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Judy Justice

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From the deadline article:

Sheindlin issued a statement on Byrd’s ouster. “Byrd is terrific and we had a great 25-year-run. This is a whole new program with a whole new cast and an exciting energy.”

This came after Byrd asked her about his role going forward. It is one of the most callous, cold, impersonal and purely corporate management statements I have ever seen, containing nothing but buzzwords and cliches.

Edited by DoctorK
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On 10/18/2021 at 11:07 AM, DoctorK said:

and an exciting energy.”


Byrd was rather low energy but for the love of pete that is exactly what he was supposed to be--not someone making one liners and trying to get camera time.  As JJ always pointed out to anyone crossing that line "I'm the star of the show so don't try and audition."

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On 10/18/2021 at 12:07 PM, DoctorK said:

From the deadline article:

Sheindlin issued a statement on Byrd’s ouster. “Byrd is terrific and we had a great 25-year-run. This is a whole new program with a whole new cast and an exciting energy.”

This came after Byrd asked her about his role going forward. It is one of the most callous, cold, impersonal and purely corporate management statements I have ever seen, containing nothing but buzzwords and cliches.

JJ is perfectly within her right to move forward without Byrd. However, out of respect, she owed him a conversation. 

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The promos I have seen for the imdb show have not only a court reporter for no apparent reason but a new bailiff who is a stocky black guy with a shaved head.With all of the other nastiness of JJ dumping Byrd, I suspect that she didn't want to keep someone who people liked and that took away some of her aura. This whole mess has erased any remaining respect I had for JJ, this is another slap in the face to Byrd. If thimgs went seriously wrong I would rather have Byrd who was a real bailiff and a tough old bird/byrd than a central casting check off the boxes actor.

Edited by DoctorK
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2 hours ago, DoctorK said:

If thimgs went seriously wrong I would rather have Byrd who was a real bailiff and a tough old bird/byrd than a central casting check off the boxes actor.

The new bailiff is not an actor, he is/was Judy’s bodyguard. It seems she is populating her new show with friends and family, of which Byrd apparently was neither. 

I think I would rather see a new show with Byrd in the adjudicator’s chair.

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I just watched episode one "Girlfriend Demands Payback" and someone needs to pinch me.   They picked a crazy case to get the viewers attention - a woman (Christina Parra) is suing her ex-boyfriend (Lorenzo Jordan), who she met at a restaurant where he was part of a "micro wrestling show".    Parra is a full grown woman and the ex is a little person with dyed blond dread braids and several unhealed wounds on his face, who did side jobs in this wrestling show.    

She has three children but she paid to have his teeth fixed -- she tells that he only had one tooth because they got messed up while he was in prison(!).  Now that they're broken up, she wants to be repaid for this $13K worth of dental work.  More details come out about this toxic relationship:   Her kids watched their mother drunkenly fight with the defendant; during their fight she hit him with a speaker and he went to the ER in an ambulance.  Per the police report, the kids were removed for their safety after this fight and sent to their father.  Plaintiff went to court to get them back and lost because it was alleged she threw lit fireworks while the cops were taking the defendant away and the kids were still present.   Parra states another time she gave him money - she paid for him to travel to "reconnect" with his child that was living in another state.  Texts reveal that he was going into a sober house for his drinking problem... what a prince she picked.   There may have been some talk about bail, but my mind was reeling by this time.

After all that, Jordan countersuing for $5K for the hospital bills from when Parra hit him, but he presented his hospital discharge paper as evidence instead of the bill, so that goes out the window.  This is so crazy it almost seems scripted for maximum lunacy.  JJ makes him pay for the teeth only, as some texts from him show that he acknowledged the debt.   The foolish plaintiff cries in the hallterview, saying she only tried to help him and she lost her children behind that.   

The show is basically the same except the 2 people (court reporter and assistant) sitting on either side of the bench with JJ.   The audience is back and the addition of her granddaughter is a waste - they spent about 3 minutes talking about the case, but it was random chitchat. 

Edited by patty1h
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I've watched 4 episodes so far and I have some thoughts I'd like to share.  I was also surprised there was no Byrd in the new show, and I did like him a lot in the previous 25 years... but there was something I read in one of the reviews (on a competing site that is named after a fruit, although most think it's a vegetable...a red vegetable that is deteriorating... ha ha) anyway, this reviewer  thought the time had come as Byrd may have been getting bored with his role (the crossword puzzles etc.). Just food for thought.

My real surprise is how obvious it is that JJ just wants to get her granddaughter Sarah into the public eye. I thought Sarah would at least interview litigants and use some of what she has learned as a legal assistant to add color. No, she sits there looking like a dolt for the entire show and then has a meaningless chat with Grandma while falling over herself to be agreeable. What's the point? At least the stenographer has a real reason to be there, as it's nice to be able to accurately read back what has been said. It sure beats JJ threatening to "rewind the tape" as she has done in the past. We all knew that would never happen.

