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S38.E17: Riders on the Storm


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Dang, Olivia is hardcore. Carrying the tires even with a split open and bandaged finger. And then a golf ball straight to the face and she was asking about continuing. (I was holding my own nose in pain watching that. LOTS of blood.)

What a bummer for her and Horacio. I felt so bad for him and you can tell TJ and the producers did too. They better both be invited back, they were strong competitors and great personalities. 

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2 minutes ago, shantown said:

Dang, Olivia is hardcore. Carrying the tires even with a split open and bandaged finger. And then a golf ball straight to the face and she was asking about continuing. (I was holding my own nose in pain watching that. LOTS of blood.)

What a bummer for her and Horacio. I felt so bad for him and you can tell TJ and the producers did too. They better both be invited back, they were strong competitors and great personalities. 

They were wonderful additions and I hope they get asked back. I read she even had to have surgery to her face.

Only Horacio and Olivia and Tori and Devon were actually acting as teams.  The other two are hurting themselves.  I think it is now Tori and Devin’s to lose.  

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Man, this season has gone on so long I didn't even remember some of those names.  Anneliese and Tommy?  Who?  Laurel was on this season?  I completely forgot about Kailah, but that's my default state, so the reminder was awful.

Poor Olivia.  If I had any shame, I wouldn't tell you how many times I watched that nose hit in slo-mo.  But it was probably about even with how many times I watched Claire get hit with that watermelon on TAR.  I Was NOT expecting that shot of her with no makeup and two black eyes. Still better looking like that than 75% of the people on the planet.


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Horacio shot to the top of the list of the few good guys this show had with how supportive he was when Olivia had to quit. I can think of several that would throw a hissy fit if their partner had to leave the final.

I was wondering how did Olivia’s nose heal so fast when they were doing their talking heads and then they showed what she actually looked like after the injury. That must have taken a while to heal.

I’m rooting for Devin and Tori…although it would be funny to watch Banany win and Johnny choose to keep the money again.

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It is bad luck but those were kind of dangerous things they had to do.

Maybe they could have given gloves for the bolo toss and a helmet with a face shield for the sling shot.

Horacio and Olivia struggled in the bolo toss even when she didn't get injured.  And I suspect the vets pretended to swallow the shake but basically puked it out without actually swelling most of it.  Maybe the rookies don't know that trick.

Devin made a mistake doing a deal with Banany, who were right on their heels.  He said if Banany betray them, they're bad people.  Well yeah but you still get screwed.  You know you can't trust Bananas.

Guess he was worried that they might jump to a lead in the next couple of days.

He didn't see Jordan and Aneesa as a threat at all.  Even if she didn't turn her ankle, Aneesa would have difficulty keeping up and Jordan had to know this coming in.  That's why some of these pairs, it wasn't completely their choice who their Ride or Dies were.


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Well Horatio and Olivia were my picks to win.  Best rookies in a long time.  Now hoping for a Tori Devin win.  This episode really solidified what a terrible partner Nany can be.  Bananas isnt great either but it did seem like he was trying to make the best of the situation and Nany had to come in and Dolores Umbridge it up.   I thought  if Fessy had Olivia as a partner how he would react and the contrast really shows what a genuine and good hearted dude Horatio is.  

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19 minutes ago, erikaelvis said:

Well Horatio and Olivia were my picks to win.  Best rookies in a long time.  Now hoping for a Tori Devin win.  This episode really solidified what a terrible partner Nany can be.  Bananas isnt great either but it did seem like he was trying to make the best of the situation and Nany had to come in and Dolores Umbridge it up.   I thought  if Fessy had Olivia as a partner how he would react and the contrast really shows what a genuine and good hearted dude Horatio is.  

Fessy would be like two years ago when Kaycee got hurt and sulk rather than try when the woman hopping on one leg didn’t give up. 

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11 hours ago, Lola82 said:

Horacio shot to the top of the list of the few good guys this show had with how supportive he was when Olivia had to quit. I can think of several that would throw a hissy fit if their partner had to leave the final.

I instantly thought of Faysal and Kaycee when this happened. He would have told her to just throw through the pain. 

It was so heartbreaking to see how much he wanted to go on. How he kept saying he would just do double work. I felt so badly for them both. 

I know a lot can happen in the next 70 something hours, but at the moment it seems like it is Tori and Devin's to lose. (I've probably just jinxed them but they're the team I want to see win at this point I guess.) I wonder if at each overnight portion, will they allow the teams to leave as they arrived with some time penalty for later arrivals or will that provide some bunching. I hope they go like The Amazing Race does and get to keep their first place advantage. 

