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S27.E04: Week 4


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I’ll admit to only half-watching and fast-forwarding a lot, but mostly I see Zach kissing a bunch of the women and talking about how much he likes them.  I can’t tell who he’s really into. He seems to like most of them.

I don’t like Kylie but I have a different impression of what happened. It sounded like Anastasia was bragging about getting Instagram followers to me, so I can see why he cut her. She also had kind of a non-denial denial. She kept saying her remarks were taken out of context but didn’t clarify what she really meant. It may have been editing, but it frustrated me. 

Not sure about Brooklyn. I’m seeing more friendzone. 

Bring on Senior Bachelor! I’ll watch! 

Edited by Sweet-tea
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3 hours ago, bosawks said:

So this one time I was picked last for recess because I had a sprained ankle and nobody understood how that emotionally devastated me and I took that pain with me into the second grade where I finally processed it by winning Duck, Duck, Goose.

And a near sobbing Zach will be in awe of you, tell you how badly he feels that you had to endure such a hardship in life. Zach will tell you how strong you are and that you deserve blah, blah, blah. 😆

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Everyone here seems to see Zach as a great guy and maybe he is, comparatively speaking. But I don't like how he consistently puts his hand on the women's mid to upper thigh while talking to them, frequently that hand is even on their inner thigh. That is way way way too intimate for someone that in terms of time spent together is practically a stranger. I reluctantly accept the tongue down the throat kissing sessions but get your hands off her upper thigh you creep!  I keep waiting for him to grab a boob (which he probably would if he didn't use both hands to hold their heads while kissing them). I kinda think the does the two handed kiss in order to keep himself from forgetting and grabbing a boob actually. He is just way too handsy for me, since he is dating multiple women he barely knows.

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5 hours ago, JenE4 said:


To this day, my favorite sob story was Cathryn, Sean Lowe’s wife, who recounted absolutely deadpan and devoid of any emotion whatsoever: A tree fell on my friend. Now, I think the child actually died, which is devastatingly tragic! But Cathryn’s delivery was so discordant that it made it absurdly funny. You can tell that the producers make them reveal the worst thing they ever experienced in their life in order to be vulnerable to prove their emotional intimacy, and it seemed like poor Cathryn was still in shock and never really processed it. But her childhood tragedy “won”

Catherine later revealed that her father attempted suicide in front of her and her mother and sister. He had been suffering depression and this incident had him taken away. More details here: https://www.eonline.com/news/397437/the-bachelor-s-catherine-giudici-restraining-petition-details-dad-s-suicidal-behavior

  • Sad 7

Apologies for including possibly irrelevant musician geekery in these posts but the home studio was recently kitted out with new Yamaha monitor speakers. They are typically described as ‘flat response,’ meaning they more faithfully reproduce the sound of a record, film or TV show than, say, a portable Bluetooth speaker or a TV soundbar. In Bachelor terms, this means hearing every subtle nuance of Vocal Fry and the brass sizzle of the incessant cymbal crescendos that comprise much of the soundtrack each season.

Genevie has her neonatal nurse’s arm in a sling, perhaps another reminder of the football follies or, in this case, the folly of petite women playing full-contact football. She describes the vibe as lighter and more comfortable – which means it’s guaranteed not to last.

They’re sending the Bachelorettes out of the country rather early in the season. That’s a lot of plane tickets & resort hotel rooms. We’re a far cry from Gloomy Gus Matt and the desperate, dirt-cheap ‘meet me on the 14th green at Nemacolin.’ A grump might point out that LA, for all its other ills, still has glorious weather most of the year but island fever is contagious and all-consuming. One of its symptoms is adults jumping on beds.

Zach is showering on camera. Again. So far his best ‘connection’ may be with Moen Faucet. His agent will call their agent. One or two ladies can’t stop blurting out that they want a single date. In a striking coincidence, so does everyone else in the room. Kat is chosen and her eyes immediately dart to the others as she apparently expects some cat-scratches directed at her eyes. Instead of being congratulated, Kat is forced to pay off the emotional blackmail offered by Greer.

