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S08.E05: PB & J / S08.E06: The Set Up

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Pontiac Bandit & Jake: One Last Ride! And it was as amazing as we expected it to be. So many (sexy) twists! Tigers and Toucs! And now Doug and his unseen wife are going to live in Amsterdam. Hmm, I wonder how Jake's pen ended up in Doug's pocket? I guess we'll never know.

(EDIT: Loved that Jake had Rosa sing a version of the "Rosa, Rosa, Rosa" song to Doug, but cut it off before going through all 35 verses and no chorus)

That last meal sounded amazing.

The Set Up

"Jeff Daniels at the height of his sexual powers?!" Aww man, we missed out on a Speed plot. AND a Rosa Sister Act plot.

I cackled at Scully being Terry's best customer for the candy drive, and that he's CHEATING on Cagney & Lacey with Nikolaj. Charles as the Candy Man, and his candy was replaced by sand? Gold. And then the Apple Fight. Yes, that was great.

I'm happy that O'Sullivan is a recurring antagonist this season. Stephanie Beatriz using her real voice to imitate Amy was great, but it really weirds me out. Love how Nine Drink Amy only talks about Babysitter's Club trivia. AND he was why Scully, Terry, and Boyle were at each others' throats?! Damn. I hope his petard gets hoisted good.

"I don't hate actors. I hate colleges that award diplomas for acting." Holt remains amazing. Love that Jake hated that he was both Mad Dad and Disappointed Dad. But then came Huffy Holt. 

And now Jake is suspended for five months. That makes three down: Rosa, Hitchcock, now Jake. How many more of the cast will be out of a job before the show ends?

Edited by Galileo908
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16 minutes ago, Galileo908 said:

How many more of the cast will be out of a job before the show ends?

My guess is that the series finale will have them quit because they’re fed up with the system.

As always, the Doug Judy episode did not disappoint! It’s a fitting cap to their love-hate relationship that when Jake finally has Doug arrested seemingly for good, he helps him escape. 

I could watch a whole episode of Amy and Rosa getting drunk together. My ten-year-old-BSC-fan-self enjoyed Amy’s rambling about Kristy and the Snobs.

Boyle and Terry’s fight had me howling.

Jake making a false arrest and having to face consequences?! Wow. I was impressed that the show was willing to go there. And Holt’s speech at the end summed up the whole issue beautifully. Kudos to the writers.

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We didn't get to see Amy go through all the different degrees of Drunk Amy, we just skipped to 9 Drink Amy! 

Now I know that to be a good friend, you need to know trivia about the person. That is way more significant than lying to them and manipulating them and getting them fired from their job. But you can redeem yourself by calling off the kidnapping you ordered. I'm making a sexy checklist.

I really appreciate how they are making this season both serious and funny. It's a tough job and they're the best. 


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46 minutes ago, DanaK said:

I enjoyed the second episode far more than the first as I’ve never particularly warmed to Doug Judy, though I didn’t hate the first episode

Yeah, I never liked Doug Judy. 

Rosa and Amy switching back and forth was fun!

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Not sure how I feel about Jake constantly breaking the law and helping his criminal friend during a season about reckless uses of power.

Especially with him straight up helping him to escape prison.

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I was actually surprised when it turned out the police union president and his people were messing with the snacks to get back at Amy. That was a hilarious reveal

I don’t think Huffy Holt came across as particularly huffy, more like his usual lecturing self

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I have a feeling this will end with Jake leaving the force, and his helping Doug Judy escape will be a contributing factor. But all the others will stay, still thinking they can make a difference.

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Not sure who my favorite "character" was this go around: Rosa as Amy, British Amy, or Huffy Holt!

Figured we would get "one last ride" with Doug Judy and it didn't disappoint!  I was a bit surprise his arrest was due to a crime in Trenton, because at first I thought they were going to use him as way to continue to hold a mirror to the current police troubles, by having him being arrested for something he didn't do, but was profiled and accused due to his past.  But having it end with Doug throwing away his escape plan to save Jake's life and Jake crossing the line to help him escape was a good way to show just how close they are and what they have is a true friendship (sorry, Boyle!)  Enjoy Amsterdam, Pontiac Bandit!

Throughout this show, Jake has always been someone who would disobey rules due to his "hunches" and make arrests without probable cause.  Of course, in the past it usually always worked out and he was proven right, but I figured things were finally going to change this go around.  At least he owned up to it at the end, but Holt was right that it's too bad it had to involve an innocent man losing his job for him to do so.  But now he's suspended for five months.  I wonder if they'll go through that off screen, or will we get to see him actually away from the force for a bit.  Wouldn't be surprised if this is a set up for him to eventually join Rosa and Hitchcock, and quit for good (I also wouldn't be surprised if it happens to all of the regulars by the end.)

