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S04.E07: Keep the Wolves Close

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Good move Beth, giving the protestor to protest the airport and other things.

Nice to see Jimmy not pinning over Mia.

Nice gesture from Lloyd.

Love Teeter being back and hugging Rip.

Oh Jamie, you and your real daddy may think you can take on John, but you forgot one thing, the man you gave immunity to.

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Meanwhile they set up Jimmie ( because god forbid Sheridan stops pimping his spin off series ) with Mia’s twin sister. When I first saw her I thought it was Mia. At least he found his cowboy hat.



Edited by Msample
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I'm glad Teeter got her job back--deservedly so--but how in the hell did Laramie wind up back at the bunkhouse?  Did the writers forget that Rip threw her out, or did Rip and John mumble something about letting her back in and I missed it?  

It was nice of Lloyd to buy Walker another guitar.  

Nice of Jimmy to find someone else interested in him.  I hope that's the last of Mia. 

And I can't wait for Kayce and Avery to hook up, although I had no idea she'd been pining for him all this time.  

I have no words for John and Beth hating Jamie so much.  I'm sick of it.  I haven't read any spoilers but I have a sick feeling that Jamie might not make it out alive this season.   I mean, how much more vitriol can he take from those two? I hope I'm wrong.    

Edited by Crashcourse
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I hate Jamie so he can fuck off. I laughed at him about to walk down the stairs. He’s an idiot and his bio daddy is garbage. 

There’s so much time between the last season I watched I forgot who Avery was.

I’m getting tired of the Jimmy scenes. I don’t care  to see a horse blow his load. It’s not adding anything to the story. I get there’s a spin-off but make it interesting. 


Edited by Marley
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Loved the song in opening scene, guess it's new Tim McGraw for the spinoff.

Yay Governor is back. 

Why is Laramie in the bunkhouse? She shouldn't be on the property. Teeter ok, she has the brand, John didn't know and she was hired and had a job she did. Laramie? She was kicked out and caused it all, get rid of her. She shouldn't be in there!

Beth telling John that Rip will jump off a cliff if he tells him to jump off a cliff, so ask him to move in was great. John "asking" Rip to move into the main house still didn't sound like an ask to me, but i will like to see him have to deal with the dinner table antics of Beth. 

Seems like the kid is replacing Tate. Moving into the house now.

Casey seems to be on his own island now. I rather he be with Avery and we go byebye Monica.

I can't be ok with Jamie having no issues with his father ordering the hit and bombs and murders of all those people at the ranch. Jamie chose the wrong side. The side of a father who murdered his mother instead of the side of brother Casey at least makes no sense.


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15 minutes ago, Artsda said:

Loved the song in opening scene, guess it's new Tim McGraw for the spinoff.

I'm a long time fan of his music, and that's one of my favorites of his - it actually was released about 20 years ago, but it is fitting for this.

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5 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Jimmy:  "I just jacked off a horse."  

Answers the old question, If Jack helped you off a horse, would you help Jack off a horse?  Sorry.

So the Governor of Montana has the absolute right to rule as he or she sees fit, according to Beth?  That's probably news to the Legislature, the courts, and the voters.  And the Gov's endorsement, or maybe hand picked successorship, of John Dutton isn't going to amount to much when news of their affair leaks out.  And the sweetheart deals that he negotiated with her administration.

I did like that look of shock and alarm on Beth's face when she saw outline of the development.  Of course, it won't be written that way in upcoming episodes, but she may have just realized that she's not exactly the top of the food chain anymore, despite her job title.

If her Admin Assistant wasn't such a wuss, he would have continued walking when he told him to close the door.  "I don't work here anymore."

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Jimmy must be a stand-in for some relative of Sheridan's, his father, uncle or brother, and Sheridan is telling his story. Jimmy is not that compelling a character otherwise, so why waste time on him.

Laramie should not be in the damned bunkhouse again! Teeter I understand, because she's branded, but Laramie is just an agitator and that fight between Lloyd and Walker was as much her fault as anyone's.

