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Memory Lane: Seasons 1-5

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Pretty sure Jenny/Ginny is Tommy's daughter.



Well, at least Beth wasn't bullshitting about that connection.  I vaguely remember seeing Tommy's wife or daughter on the show, who did indeed seem pretty chummy with B.  But other than this famous connection, I don't see Beth as someone who has a ton of influential contacts.  The only one on the show who might be that type is Jillzy.  It's ironic she ain't there anymore to make use of her rich friends.  


But seeing Jillzy again in the Scary Island season, acting like such a manipulative, cunning, phony shrew merely reminds me why she was booted & will never be allowed to return.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 1
Not too long ago, there was a report that Lu had taken a place in an area called Riverside Park. The article was worded in a way that left it unclear if Lu had bought the place or *horrors* had joined the hoi polloi in renting. Is Riverside Park a nice area (or one that, in the past, would have led to a Lu sneer)?



Hmmm, my first reaction to Riverside Park is -- it seems sorta removed from the rest of city.  Now, there are other Manhattan neighborhoods kinda like that.  But a gal I used to work with lived there & she hated that she had to walk several long blocks to "get to any signs of life".  Well, it certainly ain't the coolest or chicest part of town.  Um, irony here, please.  This is where Lu is settling in?  Er, wasn't she the one to note how icky Cindy was stuck in the "lesser" town of Quogue, in the Hamptons area? 


A real estate broker friend of mine said there are deals to be had in Riverside.  I suspected this, since as my former associate suggested, it's kinda off-the-beaten track & not the most wanted neighborhood -- not by the rich hipsters & certainly not by the hoity-toidy society crowd Lu no longer belongs to.  So I bet Lu got a place in Riverside cuz she got a deal.  Well, Lu got some bucks from the sale of her Hamptons house, but she is far from mega-wealthy.


Btw, anyone catch the scene where Jillzy calls Moaner & puts her on speaker, while Lu is sitting there listening -- but of course neither Jillzy or Lu tells Moaner that Lu is there listening?  It was hilarious!  Moaner started going on & on about what a horrible mother Lu is, that she never sees her kids, that her marriage is a sham, that she's a big ole tramp & is having sex with many different men all over town.  I didn't remember her saying all this on air, but I couldn't stop laughing.  It was awesome!


I guess Jillzy was trying to manipulate Moaner into doing something, but it clearly backfired.  Lu was seething.  Thank you Bravo for showing these old eps.  They really were fun!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 2

Well, at least Beth wasn't bullshitting about that connection.  I vaguely remember seeing Tommy's wife or daughter on the show, who did indeed seem pretty chummy with B.  But other than this famous connection, I don't see Beth as someone who has a ton of influential contacts.  The only one on the show who might be that type is Jillzy.  It's ironic she's ain't there anymore to make use of her rich friends.

This was the foundation of one of my favorite Kelly is an idiot moments.


K & B met in a bar (the one where K's date shows up after).  Bethenny tells Kelly that she needs to stop acting like she doesn't know her that they've met numerous times.  Bethenny points out the party that Ginny Hilfiger had.  Kelly then goes into extraordinary detail about B's behavior.  How she was hogging the celeb photog and acting a fool with him when he was there to do a job.  B says, he wasn't working he was my date.  K is totally confused since the reason she probably remembers this is that she wanted this dude to take a bikini picture of her manly figure.  K's big retort was - how did you even get invited?  And Bethenny's response was that she and Ginny (second wife) have been friends for years. 


So what do we know.  Bethenny is a friend of Ginny Hilfiger.  Kelly does so remember Bethenny and all this I don't know who you are is a lie.  Kelly's big gripe with Bethenny was that she was hogging a club photog when Kelly wanted him to love her.


Loved it just loved it.

  • Love 8


Knew they were gone...from Scary Island? Or the show? Because Jill and Kelly both returned to RHONYC for S4.


I meant from the show.  Remember these two seasons and Bethenny's season were all on top of one another.  I think that Bravo just couldn't move fast enough.  In fact I wonder if Alex and Lu might have been saved if Bravo had moved faster on Jill and Kelly.  Season 4 is on now and it is such a hate fest I can't even.


I think Kelly scared them and basically didn't have enough in her life to make her worth the trouble.  I see the same with Kim right now on RHOBH.  Jill was just becoming a problem for Andy.  He didn't like her.  His bestie didn't like her.  She went and manufactured this fight with Bethenny against Andy's wishes etc.  That's my take.  


