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S12.E18: Rocky Mountain Bye

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On 9/17/2022 at 10:06 PM, SemiCharmedLife said:

Yes! if I had a professional makeup artist applying my makeup on the daily, I would probably learn a lot of techniques and be even better at applying it than a typical teenager.  

I feel like people always missed the point Kim was trying to make when she made that reference. It's usually taken too literally. I remember watching the episode and completely understanding what Kim was trying to say immediately. Kim was just trying to make an example about how Kyle had friends and was more exposed to being with friends, having opportunities at being social by doing typical teenage stuff. The whole makeup thing is a pretty lame example to make but I took it as Kim trying to point out that Kyle is better at socializing because her teenage experience was different than hers. Considering that Kim did work more I'm betting a lot of her time was spent on sets, having tutors and playing with the other child actors in the area which is not the same. Add that Kim seems to be socially awkward in general just highlights that Kyle has more of the advantage in social situations. Kim was trying to get Kyle to sympathize with her about why she was asking her to help her a bit more when it came to interacting with the other women. Besides Kyle was the bridge after all so it would make sense that Kyle be the one to do a little bit of introducing and handing holding until her sister was on better footing with Kyle's friends. The whole scene was just about Kim wanting Kyle to understand that Kim isn't as well versed as Kyle is with regards to making new friends and socializing. I also found it pretty weird that Kyle didn't already understand this is how her sister is and wasn't already prepared to do a little handholding. I mean, I would do it for my sister unless of course I'm a bitch and think that it's too much to ask to help my sister break the ice with my own friends. I mean that seems more weird to me than Kim asking Kyle to be a little sympathetic and helpful when it comes to such a simple request. That interaction put me on alert with Kyle. That's when I first sensed some serious mean girl vibes coming from Kyle. It was her exaggerated exasperation and utter "fake" confusion about what Kim was going on about as if she hasn't grown up with this girl. I called BS right from the get. 

Anyway, all the nonsense that Kyle is now pulling with Kathy just reeks of same ole same ole. I'm also tired of the poor Kyle martyr narrative. I hate how she behaves badly but then wants to fall back on the "I'm also getting blamed for stuff and it's not fair". No you get blamed for giving in to catty mean girl behavior. I don't want to hear after the fact that the reason you gave in to being a nasty bitch is cause you're always the this that or the other. She really tries to paint it as if she's different from the other two, that she has fulfilled some altruistic sister role for the benefit of the other two and the other two constantly treat her poorly. I'm so sick of that boring old story. All three of them have experienced trauma at the hands of their mother and most likely at the hands of each other. The fact that Kyle constantly tries to claim the "worse off" sister title by throwing the other two under the bus either subtly (Kathy) or blatantly, tire marks and all (Kim)  is why I don't like Kyle. I run hot and cold season to season cause when she's not being hella messy she can be fun and funny but it's never too long before she's pulling her mean girl antics and hiding her hands so I usually end up rolling my eyes. 

The way I see it sure Kyle has grievances but so do the other two. Kyles the only one that's willing to put it up for intense public debate while the other two want to be their fuck up selves and keep it moving. Kyle wants to be her fucked up self but in the guise of the bruised one while trying to expose shit. Why does the topic of "the mistreatment of Kyle at the hands of her sisters" continuously rears its head? Look, I don't doubt that there is some seriously wacked out sister dynamics. I don't believe any of them are saints but Kyle is the only one that seems to run full steam ahead at exposing these cracks. I feel like she constantly tries to create conflict by picking at threads she knows will unravel and she's more than happy to be armed with a camera crew for when it happens. That's the part that I find totally distasteful about Kyle. 

I really wanted to like Kyle. I was so excited when this franchise started and I found out that Kyle and Kim Richards were going to be on. I was actually more excited about Kyle because I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Little House on the Prairie which is my favorite show of all time so I was absolutely tuning in for Kyle. Such a disappointment however I was able to separate her from the show rather quickly since she wasn't really a main character for too long. Along she had a moderately significant role as Mr. Edwards daughter her character stopped appearing after only a couple of seasons. 

