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S01.E08: Origins

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With cold weather approaching, Eve, Levi and Ty return to the fort, despite their near-death experience there, hoping to learn 10,000 B.C. survival skills. Gavin's attempts to spare Izzy pain threatens their relationship.

Airdate: 16 Nov 2021

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So, Isaiah is Young Gavin and Silas somehow knows Rebecca Aldridge.  Gavin hasn't been having visions of the past, but has in fact been remembering the past.  I'm calling bullshit on that because there were numerous 'visions' where Isaiah was no where around. 

Does that also mean that anyone that manages to find a way back to the future will show up in 1988 ?

At some point in the past a passenger liner came through a sinkhole in the ocean, and the people in the ship went to war with the people on the land.  And there are more villages.   It still doesn't explain how everyone in the fort speaks modern English.

And there is a mini-sinkhole in Ella's backyard -- that may have been how Young Gavin/Isaiah and maybe Ella traveled to the future. 
So who in the past is modern day Ella ?

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2 minutes ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

So, Isaiah is Young Gavin and Silas somehow knows Rebecca Aldridge.  Gavin hasn't been having visions of the past, but has in fact been remembering the past.  I'm calling bullshit on that because there were numerous 'visions' where Isaiah was no where around. 

Isaiah mentioned that he'd been spying on them for awhile, so I guess that is supposed to explain it. 

If I had to pick between 10,000 BC and 1988, I'd pick 1988. But I guess only Isaiah and the little girl he is found with get to make it out. 

Levi kind of messed up with trying to investigate the only people who are able to help them. Maybe wait a few days until you build trust and then ASK them what happened to the other guy in the woods.

What a coincidence that Izzy goes to school with Riley little brother.

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Something actually happened! We find out that the little blond boy has a name! Isiah! Just kidding, we also find out he's Eve's future husband, Gavin. And present day Gavin isn't actually psychic, he's remembering things from his time in the sinkhole. I'm not sure why he doubles over in pain every time he has a memory, but ok. Also, not quite sure how he's had so many memories from when the little blond boy wasn't even around. I guess he was supposedly spying each time. Kid really gets around.

I'm glad these dumbos finally figured out that they need to try and find a way to survive and went to ask for help. It was a little strange that last episode there was supposed to be this massive storm but this episode the Native peoples garden was undamaged and totally perfect looking. I guess the storm was localized to the clearing.

So there is some rando serial killer electrocuting people to death in 10,000 BC? Why? How could this possibly connect to anything else?

Doctor Dad has PTSD so bad that he missed one dose of his medication and mere hours later he's feeling it so bad that it causes him to handcuff Veronica to a steering wheel. Um, okay. I don't think that's how any of that works. If I were Veronica, I would have laid into the horn and made everyone regret that decision. That's a dumb place to handcuff someone but luckily Veronica's never seen anyone use a horn before.

The present day scenes bring the show to a screeching halt, excepting that very last scene when Gavin finally gets a clue. I'm not sure why it takes the DHS hours to get an address on someone when Izzy can google someone on her phone and find them in .23 seconds.

I've got to nitpick the dialog again. I can't help it, I feel like I'm losing brain cells when I watch this show. But Eve asked Isiah where his parents were and Isiah actually says "They died when I was young." When. I. Was. Young. What is he now? A ripe old age of 7? A) What kid talks like that and B) If he's not young now, when was he young? When he was a zygote?

I was hoping that Wolf Snack and Drop Out Pre-Med Student would be so busy sucking face that they'd become a Wolf Meal but alas, twas not to be.

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I wonder if this show has a plan or it will simply collapse on its mythology or it's being made up on the fly.

Where is the big ship? Are the passengers the enemy, are they dead, can the ship's cabins become homes? No signs of a crater or anything, because the liner would be rather heavy? Was it the Titanic?

Why was there no damage to the village people's gardens?