Kelly attempting the I'm normal and nothing happened on scary island in Season 4 is fascinating.

Edited by QuinnM
  • Love 3

I think perhaps LuAnn has developed more realistic expectations of what her limited budget can afford. (Not that her "limited" budget is meager, but her divorce is final and aside from child support, most likely got all she is going to get from the Count.) I remember that scene of her swanning around apartment rentals, looking for her Manhattan pied-a-terre, and trying hard to keep her sticker shock from showing on her face. One bedroom looked out onto another apartment building and she said, "Oh, darling, noooooo…" to the realtor. The realtor commented that one entryway seemed "un-Countess-like," whatever that meant. Poor guy.


I don't remember where LuAnn was apartment-hunting back then, but since she "ran into" Kelly outside, I'm thinking it was near where Kelly lived downtown…and Nolita does not seem like a place where LuAnn would be looking.


I wonder if Reality Tea meant Riverside DRIVE. LuAnn had an apartment there at least a few years ago.

  • Love 1

I think perhaps LuAnn has developed more realistic expectations of what her limited budget can afford. (Not that her "limited" budget is meager, but her divorce is final and aside from child support, most likely got all she is going to get from the Count.) I remember that scene of her swanning around apartment rentals, looking for her Manhattan pied-a-terre, and trying hard to keep her sticker shock from showing on her face. One bedroom looked out onto another apartment building and she said, "Oh, darling, noooooo…" to the realtor. The realtor commented that one entryway seemed "un-Countess-like," whatever that meant. Poor guy.

I don't remember where LuAnn was apartment-hunting back then, but since she "ran into" Kelly outside, I'm thinking it was near where Kelly lived downtown…and Nolita does not seem like a place where LuAnn would be looking.

I wonder if Reality Tea meant Riverside DRIVE. LuAnn had an apartment there at least a few years ago.

I actually think it's pretty admirable (in the context of the dumb-asses on this show) how quickly and easily Luanne just rolled with her reduced income post break-up. I always assumed the year in the Hamptons was at least partially financialy motivated. My guess is she got that house but couldn't sell it until everything was final so she just lived there rather than spend money renting something in the city. Then she hustled her products and reduced her lifestyle and actually seemed more or less ok with it. It's just weird to see a Real Housewife react to less income with less spending. Usually they just open another credit card.

  • Love 5

I agree, FozzyBear, and she did it without fussing and trying to get sympathy. I've often wondered if Sonja's ex is being passive-aggressive because he doesn't appreciate her talking about him on the show, whereas LuAnn has been diplomatic the few times she's referred to her ex-husband. 


It'll be interesting to see what Ramona says about her divorce and her financials, if anything. I wonder if she'll be forced to move - and if so, whether she'll spin it as "Avery's in college now and a smaller place makes sense." I always thought of the Singers as being on pretty equal footing in terms of financial contributions to the marriage. (Sonja can talk all she wants about being an equal partner to John Morgan, but I can actually see it in Ramona's case. She was already running her own business by the time she got married.)


The house in the Hamptons is reportedly going on the market. After Ramona's tirade last season about EVERYBODY who's anybody vacationing in the Hamptons, it's gotta especially sting if she no longer has her own home there. Where will she and Sonja go then? Maybe Quogue's looking pretty decent to them now?


(Of course, the divorce hasn't been resolved and season 7's about to roll, so maybe it won't be 'til season 8 that we see the ramifications.)

Edited by archer1267

That's why it's so great to see the old shows.  Kells doesn't live the high Hamptons life anymore.  And neither does Lu.  And sadly, that's gonna be over for the Moaner too.  And Sonja?  Oy, her days of limos are long gone.  She couldn't even afford to Uber it out there.  It's the Hamptons Jitney bus for broke-ass Sonja, if she could even afford that.


Lu's apartment looks tastefully decorated & comfortable -- but definitely small.  That kitchen sucks.  Wonder how many bedrooms.  None for the kids?  Guess, as they always have been, those kids are on their own, eh?  Always remember both of them looking at her like they barely knew who she was.


