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S38.E06: Come Michele or High Water


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I've long been a Laurel fan so although it sucked to see her go out today, my vengeance-filled, Challenge-loving heart LOVED seeing everyone rooting for her and swearing revenge on Michele and Jay. Also, how badass was Jordan pointing at Jay and going "what did I tell you?" and then throwing a perfect ball to knock out the last hoop? You couldn't have written it better!

Interesting moment - Jay and Johnny hugging after the elimination. Didn't they have a lot of bad blood? Or has this become a "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" sort of truce?

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Seriously, why do Jay & Michele try their best? They've won two missions in a row . . . and while two strong teams wound up going out, the bulk of the house is still pissed off at them. The bright side is that Laurel and Jakk wanted them dead after last week's episode, and now they're gone.

I get the Michele hate, but I don't think Jay is worth it. Sure, his gameplay is shaky, and you can't blame it all on massive head trauma at the hands of Rogan. But it's Jay. He's a goofy guy. He's not "The Goof," though. Jay might be a Golden Retriever posing as a human being.

Michele was ridiculous. Jakk was ridiculous for taking his hate of Jay up a level. As much as it pains me to say it, I think we passed Laurel's peak as a Challenger. Crying in interviews, getting cuddlywith Faysal*, losing the Zone to Aneesa . . . not good. Honestly, given Laurels' athleticism, I would've expect her to throw balls at higher speeds. Honestly, I would've put money that Aneesa would have gotten hurt. Nope . . . she manages to defend her targets while Jordan soundly bat Jakk.

(*I think if you look up "Faysal" and translate it to English, you'd get "rock bottom.")

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1) Well, I guess we won’t be seeing Laurel for a few seasons since she tends to skip a few seasons. I had hoped she would stick around a little longer.

2) There was some things that happen in the season trailer that hasn’t happened yet so you kinda have an idea that Jordan and Aneesa wasn’t going home.

3) I just can’t keep up with this season. I have no idea what these people are doing. I don’t think what they’re thinking.  There seems to be no strategy. Everyone just seems like they’re winging it.

4) Good for Michele and Jay for going for the GOATs but bad on Michele and Jay for going for the GOATs. I love Michele but I want to watch the GOATs. I wanna watch Laurel and Jordan and Nanny and Aneesa and Johnny because the rookies are not exciting at all. I don’t wanna watch the rookies. They’re not giving me anything to watch. I barely remember half their names.

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The vets are so whiny and salty about being put in elimination.

They expect these newbies to eliminate each other, so the vets numbers are greater.

Jay and Michele don't own Johnny and Nanny a god damn thing.  They should have put Johnny and Nanny in last week and also made them the primary pick.

They were bullying Michele because they saw she was getting emotional about it.

First of all, most of the vets would have Jay and Michele towards the bottom of their list.  So it's absurd that they think J&M should protect them.

What did they expect, for J&M to pick Horacio and his partner or Amber and her partner?  Those are probably the only allies they have in the game.

The vets are going to cover each other until the end.

And Jordan's being ridiculous, he and Aneesa weren't trying to win before?  They were just chilling (he used the world "floating") and now they're going to try to win Daily Challenges now?

For once it would be good to see the rookies and newbies band together but B-M won't allow that because they think viewers would rather see Bananas and some other vets win.

No Bananas is the last person I want to see win.

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The format of this season is pretty ridiculous. The team who wins has to piss off a large portion of the house.

It's funny to see people who have been on this challenge forever be such big crybabies when they're not controlling things. Jordan may very well be the biggest dick ever to appear on this show and that's a monstrously high bar. He told Jay and Michele that he understood the game and then had a hissy fit that they dared to go against the mighty Jordan.

Johnny and Nany put them in a few weeks ago, but they're not allowed to reciprocate? There's such entitlement from these vets and I'd love to see them all knocked down a few pegs.

Edited by Badlands
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6 hours ago, AntFTW said:

1) Well, I guess we won’t be seeing Laurel for a few seasons since she tends to skip a few seasons. I had hoped she would stick around a little longer.

2) There was some things that happen in the season trailer that hasn’t happened yet so you kinda have an idea that Jordan and Aneesa wasn’t going home.


1)  I also hope Laurel comes back next season.  I've always liked her.

