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S08.E09: The Troll

Quilt Fairy
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Note to Colter: That bird isn't "red" meat. And after rigor mortis, the body softens again. J/S. You're nuts. 

Ha! Theresa is celebrating  Guy Fawkes Day. I do, too---it's my birthday! 🥳

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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As a big fan of this show since it first came on the air never thought I'd say these words.....this season is boring.

And when Colton comes on I have to switch to closed captioning. His voice hurts my brain. 

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7 minutes ago, dizzydame said:

And when Colton comes on I have to switch to closed captioning. His voice hurts my brain

This is what I should be doing for Theresa. I'm in awe of her as a person, her strength and spirit and ingenuity. She's amazing. But her accent is my kryptonite. The way she pronounces her vowels and her r's changes from word to word, sometimes within one sentence. 

It's not that I don't enjoy unusual or weird accents - I love them, like the accent of my high school French teacher, born in Paris but learned English in Australia. Loved her accent! But Theresa's accent makes me crazy because it isn't logical. She seems to be making it up as she goes along, and it bothers me so much I struggle to focus when she's onscreen. (For the record, Mr Melina thinks I'm crazy and doesn't even notice her accent.) 

Colter - Every one of his segments should be titled "Ewwwww." Dead birds, dirt, worms. This one had it all. But I was still so thrilled when he caught the fish. He deserved it too, for all the energy and thought that led up to it. 

Biko and Clay - also amazingly strong and determined. So many good ideas. But this setting is utterly brutal and unforgiving. It's disheartening to watch. 

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rather boring episode, I'm probably in the minority because I am rooting for Colter all the way :) I was sure this was the episode he caught the fish when he was pulling up the gill net and the red rope was in his boat....this is the scene that's shown on several of the highlights that I was waiting on. 

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This season is something, isn’t it. They’re down to starving people eating possibly diseased carrion and counting the dirt layers on their faces and bodies. Nothing to really even learn this episode, except maybe to never try and fish with a woven basket.

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20 minutes ago, whydoiwatchtv said:

Nothing to really even learn this episode, except maybe to never try and fish with a woven basket.

Or with a rod or a gill net unless you have a boat. And apparently there's no point in snaring because you won't catch anything. 

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51 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

This is what I should be doing for Theresa. I'm in awe of her as a person, her strength and spirit and ingenuity. She's amazing. But her accent is my kryptonite. The way she pronounces her vowels and her r's changes from word to word, sometimes within one sentence. 

It's not that I don't enjoy unusual or weird accents - I love them, like the accent of my high school French teacher, born in Paris but learned English in Australia. Loved her accent! But Theresa's accent makes me crazy because it isn't logical. She seems to be making it up as she goes along, and it bothers me so much I struggle to focus when she's onscreen. (For the record, Mr Melina thinks I'm crazy and doesn't even notice her accent.) 

It bothers Mr. Yeah No and I so I get it.  I'm a fan of accents and have known several people who have multiple accents (I'm probably one of them with my native NY/New England accent), and you're right, Theresa's is rather annoying and I agree that there's no consistency to it at all.  Plus, there's usually a "fusion" element that's missing with her, where the accents meld together and you hear both of them but can't really separate them out.  With her each word in one sentence is often pronounced in an entirely separate accent.  My favorite "accent fusion" example was in London when I went to an Italian restaurant and heard the employees speaking English in a fused British and Italian accent that was so fascinating I wished I could have recorded it.  Unfortunately that was years before smartphones were invented.

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9 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

Plus, there's usually a "fusion" element that's missing with her, where the accents meld together and you hear both of them but can't really separate them out.  With her each word in one sentence is often pronounced in an entirely separate accent 

Beautifully explained. I feel understood. 😁❤️

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I don't really find any episodes of this show "boring".  I don't need the show to be like an action movie or survivalist lesson.  I can see those things elsewhere.  I don't see these people as owing me any entertainment.  I am here for the almost real life aspect about how they cope with their situation and how it affects them. 

Speaking of that I was moved to tears over Biko's heartfelt epiphany of appreciation for his Dad.  He is young to be in such a situation where he can gain that kind of perspective.  It's more like something someone who had lost their father would do months after they died in retrospect, which I can relate to having lost my Dad last year.  He is lucky he still has his father and this experience will likely strengthen that relationship.  Biko is turning out to be an interesting character.  I don't really have a favorite to win but my appreciation for him is growing.  

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I came on to write about the “voices” and see others have too. I was going to say how the first scene with Theresa walking along the beach she was speaking just like a regular American, without any accent at all. Then I saw it click in her mind how she was “forgetting” to speak with her fake british accent and then managed to get the very last word of the sentence, enhanced with British spice. I guess its the lack of food which is making her forget shes supposed to have this accent. Still I root for her, british accent quirk and all. 

