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S07.E02: Truth, Bitter Truth

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Mama Sumit's calm and serene demeanor sure is a great advertisement for the lifelong practice of yoga, fat arms and all. Fatha yoga.

I would also like to thank Bilal for giving me an up-close and in-person look at an alpha male in action. I've got goose bumps.

Too bad for Libby that Carly Simon kind of locked down nursery-rhyme pop decades ago with "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." She should probably just stick with her fabulous flair for interior design.

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On 9/3/2022 at 2:25 AM, magemaud said:

Libby confidently says, “There’s a market for children’s music” like it’s never been done before. Does she really think people would go to iTunes to buy her rendition of “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and “The Farmer in the Dell”? 

Or MARY HAD A LITTLE LAMB - she's completely whacked.

On 9/3/2022 at 2:44 PM, magemaud said:

I'll believe the wedding when I see it and even if they do get married, I give it very little chance of succeeding. They're both alcoholics, emotional vampires and attention whores. 

Well, wouldn't you need TONS of alcohol to sleep with that BEAST!?  God, Ed is so disgustingly gross.

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12 minutes ago, the-grey-lady said:
On 9/2/2022 at 8:46 PM, Frozendiva said:

Bilal has to intervene with two wives who found something in him to marry.

I'm rolling with laughter.

Bilal's ex-wife is an "East San Diego" ghetto BULLY and Bilal is a coward.

  Shaeeda, now are you beginning to understand why YOU are Wife #3? 

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21 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

Too bad for Libby that Carly Simon kind of locked down nursery-rhyme pop decades ago with "The Itsy Bitsy Spider." She should probably just stick with her fabulous flair for interior design.

WE can write things like this because WE are not GUESTS invited to Elizabeth and Andrei's housewarming party.  That supposed "professisonal singer" was there simply because she's the wife of an INTENDED guest.  She was condescending, bullying, elitest...and an embarrassment.  I hope her husband gets lots of flak about his little woman.  You were on television for all to see, Sweetie.  You were a GUEST in someone's home -- someone you do not know.  I hope you'll be happy with your online attention.

I'd bet all of their acquaintances and her husband's employees know what an entitled bitch she is.

Also, it was no surprise that Elizabeth's sisters were non-supportive and beyond critical...also "B's".  Not a good look, girls.

Edited by Back Atcha
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F/Fd through: Big pED & the idiot marrying him, Yara & Jovi, actually lemme put it this way, I only watched Usman and Sumit. And neither of them is enough to carry this show. I'm out.\

ETA: I don't understand why they call this Happily Ever After because the couples are always miserable fucks.

Edited by gingerella
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2 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

It's all an act, but she'll cry, faint, feign heart attacks and demand that her every want be taken care of.  AND, it works!!! I've never seen such behavior. 

She'd fit right in on "I Love a Mama's Boy"

1 hour ago, gingerella said:

ETA: I don't understand why they call this Happily Ever After because the couples are always miserable fucks.

People tend to forget the all important question mark at the end that totally changes the dynamic. 

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4 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

She learned (somehow) in early life to play the victim 24/7.  It's all an act, but she'll cry, faint, feign heart attacks and demand that her every want be taken care of.  AND, it works!!! I've never seen such behavior.  SHE'S not the worst...it's every subserviant relative: her husband, her sons, her daughter-in-law who kowtow to her--even defend her.  Jenny should rush back to the USA and consider herself lucky getting out of India ALIVE!  She probably has plenty-o-fans by now...including gentlemen (of any age) who would be happy to have a loving, giving relationship with her.  FLY, Jenny, FLY !!!

I have to agree to disagree with you friend.  Jenny made her own bed now she can lie in it.

The woman was being catfished by a scammer who then fessed up. She went to India to visit Somemeat and was suppose to stay for a few weeks but ended up staying way longer. Sumit said to his parents she was a friend from the States and they opened up their house to her and Sumit's mother was friendly to her (there are photos of them posing together smiling).  At night she was sneaking to his room to pop his cherry.  When the parents found out all hell broke loose and she took off back to the States. That's when the parents decided to marry him off so he can forget about the old lady.  

If Jenny made a decent wage - she could have just brought him over to the US and then he could have left from his parents and the shame of him being with an oldie. But the turkey decided to go to India to live with him (who he never told he was married), had Sumit go through a costly divorce that his parents paid for and knew they didn't want her to marry him because it would mean it would bring shame to the family.

