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I missed the window one, cuz I didn't realize it was going to be airing. Is it worth catching online and enduring the excruciating commercials? 

That's a hard call because the commercials on Dateline are interminable. But it's one of those cases that sort of leaves you unsure of what to believe. 

It's weird, Friday's Dateline was a repeat but then they had this new episode Sunday night at 7:00 ET.

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I found it odd that the husband went to the police to tell them about his wife's drinking.  That was just a few days before her death.  It really did seem like he was setting up the suicide story for the cops.  Who goes to the cops to talk about their spouse drinking too much?  I also believe the husband sent the texts to the boyfriend right before her death.  He was one creepy man.  

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6 hours ago, LakeGal said:

I found it odd that the husband went to the police to tell them about his wife's drinking.  That was just a few days before her death.  It really did seem like he was setting up the suicide story for the cops.  Who goes to the cops to talk about their spouse drinking too much? 

To be fair, he allegedly went to the police because Hannah's new boyfriend was coming into the apartment and taking things to help her move. Which . . . is weird. She was apparently still living there, was he going in alone when she wasn't there? But the fact that he kept repeating to anyone who would listen that she was drinking and taking drugs was definitely a red flag, after autopsy results showed she really hadn't been drinking that much AND he was the one who was buying the wine.

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Someone saw her hanging from the window.  That would mean her body left the apartment feet first on her stomach. That doesn't seem plausible. If you're going to jump, it would be head first.  I think he got her drugged (pills in her food) and carried her to the window and dropped her out the window.  She was able to grab hold of the window sill, but couldn't hold on.  Her torn hands proved that she was struggling to stop from falling.  No doubt in my mind that her husband killed her.

Her poor father hasn't even seen his granddaughter, and now he's totally alone.






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New Alex Murdaugh episode tonight. I wonder if they had to do some fast editing to include the verdict, since it seems like the verdict came back really fast. Although it makes you wonder why they would have scheduled this episode to air before a verdict was known, if that was the original plan. 

I'm glad the jury saw through his lies. I was home on the second day of Alex Murdaugh's time on the stand and so I saw a lot of his testimony and cross-examination. He just really had no credibility. His admitting that he lied about being at the kennels right before they were shot was completely self-serving and only came about because numerous family and friends testified that it was his voice on the video and he could no longer get away with continuing to perpetuate that lie. Also, there was just no credible opportunity for anyone else to have committed the crime. The 2 guns that could have been used to prove or disprove if they were the murder weapons were both conveniently missing. The dogs never detected that there was a stranger near by, lying in wait for Alex to leave so they could shoot Paul and Maggie? I know it was the defense that wanted the jury to visit the property but I bet that backfired because once they saw how big and isolated the property was, it just became clear there was no way that anyone else had opportunity. 

As for motive, I firmly believe Alex is a narcissist and a family annihilator. Also he made a big deal out of the opioids making him paranoid and that's why he lied but by that same logic, the opioids could have made him paranoid and not thinking clearly and so he made up some twisted logic in his head that his family would be better off dead than with him disgraced. I'm sure Buster is probably secretly relieved that his father is off behind bars and can't finish the job of offing the entire family. 

I'll be watching this episode, as I have not seen the HBO series that has been talked about so much. I'll be interested to see what new information Dateline adds. 

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3 hours ago, GiandujaPie said:

Although it makes you wonder why they would have scheduled this episode to air before a verdict was known, if that was the original plan. 

It's going to be the Murdaugh trial all weekend.  48 Hours is doing it, too.  I bet both networks had something ready for when the verdict came back.  We'll likely get a mix of footage from previous episodes, plus some new material.

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On 2/27/2023 at 11:13 AM, iMonrey said:

Nobody seemed to consider the possibility that it was just an accident. Like it had to be either murder or suicide.

Yeah. I think both the prosecutors and the defense presented compelling cases thus I would’ve voted not guilty. There was too much reasonable doubt for me, based on the evidence highlighted in this episode, to conclude she was absolutely murdered. That’s not to say her husband wasn’t a POS. 

I did find the story about Hanna’s family calling the authorities on the husband’s mom when she attempted to take custody of the granddaughter and take her back to the U.S., per the husband’s request because he was locked up, strange. Only for the husband’s family to get custody after a couple months anyway. It didn’t sound like Hannah’s family attempted to get custody but we’re just trying to throw a monkey wrench in the husband’s family getting custody. That story sounded incomplete as it didn’t quite make sense to me.

