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S05.E05: False Starts And False Promises

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All of the horrible, stupid, demanding 90-Dayers who have gone before have ruined the reputation for Americans and now Cahleb is paying the price and being the scapegoat for Alina and all her friends for not tripping over himself to bed and/or marry Alina.  Cahleb and Alina definitely have different agendas and I wonder if Cahleb may have misrepresented his intentions before their meeting.  If so, he is carefully backtracking but not getting out unscathed. 

As if I didn't already have a clue, it is clear that Ella is delusional that losing 10 lbs. is going to make any difference at all.  Really???  Sorry to be harsh, but that girl is HUGE.  I'd say 450 lbs. at least.  Johnny has his work cut out for him, but why is it his responsibility to get her to lose weight???  If he ever makes it to America, he will not stay. 

I give Gino props for standing up to Jasmine.  Dude is starstruck over her sensual beauty, but has his feet firmly on the ground when necessary.  Maybe he has her number that she needs to blow up and then gets over it when he doesn't back down. 

Ximena is bad news of the highest (lowest?) level.  Mike, PLEASE get a clue and get OUT!  She will suck every last $$ out of him and send her baby daddy after more. 

Hopefully Memphis will wake up to her shattered fantasy.  No Tunisian love rat will be able to handle her sexual quota. 

I missed Kimbally and Sojaboy.  :(

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9 hours ago, seasons said:

Mother Hamza is so beautiful. I feel so bad that she is alone. She's probably not even 50.

Hamza is incredibly handsome. And those lips are perfect! 

Memphis is a clueless, selfish woman.

And totally oblivious to his cultural norms.

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20 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

He seems like a nice, if a bit awkward, guy. He should stay in his lane though, not look around for a espicey Latina. 

He has a strong Milton Waddams of Office Space resemblance, and therefore should look around for his stapler.

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Caleb should've done a little research on the mechanics of a physical relationship with Alina.  I'm sure there is a porno available (as there is everything else).  I'm sure Alina can instruct him.  Seriously to be so taken aback after a 13 year relationship?  How can you have not discussed this?

For Memphis to expect a superb sexy time when Mom and sis are mere feet away in a small apartment is unrealistic.  She should've told him let's hit the airport motel 1st then go see Mom.  Tell the friend to meet him a few hours later.  Sheesh.

Jasmine is not as attractive as she thinks she is.  Gino's laugh is a serious turn-off.  Even wearing the hat is more acceptable.

Ella is making a big mistake having Johnny as her weight loss coach/trainer and thinking she is his sexy girlfriend.  In my personal experience both cannot share the same universe.  He states he likes American women for their independence but then has a problem with her eating habits and the amount of time she spends ranching.  Sure she wants a diet coach but she wants a boyfriend more.  I don't think he can get past her size to be the attentive boyfriend she is looking for.  She is doing a great disservice to herself waiting for him to be attractive to her as soon as she loses the weight. 

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11 hours ago, nutella fitzgerald said:

Alina continues to surprise me with her ability to befriend people who are intrusive and rude. I also wonder when she is going to run out of unflattering things to say about Americans.

I have also noticed Alina's negative comments about Americans. Perhaps Alina could explain how she knows all this. I couldn't imagine being with someone from another country and slipping in these zingers about their people. I wish she would stop it.

Caleb is handling himself very well IMO. Taking things slow, handling the pressure from Alina and her tribe. I was so happy he told Alina's friend that the conversation they were having should be between himself and Alina. The friend needs to butt out. But no. Then the conversation between the two women continued in Russian, leaving Calib out. HOW RUDE. Geez, Alina, what a turn-off. Then they both glared at Caleb, silently.

So the deed will be done next week and it looks from the previews like Alina will immediately blab to Elijah. I just see Caleb really trying to feel this thing out, then when the intimacy does happen, that's when the news spreads. Shut it, girl . . . you don't have to share everything.

Caleb, shirtless so much. Why?

