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http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-34503863  Cosby had to testify all day last Friday in a civil suit brought by the woman who was fifteen at the time.  Gloria Alred is bringing other cases to court.  I believe (hope) it's just getting started.  I can't believe he suddenly quit doing what seemed to be an extreme fetish -- Cosby could have found plenty of willing women, he just prefers passed out ones. 

I think more recent cases, inside the statute of limitations will keep popping up to make his life miserable for some time.



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http://www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-34503863  Cosby had to testify all day last Friday in a civil suit brought by the woman who was fifteen at the time.  Gloria Alred is bringing other cases to court.  I believe (hope) it's just getting started.  I can't believe he suddenly quit doing what seemed to be an extreme fetish -- Cosby could have found plenty of willing women, he just prefers passed out ones. 

I think more recent cases, inside the statute of limitations will keep popping up to make his life miserable for some time.


I know, right? He was rich, famous, powerful, and decent looking. He could have had many gorgeous, willing women, but that wasn't his thing apparently.

This one case with the 15 yr old (at the time) may be the ticket to some bit of justice. Better than nothing; and as mentioned, that one may open the door for other cases that are still, or may be , actionable. Anyway, it will bring attention to all the cases and be some comfort and consolation that he is feeling it.

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He was rich, famous, powerful, and decent looking. He could have had many gorgeous, willing women, but that wasn't his thing apparently.


He also held himself up as the moral standard for decency and "family values".

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The Talk has 2 women comedians in the cast, and when this story first started gaining a lot of attention after the Hannibal Burress standup comment, both of them were very cautious of how they stated it but both of them said that when they first started out, old timers had warned them about Cosby and not to be caught alone with him.  People knew.   I can remember hearing rumors of this going back many years.  I think the reason it won't die now is the internet--once it's out there it can't be squashed like it could in the regular press.

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I watched this episode and could only think that Good, these women are finally being believed.  Absolutely shocking that Cosby still has defenders.  


It also makes you wonder how many other showbiz icons have preyed on women in the same way.  There was a very famous beloved guy in England named Jimmy Saville.   After he died it turned out that he was serial rapist/abuser of young girls & teenagers.  And (big surprise) when a few of his victims did go to the police they were the ones treated like the criminals - accused of  trying to ruin the beloved entertainer's good name with their "lies" -  with nobody believing them.  

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Some of these posts are humbling me and making me feel speechless for the courageousness and strength of you ladies. 


I didn't watch this.  My DVR recorded it but I deleted it.  I just felt a huge Dateline burnout.


That said, I kind of understand where Malcolm Jamal Warner is coming from . . . in a roundabout way.  I did wonder if the other actors on the show, as well as writers, directors, producers, camera operators, etc. were infuriated with him.  He's basically ruined all of their work as well.  Not just financially with residuals but these people put their time, efforts, blood, sweat and tears into the show.  They are being punished in a sense too because of what that scum Cosby did.


I hope he's brought to justice.  I hope his wife makes him miserable and takes him to the cleaners.  He's a disgrace.

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Malcolm Jamal Warner wasn't blaming Cosby. He was blaming the women for tainting the legacy of the Cosby Show. He said it was one of the few shows where African Americans were shown in a positive light.

But he wasn't blaming Cosby. Not by a long shot.

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Is this streamed online?


It boggles my mind how his wife still stands by him and refuses to believe he is capable of doing this. I know she is aware of his infidelities, so why would she say all these women are lying?

That's all I could think of while watching it. To a point I feel sad for Camille -- I'm sure she was a victim in many ways. But she is aiding and abetting a sick abuser. How does she look herself in the mirror each day? How does she face him? Can't begin to imagine what goes on in that marriage.


The Cosby Show was very special. It is a shame to lose that from the culture. Only one person is responsible for that, and it's Bill Cosby. It's possible I have missed part of the story where MJW commented, but In the report I read, he was not criticizing the victims:

"My biggest concern is when it comes to images of people of color on television and film, no matter what...negative stereotypes of people of color, we've always had The Cosby Show to hold up against that," he said. "And the fact that we no longer have that, that's the thing that saddens me the most because in a few generations the Huxtables will have been just a fairy tale."

