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S02.E08: I Said Yes!

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Awwwwww Alain & Audrey <3   "Engaged"  Hee!


Yay hockey girls! I know some people are bored of them always coming in first but I love it!  They're so badass!  I'd be totally fine with them winning every leg including the final one.  I cracked up when they asked if they could take some candy with them. That would totally be me.  Why Mentos though?  Are they big in France or something?


I was a bit confused about the timing of the episode. How did Mickey and Pete finish in 3rd when they drove 2 hours out of their way? Or were they exaggerating when they said 2 hours?


Did they not say that the food items had to be recited perfectly? Because I'm fairly certain Sukhi said "cafe" and not "cafe creme".  I'm glad the U-Turn didn't cause Ryan & Rob to get eliminated because of that.  Even though they're totally boring and I'll miss the Frenchies.


I'm not excited about the nude modelling next week.  I would hate that more than any other challenge.

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I was a bit confused about the timing of the episode. How did Mickey and Pete finish in 3rd when they drove 2 hours out of their way? Or were they exaggerating when they said 2 hours?


No, they were definitely 2 hours behind!  You could see the taxi's meter, they were going to be paying at least 100Euro one way.  Even if Paris had inflated taxi prices, that's a lot of coin so one can only assume that it was at least 2 hours there and back.  I think everyone else was just slow at their various tasks. 


Audrey & Alain to Pierre & Michel: "Let's work together! No uturning! Team Quebec! Whoo!" 

Twin 1 to Twin 2: Who should we uturn?

Twin 2 to Twin 1: Uh, Audrey and Alain!


I was laughing at that, so smarmy!  And that was karma at its finest coming right back at them for that move.  7 hours at that candy challenge was a bit extreme. Although I did shed a tear (just one!) at them saying how special it was to have a twin. 


Audrey & Alain: I totally ship that!  And the proposal didn't seem famewhorey at all!  It seemed genuine, as though Alain thought it was the perfect point in time to propose-- especially since they'd powered through to overcome such difficulty.  I can't believe he was racing with that ring burning a hole in his pocket for so long! I guess it explains why he was about ready to jump her in the cab. lol  But what a perfect place and moment to propose to her.  I loved that one of the first thing Audrey notes is that their names will change on the title card. Spoken like a true fan!  From "Dating" to "Engaged"! 


I was very annoyed that Sukhi & Jinder saw fit to play dumb with Rob & Ryan. I'm fairly certain that Rob & Ryan have helped them in the past, it's the least they could do. ESPECIALLY since they'd be desperately asking for help in other legs themselves. For shame. And that will come back to haunt you. 


The previews look really... weird. Oy.  I am hoping that Sukhi & Jinder aren't buck naked... cause... ew. Awkward. 

Edited by HistoryGirl
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Why Mentos though?


Because Mentos is one of the sponsors of the show.


I have to say that Spoons and Mikk are simply amazing. Outside of their obvious physical prowess, they are just able to keep on the front, except when hockey is involved. Is there any all-women team on TAR with as many 1st places as they are? Compared to others, the amount of time Spoons took to finish the artwork was simply, well, amazing.


On the other hand, also looking at TAR, is there any team who did the U-turn that ended up getting eliminated?

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Outside of their obvious physical prowess, they are just able to keep on the front, except when hockey is involved. Is there any all-women team on TAR with as many 1st places as they are? Compared to others, the amount of time Spoons took to finish the artwork was simply, well, amazing.



There is NO other all-woman team with as many wins under their belt.  And I don't even think there's any other team, period with as many wins (I'm thinking ratio wise because TAR:C has less legs than TAR:US overall) In TAR:US, I think only one all female team has ever won the game. At this point I'm going to be shocked if the Hockey Girls get eliminated before the finale. 

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That Mentos challenge was super tough -- based on the elapsed times shown at one point, Pierre/Michel has been working on it for nearly 6 and a half hours while Ryan/Rob has been working on it for nearly 2 and a half hours.  Which means Pierre/Michel blew a 4 hour lead over Ryan/Rob.  Ouch !!


EAT: Congrats to Alain/Audrey -- did anyone else notice the really unintentional foreshadowing for the proposal that Sukhi/Jinder ran by a wedding party taking photos on the run to the mat.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
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There is NO other all-woman team with as many wins under their belt.  And I don't even think there's any other team, period with as many wins (I'm thinking ratio wise because TAR:C has less legs than TAR:US overall) In TAR:US, I think only one all female team has ever won the game. At this point I'm going to be shocked if the Hockey Girls get eliminated before the finale. 