Anyway, ever since I came to terms with that disappointment I just categorized this franchise with the rest. Now I just see Kyle as Kyle and have reduced my caring about her behavior down to a tsk tsk mentality. It's just such a shame she's such a distasteful person to others and especially to family. 

On 9/18/2022 at 12:15 PM, amarante said:

Obviously Kim's specific complaint regarding not learning how to apply makeup is ridiculous because anyone interacting with professional makeup artists every day is going to learn how to apply makeup. Maybe not as a child but certainly as a tween or teen you are going to be interacting with them and what kind of idiot wouldn't ask them about technique when they sat in the chair. Many people pay for a makeup artist to give them a lesson.

I think what Kim is probably really complaining about is the lack of a normal childhood in which you bond with your girlfriends by putting on makeup; going shopping and even teaching each other how to put on a Tampax. Yeah the makeup might look weird - I look back and shudder at how awful my makeup must have been when I was 15 with weird shading and horribly applied false eyelashes and mascara clumped together but practice makes perfect. Of course today there are all kinds of tutorials on makeup application so you can acquire a skill set.

I am not sure any of the Richards sisters had anything resembling a *normal* childhood which probably accounts for their dysfunctionality. Kathy was literally pimped out by her mother in terms of finding a rich husband. Kim was the typical child actress who was supporting the family financially and there are almost no child actors who escape that particular purgatory. There are a few but they were extremely lucky to have a family that was very careful about providing them with as normal a childhood as possible AND they worked on sets in which the children were treated really well. Michael Landon was well known for having that kind of supportive set for the kids on Little House on The Prairie. Kyle ironically might have felt neglected but awful as she is, she does seem to be the most *normal* and functional of all of the sisters. 


Edited by Yours Truly
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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

I feel like people always missed the point Kim was trying to make when she made that reference. It's usually taken too literally. I remember watching the episode and completely understanding what Kim was trying to say immediately. Kim was just trying to make an example about how Kyle had friends and was more exposed to being with friends, having opportunities at being social by doing typical teenage stuff. The whole makeup thing is a pretty lame example to make but I took it as Kim trying to point out that Kyle is better at socializing because her teenage experience was different than hers.

Of course I understood the larger point she was making. It was her favorite point to make. But she was, yes, LITERALLY talking about getting her make-up done while getting her make-up done, romanticizing what went on in regular high school, having not gone to one. In this case she was so focused on her feelings of victimhood that she used an example that was not just lame, but made the exact opposite point of what she was claiming. It showed how deep she was into her "grass is always greener" perspective that she couldn't even admit a place where she was the one who had the obvious advantage.

None of which makes Kyle--who was also a professional actress and probably got more make-up tips there too--the victim, but Kim played the victim just as much as Kyle does and probably they've both been doing it the same way for their whole lives. Seems like both of them completely avoid the real issues here, which is that Kim's job gave her the advantage of being Mom's favorite, but when she stopped working it gave Kyle the advantage of being the one with back-up skills Mom could ask to "take care of" Kim. 

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On 9/14/2022 at 7:09 PM, Pattycake2 said:

Here’s my take on this episode:

Kathy saying that Erika et al may already be at “Wasabi” was everything.

Rinna not only ordered Kendall Jenner’s tequila on camera, but doubled down on it by continually using its name and describing the taste. It was extremely shady.  She knew exactly what she was doing.

Rinna hugging Erika st the pie place made me gag.

Kyle crying - it made me smile.

Kyle and Dorit being the best of besties - watch your back Dorit.  That bestie used to be lvp.

Kyle hugging Erika at the bar - I gagged again.

Kathy needs to talk up a lip product that she thinks is way better Rinna's.  Garcelle/Sutton/Crystal are the only ones worth keeping on this show.  I actually will toss in Kathy with that trio.  Just because it would piss off Kyle.

