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Kanye West: The Most Intelligent Celebrity

Message added by Aethera

Discussion of Kanye's run for the US Presidency is off-limits here, unless and until the run appears on the show itself, as per our Politics Policy. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/94644-politics-primetimer-updated-070319


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Teaching does not mean babbling on endlessly.  God can you imagine PAYING for this class and being stuck listening to this guy?


Advanced Fashion Class -- how designer are racists because they won't accept that hoodies and ripped jeans are the height of fashion.


Oh yes I can just imagine him carefully creating a syllabus for the course, constructing well thought out lectures each week, giving quizzes to reflect the material...

HAHAHA! He will show up once on the first day, rant for about three hours about himself, not take questions, and then never return.

Maybe it's a Behavioral Psychology course and he's not as much the instructor as guest subject for the class to analyze. It would take nearly a semester to weed through all of his psychoses, delusions of grandeur and persecution, and multiple Axis II disorders.


I had a mentally ill geometry teacher in high school who spent more time ranting to the class the many reasons why we weren't allowed to sneeze than actually teaching math; I imagine Kanye will be borrowing heavily from his teaching style.

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I didn't click on the link, but really? He's teaching? That's his community service? He must have paid someone off because community service -- it seems to me -- is supposed to be a way of giving something back to your community. I hate to use the word "punishment" because really, I don't think community involvement should be considered punishment. But it should be something that makes you reflect on what you've done and re-evaluate your choices, etc.

I was thinking the same thing.  Chris Brown had to clean up dog shit, wash windows and pull dead weeds, Lindsey Lohan had to do her service in a morgue, this jackass gets to teach? Huh?

Kanye is now teaching at a college,  (Los Angeles Trade and Technical College). This is apart of the mandated 250 hours of community service that he received after the incident he had with the paparazzi a little over a year ago. I wonder what subject Kanye is teaching? It could have something to do with fashion, it's being reported that this school is known for classes in fashion design (as well as technology).




It's being reported on another site that he's teaching classes about designer labels and talking about his experiences with the fashion industry:



Classes about "designer labels?" What kind of ridiculous courses are those?

Oh yes I can just imagine him carefully creating a syllabus for the course, constructing well thought out lectures each week, giving quizzes to reflect the material...

HAHAHA! He will show up once on the first day, rant for about three hours about himself, not take questions, and then never return.

I hope so for the sake of those poor students.


I wonder will he be peppering his lectures with the various forms of "mother fucker" he favors so much?


Poor kids were probably hoping for someone (truly classy) like Tim Gunn, and they get this mentally-ill fool.

Edited by DangerousMinds
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HAHAHA! He will show up once on the first day, rant for about three hours about himself, not take questions, and then never return.

During that three hours, he will stop the class when everyone does not stand up for his lecture/rant. He will get his security guard to see why people are not standing.


You just know every visual aid will be Kim and how she is just so fashionable in Kanye's mind.

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I had a mentally ill geometry teacher in high school who spent more time ranting to the class the many reasons why we weren't allowed to sneeze than actually teaching math; I imagine Kanye will be borrowing heavily from his teaching style.


I had a professor in college who was hopped up on fertility drugs and having a nervous breakdown since she wasn't getting pregnant. She spent most classes reading us kids books or handouts, when she wasn't crying. Yeah, good times. We turned in 1 paper, that we never got back, who knows if she graded it, and we did a project we each spent easily 100 hours on, to only turn it in to have it peer graded in about 5 minutes and handed back to us. A week before the end of the semester I asked about grades and she had some crazy crap about not believing in grades at that stage of her career and our grades would basically reflect our attendance in her class. Even given all of that, I'd imagine we still learned more than anyone in Kanye's class ever will. 

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I hope they remember to bring their handicapped parking permits 'n shit like that. Otherwise Kanye's not gonna say anything till they get on their feet.

Will they be allowed to look at him? Or talk to him? Will he serenade them with raps about his dick? Or tell them how "awesome" they are? 50 times in a row?

Edited by iwasish
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George Clooney is getting married this weekend.   There are pics all over the place.   He is laughing and smiling.   He looks genuinely happy.   She is laughing and happy.   They are surrounded by family and friends.   You can just bet that his best man is not someone paid to deal with him.


So different than the sullenness that is Kanye.