Is this season going to be short? Last season, the first season, was short because there were only 9 teams. This season has 11 teams, just as many teams as it is typically on TAR. Also there are 2 NELs. Therefore, unless it has more than 3 teams on the Final, I do not think that this season can be less than 12 legs, the standard on TAR.

Edited by TV Anonymous
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Is this season going to be short? Last season, the first season, was short because there were only 9 teams. This season has 11 teams, just as many teams as it is typically on TAR. Also there are 2 NELs. Therefore, unless it has more than 3 teams on the Final, I do not think that this season can be less than 12 legs, the standard on TAR.


Maybe it just always felt longer to me! lol  But you're probably right. I was likely thinking of last year. 

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Spoons and Mikk? Please, no insider nicknames.

Those aren't really insider nicknames, those are what they call each other on the ice and off most of the time.  My boss still gets calls from his old teammates from 40 years ago and they all still call each other by their "hockey names".


I noticed the wedding party taking pics too. Now they have a Jinder photobomb to complete their special day.

Edited by Rachel RSL
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I'm not sad to see Pierre and Michel be eliminated.  I couldn't warm to them. It does seem hard to believe that every other team was able to arrange their Mentos on a board a lot quicker than Michel.  I wonder what his real problem was.

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I'm not sad to see Pierre and Michel be eliminated.  I couldn't warm to them. It does seem hard to believe that every other team was able to arrange their Mentos on a board a lot quicker than Michel.  I wonder what his real problem was.

As much as cheered when they were eliminated I wondered about this too. If one of the teams had any amount of colour-blindness that challenge would have been truly impossible. A lot of people with visual-spatial issues like dyslexia might have struggled as well. I know as disgraphic  I have a lot more trouble with things like Sodoku because my brian always wants to reverse the numbers.  Putting things like that in order can be hell for someone with these types of issues. My problem is mostly with output so I probably would have been okay but a lot of dylexics have trouble with things like colour matching. (Its a similar muscle in the brain) I do think Michel was just experiencing garden variety stress brain freeze in this case though (although certain learning disabilities are more common in twins).


I'm so happy for Alain and Audrey I'm kinda rooting for them to win now. I also really liked when Audrey was so happy to be running in Paris. Its so nice to racers enjoy the places they get to go


Paris is always an awesome leg this one did not disapoint.

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This show just keeps outdoing itself. Another super episode with tough tasks and human drama.


I couldn't stand Sukhi and Jinder from the very beginning and even posted that I thought they were going to be super annoying. Well, they certainly are, with their shrieking and screaming and bragging and pestering other teams to help them on their tasks and then being so assholish to Rob and Ryan. Speaking of Rob and Ryan, kudos to them for making it through their penalty and then being u-turned. Pretty impressive.


I love the hockey girls. Besides being smart and athletic, they're so damned good under pressure. They get a little hyped up once in awhile but their experience being in tight hockey games on the biggest stage in the world is certainly serving them well.


Sorry to see the twins go. They were my eye candy for this season and were certainly fierce competitors. I like to see teams race hard and u-turns don't bother me at all but the outright lying to Alain and Audrey was unnecessary but it's always a shame to see the really high performing teams blow one task and get eliminated. Congratulations to Alain and Audrey. What a memorable trip this has been for them. I like them and if the hockey girls don't win I hope they do.

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I was shocked to see Pierre/Michel gone this early, not a fan of the move they pulled though. I was amazed that Ryan/Rob lasted with doing 2 detours, Speed Bump and a Roadblock without being eliminated. I remember Chad/Stephanie getting engaged on the Race a while ago but I like Alain and Audrey more so I'm happier for them.

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Sukhi and Jinder keep getting funnier and funnier/dumber and dumber. But Suk's definitely got some commendable clutch skills.


This episode played out with such entertaining dramatic poetic justice, and I thought last season's double u-turn episode was unbeatable.


I'm never the girl who cries at things like proposals but I teared up at Alain and Audrey's. 


Oh I'm very happy the BC boys are still in it and that they showed more of their wry humour. Upside-down sleeves totally a thing here.

Edited by anonymiss
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Sukhi and Jinder's Spanish phrases thrown in as if they were French were part of what makes me dislike them so much.  They're just offensive to me.


That proposal was adorable and will be such a great story for them to tell for the rest of their lives!  Add the fact that they weren't held back by the U-Turn....  Congratulations to Audrey and Alain!


