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Kanye West: The Most Intelligent Celebrity

Message added by Aethera

Discussion of Kanye's run for the US Presidency is off-limits here, unless and until the run appears on the show itself, as per our Politics Policy. https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/94644-politics-primetimer-updated-070319


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1 hour ago, cpcathy said:

He voiced his opinion, he's entitled to it. He did it in a place that it would be heard. I don't know if he actually donated money or volunteered but his choice to speak out was important for the back community who had been basically forgotten about. No one should have had to go through what those people went through. If this is too off topic, then my apologies.

But how did him saying that actually help anyone? He should put his money and time where his mouth is. Apparently he doesn't. His words would have more impact if they didn't seem hypocritical and entirely about himself garnering attention. Maybe I'm missing something but did that outburst actually achieve anything of significance?

Edit: I'm sure this list isn't all inclusive but no Kanye listed and no Kardashians in sight either. https://en.m.wikinews.org/wiki/Celebrities_contribute_to_Katrina_relief 

Edited by Rebecca
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19 hours ago, millennium said:

I never disputed the content of his message -- just the timing of it.

To put it bluntly, he fucked with a fundraiser.  He ad-libbed the whole thing, with no warning given to the event organizers that he was about to potentially alienate a large portion of the donating audience. 

The end doesn't justify the means.   What he did was reckless and self-serving.


This was a fundraiser for victims of Katrina?  If I was speaking at such an event, and I was trying to raise money, I'd be hard-pressed to discuss it WITHOUT mentioning the various failures of government.  At the time, it wasn't a controversial sentiment. Maybe Kanye was more rude or direct or personal than he needed to be regarding GWB, but it's impossible to dispute that he was correct.  I'm sure that one of the major topics of conversation at Katrina fund raisers was the failure of GWB and the possible reasons why.  How could it not be?

Honestly, he's done a lot of obnoxious things (I guess, I only started paying attention to him recently but that Taylor Swift thing was pretty terrible) but I can't fault him for speaking his mind about Katrina, given the horrific and unnecessary  things black people left behind in New Orleans endured. 

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8 minutes ago, Rebecca said:

But how did him saying that actually help anyone? He should put his money and time where his mouth is. Apparently he doesn't. His words would have more impact if they didn't seem hypocritical and entirely about himself garnering attention. Maybe I'm missing something but did that outburst actually achieve anything of significance?

Edit: I'm sure this list isn't all inclusive but no Kanye listed and no Kardashians in sight either. https://en.m.wikinews.org/wiki/Celebrities_contribute_to_Katrina_relief 

The older girls went there a few years later. Kim was dating Reggie Bush and he played for the Saints, so I guess that was one of the reasons they went.

They hooked up with a family that was affected by Katrina. I  think their house was in the process of being rebuilt. They took the girls around and showed them the devastation and the Kardashian's were suitably sad and they had some beignets and coffee and bought the family some furniture for the new house and then came home to Calabasas and promptly forgot all about it.  

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1 hour ago, toolazy said:


This was a fundraiser for victims of Katrina?  If I was speaking at such an event, and I was trying to raise money, I'd be hard-pressed to discuss it WITHOUT mentioning the various failures of government.  At the time, it wasn't a controversial sentiment. Maybe Kanye was more rude or direct or personal than he needed to be regarding GWB, but it's impossible to dispute that he was correct.  I'm sure that one of the major topics of conversation at Katrina fund raisers was the failure of GWB and the possible reasons why.  How could it not be?

Honestly, he's done a lot of obnoxious things (I guess, I only started paying attention to him recently but that Taylor Swift thing was pretty terrible) but I can't fault him for speaking his mind about Katrina, given the horrific and unnecessary  things black people left behind in New Orleans endured. 

Remember the times.   Katrina was the tipping point when Dubya's Teflon coating began to crack.   But until that point the public backlash against people and organizations that expressed anti-Bush sentiment was swift and harsh (think Dixie Chicks -- and we seem poised to re-enter another era of suppression just like that, if not worse, btw).  

If West was willing to place his career reputation, album sales, etc. on the line to criticize Bush, more power to him.   But there was a very real risk that the immediate backlash for his proclamation that "George Bush doesn't care about black people" could have been against the fundraiser if folks expressed their outrage by withholding donations.

Fundraisers for victims of natural disasters aren't the place to stoke controversy.    It's about the victims and nobody else.   West was invited there to do something charitable, not political.   He purposely overstepped, and in doing so placed the outcome of the fundraiser in needless jeopardy.

Edited by millennium
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Of course it's possible, but this is the same person who donated to Hillary Clinton (and that was somehow leaked all over the place), but then didn't bother to vote & said he was for Trump. He gave the donation because it got him publicity, not because he wanted to contribute.