Watching Jenny from day 1 - I wouldn't think she has anyone interested in her except more catfishers. She's no prize. 

Both of them are turkeys who deserve anything Mama throws at them. I am loving it.


Edited by greekmom
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8 hours ago, greekmom said:

Yeah I don't know about Mama Sumit being a spoiled brat. I mean there is a strong cultural issue here at play. Have you seen Indian Matchmaker?  Or gone down the Youtube rabbit hole and viewed some Karl Rock videos? Parents have a major say in who their children marry and even say if Jenny was of an acceptable age of 25-30, there will still be a backlash from their community in India on Sumit marrying someone who isn't East Indian and Mama/Papa could face shunning or shame in their circles.  Age is the major factor. But let's set that one aside. What if Jenny was 23? She still wouldn't be acceptable due to these factors: Jenny is a foreigner. Jenny won't learn the language. Jenny refuses to integrate herself in the local culture and cultural norms. Lastly and let's be honest: Jenny is just down right lazy. She won't even do the bare minimum of housework.

So besides of the theatrics (which are funny) - no I don't blame Mama & Papa Sumit.

If anyone wants to check out Karl's video on the backlash of his Indian marriage: 

I love Karl and all the scam-baiters  ( the rabbit hole I fell down in the beginning of shutdown ) but I hadn’t seen this one. I do remember  when they more or less had to get married because of the culture. . Her father is a politician too yes? I know off topic but him tasting American food at the big scam-baiters  convention a couple of weeks ago was funny. I admire him a great deal. 
Summit the cat-fisher  not at all.  I’m sure he doesn’t work because Jenny couldn’t be left to her own devices. Who would cut her toe nails? 

Edited by athousandclowns
Typos again
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Good lord yes!  I learned basic conversant Spanish in a couple weeks before a trip to Mexico City using Duolingo app on my phone.  By now she should be able to understand just about everything they are saying.  Is she that lazy?  I guess so judging from the dead bugs and piles of dirt on her kitchen floor last week!

No offense to your achievement but I think Spanish is a much easier language to learn than Hindi (assuming one is starting from English). After three years, I do think Jenny should be able to communicate some in Hindi but I can see where she would be totally lost in that screaming match with her husband's family even if she had started to learn the language.


Didn't Sumit pretend to move far away for a job the season when he was actually living across town with Jenny? I don't see why they don't just move to the US. I realize you need money to sponsor a fiancé on a K-1 Visa, but if you're married and going for a Spousal Visa instead, does it work differently? 

I think they can't afford to live in the United States. I believe their only income is Jenny's social security and that's it. I think she has burned through any savings and property she might have had to get this far and I don't think Sumit brings in any money. 

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5 hours ago, greekmom said:

Both of them are turkeys who deserve anything Mama throws at them. I am loving it.

We don't have to disagree about Jenny, but Sumit's mother is an over the top horror.

The dangerous HATE she spews is well beyond "deserving" of anyone.  She's a mean and spiteful woman who's family has coddled her to the point that she thinks her behavior is not only normal...but above reproach.  Her middle name is MENACE.

Edited by Back Atcha
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On 9/4/2022 at 9:38 PM, Adeejay said:

Sorry to hear about Miss Gwen and Yara.  Can't say I am surprised, because Yara comes across as rude and ungrateful.  Whatever happened between them had to be upsetting, because Miss Gwen seems like a kind and decent person.   

Yara should have had Mike's (from Washington) mother as a MIL!!!  

Edited by Kid
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16 hours ago, Breedom said:

Most women have their own lives to live. If a woman wants to spend her older years babysitting her grandkids, fine, but most women Gwen's age and much older still have active, interesting and fun lives. They love their grandkids but don't want to devote years of babysitting them. Yara, go and get a babysitter. Honestly.

Does Yara have a JOB?  If she doesn't have a job, raising her kid IS her JOB!!!  I understand that if you don't have a job, there are still times that you need to have a babysitter to go to appointments etc. where you can't take the kid. But if you don't have a job, then you should not need a babysitter often.

She obviously expects her husband to provide all of her income and her mother-in-law to raise her kid. Now that's the life!

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19 hours ago, anoninrva said:

I can't help but think that something is literally being lost in translation here.  The nonverbal message was pretty clear that they didn't approve of the marriage.  There's also some pretty big cultural barriers that Jenny is willfully oblivious to.  Not that that excuses her behavior, but there doesn't seem to be much reason to have believed that Sumit's parents would have been ok with the marriage after the fact.