Finally, I was just getting a bit used to the new Ruth Bader Ginzberg hairdo and they throw us a curve with the new robe. Purple?? Seriously? What a poor choice of color for a petite, chestnut haired, cute lady like JJ.  It reminds me of the special Advent/Lent garb our church priest would wear for those special masses. I keep thinking I need to line up to receive Communion any minute now. 

Those are my initial impressions. Other that that, not much is different about what goes on. I'm still very glad there are still new episodes of JJ to watch, but somehow I expected a more satisfying premier week for the Queen of the Bench.

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No Byrd = No Me

On 10/29/2021 at 10:58 PM, 30 Helens said:

The new bailiff is not an actor, he is/was Judy’s bodyguard. It seems she is populating her new show with friends and family, of which Byrd apparently was neither. 

I think I would rather see a new show with Byrd in the adjudicator’s chair.

You and me both.  I used to love Judy (still do, kinda) but her shtick gets annoying, especially when she's wrong and doubles down instead of listening.  I would love to hear Byrd's takes on these jokers.  I think he would be thoughtful, but still take no shit.

Edited by Sile
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Watched the first episode this evening.

Good points

  • I like the new idea of Judy commenting on the case in the Judge's Chambers after her ruling. Sort of Harvey Levin style - a comment encapsulating her ruling, or a smart quip. However, this post-ruling chat would be much better if she was having it with Officer Byrd, rather than her wooden granddaughter.
  • The new court stenographer will have her uses, although she didn't say a word during the first episode of the season. It's a potentially interesting addition to the show. However, I don't think the regular camera cuts showing the stenographer typing as Judy was speaking, added anything to proceedings.


  • The featured case in episode one of Judy Justice felt padded-out, which was rarely an issue with the fast-paced Judge Judy. I suspect that if that case had featured on Judge Judy, it would have been cut to be part of a two-case episode.
  • Judy's granddaughter, though pretty and I'm sure a nice person, adds nothing to the show.  She just sat there silently and almost completely emotionlessly (though that didn't stop the producers constantly showing her non-reactions to what was going on), and only spoke after the ruling. She might as well have been sat in the audience.
  • Petri Hawkins-Byrd is missed. I've nothing against the new bailiff, but he barely said a word and there was no evident rapport between him and Judy. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Bring back Officer Byrd.
  • The new intro, theme music and graphics feel like a downgrade on the ones in Judge Judy.


I'll watch some more episodes to form more of an opinion, and I'm glad Judy is still on the air, but at the moment this show is looking like a slightly degraded version of Judge Judy, and not much more than that.

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9 hours ago, aqusdealer said:

anyway, this reviewer  thought the time had come as Byrd may have been getting bored with his role (the crossword puzzles etc.). Just food for thought.

That reviewer must not have seen many episodes of the old show, because Byrd had been doing crosswords (while still listening and giving side eye) for pretty much forever. It was part of his charm.

4 hours ago, Sile said:

I would love to hear Byrd's takes on these jokers.  I think he would be thoughtful, but still take no shit.

And do it all while completing a crossword! 😁 #notlettingitgo #byrdjustice

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7 hours ago, MsTree said:

When did small claims max out at 10K?  Or is this just for Judy Justice?

I think they upped it for this show.  I was surprised with the high max because JJ has always been stingy with her verdicts. That and this show looks like it is on a budget. 

I think I’ll stick with the original Judge Judy show. I find the reruns still entertaining. I wonder how many will watch this show. It was my first time watching IMDBtv, and I stream a lot of shows. I also wonder how JJ’s ego will handle a likely 10,000 viewers a week instead of 10 million a week. 

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16 hours ago, laprin said:
On 11/2/2021 at 1:06 AM, MsTree said:

When did small claims max out at 10K?  Or is this just for Judy Justice?

I think they upped it for this show.  I was surprised with the high max because JJ has always been stingy with her verdicts. That and this show looks like it is on a budget. 

I think I’ll stick with the original Judge Judy show. I find the reruns still entertaining. I wonder how many will watch this show. It was my first time watching IMDBtv, and I stream a lot of shows. I also wonder how JJ’s ego will handle a likely 10,000 viewers a week instead of 10 million a week. 

Quoting myself too because tonight, as I was preparing dinner, I think I heard JJ say in an interview that "Judy Justice" is also taking some civil cases outside of small claims. I wasn't paying close attention, but that would make sense.

