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LSSC: Season Eight Episode Talk

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Jon has a tendency to gloss over details like that. He wants to believe all we need to do is talk to each other, which is a bizarre position to take in the face of all the evidence that there are people who are absolutely not interested and have heard it all and reject it in favor of whatever they already believe.

He acted like nobody tried to talk to Kyrie Irving. My understanding is that they did talk to him and he doubled down on his hate. 

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2 hours ago, possibilities said:

Jon has a tendency to gloss over details like that. He wants to believe all we need to do is talk to each other, which is a bizarre position to take in the face of all the evidence that there are people who are absolutely not interested and have heard it all and reject it in favor of whatever they already believe.

He acted like nobody tried to talk to Kyrie Irving. My understanding is that they did talk to him and he doubled down on his hate. 

Yeah, that's the issue for me, too. I would love to talk to people with whom I disagree on these kinds of topics...but it's really, really hard to do that when the person I might want to debate with isn't even operating on the same reality as me. If they're so wrapped up in their conspiracy nonsense or believing flat out falsehoods are true, how exactly are we supposed to get a conversation going even if I wanted to start one? It's hard to have a respectful debate when you can't respect the opinions you're hearing. 

To say nothing of how that kind of lecture always seems to fall on those of us with the facts to start the conversation and reach out. Tell the Kyries and Chappelles of the world to grow up and reach out for a change. 

And on the topic of Kyrie, yeah, that's my issue with people like him or Chappelle, or JK Rowling as another example. We're not talking about people who grew up in, or are currently living in, very sheltered environments or something of that sort, thus perhaps providing some kind of explanation (not an excuse, mind, just an explanation) for their ignorance on various issues. No, these are people with easy, quick, open access to all sorts of information out there, they have every opportunity imaginable to educate themselves and learn and become informed of the issues they don't understand. They just choose not to, and they keep doubling down on their ignorance and prejudices even after people have politely tried to explain where they're misinformed. 

And then there's those who are in positions of power who have an extra level of responsibility regarding what they say, but again, choose not to honor that responsibility. So no, I'm not exactly all that sympathetic or willing to reach out to people like that. I think a lot of people are just sick and tired of bad faith actors who clearly have no interest in actual debate and just want to hide being ignorant or an asshole or whatever behind the concept of "free speech". Yes, they can say whatever they want. But people aren't required to respect or listen to their opinion, and private businesses and companies and individuals have the right to tell them to stuff it or not want to do business with them anymore because of it. 

All of that being said, I did like seeing how Jon and Stephen debated and discussed that whole topic. On a general level I can agree with a lot of what Jon said, and I would love to go back to that kind of honest, open, thoughtful debate and engagement in society. I just don't know if and how we can get there in this current environment. 

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Jon often seems to possess a weird combination of cynicism and naivete.

I wasn't expecting so much of the interview to be taken up with that conversation. 

On a totally different note, I thought it was interesting that Jon, a lefty, played the drums right-handed. 

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8 hours ago, DXD526 said:

Jon often seems to possess a weird combination of cynicism and naivete.

Seriously, after years of watching and commenting on clips of various people while hosting "The Daily Show", and after his role in the knockdown, drag out fight to make sure 9/11 first responders were taken care of (a fight that happened because some people dug in their heels and just couldn't be bothered to pony up the money and aid for these people they were happy to otherwise use for their own cynical gain), it does make his stance on this issue all the more interesting. 

But in some ways, I kind of get it, too. I don't know if it's so much naivete with him as it is him trying to wrestle with both his cynical and idealistic sides. And I can sympathize with that - I'm not a cynical sort, myself, but I do have a strong idealistic, optimistic streak. And that's a good, necessary thing to have...just that, yeah, sometimes it can be a problem, when it comes to situations like this. 

On a final note for me regarding this topic, I liked how Tig Notaro summed up the free speech debate last night. The interview with her was really fun in general - I love how Stephen completely doubled over laughing when Tig, while talking about the pickleball competition*, was like, "What kind of low rent thing am I getting involved in here?" XD. 

