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S01.E02: Day Two

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With Josh’s life on the line, Eve traverses the dangerous wilderness back to the clearing to save him. Desperate to kickstart a rescue mission, Gavin and Izzy work to prove there are survivors alive inside the sinkhole as government agents track their every move.

Airdate: 5 Oct 2021

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For the life of me I can't think of one good reason that upon returning to the camp with the meds Evie didn't immediatly recruit some red shirts to go back for Riley's father by simply saying their only doctor is out there and he needs help and point them in the right direction. She did everything BUT that upon her return.

Riley took an awful long time to become curious about her father and then Evie way OVERSOLD his injuries making it seem like he was paralyzed.

The look and the attitude of the lady cop makes me feel like they really wanted to get Juliette Lewis after her memorable turn as a cop in SECRETS AND LIES but couldn't so they settled for a clone.

Glad they kept the flashbacks to just one....they overwhelmed LOST at times.

Stoner guy please hurry up and die already.

Liking the woman playing the DHS official.

The older sister is evil I tell you...evil and Lily was a cutie pie. Can't wait to see what's going on there.

I do appreciate the pace that the story is unfolding with the rescue mission already being planned. Maybe the producers learned there lesson that The Cancellation Clock begins ticking extra fast on genre shows and are trying to get in as much as they can just in case.

Anyway I do enjoy this and is one of the few shows that I am watching the same night it airs.

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I know people think this is bad, but I think it is fun. 

Stoner guy turns out to be smart and figures out where/when they are. Impressive. 

I don't blame Eve for leaving the injured guys to save her son. Anyone else would have done the same, and they were not in immediate danger. 

I thought Ty was going to turn out to be the guy the cop was looking for, since he had on a green jacket too. But of course they have to have another mother/son relationship.

The girls who lost their father seem strange, but I'm intrigued. Why pretend the little one can't speak? Also, did a scene get deleted? It seemed like it ended with the girl digging and something growling in the background. Then she's back in the clearing in the next scene?

How far away was that ambulance they walked to? I know they were looking for the injured guy, but the sink hole can't be more than a mile wide. Why is some stuff so scattered? And why was the ambulance by itself? I watched the scene where it fell, lots of other crap fell at the same time. Is there more stuff scattered even further away? If so, should they be looking for it? It really doesn't seem like there is enough stuff or people down in that clearing based on the size of the hole. And where is that traffic cop who was the first one to fall in the sinkhole.

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I had one brief moment where I had the fleeting thought that maybe falling into a ravine would drop a person through another tear in the space time continuum to a better show.  

This is not a thing that happened.  I don't think this show will grow on me.  All I remember is that Eve was inexplicably not the person having a hard time walking Seal Doctor back to base camp and therapist guy was slowing them down. And everyone has a mysterious, probably nefarious secret.  My mind kept wandering so I'm nit sure how much of anything was actually revealed vs hinted at.

And the uninspired episode titles "Day Two" are an indicator that this show isn't going to be fun to snark on.

I miss Zoo episode titles.  They would have called it Sabre Twooth.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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This episode wasn't any better in the writing and acting departments, but at least there was only one "Look at me!" so no chance of getting drunk. And there was one potentially interesting development--the discovery of the hand-shaped stones where the dead father of the two girls was lying. The hand shape was also seen on the rock where Eve's ring was found, so it is probably a symbol with some significance.

I didn't notice that the stoner guy was Australian until it was mentioned in this episode. And then we were introduced to another Australian guy (or did he have a New Zealand accent?) who seems to be the boyfriend/partner of the guy who lost his glasses. Wonder if there is any significance to two men from Australia (though currently living in LA) falling into the sinkhole and ending up in the same place. 

Obviously the two girls, one of whom was pretending to not be able to talk, have been raised in some kind of nutty religious family. And the cop and her son may both be shady characters, though I suspect the writers are trying to mislead us into thinking that the son was in LA to make a drug deal. Unfortunately, so far I don't care about any of these four characters or their stories.  

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4 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I know people think this is bad, but I think it is fun. 

