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S23.E29: HOH #11, Nominations #11

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I don't know what made me laugh more. Deref saying whinily, "I want to be a threat!" or Tiffany saying with annoyance, "Of course you can't trust me Ky, but you're not supposed to know that!" 

I'm impressed with how self-possessed Hannah is, given how much younger she is than the others. At her age, I was still intimidated by older people. Hannah seems fearless. 

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Kyland was being a big baby at the start of the episode. Why not just admit that he was scared to be on the block in case of a double cross?

Also he's a moron. He is aware X can't be beat but still wants to sit next to him on finale night? Shades of Derek and Cody (still one of the dumbest moves in BB and the only way to recitfy that was eventually grease his way to a win through pre-existing relationships...but I digress)

Anyway, the season ended tonight. Tiff is the only one that can rally to get X out but once she's gone X will be invincible. 

LOL that Big D knows he's going to be the goat but he might get being denied even that if Kyland sticks to the insane plan of going to the end with a strong competitor!

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Ugh, I cannot stand the guy who dressed up like a chicken! He dressed up like some obnoxious character last year, too -- a needy grandmother or something. Is he famous? Why do they keep bringing him back when he's not funny at all?

Kyland's strategy of dropping the egg instead of maneuvering it was a bold move. And I guess it did pay off for him.

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30 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

Ugh, I cannot stand the guy who dressed up like a chicken! He dressed up like some obnoxious character last year, too -- a needy grandmother or something. Is he famous?

What I found odd is that the HGs faces didn't register his presence at all. They didn't laugh or look surprised or even annoyed. Could they even see or hear him?

I found him annoying but funny back when he was dressed as an annoying grandma, but this time he was just weird and strange and irritating and not funny at all. 

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I can't listen to Derek F anymore, I have to keep hitting the mute button. It's been some time since I disliked someone on BB enough to do that. I think, in many other seasons, he would have been gone a long time ago, although certainly he's not the only person dragged to the end for no real reason. If he had any game at all, it would be different but he doesn't. He's just there.


I think Ky thinks it's admirable to sit next to a strong player like X in the final and I guess it kind of is, but as it has been already said, it's also kind of dumb ! He must really think he can win against X-- I don't. But I suppose anything is possible. I would be shocked, though, if he won in that situation. 

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6 minutes ago, willco said:

I think Ky thinks it's admirable to sit next to a strong player like X in the final and I guess it kind of is, but as it has been already said, it's also kind of dumb ! He must really think he can win against X-- I don't. But I suppose anything is possible. I would be shocked, though, if he won in that situation. 

It is dumb.  But, it would be hilarious if he won in that situation and I'd love it.  I was wondering if X has pissed off enough people.

Derek X. and SB would vote for Kyland.  Maybe even Tiffany and Hannah too.  Maybe Claire too.
Voters for X would be:  Azah, Derek F., and Alyssa.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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It did seem like Zero Stars Grandma Chicken recorded his segment at another time, away from the HGs because you're right that they absolutely didn't react at all.  You'd think if he was there, they would at least give some courtesy giggles or play along.  Since the comp took place kind of late after the DE, it may  be that they just got basic rules and he was edited in later.  He was the only good part of the ep for me. 

I am glad the CO achieved their mission.  That being said, I think Kyland is annoying (and a big baby) X is incredibly narcissistic and DerF has misogynistic tendencies so this episode bummed me out.  Ky and X getting pissy with Tiff for trying to play the game and influence the jury is kind of shitty when they've both done it all along.  Why was X throwing all those HOH's?  Because he doesn't want to do the dirty work and keep his image good on the jury.  Why was Ky snowing SB all the way to the jury house and making deals with Tiff he had no intention of keeping?  To ensure a jury vote and keep himself from being targeted.  Why is Tiff doing the same thing seen as shady and selfish?  Like X said to her, once she followed through and went against her own best interests to send Claire home, he didn't have a thing to complain about.  If the situation were reversed and it was Tiff/Alyssa on the block last week, I'm not sure he wouldn't have done his best to save Alyssa.  

