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S09.E15: Reunion


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On 2/6/2022 at 1:37 PM, aqusdealer said:

Of course Rayna is on social media trying to control the narrative before Mondays airing of the reunion. She is trashing Bravos producers and claiming how unfair they were and how minorities should never go on the show. She is also claiming she will do her own “tell all” interview before it’s airing. Ugh.

Typical deflection from Rayna. She's a garbage human being.  I hope never to see her on my tv again.

  • Love 21

Wes is so cool.  Nice props from Lee. For Eddie, not so much.

"No further action required".  Indeed.  

Rayna can fuck all the way off.  Heather foolishly copied her little ditty and she blew this totally out of proportion. 

She did a great job not being "the angry black woman" /s

Heather had to be nice for TV, but she did slip in "parrot" which was totally ignored.

  • Love 19

okay, help me out here.... Did Rayna admit to saying "the F word" "all the time" "I'm a grown ass woman, I can say what I want...." and then turn around and say "I never say that word, my sister is gay, I walked down the aisle with the president of the LGBTQ association at graduation..." I am so confused, I've watched that 3 times. She didn't seem like she was being sarcastic when she said "I say the F word all the time".  Was the difference in her mind/the conversation saying the full version of the F word, versus the 3-letter shortened version??

The only persons who came off well on this reunion were Rachel and Wes. Good riddance to a bad season!!!

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7 minutes ago, TeapotWakeen said:

okay, help me out here.... Did Rayna admit to saying "the F word" "all the time" "I'm a grown ass woman, I can say what I want...." and then turn around and say "I never say that word, my sister is gay, I walked down the aisle with the president of the LGBTQ association at graduation..." I am so confused, I've watched that 3 times. She didn't seem like she was being sarcastic when she said "I say the F word all the time".  Was the difference in her mind/the conversation saying the full version of the F word, versus the 3-letter shortened version??

The only persons who came off well on this reunion were Rachel and Wes. Good riddance to a bad season!!!

I think she first thought Eddie meant “fuck”, not the other slur. Once he clarified, she then denied having ever said THAT F word.

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Wow, Eddie did not come across well.  His whataboutism to Rayna was difficult to watch and I understand why it upset Rayna that it never aired, as it definitely helped explain why she felt Eddie was being dismissive. He was.

Heather & Fraser ostracized Jess and then acted shocked that she'd leave. Good on her for putting her health & safety first. Not everyone enjoys being in the front of a camera, Heather.

Interesting that Jake blew off the reunion. Captain Lee looked seriously checked out as well.  If I were Kaylee, I'd be pissed that I did my hair/makeup for the measly five minutes they included her. 

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Kudos to Rayna for getting sober and doing all the hard work that comes with that.  I'm sure it isn't easy to face the feelings and realities you've been hiding from and I certainly wish her the best on that path.  I was hoping that one of those realities she'd own might be the way she behaved on this show, especially repeatedly accepting Heather's apology and then badmouthing her anyway, and her shameful treatment of Wes, but I guess not.  Instead she doubled down on Eddie for how he (mis)handled things.  Rayna, you already "handled" things yourself the next morning, as was your right.  It never needed to go any further than that.  If you ultimately decided Heather's apology was insincere and you could not maintain a personal or professional relationship with her, then you had a decision to make:  stay and shoulder it, or remove yourself from the situation.  What you cannot do is change another person or a word they used in the past and no amount of complaining to everyone else was ever going to make things better.  

Wes, still the coolest and the classiest of the bunch.  Who else wants to go to St. Thomas and book a cruise on his sailboat now? 

Edited by Earl Is Dead
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If Bravo can't come up with a better crew than what was on this season of Below Deck, they need to cancel this show. It seems like they are so focused on brining in 20 something crew members who are happy to get drunk week after week and engage in sex on camera. This is not why I started warching this show. I am watching season 3 now. Other then Eddie and Roxie hooking up and thankfully we were not privy to that visual most of the cast carried out their duties professionally and still managed to have fun. And I think it is time for Lee to go. He has checked out. He is 72 and I am sure that he is tired of the aggravation of this show. 