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And he's picking up the tab for the hotels for the guests. There's plenty of press there but no one's frowning and acting the fool. I don't see them twittering and instagraming about the Palace or going to some fancy designers house to be feted and honored. They're all just having a great time. He's not gonna spend 4 days of his honeymoon photoshopping a picture. He's doing what I would do if I were rich and getting married. Gather all my family and friends and have a blast and make sure everyone else did also. That's why George is as well liked as he is. He's not a fan of the paps, I remember his impassioned speech when Diana died. But the paps schooled him, by not taking pics at the next red carpet event he attended. I think he learned that they have to have a mutually respectful relationship and there haven't been any issues since. Maybe Kim and Kanye can learn some class from him.

And Amal has yet to show us her tits!!!!

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Kim will make a billion before he even gets this company off the ground. School uniforms? Hoodies and work boots are already standard school attire. All we need is his take on the girls uniforms, unharnessed tits and too tight skirts. A principals nightmare.

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School uniforms? Really? Aren't the leather pants going to be too expensive for a high school kid?


But seriously, he can't make it with a fashion line, so he's going to try school uniforms. When that doesn't work out, what's he going to try next? Doll clothes?

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I'm an old lady, 62 this year, and I can confess that I had no knowledge of Kanye West until I heard about what he did to Taylor Swift. I wouldn't recognize any of his music, old rasta lady that I am, and this will probably sound very juvenile, but he's really creepy, isn't he? Do you think he's really like he's portrayed to be or is it all publicity? Because he kind of makes my skin crawl.

  • Love 7

I'm an old lady, 62 this year, and I can confess that I had no knowledge of Kanye West until I heard about what he did to Taylor Swift. I wouldn't recognize any of his music, old rasta lady that I am, and this will probably sound very juvenile, but he's really creepy, isn't he? Do you think he's really like he's portrayed to be or is it all publicity? Because he kind of makes my skin crawl.

Nothing juvenile about it. Creepy describes him to a T. And sadly I think he's really like that.

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Maybe it's a Behavioral Psychology course and he's not as much the instructor as guest subject for the class to analyze. It would take nearly a semester to weed through all of his psychoses, delusions of grandeur and persecution, and multiple Axis II disorders.


I had a mentally ill geometry teacher in high school who spent more time ranting to the class the many reasons why we weren't allowed to sneeze than actually teaching math; I imagine Kanye will be borrowing heavily from his teaching style.

I had a religion professor who was a full-fledged atheist, but halfway thru the semester he began to believe he was Jesus Christ. I mean he honestly believed that he was Jesus to the point that he used Jesus Christ as his signature. Needless to say, we came to class one day to find a new professor taking his place. We found out later that he had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital for long-term treatment.
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I had a religion professor who was a full-fledged atheist, but halfway thru the semester he began to believe he was Jesus Christ. I mean he honestly believed that he was Jesus to the point that he used Jesus Christ as his signature. Needless to say, we came to class one day to find a new professor taking his place. We found out later that he had been admitted to a psychiatric hospital for long-term treatment.

I'm afraid to ask, was he black.. did he aspire to be a rapper, fashion designer AND Jesus Christ? Any resemblance at all?

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So, Scott can't be around North because of his behavior, but hanging with Chris Brown, woman beater, is okay for Kanye and Kim? WTF Kim? What about poor Auntie Nicole who got nearly decapitated by Uncle OJ? Did you forget about her? Maybe Kim's like her Dad who stuck by his murdering friend, forgive and forget?

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If I'm reading the uniform article right, it refers to "sports kit"…. isn't that sports uniforms, not everyday wear? Still ridiculous, I can only imagine how horrible they will be, but not quite as bad as everyday wear would be. I'm thinking gym class uniforms, not many schools are going to buy Kanye inspired football uniforms. I'd imagine the poor boys would have a hard time running in leather pants. 

I just read that Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas offered Kanye $4.5M to perform; $500K per performance, 3 times a week for 3 weeks and he turned it down.  If he had taken it, he would have made more than JLo, Britney Spears and Celine Dion are making.  I kinda wish he had taken it and the crowd would have been as sparse as they were at some of his recent concerts.  That'd teach PH to offer big bucks to a lame ass moron who would use the opportunity to punish the audience with his 20 minute rants and self-aggrandizing behavior.