OK, sorry for the gross-out here, but Kells hasn't changed one bit since Scary Island.  Total lunatic & completely UN-self-aware-



Edited by ScoobieDoobs

LuAnn made some money off the sale of her home ;  http://www.realitytea.com/2014/10/20/luann-de-lesseps-sells-hamptons-home-massive-yardsale/  She bought in Sag Harbor sure to be featured on the show http://pagesix.com/2014/07/29/luann-de-lesseps-has-the-last-laugh/'  Last season was so boring LuAnn became interesting.  I am kind of hoping she reverts to old LuAnn this season. 


All it takes is for me to watch just a few episodes of the early seasons of this franchise to remember why it's always been my favorite.


*Bethenny dropping a forkful of food into her lap while discussing with Luann manners and etiquette.

*Francois going full-on apeshit at the season 1 finale, wailing at the top of his lungs whilst Ramona asks him, "Don't you know you're at a nice restaurant?" and looking as horrified at the kid's behavior as I looked at home.

*Francois, in that same episode, going after Jason 1.0's uber expensive burger and stabbing it to pieces a la Norman Bates in Psycho.  

*Alex and Simon trying to persuade Francois into ordering in French at a cafe whilst scouring the newspaper for a picture of themselves at the Met.  

*Alex touting herself as beginning a new career as a model in what was clearly a Bravo-related promo opportunity and boasting about her good genes and how pleased she is with her own appearance when she looks into the mirror.

*Alex getting a facial which reveals a gumball sized cyst on her cheek, after which she cops to not bothering to wash her face at night and to picking at the sore.

*Alex showing up shortly thereafter for a "modeling" assignment with said cystic lesion and the photographer looking quite dismayed whilst Simon unexpectedly shows up to bitch about having to pay the babysitter an extra $20 for the photo shoot running overtime (probably extra time required attempting to camouflage that enormous volcanic cyst on her cheek).  

*Simon and Alex in a banana hammock and a string bikini frolicking on the beach (an image that is burned into my mind forever, thanks Bravo!)

*Alex and Simon waxing poetic about their minuscule backyard and inflatable pool and how people in Manhattan are envious of this.

*Alex and Simon gifting Francois with a piano for his birthday...Then Simon chastising him for getting fingerprints on it (likely because the delivery people were waiting off camera to take it back to the store as soon as the scene was filmed).

*Alex breaking out in hives when talking to Kelli after the Morocco trip and Kelli demanding that Alex stop it as if it she could control the condition.


Oh lawdy, my list could go on and on, but, in retrospect, most of my memorable deliciously snarky moments from this franchise involve Alex and Simon.


I admit it.  If they gave these asshats, the 2 ultimate poseurs, their own show in Australia, I'd be all over that shit.


Now, back to my RHONYC marathon and counting down to the premiere next week.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 7

Yeah, since she always insisted she wasn't crazy, I went with drugs and alcohol. And jealousy. Jill's vendetta was all about jealousy. Beth had the new show, she was in demand and Jill was pissed that she, too, wasn't part of that. So when Jill racheted dumbass Kelly up, K was infused with that jealousy as well.

The jealousy was definitely there. It was the only explanation that I could come up with for her reaction to the gift bags Bethenny had made for everyone. She seemed to be offended that it contained Skinny Girl branding on the products. And, I'm sorry but those things were nice. She took the time to have the women's initials embroidered on them, so some thought definitely went into it. 


And, there is no way that Bethenny put Kelly in the press. I really think Jill was feeding Kelly that line of bull. 


Does anyone remember Kelly's blog after part 1 of Scary Island. It was like one line where she apologized and said that she was embarrassed. The next blog after part 2, she was suddenly accusing everyone of bullying her - when she did all of the bullying on that trip.

  • Love 1

Does anyone remember when Kelly accused Bethanny of threatening her children. Now I didn't believe it for a second, but what was that about? Was there a press item about her girls? There was such a torrent of bizarre but oddly specific accusations from Kelly on Scary Island that I've always wondered what Kelly was talking about and why she thought it was true.

  • Love 2
*Bethenny dropping a forkful of food into her lap while discussing with Luann manners and etiquette.



And then the follow up: Lu gives a luncheon in the Hamptons for a gaggle of her daughter's disinterested pals and drops a blob of something on the front of her dress. Through it all, Victoria masticates mightily with open maw.


*Francois going full-on apeshit at the season 1 finale, wailing at the top of his lungs whilst Ramona asks him, "Don't you know you're at a nice restaurant?" and looking as horrified at the kid's behavior as I looked at home.