Why did Rebecca jump in to the sinkhole? To tell Eve that the little kid somehow is Gavin and he got out of the sinkhole and time period? Maybe I missed the scar on Gavin's hand but I never really noticed it til today. Instead of some sort of psychic link to the sinkhole folks, these are just memories of him being a little kid? Is it some sort of time loop in that he can see his friend down there in real time?

The girl handcuffed to the car could have used the horn.

The sculpture that Ella did was created six days ago?

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Here's a better question -- how did Rebecca Aldridge know where the fort was located ?  Let alone know where to grab Isaiah.  Unless she has been there before.

Checking Episode 1 for the scar on Gavin's hand -- the scar in Episode 1 starts at his wrist, but in this episode the scar starts in the middle of the back of his hand.  Then again, continuity is not this show's strong suit.  :)

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If Lil' Gavin can escape through the wormhole to 1988, that means that everybody that wants to leave should be able to as well. Just remember to ditch Lil' Gavin and that girl, maybe Lilly, by the side of the road while you head for the hills.

Returning to 1988 means that everyone there could be a millionaire since the know what stocks will be popular in the future. Just a couple of bucks of stocks when the companies are just starting out could net you millions in the future.

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51 minutes ago, Frozendiva said:

Where is the big ship? Are the passengers the enemy, are they dead, can the ship's cabins become homes? No signs of a crater or anything, because the liner would be rather heavy? Was it the Titanic?

They said the ship arrived around 60 years ago. Of course they could be a few years off, but the Titanic seems a bit too long ago to fit. My guess is they were nazis.

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9 minutes ago, paulvdb said:

They said the ship arrived around 60 years ago. Of course they could be a few years off, but the Titanic seems a bit too long ago to fit. My guess is they were nazis.

Maybe it was a wink to the X Files Triangle ep with the SS Queen Anne luxury liner lost in the Sargasso Sea. It reappeared in 1998.

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7 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

I wonder if this show has a plan or it will simply collapse on its mythology or it's being made up on the fly.

Where is the big ship?

I hated and tuned out all the pirate-like ship stuff on Lost.


6 hours ago, paulvdb said:

They said the ship arrived around 60 years ago. Of course they could be a few years off, but the Titanic seems a bit too long ago to fit. My guess is they were nazis.

[Morning after theory edit]

If it's November 1988 in Sink Hole Land right now, 60 years ago would be 1928, but they also dumped on us in this episode——

  • "After years of war those who survived found common ground. Since then we've all lived together, shared our cultures, our languages, our traditions"

—— which begs the question of how many years of war and how long ago was it?   
For H.M.S. Awful Plot Device to be a Nazi ship that arrived by 1944, the war and peace would have to have been 44 years, or 2 generations. 
Silas/Grandfather could be either Isaiah/Gavin's wormhole/sinkhole time traveling father or his grandfather or his older self.
Regardless, Grandfather probably doesn't want Isaiah to fall up into a worm/sink hole to be an orphan.

But does this mean "Grandfather" doesn't want WolfSnack to be born? 

Regardless, most of these Groundhog Day stories have morals/endings in which the protagonist has to accept the original outcome (Fate).

Edited by shapeshifter
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The whole thing is so convoluted, but I can’t wait for next week’s episode, advertised as “The Last Episode Before the Finale”. Doesn’t specify Season finale or Series finale--So does that mean there may or may not be a Season Two? Inquiring minds want to know.

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Anybody notice that when someone suggests some crazy theory,  someone else will say, 'that's not possible!'.  You have time traveled back 10,000 years (or are aware that others have) and won't accept that maybe some other zany things are possible, too?  Alrighty then.  


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54 minutes ago, alvajon said:

The whole thing is so convoluted, but I can’t wait for next week’s episode, advertised as “The Last Episode Before the Finale”. Doesn’t specify Season finale or Series finale--So does that mean there may or may not be a Season Two? Inquiring minds want to know.

It was renewed for a second season last week.

