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Brittany and Alyssa's games also revolved around men.

It's not even TRUE, Taylor's strongest alliance was with a white woman and a gay man. The idea that the Leftovers shielded her is absurd had she lost the wall she'd have been on the block and very likely gone home. Now I'm not here to argue that Taylor has played a strong classic strategic game, but like most winners luck is huge part of it and she's had just enough luck to stay and fight. Despite the utterly bizarre resentment and dislike for her, she stayed kind and graceful in her social game. She has done the best I've ever seen anyone do without a true #2 ride or die, by their side, for that if she'll be in my top five faves of all time(Nicole S2, Vanessa, Dan, Tiffany, Janelle)

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2 minutes ago, blixie said:

It's not even TRUE, Taylor's strongest alliance was with a white woman and a gay man. The idea that the Leftovers shielded her is absurd had she lost the wall she'd have been on the block and very likely gone home. Now I'm not here to argue that Taylor has played a strong classic strategic game, but like most winners luck is huge part of it and she's had just enough luck to stay and fight. Despite the utterly bizarre resentment and dislike for her, she stayed kind and graceful in her social game. She has done the best I've ever seen anyone do without a true #2 ride or die, by their side, for that if she'll be in my top five faves of all time(Nicole S2, Vanessa, Dan, Tiffany, Janelle)

I like Taylor and hope she wins. I wasn't trying to drag her at all. I was just mentioning that the season was very male centric and even though Michael is gay, he's still a man. The women's decisions have been based on or in reaction to, what the men have done, imo.

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Oprah Winfrey

Yes I remember how much her power mattered when she went to Hermes. 


 I wasn't trying to drag her at all.

Oh I know I was just so upset she thinks objectively her game will be seen as using her sexuality to play on straight men to carry her through girl you held tough on the wall, you won F4 HoH nobody carried her here, the opposite she's done it without F2 deal until literally what last week?

Edited by blixie
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The only person who protected/was most loyal to Taylor was Michael and I don't think Taylor is Michael's type. 

Taylor is annoying at times and I didn't like her at first. I don't think the hate she received from other houseguests is right. 

I think the one thing Taylor is good at is separating game from personal and I think that bugs people in the house. 

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Joseph is not pining for Taylor. Joseph and Taylor were never a thing. Aside from a casual, friendly flirtmance, their relationship existed only in the minds of Twitter stans (and weirdly, Joseph’s family, based on at least one post).  Joseph will not care that Taylor slept with Monte, aside from worrying about her taste level. (Nah. Joseph likes Monte. His reaction will be more “Dude! High five!”)

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20 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Joseph and Taylor were never a thing. Aside from a casual, friendly flirtmance, their relationship existed only in the minds of Twitter stans

The day Taylor won HoH and read the letter from her mom, Joseph was looking at her with a face full of love. I think Joseph wanted to try something with Taylor after the game, he has hinted many times that he would (I'm shy, you are going to turn this into a showmance and everything he has told her through the game).

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3 hours ago, LoveLeigh said:

Taylor will receive love in the CBS interviews however many fans of the show can't stand her now and they are criticizing her all over twitter and facebook and YouTube. 

Yeah.  And the media isn't going to go after Monte, who actually is pretty well spoken and likeable in interviews.   Most don't even watch the feeds and those who do - could care less.  Look, they hooked up.  They are adults.  It wasn't even a showmance, or really that interesting.

58 minutes ago, SummerDreams said:

I read something that made me think; is there any chance Monte still plans to take Taylor to the final two but he told Turner about Monte and Taylor having sex in order that Turner makes this reveal during the roundtable and it results in Taylor losing at least Joseph's vote?

Apparently Joseph has a thing with another girl back home. 

39 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Apparently Joseph has a thing with another girl back home. 

I'm not sure she must have appreciated his relationship with Taylor, whatever it was. The guy obviously had feelings for Taylor, and he wanted to explore them further after the game, I think that's what he said to Julie.

4 hours ago, LoveLeigh said:

They DO have a lot of power in this world: Oprah Winfrey, Rihanna, Folorunsho Alakija, Hajia Bola,Shagaya, Sheila Crump Johnson, Janice Bryant Howroyd, Ngina Kenyatta, Beyoncé, Wendy Appelbaum, Serena Williams

My personal role model is Madam C. J. Walker.