Heehee, Moaner looked like she was on the verge of needing to be medicated when this happened. Classic.



*Alex and Simon trying to persuade Francois into ordering in French at a cafe whilst scouring the newspaper for a picture of themselves at the Met. 


Wasn't the little booger having jelly beans for breakfast?



*Alex getting a facial which reveals a gumball sized cyst on her cheek, after which she cops to not bothering to wash her face at night and to picking at the sore.



The aesthetician was annoyed that Alex's face wasn't clean for a facial. Plus she thought her hand was going to be eaten by that gaping wound.

*Alex showing up shortly thereafter for a "modeling" assignment with said cystic lesion and the photographer looking quite dismayed whilst Simon unexpectedly shows up to bitch about having to pay the babysitter an extra $20 for the photo shoot running overtime (probably extra time required attempting to camouflage that enormous volcanic cyst on her cheek). 



Despite the early stories that only the actual HWs get (got) paid (eventually disproved by Jaq/Ashley/NJ) I truly believe Simon had some kind of pay per diem rider on Alex's contract, which would explain his popping up endlessly and in the most bizarre places. Something that said "you will be paid an appearance fee if you make the final edit."


*Alex breaking out in hives when talking to Kelli after the Morocco trip and Kelli demanding that Alex stop it as if it she could control the condition.



Now when this happened I felt bad for Alex and really wish she had "found her voice"  in that moment. I had read a few interviews with Kells and she talked about how she suffered with psoriasis. I so wish Alex had looked at Kells and said flatly, "I'll stop turning red if you'll stop scaling and flaking." (Gross, I know, but Manchild Kelly was a bitch.)


I admit it.  If they gave these asshats, the 2 ultimate poseurs, their own show in Australia, I'd be all over that shit.



I saw a Daily Mail article a few months ago that showed their new home. The area was stupendous -- North New South Wales, I think.

  • Love 3

Such great moments from this franchise.


Truly little satchels of gold.


RHOC has had some real gems, too (Vicki showing up unannounced - and unwelcome - at Michael's college, Vicki creeping on Briana and Cody on their date, etc.), but for me nothing tops the golden moments of the NYC crew.


I really have high hopes for this coming season with the return of Bethenny.


And that clip of the Countess admonishing someone to "be cool, don't be...uncool" just has epic written all over it.


Hurry up, Tuesday...Between part 2 of the RHOBH reunion and the premiere of RHONYC, the anticipation is nearly unbearable!

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 2

I can't pull out stuff on my phone, but to Steelcitysister's comment about Simon. He was in that conclave when they all met at Sonja's party and went upstairs to debrief Lou about Scary Island. Which Kelly called Poison Island. A hoot.

Jill pissing off Johnny Wonderful the skater and then falling down at Radio City, dressed in that little outfit while everyone else was in coats and hats!

This is my favorite franchise but I'm afraid the stench of has been will surround all the wives but maybe Heather. Sonja, Ramona and LuAnn are all divorced and have downsized circumstances. Carole's story seems to have been told and Heather's too but she oddly had scrubbed her husband from her on-line presence awhile back, hum. The new wife seems more like a New Jersey cast member, no thanks, and there's that other wife with the mean husband that's so interesting I'm blanking on her name. I'm afraid that there will be no real stories but just set-ups for blow-ups and that makes me sad.

I"m gonna defend Kelly here. Yes, she's crazy. But her kids are some of the best-behaved, most grounded kids I've seen on any of the shows. And she did seem to care a great deal about their upbringing. Her older daughter had some puppy fat on her, but unlike Jill, this was not brought up and harped on over and over. And unlike Kandi from ATLA, we did see her preparing healthy meals for the girls. She expected a level of polite behaviour from them and she got it. Not like she deserves the Nobel Prize for Parenting. As far as I'm concerned she was only doing what she should be doing. But she didn't seem to spoil them. She didn't curse at them. She didn't dress them up like mini-mes. She didn't treat them like tiny adults. She didn't seem to parade her more bizarre behaviour in front of them. I've never disliked her!

We only saw her girls for a total of about 5 minutes.

Does anyone remember when Kelly accused Bethanny of threatening her children. Now I didn't believe it for a second, but what was that about? Was there a press item about her girls? There was such a torrent of bizarre but oddly specific accusations from Kelly on Scary Island that I've always wondered what Kelly was talking about and why she thought it was true.