What leak? Kanye and Kim had pictures on their social media at the Hilary Clinton fundraiser and I'm pretty sure he put it out there that he donated to her campaign. And his donating to Hilary's campaign then later saying he didn't vote and was for Trump is exactly the kind of behavior that was deemed strange and only a week later he was hospitalized in a mental institution. Which has brought us to this point where some are convinced it was all an elaborate publicity hoax.


He blamed being soused on Hennessy for interrupting  Taylor Swift 

No he didn't. Other people have mentioned Kanye's being drunk that night because it was obvious. Amber Rose, who he was still with when that happened, said a year or so ago in an interview that he was incredibly drunk that night. But Kanye has never said he only did what he did because he was drunk. 


He can't use his newly diagnosed illness as an excuse because he told Mike Myers before the interview began that he was going to take some "liberties" . 

Again, why would he when he's never really regretted what he said.  I think he's acknowledged in later years that it may not have been the right time to say it but he never said he was wrong in his sentiment. 


 I don't think he may even have believed what he said, he just knew it would get him press. 

A number high profile individuals, including many in the hip hop community, like Jay Z, P Diddy, Russell Simmons, were all talking about the disastrous handling of post-Hurricane Katrina and how these people, who were mostly black, were being treated but of course Kanye couldn't have believed those things as well. Kanye whose music has always been very racially, socially and politically driven, didn't believe this at all and only said it for press. Okay, sure. 

For the record, I only brought up the Katrina statement to make the point that it always amuses me when to the population that seems to think Kanye only existed when he married Kim, that interrupting Taylor Swift was this big career turning moment for him. Like no one knew he was before that. Also, it was to make the comment again of why I personally do believe and have believed for awhile that something was wrong with him. Because while Kanye never shied away from controversy, he wasn't an incoherent babbling nutjob, which is how he's come across in recent years.

The Katrina point was to show that yes, it may have been controversial and not the right time but it wasn't some crazy, out there statement because he didn't say anything that many hadn't been saying and feeling. But in recent years, Kanye just goes off like a maniac. And so, YMMV many can choose to believe it's all one big hoax because the evil Kardashians and their evil ways (and yet again, continue to follow their every move apparently) but I personally believe something is mentally wrong with Kanye and hope he gets better. I also continue to not care about Kim at all, except that if he is a danger to himself and others, I hope her and her kids are safe. 


But until that point the public backlash against people and organizations that expressed anti-Bush sentiment was swift and harsh (think Dixie Chicks 

The Dixie Chicks were country singers from Texas. You know, the state that Bush had been Governor of and historically votes Republican. The country didn't turn on the Dixie Chicks, country music radio and fans did. Kanye, as a hip hop artist was not going to face backlash for his comments against Bush. 


But there was a very real risk that the immediate backlash for his proclamation that "George Bush doesn't care about black people" could have been against the fundraiser if folks expressed their outrage by withholding donations.

Which once again would have said more about them than Kanye. Punish innocent people suffering because you disapprove of some guy's comments. Okay. Interestingly, in the days after, many people came forward agreeing with Kanye, including Mike Myers who some were so appalled on his behalf. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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And back to Kanye. Do you guy's think that when he speaks again or appears in public that he'll be "Britney Spears'd" i say that because yes the poor girl had a breakdown but she's medicated within an inch of her life. She really is robotic. 

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Reading the comments here, I'm very interested to see how people interpret and accept Kanye's fame and accomplishments in relation to white "celebrity" and his marriage. It's as if he never did anything worth mentioning until he spoke against a White President or interrupted a user White teen. 


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A giant Christmas tree was delivered to Kim & Kanye's house, so it looks like they actually are in their own home & not staying with Kris.

Now,anybody want to talk about the fact that the papps are either flying over their house, or hiding out on a nearby high spot, or renting a neighbor's house just to get pictures? They live in a gated community, papps shouldn't be able to get to them there.

EDITED: Looks like I could be wrong, People is saying that Kim & Kanye are living apart for "medical reasons", so who knows who is living in their house.

Edited by GaT
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13 minutes ago, GaT said:

A giant Christmas tree was delivered to Kim & Kanye's house, so it looks like they actually are in their own home & not staying with Kris.

Now,anybody want to talk about the fact that the papps are either flying over their house, or hiding out on a nearby high spot, or renting a neighbor's house just to get pictures? They live in a gated community, papps shouldn't be able to get to them there.

Are you shocked that they would fly over? That's how we get lots of pics of them and other celebs. Part of the price you pay for being famous.,, along with the millions of dollars. 