I don't get the Taylor love. It seems she is loved because she is a black woman and I don't get that mindset. 

If you can list them... it's not enough 🙂.   And I know that there are plenty more you could name.   But if you look at the places of power (Congress, the White House, Corporate Board rooms, etc) black women (and women in general) are not in positions of power at the rate they could/should be.  

I'm about as meh on Taylor as I am on the rest of the cast left.  I don't particularly like any of them.   Taylor is complex - compassionate and kind at times, cocky and annoying at others.    But based solely on how badly she was treated by the others early in the game, she's who I root to win.   

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1 hour ago, dizzyd said:

I haven’t been in feeds much lately so question for those who watched: what’s the God daughter comment that Taylor apologized to Monte for? 

Something about Monte saying she's 12 months now and he watched her grow up and Taylor was like you didn't watch her grow up and he called her a toddler and Taylor was like she's not a toddler. More nothing but Monte wants women to be subservient to him.

42 minutes ago, After7Only said:

Taylor is complex - compassionate and kind at times, cocky and annoying at others.    

Yep. And yet she gets none of the grace from anyone in this cast that they give odious people like Kyle, Paloma, etc. Hmmm, wonder why?

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4 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Taylor is annoying at times and I didn't like her at first. I don't think the hate she received from other houseguests is right. 

I think the one thing Taylor is good at is separating game from personal and I think that bugs people in the house. 

I’m fairly neutral-to-positive on Taylor, but find myself intrigued by how polarized folks get in defending their like/dislike positions relative to her.  So I wonder: how much of Taylor’s fan base support is on account of what Taylor has done, as opposed to what has been done to her?  The difference between the two isn’t necessarily trivial; the former would be proactive in basis (based upon Taylor’s own actions), while the latter would be reactive (based on the actions of others).

  1. The initial impetus of the early “Taylor Hate” in the House was initially inspired by proactive efforts on Taylor’s part, as she was perceived by others in the House as attempting to use her sexuality to ingratiate herself with the Bro contingent (ex. the string bikini pool games). IIRC this facet of Taylor’s gameplay was one of the reasons (the primary reason?) cited why Taylor was ostracized by the Girls’ Girls alliance - a reactive measure on the part of GG.
  2. Paloma’s developing paranoia of Taylor became a proactive weaponizing element of its own, however, and was further amplified by Daniel’s and Nicole’s attacks and distortions.  This forced Taylor into a near-total defensive posture
  3. Taylor’s reactive posture carried on for several weeks, until the LeftOvers formed - partly to challenge what the originally-unaffiliated HGs perceived as over-the-top bullying of Taylor, but also simply seizing the opportunity to topple the then-ruling junta in the House.  In terms of proaction/reaction, Taylor’s decision to join the LOs was pretty much a wash - she made a proactive decision as a reaction to hostile gameplay.
  4. For a significant chunk of time afterwards, Taylor’s proactive game seemed to take a back seat; even when Taylor was HoH, her reign was largely characterized as Taylor letting the rest of the LOs run her HoH according to their respective agendas.  Taylor’s acceptance of this backseat driving would best be described as reactive, if not passive.
  5. It’s only been over the course of the last couple of weeks that Taylor has re-attempted to play a truly proactive game again - fueled, no doubt by her disgruntlement at (a) Monte’s apparent unconcern with using Taylor as a pawn and (b) the knowledge either Brittany or Turner is blatantly lying to her face about the split eviction vote - and this face of Taylor is entirely different from what most fans have seen for the majority of the season; Taylor’s strategic THs matter-of-factly state she doesn’t like or trust Brittany for shit, but Taylor is willing to carry Brittany forward as an F2 goat.
  6. Recent fan support for Taylor appears to have slipped correspondingly - partly due to Taylor’s stoic calculation of the BB Cold Equations of Finale Night, no doubt, but also due to her (proactive) participation in a physical relationship with Monte.

So, (FINALLY!) my question: how likely is it that Taylor’s primary fan support was (at least initially) based upon public perception of Taylor as a reactive victim - the Pretty Princess of this reality fairy tale, attacked by multiple meanies - and that support has eroded as Taylor steps out of the perpetual victim role and into a more-proactive Strong Woman role?

