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Someone please tell me what the K women see in the men they choose! Is Tyga a Kanye wannabe so he's just another way for Kylie to copy Kim?

I get that Kris looked at Bruce and saw untapped $$$, but really, these women have the absolute worst taste in men! (And I won't even start on all the chances Kourtney has given Scott.)

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Anyone know if the one hes sending the pics to is underage as well? Just curious if he has a type heh You know, part of me feels bad for her but then I remember this is the asshole who has already proven hes an idiot and the guy that she chose to spend Fathers Day with and not her own father so I'm trying to muster up some sympathy.

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I wonder if she'd learn, she seems like the type to stick her head in the sands just to try and prove her parents wrong. She could refuse to believe it because it would mean mom and dad were right about this Tyga relationship.

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Since Tyga is trending on Twitter I clicked to see some of the snark about him and there's lots of jokes about his album sales. All of the Kardashians promoted that album asking all of their millions and millions of followers to buy it and all of his famous rapper friends tweeted a link.  Tyga himself has over 6 million followers. Wanna know how much he sold? A whopping 2,500 copies. Pathetic doesnt even begin to describe that number.  Guess the Kardashian promo machine couldnt help his shitty music.

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Even with the family promoting that album, or perhaps to spite the family promoting that album. I don't see a lot of people going "lets go spend money to support the guy with the underage girlfriend!" 

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I think Kris was afraid to put her foot down with Kylie about Tyga. Kylie has frequently said that when someone tells her stop or change something, she is more likely to continue with it even past when she would have stopped on her own. Kims telling her to 86 the blue extensions for the wedding? She kept them to spite. Kris was probably scared Kylie would get knocked up or married to rebel.

Kris was mortified way back when Kourtney basically told her she wasn't going to marry Scott before Mason was born and had no plans to do so after. She only got on board with illegitimate kids when Kimmy got knocked up while still married to the Hump. Of course she blamed the Hump for putting obstacles in the path of true love. I doubt Tyga is what she really wants for Kylie. Less tattoos more money is Kris's motto.

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Since Tyga is trending on Twitter I clicked to see some of the snark about him and there's lots of jokes about his album sales. All of the Kardashians promoted that album asking all of their millions and millions of followers to buy it and all of his famous rapper friends tweeted a link. Tyga himself has over 6 million followers. Wanna know how much he sold? A whopping 2,500 copies. Pathetic doesnt even begin to describe that number. Guess the Kardashian promo machine couldnt help his shitty music.

My kid sold more girl scout cookies than that

I think Kris was afraid to put her foot down with Kylie about Tyga. Kylie has frequently said that when someone tells her stop or change something, she is more likely to continue with it even past when she would have stopped on her own. Kims telling her to 86 the blue extensions for the wedding? She kept them to spite. Kris was probably scared Kylie would get knocked up or married to rebel.

Kris was mortified way back when Kourtney basically told her she wasn't going to marry Scott before Mason was born and had no plans to do so after. She only got on board with illegitimate kids when Kimmy got knocked up while still married to the Hump. Of course she blamed the Hump for putting obstacles in the path of true love. I doubt Tyga is what she really wants for Kylie. Less tattoos more money is Kris's motto.

Whose fault is that? It's Kris and Bruce fault Kylie is like that. They're spoiled rich kids who got everything handed to them. Kris never says no to anything. So I don't blame Kylie for being like that.
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Personally, I like the haircolor, & she's young, so it's OK for her to be dyeing her hair like this I think. The boobs though, too much. Next month after she turns 18, this poor girl is going to lose all her legal protection from the tabloids & gossip sites, they are going to destroy her. 

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I agree, GaT, that the media is going to rip her up as soon as she hits the age of majority. She seems to crave the attention, but the sad part is that I don't think she's strong or mature enough to handle the backlash.

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As soon as she gets any criticism, she plays the haters always hate card. What bothers me most of all with her isn't how she looks or dresses, it's that stank attitude she projects, no matter who she's talking to or what they say to her. She stomped into that Montana house and gave attitude to everyone. Too fucking bad your family has issues honey, sorry to tell you most people do. You aren't all that special. Not happy? Stay home and sulk in your huge bedroom with walk in closet and post all the selfies you want. She needs a major attitude adjustment.

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I agree, GaT, that the media is going to rip her up as soon as she hits the age of majority. She seems to crave the attention, but the sad part is that I don't think she's strong or mature enough to handle the backlash.

I don't think she is either, & she is going to get plenty. I was watching TMZ on TV the other day & one of the guys held up a picture of Kylie from the same day as in the link & all he said was "one more month & we can talk about Kylie Jenner" They are just straining at the gate, & it's going to be ugly. It makes me think of Emma Watson, someone whose level of class is about a billion times higher than all the Kardashians combined, complaining because as soon as she turned 18, papps starting taking upskirt pictures of her & the tabloids published them. What do you think they're going to do with Kylie?

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Oh I think Kylie will fall right into the trap and make it so easy for the gossip rips to exploit her.  I've said for months now that as soon as she turns 18 I expect either a sex tape to hit or she'll pose nude and the more and more I see her the more I think it will happen. 



