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S02.E14: Valentine's Day

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On Valentine’s Day, the Abbott teachers discuss their relationships and plans for the holiday. Janine finds out one of her students has a crush on her and when turning to a colleague for advice, she inadvertently learns a secret about another teacher. Elsewhere, Ava sits in on Jacob’s Black History class after receiving a complaint.

Airdate: 02/08/23

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Awwwwwwww, what a cute ending :D! "I owe you...?" LOL. 

Also loved, "He made me breakfast in bed, which I thought only happened in the movies, and that led to...other things, which only happens in...other movies..." 


Good to see Jacob being so awesome with his students. I love how genuinely passionate he was in teaching black history - I can understand the dad being wary about a white teacher discussing that subject, but I really like how Ava handled that issue and stuck up for Jacob. And it got her interested in doing more with her education as well! Nice! 

Now if only Jacob hadn't totally put his foot in his mouth about Gregory...:p. I love how everyone was just like, "Uh, yeah, it's totally obvious he likes you" when Janine brought it up. I can understand her feeling awkward at the realization - I tend to think on some level she suspected, but it's one thing to suspect someone likes you, it's another to have it confirmed. Seems like Maurice and Amber were hitting it off pretty nicely towards the end there, so I wonder if that's a hint of where things will go in that regard. 

The storyline with Janine's student having a crush on her was cute. The little girl giving Janine that look at the end made me laugh :D. And we got our first glimpse of Janine's sister as well!

This episode was really fun. 

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My favorite line: "I flew too high, like some kind of anti-racist Icarus."

Abbott has kind of spoiled other comedies for me. Every other show seems so forced in their humor. In Abbott it just comes naturally.

Actually, it hasn't spoiled them for me, really. Abbott's the first comedy I've really liked in a while. I think "Mom" was the last. I have a hard time with the other overwrought and forced comedies out now. And I'd really like to not see any more mockumentary comedies for awhile, but I'm okay with Abbott.

They should save time and just give Abbott all the Emmys for the next 10 years now.

Edited by JeanJean
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4 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Maurice and Amber were hitting it off pretty nicely towards the end there, so I wonder if that's a hint of where things will go in that regard. 

Yeah, that's probably how this will end.  Maurice and Amber hit it off, leaving Janine and Gregory with each other.  The only issue will be how they handle it since they work together.  

That kid who had a crush on Janine for a hot minute was funny.  He found another love pretty fast. 😅

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I have always been a sucker for a good will they won't they love story. It only does not work if one person is an ass (looking at you Ross Gellar.) 

Love the shout out to Telfar. I didn't like the color but that's personal. I have that exact bag in eggplant. They make so many vibrant beautiful colors. Janine was correct it looked like a gift bag. 

If there is ever a spin-off, I hope it's Zack and Jacob or Barbara and her church. 

Edited by Boofish
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Yay to Jacob for being the competent and challenging teacher we all knew he had in him. Loved that they acknowledged the difficulty a white person *might* have teaching Black History and extra love how Ava noted to the parent that Jacob includes Black History in his curriculum all year. That's integrated curriculum (no pun). Old saying for elementary teachers, we teach children, not subjects. 

Edited by BAForever
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That vending machine setup did look like “IOU.” It’s great to see Melissa happy!

This was a good episode for Jacob. Happy in his relationship, good at his job.

That little boy with the crush was too cute. I love the child actors on this show - they’re cute without being twee or overly precocious.

5 hours ago, kathyk24 said:

I read on Twitter that Ayesha will be featured later in the season.

Ayo Edebiri is great casting. Really looking forward to seeing their dynamic in more detail. That look Jacob gave the camera when Janine was holding him hostage was terrific.

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Gregory was a fool to think that Amber would appreciate that gift. One of the few things we know about Amber is that she's unhappy that Gregory doesn't spend enough money on her. (Although those kinds of toys can be expensive as hell - but that's clearly not the kind of expensive gift she would want.)

I want Gregory and Janine to get together already (or at least end the "will they or won't they,") but I also think it's way too convenient for Amber and Mo to be paired off.

Edited by Blakeston
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14 minutes ago, Blakeston said:

One of the few things we know about Amber is that she's unhappy that Gregory doesn't spend enough money on her. (Although those kinds of toys can be expensive as hell - but that's clearly not the kind of expensive gift she would want.)