In a very weird way I kind of respect Kanye (I cant believe I just typed that) for turning that offer down (and the bragging rights about how he would be the highest paid ever in Vegas).  He's already worth, supposedly well over 100 million dollars.  4 million is a drop in the bucket for him and he doesnt need it.  Kim on the other hand is greedy, greedy, greedy with outrageous, expensive demands (seriously demanding at least a million bucks for appearances and endorsements?) and has proven she'll do anything for the almighty buck. That said, what the hell were they thinking offering him that?? After seeing the attendance of his last tour I doubt he would have been that much of a massive draw.

Well shit, I never a thought a Kanye song would make me tear up. Before he joined the Kardashian circus I remember when his mother died and how hard he took her death.  You can hear it here, its called "Only One".  Well its definitely from the heart especially the line "tell Nori about me". Throw in Paul McCartney who's featured and this is the kind of stuff the Grammy's eat up.

Kanye West’s newest song “Only One” is an emotional ballad that will undoubtedly bring tears to your eyes. The song is featured in his late mother Donda’s perspective, who tragically passed away in 2007. In the song, she wants Kanye to tell North West about her and to know she’s always with him.
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Was that Planet Hollywood offer legit or PR propaganda? I live in Vegas and I can't see PH turning a profit on that kind of offer, especially since Kanye's last tour featured half empty arenas on many of his U.S. dates. Nobody out here, local or tourist, is going to pay $200 to see Kanye West. Celine and Cher, definitely, Kanye, no way in hell.

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Truth is, I've been a fan of Kanye's music since way back but lately I haven't listened to him too much. I can't explain the whole KK thing, but at least he has a beautiful daughter from it. But I must say, while I was listening to that song, I'm pretty sure invisible ninja's were slicing and dicing onions in my kitchen! I think it's beautiful. A lovely tribute to his mom and a sweet memento of her for his daughter. But...he was a little heavy on the autotuner. Can he really sing like that? I'm only use to him rapping. If so, kudos to him. And if anyone thinks I'm nuts for being a fan of his music, listen to "Gone"...I think that song is a work of art. But hey, that's just me.

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Why doesn't that surprise me.


I think a lot of those comments were sarcastic.


For the rest... I don't know what the demographic is for Kanye followers, but I'm going to cut some slack that it's a generational thing. (Some of it. I am well aware that there are Kanye fans who know who Paul McCartney is.)


My question is Why Paul? and secondly, How Much?

Edited by grisgris


My question is Why Paul? and secondly, How Much?

It seems Sir Paul is a fan  I cant even begin to wrap my mind around these people not knowing who Paul is.  Is this generation that out of touch? I mean surely even some of these teens today have heard Beatles songs..? Then again maybe I'm the one who's out of touch since I dont know who the hell Ty Dolla $sign is..


Ty Dolla $ign Says He, Kanye West, Rihanna, and Paul McCartney Are Dropping A Song Together

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Paul McCartney has done duets with plenty of people. I can see him deciding to work with Kanye. And Rihianna. It's all about money and exposure. I doubt he'll tolerate any bull shit from Kanye.

It will be interesting to see how their collaboration works. Paul is a genius 100x more than Kanye. Lets see if KW's overblown ego can handle working with a true legend. Years from know PM will be remembered for his catalog of musical creations, KW for marrying a fat assed reality famewhore.

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To be fair, The Beatles broke up in 1970 and if Paul was only known for his work after, I'd doubt he'd be seen as the genius he is regarded as. The current generation, Generation Z, is really far removed from The Baby Boomers who would have been the biggest Beatles fans. Generation X would have maybe grown up hearing The Beatles, depending on when they were born. The Millennial Generation? Well, that would have been something their parents or even grandparents listened to. Generation Z, it's too far removed from The Beatles heyday. I was born in 1976, tail end of Generation X. I know who The Beatles are and enjoy their music, but  I would say I'm not the norm for the last part of the generation and plenty of people my age, just turned 38 on 12/7, are only vaguely familiar with Paul's music as a Beatle and even less so with his work after. Isn't he the dude who made a song with Michael Jackson? Yeah, think about that. Wings really isn't ever going to be relevant to Paul's genius status. And honestly, if I went out and polled 100 people under the age of 30 and asked them to name a Paul song, most wouldn't know who he was and those who did, I'd give the odds of them naming a non Beatles song at about 0%. Hell, I could do the same poll and ask them just to name a Beatles song and while I might get about a 25% better response, I'd guarantee the "Beatles" song most named would be Imagine. Uh, yeah, no. I'm about the complete opposite of the target audience of a Kanye song and if my peers would be hard pressed to know who Paul is, I can see how Kanye's fans would be even less familiar. 