2 hours ago, Enero said:

It didn’t sound like Hannah’s family attempted to get custody but we’re just trying to throw a monkey wrench in the husband’s family getting custody. That story sounded incomplete as it didn’t quite make sense to me.

The convicted man is still the legal father of the children.  If he designates family who are suitable and willing to raise the children, Hannah's parents probably don't have much of a leg to stand on.


52 minutes ago, Irlandesa said:

The convicted man is still the legal father of the children.  If he designates family who are suitable and willing to raise the children, Hannah's parents probably don't have much of a leg to stand on.


I agree.  As his parents ended up with custody of the granddaughter but as stated Hannah’s parents seemed to cause unnecessary drama for their granddaughter when they called the Belgium authorities on the father’s mother who flew there, took custody of the granddaughter and planned to return to the U.S. with her as he (the father) was locked up at the time. However, with Hannah’s parents calling the authorities the granddaughter was temporarily removed from the father’s mother and placed in “foster-care” with another military family until the case was sorted out. There was no mention of Hannah’s parents fighting for custody of the granddaughter. So their actions came off as vindictive rather than helpful. But again, Dateline likely left out a huge part of the story surrounding the granddaughter’s custody situation after her father was arrested.

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8 minutes ago, Enero said:

However, with Hannah’s parents calling the authorities the granddaughter was temporarily removed from the father’s mother and placed in “foster-care” with another military family until the case was sorted out. There was no mention of Hannah’s parents fighting for custody of the granddaughter.

I just assumed that was them trying to fight for custody and since the European authorities didn't know which set of grandparents to give the child to, they put her in foster care while it sorted itself out, especially since neither were citizens of the country.

Edited by Irlandesa
23 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

The Dateline episode was rehash and did not need to be 2 hours. They did feature a lot of the trial but the rehash part was repetitive. Could have fast forwarded thru the first ten minutes or so.

I was wondering about that.  I wouldn't mind watching another Murdaugh episode if they focused largely on the murder of the wife, kid, and murder trial but I don't think I can do another recap of all of the Murdaugh Family evils after watching Dateline and the HBO Max mini-series.

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I like to binge watch my dateline episodes. I've seen so many that I have to watch other crime shows and wait for some episodes to pile up. I used to watch anything Keith Morrison narrated when going to bed because his voice killed me to sleep. The joke to my boyfriend was "I went to bed with Keith Morrison every night"

So on my last binge I watched the Murdoch trial followed by the Window. As soon as the episode revealed the medicine that the victim took, my detective brain just knew what happened. Ambien is notorious for sleepwalking. Most people sleepwalk to their kitchen to binge eat never remembering but finding whole pies eaten in the morning hours!

But I'm pretty confident the victims sleeping mind thought she was gonna sit on the ledge or take a walk. She woke up when she screamed. 

And I can't get over how the victims father had the grandbaby placed with foster care and didn't go retrieve the baby. And he hasn't seen her for seven years but deemed a mansion renovation more important. JEEZ!


Angel Callahan, South Carolina





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2 hours ago, Morrigan2575 said:

15 min into this show about missing Rita.  They said she went out at night with her half brother and never came home. Yet mom calls hospitals, ex boyfriend,  cops but not the person Rita went out with?  Can't tell if he did it or giant misdirection 

My mom kept wondering about that, too. She was like, "Didn't anyone bother to ask the half-brother about what happened that night?" She also didn't understand why a group of friends would just let a young woman wait for a ride outside at night alone instead of ensuring they'd find a way home with them.

I wanted to hug Rita's sons. Poor boys, they seem so sweet and I think their mom would be proud of how they've turned out. I also liked that Kaylene attended the memorial service - I'm so sorry that she went through such a horrific encounter, too. I'm glad her efforts to help find the guy who'd attacked her and killed Rita proved helpful in the end.

The investigator being picked to do the eulogy and trying to ensure Rita's sons could still have something of a Christmas was nice, too. 

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Me three in wondering why friends/family were letting these women leave a bar or a party, or be led away by a stranger at 2AM in the morning. At least the ex-boyfriend didn't do it.

WTF with the entire town just assuming Kaylene was a lying slut. How is that even still a thing? 

Now for the petty: OUCH on that inside upper lip ring Rita's sister was sporting! And I found it odd that they kept showing photos of Rita that were heavily filtered and looked nothing like her in the candid photos. I noticed when the cops had her photos all spread out they had those filtered versions but next to them were the unfiltered originals.   