2)  I was thinking the same thing....Jordan appeared in at least one "This season on The Challenge...." (preview) scenes that we haven't seen yet.  Therefore, the result of last night's elimination was somewhat anti-climatic. 

2 hours ago, aghst said:


No Bananas is the last person I want to see win.

I'm kind of neutral on Bananas, but I generally like Nany and wouldn't mind seeing her actually win (for once).

I like Horacio, but it's hard for me to take Olivia seriously having watched her season of "Love Island."  They've featured Amber and her partner so little that I don't even remember his name.  I generally think of former Survivor players as being able to handle their emotions better than people from other shows (where those other shows....Real World, Love Island, etc....often purposely cast overly dramatic people, IMO), but geez, Michele is all over the place.  I think she doesn't want people to be mad at her and wants others to agree that "it's just a game," but it's just too easy for the vets to make her feel guilty.  I love Darrell, but can't stand Veronica, so I'm very conflicted with them.  Kaycee and Kenny and Faysal and Moriah seem to be laying somewhat low, which is probably the best strategy right now.

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 I liked Laurel's  bad ass, laser eye self last week because that's the warrior I enjoyed watching on the Challenges. Glad to see Aneesa and Laurel beast it up but I will miss Laurel.    I understand it these last two episodes but what's the history with the vet Jay hate?   

Can you imagine Veronica in that elimination challenge?   Glad for Darrell that they weren't down there.  

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  • So sick of the whiny bitch vets with their "How DARE you" bullshit. 
  • Jordan and his tween skater fauxhawk can piss up a rope. You wanted to float? Really? Do you really think Aneesa will be a help if you sniff the final?
  • A big "yay" to Nany and her Blinding Veneers of Wisdom to tell Bananas to fuck off. 
  • I keep waiting for TJ to deliver a perfectly timed and succinct, "Get over it already, you gaping hypocrites."
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WHY is Jordan getting a redemption tour?  What makes him so damn special that he’s getting some grace, while others haven’t?  I haven’t forgotten that Jordan is a terrible person who says terrible things.

Also, Laurel, shut the fuck up.  Boo fucking hoo.  If she were ever capable of winning a daily challenge, she would not HESITATE to throw whoever the fuck she wanted to into elimination.

Kenny’s happy face when Nany pulled the safe sword was so funny.

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1 hour ago, MMLEsq said:

They've featured Amber and her partner so little that I don't even remember his name.

Chauncey. His name is Chauncey. Which I only remember because his name is Chauncey and I'm stunned that anyone in the late 90s early 00s would name their child Chauncey. 

I knew Aneesa and Jordan weren't going anywhere because I listen to the podcast and in the episode right after Jordan and Aneesa showed up they reference something that occurs that hasn't happened yet. 

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9 hours ago, AntFTW said:

4) Good for Michele and Jay for going for the GOATs but bad on Michele and Jay for going for the GOATs. I love Michele but I want to watch the GOATs. I wanna watch Laurel and Jordan and Nanny and Aneesa and Johnny because the rookies are not exciting at all. I don’t wanna watch the rookies. They’re not giving me anything to watch. I barely remember half their names.

Whatever. If they stopped making it rookies vs vets every year, this wouldn't be such a problem. I'm tired of the vets being whiny punks. Not all of them but too many of them. It's not like anyone is doing anything too exciting this season.

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39 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

Whatever. If they stopped making it rookies vs vets every year, this wouldn't be such a problem. I'm tired of the vets being whiny punks. Not all of them but too many of them. It's not like anyone is doing anything too exciting this season.

I don't disagree. This season is kinda boring but that's why I need them 😂

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11 hours ago, AntFTW said:

4) Good for Michele and Jay for going for the GOATs but bad on Michele and Jay for going for the GOATs. I love Michele but I want to watch the GOATs. I wanna watch Laurel and Jordan and Nanny and Aneesa and Johnny because the rookies are not exciting at all. I don’t wanna watch the rookies. They’re not giving me anything to watch. I barely remember half their names.

I'm kind of the opposite.  I'm tired of seeing the same few people win year after year.  I'm so tired of them whining and whining when they aren't given a free pass to the end and someone actually expects them to play the game and defend their titles.  Honestly, when Bananas is made to put up or shut up, he loses a solid half the time.  But we're supposed to believe he "deserves" to go to the end every time.  Bitch, stop with that.  Do the work.  The work *this time* not the work you're coasting off of 18 seasons ago.