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2 hours ago, Nutella said:

According to TMZ, this entire episode can be blamed on Kanye messing up doses of his meds. That he has a condition that can be controlled by meds, but he messed up the dose leading to all of this. I'm not buying it.


Yeah, I'm not buying it either, "sources connected with the family tell TMZ." Kris is trying to make this something simple & easily corrected.

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I suspect Kim has been talking him down from the ledge, so to speak, for a while, stroking his ego and  listening to his ranting. I think she got sick of it went to NY to get away from him and he flipped out over it. All this crap about him being so anxious over her "nearly being killed" in Paris is so much spin. 

He went back on tour within a couple weeks, if he were so upset and concerned he could have canceled /postponed his shows til 2017, and stayed home. Hell, she wasn't that upset that she wasn't able to film scenes for the show while she recuperated. 

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I can imagine how scary it must be to live with Kanye - just his public episodes would be enough to send me in the opposite direction. Kim is probably not sure what to do because he could really lose his shit if she asks for a divorce, and she has to protect the kids.

On edit: Just read that they are not living together while Kanye gets treatment - probably a good move.

Edited by nexxie
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This makes me wonder if the marriage is all but over. They're supposedly living apart now, but it'll be interesting to see if they will ever live together again.

His music career at this point is all but over, but he can start from scratch. He probably just won't be getting any "positive" publicity, immediately coming out with a new album and doing any shows or hanging out with any A-list celebs (for damn sure, not Jay and B) anytime soon. His "fashion career" might be somewhat salvageable since he still seems to have Adidas in his corner, but I don't know if he's going to do another presentation after that disastrous F/W show anytime soon.

All that to say, he isn't offering much as far as perks to Kim and the rest of the Klan, and the road to recovery is going to be a long, complicated one. I don't see Kim sticking around for that.

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On 12/2/2016 at 1:05 PM, GaT said:

Of course it's possible, but this is the same person who donated to Hillary Clinton (and that was somehow leaked all over the place), but then didn't bother to vote & said he was for Trump. He gave the donation because it got him publicity, not because he wanted to contribute.

Because political donations have to be tracked and reported by the campaign and there are many, many databases where people including reporters can easily plug in a person's name and find out theor donations. This is not the same thing as a charitable contributions which can be made anonymously and even when they are not don't have to be reported in the same way.

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13 hours ago, Sharper2002 said:

This makes me wonder if the marriage is all but over. They're supposedly living apart now, but it'll be interesting to see if they will ever live together again.

His music career at this point is all but over, but he can start from scratch. He probably just won't be getting any "positive" publicity, immediately coming out with a new album and doing any shows or hanging out with any A-list celebs (for damn sure, not Jay and B) anytime soon. His "fashion career" might be somewhat salvageable since he still seems to have Adidas in his corner, but I don't know if he's going to do another presentation after that disastrous F/W show anytime soon.

All that to say, he isn't offering much as far as perks to Kim and the rest of the Klan, and the road to recovery is going to be a long, complicated one. I don't see Kim sticking around for that.

I think it is quite the opposite. He has a strong musical record and a great album/single/production track can easily put him back in the public eye. He does not have a strong fashion history (other than the sneaker line, which I suspect didn't sell for looks, but name, as do many shoes). He will do well to be rid of the Kardashians. After all, his best work came before them (reference his Grammy wins and production credits prior to the relationship/marriage).

This is not just from an old-head fan (used to watch him on Chappelle's Show), but I have a teen kid (and her peers) who like his pre 2012 stuff far more than anything recent. It's too "try hard" in their words.

As far as the K's are concerned for his saleability and cache....he has achieved far more on his own than any of the rest of their attached men have, combined...and I'm including Jenner's one time Olympic win. He's still a prize for them. What have Lamar, Scott, Tyga, French Montana, Reggie Bush, Corey, whoever Khloe is fucking now, done in their fields that outshines Kanye's accomplishments? Nothing. He may be an asshole but he's a big catch for these talentless hoes. They won't get a name like his again, so even if they let him go, it'll be a long time to never before they find someone who can put them on a Vogue cover or get them into the Grammys, which, crazy or not, Kanye was able to do. In their world of vanity, who's going to want a used up Kim K, passed around, multiple kids, sex tape, with a volatile ex? She better play her cards right unless she wants to end up with a "nobody" and we know that's not good enough for her narcissistic self. She's too old for most current athletes and most  elite rappers don't go for leftovers/are already married. Rich white/other men who choose older ladies go for accomplished, talented women (Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson). Kim better hold onto her man unless she wants a Corey or another Hump.

just keeping it real.