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On 3/3/2023 at 3:40 PM, TVbitch said:

Ugh, I will be passing on 20/20, Dateline and 48 Hours this week then. Totally not doing 5 more hours of fooking Alex Mudaugh! 

I deleted  the recording without  watching it. I think I’ve got all the info I need about this guy. Especially since I watched some of his testimony.  Which I didn’t believe.  

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13 hours ago, DonnaMae said:

I just thought it was odd, since the other two were interviewed several times.

I think they were interviewed once and snippets were shown at various points.

It should be standard practice that someone within the police department follows up on hang up 911 calls.  Beyond the immediate return  calls with no answer and untraceable.  Call back the next day etc until you get an answer or get the phone records  and get in touch with someone.  Of course there are lots of reasons for hang up 911 calls, so maybe that’s not practical. I accidentally got a 911 call started on my cell phone  because I pushed two particular buttons at once- I caught it as it was dialing. 

My next comment is really shallow - but I’m often surprised by what family members wear etc to Dateline interviews.  The youngest sisters’ hair style and false  eyelashes were distracting 

Edited by mythoughtis
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I had the same questions about the half-brother and cousin/cousin boyfriend that were with her that night. Half brother was never mentioned again after 5 minutes in. If the police had spent more time looking for the rapist maybe the murder wouldn’t  have happened. Did the cops believe he said/she said and that’s why he wasn’t arrested?

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2 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

I’m often surprised by what family members wear etc to Dateline interviews.  The youngest sisters’ hair style and false  eyelashes were distracting 

I agree with your assessment.  I understand that the producers would NEVER interfere with any appearance "choice" made by an interviewee; however, on that basis, they should accept that sometimes the essence of the tragic circumstances of the story is diluted by such choices.

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On 3/11/2023 at 1:51 PM, TVbitch said:

Me three in wondering why friends/family were letting these women leave a bar or a party, or be led away by a stranger at 2AM in the morning. At least the ex-boyfriend didn't do it.

WTF with the entire town just assuming Kaylene was a lying slut. How is that even still a thing? 

Now for the petty: OUCH on that inside upper lip ring Rita's sister was sporting! And I found it odd that they kept showing photos of Rita that were heavily filtered and looked nothing like her in the candid photos. I noticed when the cops had her photos all spread out they had those filtered versions but next to them were the unfiltered originals.   


I agree with your comment about Kaylene. I don't know why it took the police and prosecutors so long to build a case against Juan. They had her statement that she was raped and assaulted, photos of her graphic injuries and DNA. Yes, I know that they stated they couldn't find him, but I question how hard they tried. I think they didn't actually believe her and just made some half-hearted attempts to find Juan by going to his mom's house and his sister's house but then shrugged their shoulders and were like meh, can't find him. I mean, he was out and about in town, going to bars, and they couldn't find him?? BS. 

I too wondered why the family was using those obviously filtered photos of Rita in the posters. You'd think the family would want to use photos of her that looked like what she would like if you randomly saw her on the street, not what she posts on Instagram or Snapchat in heavily edited and filtered photos. 

And how disgusting was it that when Juan got picked up by border patrol and when he asked what his warrant was for and they said rape, he was all "sweet!". He figured that his lies about Kaylene had already swept the community and he could talk his way out of it. To me, that shows he knew the cops didn't try hard to pin that on him and he thought he could get out of it. He was more concerned that they didn't find Rita's body yet. 

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10 hours ago, patty1h said:

What happened to the running thread for discussing new Dateline episodes?   We're using this one titled "The Window" now?  Confused.

Anyway, the show is again recycling episodes that they've done already. Tonight it's called "Secrets of the Snake Farm", but back in early 2022, the episode was called "Venom".   

Sorry. That was a mistake. Fixed now!

I don't remember Justice for Kristen Smart but I don't know if it was a new episode or not. I was mad the killer's father wasn't found guilty. Maybe there just wasn't enough evidence but I thought both the parents should have been held responsible for aiding and abetting.

And unfortunately I think they did find all that was left of Kristen when they dug up that yard. It sounds like Paul Flores effectively dissolved her body since they found evidence of some kind of dissolving agent, plus trace amounts of blood.

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I don't remember Justice for Kristen Smart but I don't know if it was a new episode or not. I was mad the killer's father wasn't found guilty. Maybe there just wasn't enough evidence but I thought both the parents should have been held responsible for aiding and abetting.