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1 hour ago, SummerDreams said:

I'm not sure she must have appreciated his relationship with Taylor, whatever it was. The guy obviously had feelings for Taylor, and he wanted to explore them further after the game, I think that's what he said to Julie.

Joseph flirted with almost every female. So yeah this girl he was talking about in the house is probably not happy lol. 

1 minute ago, Nashville said:

I’m fairly neutral-to-positive on Taylor, but find myself intrigued by how polarized folks get in defending their like/dislike positions relative to her.  So I wonder: how much of Taylor’s fan base support is on account of what Taylor has done, as opposed to what has been done to her?  The difference between the two isn’t necessarily trivial; the former would be proactive in basis (based upon Taylor’s own actions), while the latter would be reactive (based on the actions of others).

  1. The initial impetus of the early “Taylor Hate” in the House was initially inspired by proactive efforts on Taylor’s part, as she was perceived by others in the House as attempting to use her sexuality to ingratiate herself with the Bro contingent (ex. the string bikini pool games). IIRC this facet of Taylor’s gameplay was one of the reasons (the primary reason?) cited why Taylor was ostracized by the Girls’ Girls alliance - a reactive measure on the part of GG.
  2. Paloma’s developing paranoia of Taylor became a proactive weaponizing element of its own, however, and was further amplified by Daniel’s and Nicole’s attacks and distortions.  This forced Taylor into a near-total defensive posture
  3. Taylor’s reactive posture carried on for several weeks, until the LeftOvers formed - partly to challenge what the originally-unaffiliated HGs perceived as over-the-top bullying of Taylor, but also simply seizing the opportunity to topple the then-ruling junta in the House.  In terms of proaction/reaction, Taylor’s decision to join the LOs was pretty much a wash - she made a proactive decision as a reaction to hostile gameplay.
  4. For a significant chunk of time afterwards, Taylor’s proactive game seemed to take a back seat; even when Taylor was HoH, her reign was largely characterized as Taylor letting the rest of the LOs run her HoH according to their respective agendas.  Taylor’s acceptance of this backseat driving would best be described as reactive, if not passive.
  5. It’s only been over the course of the last couple of weeks that Taylor has re-attempted to play a truly proactive game again - fueled, no doubt by her disgruntlement at (a) Monte’s apparent unconcern with using Taylor as a pawn and (b) the knowledge either Brittany or Turner is blatantly lying to her face about the split eviction vote - and this face of Taylor is entirely different from what most fans have seen for the majority of the season; Taylor’s strategic THs matter-of-factly state she doesn’t like or trust Brittany for shit, but Taylor is willing to carry Brittany forward as an F2 goat.
  6. Recent fan support for Taylor appears to have slipped correspondingly - partly due to Taylor’s stoic calculation of the BB Cold Equations of Finale Night, no doubt, but also due to her (proactive) participation in a physical relationship with Monte.

So, (FINALLY!) my question: how likely is it that Taylor’s primary fan support was (at least initially) based upon public perception of Taylor as a reactive victim - the Pretty Princess of this reality fairy tale, attacked by multiple meanies - and that support has eroded as Taylor steps out of the perpetual victim role and into a more-proactive Strong Woman role?

I think it was reactive, but Big Brother fandom is usually pretty reactive. I do think she has some similar qualities to Janelle ie not caring what people think of her and snarky. 

I also think it helped she was the underdog. Big Brother fandom loves the underdog.

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I don't think Taylor's fans need her to be victimized and ostracized to like her. That's Monte lol.

Taylor is actually just a likable person. She won Miss Congeniality at Miss USA for fucks sake! She just got stuck in a house with a lot of misogynoir and a lot of people that will just follow the crowd.

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10 hours ago, HerkyJerky said:

I LOVE Meet Me In St Louis!  What was your other MMiSL reference, BC?

I compared Michael's ability to sort of cut off other people's feelings and just manipulate people to achieve a goal to the time Tootie claimed her sister's boyfriend hit her so that no one would believe him if he told everyone that he saw her drop a fake dead body in front of a trolley. 

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53 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Something about Monte saying she's 12 months now and he watched her grow up and Taylor was like you didn't watch her grow up 

Well, he has been away for at least 25% of the kid’s life, so she has a point.

In addition to Monte’s other questionable comments, he does tend to get a bit defensive. And he also holds a grudge. He’s still irritated by a lame Zingbot joke, FFS. Great boyfriend material, there.