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Brutal episode. They didn't need to show that blood bath for that extended period like that. When I was around 8, I saw my brother break his nose by having a stick fight with a buddy where the stick broke and ricocheted into his nose. And it truly does look like murder. Face wounds...they are the worst. And with a broken nose, your head hurts like a mo-fo as well as extreme tiredness so no way could she have carried on. And that golf ball had to hit her face like a giant bullet. She is lucky to not have had some severe brain injury. Olivia is one tuff muther! Looking forward to seeing her again but she may be done with this stuff and I don't blame her. She should go on Survivor or BB. She seems a good fit for BB.

Edited by Lamima
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I swear, when I saw Olivia press on after messing up her hand, this is what I commented to a Facebook group:

”Dang, Olivia is a gamer, I think she’d shrug off a watermelon to the face.”

And then I posted a GIF on what is probably the one bit from The Amazing Race everyone has seen:

I think the lesson here is that a watermelon is more forgiving than a golf ball. Claire got off with a concussion, but not only did she and partner Brook finish the opening leg, they finished first in the following episode, and they completed the race, finishing second. If that had been a golf ball? I shudder to think of it.

Biggest loser of the remaining players has to be Aneesa. No matter how tiny the faltering, you just know Jordan will immediately bring up Olivia wanting to go on. If it meant that they’d go on, Jordan would chop off his nub hand and use the bones to brace Aneesa’s ankle.

Those two are now whom I’m rooting for. Johnny is still an asshole, and Devin is still a total wannabe. On the flip side, Horacio turned out to be way too good for this show. Also, aside from Sarah Greyson, I don’t think anyone has survived five eliminations and walked away handsomely rewarded. Maybe there’s a “four-timer” that managed the feat? I’ll have to research. I know Emy (“Emylien”?) went 4-for-4 last season.

Edited by Lantern7
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32 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Biggest loser of the remaining players has to be Aneesa.

I was just thinking "Aneese comes out a winner from this." If she and Jordan can finish they're guaranteed at least 3rd place now. Not sure if it's a winner take at all this season or there's a small prize for 2nd and 3rd still, but either way she'll at least place in the Final which hasn't happened since Duel II back in 2009! 

That being said, she also seemed genuinely concerned about Olivia and caring for Horacio when he was so emotional left alone on the course. Good for Aneesa, she's one of the only "old school" challengers still competing on the main show and I appreciate that she's still hanging tough.

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Olivia and production are so lucky that wasn’t worse. She could have easily lost an eye or even had serious brain damage. I can’t believe they didn’t have goggles on. This show is intent on killing someone. 

Aneesa is so full of it. It wouldn’t shock me if she’s exaggerating the extent of her ankle pain to use as an excuse for why she is walking. She actually said on the Challenge podcast that her endurance is just as good as Jordan’s, but it’s just that he’s faster. Jordan had to know if they made the final this was going to be the outcome. 

Can Devin outrun/have more endurance than Nany? Because that’s what the final is going to come down to. Just going by the edit, I’d say he will. 

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4 minutes ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

Olivia and production are so lucky that wasn’t worse. She could have easily lost an eye or even had serious brain damage. I can’t believe they didn’t have goggles on. This show is intent on killing someone. 

I thought the same. I thinking I'm sure they will have some facial protection next time they do these sling shot challenges.

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19 minutes ago, shantown said:

I was just thinking "Aneese comes out a winner from this." If she and Jordan can finish they're guaranteed at least 3rd place now. Not sure if it's a winner take at all this season or there's a small prize for 2nd and 3rd still, but either way she'll at least place in the Final which hasn't happened since Duel II back in 2009! 

I'm sorry, but I don't think Aneesa can finish the final even if Jordan carries her through the whole thing.  As in, over his shoulder carries her.  But I hope she proves us all wrong.

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Why is Jordan wearing one pant leg down, the other rolled up or cut off?  It looks stupid.

Sad for Olivia, really hope to see her come back. Like others have mentioned, they really should've been wearing some eye protection and had medics standing by. It appeared she was bleeding for awhile both times before anyone showed up.

I always learn who I'm truly rooting for once the final starts, firmly on team Tori/Devin. Just the sound of Nany's voice irritates me, and Jordan's interviews about his legacy/reputation were nauseating. He lacks the self-deprecation CT, Darrell, even Bananas, have and isn't witty like Wes/Bananas. 