It's also a bit early in the season for a boat ride and the more-or-less official jump into the water but in they go. The whole point of snorkeling is to blend in with nature and observe it up close, typically in and among a reef, but the only fauna visible is a starfish hanging on to a prefab underwater statue. The women left behind are eschewing beach, watercraft, swimming, diving, waterslides and other resort offerings. Instead, they have formed a Circle of Distrust in which they stoke the fires of each others’ insecurities and OCD. Anastasia is speaking it OUT of existence. Ariel nods – she isn’t necessarily agreeing, she’s mentally crossing the Anastasias of the world off the list of possible rivals. She’s a cool customer.

Back on the beach, love is a many splendored thing. Insert joke about an additional wood piling being added to those already present. Hang on, you can’t use ‘insert’ and a double entendre in the same sentence can you? Does that make it a triple or a quadruple entendre?

Darkness falls but not the anxiety level – somehow we’ve arrived at Bachelorettes like Jess describing themselves as ‘terrified.’ Long faces greet the group date card and get even longer as Brooklyn attempts to stifle her joy at getting the other single date. Frankly, limiting the Bahamas trip to just two dates doesn’t seem efficient unless the goal is psychological cruelty.

Good news: they’ve served an actual dinner at the dinner date. Bad news: it’s going uneaten again. Lemme tell ya from experience at Atlantis, kids, whether you eat it or not it’s going on the room tab to the tune of about $75 per plate so tuck in. And God only knows what they’re charging for a glass of red these days.

Kat reveals she was a tearaway but her differences were with mom, not dad, which is unusual in those situations. Still, she’s managed to emerge without a plethora of odd piercings or full-leg tattoos. Did someone mention dinner? No need for it when Kat is playing Zach like one of the locals’ steel drums. After that the rose was auto-Kat-ic (sorry!).

One can’t help noticing that Charity is frequently providing on-camera exposition. One also can’t help noticing that Charity is prone to wrinkling her nose as if she’s detecting onions in the room. More likely, she’s revealing she’s not keen on sharing Zach with eleven other people.

Conch fritters are very good. Or maybe they taste that way because they’re usually preceded by a long day of booze and sunshine.

Interestingly, conch and Zach both end with ‘ch’ but are pronounced with a ‘k’ consonant. One has a pink lining and makes an odd honking sound. The other is a conch shell.

After a shot or two some of the girls are getting in the spirit(s) of the thing like the limbo contest. Gabi, allergic to shellfish and allergic to having fun and relaxing, apparently, is not.  Charity looks as if she’s lost a filling and her exposed nerve was just zapped by some frozen daiquiri. Ariel is working it again with a lacy white swimsuit and a unique breech-delivery of ducking under the limbo rod. We’ll allow it for now.

Anastasia gets a grandma kiss (on the cheek) and doesn’t take the hint. Strike one. She steals Zach whose eyes are darting nervously across the water and at anything except Anastasia. Strike two. Kylee appears with her personal flotation devices to intercede. Anastasia not best pleased. She doesn’t realize she’s just been rescued from strike three. Kylee’s time with Zach is short and fruitless also despite her initiative but we’re quickly moving from rum punch to rumble on the beach as nerves and tempers fray among the ladies.

Kaity has a Fast Pass to this particular ABC Disney property and never has to wait or beg for time alone. Producers manipulating the outcome or Zach smitten already? Whichever it is, Kaity always has a very confident aces-wired expression on her face on the rare occasions that Zach isn’t latching onto it again. Jess gets a coaching session but not a kiss (at least not on camera). Charity gets a bit of charity (sorry again). Gabi, we fear, is having her hopes raised only to have them dashed later. Kylee and her Killer Kurves are taking one for the team by revealing the inevitable Bachelorette drama. She’s doing it in a lighter, more cheerful fashion than most but The Bachelor inevitably kills the messenger. 

If Kaity has the advantage of being dealt a good hand, the urbane Ariel has the guile to win the pot with any cards she receives. Pulling a grateful Zach away from the incessant hissing around the table, her body language is doing most of the talking. The hands, the shoulders, the posture, the nods, the head tilt, the chin-on-fist. Is it genuine? Probably. Innate? Also probably. Practiced? Possibly. There are still ‘finishing schools’ in this world and they try to teach the kind of poise that Ariel displays. In the end, it’s Ariel’s grotto (ouch – sorry again!) along with the rose much to the consternation of the sharp-clawed others.