Maybe if they weren't busy picking off the rookies early every time, we'd learn their names and learn something interesting about them.  

Fine print:  All of this ranting excludes CT.  I'll watch him anytime.

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There’s a difference between Jordan trying to intimidate/get under Jay’s skin and Nany whining like she always does because she’s afraid of going in. I don’t understand why Jordan is being lumped in with the whiny vets. Do people really think Jordan is afraid of going in? 

I’m disappointed to see Laurel leave early again. She doesn’t appear that often and I find her endlessly entertaining. I’m not sure she’ll do many more of these. She could probably clean up on All-Stars. 

I think Jay and Michelle are probably the best team and the favorites in a final, but are probably in trouble if Jordan and Aneesa stay in the game long enough. I’ve seen this vengeful Jordan edit before in WOTW 2. Ask Paulie and Cara how that went. 

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Watching this episode now and my God how these people use mind bullying. Like people have to get named. And Nany (whose teeth drive me crazy) named Michele early on so now Michele names Nany and she throws epic tantrum. And these gals sure do bully their partners too...Nany to Bananas (how did he get that nickname? and, by the way, he's old) and Laurel to Jakk (how she screams at him during challenges). 

I have only ever watched Challenge USA, where the players didn't get as bent abou5 being named. So this whole tantrum in the interrogation room bit is off putting. Makes me root for the rookie peeps and I include Michele in that since she's with Jay. Didn't like them on Survivor but rooting for them here.

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47 minutes ago, Lamima said:

I have only ever watched Challenge USA, where the players didn't get as bent abou5 being named. So this whole tantrum in the interrogation room bit is off putting.

While I haven't watched Challenge USA at all, it's my understanding that all those players are essentially "rookies" to the game. Here a lot of the players have done several seasons together, possibly were on their original reality shows together (Real World or Big Brother or whatever), and many are connected outside the show - both as friends/family and through business opportunities around being reality stars. It adds quite a few layers to the gameplay and some people do end up taking "game" decisions personally because of it. Granted, a lot of tantrums and BFF lovefests and conversations are made extra dramatic by Challengers - and a lot of times that's ALSO about gameplay. Nany being overly upset - whether acting or not - did give Michele pause and alter her decision making.

That's part of what makes the show so interesting to me! If you plan to keep coming back it seems like you're always kind of playing the game. It's evident in how much everyone roots for Aneesa despite her lack of success in finals - she's a nice person that stays well connected. Jordan and Johnny have at least temporarily quashed any beef between them from seasons ago at some point. Despite being gone for several seasons, many players knew Laurel so she came in with allies. I do wish the focused more on that within the show - the beginnings of these friendships - because it makes watching the interactions later on so interesting.

(Or maybe this is just my undergrad sociology degree talking!)

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11 hours ago, aghst said:

The vets are so whiny and salty about being put in elimination.

Every damn year. And it keeps getting worse. Someone has to go in, but as long as it's rookie or someone who isn't in their alliance, they don't care. 

4 hours ago, bunnyface said:

I'm kind of the opposite.  I'm tired of seeing the same few people win year after year.  I'm so tired of them whining and whining when they aren't given a free pass to the end and someone actually expects them to play the game and defend their titles.  Honestly, when Bananas is made to put up or shut up, he loses a solid half the time.  But we're supposed to believe he "deserves" to go to the end every time.  Bitch, stop with that.  Do the work.  The work *this time* not the work you're coasting off of 18 seasons ago.

4 hours ago, ImpinAintEasy said:

There’s a difference between Jordan trying to intimidate/get under Jay’s skin and Nany whining like she always does because she’s afraid of going in.

When they start talking about how they "deserve" to be in the final or they "deserve" to win, I want to throw something at the TV.  Particularly Nany, who doesn't do anything every single season except hook up or find someone whose coattails she can ride or get protection from by being in their alliance. You don't deserve to be anywhere near a final Nany!!!!!! And her whole attitude toward Michelle for throwing her and her awful girlfriend in was such shit. Especially when she told Michelle that she needed to just deal with going into the elimination because it's "not personal".  I was waiting for Michelle to throw that back in her face, but Michelle cares more about the mean girls liking her than sticking up for herself. 