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Best new pickup line in Los Angeles - "My whole family disappeared in the sinkhole.  Want to come to a vigil with me?"

Scott should have paid more attention to the youtube video.  That little contraption was about as sturdy as Drug Dealer's Den.  Speaking of him, poor guy got two scenes and about four lines of dialogue this week.  Show of hands: does anyone care?

Hey, Dr. Seal.  Basic first aid says you don't start compressions if someone quits breathing.  You start resuscitation first.

There should have been an anvil in that camp to represent the obvious reference to the Pilgrim Thanksgiving.

Maybe Gavin and Levi can get together and develop a comedy routine called "The 10,000 Year Old Man."

Where was the fence and all the large buildings in the village?  How big is it that they are not even visible?


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I was totally shocked when Isian turned out to be young Gavin but you would think they could have cast a child actor with brown hair who had some kind of  resemblance to Gavin. It's obvious that the 12 year old girl who leaves with young Gavin is Lilly.

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Ah, so now everything we knew about how time travel works just goes out the window in this episode, with Little Gavin! Instead of Modern LA running in the same timeline as Prehistoric La Brea, now we have confirmation that there will be legitimate time travel with the Sinkhole of Green Light! 

I mean, I'll ignore the fact that, up until this episode, Gavisions have definitely had different camera angles in which his kid self had ZERO chance of having seen through.

So, Dr. Seal (another great nickname and way shorter than Dr. Chicago PD) doesn't take his last pill and all of a sudden, he's in a full blown anxiety attack where he's freaking out and locking Kidnap Accomplice to the car (I guess she forgot how to use a horn? Or do horns not work in Prehistoric La Brea?) and also forgets how CPR works. Pre Med probably would have been a much better person to help.

Speaking of, I guess she's now head over heels with the high schooler who has, STILL, done absolutely nothing to be useful to the group. Not a goddamn thing. Unfortunately, I know we're stuck with Wolf Snack for the rest of the series and other better characters will die instead of him. 

Pilot Levi...was there. Eve...was there. 

Oh, look, Izzy found Pre Med's brother. Now it can be a whole sibling incestation! 

Also, I thought Izzy was older than her brother. Why does it look like she was going to a high school? Am I wrong about her age? I thought she was Pre Med's age, not high school age. 

Not enough Stoner Scott. Too much Psychic Dad. Sorry, I really don't care about Psychic Dad and this Ella person (who, knowing this show, is most definitely Lily) or how they got to 1988 LA with no memories. 

If Grandpa can succeed in having Isaiah not become Gavin, that would be great. I don't care what kind of timey wimey shennanigans happen; just make it happen.

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Hey, look!  We built a greenhouse!  Big enough for a single 10' long row of vegetables that don't grow real high.  Yeah, that will be enough to feed 30+ people.  I'm just waiting for Scott to find a fully intact pot dispensary that fell through the hole.  That would actually make all of these characters a bit easier to bear.

So, the Village People went through a lot of effort to build a 20' wall and giant gate (still no reason why that was necessary, instead of a regular sized door), but only built it around the front of the village?  Leaving the back, specifically the garden with all of their food, open to giant sloths, other predators and thieves?  There was no wall in sight when they were at the garden, and the view extended pretty damn far. 

Ship theories - not sure if Nazi's fit the timeline, but making it a military ship would make sense for why they didn't get along with the Village People.  Though if they were military, they would have had guns and probably vehicles, and would have easily won any fight with the Village People and wiped them out.  So maybe not military...  But I'm not buying the Titanic theory.  Even for this show, that would be a bit too far fetched.  (I can't believe I just wrote that sentence.)  Assuming the body of water the ship's sinkhole was in existed in 10kBC, wouldn't the ship still be in the water?  And if so, how did they happen upon the Village?  Downtown LA is what, at least 10 miles from the ocean.  And, on that note, why would any group of people so (relatively) close to a major water (and thus, food) source, not locate their Village on the water. 