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3 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

Of course I understood the larger point she was making. It was her favorite point to make. But she was, yes, LITERALLY talking about getting her make-up done while getting her make-up done, romanticizing what went on in regular high school, having not gone to one. In this case she was so focused on her feelings of victimhood that she used an example that was not just lame, but made the exact opposite point of what she was claiming. It showed how deep she was into her "grass is always greener" perspective that she couldn't even admit a place where she was the one who had the obvious advantage.

None of which makes Kyle--who was also a professional actress and probably got more make-up tips there too--the victim, but Kim played the victim just as much as Kyle does and probably they've both been doing it the same way for their whole lives. Seems like both of them completely avoid the real issues here, which is that Kim's job gave her the advantage of being Mom's favorite, but when she stopped working it gave Kyle the advantage of being the one with back-up skills Mom could ask to "take care of" Kim. 

I think it’s funny that although it’s pointed out that Kyle also plays victim the animosity still lies with Kim. My thing is that I’m sick of the whole Richards sister tragedy being imbalanced. I’ve come to recognize that theirs is a family dynamic unique to them and they ALL play a part. When the narrative tries to assign fault to this one that one the other two is what bothers me. Kyles not my favorite cause she plays up to that. Since day one she’s tried to carve out a separate narrative for herself instead of embracing that ALL THREE OF THEM have valid traumas. She wants to stand out as the one that took the brunt of an alcoholic sister and an overbearing sister instead of just being one of three sisters that had unfortunate experiences growing up. Kim has outlined her troubles just as much as Kyle whines about hers so to me it’s a wash. 
To extend grace to one but not the others when they all experienced the upbringing of big Kathy has always been something of a puzzle for me. Feel sorry for Kyle for how she was raised but admonish Kim cause she didn’t make it out as “balanced” as Kyle? I don’t know. It never sat right with me that Kim’s addiction was held against her as harshly as it was. Whereas Kyle deserves all the roses for being such a “trooper”. And now we see that Kathy is about to be held accountable for her sins for being the older sister thats “towered” over Kyle and made her feel less than. I dunno. Kyle being the stand out “underdog” out of THREE sisters that were subjected to the same mothers toxicity seems a bit unfair to me and yet this narrative keeps presenting itself time and time again. 
Ehhh, I’m over it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Edited by Yours Truly
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2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

I think it’s funny that although it’s pointed out that Kyle also plays victim the animosity still lies with Kim. My thing is that I’m sick of the whole Richards sister tragedy being imbalanced.I’ve come to recognize that theirs is a family dynamic unique to them and they ALL play a part. When the narrative tries to assign fault to this one that one the other two is what bothers me. Kyles not my favorite cause she plays up to that. Since day one she’s tried to carve out a separate narrative for herself instead of embracing that ALL THREE OF THEM have valid traumas.

According to who is all the animosity with Kim? This thread happened to bring up the time Kim got so far into her own victimhood that she said something particularly glaringly wrong; that doesn't mean Kim's the target of great animosity. People have been calling Kyle Vile Kyle since season 1. Nobody here's arguing that Kyle has it worse than Kim or Kathy--or that she's better than the other two. That's why I specifically made it clear that nothing about Kim made Kyle a victim. Is that not enough?

Of the three of them, it seems like Kathy's the one that gets the most positive feelings. Kyle gets called out for being the shit-stirring hypocrite mean girl, like in this ep and the previous ep, without anyone feeling like they need to extend grace to her. Every time Kyle does one of her "OMG, Kathy is so high maintenence!" people see right through it to her trying to make Kathy out to be worse than she is and being jealous of the attention, just as she got called out for playing up her martyr role with Kim. No reason to pretend we shouldn't take her literally and really she just means something that makes her, Kyle, very sympathetic. 