I think it's both. And I still have a little hope that the story will be interesting enough to outweigh the bad acting and mostly unlikable and/or uninteresting characters. 


4 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

And everyone has a mysterious, probably nefarious secret. 

 I could like a story with mysterious/nefarious secrets but not when I don't care about the characters who have them. 

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It's bad, but in a fun way. It'll be fun to hate snark on the show, as I realized when I started talking at my TV about these characters making bad choices, not to mention the poor dialogue.

9 minutes ago, Paloma said:

This episode wasn't any better in the writing and acting departments, but at least there was only one "Look at me!" so no chance of getting drunk.

We may not have had any "Look at me!" or much "Run!", but we did have plenty of "Leave me here!" from Dr. Chicago PD! Maybe we'll get a new catchphrase every episode! 

10 minutes ago, Paloma said:

Obviously the two girls, one of whom was pretending to not be able to talk, have been raised in some kind of nutty religious family.

My first thought, once their last scene happened, was that it was an ABUSIVE situation. But then I got confused, because the older one seemed to treat the fake mute one like she was her own child, but she definitely doesn't look old enough to be her mother, and then my head started spinning again. 

So, Dr. Chicago PD falls down a CLIFF (Eve, it was NOT a hill. He fell off a CLIFF, right?), and the only injury he has is to his back, which seems to be more like he's got a few scrapes than a life threatening injury. And British Shrink is clearly REALLY REALLY SICK because he's coughing and he's also gonna not tell anyone...y'know, especially if that cough comes up at an inopportune time such as...running from saber tooth tigers? 

Not to mention Eve getting back to the bus, not telling Doctor Daughter Riley about her father, and Riley also not asking about him, until clearly a bit of time has passed...in which she gets pissy because Eve didn't bring her dad home. Which, ok, fair, since Eve should have come running in and said "hey, some guy fell off a cliff and needs help! He's that way! Please go help!"

Also, Adult Teen Son is boring as hell. Riley and Stoner Guy work way better, so I hope the show avoids the stereotypical trope where Riley gets together with Main Family Son.

Great, Cop Lady has family issues with her drug addict son. She couldn't have told anyone that she was looking for her son? I mean, good that she provided a clear description so us, as the audience, would also know when he showed up, but still. 

The LA stuff is pretty boring, not gonna lie. I can't say that I care about Psychic Dad and his daughter going to tell people about Mom's 10,000 BC ring and Homeland bringing him in to say "hey, yeah, we know about this. Super awesome we now have a psychic on board to fly us all down into the Green Glowing Light of Time Travel".

The fact that I only know, like, three names to this show isn't that good. And I actually love Stoner Guy, so I wish I remembered his name.

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22 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I had one brief moment where I had the fleeting thought that maybe falling into a ravine would drop a person through another tear in the space time continuum to a better show.  


If only... 

24 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

I know people think this is bad, but I think it is fun. 

Sometimes bad shows are the most fun! 

21 minutes ago, Paloma said:

Obviously the two girls, one of whom was pretending to not be able to talk, have been raised in some kind of nutty religious family.

To be fair, on TV all religious families are nutty. Or cult members. Or serial killers. Trust me, as soon as a person on a TV show starts to read the Bible, you know he's a psychopath. It's a trope beloved by all TV writers apparently. 


Edited by Melina22
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3 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

It's bad, but in a fun way. It'll be fun to hate snark on the show, as I realized when I started talking at my TV about these characters making bad choices, not to mention the poor dialogue.

We're on the same page I see. 😊

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I like how they have a special plane that they've been "developing for years" that they are going to send a pilot down into the hole with yet they can't even send a drone down there without blowing it up.

Also, stoner guy should share his vape pen with the injured by wolf bite dude. He's been in pain for like 24 hours laying on the floor of a bus with a drop out med student with a terrible bed side manner. He could use some relief. DON'T BOGART THE WEED, DUDE!

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Again with the big dramatic emotional scenes. Every character has one and I sit there slack jawed because I couldn't care less about any of them.

I was thinking that the religious nut was probably the wife of the dead guy and her sister is really her daughter, but I don't think the older sister is old enough for that to have happened, so I am guessing older sister is just a psycho. I will probably cringe every time I see her on the screen.

