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S42.E09: Game of Chicken

Message added by Whimsy,

Discussion for this thread will be limited to what was seen on the screen for this episode. ANY posts that are not related to the episode will be removed. 

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I didn't think I would miss Tori, but since it came down to her and Lindsey (who I find boring), I wanted her to stay.  I think MaryAnne handled that vote well with Tori.  

I do wonder if it ever crossed anyone's mind that Rocks might have gotten voted out through bad luck.  Like, Romeo played his shot in the dark, and one of the other guys pulled a Chanelle and threw their vote his way because they were afraid they would be targeted otherwise.  

Drea made the comment that she's approaching the game differently after tonight and will be playing more strategically, which is how I thought she was playing all along.  Interesting to see what she means by that.  I won't say her reaction was confusing, but she didn't seem to have any problem voting off Chanelle last week.  MaryAnne didn't, and looked surprised that Chanelle left (no idea if she really was or not so I'll be curious if that gets brought up when she does exit interviews).

Jonathan, on the other hand-man, I kept waiting for some cartoon sound effect to happen when Lindsey brought up the very valid point that trying to blindside Drea could actually cost them MaryAnne.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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3 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

Jonathon, there is a time to feel defensive and a time to listen. This is the time to listen. You know how you have treated the folks out there, so shut up.

Oh, and listen to Lindsey, especially when she is right. His brilliant plan would have gotten Maryann out. 

Maryann and Drea were really honest tonight. They saw the pattern and were confronted with the history of the game and reacted. I think they were clear that they don’t there is anything overt racist but that they saw the pattern and were not going to continue it. They were both cognizant of the baggage they bring in and I think they wanted to believe that it wasn’t in the game and then they saw something that reminded them of the history in the game and in the world. 

That was so much more real then anything that happened in 41. 

The thing is, assuming it was a normal TC tonight and Drea played her idol, I can't believe MaryAnne would have been stupid enough not to play hers.  So that would have left Tori and Lindsey.  Then what?  If neither of them played their shot in the dark and didn't have their names written down, would it have been rocks?  So Lindsey could have gone.  I get where Jonathan was going with that, but he clearly didn't think it through.  Even Lindsey didn't seem like she could believe it.  And I still hate the mentality of Taku that MaryAnne's idol and extra vote is for them to use whenever they feel like. 

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9 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

This got real ugly real fast. I understand where Drea and Maryanne were coming from, but the first five people voted out were not black. Four were white and one was Asian. Chanelle and Rocksroy just happened to be the first two jurors. And Chanelle was on borrowed time anyway.

To me, this was a massive failure of game structure. First of all, how horrible for Rocksroy to get voted out and have to immediately go sit on the jury and watch everyone continue to play. When you're voted out you should get some down time to decompress and process what just happened to you, away from the people who just voted your ass out.

And then you wind up with five people who collectively have about seven different idols and advantages between them and there's also a shot in the dark, so there's no real strategy left at that point. It comes down to whoever didn't have an advantage to protect themselves with. For Tori it was basically a coin toss. 

They've ruined this game with all the gimmicks. 

I wonder if after this season we won't see this gimmick again with the double boot at TC, where the group is divided into two teams.  Because seeing Rocksroy on the jury first clearly impacted the second TC.  Somehow I don't think Rocks seeing Drea and Chanelle sitting there if Drea had gone first would have had the same impact.  And there were 3 white players in the 11 person merge, so while statistics has never been my thing, having the players that are POC being voted off seems like it'd be at a higher rate anyway.  I do think if it had been the 10 person TC tonight the vote would have been very different.  Also, that challenge was really ridiculous.  Most of the people who fell didn't even have a fighting chance because of the waves and wind.  We could have wound up with different winners otherwise.  

Tori really didn't have a chance.  That's why I was praying her shot in the dark would have her safe.

Edited by LadyChatts
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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

And I still hate the mentality of Taku that MaryAnne's idol and extra vote is for them to use whenever they feel like. 

I'm waiting for that to be Jonathan's justification for targeting MaryAnne next. They didn't get to use her idol. I can see Jonathan going there.