2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

t never sat right with me that Kim’s addiction was held against her as harshly as it was. Whereas Kyle deserves all the roses for being such a “trooper”. And now we see that Kathy is about to be held accountable for her sins for being the older sister thats “towered” over Kyle and made her feel less than. I dunno. Kyle being the stand out “underdog” out of THREE sisters that were subjected to the same mothers toxicity seems a bit unfair to me and yet this narrative keeps presenting itself time and time again. 
Ehhh, I’m over it. 🤷🏻‍♀️

I just don't know where Kyle's been given roses for being a trooper here, or exactly who's holding Kim's addiction against her harshly. Personally, I often felt Kim's manipulative behavior was indulged too much, but I don't consider her the villain of the Richards family because of it. Ironically, the attitude that Kim needs more care probably just encourages the way Kyle acts, just as sympathizing with Kyle makes Kim worse.

The Richards sister tragedy isn't imbalanced, imo, people just react more strongly to whichever behavior that bugs them more or is more familiar to them, and demand more sympathy to the behavior they symathize with more. That's why, imo, they're such a goldmine for a reality show, their family dynamic is so deeply terrible and unchanging. Kyle's super obvious the way she can't stop "joking" about Kathy being difficult, but she still might not be completely wrong about her.

Edited by sistermagpie
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1 hour ago, Yours Truly said:

It never sat right with me that Kim’s addiction was held against her as harshly as it was. Whereas Kyle deserves all the roses for being such a “trooper”

If someone has ever had a family member who was an active alcoholic, someone they covered for, rescued, etc. etc. for years if not decades they'd get it.

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13 hours ago, sistermagpie said:

A- According to who is all the animosity with Kim?

B- Nobody here's arguing that Kyle has it worse than Kim or Kathy--or that she's better than the other two. 

C- I just don't know where Kyle's been given roses for being a trooper here, or exactly who's holding Kim's addiction against her harshly.

D- The Richards sister tragedy isn't imbalanced, imo, people just react more strongly to whichever behavior that bugs them more or is more familiar to them. 

A- Over the course of all the seasons it has been expressed. I'm also including other cast members (including Kyle) when I make this point and at different points throughout all the seasons.

B- Plenty of people have over the course of the show. So it does happen.

C- Kyle's pulled off her martyr act swimmingly at certain points so she has won praise (and again I include her castmates in this observation).

D- Agreed, and my position is that I find it distasteful for any one of them to try and claim a bigger cross to have beared over the other two and Kyle tends to be the bigger culprit of this behavior. So thats what sticks out to me. Having it happen now with Kathy just confirms how much of a pattern this seems to be for Kyle. 

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12 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

If someone has ever had a family member who was an active alcoholic, someone they covered for, rescued, etc. etc. for years if not decades they'd get it.

Mother AND sister. Niece came into my life when I was 10 and I was her main caregiver while my mom was out drinking and my sister was in the streets doing crack sooooooo....

My mother got better, not perfect but better and my sister got her daughter back eventually. 

The blanket claim that people who find fault with how Kyle decides to handle her particular circumstances "just don't have experience with this sorta thing" is pretty hokey to me but whatevs. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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12 hours ago, Cosmocrush said:

If someone has ever had a family member who was an active alcoholic, someone they covered for, rescued, etc. etc. for years if not decades they'd get it.

A lot of people definitely favor the person they relate to better. Alcoholism runs in my family, but even though I was never in Kyle’s shoes, it sounds exhausting. That’s not to say Kim could help her disease. My heart goes out to both sisters. I felt awful for Kim season 1. I thought what Kyle did was messed up, but I get looking out for her is a lot. 

I didn’t think Kim’s makeup example was great, but of course that’s not to say being a child star must have been easy. It says a lot so many of them don’t make it through okay. 

I’m sure all sisters had their share of trauma based on what I’ve heard about their upbringing. I also know firsthand that one sibling’s experience could be entirely different from another’s. Parents have favorites. Parents take out stress on one child more than another. Parents will abuse one child and not another. Parents can expect more of different kids. So many factors go into these things.