Overall Jay and Michelle don't make good choices. Last week's elimination group was mind boggling, to the say the least. And while the group they threw in this week was great (and is who should be thrown in every week in my opinion, including Devin and Tori), they should have selected Nani and Johnny or Kaycee and Kenny as their final picks. They just aren't as strategic as they think they are.  And even with all that, I hope they keep winning just so they can continue pissing off and putting the fear of God into these Vets, because as badass as they all like to act like they are, they're all afraid of going into an elimination except for Jordan. 

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1 hour ago, shantown said:

While I haven't watched Challenge USA at all, it's my understanding that all those players are essentially "rookies" to the game. Here a lot of the players have done several seasons together, possibly were on their original reality shows together (Real World or Big Brother or whatever), and many are connected outside the show - both as friends/family and through business opportunities around being reality stars. It adds quite a few layers to the gameplay and some people do end up taking "game" decisions personally because of it. Granted, a lot of tantrums and BFF lovefests and conversations are made extra dramatic by Challengers - and a lot of times that's ALSO about gameplay. Nany being overly upset - whether acting or not - did give Michele pause and alter her decision making.

That's part of what makes the show so interesting to me! If you plan to keep coming back it seems like you're always kind of playing the game. It's evident in how much everyone roots for Aneesa despite her lack of success in finals - she's a nice person that stays well connected. Jordan and Johnny have at least temporarily quashed any beef between them from seasons ago at some point. Despite being gone for several seasons, many players knew Laurel so she came in with allies. I do wish the focused more on that within the show - the beginnings of these friendships - because it makes watching the interactions later on so interesting.

(Or maybe this is just my undergrad sociology degree talking!)

Challenge US was all Survivor, Big Brother, Love Island and Amazing Race and they also all knew each other. And pretty sure some have been on this Challenge before (Tyson and Sarah from Survivor?). I just don't remember them throwing as big of tantrums to be selected like this group.

7 minutes ago, Lamima said:

Challenge US was all Survivor, Big Brother, Love Island and Amazing Race and they also all knew each other. And pretty sure some have been on this Challenge before (Tyson and Sarah from Survivor?). I just don't remember them throwing as big of tantrums to be selected like this group.

Actually, all were Challenge newbies.  Tyson whined when he found out the winner might have to split the prize.   

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Nany just drives me crazy on so many levels. 

First of all nobody owes her a thing as far as it throwing her in against Kaycee.  That is their own problem, why would anyone else even make that a consideration.  If anything it’s smart to do so in order to break them up, because those are two teams that would never throw each other in, which means a higher percentage change of going in for all the other teams

She also is so entitled the past few years.   I remember long ago, when she was already a vet but there were rookies playing too, she was miffed at one of them and kept saying “know your role, know your role” with a huge attitude…meaning you're a rookie so settle down and go to the back of the line.  She was so arrogant even though she has never won in all these years, and that’s with so many people carrying her to the end 

Nany, if you and Kaycee don’t want to go into elimination against each other, don’t play on the same season 

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14 hours ago, Never Again said:

Nany just drives me crazy on so many levels. 

First of all nobody owes her a thing as far as it throwing her in against Kaycee.  That is their own problem, why would anyone else even make that a consideration.  If anything it’s smart to do so in order to break them up, because those are two teams that would never throw each other in, which means a higher percentage change of going in for all the other teams

She also is so entitled the past few years.   I remember long ago, when she was already a vet but there were rookies playing too, she was miffed at one of them and kept saying “know your role, know your role” with a huge attitude…meaning you're a rookie so settle down and go to the back of the line.  She was so arrogant even though she has never won in all these years, and that’s with so many people carrying her to the end 

Nany, if you and Kaycee don’t want to go into elimination against each other, don’t play on the same season 

this 100%

I do not get the expectation (it seems) that the rest of the players are required to accommodate her personal situation. So they are supposed to let them both coast to the final? Alternate seasons if it's an issue. You are not on the same team. Get over it.

I was so glad for Jordan to win. It makes great TV. (I've only seen him on one other season so I lack full knowledge of his personality but what I'm getting right now is great).

Michele and Jay are just pretty bad at this game. You need to take an approach and stick to it--and when questioned come back with "it's not personal and we are required to pick 4 teams. " Keep repeating it. You are also not required to re-pick the same people each time. That's the benefit of winning.