Right. I was shocked when I learned how much Lego sets can cost, but Amber wants a gift she can show her friends and brag about. On the flip side, there’s nothing about Janine that says “trendy bag” (or trendy anything, really), although I could see a dude thinking “I don’t know her that well, women like bags, I saw this bag in an IG ad, so here.” (I wouldn’t like that bag either. Not my style - and that’s the thing, a bag is a pretty personal gift, like jewelry, if you do it right.)

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13 hours ago, Blakeston said:

Gregory was a fool to think that Amber would appreciate that gift. One of the few things we know about Amber is that she's unhappy that Gregory doesn't spend enough money on her. (Although those kinds of toys can be expensive as hell - but that's clearly not the kind of expensive gift she would want.)


$59.99. I have it.

Here's a new option: https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/wildflower-bouquet-10313

As Gregory and Amber were walking out, he was talking about assembling the kit with her and her kids. When Janine and Mo met up with them, Janine said something about how much fun Amber and Gregory would have building it together.  Soulmates!


Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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1 hour ago, Empress1 said:

Right. I was shocked when I learned how much Lego sets can cost, but Amber wants a gift she can show her friends and brag about. On the flip side, there’s nothing about Janine that says “trendy bag” (or trendy anything, really), although I could see a dude thinking “I don’t know her that well, women like bags, I saw this bag in an IG ad, so here.” (I wouldn’t like that bag either. Not my style - and that’s the thing, a bag is a pretty personal gift, like jewelry, if you do it right.)

That's so true.  I love handbags, but I am very particular about them.  

Gift giving is hard.   However, this segment just made me think that Gregory is being ridiculous to date Amber when it seems like they are so clearly incompatible and he should have been able to see this all along.

I forgive Janine a bit more.  Mo is nice, and they are still learning each other.

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Aww... What a cute episode.  The ending tag with Melissa and Guy (and Barbara) was the perfect way to end it.

Even though there is a 'will they won't they' with Janine and Gregory it is moving apace.  It isn't being tooo dragged out although it may seem that way.  The fact that their liking each other is being spoken out loud by, everyone, is a big progression in that trope.

The Jacob/Ava subplot was great.  I liked how it hit on both sides.  It was a great showcase for Ava advocating for a teacher and opening her eyes.  And then on the other side we see Jacob being really competent in his class and his students engaged.  Also I loved the pointed comment Ava made about Jacob teaching black history ALL the time not just February.  Mr. Umbrage took note of his own shortcomings there.  I also liked his son looking into the camera acknowledging that his dad was wrong.

Ok, so Donnie.  OMG,  another great kid on this show.  He looked at the camera when he said 'I need a WOMAN!' and he said it with his whole chest. He played his little story arc perfectly.

Liked the shout out of Telfar and the fact that is it is a black owned company.  I am not a luxury bag person these days, although when I was in college in the late 80s my boyfriend at the time took me to Macys and let me pick out a Gucci drawstring bucket bag I had been salivating over for months.  I still have it on a closet shelf somewhere.

The contrasts between Mo/Janine and Gregory/Amber couldn't have been more pointed.  Both guys gave really thoughtful, expensive gifts.  They just didn't match the woman they gave it to.  Mo really is Amber's type -- he is tuned into the hype stuff -- he immediately knew what type of nails she had, for instance.  Gregory and Janine are quiet nerds.  They will never have that level of cool awareness Mo and Amber have.

Ava and Zach.  They really are good foils.  Great scene.

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I felt Amber on this.  Yes, the gift was really sweet.  However, being a mom she probably has to put toys together for/with her kid all the time.  I totally would have enjoyed a gift like that before kids, but now…..I want something just for me please and thank you!

That being said, I wasn’t crazy about Mo’s gift either but at least it was functional and I wouldn’t have to assemble anything so that’s good.

LOVED seeing Jacob in the classroom and Ava having his back.  Also loved the ending with Melissa and her guy.  I didn’t get Barbara making reservations at the airport—so you have to buy a plane ticket to get through security and then STILL pay for dinner?!  Sounds pretty expensive but ok, Barb.

The weak point for me honestly was the Janine/Gregory nonsense.  Either get together or don’t, I’m over it.

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1 hour ago, DearEvette said:

The contrasts between Mo/Janine and Gregory/Amber couldn't have been more pointed.  Both guys gave really thoughtful, expensive gifts.  They just didn't match the woman they gave it to.