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Although Kyle’s shown herself to be the producer’s trusty, often unpleasant tool, I’ve wondered why Big Kathy asked Kyle (rather than Li’l Kathy) to look after Kim, especially as Li’l K was older, much richer, and in a longer term, stable relationship than was Kyle in 2002, when Big K died.  Could it be that Big K knew her eldest daughter to be selfish and relatively uncaring, choosing to live a flashy, unstable life in NY hotels rather than parenting her own children well, and willing to abandon teen Paris H. to a questionable, abusive, distant “rehab?”  (Further evidence of Li’l K’s true nature was shown this year in another show, which highlighted her reluctance to discuss the kidnapping-to-rehab issue when Paris sought resolution.). Li’l K’s “kooky” RHBH persona leaves me cold.

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13 minutes ago, Oneofem said:

Although Kyle’s shown herself to be the producer’s trusty, often unpleasant tool, I’ve wondered why Big Kathy asked Kyle (rather than Li’l Kathy) to look after Kim, especially as Li’l K was older, much richer, and in a longer term, stable relationship than was Kyle in 2002, when Big K died.  Could it be that Big K knew her eldest daughter to be selfish and relatively uncaring, choosing to live a flashy, unstable life in NY hotels rather than parenting her own children well, and willing to abandon teen Paris H. to a questionable, abusive, distant “rehab?”  (Further evidence of Li’l K’s true nature was shown this year in another show, which highlighted her reluctance to discuss the kidnapping-to-rehab issue when Paris sought resolution.). Li’l K’s “kooky” RHBH persona leaves me cold.

I have my criticisms of Kyle, but she comes across as much more maternal imo. Maybe Big Kathy saw that and just saw Kyle as the more nurturing sibling. I don’t think what happened to Paris would have ever happened to any of Kyle’s kids. I like Kathy on the show more than Kyle, but people are complex. Someone who’s generally more nice and pleasant with fiends and coworkers may not be the best caretaker and there when you need them the most. I’ve always said if I had to pick a mother out of the bunch, it would be Kyle. 

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On 9/18/2022 at 3:16 PM, amarante said:

I agree with you completely but also one of the reasons why Ruth was allowed to keep approximately $1 million is because she had inherited that amount from her parents years ago and so there was an agreement that she could keep it. 

Obviously it is all relative since $1 million is a lot of money to many people but the reality is that it is the minimum that is needed for retirement for a normal middle class lifestyle. Many middle class people have managed to save that amount through 401 and other investments.

Also Ruth had the good grace to go quietly away and purchase a very modest apartment in Connecticut. She never whined or complained or did anything that suggested that she was a "victim".

If one believes in karma she also suffered more than the loss of her money as one son committed suicide and the other died a few years later of cancer.

Edited by Mrs peel
Nothing to see, hit save before replying. Sorry!
2 hours ago, Yours Truly said:

A- Over the course of all the seasons it has been expressed. I'm also including other cast members (including Kyle) when I make this point and at different points throughout all the seasons.

B- Plenty of people have over the course of the show. So it does happen.

C- Kyle's pulled off her martyr act swimmingly at certain points so she has won praise (and again I include her castmates in this observation).

D- Agreed, and my position is that I find it distasteful for any one of them to try and claim a bigger cross to have beared over the other two and Kyle tends to be the bigger culprit of this behavior. So thats what sticks out to me. Having it happen now with Kathy just confirms how much of a pattern this seems to be for Kyle. 

Oh, in that case yes, of course it's an opinion that's been expressed by some people at some times--especially by Kyle herself, since Kyle always claims she's trying to do the right thing even when she's obviously not. But it doesn't seem like that makes the family stuff particularly unbalanced, since people on the show and Kim herself and some viewers have also expressed the opinion that Kim's the one who's the real victim and without Kyle sabotaging her at every turn she would be great. Kyle's had a lot more airtime to do her thing, but Kim seems to have plenty of opportunity to do hers IRL. That's just the two of them doing their family roles--Kim's the special little girl robbed of a childhood; Kyle's the martyr who takes care of everyone.  The co-dependence doesn't work without both of them. 