I remember. That was where I saw Jill's hand in things the most. Because it was obvious no one knew what she was talking about. And when she said it had to be Bethenny because Bethenny is a Media Whore, I knew this was something Jill had been feeding her. 

  • Love 2

I always find it fascinating when Real Housewives call each other media whores. Aren't they all? They all draw such arbitrary lines about this. Like Bethany's promotions and getting a spin off, not ok. 1000 press photos of Kelly every summer in a bikini, totally fine. Such random senses of morality and ethics with these ladies.

The best example of this to me was the fight Bethenny and Ramona had on the bridge. Ramona, wearing a True Faith T-shirt, says she believes that the problem with Bethenny and Jill is because Bethenny is way too much into courting the media. Bethenny reminds Ramona that Bethenny's tweets about her product got Ramona a whole bunch of new followers and customers. Ramona goes BATSHIT! And doesn't let up until Bethenny starts to cry saying that she doesn't care about winning and mentions her father being sick and all of it being too much. It is not until that point that Ramona calms down. Insane.

  • Love 1

That bridge scene…as unfiltered, vulgar, and hoof-in-mouth as Ramona has been over 6 seasons, I don't know if anything tops her comment of "the only person in your life right now is Jason, and you'll probably mess that up too" for sheer cruelty. Or maybe it seems especially cruel now because it turned out to be a prescient comment.

  • Love 3

That bridge scene…as unfiltered, vulgar, and hoof-in-mouth as Ramona has been over 6 seasons, I don't know if anything tops her comment of "the only person in your life right now is Jason, and you'll probably mess that up too" for sheer cruelty. Or maybe it seems especially cruel now because it turned out to be a prescient comment.

You know, I get what you're saying, but I don't know if it's exactly true. Or maybe I just bristle at the idea of divorce = alone. I think Bethany has always been someone who didn't have many friends, but the friends she did have were long term. She seemed to have a small group that she has been friends with for 20ish years. I'm not sure that has changed.

  • Love 1

I thought Ramona's comment about how Bethenny was going to mess up the relationship with Jason was cruel. I didn't agree with the part that she had no friends, other than - at that point in Season 3 - she didn't have any close friends on the show.


I didn't at all mean to imply anything about divorce being a death knell. In Bethenny's case, I don't think she should have married Jason to begin with. But at that moment on the bridge, Bethenny's relationship with Jason was new, she was happy, and Ramona crapped all over it by saying "you're going to mess this up, because that's what you do."

Jill pissing off Johnny Wonderful the skater and then falling down at Radio City, dressed in that little outfit while everyone else was in coats and hats!


That was just on & man, that scene was nuts!  The one yelling at crazy-looking Jillzy was an intense coach who was trying to train his client, who looked like a professional skater.  I mean, Jillzy looked ready to be in a remake of Baby Jane.  Priceless moment!


I"m gonna defend Kelly here. Yes, she's crazy. But her kids are some of the best-behaved, most grounded kids


I agree that her kids are great.  And they have been on a few times -- just in short takes.  But I don't agree with you about Kelly.  She's very much an elitist & an awful snob.  I say if you're aren't good-looking, rich, young (or at least young-ish), hip, or connected (to the shallow idiots she values or sees as "important"), she wouldn't acknowledge your existence.  And if she's forced to acknowledge your existence, she'll be phony-nice, while actually looking down on you.  To me, that makes for a pretty horrible person.  Which I think she is.  And Kells constantly proves this herself.  She consistently behaves this way in these old eps.  Ick.


Now, I said it before, I think she's great with her kids.  That unfortunately is not necessarily the absolute definition of who one is.  Serial killers, rapists & other sordid characters have been known to be good parents too.  Obviously Kelly isn't in that category.  She's just a nasty-as-hell snob.  But a good mom, who's a nasty-as-hell snob.  And she'll hide her nasty snobbishness with that annoying "Hiyeeeeee".


But at that moment on the bridge, Bethenny's relationship with Jason was new, she was happy, and Ramona crapped all over it by saying "you're going to mess this up, because that's what you do."


To me, that scene defines just how cruel & heartless Moaner can be.  She justifies this crap by saying she has no filter & she's just being honest.  It was awful, but it's who she is.  Glad I didn't see this again cuz I hated it.  I'd like to see Moaner get a good dose of this "honesty" thrown back in her fuckin' face by B this season.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 3

Checking in.  Watched the old epidodes.