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First of all, I never saw Heather or Fraser "bully" Jess. Yes, they complained about her behind her back but I never once saw either of them say an unkind word to her face. I get that Heather and Fraser came off as a couple of bitchy gossips queens but I saw no footage where they were actually mean to her. Yet a viewer asked why she took the job at all if she was that miserable and Rachel said "Go Fuck Yourself" like that question was out of line and everyone nodded. I thought Heather and Fraser actually did a good job defending themselves.

I laughed when Lee was asked to name an MVP and he picked Wes, after all the compliments he had earlier showered on Rachel. Rachel looked gobsmacked.

OK onto Rayna. First of all, she was bouncing up and down the whole hour like she was tapping her foot or something. Clearly she was chomping at the bit waiting to have her say. What's strange is that by the end of the season she would barely even speak to Heather and just unloaded on her that last night out, but here again she bent over backwards to tell Heather she doesn't think she's racist and wishes her only the best. Which is it? 

I'm confused about this business with Eddie accusing her of using the f-slur for homosexuals. Andy said they didn't find any footage to corroborate that she did say it, which is why they never showed that scene with her and Eddie. But . . . why would he say that if she never said it? That's an awfully weird, specific thing to make up. So the show is clearly covering for either Eddie or Rayna here. I think you know what my money is on.

I found Rayna mostly spastic and defensive here and didn't think she came off very well. To the show's credit they repeated the incident which clearly demonstrated that Heather merely repeated something Rayna said first (and Heather deliberately described as having "parroted"). That was the real conversation they should have been having. Why was it OK for Rayna to say it and not Heather? Why are they avoiding the context here? Is that too difficult a debate for a show on Bravo?

At the end of the day, Lee was right: Heather apologized, Rayna accepted the apology. End of story, no further action required. I'm not sure what more anyone thinks should have been done about it at that point. 


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I found Rayna mostly spastic and defensive here and didn't think she came off very well.

I only watched a little bit of this reunion, but I think Rayna is too immature to handle responsibility and accountability.

Bravo's line-up is clearly now centered on two trends: 1) shrieking women rehashing minor incidents repeatedly and 2) racism. At this moment in time, the latter is extremely important and, as Wes says, ripe for teachable moments, but Bravo handles it poorly while cashing in on it.


Wow, Eddie did not come across well.  His whataboutism to Rayna was difficult to watch

One reason I don't watch much of Below Deck is Eddie. Under his superficial charm, he's craven and petty. He has zero qualifications to be a leader, on or off TV.

Lee seems checked out. Or exhausted from his illness.


Rayna claims she has gotten sober.  I don't believe her for half a second.

Agreed. Everything Rayna says is for validation. Rachel also faces an uphill battle because that's how it is in early sobriety.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Earl Is Dead said:

Kudos to Rayna for getting sober

Rayna claims she has gotten sober.  I don't believe her for half a second.


52 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

I laughed when Lee was asked to name an MVP and he picked Wes, after all the compliments he had earlier showered on Rachel. Rachel looked gobsmacked.

I thought is was very diplomatic.  Rachel had already been showered with accolades while Wes was being mostly ignored.  Agree Lee does look checked out.

My guess is the "investigation" (Producer) interviewed the production crew and no one heard Heather toss out the N-word at any other time and the footage backed it up.  Heather sincerely apologized.  Done.

As Rayna kept going on and on, they either let it go for the drama, or encouraged her for the drama.  Bad decision either way.

  • Love 15

While this Heather/Rayna thing was playing out, I was saying on these boards that management needed to get involved -- and by management, I did not mean Eddie. Now we find out that even though Lee said he was unaware of the incident it turns out there was a big internal  investigation.