Quad bikes are always fun but the question to scream out loud is: WHERE ARE THE HORSES?!? It’s an isolated island beach. She’s a rodeo racer for crissakes! This would have been the perfect opportunity for her to impress with her professional skills rather than watch another amateur Bachelorette bounce around awkwardly in the saddle.

Poolside, Anastasia is running through the Big Bachelorette Book Of Compensatory Phrases: ‘I feel attacked’…’It’s all hearsay at this point’…’It’s really frustrating’…’It’s not worth my energy’ etc. One suspects her fate is sealed anyway. Charity is scowling again.

Brooklyn is giving a demonstration of what blonde hair does in tropical humidity. Zach is giving a demonstration of sweating. In an unfortunate bit of editing, Zach declares ‘I’m hopeful for tonight’ which is followed by a disclaimer: ‘This segment contains material about domestic violence.’

A cowgirl named Brooklyn is a bit of a contradiction, and a petite blonde with a sassy tomboy streak is also unusual but fetching. ‘My ex cheated on me’ seems rather tame stuff compared to the harrowing tale Brooklyn manages to relate. Six years is an eternity in that situation but especially when someone is just 25 and was a teenager when it all began. Brooklyn’s interview segments are equally harrowing but they reveal that there are, in fact, tissues available for the tearful Bachelorette. Oh, and a well-earned rose.

Before the ceremony Anastasia is walked to the gallows, sorry, the limo and Kylee frets about being next. Surprisingly, Ariel wades into the troubled waters downstairs. Gabi, as usual, is unable to keep her own counsel. Jess may still be ‘terrified’ – if so, perhaps her hands were shaking as she held the container of body glitter. She’s covered in the stuff. Even Ziggy Stardust thinks it’s a bit over the top.

Charity gets some sugar and Kat gets felt. As in pool. The hotelier might not be thrilled about his billiards table being used as a bench but it affords Kat another chance to canoodle with Zach. This doesn’t go over well with Davia but while she’s in bits our executive Ariel is demonstrating effective time management again by minimizing the chat and going in for a second helping, date roses be damned.

Ah Jesse did make the trip. Where’s he been all day? The casino?

Speaking of casinos (we really weren’t but anyway…) and the Bahamas, an anecdote about the casino at Atlantis Bahamas: the slots are tight. Not just house-edge tight but oh-God-loosen-my-shoelaces-I-can’t-feel-my-feet tight. Unfortunately, that’s typical at any casino outside Las Vegas where fierce competition tends to loosen slots lest a bad reputation travel around town. But on an island and at a resort, they are the only game in town. Combined with steep (but unlisted) prices for food and drink and those insidious ‘resort fees,’ the casino takings help keep the lights on.

Craps is a confusing game at first but a fun and a social one. The house has less incentive to bust you out compared to a game like blackjack. In craps they reduce the ‘true odds’ slightly for payouts and that 10-15% becomes a ‘tax’ of sorts retained by the house. Let’s say Player X bets on a particular number (roll) of the dice that has 8:1 odds, or mathematical probability. In craps the casino will instead pay 7:1 and keep the extra dollar (or multiple thereof). And so there is some incentive for the house to keep the player at the table for long stretches – and they often do. If you hear shouts, cheers, laughter, encouragement or disappointment at any hour of the day in a casino, it’s probably coming from the craps table, as opposed to the glum silence of the blackjack players.

In the islands, the power grid is notoriously unreliable. Lines cannot be buried underground, telephone poles may shift along with the sands and frequent, powerful storms may topple trees and pull down transmission lines. Blackouts are greeted with a shrug by the locals. In an expensive resort power failures may be offset by generators but the danger is still lurking.

With all that in mind, your humble correspondent was playing craps at Atlantis. And the lights went out. ‘Don’t tell me someone actually won at slots – they’ve shut the power off to keep them from cashing out!’ shouted your correspondent. The dealers’ heads snapped around to look suspiciously at your correspondent. But they all got the joke at once and laughed. They knew about those slots!