I had given up a bit on TAR-US but am LOVING TAR-Canada so much more than I expected.  The Muskoka boys make me smile.  I'm pulling for them!

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Sukhi and Jinder's Spanish phrases thrown in as if they were French were part of what makes me dislike them so much.  They're just offensive to me.


That was a failure of the Canadian education system if I ever saw one.  Rapido? Scusi? For people that have travelled the world, they sure don't have any concept of one of our national languages. I cringed every time they pulled out their own version of French. 

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Eh, I think Sukhi and Jinder are a hoot.

As for Spoons and Mikks being their hockey nicknames, I totally get that. But they are not called that on TAR ever, so I dislike when people use nicknames for TV characters that have no context within the show discussed. It would be the same if I referred to Pierre and Michel as Baldie and Smokes, because that's what "everyone" calls them in real life.

I'm rooting for the hippie boys, just because.

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I like to see teams race hard and u-turns don't bother me at all but the outright lying to Alain and Audrey was unnecessary but it's always a shame to see the really high performing teams blow one task and get eliminated.


Yes, boys, Karma is a bitch! I loved the challenges this week, and the fact that each one played to very different strengths, making the competition truly unpredictable. Who'd have thought that arriving in second spot, Michel would get stumped by that challenge, allowing so many to pass him? A visual puzzle like that is always going to be very different from one person to another. But seriously, within the amount of time he spent on it, he could have just done a row-by-row comparison of every spot, where it just becomes about counting.


BTW, when it started to appear possible that Ryan and Rob might actually complete that before the twins, I really started cheering them on, if only because they dispatched their extra challenges with such efficiency, and were a little victimized. Yes, UTurns are part of the game, but it would have been more of a sure thing at that point to UTurn Mickey and Pete, who were nowhere to be seen, rather than Ryan and Rob who were more or less neck in neck with them. Sukhi and Jinder had better watch their backs!


Props also to Alain and Audrey for overcoming their UTurn and changing their caption status!


Rapido? Scusi? For people that have travelled the world, they sure don't have any concept of one of our national languages. I cringed every time they pulled out their own version of French. 


I can imagine their cab driver: "Wait, you're Spanish? No, sorry, Italian? I thought you were Canadian!"



I dislike when people use nicknames for TV characters...

...I'm rooting for the hippie boys, just because.


You mean Dreads Hippie and Thor Hippie?   ;-)

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Well, I have to defend my calling Natalie and Meaghan as Spoons and Mikk. Those are the names they call each other on-screen, during the show. Therefore, they are not insider nicknames as those are the names they call themselves.


Other example is Jud, the winner of Survivor: Nicaragua. While his show name was Jud, everybody called him Fabio. Since it was a name named on-screen, viewers could legitimately refer him as 'Fabio'.


ETA: IIRC, Meaghan Mikkelson has not even called Natalie Spooner as 'Natalie' or 'Nat', except when referring to third person. She always calls her 'Spooner' or 'Spoons'.


On a slightly different note, I think it is rather common for someone in team sports to refer his / her teammates by the last name or a name derived from it. First, they have their last names visible on the jersey, second, the probability of teammates having the same first name is rather high in the Western world.

Edited by TV Anonymous
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Well, Spoons and Mikk won't be "insider nicknames" once the board starts calling them that...


I love that they are kicking butt and taking names - they are never living down that crappy hockey challenge, though.

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Wow, what an amazing episode!! I am thrilled that the twins are gone. I get that they are trying to win, but they have been underhanded in the way they play several times. Love karma. I am sure Nicole was sitting at home watching and quite pleased as well- lol.


The Muskoka guys continue to be my favourites. Love that even after a two hour detour they hugged the lady who told them that their destination was in Paris. Also love that no one u-turned them. I really think many of the other teams think they are not a threat. I also think many of the other teams are wrong. ; )


I think my fav part was Rob/Ryan (sorry still don't know one from the other) and Audrey helping each other out at the Mentos challenge and leaving the twin in the dust. Amazing that the bartenders survived so many challenges!


While the sibs are equal parts entertaining (for their stupidity) and annoying (for their stupidity) I really hope they are gone after next week. Then as much as I love the hippies, I really will be fine with whatever team wins. The remaining teams (minus the sibs) have shown a lot of class - at least thus far in the race.

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Well, I have to defend my calling Natalie and Meaghan as Spoons and Mikk. Those are the names they call each other on-screen, during the show. Therefore, they are not insider nicknames as those are the names they call themselves.

