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6 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Kyle told Monte he spilled about the leftovers. He is hinting to Taylor saying didn't KYLE say or KYLE did, but she isn't picking up on it. 

Kyle told Monte that he ratted out the LOs?  Why?  Other than trying to tank his own game should any of the remaining LOs get HOH next week.

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5 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:
8 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Monte has it figured out.  Now go get Kyle and put the screws to him.  Make him cry.  

Kyle told Monte he spilled about the leftovers. He is hinting to Taylor saying didn't KYLE say or KYLE did, but she isn't picking up on it

Ugh. You can't "hint" intel to Taylor. You have to be very direct with her or she won't get it  They should know that by now. Why beat around the bush at this point? Jesus, these people. 

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13 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Kyle told Monte that he ratted out the LOs?  Why?  Other than trying to tank his own game should any of the remaining LOs get HOH next week.

They were all in the HOH. Kyle, Alyssa and Turner. Kyle said he had to tell Alyssa and Terrence .

13 minutes ago, kassandra8286 said:

Ugh. You can't "hint" intel to Taylor. You have to be very direct with her or she won't get it  They should know that by now. Why beat around the bush at this point? Jesus, these people. 

Monte did tell Taylor if you choose me and I win veto I will take you off. I will not take Brittany off. So hopefully she got that message to choose Monte if she gets houseguest choice not Monte.

Edited by choclatechip45
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3 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Monte did tell Taylor if you choose me and I win veto I will take you off. I will not take Brittany off. So hopefully she got that message to choose Monte if she gets houseguest choice not Taylor.

Let's hope he's not lying about that and is willing to take her off the block.  I mean, I suppose there is still a small sliver of a chance, if the LOs agree to leave Alyssa alone this week that Turner might put Terrance up on the block instead of following through with the Michael BD plan.

The vibe I get from Monte is that he is nervous to tell Taylor because she might spill to other people and that will make him a target. I actually think that is somewhat valid. 

1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

Let's hope he's not lying about that and is willing to take her off the block.  I mean, I suppose there is still a small sliver of a chance, if the LOs agree to leave Alyssa alone this week that Turner might put Terrance up on the block instead of following through with the Michael BD plan.

I don't think he is lying he knows about the Michael backdoor plan. He also told Terrence it would be a waste of a week to get rid of Taylor (this was before noms) and he also defended her again about how she was telling the truth about the Paloma stuff to Terrence.

He also defended her to Turner and Kyle. 

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6 minutes ago, HighQueenEB said:

Let's hope he's not lying about that and is willing to take her off the block.  I mean, I suppose there is still a small sliver of a chance, if the LOs agree to leave Alyssa alone this week that Turner might put Terrance up on the block instead of following through with the Michael BD plan.

I hope monte is sincere and doesn’t throw the comp to turner or something if Taylor picks him

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1 hour ago, invisiblegirl12 said:

As much as I love Taylor, I'm almost at the point that I want her to be evicted to (1) get away from all the abuse she's enduring, and (2) have some good quality time with Joseph in the jury house. 

I think they both have played a more ethical game than anyone else in the house, and at this point, whatever money they get for being Jurors 3 and 4 may be worthwhile just to save their mental health.

A jury member, is still considered to be part of the game, and they get paid the same as a HG - a stipend of about $1,000 week.   That's why the goal is to make it to at least jury in the game.  Of course everything about the Jury House is way better than living in the BB house.

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8 minutes ago, choclatechip45 said:

Kyle is talking to Terrence telling him you are going to hear some stories from the other 3. 

Pretty dumb of Michael to give Kyle warning about the Cookout 2.0 plan. 

Maybe Michael should go to Turner with this info.  Despite my Turner hate at the moment, I don't think he would be okay with this.  I could be wrong.

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2 minutes ago, Maggie Mae said:

Maybe Michael should go to Turner with this info.  Despite my Turner hate at the moment, I don't think he would be okay with this.  I could be wrong.

Michael already hinted to Turner about this a few weeks ago, when Kyle was first suggesting it the week that Nicole was backdoored.  I'm not sure he spelled it out explicitly, but Turner definitely didn't seem to mind, and he's not that slow on the uptake, so I think he knows (at least subconsciously).

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1 minute ago, HighQueenEB said:

Michael already hinted to Turner about this a few weeks ago, when Kyle was first suggesting it the week that Nicole was backdoored.  I'm not sure he spelled it out explicitly, but Turner definitely didn't seem to mind, and he's not that slow on the uptake, so I think he knows (at least subconsciously).