I think maybe  my favorite thing in the episode was Maryanne saying "You know what? Everyone can hear what I'm saying."   Sad that that was refreshing. But with all the whispering, it really was. and Maryanne expertly explained her dilemma  to Tori.  I wish I had seen more of Maryanne and Tori together. they apparently really got on well. Seems like an underdeveloped narrative.

Edited by vb68
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1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

About the vote itself. Who was going to be voted out? Drea or Tori?

Honestly, I think Tori.  If it was a normal TC, my gut says Drea played her idol and instead of voting for MaryAnne, voted for Tori.  She didn't like or trust Tori, and if she thought Jonathan was paranoid about idols in the game, that could be something she could have used against MaryAnne after this vote.  Of course that was a ruse Jonathan was using with her, but she could have ran with it.  She also could have stolen an idol, so felt comfortable playing hers.  She may still steal Mike's.

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Just now, ByaNose said:

About the vote itself. Who was going to be voted out? Drea or Tori?

That's the interesting thing about it. Jonathan wanted Drea's idol to be flushed. I think his goal was to get her out, but I think there was the secondary plan that, if she played the idol, then Maryanne was actually going to go. Jonathan stupidly didn't consider this, but it was gonna be Drea or Maryanne before Tribal.

3 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

.  Somehow I don't think Rocks seeing Drea and Chanelle sitting there if Drea had gone first would have had the same impact. 

Yeah, but like those BIG MANLY MEN WHO ARE A MINORITY IN SURVIVOR would say, "they" are more rigid in their decisions while these pesky girls panic and flip flop, so of course Rocks would never make such an emotional decision last second.

Sorry, I did enjoy Rocks being moved by Drea/Maryanne's choices, but he absolutely wouldn't have done what they did and that's partially rooted in his own misogyny. 

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1 minute ago, vb68 said:

I thought it was a little bit weird that nobody in the first group going to TC (like say, Omar) gave a big hint to anybody in the second group of what might happen. But that might have been against the rules even though I don't think they said that on camera.


How could they have given a hint? They were at different camps as soon as the challenge ended. At that time everyone thought it would be Romeo. The fact that it was Rocksroy was a huge surprise.

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13 minutes ago, Runningwild said:

Are you saying he has no justification for wanting her out? I’d say he has a couple reasons. None of them have to do with her race. 

I'm saying that he felt entitled to her Idol.  in fairness, everyone else on that tribe did, too.  But he has been very clear that he wanted MaryAnne out as soon as possible. And not getting to use her idol could be the next excuse. Yes, it could be problematic in bringing that up, but Jonathan seemed very thick headed on the whole subject.


She also could have stolen an idol, so felt comfortable playing hers.  She may still steal Mike's.

If she does use her steal a vote advantage, I'm guessing it has to be on Mike's Idol now unless someone else finds another one.  I don't think here was any chance she was going to steal MaryAnne's Idol given how emotional both Drea and Maryanne were at tribal.

Edited by vb68
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43 minutes ago, Carey said:

There has been success (and failure) toward an all-female alliance, but I probably wouldn't bet on a six man final (which would've been impossible in this season post IC).  Just play the game and vote out your threats & keep the people that best help you succeed, regardless of race or gender

There have been attempts at all male alliances before. I think they've just never been successful. Female alliances usually aren't successful either, at least not at going all the way to the end. 

30 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I wonder if after this season we won't see this gimmick again with the double boot at TC, where the group is divided into two teams.  Because seeing Rocksroy on the jury first clearly impacted the second TC.  Somehow I don't think Rocks seeing Drea and Chanelle sitting there if Drea had gone first would have had the same impact.  And there were 3 white players in the 11 person merge, so while statistics has never been my thing, having the players that are POC being voted off seems like it'd be at a higher rate anyway.  I do think if it had been the 10 person TC tonight the vote would have been very different.  Also, that challenge was really ridiculous.  Most of the people who fell didn't even have a fighting chance because of the waves and wind.  We could have wound up with different winners otherwise.  

Tori really didn't have a chance.  That's why I was praying her shot in the dark would have her safe.