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4 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Laramie should not be in the damned bunkhouse again!

I think she was just "visiting," but she still should not be there at all. Nice for Lloyd to replace the guitar he smashed.

Beth is such a rude person. Why not make nice her first time in the office? More flies with honey than vinegar and all that. Agreed, her "fired" assistant should have kept walking.

I grew up on a farm, and I really enjoy the cattle herding, horse scenes, etc. But I didn't understand the getting the horses back to tribal land. I thought it was said that they wouldn't be able to do it with horses, and yet that's what they did.

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10 hours ago, FrankieTankie said:

This season sucks …. Why are they force feeding a Jimmy storyline… it’s either a scene with Jimmy or a scene roping cattle … boring 

Maybe if I was the person raking in the buck$ from Yellowstone, I too would be pushing the hell outta the 6666 and 18-- spinoffs, but as a viewer, it isn't appreciated.

Please make it stop.

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I guess I don't understand why Beth fired her assistant.  Because she didn't like his look, or because she doesn't want an assistant?  She is some bigwig at the company, I would think she needs an assistant at the very least for scheduling purposes.  Or is the whole point to throw her weight around as Bad Ass Beth?

Teeter deserved her job back and her place in the bunkhouse.  She talked about how hard working she is and how she earned her place and was branded.  So John reconsidered.  Teeter said the fight wasn't her fault, which is true.  But she also said it wasn't Laramie's fault, which is totally NOT true.  After Teeter showed the brand, John seems to have relented, but he shouldn't have extended it to Laramie, who is not branded.  Ugh.  I forget how Teeter came to the ranch.  Did she start out as a barrel racer and arrived with Laramie and Mia, and then became a ranch hand?  If so, I guess I can't fault her for defending her friend.

It struck me that for as much as John talks about the legacy of the ranch and how long it has been in the family, that I don't think we ever see any family pictures in the house?  I wonder if this will change for next season, after "1883" aired, and they will slip in some family pictures of the original Duttons.  

My DVR says this episode was an hour and 13 minutes long.  It annoys me that seemingly 15 of those minutes are of cattle rustling and horses running.  I get that scenes like this add to the mystique of the ranch and show the type of work that is being done... but they add absolutely nothing to the story.  I'd rather have those 15 minutes back.  Or maybe the 15 minutes aren't actually in the show, but are in all those extensive endless Yellowstone-specific commercials like the Jimmy actor talking about how much he feels like a cowboy if he wears some brand of clothes or boots or whatever that probably paid millions for those advertising spots on the shows.

I am still fastforwarding everything Jimmy, but did see his opening scene... did we really need to see horse stud collection on TV?  No thanks.  I mean, I assumed that that was how it was done, but I didn't really need to actually see it.

12 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

I'm glad Teeter got her job back--deservedly so--but how in the hell did Laramie wind up back at the bunkhouse?  Did the writers forget that Rip threw her out, or did Rip and John mumble something about letting her back in and I missed it?  

It was nice of Lloyd to buy Walker another guitar.  

Nice of Jimmy to find someone else interested in him.  I hope that's the last of Mia. 

And I can't wait for Kayce and Avery to hook up, although I had no idea she'd been pining for him all this time.  

I have no words for John and Beth hating Jamie so much.  I'm sick of it.  I haven't read any spoilers but I have a sick feeling that Jamie might not make it out alive this season.   I mean, how much more vitriol can he take from those two? I hope I'm wrong.    

I wish it was the last of Jimmy.

John knows that Jamie doesn't care about preserving the ranch.  And that is John's #1 priority.  They apparently have little contact with Jamie, I wonder if John and Beth are even aware that Jamie bought a ranch and is living with his bio dad?  I wonder when John is going to find out he has another grandchild.   

11 hours ago, Marley said:

I hate Jamie so he can fuck off. I laughed at him about to walk down the stairs. He’s an idiot and his bio daddy is garbage. 

There’s so much time between the last season I watched I forgot who Avery was.