I don't know what else MJW has said, but I don't fault him for this POV. If he has said more against the victims that I'm not aware of, then I stand corrected.

Edited by lovinbob
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I want to do one big "LIKE" to every post  here. This subject is so exhausting to me, I just can't do it individually. But I want to say how much I appreciate every one and every post here. Who knew that the creep that is Cosby could bring so many people together this way. Bless all of you. Like, like and like. I hope this gives us all some strength and independence from abuse, past, present and future.

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The Cosby Show was very special. It is a shame to lose that from the culture. Only one person is responsible for that, and it's Bill Cosby. It's possible I have missed part of the story where MJW commented, but In the report I read, he was not criticizing the victims:

I don't know what else MJW has said, but I don't fault him for this POV. If he has said more against the victims that I'm not aware of, then I stand corrected.

This is from People Magazine:




As more than 50 women claim Bill Cosby drugged and raped them, the man who played his son [Warner] on his beloved sitcom says he worries the allegations have "tarnished" its ground-breaking legacy.

Then, the quote you posted comes right after that.


No, Malcolm. The allegations haven't tarnished the show. The serial rapist tarnished his own legacy and the legacy of the show. When the hell will people learn that shaming rape victims is one of the reasons why they can't come forward? It is comments like this that cause victims to not want to say anything in the first place. Malcolm could have just commented his love for Cosby without having to mention how the victims are "tarnishing" anything connected to Cosby.


Malcolm's comments seem similar to Keshia Knight Pulliam's comment about how she doesn't know, she wasn't there. Sounds like Whoopi with her whole, "I don't know, I wasn't there" spiel that she resorts to from time to time. It is true. None of us were there. That doesn't negate the fact that women were raped. Just because we didn't witness the rapes, they didn't occur? I wasn't at the scene of the crime when Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were murdered by O.J., but the facts of that case tell me all I need to know: Simpson was the killer. In this case, all that has been said by these victims, all the show biz folk who have stated that it was common knowledge that Cosby was up to no good when it came to being alone with women, not to mention the civil case deposition where he admits to acquiring drugs under false pretenses so he can use them on women, all point to this person as being a serial rapist.

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Malcolm Jamal Warner wasn't blaming Cosby. He was blaming the women for tainting the legacy of the Cosby Show. He said it was one of the few shows where African Americans were shown in a positive light.

But he wasn't blaming Cosby. Not by a long shot.


Okay then, MJW is a big old douchebag as well.  The women haven't tainted the legacy of the show; Cosby did all that himself.   I wonder if MJW was one of the allegedly many people who knew what Cosby was up to for years.  Why is he defending this POS? 

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Wow, I wish I had found this thread sooner - I watched the show myself and it boggles the mind that people still doubt these women and act like they're doing this for money or whatever.  So many intelligent, decent women who obviously stand really nothing to gain by going public and people STILL doubt them in this day and age?  It boggles the mind.  When I was young and Beverly Johnson was on every magazine cover did I ever think I would see her 40 years later in such a sad context?  No! 


And yes, I am old enough to have had things happen to me that even when I reported I was doubted.  In 1978 when I was a junior in college a Catholic priest who was one of my professors and a department chairman came on to me several times - I reported it to several people(aka men) in various positions on campus but was dismissed by all and told that he was above that sort of thing and perhaps I was "reading into things".  Plus I had to quit one of my first jobs in a cafeteria in 1977 because the manager kept hitting on me - There was no one to complain to, no one cared back then, no one listened.  It is true that younger women have no idea what it was like and that it sucked really bad.  I have no doubt that if any of these women did try to go public with what Cosby did to them something bad would have happened to them and at the very least he would have made sure their careers were ruined.  What a sicko creep, and to think we all idolized him for so many decades!  It turns my stomach!  My condolences to any woman reading this who has had similar happen in their lives.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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Guilty or innocent there is no way in hell I would not immediately ask for a lawyer.