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Okay, I have to call it quits on this show. I was trying to stay with it just for the hate watching, but watching Memphis interrogate this young Muslim guy about his sexual performance on their first night together (disrespecting his mother) and repeatedly asking him if that's the way he normally ejaculates ...... ugh, just gross.

Who does that? Who expects the first time to be like a porn movie, then berates and criticizes your partner if he got a little too excited the first time? Take it as a fucking compliment and stop asking what you can expect of his future ejaculation patterns.

Some of these people are just disgusting excuses for human beings. I feel dirty watching them. Had to turn it off after that scene.

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On 1/7/2022 at 11:13 PM, Frozendiva said:

Mike and Ximena did do it. The best night of his life and for her, just normal.

X, what is wrong with you? Mike is so enamored with you and the sex you had and you feel the need to say it was just okay for you? That's a little bit sickening. X, you are no prize and you should be grateful that a truly decent guy is even looking at you, especially with all your massive baggage.

MIke needs to cut his losses, pack up and leave. The fact that X didn't share that she couldn't have children, knowing full well how important that was to Mike, is more than enough to cut ties. Yet, she willingly accepted his financial support.  X is a shyster. Pure and simple. The more involved Mike gets, the worse it will be for him. X even admitted she likes the bad-boy type. She's a user and bad news.

And what's up with sour-puss dad? 


10 hours ago, seasons said:

Mother Hamza is so beautiful.

She's okay looking, but I'm afraid I don't see what other people are seeing. I have to say, though, that most parents of these 90-dayers aren't all that great looking, so in comparison she's a beauty.

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27 minutes ago, Tango64 said:

Okay, I have to call it quits on this show. I was trying to stay with it just for the hate watching, but watching Memphis interrogate this young Muslim guy about his sexual performance on their first night together (disrespecting his mother) and repeatedly asking him if that's the way he normally ejaculates ...... ugh, just gross.

See this is why I think Memphis is very immature about relationships, she is putting all her chips on sex, the importance of sex is put before getting to know Hamzy, all this focus on sex and she may not even like the guy once she gets to know him. Any relationship based on sex is destined to fail and she is an idiot.  Given the bad sex and the fact that they have a huge language barrier and it will be impossible to get to know each other we all know how this will end up. 

She says she has low self esteem so I am sure she thinks his two pump hump is because she is not sexy enough so that is why she is doubling down on that (mis) deed.  Why doesn't she work on herself before trying to get a man because no relationship will work until she is mentally stronger, that weak shit is not attractive to men and will cause a lot of drama, like if he does not pick up a call from her she will stew about it and think she is not good enough for who ever then grill the guy about why he didn't pick up the phone, etc...

Memphis, go home and take care of your kids, Hamzy is not the droid you are looking for.

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43 minutes ago, Breedom said:

And what's up with sour-puss dad?

I think he feels guilt/shame at the fact that his ho daughter is using this nice schmuck and also realizes that damn, my gravy train is about to dry up because, again, his daughter is a scamming, trainwreck ho bag. 

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52 minutes ago, deedee2 said:

Hi guys.  Haven't been here in forever!

Stopping by to ask - am I just getting prudish and pearl-clutchy, or is this show pushing the envelope more and more on the TMI front? 

Memphis telling the world that sex with Hamza was too fast, and actually using the word "ejaculate"! What the -- 

A little romantic kissing is nice, but I really, really don't want to see a sloppy on-the-bed makeout session with slurpy sound effects. I literally averted my eyes when Caleb and Alina started getting into it. And next week's teaser: "I took a ride on his disco stick". I mean ... eww. 

What is it with these super-aggressive women demanding sex from men? It's so cringey to me when Alina, Memphis, and Kim complain that their men are not making the moves in the first 5 seconds of meeting. Cool your jets, ladies! Desperation is not attractive!

*sigh*. Maybe I'm just old. 


Nope, not just you.  TLC is becoming the freak show channel.  TMI and cringey.

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The "expert breakfast" that Microwave Chef Gino prepared was just white sandwich bread "toasted" on the pale setting, and eggs that he stirred before frying. He also made a disgusting mess on the counter trying to impress her with a one-handed crack and pour.