I’m getting tired of the Jimmy scenes. I don’t care  to see a horse blow his load. It’s not adding anything to the story. I get there’s a spin-off but make it interesting. 


Even after the explanation here when I asked about her, I still have no recollection of Avery.  Some woman from some previous season that is now back and making eyes at Kayce.  I have zero interest and I don't care about the impending Monica/Avery battle for him.  I don't care about Monica's jealousy, I don't care about Tate being Kayce's wingman/coverman/bail him out man.  I don't care about anything Kayce unless it involves him fighting the enemy.

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15 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:

I think [Laramie] was just "visiting," but she still should not be there at all. Nice for Lloyd to replace the guitar he smashed.

Unfortunately I don't think so.  Teeter said the fight wasn't Laramie's fault and she didn't deserve to be thrown out either... and then here she is.  So I think she has been welcomed back to live in the bunkhouse.  I am still waiting for John to ask Rip exactly what Laramie is contributing to the ranch.   When does the barrel season start again so she can leave?

Also, I thought that Walker decided to live in the RV with Laramie because it caused less issues.  So why wouldn't they spend time in there instead of in the bunkhouse?

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10 hours ago, MBayGal said:

I used to love this show.  Now I spend most of it playing on my ipad.  Maybe 15 minutes interest me.  It's so irritating when a show you looked forward to every week is destroyed. 

My Walking Dead feelings. And Game of Thrones too. This show, luckily, I just recently binged so I wasn't a true fan girl from the jump like with TWD and GOT. So I am not too bothered. But I didn't watch it live last night....DVRd and just now watched cause I had nothing else going on. 

Edited by Lamima
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It just occurred to me that we are indeed watching the spinoff with Jimmy - it's happening right in the midst of Yellowstone.  The spinoff is getting the same ratings as its parent show.  I guess the joke's on us.

I, too, thought we were done with Laramie (all this time, and I finally realized that was her name).  I'd like for both her and Walker to hit the road.

Edited by roughing it
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3 hours ago, blackwing said:

Or maybe the 15 minutes aren't actually in the show, but are in all those extensive endless Yellowstone-specific commercials like the Jimmy actor talking about how much he feels like a cowboy if he wears some brand of clothes or boots or whatever that probably paid millions for those advertising spots on the shows.

I think that may be an upcoming trend in advertising.  I see the same thing on The Daily Show, where some of the cast also do commercials in the same vein as the show.  My guess is that it's designed to keep your attention on the character until the advertising line has been delivered.

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3 hours ago, blackwing said:

.  I forget how Teeter came to the ranch.  Did she start out as a barrel racer and arrived with Laramie and Mia, and then became a ranch hand?  If so, I guess I can't fault her for defending her friend

No she was there before the freeloading barrel racers.

They had a job fair for ranch hands and Teeter showed up and was hired. 

Laramie and Mia being there makes no sense and they need to go. Why Rip is allowing her on property is ruining his character.  If Walker wants to date her he can go out into town. 


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John Dutton is a piece of shit, and his stench wafts over everyone he comes into contact with, including his own family.  I'm so sorry that Carter wants to be like him.

My wish is that eventually he gets killed or dies from having a cold, dead heart.  Then Rip and Beth realize that, even though they live in the "big house," they don't really want to run Yellowstone.  Kayce is happy being away from there (even if he and Monica split), Jamie is living his life with his family, and maybe the dad if he doesn't get killed. 

So that leaves Lloyd being the boss of the bunkhouse and running things at Yellowstone, even though he's not able to do the hard work anymore.  He's still mentoring Carter (who's left Beth and Rip) and he's happy in the bunkhouse--and no Laramie.   Lloyd does away with the "branding" shit and ends the guys taking people to the train station.  Rip is on board with the changes.

One can dream. 

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8 hours ago, NeenerNeener said:

Jimmy must be a stand-in for some relative of Sheridan's, his father, uncle or brother, and Sheridan is telling his story. Jimmy is not that compelling a character otherwise, so why waste time on him.