Edited by sunsheyen
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9 minutes ago, sunsheyen said:

I think it is quite the opposite. He has a strong musical record and a great album/single/production track can easily put him back in the public eye. He does not have a strong fashion history (other than the sneaker line, which I suspect didn't sell for looks, but name, as do many shoes). He will do well to be rid of the Kardashians. After all, his best work came before them (reference his Grammy wins and production credits prior to the relationship/marriage).

This. Kanye, despite all his issues and rantings and ravings, hasn't done anything that he can't come back from. Which means that a solid album will easily put him right back where he was in his musical career and he is more than capable of it as he has shown numerous times in the past. Chris Brown still has a career, a pretty solid one at that and Kanye's music career is over? Mel Gibson is getting huge Oscar buzz for a film he directed this year and again, Kanye can't come back in the music industry? Hell, hate to sound cynical but the breakdown might make him create his most powerful work. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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There have been conflicting articles about whether or not Kanye is not living at home since he got released. But the day a giant tree was delivered there was also a huge, huge water delivery many believed was for him. Then I saw this a couple of days ago FWIW 


I'll agree with the above. Kanye is probably the only one out of all the Kardashian men who doesn't need them to have a career. He had multi platinum albums and was one of the biggest Grammy winners before he even dated Kim. My nephew is a HUGE fan and even with this latest mental breakdown issue he's a fan and waiting for new music.

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17 hours ago, Sharper2002 said:

This makes me wonder if the marriage is all but over. They're supposedly living apart now, but it'll be interesting to see if they will ever live together again.

His music career at this point is all but over, but he can start from scratch. He probably just won't be getting any "positive" publicity, immediately coming out with a new album and doing any shows or hanging out with any A-list celebs (for damn sure, not Jay and B) anytime soon. His "fashion career" might be somewhat salvageable since he still seems to have Adidas in his corner, but I don't know if he's going to do another presentation after that disastrous F/W show anytime soon.

All that to say, he isn't offering much as far as perks to Kim and the rest of the Klan, and the road to recovery is going to be a long, complicated one. I don't see Kim sticking around for that.

See, I think the exact opposite.  I don't think Kim is leaving Kanye.  Everybody has been on break-up watch since they got together, but I don't see them going anywhere or splitting up.  From the start they've led somewhat separate lives.  Kim has even said as much in interviews, the nature of their jobs, how they function as a couple, etc.  And I've seen nothing to indicate that they aren't committed to each other, I just see that their lifestyle isn't that of a traditional marriage.  Keep in mind that's what Kris Humphries expected/wanted ("nobody will care about you in 15 years anyway" or some such thing) and Kimmy went running for the hills when she realized that there was actually an expectation/desire that she be a wife first, and her career comes after that.  I don't think from the start they both understood what the lifestyle was going to be and were fine with it because it kept their careers as top priorities.  And if we want to think that Kim only married Kanye for the legitimacy he gives her, even as a basket case, as of right now, the Kardashian table has a lot more guests at it with Kanye than without.  

Kanye isn't going anywhere.  Maybe his career takes a bump.  But Hollywood loves a comeback story, and Kanye will do just that.  I have no doubt about that.  Assuming he gets healthy, he'll find a way to use this.  And he'll probably drone on and on about how it helped him grow as an artist how it changed his vision, etc.  Maybe he'll start with smiling for the camera again?  

I'm not saying that I don't think Kanye's been a pain in the ass to live with.  I do think Kim has probably tried to avoid some of it.  But I don't see her walking because of it, now that she knows what is going on.  If only for her image.  I actually think that her walking away from him as a result of this is what would ruin her.  

I'm going to be very interested to see how the hip hop world embraces Kanye after this.  What will his relationship with JayZ become, especially they now know what's been going on?  

And as for the report on the medication, I actually can believe it, depending on what the medication is.  A friend of mine has fairly severe OCD and if she doesn't take her medication and consistently see her doctors, she'll develop problems pretty quickly again, and in her case it was pretty debilitating.  She has no desire to revisit that, so she does what she needs to do.  Hopefully Kanye won't mess around with that again.  

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This. Kanye, despite all his issues and rantings and ravings, hasn't done anything that he can't come back from. Which means that a solid album will easily put him right back where he was in his musical career and he is more than capable of it as he has shown numerous times in the past. Chris Brown still has a career, a pretty solid one at that and Kanye's music career is over? Mel Gibson is getting huge Oscar buzz for a film he directed this year and again, Kanye can't come back in the music industry? Hell, hate to sound cynical but the breakdown might make him create his most powerful work. 