1 minute ago, Brian Cronin said:

I compared Michael's ability to sort of cut off other people's feelings and just manipulate people to achieve a goal to the time Tootie claimed her sister's boyfriend hit her so that no one would believe him if he told everyone that he saw her drop a fake dead body in front of a trolley. 

Ooh, and then did the trolley drag the body? Through the mud?

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Taylor just asked Monte if he still needed space.  He didn’t understand at first, and then she said, “can I like get a hug or something?” He said, “oh! Yeah, umm… I haven’t showered yet…” so Taylor said okay, and told him she was headed to the HoH room. Monte then asked “can I shower there?” and she said YES. Gahhhh. 😫

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8 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't think Taylor's fans need her to be victimized and ostracized to like her. That's Monte lol.

Taylor is actually just a likable person. She won Miss Congeniality at Miss USA for fucks sake! She just got stuck in a house with a lot of misogynoir and a lot of people that will just follow the crowd.

IOW, the BB house.

I agree that Taylor is easy to like. She’s very nice to the people around her, even sometimes to those who don’t deserve it. She is even gracious to the BB staff— I remember her apologizing for making some button pusher’s work harder because he kept having to sound the “stop singing” alarm, or something. She just seems like a kind, lovely person. Not without faults, but who among us is? She also seems self-aware and constantly striving to do better, which puts her above many people, certainly many people in this game.

I can’t say her bullying did not affect my attitude toward her; who wouldn’t feel for someone who is being attacked for no good reason? Still, I think that had a bigger affect on my attitude toward her attackers— IIRC, I was feeling pretty positive toward Daniel before then.

I am largely annoyed by the growing dislike of Taylor because it seems to stem from the same place as the initial bullying— based on no good reason. What, she had sex? For shame! She grew a bit more confident? The uppity wench! She gets a bit snarky sometimes? Well, those people must really hate me (and a whole lot of others on this site)!

I like Taylor because I like her, and I think she’d be a great person to know in real life. I don’t like that she keeps having to prove she’s a decent person, over and over, but I think she’ll be fine. If nothing else, she’s shown she’s resilient.

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55 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't think Taylor's fans need her to be victimized and ostracized to like her. That's Monte lol.

I think Brittany has a bit of that in her as well--she likes her best when Taylor feels as low as she does & resents her joy when it's not shared with her. I'm hopeful Brittany has time to reflect once out of the house and realize what happened, I don't think hers was mean-spirited solely.  

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I'm so tired of race being a thing in BB, not because I'm deluded and don't realize the social parallels with real society, or the issues in the show's history, but because I miss this just being a gaaaaaaaaame. A stupid game with a clam singing showtunes in a top hat (seriously, my favorite OTEV and my go-to stupid challenge example) and twists that go over like wet farts, and Jerry sticking his fingers in people's faces, which is INAPPROPRIATE. Big Brother is stupid. It's stupid and mind-numbing and I miss it being stupid and mind-numbing.

I'm just tired.

Here endeth the lesson venting.

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Monte and Taylor had a heart to heart conversation after his shower in the HoH room. Seems like they're keeping it cordial, and Taylor apologized for "being too comfortable" to the degree that she thought her casual joking wouldn't be taken with offense. He went on about how people can behave certain ways under pressure situations, etc, etc, and it seems like they're mostly okay with each other. There is definitely still tension between them, and Monte has basically told her that he's not taking her to the final two. He did placate her by summarizing her "great comeback story" and all the things she's done right in the game. She's just "mmm-hmm" to it all.

ETA: Now Turner is in the HoH room, and they're all just lying around not saying anything at all. Turner is listening to music, Monte is taking up space in her bed. It's like the Brittney Not Allowed Clubhouse up there. If I were Taylor after all that went down in the last 24 hours, I'd boot those boys out of there and invite Brittney to spend the night in the Clubhouse.

Edited by invisiblegirl12
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Turner just left the HoH room. Monte's got the headphones on now, and it's like we're in a time warp. He just extended his arm and pulled Taylor close. Full-on snuggle, Monte in her bed, listening to her music on the headphones. Feels like we rewound to Saturday night, so I'm gonna go pour a drink now. 

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I don't think Taylor's fans need her to be victimized and ostracized to like her. That's Monte lol.