Yep! I've heard them use those names many times on the show.

And I agree, if the girls can't win it all, I'd love to see it go to Alain & Audrey. I can't believe he carried that ring around for the whole race. I would have been terrified of losing it.

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On the other hand, also looking at TAR, is there any team who did the U-turn that ended up getting eliminated?


Nope, so Pierre/Michel have set a new record of their own. ^_^


P.S. This leg/episode was more satisfying on multiple levels than the entirety of TAR24.

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You know, it's weird. Paris is such an inherently ridiculous city that the Mentos plug didn't seem out of place at all. Plus it was brilliant. I guess what I'm trying to say is more fiddly time-consuming challenges in future seasons please.

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I really did start to wonder if the twins had problems with the Mentos roadblock because the one was colour blind.  It was ridiculous how long it was taking him.  Even going line by line he should have been able to redo it and see his mistake.  I didn't really see the big problem with them U-turning Alain & Audrey.  I believe Alain & Audrey only went up to the twins to make nice because they knew they were an hour behind them.  It was in their interest to make the deal about not U-turning each other more than it was in the twins benefit since they were in the lead.  I do not like U-turns in the race.  I never have.  But if you are going to race you might as well take advantage of what you think will help you. 


Sukhi and Jinder continue to annoy me.  They are the ones always asking for help.  Yet they got so upset that the boys had the nerve to ask them for help in that one challenge.  It upset them enough that they used it as a reason to U-turn the boys.  Sukhi & Jinder can't be eliminated soon enough for me.

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Standing there, waiting for his brother to finish the challenge for 8 hours must have been agony.


I understand it's a raaaaace but the twins and Sukhi and Jinder were so smug about their UTurns, I was actively rooting against both teams.


Sukhi using Spanish/Italian for French also drove me nuts. Just speak in English - don't just pick some random non-English language if you don't know French. Good grief.

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Sukhi and Jinder can't even lie properly; please let them be gone next. I already hated them but when they U-Turned my boys Ryan & Rob: flames on the side of my face!


Talk about the best day of Audrey's life: her gorgeous man proposes on the banks of the Seine and Michel & Pierre get eliminated! A story she can tell their kids (and maybe not even in that order).


So bored with the hockey women; I think a final three without them would be much more exciting. Plus I'd be perfectly happy with a Rob/Ryan, Alain/Audrey, Mickey/Pete win...although I suspect the newly engaged are the only likely victors from that trio.


There is NO other all-woman team with as many wins under their belt.  And I don't even think there's any other team, period with as many wins (I'm thinking ratio wise because TAR:C has less legs than TAR:US overall) In TAR:US, I think only one all female team has ever won the game. At this point I'm going to be shocked if the Hockey Girls get eliminated before the finale. 


Two female teams have won TAR:US. Nat & Kat (TAR17) and Keisha & Jen (TAR18). Nat & Kat won five legs while Keisha & Jen only one (but it was the all important final leg). Rachel & Dave (TAR20) hold the record for most legs won: eight (of twelve).

Edited by cousin oliver
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Sukhi and Jinder continue to annoy me.  They are the ones always asking for help.  Yet they got so upset that the boys had the nerve to ask them for help in that one challenge. 

That whole thing really annoyed me. I mean if you don't want to help another team that is fine. But instead of making up a stupid and obvious lie, why not just say "we are not going to help you". I mean for all they knew they were the last place teams. Of course it doens't help that Sukhi and Jinder have pretty much asked everyone except Jon for help at one point in this game.

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Sukhi using Spanish/Italian for French also drove me nuts. Just speak in English - don't just pick some random non-English language if you don't know French. Good grief.


Very reminiscent of Mirna & Schmirna, who were always using Spanish in India or something.


While I like them, the hockey girls' dominance might be evidence that having pro / career athletes as contestants in this type of competition might be a little unfair to the others, though they are only human and have screwed up on occasion. But if I was one of the other teams I might be a little bummed.

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Very reminiscent of Mirna & Schmirna, who were always using Spanish in India or something.


While I like them, the hockey girls' dominance might be evidence that having pro / career athletes as contestants in this type of competition might be a little unfair to the others, though they are only human and have screwed up on occasion. But if I was one of the other teams I might be a little bummed.

I would say that is true, except for the fact that they seem to be kicking ass on stuff that isn't hockey related or even really all that athletic. I mean they rocked that mentos challenge.