Edited by Burning Rubber
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13 hours ago, Burning Rubber said:

Hazmat lied about his age? Wait, what? 

He's turning out to be quite the glib liar. He told Memphis they could sleep together then, at Memphis's urging, he told his mother "nothing happened." I'm not surprised that he lied about his age and wouldn't put it past him to make up the four women he had sexy time with before Memphis. 

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3 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

Memphis and Hamza---holy crap his mother and sister are GORGEOUS!!! His poor mother's face the next morning when she walked in and they were in the same bed. I felt so bad for her and I am sure he felt like a pile of shit.

I think he should have felt like a pile of shit but he didn’t seem to. She was so visibly hurt, it was really uncomfortable to watch. Hamza’s response was to try to insult her intelligence on top of that and act like she was crazy when she drew the obvious (and correct!) conclusion.

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3 hours ago, suzeecat said:

As if I didn't already have a clue, it is clear that Ella is delusional that losing 10 lbs. is going to make any difference at all.  Really???  Sorry to be harsh, but that girl is HUGE.  I'd say 450 lbs. at least.  Johnny has his work cut out for him, but why is it his responsibility to get her to lose weight??? 

I bet she thinks the Chinese food he will cook for her is all that breaded and/or fried American Chinese food she gets in Idaho.  Egg rolls,  General Tso’s chicken, etc.  Hardly diet food.

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2 hours ago, Breedom said:

I have also noticed Alina's negative comments about Americans. Perhaps Alina could explain how she knows all this. I couldn't imagine being with someone from another country and slipping in these zingers about their people. I wish she would stop it.

Yeah like Russia is such a dream destination.

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1 hour ago, deedee2 said:

Hi guys.  Haven't been here in forever!

Stopping by to ask - am I just getting prudish and pearl-clutchy, or is this show pushing the envelope more and more on the TMI front? 

Memphis telling the world that sex with Hamza was too fast, and actually using the word "ejaculate"! What the -- 

A little romantic kissing is nice, but I really, really don't want to see a sloppy on-the-bed makeout session with slurpy sound effects. I literally averted my eyes when Caleb and Alina started getting into it. And next week's teaser: "I took a ride on his disco stick". I mean ... eww. 

What is it with these super-aggressive women demanding sex from men? It's so cringey to me when Alina, Memphis, and Kim complain that their men are not making the moves in the first 5 seconds of meeting. Cool your jets, ladies! Desperation is not attractive!

*sigh*. Maybe I'm just old. 


I am also old. I also grew up in the age where people started to be more comfortable talking about sex. To a point.

Maybe with social media, people just don’t care any more.

I do care. I kept my private life private at my workplace. Never mentioned seeing anyone, etc. Jealousy, other peoples’s judgment, their moral high horse, etc. Could I talk to a girlfriend? Sure. I didn’t need workplace gossip and possibly being let go.

Memphis being in the medical field, can get a bit of a pass. However, she is also on TV. Her coworkers may watch the show, her boss may watch the show, her patients, her parents, her kids’ teachers, etc. What she may consider healthy and appropriate to talk to Hamza about, is fine - in private - and probably not while the cameras are rolling. TMI, a lack of boundaries, judgment. People do talk and they judge.

It is great that women can talk about sex and their needs. In the right environment. Hamza is from a very different culture and she needs to have the awareness that it probably isn’t the best idea to talk about things in the open.

No need to show the Caleb and Alina make out session. Caleb, just close the door to the camera crew. The slurpy sounds were unappealing.

Edited by Frozendiva
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Jasmine is a LOON and thinks it's cute! Mike, I hope you're just getting your fill of her now and you return home no worse for wear. If you knowingly have a child with this woman, you deserve the hell it will rain down on you for life. The kid won't, but you obviously can see what you're dealing with.

Mike should run, but I pity Ximena at the same time. It doesn't look like she has, or ever had, any clue about how to make her way in the world. She's made some awful decisions, and now she's stuck trying to be a breadwinner in a poor country with no education, a bunch of dependents, and tattoo sleeves over her hands. She does seem to love those sweet, helpless kids...