Terry and Boyle's candy feud was fun, even if it did get violent at the end!

Of course O'Sullivan would not only be able to tell Amy and Rosa apart, but his defense would be because he never looks at women's faces.  Also loved the flashbacks of him trying to blackmail Holt and Rosa over their sexual orientation and both of them not caring at all.  He is so the worst.

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We get the glorious return of both Doug Judy (and Trudy Judy) AND drunk Amy, who was so drunk she skipped right up to nine drink Amy. That was certainly a wild ride, for both us and for Jake, who had a pretty tough time this week during both episodes. At least with him on suspension he and Amy wont have to worry about finding child care as much. 

My biggest laugh was definitely when Amy and Rosa kept switching out and the union rep never noticed, while they both get increasingly drunk, culminating in Amy's amazing Dick Van Dyke style "English" accent and Rosa driving her bike into a fruit cart. or maybe it was the union reps frustration with being unable to blackmail Rosa or Holt about their sexualities'. "Its like you cant blackmail anyone anymore!" They both had laughs as always, as this show usually does a good job at mixing emotion and serious stories with comedy, but these both felt kind of somber. Not bad by any means, but not really laugh out loud hilarious. Maybe the show ending and tying up loose ends, like saying goodbye to the Pontiac Bandit, is finally hitting me, I know we have been lucky to get this many seasons but I am not ready to say goodbye yet. 

I always love the weird friendship between Jake and Doug Judy and am glad that they got one last adventure together, with both of them admitting that they're friends despite everything, but it does feel weird that the show frames Jake helping Doug Judy escape as being a good thing while also giving all of these speeches about how cops shouldn't abuse their power and break the laws they're supposed to enforce. I guess its alright for cops to break the law if its for a friend? 

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I suppose there had to be some kind of finale for Doug Judy's character but I found myself bored by the first episode, primarily because it revolved almost exclusively around Jake and Doug, and I was really missing the other characters. Usually you have a B-plot and a C-plot going on but this episode only had the A-plot and I was disappointed with it.

The second episode more than made up for that, though. OMG. First of all, I don't know when I've laughed harder than at Amy doing a British accent. "And now I can't get hold of Jake on me telly." Second, Stephanie Beatriz using her real voice to imitate Amy? Gold. Solid gold. Hysterical episode that even managed to work in something serious at the end. Bravo, show.

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15 hours ago, Harvey said:

Not sure how I feel about Jake constantly breaking the law and helping his criminal friend during a season about reckless uses of power.

Especially with him straight up helping him to escape prison.

This is my problem with half of this season being "serious" episodes.  You can't have Jake being friends with a wanted criminal and aid in that friend's escape from prison and then in the next episode have the main message be "cops need to be held to higher standards and shouldn't be abusing their power".  Because honestly, if I heard newstories about a cop who mistakenly arrested the wrong person and a cop who helped a convicted criminal escape, I'm going to be way more upset about the cop who helped the criminal escape.  This show has done a good job with its special message episodes in the past because they were one-offs that made a good point and then the rest of the season was the usual absurdity.  By having every other episode be about problems in the police force, it starts to poke holes in the plots and actions that happen in all the other episodes.  

Though honestly, all that pales in comparison to the fact that it doesn't look like we're going to get a final Halloween Heist episode.  I just can't even with that.

Edited by Snapdragon
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15 hours ago, DanaK said:

I enjoyed the second episode far more than the first as I’ve never particularly warmed to Doug Judy, though I didn’t hate the first episode

Ditto. I like the jokes and lines in Doug Judy episodes, but I'm not fond of his character.


1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I suppose there had to be some kind of finale for Doug Judy's character but I found myself bored by the first episode, primarily because it revolved almost exclusively around Jake and Doug, and I was really missing the other characters. Usually you have a B-plot and a C-plot going on but this episode only had the A-plot and I was disappointed with it.

Yeah, that too. I missed Holt, mainly, but really everyone else as well. 

I was very surprised, and disappointed (or displeased?), that Jake gave Doug Judy his pen. 

I was distracted at the beginning of the first ep by the cuteness of the Judy dog. What a widdle face.

Love the quick joke of Rosa dressed as a nun. "I just got in the choir!"

I was sure that the guy Jake arrested really was guilty. Oh well.

I think my favorite part of the second ep was the candy plot. 

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I don't really like that they tried to lighten the union rep character by making his "revenge" into a candy prank. It's like they're trying to play it both ways: he's bad, but he's also essentially harmless and almost cute? And the only reason he's trouble is that the detectives are petty and incompetent buffoons? 


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Why was Doug and Trudy Judy's dog not fixed? So irresponsible.

Smorgasborded it!

Meringue is a trick food.

Slurp, slurp!

Never hire Craigslist crooks.