Agree with you that I still find her network show more entertaining (so far anyway). The new show, for whatever reason, seems "tired". I can't explain it...maybe I miss Byrd. And the addition of the stenographer and her granddaughter add ZERO interest for me. The discussions at the end are okay, but I would rather have seen more of the actual case than her recap, to which her granddaughter adds nothing to the conversation.

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I’ve watched 6 episodes of Judy Justice. I still have no idea why the court reporter or law clerk is needed. Maybe if they got rid of those two unnecessary roles they could afford Byrd. The current bailiff has even less to do than Byrd because JJ’s granddaughter (law clerk) looks up Blue Book info now. This bailiff doesn’t even announce to the courtroom that everyone can be seated. JJ does that. 

The show is fine, but pales in comparison to original JJ. Maybe it will get better as it finds its footing. I do think the cases drag. One of the best things about Judge Judy, and makes it more interesting than The People’s Court, is the speed with which JJ metes out Justice. 

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I'm a long time fan of Judge Judy and I will still watch the reruns. I caught the new show today and only watched a couple episodes so far. After watching the new show I get it. It seems like they, Judy and the producers, wanted to update the show. Adding to the cast, changing her look, new bailiff, court reporter and legal assistant, etc. My initial response is that Judy has toned down the old "Judge Judy" character and is less bombastic on this new show. I can see why she needed a change. I'll always be a fan and watch the old Judge Judy show and see Byrd. The new show is just different and updated. Nothing wrong with wanting a change. She gave Byrd an incredible job 25 years ago (or whenever JJ started) and he became a fan favorite. I love Byrd. I'm sure he'll be just fine. 

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On 11/1/2021 at 4:11 PM, aqusdealer said:

Finally, I was just getting a bit used to the new Ruth Bader Ginsberg hairdo and they throw us a curve with the new robe. Purple?? Seriously? What a poor choice of color for a petite, chestnut haired, cute lady like JJ.  It reminds me of the special Advent/Lent garb our church priest would wear for those special masses. I keep thinking I need to line up to receive Communion any minute now. 

Haha, that was my thought as well.  Or she was going to bust out in a solo with the church choir a la Sister Act. 

The "chat" with her granddaughter reminds me of the Q&A they have with Judge Marilyn and her husband on the People's Court.  Except I enjoy watching JM and her hubby a lot more.  

Count me in on Team Byrd.   It made me very sad that it was basically a corporate decision. I always thought Byrd was more like family after all this time.

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I just finished watching the latest episode that had the parents concerned their ten year old son was looking at porn on the internet. The ending chat time Judy had with her grand daughter was almost ubearably uncomfortable to watch. For the most part, Sarah just kept nodding her head up and down in this sort of nervous bobblehead loop. I'm sorry, but I think she will be Sarah Bobblehead to me from now on.

Edited by aqusdealer
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18 hours ago, aqusdealer said:

I just finished watching the latest episode that had the parents concerned their ten year old son was looking at porn on the internet. The ending chat time Judy had with her grand daughter was almost ubearably uncomfortable to watch. For the most part, Sarah just kept nodding her head up and down in this sort of nervous bobblehead loop. I'm sorry, but I think she will be Sarah Bobblehead to me from now on.

I don't even watch the ending chat. It's useless to me.  But I enjoy Marilyn Milan and her husband talking on the People's Court.

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On 11/9/2021 at 11:44 PM, aqusdealer said:

I just finished watching the latest episode that had the parents concerned their ten year old son was looking at porn on the internet. The ending chat time Judy had with her grand daughter was almost ubearably uncomfortable to watch. For the most part, Sarah just kept nodding her head up and down in this sort of nervous bobblehead loop. I'm sorry, but I think she will be Sarah Bobblehead to me from now on.

I can’t tell if Sarah is more uncomfortable with the cameras or Judge Judy. I hope she will find her groove soon because it is tough to watch. It took a little time for Marilyn and John to find their rhythm. Now, I love listening to their banter. 

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1 hour ago, laprin said:

I can’t tell if Sarah is more uncomfortable with the cameras or Judge Judy.

Probably a bit of both. I noticed in the last few episodes that production has given a canned question for Sarah to ask Judge Judy. Helps a little, but it's still an awkward chat that seems like such a strain on Sarah.  They are like polar opposites.

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On 11/4/2021 at 9:13 PM, aqusdealer said:

Judge Judy's grand daughter Sarah must be petrified to be on camera. She is not acting the least bit sassy or snarky. I think she brings zero personality to the table. Like watching paint dry.

Every time I see her (2 episodes now) I think of ALL the times JJ said "I have [insert number] of grandchildren and when they were kids one thing all kids do is lie [if their lips are moving they are lying].