Laramie should not be in the damned bunkhouse again! Teeter I understand, because she's branded, but Laramie is just an agitator and that fight between Lloyd and Walker was as much her fault as anyone's.

Yeah...I agree about the whole Jimmy storyline. This whole Four Sixes humongous cattle ranch thing is definitely some sort of Taylor Sheridan narrative. He certainly has inserted himself into a lot of scenes this season. Could it be the writers have been too busy trying to get a Taylor Sheridan scene into every episode this season they forgot to tie up loose ends with Laramie/Walker? She was tossed out but she's back in? Huh? Sloppy writing and editing.

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This season has been extremely disappointing.  There's only three episodes left in the season... and I feel like, for the most part, absolutely nothing has happened.  Some of the storylines are plodding along like Market Equities' development of the valley and Jamie and his bio dad.  I feel like we are on the cusp of some big confrontation between Silver Hair, the Duttons, and Rainwater... and yet, just as it is about to happen, the season is ending.

I blame Jimmy.

Wayyyyyyy too much time spent this season on ridiculous time-eating storylines.  Jimmy, the buckle bunnies, Lloyd, the kid, Monica, the horses twirling in circles, the horses stopping on a dime, the cattle running, the horses running.

This season blows chunks.  This show is going to become another of those shows that I watch while washing dishes.  Sometimes I can't hear, or I miss something, but my hands are too wet to pause and rewind, so I just say "who cares" and just move on and decide it probably wasn't important anyways.  Sad.  

Edited by blackwing
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5 hours ago, blackwing said:

I guess I don't understand why Beth fired her assistant.  Because she didn't like his look, or because she doesn't want an assistant?  She is some bigwig at the company, I would think she needs an assistant at the very least for scheduling purposes.  Or is the whole point to throw her weight around as Bad Ass Beth?

Her last three assistants were all murdered. Maybe she doesn't want to be responsible for teeing up another one to be collateral damage.

She should have led with what happened to her last three assistants; the guy would have run out of there screaming.

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5 minutes ago, NeenerNeener said:

Her last three assistants were all murdered. Maybe she doesn't want to be responsible for teeing up another one to be collateral damage.

She should have led with what happened to her last three assistants; the guy would have run out of there screaming.

Yes, I think she did mumble something about her previous assistants being killed.  However, she just couldn't be nice about it and explain why she was firing him.   She just had to throw out an f-bomb at him.  Being "decent" is just not in her DNA and she's a sad mess.


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57 minutes ago, Crashcourse said:

Yes, I think she did mumble something about her previous assistants being killed.  However, she just couldn't be nice about it and explain why she was firing him.   She just had to throw out an f-bomb at him.  Being "decent" is just not in her DNA and she's a sad mess.


Right, she did say that her assistant position was a dangerous position or something like that.  But then she had to go and personally insult him when as far as I can tell, he hadn't done anything to offend her.  She could have said she didn't need an assistant and then re-assigned him to someone else, but instead, she seems to have fired him from the company entirely given her "I see that you're not yet fired" comment to him.  Truly unnecessary.  And I say as as someone who actually likes Beth.  I liked Beth's confrontation/takedown of useless Piper Perabo, I liked her interaction with John and how she told him that he would have to ask Rip himself.  But I don't know who peed in her coffee (that she likes to get herself) that caused such animosity towards the assistant.

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I'm so sick of badass Beth. Treating everybody she comes in contact with like garbage. Except Daddy and Rip of course. It would be so much more fun if Jamie wasn't so terrified of her and actually went toe to toe with her in the same hateful way she does him. 

So Monica 2.0 believes in love at first sight. Will Kayce give in or will he continue to blow her off? Does anybody care? 

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1 hour ago, NeenerNeener said:

I wonder if Beth will hire Piper Perabo as her assistant when the show comes back to finish off the season.

Since I'm not a fan of hers anyway, I wouldn't mind if she became yet another assistant to get offed.  Just take her to the train station.  