Just now, DoubleUTeeEff said:

Also, stoner guy should share his vape pen with the injured by wolf bite dude. He's been in pain for like 24 hours laying on the floor of a bus with a drop out med student with a terrible bed side manner. He could use some relief. DON'T BOGART THE WEED, DUDE!

They found a trunk full of heroin, give that guy the good stuff!

Why didn't something useful fall down the hole like and apartment building or a convenience or hardware store.

That plane looks a little small to rescue all of the people and bring them back to the surface. They should snag a few of those extinct animals while they are at it.

You would think that the people would have tried to build some kind of shelter or gathered some weapons. There should be a ton of useful stuff in the trunks of all those cars.

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9 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

You would think that the people would have tried to build some kind of shelter or gathered some weapons. There should be a ton of useful stuff in the trunks of all those cars.

Not to mention all that heroin in that one car.

I mean, it IS a painkiller...

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8 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

Why didn't something useful fall down the hole like and apartment building or a convenience or hardware store.

I just looked on Google maps and there are several restaurants right by the La Brea Tar Pits, so they should have some food supply. That is probably more research than the writers did.

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I did appreciate that Eve didn't need the water because she's been in training -- even just running 5 miles every morning. 
One of my daughters is an ultramarathoner, and the doctors had to recalibrate their equipment for her slowed heartbeat when she had surgery so the alarms wouldn't keep going off.


49 minutes ago, KaveDweller said:

How far away was that ambulance they walked to? I know they were looking for the injured guy, but the sink hole can't be more than a mile wide.

The hole isn't more than a mile wide, but I think once you get dumped out of the wormhole, you've got the entire Earth to explore.


Interesting that the government lady that had the dad kidnapped turned out to be a sympathetic character instead of a psychopathic one.
I like the way they flipped the trope.

Likewise, the cop lady wasn't looking for a perp, she was looking for her son --although something shady may still be going on there.


4 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

all that heroin in that one car.

I mean, it IS a painkiller...

And at the rate they're going with animal bites and falls off of cliffs, they should start setting up a pharmacy stat where they can give out the heroin as needed.

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9 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

The hole isn't more than a mile wide, but I think once you get dumped out of the wormhole, you've got the entire Earth to explore.

I wonder if the sinkhole in the Mojave three years ago opened to the same location or to the Mojave desert 12,000 years ago? It seemed like there are people who were stuck in this land a while ago, but it seems like they should be far away. Unless they have been roaming prehistoric southern Cal.

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What kind of wimpy plane is that for diving down through time to DownUnderLand?  They need an Airbus 380 with an autopilot, a bar, a laboratory, and space for an all terrain vehicle in the back.  And it has to be able to take off with gear up, too.

I agree, Stoner Dude can die anytime.  Or at least have his throat ripped out so he can't speak.

I thought that the 'sisters' had more than a familial motive for burying their father, the way they acted after she came back.  It's as if they might have some connection to the sinkhole. 

It sure seems odd that nobody, but nobody, is thinking long term about their situation down there.  The show doesn't have anyone out looking for substantial food or, more importantly, water.  Add to that shelter.

"I need to find my dad so I can bury him."  "The wild animals will likely eat him right away." "You go ahead and go back to camp.  I'm going to keep on looking."  "Okay, I'll stay with you, but let's split up so we can cover more ground."  Because, you know, wild animals.  Did Stoner Dude ever get to take his dump?

So there was another sinkhole out on the Mojave Desert?  And it was not noticed by any satellite photography?  Because I can just about guarantee that spy satellites watch that area regularly due to the presence of the military bases.

Heh.  I wonder if running off the camels results in something like The Butterfly Effect, with major changes in modern day society because a tear in the space time continuum. 

4 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

They found a trunk full of heroin, give that guy the good stuff!

It wasn't heroin, it was handwavium.  Enough to last the entire season.

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3 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

 "Okay, I'll stay with you, but let's split up so we can cover more ground."  Because, you know, wild animals.  Did Stoner Dude ever get to take his dump?