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X you talk a lot but where’s the proof you “threw comp after comp after comp”. You didn’t even win tonight when it was important.  Yea you won the other day putting five huge styrofoam puzzle pieces together but that was simple and unimpressive. And Kyland is talking to the camera about all the tools in your tool bag you have yet to use.  What crazy mist is this? Why does he think that?  I’m curious to see if you can back up that big mouth 


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Kyland getting mad because Hannah put him on the block next to Alyssa was ridiculous. He KNEW he was safe. The only reason to be upset about it was because it blemished his resume. But we’re not supposed to be thinking about ourselves yet— right, Ky? …Ky? Hello?

55 minutes ago, willco said:

I think Ky thinks it's admirable to sit next to a strong player like X in the final and I guess it kind of is, but as it has been already said, it's also kind of dumb ! He must really think he can win against X-- I don't. But I suppose anything is possible. I would be shocked, though, if he won in that situation. 

Ky has said that he wants to sit next to the most worthy competitor at the end. This is because he sees himself as some kind of noble warrior who follows a higher code of honor. (Let’s not forget that in his pre-show bio, he said that he thinks he’s a Jedi.) I think Ky has the ego to believe he can win against anyone. He has decided that the most worthy competitor in his epic journey is Xavier. But he also said that Tiffany was worthy.

I actually think that Ky would lose to either Tiffany or X. But I think the reason he ultimately went with X is: In the slim chance (in his mind) he doesn’t win, it would be less of a blow to his ego to lose to X than to lose to Tiffany, a 41-year-old woman. It’s the same old song: bros before hos.

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1 hour ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

It is dumb.  But, it would be hilarious if he won in that situation and I'd love it.  I was wondering if X has pissed off enough people.

Derek X. and SB would vote for Kyland.  Maybe even Tiffany and Hannah too.  Maybe Claire too.
Voters for X would be:  Azah, Derek F., and Alyssa.

Claire isn't voting for anyone against X if he makes it to the end. Her eviction speech made that very clear. 

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24 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

I actually think that Ky would lose to either Tiffany or X. But I think the reason he ultimately went with X is: In the slim chance (in his mind) he doesn’t win, it would be less of a blow to his ego to lose to X than to lose to Tiffany, a 41-year-old woman. It’s the same old song: bros before hos

Yeah I think you're right on this one. I was wondering if once they "were able to finally play the game" if the guys would just pick off the women just like we've seen since the beginning. In my mind that would take a bit of the shine off the whole CO thing. As if to say 'Now that we're officially done with the CO let's just do what we want to do and hang together as guys 'til the end.

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10 hours ago, Eolivet said:

Kyland's strategy of dropping the egg instead of maneuvering it was a bold move. And I guess it did pay off for him.

Once he started doing that, I paid more attention to that sloped ramp that was very near the start of the egg pile.  I was trying to see if someone could get an egg to the top of that ramp, hold it with one hand until they got their other hand at the bottom, and roll it down.  That would have saved a lot more time even that Ky's strategy (which was smart).  

2 hours ago, Jobiska said:

Once he started doing that, I paid more attention to that sloped ramp that was very near the start of the egg pile.  I was trying to see if someone could get an egg to the top of that ramp, hold it with one hand until they got their other hand at the bottom, and roll it down.  That would have saved a lot more time even that Ky's strategy (which was smart).  

I don’t think so; that was my first thought as well at the start - but the more I watched, the more it became apparent it was not so much a ramp as it was a block to keep them from shortcutting the course.

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14 minutes ago, Nashville said:

I don’t think so; that was my first thought as well at the start - but the more I watched, the more it became apparent it was not so much a ramp as it was a block to keep them from shortcutting the course.

Makes sense.  I didn't have enough of a sample set of observations to work with as I was not going to rewind for that reason!

13 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Also I felt sorry for whoever had to clean up the egg mess. Eggs are not easy to clean up.

Time for a random hint that got stuck in my head for a long time from an unknown source--perhaps Heloise's Hints in the newspaper, or even Reader's Digest--but I do know it lived rent-free in my head long before the internet:  Eggs are hard to clean up, they're so goobery they run from paper towels and mock wet rags.  What you do is sprinkle a bunch of salt on them and the goobers turn to paste and become much, much easier to pick up with rags and paper towels.  I had occasion to use this hint last year when the full pressed cardboard egg carton I was putting away in my fridge flexed at a weak point and four eggs dropped to the floor.  Four eggs worth of goo took about half a cup of salt to tame into submission.  Worked like a charm.  So now you all know that (not-so) useless fact too!