That being said--the rookies are dull so I do root for the vets to win. I don't want them wiped out but I'm totally fine with them competing. 

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Jay knows from past experience that none of the vets will ever have his back and as he is partnered with Michelle it is the same for her. So when the vets get all butt hurt about being put in, that would be my very simple response... I am not anyone you will ever protect so why should I ever protect you?? It is infuriating to watch the vets get indignant about being sent in. 

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I am not a Laurel fan but I sure did not enjoy seeing her cry in the interview bits either.  That was just depressing.  

I think Jakk hoped to be famous for his lines about garbage like Sue whatsit was for her rats and snakes speech in the first Survivor.  Ain't going to happen, Jakk.  Also, what does "as free as my hair?" mean?  You don't have hair where that tattoo is!  Do you mean you've been swept up from the floor of the barber shop and thrown away?  

But I'd rather see that 'do than Jordan's don't.   It frankly creeps me out a bit.  

Also sick of entitled Nany.  

Strange challenge in that I assume the longer you took to find the second bag, the more time your partner would have to reel the "stop" along, so you didn't necessarily benefit from digging it up faster (although if you were waaaay behind, that didn't help either, because the reeling had a finite end).

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2 hours ago, Jobiska said:

Strange challenge in that I assume the longer you took to find the second bag, the more time your partner would have to reel the "stop" along, so you didn't necessarily benefit from digging it up faster (although if you were waaaay behind, that didn't help either, because the reeling had a finite end).

On the podcast Aneesa also talked about how the swimmers could see everyone's puzzle so the later people had a bit of an advantage because they could see some of the words completed. 

On 11/17/2022 at 1:12 PM, ImpinAintEasy said:

There’s a difference between Jordan trying to intimidate/get under Jay’s skin and Nany whining like she always does because she’s afraid of going in. I don’t understand why Jordan is being lumped in with the whiny vets. Do people really think Jordan is afraid of going in? 

Jordan acted holier than thou about the audacity of Jay & Michelle to dare thrown him in when he's trying to coast.  It wasn't for intimidation, it was in his confessional. So yes, Jordan is just as guilty of the veteran hypocrisy, and he's a douchebag to boot.

I'd argue that the only reason he's coasting is that partnering with Aneesa gives him little choice. Even with his strength, they are not one of the top teams. 

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Great episode. 

When Laurel was talking to a woman about her issues with Horacio, I had no earthly idea who that woman was. thank goodness Laurel said her name in the conversation. Mariah. The show less Fessy, so less Mariah. The editing suggested that Aneesa/Jordan and Nany/Bananas were going to be either the winners or in the elimination. Was Johnny seriously pissed at Nany because she was understandably annoyed by him playing around during the challenge? Sheesh.

Not happy that Jay and Michel win again, I was really hoping for Horacio and Olivia. That would have really made the house squirm, a rookie-rookie pair that has been targeted. I didn't like this week's Laurel. I liked last week's Laurel, who was fire and tearing Michele apart. Jordan was the interrogation MVP this week. I don't want Michele and Jay to keep winning, don't like their team, but then I kinda want them to keep winning because it's so entertaining to watch them get eaten up in the interrogation room. You guys won, own the room. I do think Jay's head is starting to swell a bit. He fancies himself a bananas in training. No dude. 

Fessy and Laurel. Barf.

Picking Jordan and Aneesa was an emotional decision. I hope Jay and Michele come to regret that decision. I wish that both teams could have stayed, but out of the two, I'm glad that it was Aneesa and Jordan. Either way, Jay and Michele get one of their enemies out of the house. Unfortunately their backs are completely against the wall now, so they need to keep winning or they are in big trouble. 

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On 11/17/2022 at 3:55 PM, Lamima said:

Watching this episode now and my God how these people use mind bullying. Like people have to get named. And Nany (whose teeth drive me crazy) named Michele early on so now Michele names Nany and she throws epic tantrum. And these gals sure do bully their partners too...Nany to Bananas (how did he get that nickname? and, by the way, he's old) and Laurel to Jakk (how she screams at him during challenges). 

I have only ever watched Challenge USA, where the players didn't get as bent abou5 being named. So this whole tantrum in the interrogation room bit is off putting. Makes me root for the rookie peeps and I include Michele in that since she's with Jay. Didn't like them on Survivor but rooting for them here.