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I really doubt its the money Paul needs because he's considered to be one of the richest celebrities in the world, worth over a billion dollars. I think he likes to experiment collaborating with different types of artists, hes been doing it for many years and probably does appreciate the exposure to younger people. He's able to stay relevant and collaborate with hot artists of the moment because some actually realize what a legend he is.  Some of the songs hes written have been performed endlessly on shows like XFactor, American Idol, etc but these kids who watch the shows may not even realize it.  I remember someone singing Live and Let Die on XFactor a few years back and someone on TWOP at the time thinking it was a Guns n Roses song.

Edited by howmanywords
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I haven't heard enough of Kanye's music to be a fan or a hater. His music appeals to plenty enough people that he won't ever need or want for anything and that's fine. There's a host of popular musicians that are plenty talented that I can take or leave (like Beyonce; her stuff is catchy but i'm not downloading it on itunes; and Taylor Swift drives me nuts).


As for Paul McCartney collaborating with Kanye, and even admiring his work, I can go with that even if I don't share his taste. He's endured for 50 years because he's got musical talent and is curious - not just a one note artist (haw haw haw). Seriously, I respect artists who go outside their comfort zone or look beyond their own niche. Sometimes it works (Run DMC and Aerosmith!) and sometimes it doesn't (I loathe the Ebony/Ivory thing with PM and SW - nice thought but inane; and the collaboration with MJ wasn't much better). But at least they're open to listening to what's current and I feel like it helps move music forward and keep it fresh.


I can believe there's a whole raft of people who have no idea who the hell McCartney is or why he's a big deal or important (and consider the fact that John Lennon isn't even in the conversation, simply because he's dead). I had a vague idea of who Frank Sinatra was when I was a teenager because my grandparents listened to him, and Liberace, who was an absolute world-wide phenomenon was known to me only because of Bugs Bunny. Not long ago there was a teenager in my house -- 19 -- who certainly knows all about Kanye West. I spent some time explaining the Beach Boys and Beatles to him and even played him a bit on my stereo (yes, vinyl!! -- another revelation for him!). He was okay with it, but I think he got a bit bored by it.


I may ask myself "why, Sir Paul, why???" but in the end, I respect musicians who will fiddle around with other stuff. Their tastes and style may vary wildly, but in the end, it's all music. It's valid, even though I may not like it.

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Paul is a musical genius, but he also has an ego. He clearly isn't producing as much music as he did in the past. He's 70. Working with people in the business who are in the news, whether or not their music is his music, he is ensuring that his name and his contribution to music continues. How many musicians can say that they have been actively working creatively for so many decades? So many artists die and reading their obits you realize their contributions to the craft,while memorable, ended years ago. Paul, at 70, is still creating and relevant after all these decades. Let's see how long Kanye's legacy lasts.

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Robert Plant and Stevie Nicks come to mind. RP has won Grammys and has done all kinds of work outside of the Led Zeppelin heavy rock genre. Stevie mentors and performs with many young artists.  She seems to gravitate towards performers who align more closely with her style, but still she's out there both solo and with Fleetwood Mac after all of these years.

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Robert Plant and Stevie Nicks come to mind. RP has won Grammys and has done all kinds of work outside of the Led Zeppelin heavy rock genre. Stevie mentors and performs with many young artists.  She seems to gravitate towards performers who align more closely with her style, but still she's out there both solo and with Fleetwood Mac after all of these years.

These are great talents also, but it's still only a rare few who are actively working ang contributing decade after decade. Some fade away and then 20 yrs later have a resurgance or reinterest in their music because of a movie soundtrack or such, but creating new stuff, is a rarity.

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Message added by Aethera

Discussion of Kanye's run for the US Presidency is off-limits here, unless and until the run appears on the show itself, as per our Politics Policy. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/94644-politics-primetimer-updated-070319


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