Oh, I do totally agree. Just to clarify, I completely think Kanye can (and will) probably make a comeback because he's been in the game for so long and when all is said and done, he's a musical talent who has the accolades to back it up. I was really thinking more in terms of Kim and the rest of the K's since like Mel Gibson and Chris Brown, he might be socially outcast for a little bit (and I know, brutally beating a woman and going on an epithet-filled rant are not apples to apples with mental illness) and then he'll take his time to make his comeback. He's been able to do it before and I definitely think he can do it again. All I'm saying is, I don't know if Kim will want to stick around for the time it takes  him to rebuild. I'm guessing he'll be out of the public eye for awhile (as he should), so that's not a perk for her if/when she does want to emerge back into the limelight.

But like you all said, he's the most accomplished of the current K men, and the most accomplished that Kim's dated/married, aside from Reggie Bush, so she might want to hold on.

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8 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

The Grammy nominations just came out and Kanye got 8, including Best Rap Album for Life of Pablo. 

LOL and that seals the marriage, at least for now. Kimmy and company ain't missing the chance to sit front row center at the Grammys. What is that, 2 months away? What a wonderful public debut, post robbery trauma? Strong woman, supportive wife! (and hey tag along momma, probably) Much more high profile than some raggedy dead daddy charity.

Edited by sunsheyen
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16 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Lets see if he gets a sympathy win.

Kanye's probably pretty pissed off about the Grammys.  There will be no front row showboating (although there may be some stage rushing).  Although Kanye got 8 nominations, he's up against himself in 3 categories, so the most he can win is 5.  AND the kicker is that he's not nominated for any of the 3 BIG awards of the night - album, record, or song of the year.  A huge insult considering how much work he put into Pablo and its publicity.  He and Kim should really just stay home that night, Netflix and chill.

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YMMV but I doubt he's surprised. However good Life of Pablo was, the whole rollout and subsequent months were sort of a mess with the whole Tidal thing. To be honest, I think the Tidal situation was a big factor behind the recent Kanye/Jay Z drama, no matter what Kanye said about them not coming to see Kim after Paris and whatever else. 

Not saying that didn't also factor but I think it was a combination of things. Because Kanye stupidly agreed to that Tidal exclusive thing that greatly affected his sales for months because no matter how much fans wanted the album, they were not willing to shell out $20 to join Tidal to buy it. Meanwhile, Jay Z's own wife had her album on Tidal for a day before it was all over iTunes because Beyonce wasn't about to screw with her album sales - husband or not. 

Plus, it's been awhile since Kanye was nominated for the big awards. They didn't even nominate him for AOTY for My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, which had a metacritic score of like 95, which meant it got virtually no bad reviews and topped every critic's list that year for Best Albums of the Year. And for the record, as annoying as Kanye can be, I thought he had every reason to be annoyed that year because that was bullshit in my opinion. Of course these are the people who gave Taylor Swift's 1989 AOTY over Kendrick Lamar's To Pimp A Butterfly so never mind. 

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34 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

Kanye's probably pretty pissed off about the Grammys.  There will be no front row showboating (although there may be some stage rushing).  Although Kanye got 8 nominations, he's up against himself in 3 categories, so the most he can win is 5.  AND the kicker is that he's not nominated for any of the 3 BIG awards of the night - album, record, or song of the year.  A huge insult considering how much work he put into Pablo and its publicity.  He and Kim should really just stay home that night, Netflix and chill.

There's no way that after all this drama and 5150 and everything else, if Kanye were to make his public reemergence at the Grammys that he wouldn't get a huge chunk of the shine. A recovery story? Mental Illness in a genius? Kim's trauma? Beef with some of the biggest in the business/former besties? I'm not saying he's guaranteed wins, I'm just saying that the cameras would be trained on him, front and center, either to spin it as a great comeback/healing or to wait to see if he is actually "better" or acts up that night. 

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I agree Kim isn't going anywhere. She's pushing 40 with a 747's worth of baggage in tow. Not to mention her looks are no longer unique. Every Instagram tramp under 30 is sporting atificially inflated lips, hips, butts, boobs and cheeks, so Kim isn't even the hottest version of Kim anymore. If anything I think Kanye will be the one to walk first. 

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1 hour ago, sunsheyen said:

 if Kanye were to make his public reemergence at the Grammys that he wouldn't get a huge chunk of the shine.

I'm sure he'll get publicity for showing up, however he's not nominated for the biggest awards of the night so he may be playing his trump card (making his first public appearance) by supporting the real winners of the night.  

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13 minutes ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

I'm sure he'll get publicity for showing up, however he's not nominated for the biggest awards of the night so he may be playing his trump card (making his first public appearance) by supporting the real winners of the night.  