*Seriously, the first time I ever even heard of pickleball was in an episode of "Ghosts" last season, and now it seems like that game is everywhere :p. 


On a totally different note, I thought it was interesting that Jon, a lefty, played the drums right-handed. 

I had no idea Jon played drums at all! He and Craig Ferguson should get together and have some kind of drum battle or something :p. 

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33 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

The interview with her was really fun in general - I love how Stephen completely doubled over laughing when Tig, while talking about the pickleball competition*, was like, "What kind of low rent thing am I getting involved in here?" XD. 

Yes, this was the most delightful I've ever seen or heard Tig Notaro. 

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Okay, I’m watching that Pickled thing now. So Will Farrell Ferrell was the super secret blurred out celebrity?  And it’s hard to watch Tig play without thinking about the alligator cane. 

Edited by SoMuchTV
Sorry, I wanted to be only slightly snarky but not so much as to misspell his name
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That story in "Meanwhile" about the guy who shoved the jump rope into his penis. I...have SO many questions that I really don't think I want to know the answers to. Wow. 

As a Tom Petty fan, I greatly enjoyed the bit in the monologue regarding his music being used in Kari Lake's campaign XD. You'd think after so many of these kinds of incidents with musicians telling politicians to stop using their music and whatnot, that these people would get a clue, but apparently not. 

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I haven't watched the Daily Show back when Jon Stewart was in it, so I only know him from his appearances here and there. I really liked this interview and I didn't get an impression that he was defending anybody, only that he was saying that we need to talk to each other and that automatically labeling someone as hater doesn't solve anything. Kind of what Mrs. Obama was saying as well, IMO. Which was also a great interview.

Then again, I also didn't see any problem with his appearance in the show last year and I still don't get what problem people had with it. He only said that it's possible that covid originated in a lab and it's crazy when people dismiss that without any evidence, which IMO is a huge possibility and the fact that it's a communist dictatorship that rutinely kidnaps and tortures its own people and at the beginning of the pandemic would kidnap and imprison doctors who tried to warn the international community about the disease only works in favor of that theory, never mind that they've forbidden an international investigation about the virus' origin.

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2 hours ago, TV Diva Queen said:

did anyone notice the other night after a commercial break, Stephen thanked "(insert drummer name) and the late show band"  weird.

I didn't find it weird at all. Joe Saylor's looking out for the band while Louis recuperates from COVID. He's been a recognizable figure on the show since day 1.

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22 hours ago, ShadowKnight2 said:

I didn't find it weird at all. Joe Saylor's looking out for the band while Louis recuperates from COVID. He's been a recognizable figure on the show since day 1.

I find it weird that Louis isn’t there and they renamed the band in his absence. They never did that with Jon. 

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1 hour ago, TV Diva Queen said:

I find it weird that Louis isn’t there and they renamed the band in his absence. They never did that with Jon. 

Well, I'm sure that it's no biggie, and that Louis will be back soon, and Stephen will still refer to them as Louis Cato and the CBS Late Show Band!

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I think Louis will be just fine, from https://jambands.com/news/2022/11/19/dave-matthews-band-welcomes-louis-cato-at-msg-frontman-to-play-get-out-the-vote-atlanta-show-monday/

"Dave Matthews Band returned to New York’s famed Madison Square Garden last night. Near the end of the ensemble’s show, the musicians welcomed The Late Show with Stephen Colbert bandleader Louis Cato to play guitar on an extended version of “Lie in Our Graves.” Cato then remained onstage as The Late Show horn players Jon Lampley and Louis Fouché emerged for “Stay (Wasting Time.”"

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I don't know whether domestic turkeys really look up and drown in the rain, but my grandparents tried unsuccessfully to raise them.  When it rained, a mama chicken would lead her chicks into the chicken house where they were safe.  A mama turkey would spread out her wings and have her poults shelter under them, but if she were standing in a low spot they would drown.