I think the writers room is filled with ex-Lost writers, or wanna be Lost writers.  And they're all in on some bet, seeing who can come up with the nuttiest new "twist" to add each episode. 

The fact that this show is getting such high ratings and has been renewed just shows how little there is to watch on network tv and how desperate we've become for new content (that's not a reality show) over the last 18 months.

Oh, and for those commenting on Lily Veronica and not using the horn...  I think it was obvious that being chained up triggered her abduction memories, which is why she totally freaked out.  So maybe now she'll acknowledge that "dad" wasn't dad, and that she does want to go home, and we can drop her stupid plot line.  Especially if she turns out to be the artist chick they're tracking down. 

One thing that would make sense, is if they tie all these sinkholes to spots specifically along the San Andreas fault line.  With the scientists figuring out that that the fault line is really one big potential sinkhole, threatening to dump 1/2 of modern day California into 10kBC. 

ETA: keep getting Lily & Veronica's names mixed up.  Fixed it above.  But I'm still thinking the older sister is the girl that turns out to be the modern day artist, not the younger one.  



Edited by chaifan
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I know Sam the Seal was having a freak out, but I still think he was right to restrain Veronica. Her own trauma notwithstanding, she lies constantly, tried to kill Ty and was ready to use force to remove Lily from the safety of the group.

I’m trying to understand why everyone else was horrified that she was put in their version of time out.

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1 minute ago, Amy Beth said:

I know Sam the Seal was having a freak out, but I still think he was right to restrain Veronica. Her own trauma notwithstanding, she lies constantly, tried to kill Ty and was ready to use force to remove Lily from the safety of the group.

I’m trying to understand why everyone else was horrified that she was put in their version of time out.

Same. Veronica is a threat to Lily and anyone that comes between her and Lily. Locking her in the car was not supposesed to be a permanent solution but letting her run free is not going to end well.

8 minutes ago, chaifan said:

One thing that would make sense, is if they tie all these sinkholes to spots specifically along the San Andreas fault line.  With the scientists figuring out that that the fault line is really one big potential sinkhole, threatening to dump 1/2 of modern day California into 10kBC. 

That would be awesome but does the San Andreas fault run that far west? I know La Brea is on a fault line but my quick Google doesn't show it to be San Andreas.

7 hours ago, paulvdb said:

It was renewed for a second season last week.

Yes! This show is exacactly what I hoped it would be and I am loving the crap out of it. 

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One more thing. 

All season, people have been looking for Lost comparisons, but it turns out the plot twist comes straight out of Back to the Future! 

If you two don’t meet, your children won’t exist. Where have I heard that before.

Wait until we find out that the mystery ship is called “Enchantment on the Seas” (under the sea would be a terrible name for a ship, lol)



Edited by Amy Beth
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17 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I mean, I'll ignore the fact that, up until this episode, Gavisions have definitely had different camera angles in which his kid self had ZERO chance of having seen through.


Also, I thought Izzy was older than her brother. Why does it look like she was going to a high school? Am I wrong about her age? I thought she was Pre Med's age, not high school age. 

Lil' Gavin being right there explain why Gavisions come with sound.

Izzy probably is older than her brother. Her injury probably caused her to miss lots of school and she might have been held back a grade.

I am surprised that Gavin didn't point out all the people who were still alive in 10,000 BC on the Memorial Board. I wonder how people can confirm who did or did not fall into the sinkhole, at most, couldn't you only assume.

The wars and assimilation might explain why most of the Village People were wearing modern clothes. I am surprised that the Village People don't have more modern ideas, books, tools, glass, plastic, and metal. Siias' knife looked modern. They should have shown the Village People with a proper functioning greenhouse.

I did like that fancy modern looking bed the Doc Aldridge was recovering on. She is probably the single most useful person on the planet right now, if only she could learn how to stop conveying all of her ideas by using cryptic messages, (Aldridge is how the legend of the Sphinx  and the Oracles of Delphi was started).