And unfortunately I think they did find all that was left of Kristen when they dug up that yard. It sounds like Paul Flores effectively dissolved her body since they found evidence of some kind of dissolving agent, plus trace amounts of blood.

Listen to your own backyard podcasts. This is why there was even a trial.  Chris thoroughly investigated the case.  Can’t wait for the final episode.   Yes. Paul’s father, mother and sister are all guilty in aiding and abetting.    We had storm warnings last night and I didn’t get to watch it all.  Can’t wait to catch it on peacock.  

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On 4/1/2023 at 11:50 AM, iMonrey said:

I don't remember Justice for Kristen Smart but I don't know if it was a new episode or not. I was mad the killer's father wasn't found guilty. Maybe there just wasn't enough evidence but I thought both the parents should have been held responsible for aiding and abetting.

It was a new episode, although in October 2021 there was an episode called The Vanishing of Kristin Smart.

I would like to raise an issue that may be somewhat controversial.  Near the end, the police or some other authority, apologized for having described Kristin as "promiscuous" early in the investigation, and said no woman should ever be called that.  My question is, why?  (I'm putting aside the issue of whether Kristin was or was not having a lot of sex with strangers, and focusing solely on a hypothetical woman who does indeed have sex with a large amount of men who are strangers to her.)  Is it because of the word alone, and 'promiscuous' sounds judge-y?  In which case it should still be OK to speak about the very real dangers of a woman having sex with a large number of men who are strangers.

Or is it because we can't even label such behaviors in any way, including "high risk", which that type of lifestyle definitely is for a woman.  And this has nothing to do with shaming, or judging, or taking away a woman's agency, or having a double-standard about sex.  It's about the fact that a man who has sex with a lot of women strangers, while running a STD risk, is not facing at all the type of physical harm risk that a woman who has sex with a lot of men strangers is.  And going from true crime stories, it appears that a man who has sex with a lot of men strangers also is at high risk for physical danger. 

So, both of those more dangerous behaviors could be called "high-risk" but not "promiscuous", or can't even be called "high-risk" at all?

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Good question, LuvMyShows.  I often want to point out how risky a young woman's lifestyle is (or was) even if it's just something like getting wasted at fraternity parties, but I'm always afraid someone will think I'm judging them. 

Nice young women do all that!  They go on spring break and hang out in the hotel rooms of boys they just met on the beach, they go to  clubs with girl friends and then leave alone or with a guy.  I'm not judging them at all, but I want to warn them and I think Dateline could maybe be a little more cautionary as they tell the stories.  Not blaming the victim just trying to teach something from the victim's experience.

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"Behind Door 813." No justice for the Crews family. Because of sloppy police work, a murderer goes free. Little consolation Brenda was found guilty in the civil suit. She'll never be able to pay the award, so what's the point? Does the case go to a collection agency that garnishes her wages forever? What if she doesn't work? Do her husband's wages get garnished?

Can't believe the police had the nerve to tell Jonathan's family "we'll get her next time." Or that Brenda's ex-boyfriend said he didn't think she'd murder anyone. She went after your mother with scissors! If she'd stabbed Jonathan with scissors would you believe it then?

Edited by iMonrey
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55 minutes ago, EtheltoTillie said:

I fell asleep in the middle. What was the sloppy police work? 

A police officer moved the gun.  It ended up on the kitchen counter.

The police took Jonathan's bed apart. A shell casing fell out.   They took pics of where it ended up but can't document where it was at the start.

They don't have Brenda's DNA.  They swabbed her hands for GSW. The DNA they thought they had ended up being Jonathan's blood on her hands, not a clear sample of her own DNA.

They didn't try and get prints off the gun until after it had been tested for DNA, which obliterated any potential prints.

She completely did it, IMO.  I wish the foreperson of the civil jury hadn't said out loud that they would have convicted her in criminal court.  While I agree with him, he just publicly tainted any possibility of a jury pool.

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16 minutes ago, Ohmo said:

A police officer moved the gun.  It ended up on the kitchen counter.

The police took Jonathan's bed apart. A shell casing fell out.   They took pics of where it ended up but can't document where it was at the start.

They don't have Brenda's DNA.  They swabbed her hands for GSW. The DNA they thought they had ended up being Jonathan's blood on her hands, not a clear sample of her own DNA.