12 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Zero Stars Grandma Chicken from Outer Space. I still love him for taking a Sharpie to Jackhole's stupid Hello, My Name Is... tattoo and filling it in appropriately: with an all caps STUPID.

I totally forgot about that.  Zero Stars Grandma Chicken from Outer Space will forever live in my heart because of that moment.

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12 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Kyland getting mad because Hannah put him on the block next to Alyssa was ridiculous. He KNEW he was safe. The only reason to be upset about it was because it blemished his resume. But we’re not supposed to be thinking about ourselves yet— right, Ky? …Ky? Hello?

Hannah keeping Tiffany/Azah off the block when they've never been there on a foregone eviction night is very telling about Hannah's loyalty within the CO.  She should've just put one of the 2 up and called it the fair play. 

What really ticked Ky off was Tiffany calling private conferences in front of Alyssa to make it appear that there was any chance of her staying post-Veto, when there was zero benefit to doing so and/or covering up the CO any longer.  Tiff showed her ass as a self-concerned player (which she also showed she was two evictions too soon when she went against plan) and she did not like having it pointed out to her. 

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14 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Also he's a moron. He is aware X can't be beat but still wants to sit next to him on finale night?

If X is the most popular player among the jury, it stands to reason he would also be the most influential juror when/if he's evicted (which the remaining players will be trying to do instead of going after Ky)- so I believe Ky's right to stay on X's good side. 

And if Kyland gets targeted anyway, he's got plenty of comp skills to rely on for Veto wins.

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21 minutes ago, Drogo said:

If X is the most popular player among the jury, it stands to reason he would also be the most influential juror when/if he's evicted (which the remaining players will be trying to do instead of going after Ky)- so I believe Ky's right to stay on X's good side. 


I would be so much more impressed with Ky if he confided in us that he wanted to keep X around in order to prevent him from influencing the jurors. 

The ridiculous conceit that his win will mean more if he vanquishes his most powerful competitor in the showdown is embarrassing.

You, sir, are no Jedi.

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1 hour ago, Drogo said:

Hannah keeping Tiffany/Azah off the block when they've never been there on a foregone eviction night is very telling about Hannah's loyalty within the CO.  She should've just put one of the 2 up and called it the fair play.

Personally, I thought this was pretty obvious.  With Tiff’s “sympathy vote” for SB (whom she despised), Tiff personally ruined Ky’s perfect-no-vote record - leaving Tiff and Azah as the only two remaining HGs who have never had a vote cast against them.  Ky’s now itching to even the score - but game time is running out, and game actions like Hannah’s blind coverage of Azah and Tiff are blocking Ky’s attempts.

P. S.: Frankly, I thought that was a damn stupid game move on the part of Hannah; it unnecessarily antagonized the season’s strongest player to date, and shielded two HGs with whom Hannah is in direct competition immediately following Alyssa’s eviction.



What really ticked Ky off was Tiffany calling private conferences in front of Alyssa to make it appear that there was any chance of her staying post-Veto, when there was zero benefit to doing so and/or covering up the CO any longer.  Tiff showed her ass as a self-concerned player (which she also showed she was two evictions too soon when she went against plan) and she did not like having it pointed out to her. 

Don’t understand why - it was obvious as fuck to the rest of the planet, why not Tiff?  😆

Edited by Nashville
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Am I making this up or did we at one of these egg comps learn that shaking the eggs helped them roll more predictably when they hit the ramp? I remember one person did it then everyone else followed. To which I say "You sir/madame are NO Superfan" if you didn;t know that and I did as I purge most of my reality teevee infor from my mind around 48 hours after viewing 😉

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18 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Don’t understand why - it was obvious as fuck to the rest of the planet, why not Tiff?  😆

Recap of this gaslight lol--

T:  "I'm just doing it for appearances."

K:  "But Alyssa's the only person left not in the Cookout, so keeping up appearances with her is pure Tiffany Jury Management."

T:  "Wuttttttt noooooooo, not for appearances... I just wanted to make sure you're okay." 

K:  "But you just said 'for appearances' ten seconds ago." 


Edited by Drogo
Typo stuffs
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5 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Recap of this gaslight lol--

T:  "I'm just doing it for appearances."

K:  "But Alyssa's the only person left not in the Cookout, so keeping up appearances with her is pure Tiffany Jury Management."