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7 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

I think that may be an upcoming trend in advertising.  I see the same thing on The Daily Show, where some of the cast also do commercials in the same vein as the show.  My guess is that it's designed to keep your attention on the character until the advertising line has been delivered.

Billie Eilish is in an ad for Apple or Google or something.   Saturday she hosted SNL and that was the first commercial they showed.  If I hadn't already seen the commercial, I would have thought it was a skit until the very end.  Very dramatic commercial, but perhaps not a success since I don't remember what the product was

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An hour and 13 minutes, counting commercials and 6666 nonsense. I do not care about either new show. I don’t care about the show horses.

 I don’t want to see Kaycee and Avery become an item.  Kaycee is the closest to decent of John’s children- except for the murders of course.  Can we please not destroy that?

 I don’t want to see Beth being mean and spiteful to people who haven’t done a thing to her. I don’t want to see Carter mistreated. which he is.  Doesn’t Montana have a truancy law? 
Beth is damn shortsighted these days. What did she think they wanted the land for? An airport and a ski lodge and nothing else? 
John and Jamie neither should be Governor. That press conference blindside was a terrible thing to do to the person you called son for 40 years.  And why did the present governor allow that meanness? 
I dislike Jamie thinking the Sperm donor that killed his  mom is someone to have around his own baby.  And to live with the man that tried to have Tate killed along with Kaycee( who he supposedly still loves).? 
there are about 4 people on this show that I care about and they are in the bunkhouse. 
Finally John Dutton can’t sleep in his own house without his 37 year old daughter there?  Is this the fictional version of the stupid reality show about the guy who required all his children and grandchildren to live with him? 

Edited by mythoughtis
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8 hours ago, Crashcourse said:

Yes, I think she did mumble something about her previous assistants being killed.  However, she just couldn't be nice about it and explain why she was firing him.   She just had to throw out an f-bomb at him.  Being "decent" is just not in her DNA and she's a sad mess.


I was more upset at the way she spoke to the boy...the way she used the F bombs at him when he came with flowers to apologize...geez...can't she let down her guard for one moment and just be a decent human being? 

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11 hours ago, roughing it said:

It just occurred to me that we are indeed watching the spinoff with Jimmy - it's happening right in the midst of Yellowstone.  The spinoff is getting the same ratings as its parent show.  I guess the joke's on us.

I, too, thought we were done with Laramie (all this time, and I finally realized that was her name).  I'd like for both her and Walker to hit the road.

I kind of liked it when Lloyd smashed Walker's guitar...reminded me of John Belushi in Animal House when he smashed Stephen Bishop's guitar when Bishop was singing "I Gave My Love a Cherry" on the stairs of the Fraternity House during the Toga party...LOL!

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I thought Beth fired her assistant cause he was hooking up with the receptionist or something. I was kind of drunk watching so maybe I’m wrong lol.

I’ll forever hate Jamie for sterilizing Beth so I don’t care what happens to him or if he’s hurt. I’ll always laugh at that stupid pissant. Him staying wth his bio daddy is idiotic.

Am I missing this undeniable chemistry between Kayce and Avery? I don’t like Monica but why would he leave her at this point? Tate annoys me tho so if I see less of him from this that’s good lol.

Edited by Marley
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I'm no sure where this whole love at first sight thing came from with Avery. If I remember correctly, Avery was a stripper. Rip came to the place where she was working and asked her to join the ranch. She showed up in the bunkhouse and was the first woman to work there (this was before Teeter and the buckle bunnies showed up). This was also when Kayce was sleeping in the bunkhouse. He walked in and they made some heavy eye contact. I was thinking that they recognized each other, maybe they had some sort of history and didn't expect to see each other. But that was never followed up on and I honestly cannot remember them having any conversations or scenes together after that. Then Avery left the bunkhouse without telling anyone and that was it. So she's been pining for Kayce this entire time? A little weird.

I know Jamie is awful but I just can't with the way John and Beth treat him. 