They didn't try and get prints off the gun until after it had been tested for DNA, which obliterated any potential prints.

She completely did it, IMO.  I wish the foreperson of the civil jury hadn't said out loud that they would have convicted her in criminal court.  While I agree with him, he just publicly tainted any possibility of a jury pool.

Wow that’s pathetic!  Thanks for the info. 

On 4/4/2023 at 10:46 AM, LuvMyShows said:

I would like to raise an issue that may be somewhat controversial.  Near the end, the police or some other authority, apologized for having described Kristin as "promiscuous" early in the investigation, and said no woman should ever be called that.  My question is, why?

It's because there are a lot of judgey terms used to describe behavior in women that don't get used to describe men. 

And the use of those judgier terms is part of the reason why it's more dangerous to navigate those situations as a woman.  It polices women on their behavior instead of doing police work to lock these perpetrators up.  By having the police (the police of all people!) criticize her drinking or relationships, they're basically saying Kristen should have made better choices than hanging out with her male peers doing the same activities they were doing.  Too much misogyny still implies that women are responsible for being around when men lose it. Therefore, more time is spent teaching women how to protect themselves than is spent showing boys there will be consequences for this behavior. 

Look at how long Paul was able to get away with murder, drugging, and raping women.  It was decades. How many women were assaulted by him and didn't go to the police because they knew their choices would be judged by the cops? Or by others? Or how many internalized their own "responsibility?"  Did you know the guy?  Did you vet him?  Are you sure you were drugged, or did you just forget how many drinks you had?  You went to his house. Did you initially intend to engage in intercourse? Do you often go to the homes of strangers?

This is the kind of narrative that you only really see with women who are victims of sexual violence.  If someone is robbed, most of the time, no one is examining  the 1001 steps they could have taken to prevent the robbery.

Or, for instance, the CEO of CashApp was recently found murdered on the streets of San Francisco.  All the articles focused on the problem of rising crime in San Francisco.  None of them hinted at or implied that his choice to be out on the streets at 3 a.m. was engaging in high-risk behavior even though it is more dangerous to be out in the middle of the night.

6 hours ago, Ohmo said:

While I agree with him, he just publicly tainted any possibility of a jury pool.

They'd just need to find jurors unaware of the civil case. I do not think it'd be that hard, especially since it has been years since the murder. 

But yeah, it was poorly done police work.




Edited by Irlandesa
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Not sure how long ago this murder was, but for goodness sake, at this point do they not teach all cops to treat any violent death as a possible homicide?! And this one was not even a super obvious suicide, what with the girlfriend giving that ridiculous "put your hands over your ears and I will prove how much I love you" story right at the scene.  

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On 4/8/2023 at 2:23 PM, TVbitch said:

Not sure how long ago this murder was, but for goodness sake, at this point do they not teach all cops to treat any violent death as a possible homicide?! And this one was not even a super obvious suicide, what with the girlfriend giving that ridiculous "put your hands over your ears and I will prove how much I love you" story right at the scene.  

I agree that her story didn't make any sense. Even if he was going to commit suicide in front of his girlfriend, why do it in the manner he did? A person familiar with guns would have shot himself in the head, not on the side of his chest. 

Brenda seemed obviously clingy and jealous and she was probably mad that he was breaking up with her. 

However, I agree that the police so f'ed up the crime scene and did such shoddy police work that there probably wasn't going to be a way to prosecute. 

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2 hours ago, iMonrey said:

No probably about it, most obvious case of Fatal Attraction I've ever seen this side of Jody Arias.

And where people the people involved with these types (male or female) are really nuts is breaking up with them and allowing them to stay under the same roof after telling them they're being dumped.  

I guess that most people  think that the insanely jealous soon  to- be- ex loves them so much that they wouldn't even  dream of crime of passion murder.  

Its really a shame that in this case the cops screwed things up so badly that murderer gets to live her life with nothing over her head other than a law suit the family will never be able to collect on and a bad reputation.  

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There was a lifetime movie a couple of years ago that was so much like this story. I think it was called fatal fiancée or something like that. A young woman was obsessed with her boyfriend, killed him when he broke it off and then tried to insist she was his fiancée and wanted his funeral to be all about her.

It should be a huge red flag to anyone when someone you’re dating doesn’t want you to ever talk to another person of the opposite sex. I find it really strange that the cops didn’t even attempt to do a proper job with the evidence or realize how easy it is to send a text from someone else’s phone.

Edited by Madding crowd
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