Boyle is Scully's candy sales sidepiece and he has no shame in his game.

Little hip swing, playful butt bounce.

Common candy ho.

Court summons get delivered with actual pizza? I always thought those boxes were empty. 😉

Never deal with a candy child instead of a candy man. Oh wait, that was kind of timely.

O'Sullivan must have a hollow leg and a bladder the size of Alaska.

Whoa, Holt got huffy! 😯

Suspended for five months. Is that with or without pay? Jake might have to go into the PI business with Rosa.

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4 hours ago, possibilities said:

I don't really like that they tried to lighten the union rep character by making his "revenge" into a candy prank. It's like they're trying to play it both ways: he's bad, but he's also essentially harmless and almost cute? And the only reason he's trouble is that the detectives are petty and incompetent buffoons? 


Essentially harmless? Tell that to Terry's broken mouth.

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8 hours ago, Snapdragon said:


Though honestly, all that pales in comparison to the fact that it doesn't look like we're going to get a final Halloween Heist episode.  I just can't even with that.


We will. The writers confirmed there will be a heist episode. 


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I love Doug Judy, so very happy to see him.  Their chemistry is just the best.

I wonder if we’ll see the vulture one more time.

I was surprised that guy wasn’t the bad guy too,  Jake’s hunches usually pay off eventually.

Edited by Tiggertoo
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This season's pattern of one serious episode paired with one silly episode makes for a rather choppy viewing experience, so I'm glad they're showing them in pairs. And even the serious episodes have provided plenty of laughs.


I love Doug Judy and his relationship with Jake,  and their last adventure together didn't disappoint! It's so goofily sweet how important each other's good opinion is to each of them. They really care about each other, in their own demented way.

As for the pen, I bet Jake rationalized it as just a pen, what Doug did with it was his business.

The whole cast is still killing it, and the jokes are still laugh out loud funny. Glad they're going out on a high note, but sad they're going at all.

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13 hours ago, Gummo said:

As for the pen, I bet Jake rationalized it as just a pen, what Doug did with it was his business.

By that logic, he could have given Judy a handcuff key, $50,000 cash and a plane ticket. No one's forcing him to use them to subvert the law.

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On 8/29/2021 at 3:59 PM, Gummo said:

As for the pen, I bet Jake rationalized it as just a pen, what Doug did with it was his business.

In my fanfic, Jake’s favorite rom-com is Say Anything, because his mom likes it, and they watched it together.

Not one of you mentioned the magnet sandal song!

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Did I misunderstand a detail? First, Jake was supposed to feel bad he got the wrong guy and the guy got fired. Then Jake kept investigating him anyway and the parking lot was not on his way home and he's an actor and starting a musical in Florida the next week. So if he's moving to Florida, the job he lost in NYC was probably about to end anyway? Not that it isn't still bad to get the wrong guy, but it was confusing to me they had Jake find holes in the dude's story - which is what prompted Jake to not let it go - but then Holt seemed to still be thinking dude lost his job over this.

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1 hour ago, theatremouse said:

Did I misunderstand a detail? First, Jake was supposed to feel bad he got the wrong guy and the guy got fired. Then Jake kept investigating him anyway and the parking lot was not on his way home and he's an actor and starting a musical in Florida the next week. So if he's moving to Florida, the job he lost in NYC was probably about to end anyway? Not that it isn't still bad to get the wrong guy, but it was confusing to me they had Jake find holes in the dude's story - which is what prompted Jake to not let it go - but then Holt seemed to still be thinking dude lost his job over this.

Maybe he lost the Florida job?

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I thought what Holt had said was Jake arrested him, he was in lockup all night, and by the time he was released he was late for work and consequently got fired. So it had to be the New York job he was supposedly coming home from when cutting through that parking lot that he was late for the next day.

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On 9/2/2021 at 6:29 PM, theatremouse said:

Not that it isn't still bad to get the wrong guy, but it was confusing to me they had Jake find holes in the dude's story - which is what prompted Jake to not let it go - but then Holt seemed to still be thinking dude lost his job over this.

I thought they did it to show that when you assume someone is guilty you can find things to support that viewpoint. The holes didn’t matter because he wasn’t guilty of the crime Jake arrested him for with no evidence. For all we know the guy took the job in Florida because he lost his job in New York. 

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On 8/27/2021 at 8:03 AM, Harvey said:

Not sure how I feel about Jake constantly breaking the law and helping his criminal friend during a season about reckless uses of power.

Did he? I thought Doug picked his pocket. Sure, Jake was showing favouritism in uncuffing him in the first place and was negligent in letting him escape (which he didn't report), but I didn't think it was deliberate on Jake's part.

At least he is now facing suspension - nice that (at least in fiction!) cops face consequences when they abuse their power.

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