Jill Shut The Fuck Up, you are exhausting (watching her making the Countless video in Atlanta City).  Bawby.  Going to his grave with the life and $ sucked out of him.  Jill makes me want to take a nap.


Cindy - whatever your name is - Gone Girl - stay Gone.  


I must have been drunk while watching these episodes.  Simon is just as gross as Lizard Licky Pervert Aviva's Dad.

Edited by Lablover27
  • Love 4

The best part is her (Kelly) losing it over getting a gift bag! Seriously crazy or drugged or something.


YES!  Yes, yes, yes.  Crying over a gift bag.  Oh how bad I wished Bethanny had put a vat of nozema in there for Satchels of Gold Kelly to rub all over her skin.  She makes me want to swim in lotion.  Just like fill my tub full of body lotion.  Slater it all over.  Rub it in.  Lil Miss Lab - don't ever look like Koo Koo Kelly.  

  • Love 1

I have been watching on Hulu.

  What no one seems to mention is how dumb Luann is.  She makes stupid comments and doesn't get or understand a joke.    Her passive aggressiveness has been mentioned a lot over the years, but not the reason.    I think it stems from her severe insecurity knowing she cannot ever hold her own in a conversation or feel comfortable around people she deems better than.

  Bethenny and Carole were the ones who kind of recognized it.      Also, anyone remember when she got lambasted by the blonde from D.C. on WWHL?  That gal really had her pegged.

  • Love 4

Checking in. Watched the old epidodes.

Jill Shut The Fuck Up, you are exhausting (watching her making the Countless video in Atlanta City). Bawby. Going to his grave with the life and $ sucked out of him. Jill makes me want to take a nap.

Cindy - whatever your name is - Gone Girl - stay Gone.

I must have been drunk while watching these episodes. Simon is just as gross as Lizard Licky Pervert Aviva's Dad.

Jesus, I too had forgotten how exhausting/annoying Jill was...she's just *always* yapping and complaining about something. The video shoot was some next level bullshit for her endless yammering---how Bobby can still stand her energy/money-zapping behavior is beyond me. And he always seemed wayyyy too kind, devoted and lovable for a nasty shrew like her.

Oh God, dour sour Cindy being such a nasty rude bitch to Sonja when Sonja invited her over for breakfast---I can't believe she had the nerve to bring her assistant AND take a fucking conference call right in the middle of their brunch?!

Granted, I'm sure it was all producer-driven, but still, couldn't she have just excused herself to another room, at least? Or simply rescheduled the meeting?? It just was the height of rudeness and more of Cindy's "I'm just such a busy and important careerwoman and you aren't"-type bullshit.

I get that it's cool to have started your own successful business, but there's no reason to disdainfully make other women with lesser career-goals feel like shit in comparison. And she was a shitty excuse of a mom with her accessories-disguised-as-infant-twins anyway.

  • Love 3

Also, anyone remember when she got lambasted by the blonde from D.C. on WWHL?  That gal really had her pegged.


Wasn't that Cat O, who was less than thrilled with Lu lecturing her on protocol with the Royal Family? Kind of funny that Lu, with her paid-for minor-nobility title always held herself up as the expert of all things proper (or, rather, "alls" things proper, as Lu is wont to say), Did Cat go to town on Lu afterwards? Would have loved to see that!

  • Love 4

Wasn't that Cat O, who was less than thrilled with Lu lecturing her on protocol with the Royal Family? Kind of funny that Lu, with her paid-for minor-nobility title always held herself up as the expert of all things proper (or, rather, "alls" things proper, as Lu is wont to say), Did Cat go to town on Lu afterwards? Would have loved to see that!

Yes, it was Cat. Thanks for remembering.   I don't remember specifically what she said, but it was pretty much that she thought Luann was dumb and ridiculous. 

  • Love 3

If you google Cat and Luann on WWHL there are clips !       She really lit into her as Luann sits there in this silly hat.

           Also, as I was diddling around today online I came across Kelly's twitter and she DENIES ever saying satchels of gold.  Oh my........

LOL, it was on TV!  Al Sharpton lies better than she does.  (No disrespect to Al Sharpton.)

  • Love 1

If you google Cat and Luann on WWHL there are clips !       She really lit into her as Luann sits there in this silly hat.


