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Season 2, episodes 2+3


I was really hoping that Annika wouldn't tell Michael that he was Morgan's father whilst she was up on stage doing her "comedy act" and she did... Ok he shouldn't have sprung that surprise on her but still it was a lousy way to tell him; I don't blame Michael for being angry about the way she told him and that she kept it a secret from him for so long. When she told Michael that she knew what it was like for the father not to love the mother and, hence, not to love the child and that she didn't want that for Morgan was sad. So, I can understand her not telling him.


Edited by christie

I just binged season 1. I love this show! It is FUNNY-- and still manages not to come across irreverent about the actual murders. I like all the ensemble-- Annika, her team, even her kid and her boss grew on me. 

I like that the defendents get lawyers before being interrogated, which rarely seems to happen in USA-made shows. Though teh lawyers rarely do much other than sit stony-faced and glower, it's at least a nod to the idea of having one.

I like that it's messy in the sense that sometimes you like the murderer more than the victim, but the show still does not justify murdering. 

I sincerely hope there are not enough maritime murders to justify a squad like this in real life, though. 

Annika should have paperwork to provide for Morgan in the vent she dies. Even if she doesn't want to tell anyone who dad is while she's alive, she should say so in that paperwork for if she dies before Morgan is older. It's just wrong not to make any provision for that possible eventuality. Also, I'm surprised Morgan doesn't seem to have expressed the slightest interest in knowing who dad is. 

Another thing that surprises me is when folks think a teenager must not really be sure of their sexual orientation. How many straight kids do we say this about: "oh, they are just figuring it out, they must not be sure they're heterosexual"? I for sure knew who I was attracted to at 15. And Morgan has been shown since the first episode to have a huge sparkle whenever she meets a girl she likes. She hasn't hidden this from her mom, either. I the first episode she says "I met a girl!" and not "I made a friend". I don't think she gives a vibe of someone who isn't sure how she feels or who is hiding it. She even told her mom how devastated she'd be if she and Erin broke up. I love how her sexuality is not portrayed as a source of angst for anyone on the show.  She's an angsty teenager because she has anxiety about her mom being hurt on the job, not because of her attraction to girls. 

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Great return for Nicola & crew. 

"Unforgotten" is successfully forgotten.  

I actually think she should tell both Michael & Astrid together.  He'll tell her anyway.  And as Annika was indicating, if anything happened to her, Michael AND Astrid would have to know and be prepared.  She IS a cop.  It would be easier to tell the other kids if both knew.

I can just see one of those horrible TV tropes, though.  Michael gets injured and needs blood, but none of his other kids match him.  But Morgan does, so BIG SURPRISE, he finds out during a crisis she's his daughter.  I REALLY hope they don't pull that kind of crap....

His kids with Astrid are HIS kids, aren't they?  Not fosters or steps? I don't remember from last season.


Edited by SnapHappy
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9 hours ago, SnapHappy said:

His kids with Astrid are HIS kids, aren't they?  Not fosters or steps? I don't remember from last season.

They were mentioned multiple times last season, though I think we only got a glimpse of one of them. They seem to be his. I could have sworn one was a boy last season, but maybe I just made that assumption because he always referred to his children/ kids rather than specifically girls/ daughters.

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I enjoyed the case and am getting more used to Annika talking to the camera.  But enough already with the dithering on telling Michael that Morgan is his daughter.  Ok, we get it - she's worried that Morgan will prefer the family with the Dad, Mom who actually cooks and seems to be "fun" and the younger sibs, but it's pretty selfish on Annika's part to not let her daughter be part of a nice family and also to not let Michael know that he has another child.    Michael isn't a "selkie" and isn't going to run away with Morgan out to sea (and yeah, it's meant to be metaphorical) but with all of the rotter guys out there who would be very happy to turn their backs on their child, Michael hasn't been written that way.  

As an aside: what is the story going to be with the young woman cop being pregnant?  Will that be a case where her baby daddy is a stinker and not wanting anything to do with the baby and there will be a contrast with Michael not being that way towards Morgan?  Or is this a case where the actress is actually expecting and they're writing it into the story so she won't have to hide behind large potted plants and file folders held in front of her? 

