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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Bingo. Like Kalani. Meanwhile, she will swan around with her boobs hanging out, and probably get knocked up again in due course. She is the very definition of the word "slatternly".

only in Salem can people toss around words like slatternly !

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1 minute ago, greekmom said:

Koban is really attached to the boob.

Father Emily says Emily is his little girl, camera cuts to her sitting near topless at the table feeding Koben for the umteenth time.

I love how every import says how much better their lives will be in the US and more opportunities are available to them...they never seem to land on what they are qualified to do and frankly, Mr. Cameroon's days of modeling underwear are long behind him, my prediction is those two will be angling for another season including Pillow Talk.

BTW, did anyone else notice how empty the cabinet was when Bilal opened it? There was one plate in it.

Shaeeda could have had the kids do some yoga poses with her since games are not her thing, they could get to know her and learn something new.  As far as having a baby with Bilal, I get the feeling he does not use condoms so any birth control would be left up to the woman, Shaeeda could just not use birth control. Also, Bilal keeps saying potential future wife, why would she leave her home and travel to the US and he is not sure if she is wife material? WTF? Why not just visit her in her country a few more times to make sure of the relationship.

So that muscle guy went to visit whatshername more than a few times and never met her parents, I find that odd. If he were serious about that girl wouldn't he have asked to meet her parents?

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2 minutes ago, greekmom said:

I just don't get it.

This is a gorgeous lady.

She can do better.

Why didn't someone back home arrange a marriage if she wanted to have a family so bad.

I wonder if there is some hidden issue that has kept her stuck?

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2 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

Dad keeps using the words "provide for her", which is a euphamism for "those brown people don't stick around for very long, and are generally lazy".

Who the heck ever thinks about being provided for in this day and age. More than likely, I don't see Emily as contributing her fair share to the finances or the marriage. She's too busy whipping out a titty like it's a weapon and she senses danger. 

Don't misunderstand; I'm all for breastfeeding, just not the kind of passive aggressive breastfeeding that is used to avoid other responsibility. 

My first wouldn’t attach so I spent the first six months attached to a cheap pump circa 2000. I’m a big advocate of breast is best but happy days when I was able to squeeze out the last few drops 

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For someone who says how important it is for her to have children, Shaeda should have maybe thought about that sooner and not got with a guy with older kids already. It's a lot harder to get pg at her age too.

Edited by endure
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4 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Bingo. Like Kalani. Meanwhile, she will swan around with her boobs hanging out, and probably get knocked up again in due course. She is the very definition of the word "slatternly".

Her dad needs to be more worried about her than Kobe since she's running the show.

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This whole Bilal/Shaaeda thing is working my LAST nerve.

Bilal triggers me SO HARD, first off. Every minute Shaaeda stays with him, any respect I had for her goes down. With all these red flags...why the HELL is she still there?

(I do like that bedroom/bathroom suite...)

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A new Downton Abbey movie! I’ll wait til it comes on Netflix or somewhere. 
I waxed my back. Yep, he’s ready to meet his beloved. 

Edited by Straycat80
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13 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

"Emily is the boss."  I am starting to understand why she is the way she is.  Emily has two exes that are currently incarcerated, so, I am going to need the father to take it easy on the "my little girl" crap.  

How exactly did she manage to pay for her world traveling? 

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1 minute ago, magemaud said:

Said just before he strangles her 

My guess is that he's talking to his mom (not the strangle part, though).

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5 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Bingo. Like Kalani. Meanwhile, she will swan around with her boobs hanging out, and probably get knocked up again in due course. She is the very definition of the word "slatternly".

I love you, do you know that?

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33 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

Because she is not a licensed teacher?  Sorry I will move on.  I am actually going back to school in June for a third licensure!  WHOO HOO!

Good for you! 

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3 minutes ago, TazDevil said:

Fuck Bilal!!  Lied to her about wanting more kids.  I hate him.

He'll tell her some more lies to make sure she marries him and then run out her clock.  By the time she realizes he has no intention of actually having more kids, she'll be too old.  He doesn't care because he doesn't actually respect her.  And he wants what he wants.  This poor girl is about to be legally attached to a narcissist.

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3 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

Dad keeps using the words "provide for her", which is a euphamism for "those brown people don't stick around for very long, and are generally lazy".

Who the heck ever thinks about being provided for in this day and age. More than likely, I don't see Emily as contributing her fair share to the finances or the marriage. She's too busy whipping out a titty like it's a weapon and she senses danger. 

Don't misunderstand; I'm all for breastfeeding, just not the kind of passive aggressive breastfeeding that is used to avoid other responsibility. 

This this this. Every. Single. Episode. has some dad bleating about how their daughter's choice of mate needs to "provide". Its 2022, not 1822. (If it was 1822, Emily would have been a scullery maid who got freaky with the hall boy in the hay loft and been sent to the workhouse in disgrace). Sweet tapdancing Jesus, its tiresome. That slovenly virago Emily could get a job. But something tells me she's been fired from every job she's ever had. 

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3 minutes ago, greekmom said:

What's the white spot on the back of Mohammend's neck just at the nape?

It looked like a patch or a band aid.  I was thinking maybe one of those anti-nausea patches, but those usually go behind the ear. 

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32 minutes ago, Suzywriter said:

Heyyyyyy all!!!

As of yesterday, this girl has her Bachelor of Science in Mental Health and Human Services, with a MHRT/C Certificate! I turned 60 2 weeks ago.




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2 minutes ago, ExMathMajor said:

This whole Bilal/Shaaeda thing is working my LAST nerve.

Bilal triggers me SO HARD, first off. Every minute Shaaeda stays with him, any respect I had for her goes down. With all these red flags...why the HELL is she still there?

(I do like that bedroom/bathroom suite...)

Abusive people intentionally behave like they are loving, gentle, empathetic gods until they get you in a tight spot...then they flip the switch. They seek out honest people because honest people never suspect the manipulation.  The target looks for logic and reason, and the manipulator closes the trap. It's horrible, humiliating and very effective. 

Ask me how I know. 

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