So I have to assume Heather and Rayna were debriefed by management, but who knows what was said and what was done since Bravo chose to keep it from the viewers and it all happened behind the curtain. I wonder if it was a true investigation or just a Bravo damage control PR exercise.

I'm annoyed that Bravo dragged us on this idiotic Heather/Rayna journey for weeks, but left the viewers out of the loop regarding the investigation and "resolution." 

Edited by bencr
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50 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

Rayna is too immature to handle responsibility and accountability.

Exactly. Waiter, check please!


52 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

Lee seems checked out. Or exhausted from his illness.

True, but because of BD the skipper is making the best money of his life, both on and off camera, so I think we will be seeing him for at least one or more seasons.


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1 hour ago, aghst said:

But we know, Bravo is less likely to bring Rayna back than most of the other cast, especially Heather.

May be awhile before they bring on al black or POC cast member again.



Wes was there the entire time?

  Rayna said filming was difficult, so she may not choose to come back even if it's offered. (She's also blasted production on SM, so I doubt they'd ask her back because of that alone.)

Interesting that Jess said Heather didn't even speak to her unless the camera was rolling. Not surprised.


UO, but I have never really cared for Eddie much. He's a crap leader and really bungled the situation with Rayna. He seems like he wants to be liked too much to be effective in a top role. I was surprised that it was shown how irritated he got with Captain Lee this season. Can't imagine Captain was happy seeing that.


Andy irritated me with the "Production looked for footage of Rayna saying the slur, but didn't find anything." So if it wasn't caught on film it didn't happen? 🙄  Maybe she did, maybe she didn't but Eddie should never have played the tit for tat game like that. 

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Lee said there was an internal investigation and he implied that nothing further was to be done other than what we viewers know about. For a guy who fumbles with his words a lot, Lee's answer sounded uncharacteristically clear, concise and, frankly, rehearsed. (Right out of the Bravo PR playbook, IMO.)

So if nothing further is to be done, are we then to assume that as a result of this big investigation no one in management told Heather, Rayna and the rest of the staff not to use that word again? No one told Rayna not to let the incident interfere with her work on the boat? No one told Eddie to bring sensitive incidents like this to the attention of upper management immediately? Etc.

I know no one was fired, but I just don't believe that the internal investigation produced no outcomes. And after I invested in this story line for weeks, I'd like to know.

Edited by bencr
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2 hours ago, bencr said:

Lee said there was an internal investigation and he implied that nothing further was to be done other than what we viewers know about. For a guy who fumbles with his words a lot, Lee's answer sounded uncharacteristically clear, concise and, frankly, rehearsed. (Right out of the Bravo PR playbook, IMO.)

So if nothing further is to be done, are we then to assume that as a result of this big investigation no one in management told Heather, Rayna and the rest of the staff not to use that word again? No one told Rayna not to let the incident interfere with her work on the boat? No one told Eddie to bring sensitive incidents like this to the attention of upper management immediately? Etc.

I know no one was fired, but I just don't believe that the internal investigation produced no outcomes. And after I invested in this story line for weeks, I'd like to know.

I doubt the investigation happened until the end of filming. Yup, Lee's statement sounded rehearsed and Heather's sounded rehearsed.

Since Rayna accepted Heather's apology (twice? three times? no less) and refused more than once to take it up the chain of command, I can imagine their hands were pretty tied. They can't force someone to make a formal complaint. (Via the production company)

Edited by WhatAmIWatching
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Interesting that Jess said Heather didn't even speak to her unless the camera was rolling. Not surprised.

But, as Heather pointed out, when weren't camera's rolling? They are rolling 24/7. WTF was she even talking about? She repeated her claim that, basically, this wasn't what she was used to based on her previous experience. Translation: this turned out to be harder than she thought it would be so she bailed.


UO, but I have never really cared for Eddie much. He's a crap leader and really bungled the situation with Rayna.

