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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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24 minutes ago, greekmom said:

But would you do it for $1000-$1500 per episode?! 

Oh GMom, you don't know me at all, I don't get out of bed for less than $2000 let alone get in bed for that, lol!

Seriously, do they pay Mr. & Mrs. Sumit or just Jenny?

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11 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Confession…I leave my dishes in the drying tray it’s rarely empty 😳 I’m lazy

I do too. And I pile it precariously high before I cave and put some stuff away. Furthermore, some things live there permanently! 

Otherwise, though, my house is spotless. 

11 hours ago, Tuneful said:

If you hate to clean or are bad at it (says a friend), and you have important guests coming, HIRE HELP and join them to do a SWAT job. Can't imagine it would cost much there, and they have, what, a 4- or 5-room apt with a patio? And a cow?  

Y'all were bringin' the pain tonight (bows). 

They could hire a cleaner for peanuts, its common in India. 

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2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Also, if my boyfriend and future father in law stood around watching me sweep my floor under the direction of my future mother in law, I'd have dropped that sorry excuse for a broom and walked out, that is some bull shit right there.  Why would I need an audience watching and basically enjoying my getting schooled by a women who seemingly hates me?

No kidding.  Once, a loooong time ago, my awesome hubby actually tried to tell me how to load the dishwasher.  How. To. Load. A. Dishwasher.  I actually thought he was razzing me, but nope.  I looked, square at him and asked "Are you f**king serious?"   Never happened again, lol.  (Not sure what was going on that day, it was a an odd one, lol!!)

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47 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

They could hire a cleaner for peanuts, its common in India. 

It would have to be a value and priority to them first.

Sounded like SumMeat is getting sick, though, of living in a pigsty and with his fian-see. And living in dirt can make people literally sick. He wants to go back to living with his parents and having a mother and wife take care of him. I bet would like a home in better shape, too, though far be it from him to lift a finger. I expect to start hearing more and more of that kind of thing. To drive her out? Some days I am so glad to be single. I've got retirement coming up within about a year and I don't need or want drama or slaving, to the extent I can avoid.  

Edited by Tuneful
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5 minutes ago, OoogleEyes said:
14 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Or when a bunch of women who only know each other online set upon a young Mormon man and pummel him senseless. 

Oh! I want to watch that one, that sounds really good!

I think a Biblical stoning would be appropriate. After all, Jesus had friends who were stoned (but different meaning than today.) 

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On 10/17/2021 at 6:48 PM, RichiesOlderBro said:




On 10/17/2021 at 6:49 PM, Floatingbison said:

Fyre festival!


On 10/17/2021 at 6:52 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

I watched both docs, twice. The very definition of "shitshow".



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12 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Maybe they can merge a new commercial with an old one: “Welcome to my vagina. You’re soaking in it.”

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Alright guys, here's another one! Your birth month indicates which 90 Day felon you have to live with for the rest of your life...

January: Molly

February: Paul (Pole)

March: Jorge

April: Chuck Potthast

May: Geoffrey

June: Jenn Potthast

July: Jay

August: Larissa

September: Charlie Potthast

October: Angela

November: Becky Potthast

December: Olivia (Molly's daughter)

Ugh...I got Molly. I would get sick and tired of her voice in minutes. But at least I don't have Angela. Hearing a dumb, dirty joke every ten seconds and then that horrible cackle. Yeah, I imagine that would be a nightmare. I feel so sorry for those born in October.

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On 10/17/2021 at 7:17 PM, Tuneful said:

HIRE HELP and join them to do a SWAT job. Can't imagine it would cost much there, and they have, what, a 4- or 5-room apt with a patio? And a cow?  


On 10/18/2021 at 7:07 AM, Pepper Mostly said:

They could hire a cleaner for peanuts, its common in India. 


On 10/18/2021 at 3:37 PM, Hotel Snarker said:

Yeah, I was wondering if it was easy to find cleaners/maids in India. Thanks for telling us.