You know who Turner reminds me of right now? Cliff Hogg. Cliff was an amiable fellow just like Turner. Cliff was not bigoted, neither is Turner. But remember how Cliff kept trusting "gentleman's handshake" Jackson over Tommy and he tanked his game and Nicole's game because they went tot he F4 with a comp-whore showmance? The subtext I got from Cliff was that he was simply more comfortable with cowboy Jackson vs. gay NY actor Tommy.

I feel like Turner's prejudice is he's more comfortable with "the bros" Monte and Kyle. He will trust Kyle because Kyle's the type of bro he might hang out with at home, even if it hurts his game.

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1 hour ago, OldWiseOne said:

At this point it looks like the bros are going to bro their way to the end.

I think what we're seeing here is Turner basically saying, "I want to bro down, but in the alternative, I would prefer to stick with the outdoor crew." In other words, he is choosing the outdoor crew and the bros as his alliance over The Leftovers, and since we're right at the end, I don't think that that's necessarily a bad strategic choice by him. 

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4 minutes ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Turner has horrible HoHitis. He’s holding court in the HoH room, saying he’s going to steamroll to the end, making fun of whoever isn’t in the room, mean catty comments flying left and right. What happened to him?

Nothing. This was what Turner always was - he just covered it up with a veneer of Ringo Starr like peace and love to all, hippie stoner that lives in a van by the river and just wants to smoke a bowl with everyone, man. He's part of the "cool kids" lunch table now.

Edited by Callaphera
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1 minute ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Turner has horrible HoHitis. He’s holding court in the HoH room, saying he’s going to steamroll to the end, making fun of whoever isn’t in the room, mean catty comments flying left and right. What happened to him?

This is who he always was, but those around him tempered him a bit. 

Turner's big target was always Jasmine and she was quite a number herself, so it didn't seem so bad. Now he's targeting less unlikable people and he's still being an ass.

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On 8/26/2022 at 12:44 AM, Nashville said:

Anybody got an egg timer running on how long it’ll take for Terrance to spill what really happened Outside (i.e., Kyle’s complete and utter preemptive betrayal of the LOs) to an Inside LO member?

Hey, we could get a pool running on this….

Put me down for Terrance telling… Monte, within 6 hours of House reentry.


Hey, I won!  Where do I pick up the prize?   🤣🤣🤣

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3 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I think what we're seeing here is Turner basically saying, "I want to bro down, but in the alternative, I would prefer to stick with the outdoor crew." In other words, he is choosing the outdoor crew and the bros as his alliance over The Leftovers, and since we're right at the end, I don't think that that's necessarily a bad strategic choice by him. 

So who are the bros - Terrence, monte, Kyle ? Just not Michael ? So confused 

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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Wtf, how dare he! Now he’s made it personal against a collective US and we don’t have to take this abuse, we’re not Alyssa! Saying shit like that makes me want to get violent, like lop off his 10s dick or shove his face in crap violent but that means physical contact which makes me want to throw up. Ugh, they’re going to let this jerk win, right! 🤬

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Wow, I step away from the game for a few days and everything falls apart. Remember when this season had so many likeable people and the Leftovers were awesome? Remember when Turner was so funny, you didn’t even mind the lack of bathing? Remember when everyone rallied around Taylor and good was triumphing over evil? Remember when Kyle was a reprehensible asshole (because some things never change)? Good times.

I don’t remember ever going from having several people to root for to none in a such a short period of time. (Well, Taylor. I can still root for her.) And now we don’t even have Jasmine to laugh at anyone. What is the point? 

I’m about to spend the next 9 hours on planes and in airports, and by the time I get home I expect to read that the ants have taken over and crowned Terrance their new overlord. Because why not. 

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11 hours ago, choclatechip45 said:

Kyle told Monte he spilled about the leftovers. He is hinting to Taylor saying didn't KYLE say or KYLE did, but she isn't picking up on it. 

And Monte isn't pissed off that Kyle's responsible for sending his bromance home? Damn.

How can Kyle keep spilling crap (that he did) to people and everyone seems fine with it? It's going to be Jackson 2.0 on finale night.

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14 hours ago, DEL901 said:

Kyle has dropped into 2nd last place, and Turner is dropping quickly.  Ameerah, Indy and even Pooch are rising in the rankings. 


Where are these rankings from? Who's voting? Who's counting the votes? 

I doubt very much CBS cares about this sort of thing. They are investing in their showmance and do whatever they can to prop them. It wouldn't surprise me if they were in Turner's ear and pushing for the noms he made.


It's kind of amazing Turner threw away so many jury votes so he can be friends with Alyssa/Kyle. 

And it doesn't make any sense. Kyle is always going to choose Alyssa over anyone else and Alyssa is always going to choose Kyle. Why be a third or fourth wheel to a showmance? 

Edited by iMonrey
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