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6 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Maybe with social media, people just don’t care any more.

In general I think people don't care anymore and it is disturbing. I was married young and just singled up almost 3 years ago. Dating app culture was a shock to teh system to say the least. My current BF was on the apps for about 5 years and said he has seen it all, but more than he could count the first or second text to him would be a pussy pic. Or a video of them having sex with another guy or going down on another guy with a  "See how good I am!"....and on my end, in my short few months online, yes, men almost all immediately wanted to talk about sex, asked for nudes (and ghosted when I refused) or sent me unsolicited dick pics. I feel like such a prude! lol


What if there is a twist this season and instead of Gino being this hapless clueless dork about to be devoured by crazy Jasmine, HE is the crazy one?! He doesn't seem to be the pushover he first appeared to be when he was introduced (people have already listed the times he hasn't backed down), plus all the info that came out on reddit about him and his ex and the revenge porn. 

Edited by Stuckathome
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I get the feeling that Mike is just the "next guy." for Xcema, like when it is time for Mike to leave some other gringo will show up and play daddy for a week or so, this is not a new thing for her and I am sure her father's not so happy look is "here goes another one."

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5 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

I pity Ximena at the same time.

To a point, yes, I pity her....a lot about her situation she had zero control over. However, we have no idea how many guys online she has been playing for $$. So to that extent, this is all a game to her and Mike would be best to cut his losses now and go back home broken hearted. Let her keep what he has purchased and the gifts, maybe even give her some cash as a parting gift (don't want to upset narco baby daddy).....she will be texting pics to the next sucker within hours. 

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1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

See this is why I think Memphis is very immature about relationships, she is putting all her chips on sex, the importance of sex is put before getting to know Hamzy, all this focus on sex and she may not even like the guy once she gets to know him. Any relationship based on sex is destined to fail and she is an idiot.  Given the bad sex and the fact that they have a huge language barrier and it will be impossible to get to know each other we all know how this will end up. 

She says she has low self esteem so I am sure she thinks his two pump hump is because she is not sexy enough so that is why she is doubling down on that (mis) deed.  Why doesn't she work on herself before trying to get a man because no relationship will work until she is mentally stronger, that weak shit is not attractive to men and will cause a lot of drama, like if he does not pick up a call from her she will stew about it and think she is not good enough for who ever then grill the guy about why he didn't pick up the phone, etc...

Memphis, go home and take care of your kids, Hamzy is not the droid you are looking for.

Do they know each other? The hopes and dreams? Sex is important. But you also have to like each other. Your life partner is just that. The good times, the bad times, being your best friend, someone who takes care of you when you are sick, someone who supports you, is there for you, etc. Not really seeing that.

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4 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I get the feeling that Mike is just the "next guy." for Xcema, like when it is time for Mike to leave some other gringo will show up and play daddy for a week or so, this is not a new thing for her and I am sure her father's not so happy look is "here goes another one."

I forget which season, or his name, but remember the guy who went to Colombia and teh girl barely wanted to give him the time of day? Like, they met once, she bounced and stood him up all the other times he wanted to meet up. So, he contacted a second woman who he had been chatting with online who was also Colombian, conveniently leaving out that he originally was meeting up with the first lady. The second one traveled like 2 or 3 hours by bus to meet up with him and yeah, they banged the first night and she went on an on about OMG he is so serious about me! he flew all the way here to meet me! LOL....he did eventually come clean

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2 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

I forget which season, or his name, but remember the guy who went to Colombia and teh girl barely wanted to give him the time of day? Like, they met once, she bounced and stood him up all the other times he wanted to meet up. So, he contacted a second woman who he had been chatting with online who was also Colombian, conveniently leaving out that he originally was meeting up with the first lady. The second one traveled like 2 or 3 hours by bus to meet up with him and yeah, they banged the first night and she went on an on about OMG he is so serious about me! he flew all the way here to meet me! LOL....he did eventually come clean


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Okay, so I'm glad Alina finally got some but the media is acting like it was "too much." I just read an article talking about how the lights needed to go off sooner. Why? Because she's little? WTF? My only complaint is in the preview for next week. "I rode his disco stick?" Alina, come on. If you're adult enough to have the sex, you're adult enough to talk about it like one.

