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1 minute ago, goofygirl said:

She's the " Brown Family Scapegoat" remember?? Always the victim.

So you're gonna go into "eternity" with the guy who only wants to be your friend?? That's definitely somewhere I'd want to spend eternity.  With a douchecanoe. Perfect.

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OK.  I will admit this here.  I have had thyroid problems. I actually went to the doctor BEFORE a bunch of things started happening over which I had no control.

Sobbyn's NECK looks terrible people!  And she's been like that for a while.  Maybe she's so tired she actually NEEDS a helper or two.  Is it POSSIBLE that the woman hasn't been to a doctor to find out what's up with her NECK??  SERIOUSLY???

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When Robyn says she is worried about her kids not wanting to me around the family because they don't want to be around them, it is an outrageous distortion of the truth.

No one has said that. No one except Robyn not letting Meri around despite the fact Kody said he thought it was okay.  And that seemed to be as punishment and to demonstrate who is the head wife.

What they have said is that their bio kids can't follow the rules so they can't join in because they will be spending Thanksgiving with their kids.

Robyn would only be the scapegoat if she was being blamed for something that wasn't her fault/beyond her fault.  From what I can see, if she really wanted to, she could support the other wives and lobby for more reasonable rules.  

So the Robyn blame seems justified.

Separately, I love that we are finally seeing their real relationships.


Edited by Ms.Lulu
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Here come the Aurora waterworks.  And Breeanna’s downturned mouth, just like Sobyn.  So heartbroken sittin there in the manse never wanting to go anywhere else.  Didn’t they just see all the fahhhmly at the gender reveal?  And now go crazy about Meri. Didn’t they see her as well.  Robyn virtue signals on. 

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4 minutes ago, Ms.Lulu said:

Janelle:  Why would I choose to spend Thanksgiving with Robyn's kids, Robyn and Meri and Kody and not with my kids?

It really is an outrageous ask from Kody and Robyn.

That's what I keep going back to. As Robyn tells her kids that Janelle and Christine aren't coming over for Thanksgiving, why doesn't anyone in the mansion understand that that year, due to Covid, it was divide and conquer?? You got together with whoever you could so no one was alone. I have never seen more self-centered adults than Kody and Robyn. And they are raising a bunch of kids who will think they should be the center of everyone else's lives. 


I also LOVE how much Robyn's kids LOVE Meri. They were fortunate to experience the older, more reasonable, not in competition with their mom Meri. Notice NONE of the other kids, including her own, want to be with her for Thanksgiving. Very, very telling.


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Yep, Sobbyn.. YOUR kids are gonna be bitter about ONE FREAKING THANKSGIVING.


Kody's gonna go to DisneyWorld!!

"Mature about it".... Really Robbyn??  Oh great. The great Brown Turkey Day.  Robbyn does the "relish trays"?? SERIOUSLY!!! And Meri brought another turkey anyway?? WHAT A DIPSYDOODLE!!

Meri, honey; shut the fuck up about your sister wives decisions!! You'd a been at your own dang B n B if Mariah hadn't told you some bulldookeyabout why you couldn't be there.  You sissy, are a freaking mess.  Go back to counseling.

Edited by goofygirl
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Such BS.  You were there when Janelle said she couldn’t do the rules because not enough time to quarantine.  You heard that!  Christine DGAF, but still.

Seeing this, I 100% believe Robyn’s daughter’s anxiety is brought on/trigged by Robyn.

Edited by For Cereals
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4 minutes ago, goofygirl said:

Yep, Sobbyn.. YOUR kids are gonna be bitter about ONE FREAKING THANKSGIVING.


And honestly if they are, who cares? It isn't about them, the world of everyone else in the family doesn't revolve around them. They need a lesson in life. If Kodouchecanoe and Robyn want to make like it does, that's on them, not everyone else. How many people are in this family? The others don't live and breathe to see only Robyn's kids.

Edited by toodywoody
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1 minute ago, RedDelicious said:

the krispie treat turkey is actually really cute. she did a good job.

It would’ve been anywhere else, but in this case it was sad and desperate.  
Not gonna lie, was hoping she had made a real turkey.

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So Robyn just told her children (particularly the non-biological Browns) that the rest of the family doesn’t give a damn about them. Yup, that’s sure the perfect way to “save” the family.

Happy that shes going to continue to be stuck with noodle head.

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Aspyn's house has very low ceilings.  

Thanksgiving is not stressful with Christine's family, because she's with the monogamous couples and her children.  I think her staying with her monogamous sister & brother-in-law in NJ and seeing her daughters happy in monogamy woke her up a bit.

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2 minutes ago, Ms.Lulu said:

Christine drops the first big clue. " I could so get used to this.  Not saying anything."

They all look happy and life is easy.

And interesting that Janelle didn't think to call Kody.  And Kody didn't bother to call Janelle.  Janelle forgot.  But Kody, after Christine's call, chose not to call his kids.

Kody: If you want an easy life, be a monogamist.

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