God Save the Queen (couldn't help myself), I found it. I Googled "Cat and Luann fight" and it took me to the whole tense thing on Bravo's site:  After Show with LuAnn and Cat: Part I (Part II followed automatically). Giggy (who is visiting with Ken and Lisa) is on Andy's lap and looks like he died (he didn't but damn that doggie has problems). Cat looked gorgeous to a degree that I think Luann was a bit intimidated. Cat also has a bit of the "hot potatoes in the mouth" manner of speaking, which would begin to grate if I had to listen to it non stop.


It's clear she has no use for Lu (and limited use for an overweening Andy who is frantic to please her). Cat seems mostly bored with Lu's pretensions until Lu badmouths Alex as "being such a social climber and how far she's come since Season 1." After this, Cat goes off on Lu, rendering ex-Countess momentarily speechless. I don't think I would like Cat as a person but Lu's oft-unwarranted nastiness and pretentiousness have annoyed me enough that I didn't feel too bad for her.  

  • Love 5

I felt a little sorry for LuAnn in that clip. She and Andy were expecting a fun, dishy show and Cat's bored attitude just changed the vibe right away. She clearly wasn't interested in being there, playing the silly "Good for the Brits?" game, and just declared everything "absolutely fabulous!" with this little smirk on her face. I didn't like her on RHODC either. (Although I must admit, she rocked that coral-colored dress and looked gorgeous.)


Too be fair, though, if I'd watched WWHL in real time - back when LuAnn had teamed up with Jill and was being insufferable - I might have sided with Cat. Instead, I just felt that both women took themselves too seriously.


(What was LuAnn's issue with Victoria Beckham's house? I couldn't make that out. That it was tacky?)

Hello, lovely snarkers! I stopped watching the RH franchise a couple years ago because the fun seemed to have been replaced with flat-out nastiness and mental instability, and it made me feel dirty for watching. But I got nostalgic for the good old days (after an unfortunate accidental foray into this year's RHOBH reunion), so I sought out some old NY clips and have had a blast reading through all your comments. Someone upthread suggested that the show lost its essence when they stopped filming the housewives separately, with multiple crews. YES.


Alex and Simon were my favorite trainwreck t.v. Did they have one scene in which they didn't make complete asses of themselves? The classic shot of Alex and Simon wallowing in their filthy kiddy pool made me laugh even harder this time around, now that they have an actual swimming pool and wasted no time proudly showing it off on Twitter like the aspirational braggarts they are. Wonder if their Australian rental features a hassock upon which Johan and Francois may recline whilst reading Dickens and singing nursery rhymes in Latin?


I disliked Jill from the very first season. There's an early scene in a restaurant where Jill congratulates herself - out loud and very smugly - for knowing something. "*I* knew that. No one else knew that, but *I* knew that." Yuck. But she does get some points for not disemboweling Alex and Simon when they let their kids run feral in Zarin Fabrics.


Lu was always awful, but I respected her for trying to shut down Ramona's temper tantrum when Simon appeared at the women's dinner. But the way she spoke to servers, drivers, her daughter's friends, the housekeeper, the girls she was "mentoring"... ugh. Alls I know is her line "money can't buy you class" is one of the most ironic things ever spoken/sung by anyone.


Ramona was always awful, too, and vain and vulgar and tactless and trashy and drunk and mean, but dear god her dancing. Her DANCING. And her crazy killer catwalk eyes at Brooklyn Fashion Weekend.


Bethenny's quick quips and sardonic delivery were a nice contrast to the complete lack of self-awareness displayed by the other cast members. It wore thin, eventually, along with her "poor little me" shtick, but at first she seemed like a real trouper. And we'll always have Liberace Koo-koo-rachi.


Sonja. Well, I suppose we should have seen the warning signs. How goes it with her toaster oven empire?


Kelly, Kelly, Kelly... "in the trenches" lol I have a theory about Kelly and it started with the scene where she tells Bethenny "I'm up here, you're down there". I actually don't think she meant it in terms of social sphere, but the problem for Kelly is that (according to my armchair theory) she lacks whatever wiring is required for one human being to communicate (verbally or non-verbally) with another human being. Same reason she got so freaked out about the gift bags - handing out gift bags wasn't on her agenda, and as it was outside her immediate mindset she was fundamentally unable to comprehend why another person might have done it. Same with ordering Alex to stop turning red, which most of us understand is an involuntary stress response. There's some sort of limitation going on with Kelly, imo, and Scary Island was sad to watch. It's a very lucky thing she was born with looks to trade on.