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While I like them, the hockey girls' dominance might be evidence that having pro / career athletes as contestants in this type of competition might be a little unfair to the others, though they are only human and have screwed up on occasion. But if I was one of the other teams I might be a little bummed.

I'm not sure that this idea is proved by prior evidence. Of course the examples we've had have come from the American Amazing Race, but we really haven't seen examples were "professional or career athletes" have had an unusual advantage over other teams. As I recall the only athletes to win that version of The Race were the minor league hockey brothers. We've seen pro basketball players (The Globetrotters) pro football players and ex-baseball players. We've never seen a Team made up of professional\career athletes perform extraordinarily well - even the hockey brothers- let alone dominate in the way that Meghan and Natalie have in this Race.

I won't go into the failures of current or former pro-athletes in Survivor. Ethan Zohn is pretty much the only real success there, but the social game in Survivor tends to target high profile people like former football or basketball players on the grounds that "they don't need the money." Ethan was in a sport (Soccer) that doesn't have that high a profile within the United States or Canada.

I would contend that Meghan and Natalie's success has little to do with their being professional\career athletes and a great deal to do with them being extremely capable young women both physically and mentally. Their one advantage as athletes might be an ability to recover from fatigue but even there I don't think it's much of an advantage, if it exists at all.

Edited by SledDog
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I have to mute Suk and Jinder when they're on--they make my ears bleed, both with their screaming and their Franglish. Franglage? 


That has to be one of the toughest speed bumps I've seen--learn a song on the accordion and play it in unison in front of a crowd? Wow. Kudos to the bartenders. They're really starting to grow on me, as are the surfer hippies. 

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I have to say, I really like this version of TAR better than ours here in the USA. I get a little chuckle that when they do leave Canada, their destination has some sort of Canadian tie in. And what better tie in than "Make your way to Place du Canada" LOL. I also like the way the show looks, even if I am just watching on my laptop, the colors pop nicely.

Edited by Jer2002
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The twins are saying that they were edited as the villains. They also say that the show edited out that Alain and Audrey had an alliance with Cormac/Nicole and Rex/Bob to target the twins. When they lost their allies, they tried to play nice.

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Sorry to see the twins go. They were my eye candy for this season

Mine too - when the promo for the next episode mentioned nude modeling, I groaned about Pierre and Michel leaving a week too early.

I couldn't stand Sukhi and Jinder (snip) with their shrieking and screaming (more snippage)


Seriously - when they were running down the street yelling over each other about their competing methods of remembering the names of the food items, I was getting serious TAR-US "TWINNNEEEEE!!!" flashbacks.

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"Bryan Adams, Celine Dion!"

Rob and Ryan are lucky they didn't get murdered on the spot for uttering those evil words. Then again, this is a country that tolerates the existence of mimes, so there's no accounting for taste.

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I literally laughed out loud when Suhki and Jinder got caught in their lie. The way Jinder just said "um...." was so hilarious.


Mickey and Pete are too bro-y for me. The thing I liked about Jet and Dave is that they were cast to be the "bros", but then weren't. Mickey and Pete actually are.


I'm really not a fan of proposals on reality TV. This one wasn't as cringe-worthy as some, but I don't. I'm still not into it. I have to say that Alain and Audrey do seem like a great couple. They're extremely affectionate with each other and usually I'm not into the cutesy couples and all their PDA, but I'm not bothered by it with them. From early on in the season I've thought that they just seem so compatible with each other. It's very sweet. 


The hockey girls are boring. I don't mean them winning so many legs. I find them boring. I'm sure they have strong personalities in real life, that we see glimpses of sometimes (like Meghan being serious and super tough and Natalie seems very energetic), but to me they're boring on the show. I also agree with the poster from last week that didn't like when Meghan was saying what they Olympic athletes do doesn't come close to what soldiers do because the way she phrased it did seem to indicate that she felt there should be some sort of hero worship for athletes. 


In terms of whether they're status as athletes gives them an advantage on the race, I think it does. Not even physically necessary, but they're used to competing and dealing with pressure. I think that would help a lot on this show. That's why I've said before that I wish the show would cast a female team that was competent like them, but not Olympic athletes, to show that they can do well too. If the hockey players win there's still going to be a lot of "female teams don't do well on the Amazing Race" and "that one female team only won because they were Olympic athletes". 


I still don't understand what happened with Pierre (or was it Michel?) and the Mentos?? I'm seriously starting to think he's colourblind. Even if he went Mento by Mento checking that thing over more than once, it still shouldn't have taken 8 hours. When they introduced that challenge I really didn't think it looked that hard, but I guess I was wrong.