I don't know if Amber would think that $60 is expensive, although I'm sure it is to Gregory.  I doubt that a $60 bouquet of flowers (if she were not allergic) would have seemed a sufficient-enough present to her, either.  I wonder what Gregory's other 2 ideas were.

According to Barb, 2 tickets on Spirit Airlines were cheaper than a meal for 2 at an airport restaurant!


Edited by ItCouldBeWorse
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6 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

While watching Zach, Amber and Mo, I thought about the fact that it's nice to see other people pop up now and then.  While I realize this is only a half hour show, it would be nice to get more glimpses of the other teachers and cafeteria workers.  Show more teachers in the break room besides the usual crew.  

As long as that annoying teacher's aide Ashley doesn't come back. 

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I'm pretty sure Amber told Gregory that she's allergic to flowers so that he would buy her jewellry.  I don't think she actually is allergic.  Am I the only one who thought that?

This adds even more reason to why Amber was so disappointed.  Somebody who was actually allergic might think that it's sweet.  But if you're not..... now you're stuck with Lego flowers 😄

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Love that the gifts were equally thoughtful, just for the wrong woman. Amber is a total fashion plate and would love a trendy, fancy bag. Janine is the least fashion-conscious person ever, and would love a cool Lego set with such romantic thoughtfulness behind it. 

I feel Amber as a mom not wanting to receive gifts for her that are really for the kids. Whenever I get gifts for my friends who are moms, I always try to focus on them and their likes, the kids get enough from me on their special days. But even before she was a mom, I don’t see Amber wanting Legos as a gift. Which kind of highlights how tunnel visioned Gregory and Janine are for buying/approving that gift. Like, have either of you had a two minute conversation with Amber? That’s all you need to know she wouldn’t like the Legos! Mo with the bag is also off,  but Janine does at least carry a purse, so he was basically upgrading her (but black, Mo, or deep purple or blue! The woman teaches second grade, that white bag is gonna have handprints all over it in a week!)

Kind of want to know what endgame the hot dad wanted. Fire Jacob for teaching Black History while white? Bring in a Black history teacher to run the curriculum for the month of February? He didn’t seem to object to any content, just that it was being taught by a white teacher. I wonder what his proposed solution would have been. 

Edited by ZuluQueenOfDwarves
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29 minutes ago, ZuluQueenOfDwarves said:

Love that the gifts were equally thoughtful, just for the wrong woman. Amber is a total fashion plate and would love a trendy, fancy bag. Janine is the least fashion-conscious person ever, and would love a cool Lego set with such romantic thoughtfulness behind it. 

This is why when everyone was like “well you can like two people at the same time” I was like yeah…but these two women are so MASSIVELY different it’s a little weird.

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46 minutes ago, possibilities said:

He said he wanted a Black teacher to teach it. I don't think he thought through the logistics, or maybe he didn't care which way Ava would implement it-- Fire Jacob? Hire someone else? Swap out an already existing teacher for this subject? There were options.

It’s an underfunded school during a nationwide teacher shortage. Those are not real options. 

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12 minutes ago, possibilities said:

I honestly don't think the dad was thinking about implementation. He just had his complaint, and that's all. 

I agree.  Parents don't know how the bureaucracy of education works.  I understand his complaint.  Especially when he sees that there are so many Black teachers, I understand posing the question.

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10 hours ago, possibilities said:

Damn it.  I had no idea Legos made flower kits. Now I want one myself! I really am a Janine, I guess.

Lego makes 11 different flower sets, ranging from $9.99 for 3 tulips to $99.99 for a potted Bird of Paradise.  The succulents are also cool:  https://www.lego.com/en-us/search?q=floral

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20 hours ago, ItCouldBeWorse said:

According to Barb, 2 tickets on Spirit Airlines were cheaper than a meal for 2 at an airport restaurant!


On Spirit. From Philly to Atlantic City. Which is at most a 45 minute drive. So actually, if that flight was even an option, it probably was super cheap -- it could have been one of their $9 flights. Yes, Spirit flights can be cheaper than a night out for dinner.  And she didn't have to worry about whether her flight would be cancelled, as Spirit is also famous for. Well played Ms. Barbara. 

I thought that whole airport storyline was fantastic and somewhat overlooked in how clever it actually was. But only because the main storylines were so awesome! 