Since we're between live chats -- and I'm still a couple episodes behind in my watching -- lemme tell y'all a bit about my time in India. I've already mentioned a couple of times that I've been to S'meat's hometown Gurgaon (now Gurugram). Long story (slightly) shorter, I had a bad injury in India that required multiple surgeries, and I ended up doing my recovery and rehab at a private residential facility there, just outside of Delhi.

We had a live-in "chef" (i.e. cook), semi-daily PT sessions, occasional nurse visits, and our docs would show up about once a week. The guys who kept the place afloat, however, were the caretakers. Whether it was helping with mobility tasks, going to run errands, or emptying urinal bottles, these kids were at our beck and call 24 hours a day. Personally, I was pretty hesitant to have anyone do stuff for me -- both because of my personal pride/stubbornness and the way my mama raised me -- but I saw plenty of patients abuse the helpfulness of the staff.

Everyone's favorite caretaker was Prakash. He was 18 years old, really bright, spoke good English, and just had the most pleasant, "no worries, I got you" attitude. Like many of the shockingly hard-working people I met there, Prakash had come to the city from a tiny village with no internet, no cell service...mostly because they only had a couple scant hours of electricity per day. His mother cooked for the family over a wood-burning cookstove, called a chulha.

Though the caste system had long been abolished, these workers were often treated very badly by their superiors. As a naïve, spoiled Westerner, seeing this treatment was truly shocking. The caretakers at our facility worked from about 6AM to midnight...seven days a week. They were fed by the facility's cook and they slept (about 5-6 hours a night) on these little mats on the floor..."bedrolls" they called them, but those seemed no thicker than a yoga mat (no pun intended). You might rush to equate it to one of those camp jobs that college kids do for a summer, making some bank at an Alaskan fish cannery or something. This was indeed a huge opportunity for a poor Indian kid from an even poorer village, but for all of Prakash's labors -- often very strenuous, sometimes disgusting -- he was paid the princely sum of INR8000 per month. At the time, that was the equivalent of $128. Let me type that again, lest you think I left out a digit: one hundred and twenty-eight dollars....for a MONTH'S hard work! Actually, since that slave-labor schedule was well over 500 hours, it would be more like 3-and-a-half months' work for us.

So, when I heard that, I kinda lost it. Of course, there was nothing I could really do, it was their business...and things are like that all over the cities in India. I met those type of poverty-trapped workers in most every hotel and restaurant in Mumbai, Delhi, and Agra too. Yet these workers considered themselves truly blessed to have any regular income at all. They were better off -- by several orders of magnitude -- than those out on the street. Like this kid who had to use his "pet" to try and get people to roll down their window, and give him a couple rupee for a quick look or a picture:


Or much worse, this lady [Spoilered because it's rather graphic. Don't open if you don't have a strong stomach]:







Once I got to know Prakash, I really wanted to make an impact on his life. Of course, I tipped him exorbitantly when I left there, but I even had thoughts of bringing him over to the US. Help him get a student visa (if I couldn't find a blonde senior citizen to marry him 🤣🤣), and pay him to help me renovate the house or something. Sadly, I was not able to keep in contact with him. After I returned home, I learned he was swept up in some arguments between the owner and some patients; and he either was let go or he left on his own. Last I heard, he had returned to his village and was married at the age of 19. I never received any reply on the Gmail accounts I helped him set up...and his little cell phone (which he had generously let me use all the time) was long-ago disconnected. I often ask my PT/friend in Gurgaon if he ever hears anything about him, but I'm always told that my little homey Prakash is long gone.

Anyway, that's a little insight into what it's like for some people in certain developing countries. I tell that story a lot when I hear friends complain about their job or their salary...Hell, I think of it sometimes when my companies' revenues are flagging (as they have been for years 😭). Prakash is probably 26 now, married, likely with a brood of kiddies. He'll probably never have the opportunity to get back to the cities again. I do hope he's well...and that he is happy.