I don’t think Taylor’s fans need her to be victimized and ostracized to like her, but I do wonder if Taylor‘s early victimizations helped them relate to her more than they would have otherwise.  IIRC many of us weren’t very favorably inclined towards Taylor initially; her pageant background had many of us wary of her.

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Taylor is actually just a likable person. She won Miss Congeniality at Miss USA for fucks sake! She just got stuck in a house with a lot of misogynoir and a lot of people that will just follow the crowd.

In truth, my previous post was less about Taylor herself and more about her fickle fan base. :)   Taylor’s personality (particularly her dry sense of humor) is her primary positive in my book - that, and a shared addiction for a particular brand of processed carbohydrates.  And I’m probably one of the few who actually like the pragmatic stoicism of her most recent TH game analyses, late-born as they may be.

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Taylor sometimes annoys me but one thing I do appreciate about her is this: she sees the good in people even when they're annoying her or have made her upset. Like I know that she finds Brittany annoying, but she's still kind to Brittany. She has good things to say about Michael, Kyle, Jasmine, etc. 

I feel like that's a great quality to have. 

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I am still pretty luke warm on this entire cast, they gave us one of the better seasons, but mostly because they were all bad at the "game", there was a lot of half ass chaos and  that made it fun. But the story of Taylor is just epic if anything I was fine with her early, but the longer she stuck around the more she believed in herself the more I liked her. I have said it five times just today in this thread, but yes it's things she has affirmatively done and she has done it without that reliable second (very Buffy in Becoming II). It's an incredible run and I don't get why you wouldn't root for her to win but I'm 100 ready for the Monty-Turner finale of suck.

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This is a predictable finale now. It will be Taylor and Brittney in final 2 and Taylor will win in a landslide. She will get all the votes. I can hear Julie now: Michale has voted for Taylor. Terrance has voted for Taylor. Alyssa has voted for Taylor. She will get every vote to win. I think CBS so wants her to win. Will she be on that soap opera they all go on or was it canceled? 

I personally have grown to disliking her but I also think this show served to be her venue to become part of some TV broadcast. What was her major at GWU? Political science, communications, liberal arts?

10 minutes ago, LoveLeigh said:

This is a predictable finale now. It will be Taylor and Brittney in final 2 and Taylor will win in a landslide. She will get all the votes. I can hear Julie now: Michale has voted for Taylor. Terrance has voted for Taylor. Alyssa has voted for Taylor. She will get every vote to win. I think CBS so wants her to win. Will she be on that soap opera they all go on or was it canceled? 

I personally have grown to disliking her but I also think this show served to be her venue to become part of some TV broadcast. What was her major at GWU? Political science, communications, liberal arts?

Huh? As of now Monte is evicting Brittany in two days.

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11 minutes ago, LoveLeigh said:

This is a predictable finale now. It will be Taylor and Brittney in final 2 and Taylor will win in a landslide.

Whaaa..huh? Brittany will be gone on Thursday. Odds are Monte and Turner in F2. The only way Taylor gets there is if she wins the final comps and takes herself, which is doubtful.

I would looove a Taylor landslide, but it’s not happening. Put your chips (not the Lays kind) on Monte, because he’s taking this one home. Unfortunately.

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24 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Whaaa..huh? Brittany will be gone on Thursday. Odds are Monte and Turner in F2. The only way Taylor gets there is if she wins the final comps and takes herself, which is doubtful.

I would looove a Taylor landslide, but it’s not happening. Put your chips (not the Lays kind) on Monte, because he’s taking this one home. Unfortunately.

I disagree. I think Monte will be persuaded to evict Turner and Taylor will win the comps needed to be able to choose who she sits next to on finale night. And she will win this thing in a landslide. It is what CBS wants and they will move it in that direction by subliminally doing it in the DR. 

  • LOL 3

Good moods have returned to the BB house… Mommy and Daddy are no longer fighting, and the kids are not hiding under their blankets with their fingers in their ears. They all spent the night in the backyard, talking and laughing and playing cards. It’s their very last night outside before that is blocked to them, so the plan is to stay up until dawn and watch the sunrise. Even Brittany is staying up way past her bedtime.

The only semi-tense moment is when Taylor declares this the best Final 3 ever! followed by awkward silence from everyone. Monte corrects, best final 5! and they’re all like, yeah! That’s it!