Back to the rose ceremony, Gabi. Is. Still. Talking. Zach is a male specimen? Gabi’s not even a nurse! Jess and her glitter get a rose. Send the cleaning bill to Fleiss, Zach. Mercedes has quietly accepted the role of agony aunt among the Bachelorettes but manages to snag a rose. Davia’s last kiss was, in fact, her last kiss. Genevie the wasp-waisted nurse is out of her sling and out of the competition.

Off to London now and if you think that Atlantis story was long it will be difficult for this Anglophile to refrain from relating facts and memories from a dozen or so trips to The Big Smoke. But Zach is calling the week ‘robbed’ in the previews. It sounds rather ominous.

Edited by Rainsong
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12 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

But there are so many roses to give out at the rose ceremony.  I'm sure he'd like it pared down to giving out two or three roses by now, but it's out of his hands.  

Yes, I agree that if Zach could have his way he would send home more girls than the Bachelor contract allows. One of the reasons I like him as the lead is for his no-nonsense attitude. He probably just wants to concentrate on the girls he is most interested in at this point and avoid as much drama as possible.
But I was uncomfortable with the fact that he fell for Kylee's manipulative snitching. Even if he was not interested in Anastasia, he sent her home accused of coming on the show for the wrong reasons. I cringed when she tried to tell him her side of the story and he just put up a wall refusing to "discredit" the girls who did the tattling. She is an influencer and tried to explain how the girls had asked about her business.
He really has no way of knowing the truth and it felt very unfair to dismiss her for that reason. I don't think A was the girl for Zach but she didn't deserve what happened...and Kylee knows this based on the amount of guilt she's been expressing. Kylee was also sick with fear he would send HER home too and I don't understand why he did not do so. It would have made more sense to send them both home.
I thought Zach was naïve for believing Kylee and Charity, for sending Anastasia home and for not sending Kylee home. I wonder what he thinks now watching this and seeing what the girls were really up to. He hasn't been tweeting about the show since the first couple of weeks.

There are a lot of nice girls this season but others are saboteurs ready, willing and able to bump off the competition.😱
I think Kaity is really nice. She seemed to be friendly with Anastasia and I noticed she was very quiet and looked upset when the other girls were talking about A being sent home...like maybe she was upset with Kylee.

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I just saw that whole instagram thing, and while I'm no big fan of Anastasia, I really fault Zach for instantly believing something that someone else heard second hand. 

I also hate that he says he wants to "spend time" with all these girls on the group date, and he really just seems to want to kiss them. I'm old, and I think it's weird to "get to know" people by kissing.

I also think all the hand holding and hugging between the girls is kind of weird. Are they REALLY that chummy?

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1 hour ago, dleighg said:

I just saw that whole instagram thing, and while I'm no big fan of Anastasia, I really fault Zach for instantly believing something that someone else heard second hand. 

I also hate that he says he wants to "spend time" with all these girls on the group date, and he really just seems to want to kiss them. I'm old, and I think it's weird to "get to know" people by kissing.

I also think all the hand holding and hugging between the girls is kind of weird. Are they REALLY that chummy?

He said in a talking head that despite the instagram drama, he didn't feel it with her anyway. I think everyone figured as much.

Yeah I always find the girls holding hands and laying all over each other weird and it happens every season. Does anyone do that with friends in real life?

15 hours ago, Sweet-tea said:

I’ll admit to only half-watching and fast-forwarding a lot, but mostly I see Zach kissing a bunch of the women and talking about how much he likes them.  I can’t tell who he’s really into. He seems to like most of them.

I don’t like Kylie but I have a different impression of what happened. It sounded like Anastasia was bragging about getting Instagram followers to me, so I can see why he cut her. She also had kind of a non-denial denial. She kept saying her remarks were taken out of context but didn’t clarify what she really meant. It may have been editing, but it frustrated me. 

Not sure about Brooklyn. I’m seeing more friendzone. 

Bring on Senior Bachelor! I’ll watch! 

Agree with Brooklyn and it looking more friendzone. 

Yeah Zach has a good poker face. I did read spoilers for how the season ends, but if I didn't, I would have thought it could be anyone. He pretty much acts the same with all the girls.. saying " I have butterflies" or "there's something about you and I can't explain it."