It would have looked more like Thanksgiving if the "Sky People" had brought some of their clothes to share (covered in smallpox) with the Village People. 

(On the Titanic), "Sir! Sound the alarms! We just hit a Timeberg! To the lifeboats! Women and children first!" 

(Veronica), "I see a light, I finally made it off of this stupid show. No!, No!, Nooooo!"

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Is it just me or is Gavin taking this "my wife and my best friend affair" a little too calmly considering he is having visions of them holding hands and what not?  I mean this is a network TV drama.  Don't get me wrong, I'm glad they aren't going there and are instead acting like grownups about the whole affair, but it is unexpected.

I think I prefer Baby Gavin/Isaiah over the adult version, even with the weirdly blonde hair and lack of the Irish accent.  And it does help explain why Baby Gavin/Isaiah spends most of his scenes staring at Eve.  But if I were Eve, I would be seriously creeped out to know that Isaiah is in fact my husband as a kid.  And yeah, they have telegraphed that the artist Gavin is tracking in modern day is Lily. 

I actually felt bad for Veronica in this episode.  The second she saw the handcuffs she started to really freak out.  So I was expecting some sort of PTSD scenario with her own kidnapping, like chaifan pointed out.  So I just never noticed she could have used the horn to attract attention.  Though maybe that was part of the PTSD of the kidnapping.  Extra punishment for making noise. 

And one last very minor plot point that I really, really wish they would address....did that poor man or his husband find his freakin' glasses?  It's one thing to fall down a sinkhole into the past...but to not be able to see afterward just seems horrible.


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49 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

I did like that fancy modern looking bed the Doc Aldridge was recovering on. She is probably the single most useful person on the planet right now, if only she could learn how to stop conveying all of her ideas by using cryptic messages, (Aldridge is how the legend of the Sphinx  and the Oracles of Delphi was started).

Doc Cryptic should be dead of infection any minute now since they don't have antibiotics.  In fact, Wolf Snack should already be dead.

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At some point in the past a passenger liner came through a sinkhole in the ocean, and the people in the ship went to war with the people on the land.  And there are more villages.   It still doesn't explain how everyone in the fort speaks modern English.

Yeah, I'm not sure I follow this. What happened to the people who arrived from the ship? If they were from modern times wouldn't it have been fairly easy for them to conquer the Village People? If not, did the Village People kill them all? Also, a sinkhole in the ocean??

What really bugs me is the lack of obvious questions. Why isn't anyone asking Paara how they happen to speak perfect English (I assume they didn't learn it from the people on the ship if they were at war with them). Or how many other "sky people" they have encountered, and where they went, and why they're so sure they're not to be trusted. Also, the Village seems to be fairly diverse in terms of ethnicity. How is that? Where did they come from?

One of the most irritating things about shows like this is that in order to keep the story going, every character has to be as obtuse as possible.

And as fickle. First you're enemies. Now we welcome you as friends. You broke our trust! We are enemies again! Geez these people turn on a dime.

MaryBeth: "You should get back to the clearing. It's not safe for you out here." So she sends the kid off alone. Where it's not safe.

You'd think an Arby's or something would have fallen down with them. That sinkhole looks like it took about 50 city blocks in each direction, and near a major tourist attraction no less. You can't tell me there wouldn't have been a place with food in all that area.

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4 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

Scott/Stoner is pretty much the only reason I'm watching.

Just to clarify, I was referring to obnoxious drug dealer, not Scott.  Although he's stumbling in his attempts at helpfulness, he is fast becoming the Professor to everyone else's Gilligan.

The Andrea Doria would be a closer fit, timewise, to Paara's statement about a ship falling through a tunnel, but, as posted, a tunnel in the ocean? I think it was a cruise ship, and the passengers were angry that they didn't get any overpriced shore excursions and trinkets, and so rioted against the Village People.  Maybe they won, annihilated the originals, and are now the VPs.  Except that they would all be wearing ugly track suits and bikinis.