Oh, Mike. Mike, Mike, Mike.  RUN. Those waterfalls sure were pretty, though. And Ximena's kids are adorbs. But no. No Bueno. No Mas. Vamos.

Gino, same. Jasmine is unbalanced. Although she was right about the Christmas gift. Of course, hers to him weren't really much better. Those t shirts were the equivalent of a shock dog collar. The pillow was basically her pissing on his bed to mark her territory.  Also, while I've never had a stylist burn my hair, and I don't know how I would react, I'm 100% sure it wouldn't be physical assault. Vamos, Gino, vamos.

Memphis is a mess. Why does she talk to Hamza like she's the horny Cookie Monster? "Why you come fast? Me no like. Coooooookie?" At least Mike had the presence of mind to use a translation app. Memphis is just using her boobs & hoo-ha. And that don't translate into much.

Ella sweetie, losing 10 lbs is a spit in the ocean. I know because when I was super heavy, I dropped 20lbs and it was barely noticeable. And Johnny, your adorable lil herbs are no match for our mighty American trans fats. Y'all doomed. Even yo mama knows it.

Next week, a bonus embedded episode of Catfish, sans Nev! 



Edited by FrancescaFiore
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Why would Alina call Kah-lub's dick a "disco stick?" What is a disco stick in real life, I used to go to disco's back in the day and not once was there a stick of any kind, penises yes, sticks no.

Would Kah-lub have had sex with Alina had she not pestered him in to it, I doubt it, he knows it would be sending the wrong message to her, he will be going home with no desire to have a relationship with her.  Alina is setting herself up with unrealistic expectations for a relationship with Kah-lub and she has to remember that she really forced the issue with him. Now against his wishes the relationship is no longer just a friendship and Alina will be hurt, he is not moving to Russia and he has no plans (and never had) on bringing her and her pussy with the wi fi to the US. 

Will Kah-lub try and puke the vision of having sex with Alina out of his head like Woody Harrelson in Kingpin.  image.thumb.png.9bc3e03cd71bd77936034ae6e165d1dc.png

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13 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Caleb is a typical dudebro with f-boy tendencies, but he is not the cruel asshole some are making him out to be. Unless I missed it, I don't think he ever said that he is aiming to make a full-on commitment to Alina upon meeting her. I believe he just wants to see if their online connection translates over into "real life".  Alina and her friends seem to be expecting something that Caleb never actually promised her.

I honestly don't think a typical dudebro with f-boy tendencies would be with Alina.  

He may have a savior complex. 


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6 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:


No, he was the one with the edible panties and the romantic dinner for two at a resort in Mexico that he ate all alone, SNL did a skit about it with Will Farrell, hilarious!


6 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:

I honestly don't think a typical dudebro with f-boy tendencies would be with Alina.  

He may have a savior complex. 


I do not think he has the savior complex as much as he would like to send her good vibes and prayers via Zoom and keep his life just as it is.

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Wowza, as a female myself I hate to talk bad about my tribe but all of these women are bitches! I FF through Ella so I don't have an opinion of her yet. 

Memphis- Why does she keep talking to Hamza in full on English sentences? He doesn't understand what you are saying, boo. Use the translater app for god's sake. He's never going to be good in bed because men in that part of the world don't look at sex that way. You are there to sexually please him, and he will never go downtown on you if that's what you are looking for. It's always going to be wham, bam, thank you, ma'am. Don't ask me how I know this. 

Jasmine- entitled because she's hot. Get over yourself, honey. According to Gino he paid for all of your hotness by continually sending you money so now that he is unemployed his well has run dry. Didn't he say he paid for her lips, teeth, boobs, etc? Also, Gino could have settled on a couple of shirts and pants instead of the full $500.  What did he think he was walking in to when they went in to the clothing store? 