In Sean's season, him picking Catherine was a surprise but I think that had more to do with them cutting a lot of their interactions out to keep us guessing. And I don't recall Sean acting the same with ALL of the girls. With Zach, nothing really differentiates how he acts with them. That being said, I do like him and think he's one of the best bachelors we've had in a long time.

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How could anyone kiss Zach with all that sweat on his face?  I couldn't even look at him when he was on the date with Brooklyn at dinner.  My 15 year old son walked in and said "what is wrong with that guy's face?".    They either need to put him in a short sleeved shirt or have dinner in air conditioning.   He seems like a guy that sweats a lot in general and nothing about that look is good.  


I agree with the others that I don't see a front runner at this point.  Maybe Kat or Kaity but I honestly feel like they are the same person and I can never tell them apart.  Maybe Ariel but I feel like she would grow bored of him pretty quickly.  Gabi seems like she gets a lot of air time in the talking heads so I feel like she may go further than we think.  I don't think he's feeling it with Greer anymore.  

Also, anyone else concerned with Brooklyn's ex maybe looking for some revenge on her after this show airs?  

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2 hours ago, Katie111 said:

How could anyone kiss Zach with all that sweat on his face?  I couldn't even look at him when he was on the date with Brooklyn at dinner.  My 15 year old son walked in and said "what is wrong with that guy's face?". 

12 hours ago, Bluesky said:

Or at least a stack of wash clothes and change of shirts in a close by bathroom.  Wash the sweat off guy!

52 minutes ago, Sweet-tea said:

I was so distracted watching that scene. I wanted to stop filming and hand him a towel!

Zach truly was noticeably sweaty in that scene!🤪 He doesn't usually perspire like that - I don't think we've ever seen him covered in sweat before. I don't know why a crew member didn't wipe off his face before filming. 
One of the things I've grown to dislike about BiP is the way the cast is constantly soggy with sweat on that show. They are on location in Mexico and have no AC in their rooms - yuck! I remember poor Rodney in particular always saturated with his face constantly dripping. I know I would be a hot mess with frizzy hair if I were to appear on BiP.

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2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Speaking of Gabi she seems off center with her looks!  I can’t figure out what it is!

2 hours ago, dleighg said:

you and me both!
she is kind of odd looking. Maybe the high forehead?

I see something odd too. She's very pretty but my eye gets drawn to the large amount of space left below her mouth. I don't know if she has a big chin or if her lips are planted too high on her face!

  • Useful 1

The whole Kylee/Anastasia kerfuffle started when Anastasia tried to force the kiss during the limbo and took Zach away. Kylee thought Anastasia needed to be taught a lesson by having Zach taken away from her and Kylee was just the one to do it with her unflattering bathing suit and all.  Anastasia was in the wrong for being so threatened by the "fight-you" comment. Also, Zach should have asked Kylee for just a few minutes to finish the conversation. Kylee didn't "have to" tell Zach anything.   Just because the girls are taking comfort in getting Instagram followers if they lose doesn't mean they are there for the wrong reasons. Seriously, aren't they all there for the fame? How many would participate if it was the exact same thing except it wasn't televised? And even then, you could argue that they are only there for the trips. When are the Bachelors going to realize that the motivation for the tattlers is usually jealousy.

Shame on Charity for not bringing context to Anastasia's comment!

Rant all done. I need a nap.

Edited by LindaT
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6 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

Zach truly was noticeably sweaty in that scene!🤪 He doesn't usually perspire like that - I don't think we've ever seen him covered in sweat before. I don't know why a crew member didn't wipe off his face before filming. 

I remember him being very sweaty on his 1/1 with Rachel in Mexico. But yeah, I don’t get why they can’t have ac. Even the women get shiny. 

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Anastasia is labeled as a "Content Marketing Manager". I imagine she was asked about her job. If it had anything to do with Social Media, she was asked about that and she replied. Without knowing the context of the conversation, and the fact that Kylee said she heard about it 2nd-hand, You, Me, nor Zach, has any room to judge. But if Zach wasn't feeling her, he had every right to send her home. I just wish he had sent Kylee along with her.

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You can want to gain followers and be looking for the love of your life at the same time. The two are not mutally exclusive. The show casts "content creators" and "content managers" but demonize them for talking about their careers. They have a lot of down time, so of course they will discuss things like that. 