I'd maybe muster a bit of sympathy for Anessa if she'd just go away for few seasons. Same thing every year, only gets farther and farther out of shape. 

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I'd maybe muster a bit of sympathy for Anessa if she'd just go away for few seasons. Same thing every year, only gets farther and farther out of shape. 

This kills me.  It's like my friend's husband who will call me out of the blue and suggest we sign up for a race and I like to support others in their fitness journeys, so I say yes.  And then I train and he doesn't.  And he finishes with a 14.5 min mile average and is happy because that's pretty good for not training.  That' s not the point.  It irritates me to no end when people commit to something, such as a race, or a Challenge and put no effort into it.  It's just so lazy and apathetic. 

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55 minutes ago, ghertigirl said:

This kills me.  It's like my friend's husband who will call me out of the blue and suggest we sign up for a race and I like to support others in their fitness journeys, so I say yes.  And then I train and he doesn't.  And he finishes with a 14.5 min mile average and is happy because that's pretty good for not training.  That' s not the point.  It irritates me to no end when people commit to something, such as a race, or a Challenge and put no effort into it.  It's just so lazy and apathetic. 

Big T was another who didn’t train and thought she’d stand a chance in the final.  I know CT was a bit over the top getting a new partner, but he was so right that she wasn’t ready. Then she comes back the next season and still can’t run a quarter mile.  Zero endurance.  A final would have put her in the hospital and not in the Olivia badass way.

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I have some Nany tolerance because she is from the same town as my spouse and wouldn't mind seeing her finally have a victory. Even if it means 8 for JB. At this point, what's one more for him? They really reminded me of an old married couple this episode. Some might see bad communication or pointless arguments, but I just see my childhood with my parents bickering just to fill space. I am not well, I suppose. 

I felt bad for Olivia, but no one is ever going to say she's not a vet now. She came off as really tough despite the injuries. 

Really, I could live with any of the remaining teams winning. There's no one I love and no one I hate. Each of them forwards the story of The Challenge in some way as longtime players, so I'll take whatever I get. Except more blood. 

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2 hours ago, snarts said:

Why is Jordan wearing one pant leg down, the other rolled up or cut off?  It looks stupid.

To match his stupid hairdo.

Also, in the far shots, his legs, especially the bare ones, looked like matchsticks.  

I wish I'd seen consequences for them cutting across (other than Aneesa turning her ankle).

I'm pretty sure I saw splatters of Olivia's blood on the outside of one of the ucky smoothies someone else had to drink.  I mean, I'm sure they undergo all sorts of medical tests beforehand, but still.  

I hate the gross food challenges, especially when we don't know what it is (but I also never liked, here or on Survivor, when they were all "here is a food this [implied backward] country finds a delicacy!"  But just seeing gray sludge go down and come back up...there's no point IMHO, especially not the extended footage.  Though it was funny when they speculated what was in it.  

I'm also irritated that the tire one wasn't explained very well--were there two of each eliminated (single or pair), so that only one went on the stack but they both had to carry one?  I could never see the names well enough.

I don't particularly find sweat sexy but the scenes of Horatio with all the bom-chicka-wow-wow music were kind of funny (especially with the sidelong glances from the other guys).  

Too much playing to the camera, John.  Har har, crossed fingers!  Har har, suck your gut in!  Har...har.  Also, go a little further away from the camp to poop.

Strange scene Banany asking the horses and cows for directions, and yet they all pulled up at the first stop at the same time.  


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I can't believe the producers let that happen.  It was 100% foreseeable and preventable.  The very first thought that popped into my mind when I saw the helmets next to the slingshots was "Where're the faceguards?" and I can't believe not even one person on the production team didn't see the same problem.  I hate to think they would deliberately take that big a risk with the cast's safety just for more drama, but they did seem to relish in showing all the blood so....

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3 hours ago, snarts said:

Why is Jordan wearing one pant leg down, the other rolled up or cut off?  It looks stupid.



53 minutes ago, Jobiska said:

To match his stupid hairdo.

Also, in the far shots, his legs, especially the bare ones, looked like matchsticks.  


And his babushka scarf.   

To me, it looked like he had shorts on and maybe some kind of brace on that leg.  But with Jordan you just never know.  

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16 hours ago, aghst said:

And I suspect the vets pretended to swallow the shake but basically puked it out without actually swelling most of it.  Maybe the rookies don't know that trick.