3 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Heh.  I wonder if running off the camels results in something like The Butterfly Effect, with major changes in modern day society because a tear in the space time continuum

Probably not, but maybe spacey anthropologist dude’s lab partner will have a vague memory of it. IDK. It’s not clear how  the space-time continuum works within the show yet.

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I’m looking forward to the Bible thumper girls having to grapple with being someplace that’s 10k years old despite the Earth only being 6000 years old.

Shrink with the gun was on his way to kill himself when the sinkhole got him, right?

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5 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Heh.  I wonder if running off the camels results in something like The Butterfly Effect, with major changes in modern day society because a tear in the space time continuum. 

Was there a whole scene with camels that I missed? I know stoner guy referenced it but I don't recall it.

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10 hours ago, Paloma said:

I didn't notice that the stoner guy was Australian until it was mentioned in this episode. And then we were introduced to another Australian guy (or did he have a New Zealand accent?)


It;s fitting, since they're in The Land Down Under.

Edited by Tom Holmberg
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20 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:
5 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Heh.  I wonder if running off the camels results in something like The Butterfly Effect, with major changes in modern day society because a tear in the space time continuum. 

Was there a whole scene with camels that I missed? I know stoner guy referenced it but I don't recall it.

When stoner guy and religious nut older sister were looking for her father's body so she could bury it, they saw a group of camels running toward what looked like a dark wet area. The stoner guy headed them off and then explained that he saved their lives because they were about to run into the La Brea tar pit, where their bones were found closer to present day. The question is whether the Butterfly Effect will happen because they did not die in the tar pit as happened in the "real" past.

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5 hours ago, Dowel Jones said:

Did Stoner Dude ever get to take his dump?

Yes, after the Bible Thumper dug the hole and put her dead "dad" in, La Brea Dundee had her turn around for a second because he wanted to "pay his respects" before she filled the hole back in.

12 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Was there a whole scene with camels that I missed? I know stoner guy referenced it but I don't recall it.

Yeah you missed it, that is how he figured out where and when they are.

26 minutes ago, Amy Beth said:

Shrink with the gun was on his way to kill himself when the sinkhole got him, right?

Yep, good thing he thought he might need a full clip to get the job done or he might be dead by now.

What they could have really used on this show is some "good ole boys" heading off to do some hunting with their AK-47's. Their catch phrase could have been "Let's go extinct some stuff!".

Just now, Tom Holmberg said:

Can you carbon date a diamond that's already tens of thousands (or more) of years old?

I would say no, but maybe the dirt clinging to might be possible.

8 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

I hope the lawyer half of the gay couple gets that car working. 

I think "the glowing rift" might contain an EMP field, so an old car without the modern electronics might be easier to get working and easier to work on.

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9 minutes ago, Tom Holmberg said:

Can you carbon date a diamond that's already tens of thousands (or more) of years old?

[shapeshifter waves her hand frantically in the air and steps to the front of the class to give an explanation, heedless of the likelihood of humiliating herself with a scientifically disproven answer]


Just because the ring took a ride in the DeLorean to The Land Before Time doesn't mean it is now prehistoric. Right?

And "Radiocarbon dating is ...limited to objects that are younger than 50,000 to 60,000 years or so" (arizonaruins.com/articles/radiocarbon.html) and saber-toothed cats/tigers were pretty much extinct by then (britannica.com/animal/saber-toothed-cat).

Better answer:

4 minutes ago, AnimeMania said:

I would say no, but maybe the dirt clinging to might be possible.


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10 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

I was thinking that the religious nut was probably the wife of the dead guy and her sister is really her daughter, but I don't think the older sister is old enough for that to have happened, so I am guessing older sister is just a psycho. I will probably cringe every time I see her on the screen.

I wondered if it's an Elizabeth Smart-type situation where the young girl was kidnapped by the man and the older girl. Either way, I hope the young girl gets rescued by someone. (And maybe rescued from this silly show, too, given how things are looking so far.)