Alina- she has a very snotty side to her personality which rears it's ugly head when she's with her friends. Then when she's alone with Cah-lub she acts all sweet and hurt because  he won't immediately have "sexy time" with her. 

X- liar and a poser. She's not attractive, either. So her ex is a hitman? She is trash. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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I’m going to say Caleb is an atypical dude bro with fboi tendencies.  Every word out of his mouth is accompanied by 150 other stupid useless words.  Has anyone even asked him why he raided the 1992 World Wrestling Federation storage unit and stole their pants? 

If he thought enough to get her a baby carrier and he thought enough about sex to bring a bunch of condoms with him, a reasonable guy would’ve thought a little about the physics, and considered Maybe I Should Ask Her To Enlighten Me On How This Works. 

He’s a shit who thinks this makes him look good.  There’s probably an in-person douchebag aura  that made Elijah and Maria instantly dislike him.  

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5 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Also, Gino could have settled on a couple of shirts and pants instead of the full $500.  What did he think he was walking in to when they went in to the clothing store? 

Agree, he knew after all the trying on he would have to or should have purchased something....however, in his defense (and maybe Peru is different), I can imagine the stuff she picked out for him was WAY overpriced as a "luxury American" brand...I think I saw Nautica, Polo, Tommy....stuff he could easily find on clearance back home or at least on sale was probably marked up over retail. He was right to push back but yeah, he could have purchased SOMETHING. 


37 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Memphis is a mess. Why does she talk to Hamza like she's the horny Cookie Monster? "Why you come fast? Me no like. Coooooookie?" At least Mike had the presence of mind to use a translation app. Memphis is just using her boobs & hoo-ha. And that don't translate into much.

She is just a horny mess and female version of Mark from a few seasons back (with Nikki) or any of these other guys (Benjamin and Akini, Tarik adn Hazel) who just want a hot piece to clean the house and raise their kids. Lady, Hamza isn't your dude. At least with Zied and Rebecca, her kids are grown and gone and she really just wants a man for her needs. She didn't try to turn Zied into a manny. 

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39 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Okay, so I'm glad Alina finally got some but the media is acting like it was "too much." I just read an article talking about how the lights needed to go off sooner. Why? Because she's little? WTF?



I felt the same way when Gino and Jasmine got into it. The only time I'm only ever interested in seeing it taken that far is when I'm one of the people involved in it. Although it is fun to watch the Pillow Talk gang react.

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43 minutes ago, Boo Boo said:
45 minutes ago, Stuckathome said:

I forget which season, or his name, but remember the guy who went to Colombia and teh girl barely wanted to give him the time of day? Like, they met once, she bounced and stood him up all the other times he wanted to meet up. So, he contacted a second woman who he had been chatting with online who was also Colombian, conveniently leaving out that he originally was meeting up with the first lady. The second one traveled like 2 or 3 hours by bus to meet up with him and yeah, they banged the first night and she went on an on about OMG he is so serious about me! he flew all the way here to meet me! LOL....he did eventually come clean


I think that was Ricky, who turned out to still be married to an American woman

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2 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

I think he feels guilt/shame at the fact that his ho daughter is using this nice schmuck and also realizes that damn, my gravy train is about to dry up because, again, his daughter is a scamming, trainwreck ho bag. 


Probably because it's $ but not drug or hitman $$$$$$a.

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14 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I’m going to say Caleb is an atypical dude bro with fboi tendencies.  Every word out of his mouth is accompanied by 150 other stupid useless words.  Has anyone even asked him why he raided the 1992 World Wrestling Federation storage unit and stole their pants? 

If he thought enough to get her a baby carrier and he thought enough about sex to bring a bunch of condoms with him, a reasonable guy would’ve thought a little about the physics, and considered Maybe I Should Ask Her To Enlighten Me On How This Works. 

He’s a shit who thinks this makes him look good.  There’s probably an in-person douchebag aura  that made Elijah and Maria instantly dislike him.  

He could have used his buddy Google to look up her medical condition. There is something on the internet about almost anything. He could also have talked to a doctor about the mechanics or if he has any concerns. Otherwise, talk to Alina, express your vulnerability, and ask her what she likes.