1 hour ago, Jobiska said:

I hate the gross food challenges, especially when we don't know what it is (but I also never liked, here or on Survivor, when they were all "here is a food this [implied backward] country finds a delicacy!"  But just seeing gray sludge go down and come back up...there's no point IMHO, especially not the extended footage.  Though it was funny when they speculated what was in it. 

I wish they'd get rid of the eating challenge if the only point of it is to be gross. It's not about taking time or adding time to others, since there are several other ways you can add time penalties. It's not about weighing them down before a run, because they know it's all going to get immediately thrown up. It's not about knowing or remembering ingredients, since they don't even say what they're eating anymore. It's not even about showing endurance or ability in any way. It just to get disgusting puking shots.

If they're going to do eating challenges it should have more of a purpose. Otherwise, as @aghst said, everyone is putting it in their mouth and immediately puking/spitting it back out.

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On 2/1/2023 at 9:32 PM, Lantern7 said:

Worst way to go out EVER. Poor Olivia. And Horacio is too pure for the game.

That was hard to watch! First time ever watching this show that I started to tear up, just a bit, when Horacio was begging to be able to finish. Definitely too good for this game. And Olivia is a beast! I'd say the rest of the groups in this final are quite lucky they had the most bizarre luck on this leg and DQ'd. Now I guess I have to root for Tori and Devin. 

On 2/1/2023 at 10:46 PM, bunnyface said:

Possibly with those ginormous teeth she has acquired.  

Johnny: You don't speak horse?

Nany: Nope.

Me: [Looks at those new teeth] Are you sure???

17 hours ago, snarts said:

Why is Jordan wearing one pant leg down, the other rolled up or cut off?  It looks stupid.

I didn't notice this specifically, but he has been wearing a compression sleeve on one leg for most of the season. So I suspect he has an old injury on that leg that he's being proactive about. 

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Damn, poor Olivia. She was badass through this whole thing. She cut her finger and didn't let it stop her, she starts drinking the disgusting smoothie as they are fixing her up. That ball to the face was brutal to watch. I was impressed by the way she kept her cool, if I saw that much blood I would have started freaking out. Even with that much blood, she's asking for a band aid and wanting to continue and she's apologizing to Horacio, when she's the one hurt. And Horacio was very comforting and showed compassion throughout the whole thing, he didn't make her feel bad about what happened and he didn't really fall apart until after she left. Just a class act. 

Did anyone else think that shot of TJ telling Horacio that it was over for him was filmed later and TJ wasn't actually there? We saw TJ when Devin/Tori were there and also Johnny/Nany. I can't remember if he was there when Olivia/Horacio arrived. We all know TJ hates quitters but also gives props to good competitors and if he was there and saw everything happen, I think he would have been a bit nicer to Horacio. Instead it was a producer that was comforting him.  

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On 2/1/2023 at 10:42 PM, bunnyface said:

Poor Olivia.  If I had any shame, I wouldn't tell you how many times I watched that nose hit in slo-mo.  But it was probably about even with how many times I watched Claire get hit with that watermelon on TAR.  I Was NOT expecting that shot of her with no makeup and two black eyes. Still better looking like that than 75% of the people on the planet.


I wasn't expecting it the first time, so she I saw it I screamed so loud. Then I had to rewatch because in a sick and twisted way I needed to see it in slow-mo. Then those few seconds of her talking before they show her face I screamed again, what does she look like??!! Then I saw. She is one of the strongest competitors I have seen on the challenge. AND she's a rookie? Mad respect. 


On 2/1/2023 at 10:42 PM, Lola82 said:

Horacio shot to the top of the list of the few good guys this show had with how supportive he was when Olivia had to quit. I can think of several that would throw a hissy fit if their partner had to leave the final.

I was wondering how did Olivia’s nose heal so fast when they were doing their talking heads and then they showed what she actually looked like after the injury. That must have taken a while to heal.

I’m rooting for Devin and Tori…although it would be funny to watch Banany win and Johnny choose to keep the money again.


On 2/1/2023 at 10:46 PM, bunnyface said:

Nany would literally kill him.  Not pretend, not how dare you, literally murder him.  Possibly with those ginormous teeth she has acquired.  

If the challenge keeps up its run, I predict Horacio will be a staple and continue to be a fan favorite. We have seen others throw a tantrum in those moments. I'm also rooting for Tori and Devin. I don't think Bananas would keep the money, but if he did, Nany wouldn't be the only one to kill him. Kaycee would help, as well as several other cast members. 