As soon as she gets any criticism, she plays the haters always hate card. What bothers me most of all with her isn't how she looks or dresses, it's that stank attitude she projects, no matter who she's talking to or what they say to her. She stomped into that Montana house and gave attitude to everyone. Too fucking bad your family has issues honey, sorry to tell you most people do. You aren't all that special. Not happy? Stay home and sulk in your huge bedroom with walk in closet and post all the selfies you want. She needs a major attitude adjustment.

Yes exactly. She doesnt even crack a smile..she always has that pissed off perma bitch face. Nothing remotely likable at ALL about her.What I also hate is not just her playing the hater card but also that bullshit she pulls where she'll post a picture that she knows damn well will get a lot of attention, get a lot of people talking and then she'll tweet something complaining about how she's sick of people judging her. 

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Kylie will now get to sulk in her very own huge home.

And post endless selfies of herself doing so. What a life.., the hours spent monitoring the Internet for perceived criticisms and judgement, and thinking of childish ways to irk her BFs ex and draw even more attention to herself. Then filling the afternoon with trips to paparazzi hangouts to see and be seen, perfecting the Kimye souless pout, while exposing as much as possible of her ass cheeks and tits. Then rush home to make sure the evening tabloid shows are full of references to her and the family.

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I hate to say that I am actually in Kylie's corner on this. WTF does a hairstyle have to do with racism? Was there backlash like that back in the day when Bo Derek sported cornrows for the movie "10?" Take a chill pill!

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I hate to say that I am actually in Kylie's corner on this. WTF does a hairstyle have to do with racism? Was there backlash like that back in the day when Bo Derek sported cornrows for the movie "10?" Take a chill pill!

Well as a black woman I see Kylie's plastic surgeries...the bigger butt, bigger lips, bigger breasts they appear to favor the features that black men are attracted to. But that Hunger Games actress has a valid point Kylie is taking from the black culture. Who's to say that there wasn't some talk about Bo Derek back in the 70s? when the movie 10 came out. We weren't a 24/7 must tweet, instagram, post everything society then.

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I hate to say that I am actually in Kylie's corner on this. WTF does a hairstyle have to do with racism? Was there backlash like that back in the day when Bo Derek sported cornrows for the movie "10?" Take a chill pill!

Me too. Why is there no backlash because Beyonce dyes her hair blonde? No one is saying she's appropriating white people's culture.

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Me too. Why is there no backlash because Beyonce dyes her hair blonde? No one is saying she's appropriating white people's culture.

Having blonde hair isn't apart of a white persons culture, IMO. 

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I hate to say that I am actually in Kylie's corner on this. WTF does a hairstyle have to do with racism? Was there backlash like that back in the day when Bo Derek sported cornrows for the movie "10?" Take a chill pill!

Yes, there was.

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The sisters really do run the gamut, size wise: Kourtney is 5'0 and small boned; Kim is 5'3 and "voluptuous", Kylie is 5'6 and naturally slim, Kendall and Khloe are both 5'10, although Kendall has a willowy frame and Khloe is full figured.

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Dear Kylie,

Whatever happened to that acting career you wanted? Do something with your life besides trying to become your older sister. You deserve more.

Just saying...

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The ladies on Go Fug Yourself basically say the same thing about Kylie: channeling Kim, dressing/looking 10 years older than she is and basically wondering where the hell her parents are. It's not in a snarky sense, but more out of a place of concern.


Yes, she does look nice, but I think it's way too old a look for her. If she was 40 years old I'd say she looks amazing. She's 17 going on 40. I don't expect her in frilly pinafores or anything, but she has so many resources available to dress in a youthful, tasteful, fun way. Do it while you can get away with it!


All that said, she looks better than whatever that bullshit Kendall is wearing. But I loathe sheer so what do I know?

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Ironically I just saw the new OK that has Kylie on the cover with her boobs hanging out and the caption "I'm the new Kim". It says she went through 12 surgeries that cost 2 million dollars. The really sad thing is an adult obviously consented all that.

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Ironically I just saw the new OK that has Kylie on the cover with her boobs hanging out and the caption "I'm the new Kim". It says she went through 12 surgeries that cost 2 million dollars. The really sad thing is an adult obviously consented all that.


I highly doubt that all of the Kardashian-Jenners together have rung up a 2 million dollar cosmetic surgery tab, and that includes Caitlyn. And what 12 different surgeries could Kylie possibly have had? I take what OK magazine says with several blocks of salt.

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I highly doubt that all of the Kardashian-Jenners together have rung up a 2 million dollar cosmetic surgery tab, and that includes Caitlyn. And what 12 different surgeries could Kylie possibly have had? I take what OK magazine says with several blocks of salt.

It's OK magazine... I say 3 surgeries, lip plumpers and some fillers.. 100k max. Now over her future lifetime ....1.2 mil is reasonable taking into account inflation and probably being self pay. That's not counting rehab and therapy.

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I highly doubt that all of the Kardashian-Jenners together have rung up a 2 million dollar cosmetic surgery tab, and that includes Caitlyn. And what 12 different surgeries could Kylie possibly have had? I take what OK magazine says with several blocks of salt.

I don't know about the 2 million dollars (but honestly, I don't think it's far fetched), but 12 different surgeries? well, if they count every time she got the lip fillers as one, her boobs, her butt has recently suddenly gotten bigger, & there's a lot of speculation that she's gotten an eyebrow lift, upper eyelid surgery, a chin implant, jaw reshaping and a nose job since all of these things seemed to have changed. 

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