1 hour ago, Oneofem said:

Although Kyle’s shown herself to be the producer’s trusty, often unpleasant tool, I’ve wondered why Big Kathy asked Kyle (rather than Li’l Kathy) to look after Kim, especially as Li’l K was older, much richer, and in a longer term, stable relationship than was Kyle in 2002, when Big K died.  Could it be that Big K knew her eldest daughter to be selfish and relatively uncaring, choosing to live a flashy, unstable life in NY hotels rather than parenting her own children well, and willing to abandon teen Paris H. to a questionable, abusive, distant “rehab?”  (Further evidence of Li’l K’s true nature was shown this year in another show, which highlighted her reluctance to discuss the kidnapping-to-rehab issue when Paris sought resolution.). Li’l K’s “kooky” RHBH persona leaves me cold.

Or it's related to what I was saying above, that that's just the role that Kyle has (and makes a thing of having) in the family. Kyle and Kim have probably always been closer as sisters, being closer in age, and Kyle seems to have embraced being the practical one, turning something that could have been an insult into something that makes her better. She probably took the lead in a lot of the care for Big Kathy, stressing how potentially useless Kim and Kathy were by comparison. We see her do that all the time on the show, jumping on any little quirky thing her sisters do as just so nutty and unbelievable. (And they play that up too, since it has its advantages.)

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2 hours ago, Oneofem said:

Although Kyle’s shown herself to be the producer’s trusty, often unpleasant tool, I’ve wondered why Big Kathy asked Kyle (rather than Li’l Kathy) to look after Kim, especially as Li’l K was older, much richer, and in a longer term, stable relationship than was Kyle in 2002, when Big K died.  Could it be that Big K knew her eldest daughter to be selfish and relatively uncaring, choosing to live a flashy, unstable life in NY hotels rather than parenting her own children well, and willing to abandon teen Paris H. to a questionable, abusive, distant “rehab?”  (Further evidence of Li’l K’s true nature was shown this year in another show, which highlighted her reluctance to discuss the kidnapping-to-rehab issue when Paris sought resolution.). Li’l K’s “kooky” RHBH persona leaves me cold.

I'm more inclined to think it's because Kyle and Kim are closer in age, they grew up together and they know each other well. Who else but Kyle would understand what Kim has faced and vice versa? My sister and I are 13 years apart and didn't grow up in the same home but my brother and I did. We have a more sibling connection and I know him in a way that my sister doesn't. That probably played a big part in their mother asking Kyle to protect Kim. 

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Kathy who is an intelligent woman, and not the lost, eccentric lady she portrays on the show managed because she wants to be a friend only (and this way she doesn't have to be involved in any storylines, and discuss personal situations) to create a sympathetic image. This is far from reality. Her husband and her did drugs and drank when they were younger, and left the kids with nannies. She let Paris get abducted from her bedroom to be taken to a difficult teen facility. And according to reports she is arrogant, entitled, and not too nice.

It seems that after pressure from her nieces and nephews, including attacks on social media, Kyle took almost all responsibility for the Aspen incident(s) in the reunion in order to keep the peace. Her own daughter is getting married soon, and she doesn't want any more drama.

Edited by ZettaK
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The thing about Kyle and Kathy, IMO, is that they play off of each other on this show, which means that this season Kyle is getting the bad edit.  Last season it was all Kyle telling us how "Kathy loves pranks" and then we had to watch Kathy do a prank; "Kathy's purse is so full" and then we had to watch Kathy empty her giant purse.  This season everyone's annoyed with Kyle so it's not coming off this way.  Kathy enjoys her role as "wacky eccentric rich lady" but we know that she co-starred with Kyle and Kim on "Beverly Hills Bums", her sons at least are awful; she pimped out her daughter Paris (not sure about the other one); she had half of Kyle's family in her daughter's wedding while not inviting the other half,  plus the other stuff mentioned by previous posters.  Meanwhile Kim's a nasty addict.  Once again - I won't defend Kyle WRT the other women, but those two sisters are awful.

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