The twins are saying that they were edited as the villains. They also say that the show edited out that Alain and Audrey had an alliance with Cormac/Nicole and Rex/Bob to target the twins. When they lost their allies, they tried to play nice.

Hmmm, I wonder if that means

Alain and Audrey are getting a winner's edit? What a trip that would be! An engagement and $250,000.

I don't like it when teams get all self-righteous about U-turning and talking about how it's not "right" and not part of a "clean race" like the hockey girls did in this episode. To me that's ridiculous. Do you get mad if someone takes your pawn in chess? No. 

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I don't like it when teams get all self-righteous about U-turning and talking about how it's not "right" and not part of a "clean race" like the hockey girls did in this episode. To me that's ridiculous. Do you get mad if someone takes your pawn in chess? No.


I'm curious why Pierre/Michel were allowed to use the U-turn twice -- in Hong Kong U-turn (not shown on the show) the twins U-turned Suhki and Jinder and in this episode with Alain/Audrey.  Is it because Suhki and Jinder were already past the U-turn and it never affected them (so the twins using the U-turn didn't count), or because the U-turn wasn't shown on TV.


I thought it was a rule that you could only use the U-turn once during an entire race.

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But TPTB don't know what's going to be shown on the race until the editing stage. They have no idea how the first unshown u-turn could have affected the rest of the race so they can't just say it doesn't count.

The rules must be different for TAR Canada as far as u-turns. Am I remembering correctly that Pierre & Michel picked out their picture from the box and not from their fannypack? I know that on TAR US, you have your own picture and if you lose it you can't u-turn. Happened to someone, Hayden & Aaron maybe?


Just went back to episode 3 thread with photo of u-turn board and Pierre and Michel were u-turned by Sukhi and Jinder, not the other way.

Therefore surprised Sukhi & Jinder could u-turn.

Edited by Sarahendipity
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Just went back to episode 3 thread with photo of u-turn board and Pierre and Michel were u-turned by Sukhi and Jinder, not the other way.

Therefore surprised Sukhi & Jinder could u-turn.


Thanks @Sarahendipity -- I kind of confused things there. My bad.

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But TPTB don't know what's going to be shown on the race until the editing stage. They have no idea how the first unshown u-turn could have affected the rest of the race so they can't just say it doesn't count.


As far as we know, TPTB could have had U-Turn on every leg. After each leg they could have seen if the U-Turn made good impact or not. Just like Gus McLeod - of Gus and Hera of TAR6 - said, "It is not reality, it is unscripted television." Therefore, for me I just take the narrative TPTB gives us. Anything other than that is just nice to know.


Now, speaking of TPTB, I do suspect TPTB interference. How does Alain know that he should propose there? In the city of love, underneath a bridge used by couples to "lock up" their love? He could have proposed anywhere before or after Paris. He could have even be eliminated before. But yet, it was jus the right spot in the right city after such a big moral victory. I am a bit skeptical, but I am just going with the narrative.

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Didn't Pierre and Michel get the second Express Pass from the hockey girls?  And if so, did they already use it or did they go out with it still in their possession?


They used it to skip the Rock Song Roadblock at Whiskey Dix in Leg 6 (because the song was in English).

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Rob and Ryan are lucky they didn't get murdered on the spot for uttering those evil words. Then again, this is a country that tolerates the existence of mimes, so there's no accounting for taste.


Speaking of mimes, if, as we suspect, the final task will have something to do with the welcome comments from the greeter on the mat, the mime didn't say anything. :)

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really did start to wonder if the twins had problems with the Mentos roadblock because the one was colour blind.  It was ridiculous how long it was taking him.  Even going line by line he should have been able to redo it and see his mistake


This has to be the case.  They have been so systematic and methodical in their tasks that I can't believe he just couldn't go line by line.  I was hoping to get some clarification when I saw the rerun of their Canada AM interview, but no, all they were asked about was "the drama" of the U-turn.  You'd think the interviewer would ask why the hell they couldn't do that challenge in under 7 hours.  They really tried to ramp up the drama of this episode.  The previews made it look like everyone went from lovey dovey to hating each other when there was nothing more then some dirty looks.  This is why I can't stand any American reality show, all the drama, all the sob stories blech!  Like someone else pointed out, at least the proposal was somewhat watchable because it wasn't too smaltzy.


So what is the running tally on the hockey girls winnings so far? Even if they don't win in the end, I think they pretty much have a years worth of travel already.

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