They should pay homage to Michael J Fox and have his picture on someone's wall.

No sloths, giant serpents, wolves, etc. on the call sheet this week. 

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2 hours ago, Amy Beth said:

I know Sam the Seal was having a freak out, but I still think he was right to restrain Veronica. Her own trauma notwithstanding, she lies constantly, tried to kill Ty and was ready to use force to remove Lily from the safety of the group.

I’m trying to understand why everyone else was horrified that she was put in their version of time out.

I was cheering when Sam chained Veronica to the steering wheel.  How she reacted made sense since she couldn’t just run off again.  I don’t get how she thinks grabbing Lily and running off to some cave is the best solution.  I guess she has a weapon she thinks will be effective in fighting off all the wild animals they’d encounter?

So the old man finds the dead guy and takes his wallet.  That’s something someone in modern society would do but what use is someone else’s wallet in 10,000 BC?  What’s in it of any value?  Money’s no good there or anything else.  

How did Rebecca Aldridge even know about Isaiah/Gavin and the doorway to 1988?  Are there other doorways or is the only one to 1988?  She’s laying there appearing to be near death so I don’t expect too much more than her giving directions to someone (I guess Eve, of course) on how to get there.

My theory about this show is it’s being written by monkeys trapped in a room pounding on keyboards all day after having watched Lost and Back to the Future multiple times.   Or wannabe Lost writer rejects like a poster above suggested.  Too much mystery, not enough answers.  

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15 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

So the old man finds the dead guy and takes his wallet.  That’s something someone in modern society would do but what use is someone else’s wallet in 10,000 BC?  What’s in it of any value?  Money’s no good there or anything else.  

By looking at the wallet's contents the Village People would know what year the Sky People are from (dates on the drivers' license, credit cards, etc.), and also where they are from (address).  Why any of that would matter is beyond me.  But they'd have to know what a wallet was in the first place, and that there's info like that inside it.  So guy who took the wallet would be more modern, and not 10kBC born.

2 hours ago, kirkola said:

I think I prefer Baby Gavin/Isaiah over the adult version, even with the weirdly blonde hair and lack of the Irish accent.  And it does help explain why Baby Gavin/Isaiah spends most of his scenes staring at Eve. 

How would Baby Gavin know who Eve is to him 20+ years in the future?  I think his attachment to Eve just makes it weirder, like a mommy figure type attraction to the woman he would later marry.  ewww. 


2 hours ago, Amy Beth said:

All season, people have been looking for Lost comparisons, but it turns out the plot twist comes straight out of Back to the Future! 

Yes!  I was thinking the same thing!  Last week it was Bugs & Elmer and the hat truck.  This week it was Back to the Future!  Hello??? Marty McFly???

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9 minutes ago, chaifan said:

By looking at the wallet's contents the Village People would know what year the Sky People are from (dates on the drivers' license, credit cards, etc.), and also where they are from (address).  Why any of that would matter is beyond me.  But they'd have to know what a wallet was in the first place, and that there's info like that inside it.  So guy who took the wallet would be more modern, and not 10kBC born.

It also confirms that they (or at least Silas) don’t just speak English, they can read and write English. 

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1 hour ago, Cobb Salad said:

I was cheering when Sam chained Veronica to the steering wheel.  How she reacted made sense since she couldn’t just run off again.  I don’t get how she thinks grabbing Lily and running off to some cave is the best solution.  I guess she has a weapon she thinks will be effective in fighting off all the wild animals they’d encounter?

Yeah, I really don't understand what Veronica thinks she's doing.  Like she is going to survive in 10kBC with Lily, on their own?  Why not make friends with the people they are stranded with since there is safety in numbers and it's not like Veronica is going to figure out how to get back to present-day LA.  It just makes NO SENSE.