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Another awesome episode. I don't want this season to end, same feeling I've had with every other season. I do find the Jimmy segments boring but at least this episode it was a nice view (bar the horse's erection erhm) and I found myself thinking for their own sakes as well as Jimmy's they should've sent him on this bootcamp from get-go. He needed this training, & time away from the Y ranch, really bad. 

Beth probably saved that assistant's life by firing him. Kelly Reilly kills every scene, she's awesome as this character. 

I'd say John get a C- for that 'ask'. And I don't think Rip really looks forward to this move. He must miss his burnt down house more than ever right now. Lol. 

I hate to hate on kids especially but I've really enjoyed the charater Tate the past three seasons but he's just off this season for me. I could understand some PTSD out of character stuff but his lines just comes out clunky somehow and the actor doesn't seem on his A game. Hoping it's just some awkward pre-teen charactistics we're dealing with & he'll be back in form by season 5. I'm also fully aware it could just be my conception of the character and he's playing him to a t for the one that wrote him/writes for him. 

Glad Carter and Beth are back on good terms, I think they can be good for each other. It will be fun to see him in the main house. Talk about from rags to riches. What a journey. He said he wanted to be John some day and he could be on his way now. 

Laramie isn't working on the ranch as far as I saw it. She made a booty call to the bunk house, Walker clearly wanted her to disappear as Lloyd walked back in which showed me Walked at least have some decency. Happy Lloyd brought a guitarr btw and not a gun, that would've been a bit too much had he given him a bullet. Yikes. 

So happy Teeter is back. She belongs there (with or without the brand) & the bunk house wouldn't be the same without her charm. She was so precious in that scene with John and Rip. Bless Jen Landon for forcing me to like this character after all. 

That last scene was so awkward to watch. Even though I loathe Jamie I felt for him a little bit. He looked as happy as a child there on the stairs as he thought he would be named and then (fake)dad pushes by him down the stairs. I wanted to both squeel with happiness as well as hug Jamie a bit. I thought Beth would come out with something even bitchier but seeing her in the background there behind her dad by the podium with Jamie almost fainting with disbelief by the wall was such a joy. John for governor yay! I hope it's not the last we see of Senator Perry though, she's great & my otp for John lol 

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12 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

I kind of liked it when Lloyd smashed Walker's guitar...reminded me of John Belushi in Animal House when he smashed Stephen Bishop's guitar when Bishop was singing "I Gave My Love a Cherry" on the stairs of the Fraternity House during the Toga party...LOL!

I thought the same thing!  It would've been brilliant had Lloyd said a smirky "sorry"

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On 12/12/2021 at 9:38 PM, Crashcourse said:



And I can't wait for Kayce and Avery to hook up, although I had no idea she'd been pining for him all this time.  


When Avery first showed up in the bunkhouse she gave Kayce a long look that made me wonder if they had hooked up before- turns out it was just love at first sight in action. Whatever- anything to get rid of Monica!

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1 minute ago, Ss55 said:

When Avery first showed up in the bunkhouse she gave Kayce a long look that made me wonder if they had hooked up before- turns out it was just love at first sight in action. Whatever- anything to get rid of Monica!

Thanks, I forgot about Avery making googly eyes at Kayce in the bunkhouse.  

And I agree.  Anything to get rid of Sourpuss!

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Are there any nice people on this show? 

  • Beth can't be pleasant to anyone who isn't Rip or her dad
    • Firing the assistant off the bat for no reason - I agree with those who say that when she told him to close the door he should have said, "I don't work for you - shut the f'ing door yourself"
    • I was glad to see Beth a little flummoxed by the scope of the project - Guess you aren't always the snottiest person in the room, Beth
    • Beth seems to think being governor is like being a dictator. Plus, isn't her helping a conflict of interest?
  • John decides to run for governor just to keep Jamie from doing it. What about that makes sense? John's whole thing is "don't change unless it benefits me". Will the rest of the state care that much about his turf?
    • Can't believe the affair with the governor won't bite him (and her) in the butt
  • Governor - way to sandbag Jamie! Who does that kind of thing as a professional? 
  • Jamie's bio dad - just awful
  • Rip - good to see him finally treating the kid like a human being, not a dog (and he hates dogs!)
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3 minutes ago, KittyQ said:

Are there any nice people on this show? 