Edited by parrotfeathers
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I was never a Judge Judy fan but I thought hey, let's try it out.  The grandmother who was a doctor who had a daughter with "limitations" who, along with her waste of a boyfriend had their infant baby taken away, is a saint.  That man should have been asked to leave with his hands waving, head shaking, interrupting, lying, and not answering her questions!  Oh I forgot about the domestic charge.  "But I spent it ALL on my daughter."  No you didn't and it wasn't your to spend!  

Bobble head granddaughter:  Look, Gramma is sitting on a multimillion dollar fortune, she wants her family to have a piece of the pie.  But she adds nothing,  I might watch again as it is highly amusing to see two people who are both 100% convinced they are right and one is a a full on bullshitter and liar go at it.

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Yesterday, I watched the "Tween Braces" episode (9).  The Sainted Single Mother of 1 tween started crying when the case began and cried through the whole thing.  She must be used to getting her way by crying. 

She claimed that her daughter's father agreed to pay all of the payments for her daughter's braces, and all she would need to pay was the  down payment for the payment plan.   She was adamant that he agreed to it, yet the only "proof" she showed was a texting conversation between the daughter and her father about wanting braces.   

I thought it was really crappy of her to use her daughter as the middle man instead of talking to her ex herself and make some sort of arrangement for getting the braces and paying for them.  She also accused the father of calling his daughter "ugly", which I don't believe at all.

Judge Judy ruled that they each pay half (I believe- Got busy at the end of watching), and the mother was flabbergasted that JJ didn't rule the way she wanted.  

I felt really sorry for the daughter in this case.  

Edited by Mrs Shibbles
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Holy Guacamole Batman!! I never realized how much I liked JJ making such quick work of the litigants. The recent "Family In Crisis" two part episode was so excruciatingly boring. They really need to revamp the show and quick. Dump bobblehead Sarah, beg Byrd to return and only the occassional two part show. The pace needs to be picked up big time and the gallery needs to be larger and more visually interesting. They have to know the boat is listing.

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8 hours ago, aqusdealer said:

The pace needs to be picked up big time and the gallery needs to be larger and more visually interesting

Sing it. I love me some JJ, but this...is so listless. They need to get more interesting cases, edit them, and get rid of Sarah. Nice girl but she serves no purpose and adds nothing to the show.

I miss Byrd and I think she did him wrong, but I still slog through this mess. It’s something to listen to while I do dishes.

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Granddaughter Sarah has the personality of a wide-eyed washcloth. The Transcriber serves no purpose, and the Bailiff is no Byrd. 

On the old show, JJ would summarize the case in a minute and a half and keep it moving. I think they saved the money to afford the Granddaughter and Transcriber by firing the Editor. 

Skipping the In-Chambers chat makes the show go faster because the Washcloth adds nothing. 

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On 12/2/2021 at 5:42 PM, Paperclips said:

I think she signed some huge deal with Amazon.  I hope they have an out-clause.  

 Analyst insiders say JJ gets 25 Million for the first 130 episodes! 


I just have to go back to my previous post regarding the gallery. It's getting worse!  Is that even possible? They are using the same people over and over and over. I'm even recognizing them now ... especially since they are socially distancing them (which I totally understand) but did anyone think to build a gallery that was a little larger than a walk in closet possibly? I can't help but notice the young guy with the jet black hair and the facial scrape on his left cheek and the older lady that wears the colorful scarfs on her shoulder. They also look like fifty shades of bored.  Zzzzzzz.

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Judge Judy needs to start poaching some cases from Hot Bench.  Those guys are getting some really interesting litigants lately.  Of course, we seem to be in reruns now but during Sweeps Week they had some seriously good stuff and seemed to make a point of only putting up the better old cases during the re-run half hour.  

Kinda hoping the steadfast Crazy in Alabama will find time to recap the new Hot Bench cases as well (cuz I love me those recaps!)

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On 12/2/2021 at 2:42 PM, Paperclips said:

I have really tried to get into it, but it is awful.  The cases are too long.  I don't know what the Court Reporter is doing there.  Sara looks lost.  This show is a mess.  I think she signed some huge deal with Amazon.  I hope they have an out-clause.  

Totally agree with all you said. So, I'm still watching/recording episodes from *2016.

*DirecTV is only repeating 2013 episodes and 2016 episodes (there's no other choice), but still more interesting than the streaming show.


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On 12/4/2021 at 3:55 PM, aqusdealer said:

I can't help but notice the young guy with the jet black hair and the facial scrape on his left cheek and the older lady that wears the colorful scarfs on her shoulder. 

So funny, facial scrape kid (now healed) with black hair still there, but they made the scarf lady lose the scarf... but she's still in her favorite spot in the corner.  Either they noticed it themselves or someone from the show reads this forum. How about using new people sometimes? 😄 LOL

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