Edited by Trackdawg
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20 hours ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Alright guys, here's another one! Your birth month indicates which 90 Day felon you have to live with for the rest of your life...

January: Molly

February: Paul (Pole)

March: Jorge

April: Chuck Potthast

May: Geoffrey

June: Jenn Potthast

July: Jay

August: Larissa

September: Charlie Potthast

October: Angela

November: Becky Potthast

December: Olivia (Molly's daughter)

Ugh...I got Molly. I would get sick and tired of her voice in minutes. But at least I don't have Angela. Hearing a dumb, dirty joke every ten seconds and then that horrible cackle. Yeah, I imagine that would be a nightmare. I feel so sorry for those born in October.

Yeah, I got Molly too.  Although, maybe I could meet that brother of hers?  That, and I could probably get a really good fitting bra....

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Before the lightning round starts (aka the entirety of 90 Day Fiance Live Chat), I wanted to brag a bit about scoring the hottest holiday gift for my two oldest granddaughters. Are you ready for the Magic Mixies Cauldron of Magical Mysteries (or whatever the fuck they’re called)? This is the latest impossible to find anywhere in the universe toy (see Tickle Me Elmo), the toy that you buy as many as you can and resell them at an outrageous price toy. The toy that you bring your brass knuckles to shop for. My DIL said I’d be a hero if I could find one. 

Weren’t available on Amazon (they are today, but not shipping for a few weeks and I don’t trust that). Went to Walmart website, said there were two available at the local store—and I almost NEVER go to Walmart—tried to buy them but website wouldn’t get me to the right screen. Ended up driving to that Walmart last night, asked the person at customer service for help because the toys weren’t on the shelves and did my best Jedi mind trick to get THREE workers there to search the trucks out back; they viewed it as a challenge. After 90 minutes, they came back with two of the toys (the limit you could buy), thanked ME for being such a gracious and appreciative customer, I paid (about $10 less than I’d seen them advertised for) and went on my merry way. TOUCHDOWN!!

The biggest question is why do I feel like I scaled Mount Everest? It’s just a stupid, overpriced toy!

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@Auntie Anxiety, you are one awesome Granny! You have earned entrance into the Grandmother Hall of Fame. I only have one grandson and he's not even two, so I haven't had the frenzied Christmas shopping experience for the hot toy of the year...YET. The last time I did that was for the Cabbage Patch dolls. 

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It’s been an incredible week @magemaud. Between scoring those toys, realizing that the biotin pills I’ve been taking are actually reversing my thinning hair catastrophe and breaking my personal best mouse trapping record (six in six days!!), I’m walking on air! Now time for me to cap things off with two hours of snark.

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1 hour ago, Auntie Anxiety said:

why do I feel like I scaled Mount Everest? It’s just a stupid, overpriced toy!

I keep reading that the in demand toys are going to be hard to find this Christmas. So you can consider that an accomplishment!

My house could use a good deep cleaning... but it would be a cold day in Hades when I would let my boyfriend and his father point and laugh while his mother trained me how to clean. 😆 And thankfully they all know better than to try that. 😂

Hello everybody! 

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Just now, Angry Moldovan said:

Sorry I missed last week, the kid was home from college. I missed you all dreadfully as this Shiite show is nothing without you guys and your brilliant snark!

Glad you are back. I know, the show drags when you watch it without the live snark.

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Just now, Gobi said:

I'm here and ready to soak in the snark!

My only soaking is with yesterday's rain plastering leaves to my driveway. Moved a few to the access road to dry up and hopefully blow back to the yard where they came from.

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2 minutes ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Hi all, just got back from visiting the in laws up North. I am here but very tired and a little hung over.

Hope you feel better. Drove to and from Toronto on Friday and damn, took me 2.5 hours 1 way when its only suppose to be 1 hour and 20 mins tops. Damn accidents on the 401

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