I agree. As a 41 year old woman I would know to absolutely ask to have an attorney. I think the problem is kids/teens don't have the benefit of life experience to draw on. We have seen many cases of young people saying what they think will get them out of the room with the cops. Does it make sense? No, but if you think of it as child it does. Children think of only now not down the road.

And cops know how to talk to kids and even adults who are maybe not completely on top of things. Police officers push as far as they can, to try and get a person to talk. I'm not putting down cops there are good and bad ones, my nephew is a great one.

I was happy the young man will get a new trial. The contractor is a good man. Everybody would be lucky to have him in their corner.

Edited by imjagain
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Wow.  Just wow.  The judge says the knife position in her hand was suspicious, he obviously didn't do CPR, and the surface that stopped the bullet was most likely the floor.  But he meets the burden about self-defense.  Terrible decision.  One of the instructions a jury always gets, is if a witness lies about something, it's fair to conclude they've lied about more.  This means it's acceptable to believe he lied about why she was in his home, he lied about her attacking him with a knife, he lied about her position while he killed her.  Slam dunk, IMO.  And I'm not even including his co-workers testifying he's known as a liar within the FBI.


When one side's family says the exact opposite of the other side's family, it's a little too self-serving, and I tend to dismiss them both. Her friends, however, are more believable because they saw her on a daily basis, and the mother/daughter didn't seem to know the co-worker, so they couldn't conspire about a story (like his family could).


Since I think he lied and even pre-meditated the whole thing, I think he's an idiot for not using the obvious jealousy excuse.  He was dating a woman half his age, her panties were in his room, wife wanted him back and tried to kill him out of jealousy and rage.


Even if this guy did the most careful, most inept, most disinterested CPR in history, at the very least - his cuffs would have been drenched in blood.  I'm absolutely shocked that no one had a problem with the obvious fact that he lied about the CPR.  He didn't even get close enough to check for pulse and/or respirations.  At the very least, that would have left bloody footprints.  No, he killed her then called 911 and performed like an actor.


It's unusual that he got the house and the kids, but he was better educated, had a superior job, and had the training to manipulate the entire situation.  It's also possible that she was so broken by the time she left him that she honestly felt she needed to get her shit together before she could function as a proper parent.


I'm not sure what I think about the female prosecutor crying over the verdict.  Standing there while the male prosecutor and a cop had to comfort her - ugh.  I've seen tears over getting a killer off of death row after proving his innocence, but this just irritated me a little.  Christopher Darden choked up at the press conference following OJ's not-guilty verdict, but it's because he was standing with Ron Goldman's family, and he had the grace to remove himself rather than just stand and weep.


I believe he shot her after she went down.  I believe he could have disarmed her (IF she was even armed in the first place) without using such deadly force.  I believe he faked and lied about doing CPR.  For me, the nail in his coffin was using his own son as a stand in for the kid's dead mother in the sick re-enactment pic.  Who DOES that? 


He was lucky at that point that a jury didn't hear this.  Juries react a lot more emotionally than a judge.


Yeah, the 4 shots got me.  I think it is more reasonable for a person with no police training to shoot 4 times because of adrenaline, while you'd think an officer of the law and highly trained would show more restraint.


I think he got away with it.


To me, killing her out of an instinct drilled into him is only believable if he's actually killed before.  Meaning, I can see a combat veteran who's killed many people reflexively killing with a perceived threat.  And that's why people shouldn't be wearing a gun strapped to their hip 24/7.  This isn't the old west, and you're not the town sheriff.

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For the last three weeks I've recorded the Friday night shows, but two hours is too damn long for me and I've deleted them usually 30-45 minutes in.  Keith Morrison just dddrrraaagggsss out everything and I lose interest.

Edited by One More Time
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I can answer some questions that have been raised in the thread.

Julie did have a documented drinking problem. She had been to rehab. Art also had videos of her drunk and acting aggressively on multiple occasions. They were shown in court. But toxicology reports show she was sober on the day she died.

She had come to the house that day to pick up some summer clothes.

Art was paying her $2000 a month in spousal support as was mandated in a separation agreement.

The girlfriend married the other agent she was seeing.

Here is a list of articles about the case from the local paper. Click on related items near the bottom of the page.