I'll say this one last time, I don't think Eddie or Lee "bungled" anything WRT Rayna. Eddie had a sit-down with Rayna about her job performance and she told him Heather said something offensive and it was bothering her. 

What was the "correct" course of action at that point? That Eddie run to Lee and say "Heather said the "n" word and Rayna is upset?" And then Eddie and Lee could sit down with Heather and say "Why did you say the "n" word?" And then Heather could explain she merely repeated something Rayna said, and that Rayna corrected her later, and she apologized, and Rayna accepted her apology.

I mean, what would have changed? What would that have fixed? Once Eddie and/or Lee hear the whole story, the matter is closed. There's nothing further to be done once Heather apologizes and Rayna accepts that apology.

I will never buy that Rayna was really upset about that incident with Heather. She didn't even react in the moment, and when she corrected her later in the evening she didn't seem upset and bent over backwards to assure Heather they were good. "I've got you!" is what she said in the galley. She only brought it up to Eddie as a deflection of criticism. She cannot handle being called out. As time when on she clearly felt it was her get out of jail card so she kept playing it until she wore it out.

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Reunion notes:

So, no Jake, but everyone else showed up, which is good.  Some looked very different to what I expected – Eddie surprised me the most with the tea cozy beard.  I thought Rachel was really stunning in her outfit.  Heather almost let the girls all the way out there, a couple of times.  Jess was cute.  Kaylee was... wait, I blinked and missed it.

Good Lord, they made Rayna centre square.  Made me have to suppress the gag reflex throughout the whole episode.  And they kept cutting back to her with reaction shots even when the conversation had nothing to do with her. 

The Jess/Heather/Fraser drama was interesting.  I have to give the round to Jess.  Heather and Fraser *did* team up against her in the series as we’ve seen in the footage.  I smiled when Jess told Heather to “back the f*&% up” after Heather’s claim of her and Fraser showing her nothing but love.  Well deserved.  Indeed, Heather was her own worst enemy throughout the series, but more on that later.

Kaylee looked like an ancient Greek statue brought to life in her diaphanous gown.  Too bad she was only in the show for 3 minutes.

It didn’t take long for Bitchzilla (Rayna) to grab the spotlight once again on the return from the second break.  Let’s move on to the people we like.

Rachel didn’t get much time when her turn came, which is too bad.  They could have done so much with that – such as sharing highlights from some of her hijinks in previous seasons compared to this one.  At the very least, I would have liked to see a montage of her this season with her saucy songs.

When Eddie’s turn came, Andy asks Bitchzilla how she thought of him as a boss, but we hear nothing from Wes?  What the hell? 

Andy’s pontificating about what people should or should not say would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.  Seems like the standards only go one way.  Words you shouldn’t say under *any* circumstances?  Like humour, history, social studies, etc.?  Pull the other one. 

Then we get to relive Bitchzilla saying over and over and over again how she’s “over it”.  But she isn’t.  This horsepoop scenario played out over and over again during the season and ruined it.  Bitchzilla constantly playing the victim time after time got beyond old and into decrepit.  Then she runs around to everyone crying for pity, badmouths people when they aren’t around, and turns compliments into more opportunities to cry and play victim.  She accomplished several things throughout the season as far as I’m concerned – made me conclude she is a vile person, and made me feel sorry for Heather when I didn’t think that would be possible after the first couple of episodes.  Bitchzilla says “It doesn’t matter what I do.”  Yes, it does.  Do what you say you will do – be “over it”.  But we’ve all seen the footage, and we’ve all seen what you “do”.  By the way, speaking about what you “do”, it was disturbing to see you shake like a chihuahua through most of the show.

Further, Bitchzilla has a meltdown, brings in irrelevant info about LGBTQ, and doesn’t want Eddie to respond to her rantings.  Even when Andy tries to defend her she initially attacks him, a reflex action rather than paying attention to actual conversation.  Bitchzilla yells at Wes and declares to him “you’re not black!”  Rayna, please.