And yeah, if I was allergic to flowers and someone gave me Lego flowers? I'd be all over it -- that was a really clever way to go with the safe go-to of flowers when you haven't been dating someone for long. 

I'm all about Kate Spade and hadn't heard of that bag but I would have at least known it was some sort of "name" bag, not a gift bag without a gift in it. Bless Janine's sweet oblivious heart. 


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42 minutes ago, Empress1 said:

I was thinking “who flies to AC from Philly? Like, why does that flight exist?” By the time you get to the airport and do all the things, you might as well just drive.

Thats part of why it was so freakin' funny!! It took me a second--I was like, wait, what? Philly to AC?

Clearly, the flight exists so people can dine at airport restaurants without actually flying anywhere!! 😆😆😆

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Everything was really coming up Jacob in this episode, it was really nice to see. Job is going well, his relationship is going great, and Ava even stood up for him. I love that we got to see him really in his element teaching, his students being engaged, and even inspiring Ava to start actually getting the credentials she's supposed to have for this job. You can see why, even if his students think he's goofy, they really do like him as a teacher. This was also a really good Ava episode, she and Zach had a surprisingly good scene together and she really came through for Jacob, standing up for him to that hot dad. 

That kid who had a crush on Janine was so cute, I love the kids on this show. They're adorable but in a way that makes them feel like real kids. Of course his rebound crush is a little girl who looks like a tiny Janine. A tiny-er Janine. 

Also, Jacob was really throwing some Gregory levels of camera glances when Janine was talking to her sister. It seems like Janine might be the one who's got the issues with their relationship, that should be interesting to explore. 

I like a good slow burn as long as it doesn't go too long. I think Gregory and Janine have at least another season of Will They Wont They before it starts to annoy me. It looks like we are heading towards a classic "our temporary love interests end up together" kind of ending to their relationships with Mo and Amber. They seem to really vibe in a way that they don't full with Gregory and Janine, they both seem like nice people just not the right people for Gregory and Janine. Both guys got the gift that the other woman would really like, Janine would absolutely adore that Lego flower. 

Awww Gary is a real keeper. He loves the crap out of Melissa. 

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On 2/9/2023 at 12:26 PM, mostlylurking said:

 I didn’t get Barbara making reservations at the airport—so you have to buy a plane ticket to get through security and then STILL pay for dinner?!

I was glad they included that! As soon as Jacob said that going to an airport restaurant was a thing to do I thought, “But airport restaurants are on the other side of security!”

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2 minutes ago, Cotypubby said:

I was glad they included that! As soon as Jacob said that going to an airport restaurant was a thing to do I thought, “But airport restaurants are on the other side of security!”

But they're not at a lot of airports & airport security barriers & configuration changed a lot after 9/11 in this country. The more modern the airport the more likely it is to have both before & after security amenities and if it has several terminals each one might be laid out differently. Older US airports were never built to have security like today for domestic flights.

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Yeah, of course it turns out Janine is the one who's oblivious and extra, while her sister seemed perfectly normal. Janine has the market cornered on projection.

Who buys a plane ticket just so they can eat in an airport restaurant? Do people actually do that IRL?

And Greg has the market cornered on cluelessness.

So Ava does not have a college degree. How is she a principal?

Telfar bag. Huh, I'm with Janine, I didn't know what it was either. But whatever, you don't wrap them, you just hand them over? Seems tacky to me. (Also, did we know before now Mo could afford to buy such pricey gifts?)

Aw, Gary did good with his coo duh grass for Melissa. The big gavone.

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16 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Yeah, of course it turns out Janine is the one who's oblivious and extra, while her sister seemed perfectly normal. Janine has the market cornered on projection.

Who buys a plane ticket just so they can eat in an airport restaurant? Do people actually do that IRL?

And Greg has the market cornered on cluelessness.

So Ava does not have a college degree. How is she a principal?

Telfar bag. Huh, I'm with Janine, I didn't know what it was either. But whatever, you don't wrap them, you just hand them over? Seems tacky to me. (Also, did we know before now Mo could afford to buy such pricey gifts?)

Aw, Gary did good with his coo duh grass for Melissa. The big gavone.

i thought the airport dining idea was only because she had failed to make reservations anywhere and no place besides the airport dining options was available at this late date

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