I'm sure we will see it again. I'm sure Jeff thought that this was an awesome episode/tribal.


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1 hour ago, Lamima said:

As anthropology student it was the golden rule to not be involved. So to see such machinations in what is supposed to be a social experiment...nope, not for me.

I am sincerely asking how what happened tonight in the "forming of a society" that Survivor purports to be made you see machinations beyond what are typical machinations in Survivor? 

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11 minutes ago, pennben said:

I am sincerely asking how what happened tonight in the "forming of a society" that Survivor purports to be made you see machinations beyond what are typical machinations in Survivor? 

Does Survivor still say that?  In all fairness to Survivor - I can't remember them talking about "forming societies" for decades 😄

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27 minutes ago, princelina said:

Thanks for stating this better than I could!  To me - if I were going to go on Survivor, my main desire (aside from actually winning) would be to get on the jury.  At this point the only white people left were Tori, Jonathan and Lindsay(?) so isn't it great that all of these black people made it to the jury? is another way of looking at it.   If they had seen Romeo sitting there, would his lighter skin/different ethnicity made it okay?  But he's also gay - what about that?  What if it were Omar the Muslim?  Now that a white person has been voted off, can a black person go next week or must it be an Asian?  Or do they need to insert a white person between each "person of color"?  Oh well, Jonathan and Lindsay, thanks for playing, but your skin tone is next. It's a disappointment when this season and this season's cast has been so enjoyable.

On another note, I thought Tori went out nicely.   


I think she was frustrated, and I really can't blame her.  I was actually disappointed, because I thought if Tori got voted off, she'd totally throw Drea and anyone else under the bus on her way out. 

Some people on SM are pointing out that Drea is kind of a hypocrite, since she and Rocks both voted Chanelle out last week, and she may have been more concerned for her actual game than anything else.  I don't believe she was being insincere with her thoughts by any stretch, but when they first went to tribal and you saw the wheels spinning, I did wonder if she realized she maybe made a poor choice voting off Chanelle now that Rocks was gone (because weren't they supposed to be tight?)  Considering this all happened before this cast saw S41 or BB23 and the cookout alliance, I wonder if their perceptions would have been different in seeing strides made with those reality shows.  Hard to say.  I will be curious how next season gets edited.  TPTB are treading waters they've never touched before with these past two seasons.

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1 hour ago, bunnyface said:

I can't tell anyone how to feel, but Daniel, Zack and the other girl, sorry, can't think of her name, were all voted out before these guys, so how did it become strictly a racial issue?  

Maybe it felt like the black players were “allowed” to make it just so far and are now being relegated to the jury. Drea and MaryAnne has no way of knowing why Rocksroy was voted out over Romeo, just that he was, and if Drea went, then she would be #3, even though she was a target due to her plethora of advantages, not race.  This wasn’t about logic, it was about the gut punch of the visuals of the jury.  YMMV.

As for Mike, he is going to be insufferable…more insufferable as he still thinks he is running things…and Omar as to be careful about playing both sides.   It could bite him in the ass.  

Edited by DEL901
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Well that got real ugly real quick and the worst part about it was all for nothing because Rox didn't get voted out because of his race but because Omar fancies himself as a puppet master and Hai is a untrustworthy creep. Blame them for all the chaos that unfolded in one of the most umcomfortable tribals ever.

The shock of losing her closest allie put Drea in a bad place mentally and she jumped to a conclusion with no facts.

Maryann should NOT have burned her idol. The time to form the Cookout 2.0 was weeks ago...not  after it was too late.

Mike you gotta be kidding me...you wouldn't shut up for weeks about Chanelle being a betrayer and you do the same thing? HYPOCRITE!

I was horrified that Johnathan didn't even consider they would loose Maryanne by throwing votes her way if Drea played the idol. Lindsey was 100% correct. With that said people saying Johnathan  is now a goat are way overreacting. That is not realistic.

I would have belt horrible if Lindsey had gone  home as a victem of the shot in the dark.

Edited by North of Eden
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Message added by Whimsy,

Discussion for this thread will be limited to what was seen on the screen for this episode. ANY posts that are not related to the episode will be removed. 

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