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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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22 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Phew! I finished reaming my nostrils just in time to be here with you all. I simply need my weekly dose of snark💉

BTW, it’s my birthday (29yo yet again! go figure!) and I’m delighted to spend it her with my beloved 90D family.

Happy happy birthday @Auntie Anxiety!!

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I mostly type, with the occasional glance at the TV. Priorities. 

Don’t need to watch it closely (except for the Areola parts because my seething hate makes my brain explode during those minutes) since I have seen this movie every season. Same plot, different tweaks, but never anything new.

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1 minute ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Dad Armando seems to know more English than El Kenny does Spanish.

I've been doing Duolingo for three weeks. I know more Spanish than Kenny. 

Oh for fucks sake, now they're all "concerned" because papa Armando went straight to his room instead of hanging around to talk? About the wedding of course, since no one can apparently talk about anything else. Jesus, leave the poor guy alone! 

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Armando. Dude. I'm sorry your dad isn't more accepting and enthusiastic about this. I really am. But he's here for you. You don't get to dictate how he feels about the situation - just appreciate that he's being a good sport about it, even if it's only because he loves you enough to look beyond those feelings.

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7 minutes ago, Emmeline said:

I almost tried making an appt for the booster at my Walgreens but I am hosting Thanksgiving this year and I don’t want to take a risk on feeling poorly.  After my second Moderna I was really I’ll for about 24 hours.  I’ll try right after Thanksgiving.

I had my Moderna booster, and it's half strength compared to the other two, so I didn't have much of a reaction.   I'm hoping that will be your experience too.  

Why does Janice need an interpreter to talk to Bini?    By the way, since when is getting knocked up in Mombasa a 'great experience'?    So, the house/apartment is Ari's?   And not Bini's?   I guess he's not supposed to try to make a career while Ari is gone for two months. 

Corey and Evelin should just go away, maybe we can get them on that one way trip to Mars. 

So, it looks like Daddy Armando drove the entire trip, so why wouldn't he want to walk around for a little while after that?  

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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Armando and Kenny, please stop over analyzing the fuck out of Father Armando. Just let things be for the moment. 

JFC, shut up Ari and Mother Ari. I can’t believe Mother Ari is gonna grill Bini. He should refuse to talk to her about this shit. 

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Janice thinks she’s a stealth bitch because she’’s managed to put one over on Bini, who has the intelligence of a sunflower. But I have known many Janices in my life. GET THE FUCK OUT OF YOUR DAUGHTER’S RELATIONSHIP. Janice is why when couples divorce, they usually have their own lawyer.

Edited by Auntie Anxiety
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Armando, accept your father for who(m) he is! He is already way outside of his comfort zone for your whiny ass wedding to a whiny ass with three whiny ass grown ass daughters! STFU and thank him instead of complaining. 
"If my father loved me he would wear a clown suit and dance an Irish clog for me..."


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I got the Pfizer vaccine and just got the Moderna booster a week ago.  No problems except for one weird little thing... My injection site (upper arm) ITCHES!  Strangest thing ever.

I reealllyyy hate Ari's mom!! She is the WORST! UGH!

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24 minutes ago, Boston said:

I am wondering if I will get my Booster.. this week, maybe.. the flu shot, yes

I got the booster... I was a little sore and tired for a day or so, but worth it. Pfizer. Do it! 

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