A big part of this game is mental. The less athletic people have to play a more mental game to better compete. Getting under Michele's skin might have an effect on the next challenge. They have to take every advantage they can get. 

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3 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Fessy and Laurel. Barf.

I'm right there with you!


3 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Not happy that Jay and Michel win again, I was really hoping for Horacio and Olivia. That would have really made the house squirm, a rookie-rookie pair that has been targeted. I didn't like this week's Laurel. I liked last week's Laurel, who was fire and tearing Michele apart. Jordan was the interrogation MVP this week. I don't want Michele and Jay to keep winning, don't like their team, but then I kinda want them to keep winning because it's so entertaining to watch them get eaten up in the interrogation room. You guys won, own the room. I do think Jay's head is starting to swell a bit. He fancies himself a bananas in training. No dude.

Under normal circumstances, I'd be happy with a Jay and Michele win and they throw in all the old vets. However, the rookies this season are boring so I need the old vets around for a little while longer. I feel like the rookies are extras this season. They are there filling in the background.

Jay and Michele are going in no clear direction that makes sense to me. I don't understand what the heck is going on. Jay and Michele are winning but still seem to be pissing everyone off. Do they not have any allies?

3 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

Picking Jordan and Aneesa was an emotional decision. I hope Jay and Michele come to regret that decision. I wish that both teams could have stayed, but out of the two, I'm glad that it was Aneesa and Jordan. Either way, Jay and Michele get one of their enemies out of the house. Unfortunately their backs are completely against the wall now, so they need to keep winning or they are in big trouble.

I'm hoping to get a super petty Jordan after this LOL

On 11/17/2022 at 3:55 PM, Lamima said:

I have only ever watched Challenge USA, where the players didn't get as bent abou5 being named.

Except Sarah. Sarah did.

The bald guy from Big Brother also did.

They had temper tantrums.

Edited by AntFTW
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59 minutes ago, snarts said:

Jordan acted holier than thou about the audacity of Jay & Michelle to dare thrown him in when he's trying to coast.  It wasn't for intimidation, it was in his confessional. So yes, Jordan is just as guilty of the veteran hypocrisy, and he's a douchebag to boot.

I'd argue that the only reason he's coasting is that partnering with Aneesa gives him little choice. Even with his strength, they are not one of the top teams. 

In a final I agree. Jordan has no chance paired with Aneesa.  But in a non-grip related elimination, I’ll take Jordan and Aneesa over every team there. 

Agree to disagree about him being lumped in with the likes of Nany and Aneesa with the whining. I enjoy him as a competitor but I can’t disagree that he can be a douchebag. 

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I agree with the rest of y'all who are sick of the vets and their whining whenever they're thrown in. Especially Nany and her whole 'I could lose my girlfriend, how dare you?!' attitude.  So what, everyone should just lay down and let her and Kaycee skip across the finish line holding hands? Grow the eff up.

This show is such a slog for me to get through now. The interviews or whatever with the winning team and the nominated teams seem to last forever. And no matter what I do, I can NEVER remember to pay full attention to the rules for the dailies, so I'm always half-confused as to what they're doing.

Eh, I was excited for this season before it started - after watching all the Untold History specials - but realizing now that I don't really care about what's happening anymore. But I hope Jay lasts a while.

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On 11/17/2022 at 6:08 AM, Badlands said:

It's funny to see people who have been on this challenge forever be such big crybabies when they're not controlling things. Jordan may very well be the biggest dick ever to appear on this show and that's a monstrously high bar. He told Jay and Michele that he understood the game and then had a hissy fit that they dared to go against the mighty Jordan.

90% of it is probably just showmanship.  Even if it's not, he IS the mighty Jordan.   It's not bragging if it's true.

12 hours ago, LaurelleJ said:

He fancies himself a bananas in training. No dude. 

Can't take him seriously in a pink cap like he's part of a tourist group in Nantucket for the day. 

Edited by millennium
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Michele and Jay threw down a slew of Challenge Champ teams, no fucks given.

Laurel, Johnny, Kaycee, Jordan. That's like every Challenge Champ for the last 10 years (kidding, but not kidding). Last episode, they threw down Darrell and Veronica. Wow! They have absolutely no respect for the Champs.

...and I'm perfectly okay with that.

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