Sorry for the wall of text, I must go off and shoot a messenger. (That's from literature, you know. lol)

  • Love 7

I thought it was her pout they spoke of -- I need to get my hearing checked.



Ah, pout makes much more sense! I'm sure that's what it was.


Interestingly, Cat called LuAnn out not for being pretentious, but for being two-faced. Maybe she knew that she was equally guilty of being a social climber. Bragging to the tabloids about snogging with Prince Harry reeks of desperation to me.

  • Love 3

Cindy who? ;)


Jill..- Hiiiiiiii ....enough said.


Kelly- There is NO way she was NOT on something when they went to Scary Island. She was erratic, delusional and well, made no damn sense. I do not attribute that to a mental illness but rather to something she ingested. I lost my husband to suicide back in 1989 (he was an addict and this behavior reeked of drugs. For those of us who have had to deal with this? We HAVE seen this countless times.

  • Useful 1
  • Love 2

Cindy who? ;)


Jill..- Hiiiiiiii ....enough said.


Kelly- There is NO way she was NOT on something when they went to Scary Island. She was erratic, delusional and well, made no damn sense. I do not attribute that to a mental illness but rather to something she ingested. I lost my husband to suicide back in 1989 (he was an addict and this behavior reeked of drugs. For those of us who have had to deal with this? We HAVE seen this countless times.

Jill - Hiiiiiiiii - like a horn.  Cruise ships should use this as their horn in fog.  Run fog.   Fog, "Oh my gawd, let's clear out now before Kelly runs after us in the middle of the street!"

Edited by Lablover27
Kelly- There is NO way she was NOT on something when they went to Scary Island. She was erratic, delusional and well, made no damn sense. I do not attribute that to a mental illness but rather to something she ingested. I lost my husband to suicide back in 1989 (he was an addict and this behavior reeked of drugs. For those of us who have had to deal with this? We HAVE seen this countless times.


Sadly, they (mental illness/disorder/disability and substance abuse) are not mutually exclusive. I don't doubt for a second that Kelly has dipped her toes in the recreational waters. 


I'm very, very sorry to hear about your husband.

  • Love 2

I remember when the episodes first aired, there was a lot of speculation about whether or not Kelly was on something. If I recall, it had to do with Sonja's comments about one of the rooms smelling like cat pee. Since I don't really know anything about drugs - I know pot makes you hungry but not much else. Does anyone know what drug would smell like cat pee? Or am I just confusing the cat pee remarks with something else entirely?

  • Love 1

I remember when the episodes first aired, there was a lot of speculation about whether or not Kelly was on something. If I recall, it had to do with Sonja's comments about one of the rooms smelling like cat pee. Since I don't really know anything about drugs - I know pot makes you hungry but not much else. Does anyone know what drug would smell like cat pee? Or am I just confusing the cat pee remarks with something else entirely?

Back on the TWoP boards when Scary Island initially aired, I recall lots of posters commenting on how meth smells like cat pee -- something to do with the various chemicals needed to create meth. And yes, I too remember Sonja saying something about it. But could something like meth be smoked without detection (other than a lingering odor)? Wouldn't someone -- PAs, camera operators, yacht crew-- have smelled it?


LuAnn made some money off the sale of her home ;  http://www.realitytea.com/2014/10/20/luann-de-lesseps-sells-hamptons-home-massive-yardsale/  She bought in Sag Harbor sure to be featured on the show 

8 million seems to be a huge bargain in the Hamptons.  It was probably in a bad area?

Oh and I am watching the season after scary island and Sonja lies at Luann's party and says her Hamptons home is rented out for the summer.    She can't even afford a Motel 6

Edited by Cherrio

Whenever they are in another country and someone seems off like Kelly on Scary Island or Kim in Paris I always assume it's prescription meds. Please tell me none of them are stupid enough to bring drugs into a foreign country. Have they never seen Locked Up Abroad?!?!

Yeah, I would hope that none of the women would be stupid enough to carry illegal drugs with them into a foreign country. Also, I had no idea that meth smelled like cat pee. Seems like the smell alone would be enough to keep people from even trying it.

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