Wild turkeys are much smarter than domestic ones, at least according to hunters.

Edited by Driad
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9 hours ago, Driad said:

Wild turkeys are much smarter than domestic ones, at least according to hunters.

I don't know if these were wild turkeys or not, but when I lived in New York, around 2006-2007, in Staten Island, I always saw a pack of turkeys roaming around the neighborhood where I lived. Made me think where they came from since there weren't any woods nearby.

And this may be unpopular, but I miss Jon. The show just had some more...spark with him. Nothing against Louis.

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1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And this may be unpopular, but I miss Jon. The show just had some more...spark with him. Nothing against Louis.

I was thinking last night how the (Jon's) piano voice is missing. 😞
When they play the "theme" song going into or coming back from breaks, it feels like they're missing their main singer.

At least Louis is back.

I did enjoy Joe doing a rim shot for one of Stephen's punch lines.
I may or may not have replayed it.😉

But I guess Louis and the sound system folks are not into using the guitar to replicate Jon's little piano trill punctuations.😞

Edited by shapeshifter
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18 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I loved the bit about the Fine Point store in Cleveland, with the "NCIS: LA" cast and Drew Carey getting involved. That was cute, and a really fun way to give that store some free publicity. 

I am a Cleveland (OK, suburbs) girl, born and bred. I loved every single second of that sketch. Next time I am in the city, I will look up Fine Points!! 

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Just in case anyone is having a tough time, tonight's episode, titled "The Late Show Presents... Red, White, & Greenland! Stephen Cold-Bear Is Lost In Space Force" is non-stop funny, especially the first part with the military guy in Greenland with a very generous sense of humor whom Stephen interviews.

The monologue was pretty great too, especially Stephen's long icy stare at TFG through the camera.

Edited by shapeshifter
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I'm with Stephen in finding that red phone utterly terrifying. Talk about your perfect horror movie plots. This exchange:

"Who's on the other end of the line when you pick up that phone?"

"Hopefully somebody."

Me: O__O

Much respect and admiration for how calm and matter-of-fact these people are in explaining the work they do and how everything would play out if such a scenario ever (God forbid) were to happen, though. .Obviously I know they have to remain calm, but...yeah. They are made of far stronger stuff than I am, that's for damn sure. 

On a happier note, I love the karaoke scene :D. 

Edited by Annber03
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She’s like a weird combination of pretentious diva/nervous and wants to sound sophisticated/snob/arrested development/verbal diarrhea.

I love her singing, and she was my number one artist who I LOVED in the 90’s, but she’s always been a turnoff when I hear/see her interviews. 

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On 12/2/2022 at 11:16 AM, MaryMitch said:

The arm wrestling contest was hilarious. Anyone else have the idea that John Krasinski was just toying with Stephen?  😄

Well, Stephen was leaning his whole body weight into it against John’s arm strength only, so he probably was struggling a little!

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On 12/7/2022 at 12:07 AM, shapeshifter said:

Just in case anyone is having a tough time, tonight's episode, titled "The Late Show Presents... Red, White, & Greenland! Stephen Cold-Bear Is Lost In Space Force" is non-stop funny, especially the first part with the military guy in Greenland with a very generous sense of humor whom Stephen interviews.

The monologue was pretty great too, especially Stephen's long icy stare at TFG through the camera.

Thank you! I live in GA and missed this episode due to election coverage and my need to go to sleep. It was fantastic!

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They included one older dog with the puppies. It's a start. Healthy puppies are the easiest dogs to find homes for, so it would be helpful if they included more dogs who are older or have medical problems.

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5 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

I love Meredith Brooks' Bitch, so I almost lost it at this, so great!

They often write such great covers.

I laughed so hard at that XD. That was perfect. 

Agreed on the monologue, too. And a good slate of guests as well - fun way to kick off coming back after the holidays :). 

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