These people not asking hundreds of questions about the vague Village People is also ridiculous. 

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1 hour ago, chaifan said:

How would Baby Gavin know who Eve is to him 20+ years in the future?  I think his attachment to Eve just makes it weirder, like a mommy figure type attraction to the woman he would later marry.  ewww.

I think Baby Gavin just likes the "pretty lady who is nice to me".  Maybe the Village isn't that kind and supportive.  Sure they are keeping him clothed, fed, and sheltered, but probably not kissing boo boos and what not.   So he's fascinated, like little kids are, to watch "pretty lady who is nice to me".  It provides an explanation for Adult Gavin's choices, but I agree, not a good one. Ewwwwww


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Okay, so we all guessed right that Gavin was from 10,000 BC.  Way to make the whole Gavin/Eve relationship super awkward, writers.  Especially since the young actor played it like he had a bit of a crush on Eve.  My next guess, Silas was from the Civil War and he brought the gold that Levi found.  It sounded like the actor was either trying to cover an accent or effect a different accent (or maybe both)

And count me in that the girl/woman who came up with him is probably Lily.

Paara and Ty seem to be the MVP's here, for brokering a fragile peace and such.  I give credit to Tonantzin Carmelo for playing it like she was barely tolerating everyone else except for Ty.

So, sixty years before Paara's time, a passenger ship fell through a sinkhole in the ocean, somehow (I'm guessing some kind of giant whirlpool), and the survivors ended up there.  So the ship could be from any time, really.  But after years of warfare, they managed to come together with the Native peoples and form a new society (I'm guessing the passenger ship had a few hundred people and about the same number of natives in the area).  I'm going to assume it was a ship from an English-speaking country since that's the language that caught on (and with no signs of any kind of pidgin or creole languages either).

Meanwhile back at camp:

Riley and Wolf Snack go on patrol and the writers' spell made her fall in love with him. Zzzzzzz...   And she just happens to have a younger brother up above who seems to be sweet on Izzy. The way they were going, I was expecting the mysterious time traveling woman to be their mother (fortunately that isn't the case).  Oh, and Riley found a kid who had been spying on them for weeks.

Professor SEAL, I know you're going through something, but did you ever stop to think that chaining a kidnap victim to a car might be a bad idea?  I mean, Lucas the drug dealer and Scott the stoner who tends to freeze in moments of crisis see that and immediately are like, "We gotta help her!"  And she freaked out to the point that she hyper-ventilated and passed out.  And then stopped breathing.  And then her heart stopped (judging by the Professor doing chest compressions and not rescue breathing).  Ty, you may want to clear your schedule.  I can kinda see why Veronica wants to take her chances in a cave by herself.

Also, you guys may want to take a poll and see who else has medication that they will definitely run out of.  I also give credit to Scott for at least trying to build a greenhouse (it kinda sucked, but it was still a good thought) while everyone else I guess just waits for Eve to gather more mushrooms.  He really is one of the most useful people to have around.

I still maintain somewhere beneath the laziness and the cliches I think there's the potential for a really awesome show.

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6 minutes ago, Lugal said:

My next guess, Silas was from the Civil War and he brought the gold that Levi found.

This makes story telling flow sense in that it ties together the oldest artifact they've identified with the oldest person they've identified in Sink Hole Land. 
But I am so confused about the dates.

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17 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

Here's a better question -- how did Rebecca Aldridge know where the fort was located ?  Let alone know where to grab Isaiah.  Unless she has been there before.

I seriously thought Rebecca was going say she was Isaiah's mother. That she was from there and got separated him. That would explain why she was so eager to get down there. It was only when they started focusing on the scar on Isaiah's hand that I realized he was young Gavin. I suppose she could still be his mother.

16 hours ago, paulvdb said:

They said the ship arrived around 60 years ago. Of course they could be a few years off, but the Titanic seems a bit too long ago to fit. My guess is they were nazis.