They left themselves a lot of wiggle room.  They said we won’t stop you but we don’t approve.  If approval is necessary culturally that was still a no.  And practically it’s unclear if they could have stopped them.

Edited by MrBuhBye
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11 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

The dangerous HATE she spews is well beyond "deserving" of anyone.  She's a mean and spiteful woman who's family has coddled her to the point that she thinks her behavior is not only normal...but above reproach.  Her middle name is MENACE.

100%. Mama Sumit is an abusive bully who only cares about one person: herself. She's willing to throw her son away, which is what she's decided to do, all because of her deep shame and her all encompassing fear of tarnishing  her own reputation with her neighbors, friends, etc. This was clear abuse of another human being. It's not acceptable. Crying like that, carrying on; I'm surprised she didn't faint for more drama and attention. The whole time Jenny sat there quietly, taking this abuse, the high road, and even though she couldn't understand the language, she knew all the hysterics were about her. Sumit needs to take a stand and find some courage. Culture or not, Mama Sumit crossed the line. Jenny is stuck now, can't really move back to the US with only her SS check. She's still young enough though to find another job, although it probably won't pay much. Can't remember what she did for work.

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4 minutes ago, Breedom said:

100%. Mama Sumit is an abusive bully who only cares about one person: herself. She's willing to throw her son away, which is what she's decided to do, all because of her deep shame and her all encompassing fear of tarnishing  her own reputation with her neighbors, friends, etc. This was clear abuse of another human being. It's not acceptable. Crying like that, carrying on; I'm surprised she didn't faint for more drama and attention. The whole time Jenny sat there quietly, taking this abuse, the high road, and even though she couldn't understand the language, she knew all the hysterics were about her. Sumit needs to take a stand and find some courage. Culture or not, Mama Sumit crossed the line. Jenny is stuck now, can't really move back to the US with only her SS check. She's still young enough though to find another job, although it probably won't pay much. Can't remember what she did for work.

She worked at a resort.  Not sure if she was at the front desk.  I guess she could have been in housekeeping which would explain why she no longer wants to clean.

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The step-sisters are at it again.

Good for Andre for inviting plenty of interesting, accomplished and successful people to their party. It's called networking, darlings. The guests all network with each other as well. He's looking to get ahead and this is not a bad move.

The nursery rhyme thing must have been written into the script for laughs. And of course Yip and Yap had to add their opinions and comments. Who asked? These girls need to keep their clear jealousy, always negative and superficial comments to themselves.

Usman, get real You haven't had a strong connection with anyone as much as you have had with Kimbelly? C'mon. I see opportunity for you and desperation for Kim. I recall after Kim left to go back to the US you were on the horn immediately to Zara, flirting and asking if she missed you. If the love of my life left for his own country I certainly would feel sad and lonely, not immediately go and ring up an ex with a big smile. You gave yourself away there. Glad though that we get a little new blood in the story with Kimbelly's mom. Her son continues to be the voice of reason.

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1 hour ago, Breedom said:

The step-sisters are at it again.

Good for Andre for inviting plenty of interesting, accomplished and successful people to their party. It's called networking, darlings. The guests all network with each other as well. He's looking to get ahead and this is not a bad move.

WHO do these jealous sisters think they are?  They're obviously NOT active in any real business world.  They're just "working for daddy."  Even high school kids understand "networking."  Andrei invited those people to his and Libby's home--there's a good chance he and Elizabeth will be invited to theirs.  They will meet more interesting and successful people--round and round she goes. That's how the world works, Anastasia and Drizella!

1 hour ago, Breedom said:

Yip and Yap had to add their opinions and comments. Who asked? These girls need to keep their clear jealousy, always negative and superficial comments to themselves.

Love it, Yip and Yap!  Instead of being little snots, they SHOULD have had Elizabeth's back when that "former professional singer" bullied, ridiculed and embarrassed their sister in her own home...at a party where she was a second-tier guest.  Elizabeth, though hurt, was as diplomatic as possible.  Even if my sisters and I bickered, NO ONE is going to pick on one of us in front of the others!

Edited by Back Atcha
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22 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

Jenny should rush back to the USA and consider herself lucky getting out of India ALIVE!  She probably has plenty-o-fans by now...including gentlemen (of any age) who would be happy to have a loving, giving relationship with her.

