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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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27 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

Perhaps Yvette should have thought about whether Mohamed was going to fit into her family, before actually having him join her family.

I was just thinking the same thing.  It may be hard on her son if this doesn’t work out.  

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2 minutes ago, RichiesOlderBro said:

Sells over priced alarm systems…

That’s just his cover story. I think he probably deals illegal steroids in the gym locker room where everyone just turns a blind eye. Those steroids ain’t cheap.

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2 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

I'd be afraid to be in a self-driving car.  Hell, I even hate to be a passenger in any car.  Guess I'm a control freak.

or a not-getting-killed freak. I'm not going to risk it, either. 

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2 minutes ago, RichiesOlderBro said:

Sells over priced alarm systems…

"Sells" "alarm systems". Wink wink. Plus he can hook you up with some "supplements", if you know what I mean. 

1 minute ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Whoa! The attitude of Bilal. FUCK. YOU. YOU. SUCK.

God I hate this piece of shit so fucking much, I'm prepared to go to Missouri and throw rocks at his house. 

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12 hours ago, charmed1 said:

A basketball hoop and a scooter. I would hate to be their downstairs neighbor. 

Wait until the neighbors find out about the camera crews invading the apartment too.  

Why am I guessing that everyone of the neighbors is calling the management office 24/7 about the cameras, the noise from their apartment, conducting a business in a residential building (filming a TV show), and every other thing Miss Irritating is doing?    I'm hoping we get a nice interview published with the neighbors, and management company.   

Also, Bini can't legally work until he get a work permit, so the parents think Princess Ari will share her TLC money?   I don't think that will happen. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 minute ago, Baltimore Betty said:
4 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I call BS on the Rolex 

It's most likely a "Relax," or Relox," no way he plunked down money for a real one.

I know somebody who bought a watch on the street in NYC that was a pretty convincing Rolex knock off. The watch wasn’t running and the minute hand was covering the R.  After he wound the watch and the hand moved, he found he had bought a genuine  Polex! 

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3 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:


God I hate this piece of shit so fucking much, I'm prepared to go to Missouri and throw rocks at his house. 

I'll help...and bring the rocks. 

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Just now, magemaud said:

I know somebody who bought a watch on the street in NYC that was a pretty convincing Rolex knock off. The watch wasn’t running and the minute hand was covering the R.  After he wound the watch and the hand moved, he found he had bought a genuine  Polex! 

I had a fake one, the back of the watch said "Stainless Still."

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2 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

That’s just his cover story. I think he probably deals illegal steroids in the gym locker room where everyone just turns a blind eye. Those steroids ain’t cheap.

Every gym has someone who sells steroids. . . .every one of them.  

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3 minutes ago, magemaud said:

I know somebody who bought a watch on the street in NYC that was a pretty convincing Rolex knock off. The watch wasn’t running and the minute hand was covering the R.  After he wound the watch and the hand moved, he found he had bought a genuine  Polex! 

See, I'd wear a Polex with pride. That's hilarious!
I bought a handbag in the city. The seller asked me which designer emblem I wanted him to emboss onto it. I loved it!!

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1 minute ago, CrazyInAlabama said:

Wait until the neighbors find out about the camera crews invading the apartment too.  

Wait til they find out Ari is living above them.

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2 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

"Sells" "alarm systems". Wink wink. Plus he can hook you up with some "supplements", if you know what I mean. 

God I hate this piece of shit so fucking much, I'm prepared to go to Missouri and throw rocks at his house. 

Let me know.  I'll meet you for drinks.

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Oooof! Once Emily stops breastfeeding, she’s really going to blow up like a balloon. She’s a little big already.

Mrs. FB says she's gonna blow up like Violet Beaurogarde in Willy Wonka.

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Emily breastfeeds...in case you didn’t know.

and Emily did you not think this thru? If your tiny child “takes up so much space” what was your plan for his dad? 

No wonder she was so hot to get laid as soon as he got off the plane. Cause that’s about it for Kobe in her bed...

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3 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Poor Kobe. I feel bad for him. 

She still nurses him to sleep? Jesus. 

I know a lot of moms who do that. It is the sanctioned little kid sleeping pill. 
However, Emily has allowed Koben to call the shots instead of setting a routine--lazy parenting. It's also a control thing.  NOBODY (including his father) knows how to care for HER child the way that SHE can. Same shit Kalani pulled. 

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40 minutes ago, Trackdawg said:

Awww. Thanks for always remembering me @Auntie Anxiety!

Yesterday was the one-year anniversary of my mother's death, so (at TrackKitty's urging) we spent the day doing/seeing/eating all the things Moms loved. We went to the Huntington Library to look at the koi -- Moms raised maybe a hundred over the years, like HUGE ones, worth thousands! -- and walk through the beautiful gardens. Then we brought an offering plate of foods she favored to the temple where her ashes are being kept. You should have seen the look on the monk's face when he saw me putting together some Vietnamese gỏi cuốn (spring rolls), longans, pizza, Doritos, and a her absolute favorite dessert, a Beard Papa cream puff! Afterward, we stopped by for supper at one of her fave restaurants

So it really felt like going through the motions, but I guess I'm glad I did it. We're capping the weekend by watching some of her fave movies. Started The Godfather last night (of course, da Kitty fell asleep midway through), and will attempt to finish it tonight, with a double-feature of The Sound Of Music. 

Have a a great live chat and week! Though my attendance has been really spotty this semester, I'll do my best to be there next Sunday.

Miss y'all! 😘

GIF SHOPPE 05_15a.jpg

Sounds like a great tribute to your mom. 

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11 minutes ago, greekmom said:

we might need a drinking game everytime Emily whips out a boob.

No way that would work.   We'd all be in detox and by the time half of the episode ends.  

So Ari and Bini want to live in one of the most expensive areas in the U.S., when there's an apartment shortage, and rental prices have shot up dramatically?    They are such idiots.  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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