I agree with   tobeannounced  that too many women think it's okay for them to flail out at men with fists and knives and not expect any violence in return.  I hate seeing women do this to me in movies, etc. and it shows up in lots of domestic abuse cases that the woman struck the first blow.  Even so, it's part of the definition of self-defense that while it's legal to return violence it should be "in kind," and not "he threw a rock so I shot him," sort of thing.


Yes, I'm troubled by the level of the response, and I'm even more bothered by the assertion that LEOs just have to react on instinct.  I ask this genuinely...not trying to throw shade on any LEOs, but honestly, then what is the difference between a LEO and a civilian?  You hear all of the time.  "We have to make split-second decisions.  Yes, you do, and I would think that one of those decisions is how to be a marksman AND figure out how to subdue a threat in as few shots as possible.  Four shorts to cause mortal injury does seem like overkill...or something an untrained civilian would do in the rush of the moment.  So again what exactly is the difference between a LEO and a civilian?


I can get behind it possibly being necessary to shoot and injure Julie, but he mortally wounded her

Edited by Ohmo
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Don't the FBI agents have to periodically pass gun accuracy testing? He could have shot her in the leg to make her fall, slow her down. But four shots to the chest? Either he's a really shitty agent or he murdered her. I am going with he murdered her.

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These convictions based on coerced confessions always make my blood boil, especially when it comes to younger and more vulnerable people.  It seems like some (not all of course) members of law enforcement really don't care if they are right in their allegations, only that they get a feather in their cap for closing a case. 


I am completely astonished at the DA's office in wanting to continue to pursue this.  If the confession is now inadmissible, let it go man…you've got nothing!  At this point, it comes off as purely ego driven.

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These convictions based on coerced confessions always make my blood boil, especially when it comes to younger and more vulnerable people.  It seems like some (not all of course) members of law enforcement really don't care if they are right in their allegations, only that they get a feather in their cap for closing a case. 


I am completely astonished at the DA's office in wanting to continue to pursue this.  If the confession is now inadmissible, let it go man…you've got nothing!  At this point, it comes off as purely ego driven.


I know right? How do they sleep at night or anytime?

"Well, let's just pin it on any poor schmuck. And eff it if the real perp is dangerous and running amok and doing it again." [/words in my head as if it's them ]

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I don't think cops should be allowed to question minors without parents AND a legal advocate present.  I also don't think anyone should say anything to cops, ever.  They are allowed to lie and deceive citizens at every turn, but giving false information to a cop is an actionable offense.  I don't play with people who don't play fair.

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It really does need to be addressed.  As most people on this board has expressed, false confessions happen all the time.  It is time to get the word out.  People are scared and tired and confused and they just want to go home.  Not good police work.


Also wanted to mention that it seems there may be a smear campaign brewing against the business man that he "intimidated witnesses" per the reporter.  How low can they go.

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I swear stories like this are a cautionary tale to minors/kids. I can't imagine ever confessing to a crime I didn't commit, and I've always questioned anyone who would, but the more I see of these kinds of cases, the more I can see how it can happen when you see the circumstances and especially the young ages of the accused. I'm the kind of person who is all for justice and doubt the lies of obviously guilty people, but this guy is obviously innocent. And what about the convicted man who was probably the killer (or his dead brother) just up on the stand saying he would not answer the questions? The contractor is a true God send. Yes, there need to be more like him in this world. Lord help me, for I sound like a bleeding heart, and I'm so not, but I'm not naive enough to not believe there are innocent people behind bars. I don't think the percentage is large, but they do exist. Case in point is this episode.

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I am so disgusted by Bill Cosby. First and foremost, that he drugged and raped all of these women plus whoever has not been vocal about their story, but secondly, and on a very shallow note in comparison, the fact that he has ruined a show that I loved growing up and wanted to share with my own children, but now I can't because I don't ever want to see his evil face again. And love and positive thoughts to all of you who have shared your stories. I am so sorry about what you have gone through.

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It really does need to be addressed.  As most people on this board has expressed, false confessions happen all the time.  It is time to get the word out.  People are scared and tired and confused and they just want to go home.  Not good police work.