What would Jenny have to offer anyone, either in India or the US? She's a senior citizen who's also an idiot, lazy, dirt-poor, not conventionally attractive, has zero judgment, is endlessly needy, and flies into a rage at the slightest provocation. For someone of her advanced years, she is shockingly naïve about how the world works: witness numerous people in her life warning her about a relationship with Sumit (who has already scammed her multiple times), and her constant reply that she and Sumit are in WUUUUUUUV and why can't everybody just understaaaaand that and do what she wants?

Frank Zappa once opined that a major source of unhappiness in the western world is love songs, most of which present a completely unrealistic picture of male-female relationships and how they work. A lot of people, including Jenny, think these songs actually describe real relationships, when in fact they describe something that will never exist for anyone: they're written as fantasy, not reality. These people either go through life thinking they were cheated out of something, or in Jenny's case, chase their mythical Great Love Story when it's obvious to anyone with an IQ higher than their shoe size that none of this is going to end well.

42 minutes ago, Breedom said:

The nursery rhyme thing must have been written into the script for laughs. And of course Yip and Yap had to add their opinions and comments. Who asked? These girls need to keep their clear jealousy, always negative and superficial comments to themselves.

Libby has no idea if her nursery rhyme idea will work. Nor do her sisters. Nor do I. Nor do you. There's literally only one way to find out: Record a few, put them out on YouTube, and see what happens. There's about a 99% chance they'll get nothing but a few novelty listens and will be quickly lost among the 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube literally every minute of every day (no joke). There is a small chance they'll blow up and really become something. However, even if they become NOTHING, so what??? What has Libby lost except a few bucks to buy a keyboard and a couple of hours of her life creating a YouTube account, making the videos and uploading them? The way the sisters are dragging her dream is just nasty. Blood or no, I wouldn't want to be associated with these people.

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1 hour ago, the-grey-lady said:

Kimberly: Do you think I'm dumb?

Me: Yes.

Then, do you think I'm beautiful?   (A line I love is, "She may not be beautiful, but she sure is dumb."

1 hour ago, Breedom said:

The whole time Jenny sat there quietly, taking this abuse, the high road, and even though she couldn't understand the language, she knew all the hysterics were about her.

And then that WIMP has the nerve to run in and WHINE about having to "pamper" Jenny.  You've lived a lifetime of pampering and catering into your Mommy Dearest; the least you can do is show some kindness to the woman who $upport$ you.   I'm glad she SCREECHED and got in his face!

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12 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

Even if my sisters and I bickered, NO ONE is going to pick on one of us in front of the others!

Their mother was even worse, suggesting a song for Libby to sing! 

I grew up singing and used to hate it when my mother would try and get me to sing on command for company. Her favorite request was "Honey Bun" from "South Pacific" and I loathe that song to this day. Thankfully, she stopped doing it when I became an adult. And that professional singer/Kris Jenner was wrong. Just because you want to be a professional singer doesn't mean you should be ready to do that at the drop of a hat and it doesn't mean that you're not serious about a music career. Why didn't Libby suggest Marisol sing first, or better yet, a duet accompanied on a toy piano! 

Edited by magemaud
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6 minutes ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

What would Jenny have to offer anyone, either in India or the US? She's a senior citizen who's also an idiot, lazy, dirt-poor, not conventionally attractive, has zero judgment, is endlessly needy, and flies into a rage at the slightest provocation.

Maybe because I'm old (82) and have seen "surprising" goings-on (as in couplings) at my local senior center.   My mother worked at a City-sponsored senior center after she retired...and she worked until age 84.  She said the things desperate men and women did (each looking for deep pockets or a comfortable bed) was fodder for a TV series.  Lonely old low-income guys flirted with my (employed) mother and ask, "When are you going to ask me for coffee?"  "When can I come over?"  My mother said, "I may invite a gentleman to my home after he has taken me out a few times, but thanks for your invitation."

For every pot there's a lid...truly.

I can't agree that Jenny "flies into a rage at the slightest provocation."  There are many viewers surprised that she sat and TOOK IT from that entitled snob of a Sumit Mom.

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1 hour ago, Back Atcha said:

I can't agree that Jenny "flies into a rage at the slightest provocation."  There are many viewers surprised that she sat and TOOK IT from that entitled snob of a Sumit Mom.

Yes, she took a lot of crap from Sumit's horrid mother. Then Sumit walks his parents out to the car, comes back in and Jenny lights into him for...walking them to the car and leaving Jenny in the house for a couple of minutes? She's screaming at him because he didn't stop at the door and wave to them instead??? And this isn't the first time she's exploded for little or no reason. The woman has a really, really short fuse.