T:  "Wuttttttt noooooooo, not for appearances... I just wasn't to make sure you're okay." 

K:  "But you just said 'for appearances' ten seconds ago." 


Gameplay-wise, Tiff ain’t bad in the open field; when it comes to close quarters, though, she’s not near as good as she thinks she is.

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4 hours ago, Jobiska said:

Once he started doing that, I paid more attention to that sloped ramp that was very near the start of the egg pile.  I was trying to see if someone could get an egg to the top of that ramp, hold it with one hand until they got their other hand at the bottom, and roll it down.  That would have saved a lot more time even that Ky's strategy (which was smart).  

Yes!  We were yelling this at the screen! "Try the ramp, try the ramp! Why won't anybody try the ramp?"

I haven't watched much this season, with my short attention span, but I enjoyed this episode. Seeing the CO make the final 6 was pretty moving.

I enjoy the chicken wire competition, and thought Kyland's strategy was annoyingly good, but I agree with those who hate seeing the food waste and cleanup. Yuck. And I would love to know how long the comp  took - did they show it, and I missed it?

Azah was doing so well.

And yeah, either the chicken dude segment was filmed separately, or the HGs found him as entertaining as I did, which was not at all.

16 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Kyland was being a big baby at the start of the episode. Why not just admit that he was scared to be on the block in case of a double cross?

Also he's a moron. He is aware X can't be beat but still wants to sit next to him on finale night? Shades of Derek and Cody (still one of the dumbest moves in BB and the only way to recitfy that was eventually grease his way to a win through pre-existing relationships...but I digress)

If that is really Kyland's true thinking...yikes. I know he said it, but it still needs to play out. Not that he has a reason to lie at this point in the talking heads. Enjoy second place, I guess.

With the increased prize this season, did second place go up as well?

Oh Big D...I just don't know with him. And Azah. I get the argument over the years that anyone who makes it to the F2 and wins the jury vote "deserves" the win, but I do prefer a winner that's been playing a more active game. I'm sure I've missed some gameplay, but I really don't see that they've done a lot this season.

Though I would lol if somehow D makes it close to the end, and wins that crapshoot comp. I HATE that comp every year.

16 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I don't know what made me laugh more. Deref saying whinily, "I want to be a threat!" or Tiffany saying with annoyance, "Of course you can't trust me Ky, but you're not supposed to know that!" 

Both of those were so great. Tiffany is really funny in her talking heads.

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5 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

Am I making this up or did we at one of these egg comps learn that shaking the eggs helped them roll more predictably when they hit the ramp? I remember one person did it then everyone else followed. To which I say "You sir/madame are NO Superfan" if you didn;t know that and I did as I purge most of my reality teevee infor from my mind around 48 hours after viewing 😉

I believe that was Jackson Michi.

21 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I don't know what made me laugh more. Deref saying whinily, "I want to be a threat!" 

Is Deref really upset or is he pointing out that he's such a good final 2 opponent because he sucks so bad?


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4 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I think it’s probably because she has Resting Smug Face. I suffer from that myself, and I don’t feel entitled.  To much. Except anything I want. (Ok, I’m entitled. Shoot me.)

My daughter says Hannah puts blush on her cheeks then decides "I'm done putting on makeup" which throws off her face.  I thought it was sunburn but she's the expert. 

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6 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

That's how he [DerF] should be positioning it, but I'm not getting the feeling he thinks that way.

He seems to be legitimately unsure of why he is doing so badly in comps, like his latest breakdown showed. I think he views himself as this great player that can't believe his "bad luck". He's an odd case, but he definitely doesn't see himself as a goat to be taken to the end for an easy win (though he is!).


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4 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

He seems to be legitimately unsure of why he is doing so badly in comps, like his latest breakdown showed. I think he views himself as this great player that can't believe his "bad luck". He's an odd case, but he definitely doesn't see himself as a goat to be taken to the end for an easy win (though he is!).


I'm personally offended by Derek thinking he's playing a great game. 

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2 hours ago, Tachi Rocinante said:

Forgive my lack of historical knowledge, but have two more worthless floaters ever made it to the final 6?  Azah and Spawn of Smokin' Joe are absolute slugs, game-wise.

Big Brother 16's Victoria may still win over Azah and DerF  though as she went through err was carried all the way to the final three despite not showing up at all on the show for weeks at a time. She was and always will be queen of the floaters.

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