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14 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Why does she keep talking to Hamza in full on English sentences?

She varies between speaking English VERY slowly, as if that will make him understand (ex. "Why...do...you...ejaculate...so...fast?") to speaking like a cavewoman, "No mother, no angry?" 

I thought it was rich when she corrected Hamza's mother that she had only been married ONCE, and the other relationship that produced a child was "just a friendship" as if that was a valid argument against the stigma of being divorced twice. 

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50 minutes ago, FrancescaFiore said:

Okay, so I'm glad Alina finally got some but the media is acting like it was "too much." I just read an article talking about how the lights needed to go off sooner. Why? Because she's little? WTF?

No, because it's gross to watch people roll around and slobber on top of each other. 

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13 minutes ago, deedee2 said:

No, because it's gross to watch people roll around and slobber on top of each other. 

A bit different than watching a love scene on TV or movies or soaps that are all choreographed. I didn’t want to see any of the couples slobber on top of each other.

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13 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I thought it was rich when she corrected Hamza's mother that she had only been married ONCE, and the other relationship that produced a child was "just a friendship" as if that was a valid argument against the stigma of being divorced twice. 

I am sure his mother was thinking WTF, you American sluts have children with FRIENDS?!!! lol

I hope she could appreciate his mother's concern. She sees divorce as a shameful, life altering thing and she loves her son and wants him to be happy. Of all the couples allegedly "in love" and ready to commit, these two seem to have the least amount of communication prior to the trip. I seriously think their calls have been limited to him jerking off while she strips or showers. It is like they are strangers, because, well, they are......language barrier is the least of their problems. And I can't imagine showing up in a foreign country where I don't understand a word and not having a translator app or other device as back up, like Mike does (and he actually understands/speaks some Spanish). WTF did she think would happen? She would show up and Hamza would magically speak or at least understand fluent English, they would spend all their time banging adn then she would put a ring on it and fly off into the sunset happy?? LOL

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On 1/8/2022 at 9:34 AM, Frozendiva said:

I would be up-front on my online dating profile and inform any potential suitors that i didn’t want any children.  Or lead some dudes on and after they think they are in love with me, drop the news. Oh by the way…

I'm post-menopause, but when I was fertile, men were terrified I'd get preggers and so I got little action. Do men actually want to have children? That certainly wasn't my experience. Everyone I met assumed I was trying to trap them into marriage, when that was not at all the case. I was always on birth control.

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Alina is not just a little person. She is a little person with an added disability. She can not stand up straight and she can hardly walk. Her legs are permanently in a squatting position and when she does walk she is on her toes. I can't imaging how uncomfortable that must be. I'm trying to picture how she would be able to have sex and I don't get it....

That said, Kah-lub knew all of this going in. He has known it for 13 yrs. There is no excuse for him to be acting all dumbfounded over her needs and physical limitations. He's had 13 years to think about it. I think the only reason he decided to meet her in person is because the show contacted him about doing it and he probably thought, Hey, why not? I get a free trip to Turkey and some TV notoriety! I don't know how TLC finds these people but someone applied for the gig. I mean, c'mon 13 years?

Edited by bichonblitz
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49 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Also, Gino could have settled on a couple of shirts and pants instead of the full $500. 

Gino's ultra-white legs with those floppy sandals were offensive to my eyes! I agree, he should have bought something while shopping. It was important to Jasmine who wanted to take him to meet her friend that evening. He does have a tendency to stand his ground, which is great - but he should also be willing to bend a little, especially if it would make Jasmin happy and it doesn't go against his beliefs. It shouldn't have been a big deal.

I don't blame Jasmine's disappointment when Gino didn't have a Xmas gift for her. Not that her tee-shirts were anything to write home about. Was she looking for some ultra-expensive gift (like Kim and Usman)? I don't know. But he should have given much more thought into what to give  her, especially on this first visit and it didn't have to necessarily break the bank. Gino has no idea about this stuff and someone needs to inform him what women like.


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