This is a competition and only one "winner" so there are perks for the "losers". 

If she was one that Zach felt a connection with he wouldn't have cared. I think it's wrong to use this as a reason to get rid of her. He really doesn't need a reason. 

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Everyone just needs to acknowledge that they're all here for the followers, at least a bit. You can be here for the Right Reasons but also want to get your fifteen minutes, it can be both. If you didn't want to gain notoriety you wouldn't find love via a reality show, you would just go on an app or head to a bar like most people do.  

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 The chummy sister wives act is finally starting to fade with these girls and I'm seeing some Jan Brady level jealousy coming out in them when the one on ones are announced.  Ariel is fun- a self-assured girl with a deep voice and a dry sense of humor, she's more assertive than the other girls when it comes to getting what she wants from Zach.  

Edited by Hip-to-be-Square
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13 hours ago, Hip-to-be-Square said:

 The chummy sister wives act is finally starting to fade with these girls and I'm seeing some Jan Brady level jealousy coming out in them when the one on ones are announced.  Ariel is fun- a self-assured girl with a deep voice and a dry sense of humor, she's more assertive than the other girls when it comes to getting what she wants from Zach.  

Given the undercurrent of jealousy and backstabbing, I'm finding the girls' lack of reaction to Kaity's over-night date at the museum to be very puzzling. That was a date primed to set off jealous nutty behavior and yet Kaity seems to be well-liked and has thus far avoided the treacherous saboteurs and sneaky assassins in the group!

I wonder why the producers did not use that date for extensive drama - or show any theatrics that may have occurred? Basically all we saw was the girls becoming worried when she didn't arrive home until the morning and Brooklyn's snarky comment about Kaity's return in her pajamas equating a walk-of-shame.

Personally, I doubt that Zach and Kaity were intimate during that date. I think they probably just made-out and talked all night, but it was still a special date that should have set off as much envy or more than the date that included meeting his parents did. Kaity and Zach had hours of time alone without invasion of the cameras.

I'm sure that museum date was planned at least in part to stir up drama with the other girls, so why was it not used in that way? Maybe the producers edited it out or they did not craft or manipulate it into the storyline to begin with? Or maybe Kaity reassured the girls that they did NOT have sex. I remember her telling them that she and Zach were up all night and that she had no sleep. Could it be that Kaity is so nice that the pageant-circuit saboteurs and cheerleader gladiators just leave her alone?😂

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2 hours ago, Melonie77 said:

Given the undercurrent of jealousy and backstabbing, I'm finding the girls' lack of reaction to Kaity's over-night date at the museum to be very puzzling. That was a date primed to set off jealous nutty behavior and yet Kaity seems to be well-liked and has thus far avoided the treacherous saboteurs and sneaky assassins in the group!

I wonder why the producers did not use that date for extensive drama - or show any theatrics that may have occurred? Basically all we saw was the girls becoming worried when she didn't arrive home until the morning and Brooklyn's snarky comment about Kaity's return in her pajamas equating a walk-of-shame.

Personally, I doubt that Zach and Kaity were intimate during that date. I think they probably just made-out and talked all night, but it was still a special date that should have set off as much envy or more than the date that included meeting his parents did. Kaity and Zach had hours of time alone without invasion of the cameras.

I'm sure that museum date was planned at least in part to stir up drama with the other girls, so why was it not used in that way? Maybe the producers edited it out or they did not craft or manipulate it into the storyline to begin with? Or maybe Kaity reassured the girls that they did NOT have sex. I remember her telling them that she and Zach were up all night and that she had no sleep. Could it be that Kaity is so nice that the pageant-circuit saboteurs and cheerleader gladiators just leave her alone?😂

     I'm also surprised that the girls weren't jealous of Kaity's museum overnight date with Zach- hell, I'm not even on the show and I was a little jealous 😅.  They're all just way too friendly and supportive of each other in pursuing the same man- where's the possessiveness and passion?! Maybe jealousy and hysterics are only reserved for BIP these days. I was expecting to see some slut shaming from the other girls, but they all happily welcomed Kaity with open arms back into the mansion with her bed-head hair and smudged makeup.  I don't think that Zach and Kaity were intimate either that night, they probably made out a lot and felt each other up over the pjs but didn't take things too far.  I was hoping Zach and Kaity would wake up nude in a natural history exhibit covered by an animal fur pelt ala Ross and Rachel in FRIENDS 🤭.