Kanye only had like two or three nominations in the Rap categories two years ago (he lost all) and he performed twice during the ceremony and had a lot of attention. If he's up for it, the producers would happily feature and focus on him. But I actually think he might skip it. 

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3 hours ago, sunsheyen said:

LOL and that seals the marriage, at least for now. Kimmy and company ain't missing the chance to sit front row center at the Grammys. What is that, 2 months away? What a wonderful public debut, post robbery trauma? Strong woman, supportive wife! (and hey tag along momma, probably) Much more high profile than some raggedy dead daddy charity.

They could, but Kanye Tweeted that he wouldn't go to the Grammys unless Frank Ocean was nominated. Since Frank Ocean didn't submit his anything for nomination, Kanye now has an excuse for not showing up instead of having to sit there without being nominated in any major category.

2 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

YMMV but I doubt he's surprised. However good Life of Pablo was, the whole rollout and subsequent months were sort of a mess with the whole Tidal thing. To be honest, I think the Tidal situation was a big factor behind the recent Kanye/Jay Z drama, no matter what Kanye said about them not coming to see Kim after Paris and whatever else. 

Not saying that didn't also factor but I think it was a combination of things. Because Kanye stupidly agreed to that Tidal exclusive thing that greatly affected his sales for months because no matter how much fans wanted the album, they were not willing to shell out $20 to join Tidal to buy it. Meanwhile, Jay Z's own wife had her album on Tidal for a day before it was all over iTunes because Beyonce wasn't about to screw with her album sales - husband or not. 

Beyonce (like Kanye) is also one of the owners of Tidal. I'm pretty sure that only putting his album on Tidal was Kanye's idea, when it was released he said that if he releases any more albums, none of them would be on CD, so he set the whole fiasco up himself. 

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Kayne may have moved out of the home he and Kim allegedly share. X17 is the only tab reporting this event, so we'll have to wait for confirmation from other sources.


EXCLUSIVE - Kanye Skips Town, Leaves Kim At Home Alone ... Is Rapper Going To Rehab?

... X17online can reveal exclusively that Kanye West left LA urgently in the middle of the night last night! Kanye skipped town, surrounded by security in an SUV, driving out of LA in the middle of the night, leaving wife Kim Kardashian at home with kids Saint and North. It looks like Kanye might be headed to a treatment facility, while Kim may be headed for a divorce lawyer! A source tells us exclusively, "Kanye's got to fix himself. He went away to give Kim some space but he's hoping to save his marriage. At this point, Kim is tired of dealing with his issues and he [she?] doesn't want Kanye around the kids." Meanwhile, Kim's at the couple's Bel Air mansion, prepping for Christmas with the kids and her family, but she'll be staying close to home and not venturing out, according to our source...


Wonder what made X17 say Kayne left "urgently." It's not like he left in an ambulance. If he left in the middle of the night, he was probably trying to avoid the paps.

Edited by Coffeecup
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On 12/5/2016 at 10:34 AM, sunsheyen said:

I think it is quite the opposite. He has a strong musical record and a great album/single/production track can easily put him back in the public eye. He does not have a strong fashion history (other than the sneaker line, which I suspect didn't sell for looks, but name, as do many shoes). He will do well to be rid of the Kardashians. After all, his best work came before them (reference his Grammy wins and production credits prior to the relationship/marriage).

This is not just from an old-head fan (used to watch him on Chappelle's Show), but I have a teen kid (and her peers) who like his pre 2012 stuff far more than anything recent. It's too "try hard" in their words.

As far as the K's are concerned for his saleability and cache....he has achieved far more on his own than any of the rest of their attached men have, combined...and I'm including Jenner's one time Olympic win. He's still a prize for them. What have Lamar, Scott, Tyga, French Montana, Reggie Bush, Corey, whoever Khloe is fucking now, done in their fields that outshines Kanye's accomplishments? Nothing. He may be an asshole but he's a big catch for these talentless hoes. They won't get a name like his again, so even if they let him go, it'll be a long time to never before they find someone who can put them on a Vogue cover or get them into the Grammys, which, crazy or not, Kanye was able to do. In their world of vanity, who's going to want a used up Kim K, passed around, multiple kids, sex tape, with a volatile ex? She better play her cards right unless she wants to end up with a "nobody" and we know that's not good enough for her narcissistic self. She's too old for most current athletes and most  elite rappers don't go for leftovers/are already married. Rich white/other men who choose older ladies go for accomplished, talented women (Mariah Carey, Janet Jackson). Kim better hold onto her man unless she wants a Corey or another Hump.

just keeping it real.

If Britney & Robert Downey Jr can come back so can he. I also agree his recent song fade is still played and a bop and his old shit still relevant. 