  • Beth can't be pleasant to anyone who isn't Rip or her dad
    • Firing the assistant off the bat for no reason - I agree with those who say that when she told him to close the door he should have said, "I don't work for you - shut the f'ing door yourself"
    • I was glad to see Beth a little flummoxed by the scope of the project - Guess you aren't always the snottiest person in the room, Beth
    • Beth seems to think being governor is like being a dictator. Plus, isn't her helping a conflict of interest?
  • John decides to run for governor just to keep Jamie from doing it. What about that makes sense? John's whole thing is "don't change unless it benefits me". Will the rest of the state care that much about his turf?
    • Can't believe the affair with the governor won't bite him (and her) in the butt
  • Governor - way to sandbag Jamie! Who does that kind of thing as a professional? 
  • Jamie's bio dad - just awful
  • Rip - good to see him finally treating the kid like a human being, not a dog (and he hates dogs!)

This family has a lot in common with the Roy family on HBO’s “Succession”…all awful.

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Entire state of Montana has approx 1 million people (according to 2020 figures), approx. equal to San Jose, California or Austin, Texas.  When you choose to live in a place where human interaction is mostly accidental, you would probably feel as JD does, and support his efforts to keep Montana the same as it ever was, whether self serving or not.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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The scene where the Mo and Kayce and the Indigenous riders take the horses back to the reserve was beautiful. The horses in flight and the music was just gorgeous. 

Beth leaking the plans to Piper was a nice touch.

Rip saying “We got that stray kid” to John was a good laugh.

Edited by mledawn
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8 hours ago, KittyQ said:

Are there any nice people on this show? 

  • Beth can't be pleasant to anyone who isn't Rip or her dad
    • Firing the assistant off the bat for no reason - I agree with those who say that when she told him to close the door he should have said, "I don't work for you - shut the f'ing door yourself"
    • I was glad to see Beth a little flummoxed by the scope of the project - Guess you aren't always the snottiest person in the room, Beth
    • Beth seems to think being governor is like being a dictator. Plus, isn't her helping a conflict of interest?
  • John decides to run for governor just to keep Jamie from doing it. What about that makes sense? John's whole thing is "don't change unless it benefits me". Will the rest of the state care that much about his turf?
    • Can't believe the affair with the governor won't bite him (and her) in the butt
  • Governor - way to sandbag Jamie! Who does that kind of thing as a professional? 
  • Jamie's bio dad - just awful
  • Rip - good to see him finally treating the kid like a human being, not a dog (and he hates dogs!)
  • Kayce - uses his position to carry out and sanction flat out murders of his family's enemies.  Sure, those people were bad people, but it doesn't seem to me that the position of "Livestock Agent" should necessarily extend to being a paramilitary unit who takes out people just because he wants to.  If they committed some kind of crime that was livestock-related, they should have been arrested and charged.

It seems like the only good Dutton was Lee (and perhaps the mom), but that might just be because we didn't get to know them.

I think as far as good people, we have Teeter.  The cook.  Possibly Colby and Ryan, although they have been used as muscle by Kayce and Rip.  And I think there's at least two other nameless ranchhands that we haven't gotten much knowledge about.

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8 hours ago, KittyQ said:

Beth seems to think being governor is like being a dictator. Plus, isn't her helping a conflict of interest?

All those things she said he could do to stop the developers - making decisions and pushing through laws to benefit his ranch - would be an enormous conflict of interest on his part, never mind her involvement in any of it..

2 minutes ago, mledawn said:

The scene where the Mo and Kayce and the Indigenous riders take the horses back to the reserve was beautiful. The horses in flight and the music was just gorgeous. 

We loved that scene. GF asked how they did that, since the feds had so much trouble rounding them up. I said it was some of that Indian Magic that Mo knows.

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