Edited by kirinan
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Dialog-wise, episode 2 was even more excruciatingly painful than the pilot.  The show continues to throw everything but the kitchen sink with its characters...seems every possible typical character has fallen through that sinkhole, from the heroin-smuggling tough guy to the gay couple to the two girls with some big secret the youngest is bound to reveal with maximum consequences.  It's overkill, to be sure.

Let's hope the flashbacks to these peoples' lives doesn't continue.  It's a tired and weak plot device to have flashbacks tell the story.

Although the acting and writing continue to border on completely awful, the story itself is starting to tip the scales of whether I will watch more.  If the writers can stick to the Land of the Lost vibes a bit more, and make what's happening above the sinkhole with the government research equally thrilling as the 10,000 BC stuff below, we might actually have a fun sci-fi series ala Lost in Space seasons 2 and 3 (original 60s series).  I will be watching episode 3, but an episode where the Dad up above gets more of the story devoted to him is certain to make me long for a Dad-free episode.  

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I think they should give the Upstairs Dad a chair on the plane that has a helmet that can project his thoughts onto a big screen, so that the pilots will know what they are looking for and what to expect.

Maybe they should throw in a flew dinosaurs because I want to see the plane dodging to keep from hitting a few Pterosaurs/Pterodactyls that are close to the size of the plane.

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1 hour ago, Tom Holmberg said:

Can you carbon date a diamond that's already tens of thousands (or more) of years old?

Maybe not the diamond, but what about the metal parts of the setting or the necklace she wore it on?

But doesn’t carbon dating require destruction of a piece of the tested material? That ring looked intact.

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15 minutes ago, Amy Beth said:

Maybe not the diamond, but what about the metal parts of the setting or the necklace she wore it on?

But doesn’t carbon dating require destruction of a piece of the tested material? That ring looked intact.

If it's gold or silver (which you'd assume a wedding ring would be), there's no carbon I'd think.

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I see this show as possibly having been established as a 10-episode mini series to test the waters and to see if the writers don't write themselves into a corner on how to stretch something like this out for 3-5 seasons.  It WILL turn into another Lost if they don't.  The concept is interesting, but I don't see this panning out for multi seasons.  I hope I'm wrong.  The acting needs to tighten up, but I'll give the new cast time to gel

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12 hours ago, Paloma said:

I could like a story with mysterious/nefarious secrets but not when I don't care about the characters who have them. 

Exactly so. I am also turned off by TV shows that shoot long scenes in the dark -- to save on CGI, set design and the electric bill? I miss 1950s movies that shot "night" scenes in twilight and used car headlights turned on to convey the idea of nighttime. 

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1 hour ago, Tom Holmberg said:

Can you carbon date a diamond that's already tens of thousands (or more) of years old?

Technically, you can only carbon date things that are alive. But, the grass in the dirt around the ring is alive so you can still kinda do it.

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I like stoner guy and that he's smart despite being high. Weed doesn't make you dumb.

1 hour ago, kirinan said:

I wondered if it's an Elizabeth Smart-type situation where the young girl was kidnapped by the man and the older girl. Either way, I hope the young girl gets rescued by someone. (And maybe rescued from this silly show, too, given how things are looking so far.)

I hope they don't drag out mute girl and her "sister" for too long. I don't want to see a child being abused on a show about time travel.  I'm thinking the same thing, but if the "dad" is dead, there wouldn't be any more secrets to hide.

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I’m enjoying the show as “shut off your brain” fun. I can’t wait to see the giant sloth shown in the previews. 
Yeah, I think the “sisters” are mother and daughter. I hope the lawyer half of the gay couple gets that car working. 
As someone from Louisiana (and other parts of the South), I am soooo glad that they didn’t have the cop and her son speak with exaggerated “Louisiana” accents. Not everyone from the South has a noticeable accent.

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 The stoner guy headed them off and then explained that he saved their lives because they were about to run into the La Brea tar pit, where their bones were found closer to present day. 

If I'm not mistaken, he said he discovered the camel bones in present day. (He's an anthropology major.) Which . . . what a coincidence!


The show continues to throw everything but the kitchen sink with its characters...seems every possible typical character has fallen through that sinkhole, from the heroin-smuggling tough guy to the gay couple to the two girls with some big secret the youngest is bound to reveal with maximum consequences.  It's overkill, to be sure.

