were the size of saucers.

Side note - who on earth thinks long gray goatees are attractive? If you ever want to make yourself look like a serial killer grow your chin hair out about eight inches while the rest of your head and face is shaved.

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23 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Sadly we see far too many of these kinds of cases and it just makes you distrust the legal system in general and police in particular. So many crooked cops! This show says so much more about cops sometimes than it does about criminals. I just think a lot of bullies and assholes go into police work for the power trip.

Yep.  And then we get confirmation bias.  None of the cops expressed regret in their interviews about the conviction.  They doubled down even when it seems like it was one bad detective feeding all the information to a kid. 

I have to wonder whether or not the lawyer could play the confession and show how he was fed information. 

Such a tragic ending...and it looks like we'll get another update once his murder is hopefully solved. 

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3 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

Such a tragic ending...and it looks like we'll get another update once his murder is hopefully solved. 

I was thinking the same thing..  It was like Keith was saying "we're not done yet."

I don't know what it was about the pictures of Angie, but she looked older than 18 to me.  Looking at the pics, I would have said she was in her mid-20s or even a bit older than that.

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Tapp's conviction was overturned and he won a lawsuit for $11 million (I think that's the amount). He got married, but it didn't last long. He bought what looked like a very nice house and at least one fancy car. He was in Las Vegas attending a car show and was found dead in his hotel room. At first the finding was that he'd tripped and hit his head on a coffee table, but then it was determined he'd been murdered by blunt-force trauma to the head.

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4 hours ago, Ohmo said:

I don't know what it was about the pictures of Angie, but she looked older than 18 to me.

Yes, and I kept thinking of her mother saying Angie was almost 6 feet tall and very strong.  Angie sounded about as young and fit as a girl can be, and yet,  a skinny, drunk, stupid, older man can come in and rape and kill her.  Why do men have to be so much stronger than women?

At least we got to see her mother,  Carol Dodge, who  was such a fine woman, one of the best of many we've seen on this show.

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I was stunned that the extraordinary work of CeCe Moore, the forensic genealogist was not singled out in the string of victory acknowledgements at the end of the episode.  If it weren't for CeCe Moore the true murderer would probably NEVER have been found.   

CeCe Moore was featured in a series a few years ago when her work was in its infancy.  Her work is fascinating and serves as a genuine source of hope for so many cold and other unsolved cases throughout the Country.



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7 hours ago, pdlinda said:

I was stunned that the extraordinary work of CeCe Moore, the forensic genealogist was not singled out in the string of victory acknowledgements at the end of the episode.  If it weren't for CeCe Moore the true murderer would probably NEVER have been found.   

CeCe Moore was featured in a series a few years ago when her work was in its infancy.  Her work is fascinating and serves as a genuine source of hope for so many cold and other unsolved cases throughout the Country.



She is amazing.  So brilliant and yet so modest about it.  Such a contrast between her and all the arrogant police detectives. 

Just think of all the times Angie's mother went to the police station and was told "We're working on it."  Yet now we know they hadn't even bothered to follow up on the man who  lived across the street.

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5 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Just think of all the times Angie's mother went to the police station and was told "We're working on it."  Yet now we know they hadn't even bothered to follow up on the man who  lived across the street.

Agree, it was awful how they could have solved the case correctly from the start if they'd have just done better police work. Throughout the episode, I kept saying to my TV, "Did they canvas the neighborhood? See if the neighbors saw or heard anything?" So imagine my surprise when it was revealed it was one of the neighbors.  I think the police had a bite against those "river kids" and wanted to put as many of them away as they could, hence the reason they kept growing the perp list even though the evidence pointed to only one participant. 

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6 hours ago, JudyObscure said:


Just think of all the times Angie's mother went to the police station and was told "We're working on it."  Yet now we know they hadn't even bothered to follow up on the man who  lived across the street.

Carol Dodge is a remarkable woman,  and all those fricking detectives need to apologize to her.  This is yet another case where you learn talking to cops without a lawyer is bad.

I watched the original story on this, and watched again for the twist.  I had no idea Christopher died and was probably murdered.  How horrible.


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23 hours ago, Irlandesa said:

I have to wonder whether or not the lawyer could play the confession and show how he was fed information. 

I don't get this either. Clearly, the interrogation tapes are in the public domain in order for Dateline (and Angie's mother) to be able to get them. We can see for ourselves the cops feeding information to the suspect and how he had no idea where anything was and had to be told which rooms were which, etc. So why doesn't his attorney simply play those tapes to the jury? Are the tapes not available to the public until after the case has been tried or something?

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51 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

Are the tapes not available to the public until after the case has been tried or something?

The tapes probably weren't available to the public.  Usually you have to make a request to review evidence from a murder case and cops tend to claim "ongoing case" to prevent people from seeing them.  And since they hadn't, in their minds, caught the "third guy" whose DNA was left at the scene, they could make this claim.

However, the confession would have been part of discovery so Chris's lawyer would have had it.  I suspect one of his lawyer's gave her the tapes to watch since she was curious. 

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On 2/24/2024 at 5:04 PM, TVbitch said:

The show didn't record for me last night, but I remember this case. Can someone tell me what the tragic ending was? 

Chris Tapp (who was imprisoned for killing Angie) was exonerated in 2019 but recently died in Octoberish 2023.  Las Vegas.  Foul play is suspected, but Keith said there are few details as of yet.

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On 2/24/2024 at 5:15 PM, Mondrianyone said:

At first the finding was that he'd tripped and hit his head on a coffee table, but then it was determined he'd been murdered by blunt-force trauma to the head.

Did anyone else's hinky meter go off when they said that it had been ruled an accident from tripping and hitting his head on the coffee table? Mine sure did, so I wasn't at all surprised when they later said there was actually foul play.

On 2/25/2024 at 5:21 AM, JudyObscure said:

Yet now we know they hadn't even bothered to follow up on the man who  lived across the street.

Not only that, the guy had NO ALIBI, and they were apparently like "Drunk neighbor across the street, no alibi, has left town. Cool."

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