  • LOL 8
40 minutes ago, TomGirl said:

I don’t find him particularly interesting

True- all we really know about him is that he "wants to marry his best friend."

Hmmm. Does he read books? Have interesting hobbies (oh, right, he likes to ATV). Does he have a desire to improve the world? Why should any of these women particularly want to get hitched to him? He's nice. Got it.

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7 hours ago, TomGirl said:

Maybe the reason the women are so friendly with each other is that none of them are really that into Zach.  I think he’s doing very well in his role as “The Bachelor” but other than that, I don’t find him particularly interesting.

Zach reminds me too much of curious George, with the squareness and angles of his face, but very little sparkle behind the eyes.

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I was surprised to learn Zach is 26. He doesn't look older but he seems like he's from another generation. He seems more dignified than most people who have been on this show.

Brooklyn is another one that has only had abusive/ dysfunctional relationships. It was a lot to disclose on a first date. Kaity and Brooklyn are dating up but I don't think there's much in it for Zach.

I like Aerial a lot. She is more on Zach's level; mature, sophisticated, well spoken, emotionally intelligent.

The women tattling to Zach about this and that imo, is not a good look. It reminds me of when I taught high school and the kids were constantly coming to me to resolve their inane disputes.

Edited by Soobs
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13 hours ago, dleighg said:

Hmmm. Does he read books? Have interesting hobbies (oh, right, he likes to ATV). Does he have a desire to improve the world? Why should any of these women particularly want to get hitched to him? He's nice. Got it.

It's funny but I don't think any of them ever really tell us much about themselves. I feel as if this season's conversations w/ Zach have centered around either the girls' sob stories or tattling. At least we know that Zach is a good listener.

3 hours ago, Soobs said:

I was surprised to learn Zach is 26. He doesn't look older but he seems like he's from another generation. He seems more dignified than most people who have been on this show.

Yes! He's more mature and serious. I feel as if he is a throwback to when people grew-up faster and didn't act like kids well into their 30's as some do today.

I think the girls all seem to be honestly interested in him. He's a nice guy, good looking and I believe we determined last year that he earns a good living.

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1 hour ago, Melonie77 said:

Yes! He's more mature and serious. I feel as if he is a throwback to when people grew-up faster and didn't act like kids well into their 30's as some do today.

So true. When I was 26 I was so much more mature than today’s “kids”. It is refreshing to see a dignified young man with some discretion and conversational ability. The fact that he apparently has some humor is icing on the cake. He’s really a cut above this show’s typical men. He’s not conventionally handsome but more a total package. Zack, please don’t make a liar out of me! There’s still plenty of time. :-/

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4 minutes ago, Mswldflwr said:

WHY are we still subjected to these dinner table mind-numbingly boring go-nowhere conversations?  The dinner plates are nothing but props they don't eat anyway.  If you must have them sitting at a table, just drinks are fine.  And for God's sake, have actual real CONVERSATONS for once.  

For all we know they did, but the show chooses only to show us a couple of minutes of inane conversation.  

37 minutes ago, Mswldflwr said:

WHY are we still subjected to these dinner table mind-numbingly boring go-nowhere conversations?  The dinner plates are nothing but props they don't eat anyway.  If you must have them sitting at a table, just drinks are fine.  And for God's sake, have actual real CONVERSATONS for once.  

I enjoyed Tayshia’s season during COVID. They were limited in what they could do and as a result we got more footage of the guys interacting and more of the real conversations between Tayshia and the guys.

The drama was still there and as petty, silly and actually entertaining 

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9 hours ago, Stats Queen said:

I enjoyed Tayshia’s season during COVID. They were limited in what they could do and as a result we got more footage of the guys interacting and more of the real conversations between Tayshia and the guys.

The drama was still there and as petty, silly and actually entertaining 

And Tayshia was good with her guys - if I remember correctly she was nice and chatty and relaxed. 

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