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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18 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

No offense to your achievement but I think Spanish is a much easier language to learn than Hindi (assuming one is starting from English). After three years, I do think Jenny should be able to communicate some in Hindi but I can see where she would be totally lost in that screaming match with her husband's family even if she had started to learn the language.

True, I admit Spanish shares many of the same words and roots and English and is much easier to learn.  But Jenni has been there 3 years and it seems she hasnt even made an attempt to learn a thing!  Im sure there are local classes, not to mention several easy to use apps to learn from.

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5 hours ago, magemaud said:

Their mother was even worse, suggesting a song for Libby to sing! 

I grew up singing and used to hate it when my mother would try and get me to sing on command for company. Her favorite request was "Honey Bun" from "South Pacific" and I loathe that song to this day. Thankfully, she stopped doing it when I became an adult. And that professional singer/Kris Jenner was wrong. Just because you want to be a professional singer doesn't mean you should be ready to do that at the drop of a hat and it doesn't mean that you're not serious about a music career. Why didn't Libby suggest Marisol sing first, or better yet, a duet accompanied on a toy piano! 

I doubt that people who are guests at DeNiro’s house demand that he perform a monologue.

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Does Yara have a JOB?  If she doesn't have a job, raising her kid IS her JOB!!!  I understand that if you don't have a job, there are still times that you need to have a babysitter to go to appointments etc. where you can't take the kid. But if you don't have a job, then you should not need a babysitter often.

When Jovi is working, he is completely gone and Yara is alone with the baby 24/7. She literally never gets a break. I can absolutely understand why she needs to have some time to herself, even though she doesn't work outside the home. I'm not saying Gwen owes them anything but I think some regular childcare would be good for mom and baby.


Libby has no idea if her nursery rhyme idea will work. Nor do her sisters. Nor do I. Nor do you. There's literally only one way to find out: Record a few, put them out on YouTube, and see what happens. There's about a 99% chance they'll get nothing but a few novelty listens and will be quickly lost among the 500 hours of video uploaded to YouTube literally every minute of every day (no joke). There is a small chance they'll blow up and really become something.

Hubs and I checked into a vacation condo this afternoon and I turned on the tv. It was on a music station - specifically children's music. Someone singing "Winnie the Pooh," which has been stuck in my head all evening. Point is - there is a market for this stuff, though Libby is mistaken to say that there aren't already people out there doing it. I don't think it's a bad idea but it's not new and if anything, it's a crowded market. Maybe her singing with Eleanor would be a niche?

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8 hours ago, Breedom said:

100%. Mama Sumit is an abusive bully who only cares about one person: herself. She's willing to throw her son away, which is what she's decided to do, all because of her deep shame and her all encompassing fear of tarnishing  her own reputation with her neighbors, friends, etc. This was clear abuse of another human being. It's not acceptable. Crying like that, carrying on; I'm surprised she didn't faint for more drama and attention. The whole time Jenny sat there quietly, taking this abuse, the high road, and even though she couldn't understand the language, she knew all the hysterics were about her. Sumit needs to take a stand and find some courage. Culture or not, Mama Sumit crossed the line. Jenny is stuck now, can't really move back to the US with only her SS check. She's still young enough though to find another job, although it probably won't pay much. Can't remember what she did for work.

I hate to beat a dead horse but I have to again disagree.

I get why you are saying what you are saying but you are really looking it through eyes of Western culture. Which is fine if this was in the US. 

IMHO - Jenny showed major disrespect to family Sumit. Mama's theatrics are justifiable.  I am not East Indian but even in my culture, I've seen some major theatrics. And I live in Canada.

Jenny was cleaning rooms at a resort. She didn't even have a home, she lived on her daughter's couch. 

Edited by greekmom
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I blame Sumit 100%.  This is not a Jenny problem.  This is not a Sumit mama problem.  This is a Sumit problem.

He wanted a Western relationship and went trolling to find one.  He made commitments to Jenny to be in a Western style marriage. 

He set this whole thing up.

Then he acts like victim when his mother objects and acts like Jenny is the one to blame.

There is something really wrong with Sumit and his history of deceit and broken promises.  

Sumit if you make the choices then you gotta own the consequences.  Boy you need to grow the hell up.

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18 hours ago, magemaud said:

I grew up singing and used to hate it when my mother would try and get me to sing on command for company. Her favorite request was "Honey Bun" from "South Pacific" and I loathe that song to this day.

Me too!!  Mine was "Fly me to the Moon" and I hate that song to this day.  You feel like a trained monkey.

