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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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"Emily is the boss."  I am starting to understand why she is the way she is.  Emily has two exes that are currently incarcerated, so, I am going to need the father to take it easy on the "my little girl" crap.  

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6 minutes ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

Did you read that Matt Roloff is selling off 16 acres of the farm and asking $4M? FFS, I’ll buy it if it means he’s off my tv screen.

I could never stand him and his big ideas.

I read earlier that the Gosselin sextuplets turned 18 and now have access to the money they made from the show.  2 of the kids live with Jon and the others live with Kate.  Jon did a short interview and called Kate a “Karen”, lol!  

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So Bilahzebub said to Shaeeda that he wants 2 more kids while he was in Trinidad.

Now he's pussyfooting around the subject.

How many more red flags do you need girlfriend?

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Just now, charmed1 said:

This is the driest damned dinner ever. 

I'm just cringing over here. Sister Emily's face! "I'm pasting this pained rictus on my face in the vain hope that is passes for a smile". I feel you, sister Emily.

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1 minute ago, Frozendiva said:

Em's dad, time for you to ask your daughter what her plans are. She can also work.

She's going to be an International Breast Pump Model!

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3 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

How you talk to your spouse is important. Living with the parents of your fiancé and they talk to you any which way is telling. That being said, I don’t like Emily.

But I like the grandma.   She has a lovely smile and seems great.   The Dad - coming on too strong at an inappropriate time.   But, Emily is the real problem here.   These two will never work out unless she has a major attitude change.

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2 minutes ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Why? Why does every single idiot family member harass these people about getting a job WHEN THEY CLEARLY CANNOT.

Those who can, do...those who can't,  harass other people about it!

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14 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

She has a portrait of Dorian Gray in her living room.  I have seen it and had bad pasta at her dining room table with her.  And a corn dog.

The secret is that I cut everything on the bias. 

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13 minutes ago, Mrs. Hanson said:

How many young ladies did I know back in the day (80's) had racist dads so they went out and got pregnant by a man of color?  And were proud and admitted it?  Answer:  LOTS!

Kind of sad when you choose your spouse just to tick off your parents. And so many did.

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HA HA HA I AM VICTORIOUS!  Not licensed in Virginia is for Lovers either.  Pitchforks and torches are back on peeps!!!

To bear it out, I looked up common names like Ann Olson to see if it was just not coming up.  Bossy Mommy is not a licensed teacher.  It irks because we work hard, take a lot of tests, have it renewed every five years (in my state) and to tell people you are when you are not......gross and hurtful.

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33 minutes ago, Angry Moldovan said:

Def projecting! Dazzle them with your smile and wit whilst slipping them an extra $50

Maybe the pet adoption people will be 90 day fiance fans? 

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5 minutes ago, greekmom said:

Koban is really attached to the boob.

Doesn’t anyone get their children on a feeding schedule these days?  That’s why the kid sleeps in bed with her.  That way she can just whip out the boob and doesn’t have to get out of bed.  She could have easily had a crib in the room near the bed.  

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I got a phone call and missed most of the first hour. Yet somehow tuned in again to Emily, Kobe, and now an awkward family dinner. So Emily is the boss of the whole family, huh? Yikes. 

Thanks for the birthday greetings, and yes, the cake was good. Too good.

Congrats to @Suzywriter! 🎉 That is awesome! 😀

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1 minute ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

That’s their plot line. As boring as fuck.

There's one more thing I heard he's keeping from her.

Not sure if it's going to make the storyline.

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1 minute ago, renatae said:

Kind of sad when you choose your spouse just to tick off your parents. And so many did.

And some proudly admitted that they left the "Name of Father" blank or wrote unknown so when they applied for benefits the state would not spend time looking.  Government money would come faster.  You want your kid seeing that someday?  Me neither.

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2 minutes ago, Eldemarge said:

THEORY:  If Emily weens her son, that means anyone can care for him and she'll have to go out and support herself and the kid.  But keep him attached to the boobs and it's "Oops, sorrrryyyy...he needs to be on my chest at all times!  I can't work!  Guess I'll sit here on your couch!"

Plus her pregnancy chances are much lower…

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1 minute ago, magemaud said:

Hope you’re back to health! 

Thanks for asking @magemaud,   I took a covid test on Friday and it was negative.  I just had a bad cold but it really lingered.  Yesterday was the first day I actually felt well enough to do anything.

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3 minutes ago, Doublemint said:

But I like the grandma.   She has a lovely smile and seems great.   The Dad - coming on too strong at an inappropriate time.   But, Emily is the real problem here.   These two will never work out unless she has a major attitude change.

Dad keeps using the words "provide for her", which is a euphamism for "those brown people don't stick around for very long, and are generally lazy".

Who the heck ever thinks about being provided for in this day and age. More than likely, I don't see Emily as contributing her fair share to the finances or the marriage. She's too busy whipping out a titty like it's a weapon and she senses danger. 

Don't misunderstand; I'm all for breastfeeding, just not the kind of passive aggressive breastfeeding that is used to avoid other responsibility. 

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1 minute ago, Eldemarge said:

THEORY:  If Emily weens her son, that means anyone can care for him and she'll have to go out and support herself and the kid.  But keep him attached to the boobs and it's "Oops, sorrrryyyy...he needs to be on my chest at all times!  I can't work!  Guess I'll sit here on your couch!"

Bingo. Like Kalani. Meanwhile, she will swan around with her boobs hanging out, and probably get knocked up again in due course. She is the very definition of the word "slatternly".

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3 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Bingo. Like Kalani. Meanwhile, she will swan around with her boobs hanging out, and probably get knocked up again in due course. She is the very definition of the word "slatternly".

@Pepper Mostly, your succinct use of words never fails to leave me breathless. 

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1 minute ago, Floatingbison said:

Thanks for asking @magemaud,   I took a covid test on Friday and it was negative.  I just had a bad cold but it really lingered.  Yesterday was the first day I actually felt well enough to do anything.

I think Putin has released some evil allergens over North America. I have never had allergies like these before

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