When it seemed like the sinkhole was running in parallel time to the present, 60 years would be 1961. I was trying to think what ships disappeared/sank back then. But now that we know different portals lead to different times, it could literally be from any time. I would think it would be a ship in the Pacific though. It drops down into the ocean and hits the closest land they can find - the California coast. 

What's weird is the sinkhole from 3 years ago was how Diana got down there, and didn't she say she'd been there 3 years? So those holes are in parallel time.

8 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Also, I thought Izzy was older than her brother. Why does it look like she was going to a high school? Am I wrong about her age? I thought she was Pre Med's age, not high school age. 

I thought she was younger because in the pilot Eve was driving them both to school and Izzy was complaining about not being allowed to take the bus. Wolf Snack was applying to college so he must be a senior and she'd be younger if she's at the same school.

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4 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I seriously thought Rebecca was going say she was Isaiah's mother.

It seemed to me that Rebecca Aldridge/Ming-Zhu Hii was displaying motherly concern for Isaiah, but I suppose it could just be concern for some other time whimey outcome.

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1 hour ago, Lugal said:

Paara and Ty seem to be the MVP's here, for brokering a fragile peace and such.  I give credit to Tonantzin Carmelo for playing it like she was barely tolerating everyone else except for Ty.

I am grateful there are two adults on this show.

1 hour ago, KaveDweller said:

When it seemed like the sinkhole was running in parallel time to the present, 60 years would be 1961. I was trying to think what ships disappeared/sank back then. But now that we know different portals lead to different times, it could literally be from any time. I would think it would be a ship in the Pacific though. It drops down into the ocean and hits the closest land they can find - the California coast. 

Ohhh, maybe it was The Love Boat

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I’ve been wondering if Rebecca could be Isaiah’s mother as well.  What other reason could there be for her to parachute in to the sinkhole so she could get Isaiah to 1988?  If he doesn’t go she will still exist, so what’s her interest in this happening?  It can’t solely be to ensure he’ll meet Eve in the future and their kids will be born.  Is she certain some catastrophic event will happen, ripping through time, destroying the universe? (Sort of paraphrasing Doc Brown in Back to the Future II here, lol)

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19 hours ago, paulvdb said:

They said the ship arrived around 60 years ago. Of course they could be a few years off, but the Titanic seems a bit too long ago to fit. My guess is they were nazis.

60 years ago puts them at early 1960's, nearly 20 years after WW2.  So Nazi's aren't completely implausible, but I'd guess not.  Given they could pick any XX years they wanted to, I'd think they'd say "75-80 years" if they were going with Nazis.  Just speculating.

EDIT: Oh, also, the people on the ship taught them (perfect) English, so another reason to think not Nazis.  

Edited by ICantDoThatDave
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Doc Aldridge's family adopts Lilly after her and Lil' Gavin escape to Lil' Gavin's future/Lilly's past. Doc Aldridge grew up listening to all the stories that Lilly told her about 10,000 BC, portals, and when they would open and has also been following Lil' Gavin's life as he grew up. Doc Aldridge became an expert in the portals and already knew when and where they were going to open up, that is how she knew where to excavate Lilly's original camp site. If Lil' Gavin doesn't make it out through the wormhole, then Lilly won't make it out either and Doc Aldridge's life will be altered.

I don't think the ship that came through was a war ship, since any modern trained army would destroy the Village People. They didn't even specify the size of the boat or the number of people.

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9 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Izzy probably is older than her brother. Her injury probably caused her to miss lots of school and she might have been held back a grade.

It's possible, in-show that's the case, but unless they explicitly say so I wouldn't assume that, so it's still an outstanding question.  You can be back walking with a prosthetic in min 3 months.  And she's really comfortable with it, handling stairs like a champ even.  Do we know how old she was when it happened at this point (EDIT: the character, not the actress - she was 13)?  I may have missed it.

Edited by ICantDoThatDave
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