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1 hour ago, Coffeecup said:

Kayne may have moved out of the home he and Kim allegedly share. X17 is the only tab reporting this event, so we'll have to wait for confirmation from other sources.


EXCLUSIVE - Kanye Skips Town, Leaves Kim At Home Alone ... Is Rapper Going To Rehab?

... X17online can reveal exclusively that Kanye West left LA urgently in the middle of the night last night! Kanye skipped town, surrounded by security in an SUV, driving out of LA in the middle of the night, leaving wife Kim Kardashian at home with kids Saint and North. It looks like Kanye might be headed to a treatment facility, while Kim may be headed for a divorce lawyer! A source tells us exclusively, "Kanye's got to fix himself. He went away to give Kim some space but he's hoping to save his marriage. At this point, Kim is tired of dealing with his issues and he [she?] doesn't want Kanye around the kids." Meanwhile, Kim's at the couple's Bel Air mansion, prepping for Christmas with the kids and her family, but she'll be staying close to home and not venturing out, according to our source...


Wonder what made X17 say Kayne left "urgently." It's not like he left in an ambulance. If he left in the middle of the night, he was probably trying to avoid the paps.

Or he  had another episode and his 'handlers" took him away.

I think this marriage has been  doomed from the start. Sad because of the kids, but the whole family is a clusterfuck of dysfunction so it's sort of expected. Kim is not equipped to deal with the stress of a man who has mental and/or emotional issues. I wonder if she knew he was on  medication when she married him?  In the past she's sort of put his behavior out there as "just Kanye, being passionate, etc" . But I think recently she's been the object of some of his behaviors and that freaks her out. His hissy fit in Iceland? I think she dragged her sister and friends along deliberately to keep a buffer between them. His being pissed over the Puma deal, so much so that her friends were calling and texting her and she had to be an intermediary between her mother and Kanye.  The Mother's day confrontation in Cuba. His strange behavior was getting too close to home for her to deal with and I don't think she will be able to live with the specter of what could happen if he goes off his meds again. She's too shallow and practical a person.   

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1 minute ago, sunsheyen said:

I never thought this was a "til death do us part" marriage, I just don't think she will leave him right now. 

Completely agree. She may eventually but not just coming off his breakdown. and TMZ's latest update is way, way different than that X17 story, even saying Kanye was feeling well enough to go to a friends house with Kim last night.

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3 hours ago, Coffeecup said:

... X17online can reveal exclusively that Kanye West left LA urgently in the middle of the night last night!


Wonder what made X17 say Kayne left "urgently." It's not like he left in an ambulance. If he left in the middle of the night, he was probably trying to avoid the paps.

That sentence doesn't even make sense, how does someone leave "urgently"? X17 is just throwing words into the story to make it seem important. Bible.

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How can a couple be living apart when they never really lived together?   You can probably count on the fingers of one hand the number of nights they spent under the same roof in the last year.   

Kimmie really does have to weight being divorced 3 times against putting up with Kanye and him possibly going off his meds again.   I do not think she is thinking of protecting her kids either.   Those kids are always with nannies anyway.   I would be surprised if the kids and nannies didn't live at Kris' while Kimmie was at her own house and Kanye at his house.   The kids are just a storyline to her.   

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3 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Completely agree. She may eventually but not just coming off his breakdown. and TMZ's latest update is way, way different than that X17 story, even saying Kanye was feeling well enough to go to a friends house with Kim last night.

Well, maybe that's what really happened: instead of X17's drama about Kayne "skipping town... urgently," he just went out to visit a friend. Also we don't know what X17 meant by "the middle of the night." That could have been 10 p.m. or 11 p.m., a time when a lot of people are just getting started partying.

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29 minutes ago, merylinkid said:

How can a couple be living apart when they never really lived together?   You can probably count on the fingers of one hand the number of nights they spent under the same roof in the last year.   

Kimmie really does have to weight being divorced 3 times against putting up with Kanye and him possibly going off his meds again.   I do not think she is thinking of protecting her kids either.   Those kids are always with nannies anyway.   I would be surprised if the kids and nannies didn't live at Kris' while Kimmie was at her own house and Kanye at his house.   The kids are just a storyline to her.   

True, but they give her a plausible reason for divorcing or living separately long term/permanently. Protecting the children... I'm sure that is top on the list of reasons Kris has already compiled. 