Agreed. It feels like they have every conceivable trope on hand to milk stories out of. 


I wondered if it's an Elizabeth Smart-type situation where the young girl was kidnapped by the man and the older girl.

That's the vibe I got. Either that or both girls were kidnapped and the older girl is just more brainwashed.

Stoner dude is going to run out of vape juice pretty quick. Those vape pens don't hold much juice. So his defining character trait has a very short shelf life.

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12 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:
23 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:

I’m enjoying the show as “shut off your brain” fun. I can’t wait to see the giant sloth shown in the previews. 

I thought maybe he was a friendly giant sloth?

I think they are pretty friendly, but they have gigantic claws that would rip you to shreds.

2 minutes ago, iMonrey said:

If I'm not mistaken, he said he discovered the camel bones in present day. (He's an anthropology major.) Which . . . what a coincidence!

I don't think he said he found the bones, just that he knew about it.

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Just ...... wow !! That sabretooth tiger CGI is so bad.

The trap o' convenience saves Eve and dude with the gun (Ty ?) from the 2nd tiger.  Of course it did.

Psychic Dad's hair and beard always looks salon perfect.

Wouldn't the fact that the cars were trying to start indicate that there was at least some juice in the battery -- which would mean you could charge a phone.

I'm not a medical professional, but do you really inject antibiotics directly into the wound, and then wait for an immediate response ?  #sarcasm

What makes The DHS folks think that the Striker plane will work any better than that drone ?  Because the drone crashed for a reason.

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Someone should start a Prehistoric Bestiary in a new thread and list all the animals that appear on the show with pictures and fun facts.

I think so far we have seen "Stupid Birds",

Dire Wolves?,

Saber-Toothed Cats, I think the term Tigers has fallen out of favor.

Was there anything else?

Edited by AnimeMania
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2 hours ago, AnimeMania said:

Someone should start a Prehistoric Bestiary in a new thread and list all the animals that appear on the show with pictures and fun facts.

I think so far we have seen "Stupid Birds",

Dire Wolves?,

Saber-Toothed Cats, I think the term Tigers has fallen out of favor.

Was there anything else?


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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Stoner dude is going to run out of vape juice pretty quick. Those vape pens don't hold much juice. So his defining character trait has a very short shelf life.

Maybe with all the other ridiculousness happening he will find the prehistoric equivalent of marijuana and he can be happily high for his time in Great Beyond….

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2 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I’m not a medical professional, but do you really inject antibiotics directly into the wound, and then wait for an immediate response ?  #sarcasm


Absolutely made me cringe. As a medical professional no, injecting it into the infection isn’t the way to go. She could have lifted his buttocks and injected it there or even in the upper part of his arm, but the buttocks is the better choice. Just because he passed out from pain and infection and then got however many CC’s of whatever antibiotic they had on hand in the RA, it would take a bit of time for him to regain consciousness again. It isn’t an instantaneous response.

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I wondered if it's an Elizabeth Smart-type situation where the young girl was kidnapped by the man and the older girl.

That's the vibe I got. Either that or both girls were kidnapped and the older girl is just more brainwashed.

I'm leaning toward your latter idea (both kidnapped but older one more brainwashed), but it is also possible that the younger one is the daughter of the older one. I'm thinking of the horrible case of Jaycee Dugard, kidnapped when she was 11 and gave birth to a daughter when she was 14, then to another daughter when she was 17, and all were still held captive for several more years. If the older sister here gave birth when she was 13 or 14 (and it's even possible she was younger), she could be 20-22 now. 


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5 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

I’m not a medical professional, but do you really inject antibiotics directly into the wound, and then wait for an immediate response ?  #sarcasm

For that matter, why do TV writers always seem to think that being pre-med means you know things you typically don’t learn until you’re actually IN med school or even residency?

Stoner guy is becoming my favorite comedy relief. “Are you high?” “I am, but that’s not relevant.”