On 2/2/2023 at 1:43 AM, aghst said:

Devin made a mistake doing a deal with Banany, who were right on their heels.  He said if Banany betray them, they're bad people.  Well yeah but you still get screwed.  You know you can't trust Bananas.

Guess he was worried that they might jump to a lead in the next couple of days.

He didn't see Jordan and Aneesa as a threat at all.  Even if she didn't turn her ankle, Aneesa would have difficulty keeping up and Jordan had to know this coming in.  That's why some of these pairs, it wasn't completely their choice who their Ride or Dies were.


They will never learn when it comes to the final. Devin, you made a deal with a guy who completed a final and took the money from his partner. You expect him to keep his word?? Even after a challenge where you helped the other team hit their targets instead of letting their time run up, and they came from behind and beat you???  I'm not sure if bananas and Nany will catch up, but I hope that decision doesn't come back to bite them in the ass. Jordan and Aneesa have no shot. It's so sad. 


2 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Did anyone else think that shot of TJ telling Horacio that it was over for him was filmed later and TJ wasn't actually there? We saw TJ when Devin/Tori were there and also Johnny/Nany. I can't remember if he was there when Olivia/Horacio arrived. We all know TJ hates quitters but also gives props to good competitors and if he was there and saw everything happen, I think he would have been a bit nicer to Horacio. Instead it was a producer that was comforting him.  

I haven't seen this part yet, but did they show TJ's face a lot? Usually on these shows if the person is talking but you can't see them, it's ADR and they recorded it after the fact. Or did they show him and it felt very disjointed?  They will go bak and reshoot things to tie a story together. I would expect a nice speech from TJ for this situation. 

52 minutes ago, LaurelleJ said:

I haven't seen this part yet, but did they show TJ's face a lot? Usually on these shows if the person is talking but you can't see them, it's ADR and they recorded it after the fact. Or did they show him and it felt very disjointed?  They will go bak and reshoot things to tie a story together. I would expect a nice speech from TJ for this situation. 

It wasn't ADR, it was just shot of TJ by himself saying Horacio was eliminated. It felt a little generic which lead me to think he wasn't actually present at that check point. Which in of itself isn't a big deal. I agree that had TJ been there, he would have been nicer to Horacio given the situation.

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On 2/2/2023 at 2:42 PM, bunnyface said:


And his babushka scarf.   

To me, it looked like he had shorts on and maybe some kind of brace on that leg.  But with Jordan you just never know.  

Jordan has been wearing that one leg athletic pant the entire season.  I appreciate that he has his own style, but he needs to bring a point of view to it.  Right now it's all over the place and just seems odd.  It's as if he'll wear anything just because it's different.


I feel like it's probably the opposite with Bananas.  I suspect he'd rather lose the entire Challenge than look "uncool."  

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On 2/1/2023 at 10:42 PM, bunnyface said:

Poor Olivia.  If I had any shame, I wouldn't tell you how many times I watched that nose hit in slo-mo.

What I appreciated about Olivia's mishap is that it was a 100% spontaneous twist of fate.   This season has been so over-produced, so overly posed and polished, so choreographed and controlled, that it never feels like there's anything real at stake anymore.   There are no longer rivalries or feuds, loud arguments, pettiness involving food or back-of-the-bus drunken idiocy.    Even the prospect of a million dollars doesn't seem to faze anyone much, possibly because the vets are being paid a salary for their participation.

But that shot to Olivia's face was real and shocking.  It cut through the whole "Get-Along Gang Goes on an Adventure" atmosphere of this Final.   For a moment, it felt like the old original Challenge.


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I was thinking about Olivia’s bad luck…and I think it was the first injury that lead to the second.  With her finger injury, she couldn’t hold the sling shot correctly and that led to the injury.   That said, I do agree they should have been given face shields.   Bad as her injury was, it could have been a lot worse and she could have lost an eye or even died.  

And I’m sure Fessy has been watching and declaring that he wouldn’t have lost like that, all while ignoring his double kryptonite of drinking gross things and sling shots.   Without Devon to guide him, he’d still be there trying.  

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4 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Maybe we should call him "Fetchy."

I hoped somebody would catch the reference.

Can anyone remember a season where we had so many whining about not winning ...  "I've done (fill in a number) of these Challenges and never won."   Various iterations have been uttered by Fessy, Nelson, Nany, Aneesa ... like the universe is holding them back for its own amusement.   I think Fessy is betting on the infinite monkey theorem: if he keeps coming back the laws of probability will eventually grant him a win (or he'll type Shakespeare).

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