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47 minutes ago, Kid said:

Me too!!  Mine was "Fly me to the Moon" and I hate that song to this day.  You feel like a trained monkey.

It was the same with my accent when I was first in the USA, people would ask me to say something so they could hear my accent, talk about feeling like a performing monkey. How about you just ask me a question & I respond.

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21 hours ago, Sir RaiderDuck OMS said:

What would Jenny have to offer anyone, either in India or the US? She's a senior citizen who's also an idiot, lazy, dirt-poor, not conventionally attractive, has zero judgment, is endlessly needy, and flies into a rage at the slightest provocation. For someone of her advanced years, she is shockingly naïve about how the world works: witness numerous people in her life warning her about a relationship with Sumit (who has already scammed her multiple times), and her constant reply that she and Sumit are in WUUUUUUUV and why can't everybody just understaaaaand that and do what she wants?

She is rather dim, isn't she.  She was a flower child in the 60s and she never left that frame of mind. It's impossible to feel sorry for her because he has proven time and time again that he is not worth the effort. He's a mama's boy and a scammer. He should've just stayed in his arranged marriage. Personally, I think he's gay. And Jenny is way past the age of having any libido unless she's hopped up on replacement hormones.  This was his way to get out of a real marriage and having to breed as is expected.

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16 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Hubs and I checked into a vacation condo this afternoon and I turned on the tv. It was on a music station - specifically children's music. Someone singing "Winnie the Pooh," which has been stuck in my head all evening. Point is - there is a market for this stuff,

I'm totally onboard with Libby's idea. The thing is, it's one of those things that a lot of people laugh at and I think that's why Sharp decided to include it in their story line.

15 hours ago, greekmom said:

I get why you are saying what you are saying but you are really looking it through eyes of Western culture.

But it's not okay to be abusive towards anyone.

3 hours ago, Welshman in Ca said:

It was the same with my accent when I was first in the USA, people would ask me to say something so they could hear my accent, talk about feeling like a performing monkey. How about you just ask me a question & I respond.

My mom is European so I grew up with her accent as well as a houseful of visitors/relatives with the same accent. People always wonder or ask her where she's from and that's what really bugs her. For me, it wouldn't bother me but I guess after decades of hearing that question she's been done with it for a long time. No one asked her to say something specifically to hear her accent though. :)

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Shahida acts like she and Bilal are the parents to teenaged Shaeeda. Totally weird dynamic. Not here for it.

I think Jamal is genuinely concerned for his mom. Like yeah, he was upset when she said she was planning on proposing to Usman but he was really calm and asked her reasonable questions, like “What does he do to show he loves you?” He seems like a good son.

Is there something wrong with Jenny? The way she came at Summit was frightening. She is a 60 something year old woman. I understand he doesn't stand up for her but I really thought she was going to hit him.

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9 hours ago, magemaud said:

When I think of it now, I can't decide if I was more embarrassed to have to sing on command or the company who was subjected to it was. 

For me it was playing piano. Everyone drank a lot at my parents' parties (lotta drinks, lotta laffs, Mom was a real showoff). Nothing like drunk adults leaning all over you, hollering the lyrics to numbers like "Ol' Man River." 

11 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

Kind of like I thought it would be easy to become a dental floss tycoon after I heard Montana.

You can be a mental floss tycoon, from hanging out here. 

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On 9/2/2022 at 11:25 PM, magemaud said:

Libby confidently says, “There’s a market for children’s music” like it’s never been done before. Does she really think people would go to iTunes to buy her rendition of “Itsy Bitsy Spider” and “The Farmer in the Dell”? 

Maybe she can advertise her Nursery Rhymes on her Only Fans channel.  😉

Both Sumit and Jenny are immature and self absorbed, but Mama Sumit is on another level.  I will never forget in previous seasons how she threatened suicide if Sumit married Jenny.  That threat is so abusive and beyond what anyone should have to deal with.  

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On 9/7/2022 at 12:49 PM, Kid said:

She is rather dim, isn't she.  She was a flower child in the 60s and she never left that frame of mind. It's impossible to feel sorry for her because he has proven time and time again that he is not worth the effort. He's a mama's boy and a scammer. He should've just stayed in his arranged marriage. Personally, I think he's gay. And Jenny is way past the age of having any libido unless she's hopped up on replacement hormones.  This was his way to get out of a real marriage and having to breed as is expected.

Jenny is a bit too young to have been a flower child.

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