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This show wants to be better than it is.  They're trying to set up some interesting characters, but somehow it's less than the sum of its parts.  They need to tighten up the writing, like hinting that coming through the time rift will fry all the electronics which is why the cars don't start, but then they seem to hint that phones still work.  Same with Eve getting back.  All they had to do was show Long Lost Son, Ty and Sam with a crowd of others and have Sam say "thanks for sending the search party" or something.  This stuff isn't that hard.

Also, you can't carbon date jewelry (Yes, I know diamonds are carbon, but it doesn't work that way).  Carbon dating only works on formerly living things.  When Gavin asked to have it carbon dated, I could handwave it off as he doesn't know the exact process. But then the scientists came back and said it carbon dated to 10,000 BC.  There's other tests they could have run, or just said that it dated to 10,000 BC.  If you don't know what you're talking about, keep it vague.

1 hour ago, MyArchangel said:

Maybe with all the other ridiculousness happening he will find the prehistoric equivalent of marijuana and he can be happily high for his time in Great Beyond….

No such luck.  Cannabis is native to Asia.

I like Stoner Scott, but if he's studying at the tar pits, I would think he would have been better off as a paleontology student, rather than anthropology.  But it's cool he figured out where/when they are.  I doubt that saving those eight camels would change history much.

5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Either that or both girls were kidnapped and the older girl is just more brainwashed.

I think that's the case.  Or another possibility is they're part of some kind of Apocalyptic Cult that will somehow connect to the Mojave sinkhole.  Maybe it's both.  But it gave them their obligatory Christian/Atheist scene.

I am curious about the Mysterious Hand.  I'm sure they'll connect it to other time travelers, but there were Native People there at that time.  I wonder if the writers know that.  I think all TV writers should throw out the JJ Abrams Mystery Box.  If you introduce a mystery and make it central to the show, you will have to explain it eventually.

Also, I realized that the cop is played by Donal Logue's (of Vikings and Gotham) sister.

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3 hours ago, MyArchangel said:

Absolutely made me cringe. As a medical professional no, injecting it into the infection isn’t the way to go. She could have lifted his buttocks and injected it there or even in the upper part of his arm, but the buttocks is the better choice. Just because he passed out from pain and infection and then got however many CC’s of whatever antibiotic they had on hand in the RA, it would take a bit of time for him to regain consciousness again. It isn’t an instantaneous response.

@MyArchangel, I was wondering if it there would be a dangerously negative impact of injecting it into the wound?
BTW: The animal teeth marks were so perfectly aligned and evenly spaced and sized that it makes one wonder if there were prehistoric veterinary orthodontists. 


41 minutes ago, CarpeFelis said:

Stoner guy is becoming my favorite comedy relief. “Are you high?” “I am, but that’s not relevant.”

If he dies, I may quit the show.
And I'm assuming--for his sake--at least some of the bricks in that trunk might be marijuana. 


39 minutes ago, Lugal said:

Also, you can't carbon date jewelry (Yes, I know diamonds are carbon, but it doesn't work that way).  Carbon dating only works on formerly living things.  When Gavin asked to have it carbon dated, I could handwave it off as he doesn't know the exact process. But then the scientists came back and said it carbon dated to 10,000 BC.  There's other tests they could have run, or just said that it dated to 10,000 BC.  If you don't know what you're talking about, keep it vague.

But just because the ring took a trip to an earlier time shouldn't change it's 21st century dating, right? The dating results show the latest time of the material, right?



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23 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

The animal teeth marks were so perfectly aligned and evenly spaced and sized that it makes one wonder if there were prehistoric veterinary orthodontists. 

 I mean, CGI dire wolves aren't designed to be unique. You're asking too much of the technology! ;)

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

But just because the ring took a trip to an earlier time shouldn't change it's 21st century dating, right? The dating results show the latest time of the material, right?

They might be able find minerals and traces of organic matter in the dirt around it.  Or they go where he dug it up and see what geologic strata it was in.  But the main problem is gold and diamonds are among the most non-reactive substances known. 

A quick perusal of wikipedia mentions luminescence dating, which dates when a mineral was last exposed to sunlight.  Maybe they could date the diamond with that?

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