When they get a minute alone, Monte and Taylor confirm their final 2 pledge. She apologizes for getting paranoid. He accepts her apology, of course, because he’s that kinda guy.

Enjoy the sun, kids! I won’t see it because my work is done, so I’m pulling a Brittany and going to bed.

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11 hours ago, Mrs. P. said:

Do the house guests know that Queen Elizabeth has died? Do the jurors?

Most likely not. If this were BBCAN, I could see the house being told simply because we're part of the Commonwealth and her younger self is on our $20 and the "heads" of our coins. But BBUS? This young crowd? They probably don't care.

The only pop culture/world events moments that the house has ever been informed about that I can remember are 9/11, Trump winning, Beyonce and Jay-Z getting married (I think?), and whether Britney Spears had her baby. So very American-centric moments.

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Good morning! People are up! Or they are still up, as they were supposed to stay up to watch the sun rise in the back yard. Anyhow, Camera 2 shows us Monte in the shower so we are treated to his head and shoulders, and the sound of trickling water. Camera 1 shows us the view of the bathroom from the HOH room. Here I thought he was in the regular bathroom. Feel right at home, Monte!

Camera 3 shows us Taylor in her pink HOH robe. She is talking to Turner at the kitchen table. Talking about how washing hair with chlorine changes it. Turner plans to wash the tips of his hair in the kitchen sink. Tylor says she's going to take a shower. Good luck with that. Maybe Monte will be done by then. Taylor grabs a towel from the bathroom. Turner, shirtless, stands at the bathroom sink to wash his hair.

Taylor is now up in HOH, folding clothes while listening to the water splattering in the shower. Monte is taking his time. The water is finally turned off. Monte asks Taylor if she said something. She tells him that she said it smells really good. Tea Tree oil? she asks. No, Monte says, pepperment. 

More action than usual this time of day. But soon they will be snoozing. Brittany probably is. Monte says he's getting tired, especially after the hot tub. He asks if Turner's still up. Taylor says Turner's taking a shower, then calling it a night. 

It's only 6:30 out there. Is the sun up by that time? It's not up at 6:30 here in Minnesota. Not much daylight until 7:00 now. Taylor says she hopes it's on camera - I think she meant watching the sunrise in the back yard. Now Taylor's taking her shower. Monte's doing something at the sink.

Looks like Turner's finished his shower on cameras 3 and 4.

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Monte asks Taylor to "lotion" the unprotected part of his back. Taylor says OK. Monte says, you look so frustrated. She says you're going to put me on the f---- block again on my f---- HOH. Monte rather presumes a lot. He asks her if that's her expensive body lotion. Not that one, she says as she puts lotion on herself. Monte's now kind of dawdling, putzing around as if he feels he's not welcome but not sure. He tells Taylor he's conflicted. Since his microphone isn't turned on it's hard to hear him. Taylor says, "Because it's convenient or do you really want to spend time with me?" He says something else. She asks, "Do you just want to have sex with me?" He mumbles something and knocks over stuff on the sink. "Down they go," says Taylor.

6 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I love her lol. But yea, she's gonna catch shit from Monte about that anytime now.


The correct Part 3 answer is World Peace. Ding! ding! ding! ding! ding!

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Monte turns his microphone on in time to hear him brushing his teeth. Thanks, Monte. I knew something was missing from my morning. 

Finally announcer guy says, "Monte! Please change your batteries!"

"Why?" Taylor asks, "You're about to go to sleep." Then asks, "Are you on Turner watch?" "No," Monte says, "just daydreaming." Monte is again asked to change his batteries. Maybe production wants him out of HOH and to leave Taylor alone.  

In the meantime, Turner is carefully folding up his tie-dyed T-shirt, very neatly. He's more careful than someone in a department store. Monte complains that he is the only one ever asked to change his batteries. "You are," says Turner. "I better shut up," says Monte. (By the way, plenty of people have been asked to change their batteries, Jasmine being one.) Turner hops into bed and says, "Good night, Production! Good night, Mom, Dad, Megan, Bell - I love all of you!" Then goes under the blankets and closes his eyes. Except the lights are still on - oops, they just went off! "Thank you," Turner says. Night vision on cams 3 and 4. Taylor still at the bathroom sink. Who knows where Monte went.

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