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I'm just jumping into this for the first time with season 2 and really liking it so far. I'll have to go find season 1 and binge it before I get much deeper in. Forgive what may be a dumb question, but is the Nick Walker credited as a creator and a writer actually Nicola? It seems like a weird coincidence if they're two different people, but if they are one and the same, I'm not sure why the name tweak.

On 10/17/2023 at 7:59 PM, dargosmydaddy said:

They were mentioned multiple times last season, though I think we only got a glimpse of one of them. They seem to be his. I could have sworn one was a boy last season, but maybe I just made that assumption because he always referred to his children/ kids rather than specifically girls/ daughters.

In the after interview segment he says he already has 3 daughters.

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 I liked this episode, but, personally, an occasional joke is okay but I hope they don't go through the season yukking it up while jumping from suspect to suspect in their pursuit of the facts.

That was really rude of Michael to hang Annika out to dry at the comedy club.  "Surprise", indeed.  He got his comeuppance.

I hope Morgan and Remi managed to retrieve their kayaks after "nearly drowning" in foot deep water.

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Take away the family drama and there's very little 'mystery' here. Wish the writer spent more time on the murder story and less on 'Morgan is sooooo brave that it inspires Annika to spill her secret during a long awkward contrived scene in a comedy club'. 

I like Annika, but really, 12 hour-long episodes over 3 years just doesn't connect me enough to these characters to care much about their back stories. I want to see a clever/absorbing plot, please.

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On 10/18/2023 at 10:02 AM, 12catcrazy said:

I enjoyed the case and am getting more used to Annika talking to the camera.  But enough already with the dithering on telling Michael that Morgan is his daughter.  Ok, we get it - she's worried that Morgan will prefer the family with the Dad, Mom who actually cooks and seems to be "fun" and the younger sibs, but it's pretty selfish on Annika's part to not let her daughter be part of a nice family and also to not let Michael know that he has another child.    Michael isn't a "selkie" and isn't going to run away with Morgan out to sea (and yeah, it's meant to be metaphorical) but with all of the rotter guys out there who would be very happy to turn their backs on their child, Michael hasn't been written that way.  

As an aside: what is the story going to be with the young woman cop being pregnant?  Will that be a case where her baby daddy is a stinker and not wanting anything to do with the baby and there will be a contrast with Michael not being that way towards Morgan?  Or is this a case where the actress is actually expecting and they're writing it into the story so she won't have to hide behind large potted plants and file folders held in front of her? 

I am just amazed that he apparently never counted. He knows how old she is and how long ago they slept together; did he never wonder??

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9 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

Whoa Annika, I never expected  her to announce Michael was the father  like that! In a way,   he kind of deserved  it.

Annika- "I'm here all week." lol

Did he deserve it because he signed her up for the open mike at the comedy club?  That was a crappy thing to do to her (nothing like hostility disguised as "just joking").   Strange how Annika considered the comedy club a "safe space" in which to make her announcement.    I'm really looking forward to next week's episode.  

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On 10/23/2023 at 3:38 AM, Dowel Jones said:

I hope Morgan and Remi managed to retrieve their kayaks after "nearly drowning" in foot deep water.

During that scene I thought of what the instructor said the one time I went kayaking when someone asked what to do if they capsized: "put your feet down".  Not sure if I would've remembered to do it had that happened to me, though.

Well, THAT was one way to tell Michael.  Not how I would've gone, but it kinda does make sense for Annika's character.  I don't blame him one bit for walking out on her.  He had to feel so humiliated.


21 hours ago, MYOS said:

Didn't she say in Ep1 that it happened just that one time (drunk) - they didn't date so he may not remember ?

That's what I thought, but I could be misremembering.  It was a week ago, after all, lol.

12 hours ago, dancingdreamer said:

Whoa Annika, I never expected  her to announce Michael was the father  like that! In a way,   he kind of deserved  it.