Looking back at the Mothers Day discussion in Cuba, Kim was NOT happy that , 1. Kanye expected her to cancel/reschedule something she had already changed once, which went against her normal way of doing business, (especially since she was just getting back into public life)  and 2. He called her on it in front of her family, and they seemed to back him.  One of the reasons she liked Kanye was that they both were career oriented and accepting that they would spend lots of time apart. When she was discussing with Scott that Kanye wanted a third kid and had been talking about it for a week or more(Saint was still very young) I thought that was strange, but there's been talk that he was paranoid about people trying to break them up, perhaps he was pushing a baby as a way to hold her? 

I have a feeling that the marriage was not turning out the way she expected it to or the way he expected it to. Are his issues to blame? Maybe. But the kind of life Kim wants to live, IMO, doesn't include all the things that need to be a part of living with someone who has to maintain a healthy lifestyle, that includes plenty of rest, minimal stress, a good diet and following his prescribed medication routine. Constant jetsetting, and it's resulting jet lag, disruption of sleep caused by attending parties, late night/all day recording sessions, filming of videos, a reality show, dealing with two young children etc, can't be good for him. She doesn't live a nine to five life and I doubt she wants to. He doesn't either and needs to. I just don't see a happy medium.

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Even if Kim wants nothing to do with her children (which I do not believe, even if she isn't the most hands on mother), she lives in a 20+ room mansion. Its not very hard to keep to yourself in a place that big. North even has her own enormous 2 story playroom.

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Is Kayne really pushing Kim for a third baby? I thought her doctors told her she should not have any more children because another pregnancy could cause her to bleed to death.

Maybe he would agree to her using a surrogate. However, if he's that sick right now with his longstanding emotional issues, it would be a very bad time to bring another baby into the family.

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ok, please understand I am in no way criticizing mental illness and those who legitimately have it.

After seeing this on TMZ, I can't help but wonder if this isn't in part some larger stunt to rebuild Kanye's image/reputation after years of jackassery. Like the "robbery," I can't help but wonder how much of this real and how much of this is manufactured to win back the public favor they have been steadily losing -- him especially since his involvement with all things Kardashian.

His career has been in a spiral since he hooked up with her, and now, when it has reached what could be considered its lowest point, a crisis happens that will "enable him to create some of his best work ever"? Anticipation building much?

Like I said, I am not criticizing mental illness and those who actually have it -- this just all seems a little too convenient to me. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar -- maybe Kanye just really is an asshole, and has found a way to make it "okay" and "not his fault."

So now, going forward, whenever he pulls dick moves like he's done at the Grammys, he has an excuse, and anyone who criticizes him is shaming mental illness and they become the bad person. And before you say that's a stretch, or that it would be terrible to use mental illness to get his reputation back on track, remember the people we are talking about . . . 

Edited by SailorGirl
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The article says they hear he is back in the studio and an album "could" be out. Kanye and many artists like him are always in the studio. It's why these people have hundreds of unreleased songs. They're always free-styling, recording something - doesn't mean it ever gets released. Eminem is in his studio practically every day, writing, recording, etc. The article reads like speculation and opinion because yes, it is true that like many artists, Kanye did produce some of his best work after going through major tragedies - the accident that almost killed him and his mother's death. 

So in other words, it's not a stretch for an entertainment show to speculate and guess that he may create an amazing album after going through something like this. Eric Clapton created one of his greatest songs after the tragedy of his son's death. Sad though it may be, the fact is that many artists do create some of their best art from pain and tragedy. 

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21 minutes ago, SailorGirl said:

ok, please understand I am in no way criticizing mental illness and those who legitimately have it.

After seeing this on TMZ, I can't help but wonder if this isn't in part some larger stunt to rebuild Kanye's image/reputation after years of jackassery. Like the "robbery," I can't help but wonder how much of this real and how much of this is manufactured to win back the public favor they have been steadily losing -- him especially since his involvement with all things Kardashian.

His career has been in a spiral since he hooked up with her, and now, when it has reached what could be considered its lowest point, a crisis happens that will "enable him to create some of his best work ever"? Anticipation building much?

Like I said, I am not criticizing mental illness and those who actually have it -- this just all seems a little too convenient to me. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar -- maybe Kanye just really is an asshole, and has found a way to make it "okay" and "not his fault."

So now, going forward, whenever he pulls dick moves like he's done at the Grammys, he has an excuse, and anyone who criticizes him is shaming mental illness and they become the bad person. And before you say that's a stretch, or that it would be terrible to use mental illness to get his reputation back on track, remember the people we are talking about . . . 

I tend to agree. IF he has been on medication in the past, it clearly hasn't been working. No, he wasn't hospitalized, but IMO he clearly wasn't being treated appropriately as he has always been verging on out of control. It has been reported that his "personal doctor" is only an internist. Internists are not qualified to treat complex mental illnesses and are not experts in psychopharmacology. 

Edited by DangerousMinds
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