  It really does, and a little off topic, but I think this would be a great issue for John Oliver at Last Week Tonight to address.

Edited by Fable
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  It really does, and a little off topic, but I think this would be a great issue for John Oliver at Last Week Tonight to address.


I'd love to see that, and maybe throw in someone from The Innocence Project and Kathleen Zellner, too.


quoting from my latest post in the 48 Hours All Episodes thread : "The Innocence Project found that in cases of people wrongly convicted of homicide and later exonerated by DNA, over 60% gave false confessions, usually after lengthy intense interviews."

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I'd love to see that, and maybe throw in someone from The Innocence Project and Kathleen Zellner, too.


quoting from my latest post in the 48 Hours All Episodes thread : "The Innocence Project found that in cases of people wrongly convicted of homicide and later exonerated by DNA, over 60% gave false confessions, usually after lengthy intense interviews."

That is such a high number.  I just think of all the money spent, not just in this case but all of them.  It was into the six figures and most people don't have that kind of money or time.  It is such a massive task to overcome the conviction.


I really felt bad for the friend who was scared.  Also the the district attorney that was co-counsel and sympathetic to this cause said that in their office they take the confession as is and don't look into it further.  Maybe they should.  There are so many cases of over zealous cops and prosecutors.  The Hudson river kayak case comes to mind.  Why are they wasting their time?  Again all that time, money and effort and someone gets away with murder.

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This story reminds me of the Memphis 3 and how the DA just would not admit they had the wrong guys in jail.  And the only way out for the 3 was to admit  to doing the crime and the state let them out.  What?  I know one of the boys (now men) did not want to cop to the Alfred Plea but did so Damien (the supposed ring leader) would not be put to death while they fought the conviction.   


What is it about a DA's office that they cannot admit they are only human and made a mistake?  The one lawman (did not catch his name) is so convince the kid did it even though they have NO evidence that he was even there!  Let it go man.


And I do not know how it is even close to being legal that the cops can question a minor without their parents at least in the room?  At 16 you are barely legal to drive!  It should be law that underage kids cannot be questioned by the police without their parents or if confession of the crime was acquired after more than 2 hours of questioning it could not be used in a court of law.........ok that might be a bit much but after hammering a 16 year for 10-12 hours anything they confess to would be suspect at best.

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There can be no other legal things taking place (contracts, leases, loans, whatever) between a minor and someone, so why are the cops any different?

Edited by ari333
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I agree that Daniel's confession was coerced, and I think it's more than likely that the guy who took the Fifth on the stand is the killer.  That said, two things are nagging at me.  The allegation at the end of the episode that the contractor is financially inducing witnesses to change their testimony, and the fact that the DA is filing the case again.  I have a difficult time believing that is solely motivated by stubborn professional pride or bravado.  It takes a lot of resources for a third trial, so I'm wondering if the DA has something that points to Daniel's involvement in or knowledge of the crime beyond bragging about it.  I don't  think that Daniel killed the boys, but I'm suspicious that there might be more to this situation.

Edited by Ohmo
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There have been numerous cases of pride and hubris being the main motivation for prosecutors (even not the original ones) to carry on in the face of overwhelming evidence of innocence, so I have no problem believing it's the reason.

I was curious if the contractor and his girlfriend who introduced him to the family were still together. They were interviewed separately and it focused that it was only his passion project.

Edited by biakbiak
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Exactly! The West Memphis 3 were forced to take an Alford plea after years in incarceration because after a shit ton of evidence the New DA didn't want to say ok but retry them and Damian was still up for the death penalty. In Ryan Ferguson's case the only reason he was convicted was his troubled drug friends "memories" and though Ryan was exonerated his drug addled friends remains behind bars because he confessed to a shit ton of bullshit and he was probably drunkingly sleeping the night away when Kent Heiitholdt was murdered!