Missed opportunity of the night – we didn’t get to hear nearly enough from Wes.  He seems like a good fellow and I’d like to see him in future episodes.

This could have been such a good wrap-up episode for the season.  Why not ask each person what was their fave moment?  Their most cringe worthy moment?  What did the engineer do when there was trouble?  How about a little behind-the-scenes with the production crew?  But no, this reunion episode goes the way of the season, really – missed opportunities and wasteful focus on the absurd.

Here’s hoping BDSY will be better…

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55 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

But, as Heather pointed out, when weren't camera's rolling? They are rolling 24/7. WTF was she even talking about? She repeated her claim that, basically, this wasn't what she was used to based on her previous experience. Translation: this turned out to be harder than she thought it would be so she bailed.

I'll say this one last time, I don't think Eddie or Lee "bungled" anything WRT Rayna. Eddie had a sit-down with Rayna about her job performance and she told him Heather said something offensive and it was bothering her. 

What was the "correct" course of action at that point? That Eddie run to Lee and say "Heather said the "n" word and Rayna is upset?" And then Eddie and Lee could sit down with Heather and say "Why did you say the "n" word?" And then Heather could explain she merely repeated something Rayna said, and that Rayna corrected her later, and she apologized, and Rayna accepted her apology.

I mean, what would have changed? What would that have fixed? Once Eddie and/or Lee hear the whole story, the matter is closed. There's nothing further to be done once Heather apologizes and Rayna accepts that apology.

I will never buy that Rayna was really upset about that incident with Heather. She didn't even react in the moment, and when she corrected her later in the evening she didn't seem upset and bent over backwards to assure Heather they were good. "I've got you!" is what she said in the galley. She only brought it up to Eddie as a deflection of criticism. She cannot handle being called out. As time when on she clearly felt it was her get out of jail card so she kept playing it until she wore it out.

I took it to mean when the camera people were in the room. A lot of the footage is from the stationary cameras they have dotted around the ship, which wouldn't have given Heather an audience. Fully agree that Jess realized she bit off more than she could chew, but I don't believe it was solely that.


Eddie bungled it by saying "well, heard you say this slur" in the footage they showed us last night. That was pretty lame.

 If it were me, and an underling told me something as serious as this --because at the time of their first convo we saw, Eddie didn't know the context-- I would have called BOTH Heather and Rayna into a meeting with the Captain, no choice. Once the context was clear, and each side heard and everything discussed, --and Rayna asked if she wished to make a formal complaint to the production company or boat owner or whatever their hierarchy is, and if she could continue working for the season-- she couldn't then keep throwing it out as a deflection for when her job performance wasn't up to par. I don't think Rayna respected anyone on that boat, but doubt she would have actively gone against the Captain.

I agree she didn't seem that upset when it happened and accepted Heather's apologies and hugs. It really was irritating and irresponsible how she kept misrepresenting to other crew exactly what happened, too.

Edited by WhatAmIWatching
Finished thought
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19 hours ago, FrankieTankie said:

Yay !!! Rayna on here gas lighting everyone and no one will call her bitch ass out …. Fuck off Rayna you piece of shit 

When I read this post, I laughed because I noticed it had been previously edited.  I assumed it was edited to tone down the original, and my first thought was "Bruv, what must the original post have been like?"  🙂

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Eddie is trash.  He falsely accused Rayna of saying the f word to cover for Heather saying the n word.

I hate the notion that Heather only copied Rayna therefore should not have any responsibility what comes out of her own mouth.  Is Heather a complete idiot?  Whoever feels that way, go ahead jump in on an armed robbery and use the defense that you were only mimicking what you saw others do.  If you see someone jump off a bridge, try that too.  Offensive language is not just about words themselves but intent, context, tone and who is saying them.  There are several words or phrases like this, yet people seem to only lack comprehension when it comes to the n word.  If you are disciplining your child at a store, can the cashier or another shopper do so too if they repeat what you say?  Of course not.  Some words being used depends on the relationship between the people.  Rayna using the n word as a colloquialism will never be the same as the n word coming out of white person's mouth.