I don't think he deserved it at all.  Signing her up for open mike night probably wasn't the nicest thing to do but she'd been saying how funny she was for days.  And even if she hadn't been, it still was nowhere near as bad as announcing that he was the father of her daughter in front of a roomful of strangers.  At least it wasn't a roomful of friends and relatives, I guess.


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I don't think he deserved it at all.  Signing her up for open mike night probably wasn't the nicest thing to do but she'd been saying how funny she was for days.  And even if she hadn't been, it still was nowhere near as bad as announcing that he was the father of her daughter in front of a roomful of strangers.  At least it wasn't a roomful of friends and relatives, I guess.

He signed her up, then made rude remarks , with everyone laughing at her. So yeah, he deserved it imho

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52 minutes ago, alias1 said:

I'm not convinced that he didn't actually know (or at least suspected). 

She had been trying to tell him numerous times (Michael, I have something to tell you) and it seemed like even he was trying to distract her from actually telling him.  

I'm probably wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if he isn't surprised. 

That's my guess. There's a sexual tension between them even as we see his perfect wife.

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I was hoping Annika would tell Michael and Astrid together, but strange as the comedy club was, it DID keep either of them from continuing a conversation that Michael definitely needed time to process.  

Watching them take the boat over to Edinburgh, I was thinking how awesome a show that must be to shoot for cast & crew, as long as seasickness isn't a concern.  

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On 10/23/2023 at 3:38 AM, Dowel Jones said:

I liked this episode, but, personally, an occasional joke is okay but I hope they don't go through the season yukking it up while jumping from suspect to suspect in their pursuit of the facts.

One of the reasons I really like this show is the subtle, understated humour. (Another is how the classic references are woven in, from Norse myths to Greek tragedy to Sir Walter Scott when they visit Edinburgh.)

I think that Annika is very funny, like telling Blair that she will knit the baby something which is the sort of awkward statement you make when you don't know what to say or telling Michael that the Edinburgh cop is the new DS when he was late in the morning, but it's not the kind of humour that would go over at a comedy club so Michael booking her a spot in the comedy lineup seemed very strange and also a bit passive aggressive.

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I think Michael did it because she had made the point of saying she was the funniest one on the team and made multiple puns/ jokes in the episode (which honestly seemed rather shoehorned in... As @statsgirl said, Annika is always awkward-funny/ deadpan-funny, but usually not quite so joke-y.

While Michael signing her up for the stand-up was obnoxious, it's not like Annika had to go up there. Her choosing to say what she did up there was like someone dropping a bomb in response to a slap-- way, way too much. Yes, the news would be a bomb regardless, but choosing to do it that way was just... yikes! Poor Michael.

That said, I am glad the show got the revelation out of the way, however poorly it was executed. I was worried they might draw it out all season. Though I guess they might still do that with when Morgan gets told.

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Wow, if Annika had to pick the worst way to tell Michael about his daughter, in public on stage at a comedy club would be high on that list.

I think Michael should have done the math himself, but it still must have been such a shock and it didn't have to be a rude one like that.  I don't know how he can forgive her for hiding her daughter from him all these years, and then for telling him about it like it was a bad joke with no thought for his feelings.

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11 minutes ago, izabella said:

Wow, if Annika had to pick the worst way to tell Michael about his daughter, in public on stage at a comedy club would be high on that list.

I think Michael should have done the math himself, but it still must have been such a shock and it didn't have to be a rude one like that.  I don't know how he can forgive her for hiding her daughter from him all these years, and then for telling him about it like it was a bad joke with no thought for his feelings.

On the other hand, I think it was a pretty good plot devise making their working relationship even more interesting. 


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3 hours ago, HappyHanna said:

Am I wrong in that Annika had Morgan when she was still a teenager? And so she's supposed to be in her early 30s? The actress is 50 something, so I don't quite buy it.  

I think you’re wrong about that. She stayed in the UK as a teenager after her parents went back to Norway. But her previous interactions with Michael were when they were both police officers. So presumably mid 20s which would make Annika 40 something now. 

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