I still remember when Ryan got released and Keith Morrison mentioned that not only did he come from a family of means, his story came with a hook "handsome white youth" that attracted not only Zellnerr but 48 hours and Dateline to keep up the pressure that eventually earned his release. However because of his confession Charles Erickson is still rotting away in prison for a crime hardly anyone thinks he is guilty of but because of his confession he has no options. I love Keith Morrison for his cheesy style and that fun fact that Matthew Perry is his stepson, but he also can serve up realness when he reminds us that often justice only happens to people with means or a media hook.

Eta: Keith was not the only person to mention it Ryan also mentioned and the WM3 also have acknowledged race, family and attention. I think Keith's quote was "but what of the countless thousands you don't hear about!"

Edited by biakbiak
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Exactly! The West Memphis 3 were forced to take an Alford plea after years in incarceration because after a shit ton of evidence the New DA didn't want to say ok but retry them and Damian was still up for the death penalty. In Ryan Ferguson's case the only reason he was convicted was his troubled drug friends "memories" and though Ryan was exonerated his drug addled friends remains behind bars because he confessed to a shit ton of bullshit and he was probably drunkingly sleeping the night away when Kent Heiitholdt was murdered!

I still remember when Ryan got released and Keith Morrison mentioned that not only did he come from a family of means, his story came with a hook "handsome white youth" that attracted not only Zellnerr but 48 hours and Dateline to keep up the pressure that eventually earned his release. However because of his confession Charles Erickson is still rotting away in prison for a crime hardly anyone thinks he is guilty of but because of his confession he has no options. I love Keith Morrison for his cheesy style and that fun fact that Matthew Perry is his stepson, but he also can serve up realness when he reminds us that often justice only happens to people with means or a media hook.

What!?! Sorry to go off topic, but is that true? I remember a few years ago I saw Mathew Perry and his dad on some talk show and I told my husband that MP's dad has Keith Morrison hair lol.

I just googled it, that is funny.

Sorry again.

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I am a little depressed today and just seeing this subject puts things in perspective.  Bottom line I am not locked away.  Such sad stories and no real bitterness with these people.


I would think the city of El Paso would not want the expense of a new trial.  Who has the final say. Because this is costly.

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I am a little depressed today and just seeing this subject puts things in perspective. Bottom line I am not locked away. Such sad stories and no real bitterness with these people.

I would think the city of El Paso would not want the expense of a new trial. Who has the final say. Because this is costly.

Sending you positive vibes applecrisp hope your feeling better soon.

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I caught Inside Edition today. They had a segment where they showed an old Late Night with David Letterman where Cosby substituted for David who was out sick. They wanted to show how creepy that old bastard was towards the female guest.  The guest for that show was Sofia Vegara (I can't stand her btw). It was right when her career was taking off. Cosby, rather than sit at the desk, sat right next to Sofia and leered at her, and was so fucking creepy. I caught his eyes check out her breasts. It was pretty quick, but knowing what I know of him, it wasn't hard to notice him doing that. He was right up next to her and in her face. She was so red, nervous and uncomfortable. She was laughing the whole time, but you could see it really made her uncomfortable. All Cosby did was talk about how hot she was, how he wanted her to get him excited, it was just disgusting. I told my spouse that I had many encounters where a guy, young and old, behaved just like that when I would go out either alone or with girlfriends. Whether it was at a public gathering place or a barbecue, there was usually some drunken fool or some guy who thought they were so suave.  I don't know that any male guest would have been comfortable or even accept that same behavior from a female host. Cosby just kept pointing out how he found her to be beautiful and hot. He even pointed out the outfit she was wearing. It wasn't that her outfit was crazy-looking, it was a sexy outfit and of course, Cosby seemed to think because of that, he had the right to talk to her the way he did.


What a fucking prick.

Edited by GreatKazu
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This one was interesting.  I do wonder what evidence the DA would even have for a trial without the confession being admissible in court.  It sounded like there was absolutely nothing else beyond that to go on.


I think they are hoping to rely on the recorded phone calls (which they are appealing to make admissable).


FWIW my understanding is that it's going to trial a third time because the appeals court ordered a new trial when they overturned his conviction. It was overturned on the grounds of ineffective counsel. Basically, they want to see a do-over and hopefully everyone to play by the rules this time.

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