I don't know if Heather was sorry about using the word of if she was sorry about any possible backlash.  Only she knows, but I don't think the incident was racist.

I do want Rayna to apologize to Wes because she was harsh to him and he didn't deserve it.


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On 2/6/2022 at 12:37 PM, aqusdealer said:

Of course Rayna is on social media trying to control the narrative before Mondays airing of the reunion. She is trashing Bravos producers and claiming how unfair they were and how minorities should never go on the show. She is also claiming she will do her own “tell all” interview before it’s airing. Ugh.

What kind of response is she getting on social media? Do they believe and support her? Or are they calling her out?

23 hours ago, TeapotWakeen said:

okay, help me out here.... Did Rayna admit to saying "the F word" "all the time" "I'm a grown ass woman, I can say what I want...." and then turn around and say "I never say that word, my sister is gay, I walked down the aisle with the president of the LGBTQ association at graduation..." I am so confused, I've watched that 3 times. She didn't seem like she was being sarcastic when she said "I say the F word all the time".  Was the difference in her mind/the conversation saying the full version of the F word, versus the 3-letter shortened version??

The only persons who came off well on this reunion were Rachel and Wes. Good riddance to a bad season!!!


23 hours ago, CSunshine76 said:

I think she first thought Eddie meant “fuck”, not the other slur. Once he clarified, she then denied having ever said THAT F word.

They were bleeping so much it was hard to tell what words were being said/bleeped. Were they saying f*ck or f*g.🤷‍♀️

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13 hours ago, pasdetrois said:

I only watched a little bit of this reunion, but I think Rayna is too immature to handle responsibility and accountability.

Bravo's line-up is clearly now centered on two trends: 1) shrieking women rehashing minor incidents repeatedly and 2) racism. At this moment in time, the latter is extremely important and, as Wes says, ripe for teachable moments, but Bravo handles it poorly while cashing in on it.

One reason I don't watch much of Below Deck is Eddie. Under his 

15 hours ago, Earl Is Dead said:

Kudos to Rayna for getting sober and doing all the hard work that comes with that.  I'm sure it isn't easy to face the feelings and realities you've been hiding from and I certainly wish her the best on that path. 

Agreed. Everything Rayna says is for validation. Rachel also faces an uphill battle because that's how it is in early sobriety.

I noticed she said she was “sober from alcohol”.

Or as Demi Lovato says, California Sober.

I’d say, “Well see” but I hope never to see her again.

Edited by lcarolynl
Edited so I didn’t split an infinitive
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Eddie’s whataboutism was really bad, but from the way Rayna knew exactly what string of words he was talking about, and said them (I had no idea), I can believe she said them.  And her parading of her gay bonafides smacked of “but I have a black friend”. 

Poor Wes…he never got an apology from Rayna, and I was glad that Captain Lee singled him out.

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Rayna can fuck right off and Andy along with her.  This was nothing but a showcase to demonstrate why Rayna couldn't tell Heather why she was so upset - because she might be portrayed as an angry black woman -- while simultaneously telling Heather that she forgave her and then continue bringing up how upset she was all season.   Complete bullshit IMO.  

I didn't even finish watching the entire thing because I was sick to death of the Rayna Show.  

Was Eddie on the same boat the rest of us were because he claimed never to have seen an issue with Rayna's drinking.  Umm . . . maybe the fact that she was angry all season long and then crying when she was given props?  

Pretty convenient that Eddie claimed that Rayna said the homophobic "f" word when she was drinking and yet production couldn't seem to find any footage.  I call shenanigans.  

Wes came off very well -- and he doesn't owe Rayna jack.  

I would rather have heard more about Rachel's food and her school bus.  

After this season, I may be out with BD.  

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