Coulton I can hardly understand. His voice blends in with the background with its tone and pitch and sinus twang. I can’t  understand a word he says. I am going to have to rewatch with captions on. He sure is covered with dirt! And hair! I certainly wouldn’t have eaten that dead wormy bird he found. Worms lay microscopic eggs too. That may get him in the end. He is slow and methodical which gives him the ability to make such beautiful gill nets, fish traps, etc. That gill net was a thing of beauty. Its going to be hard to beat Coulton when he’s pulling in those big fish with that net and boat he’s made himself. Also he seems to have this beautiful calm Caribbean-like inlet cove to tool around in, in his boat , while the others have big crashing waves on their shores.

Biko seems to have a pretty tame shore too, though I noticed his gill net seemed way too short to be a catcher of anything in those big waters. A fish could just go around it easily.

Biko is a lucky man to have such a great dad , who is still alive and active in his life that he can enjoy and have an adult friendship with. Thats the only thing in life I envy of other people. To have a real adult friendship with one of your parents, usually the one of same gender. That would be the ultimate friendship I would imagine. I’m so happy that he is seeing how valuable this is to him now, while he still has a chance to use his time on earth, wisely.

Clay. Didn’t see very much of him this episode , did we. I wonder why. Maybe he’s been in his shelter just eating deer meat and avoiding bears. Smart way to make it to the finish line. 

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I've been a fan of Theresa since the first episode - and still am - but, yeah, that whole "accent" thing was VERY noticeable this episode.  She said "Guy Fawkes" like the daughter of people from Wyoming.  LOL.

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I don't think Theresa is being fake or an attention-seeker. She seems way too resourceful and comfortable being alone for that. I sense she just loves England and really would like to sound British, but she's trying way too hard. I can't totally blame her. I lost my British accent in order to avoid getting mocked in kindergarten, and to this day I wish I could get it back. But I've never faked it 😁

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30 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

I don't think Theresa is being fake or an attention-seeker. She seems way too resourceful and comfortable being alone for that. I sense she just loves England and really would like to sound British, but she's trying way too hard. I can't totally blame her. I lost my British accent in order to avoid getting mocked in kindergarten, and to this day I wish I could get it back. But I've never faked it 😁

Oh I don’t think Theresa is being fake or attention seeking. I think she is doing a more than great job surviving what is being thrown at her in this foodless desolate bear country. I like her alot!! I Do think she admires the way a British accent sounds and has purposely enhanced her own speech patterns to emulate it. So yeah, that part of her is fake I think. Her accent comes and goes when she thinks of it. Otherwise i don’t think she is fake at all, and as said above, I think it’s just one of those personal quirks all people have. Hers is feigning a british accent. 

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As a big fan of this show since it first came on the air never thought I'd say these words.....this season is boring.

I think a big part of that is the rough terrain. The show seems to have deliberately chosen a location where it is nearly impossible to find sufficient food sources. That doesn't make the show more challenging, it makes it more boring. It's just one constant failure after another. No fish, no fish, no fish. Can't trap squirrels, can't put out gill nets 'til day 45 (??!!), too many other restrictions. And bears. Lots and lots of bears. Exciting! Well, only when there are bears. Otherwise? Not so much. Just people constantly looking for food and failing most of the time.

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I don't think the episodes are exciting but I find myself on the edge of my seat watching man/woman against nature.  This is said to be the worst place Alone has sent survivors.  Amazing to watch them rise up each morning and forge ahead into their nothingness and own personal hell.

I wish I could tell Colton please heat some water and wash your face.  He is just so nasty to look at but I'm guessing that's part of his plan for this adventure he finds himself on.

Therese..that a woman has made it this far in this terrible situation makes me want to stand up and applaud each time she appears on the screen.

The weaker sex...I don't think so.

I can't call it just yet.  A slip or a fall might eliminate the next one.  A medical call might also take one out since a couple are so very thin.

Biko was smart, smart to put on those pounds and still has fat to go.  Mentally I think he is slipping but we'll see.


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10F   Brrrrr....  Seal those cracks Biko!  (just please don't sing!). Nice looking gill net.  Swimming bears yikes!  Lost 70+ lbs and is still bigger than me (about 220, almost 6').  Nice connection with his Dad.  I've really grown to like him.  They're all pretty likable.

Colter.  Dead bird?  With worms?  His net looks great.  Why does he keep the boat so close to shore?  Fixes it up and snags some fish!  Well done, but he is nasty looking.

Teresa.  Nice parka!  Bummer line snapped.  Fish trap looks small.  Those things never seem to work.  Missing family is often a ticket home.  So much for the fish trap.  Spill the soup!  Bummer!  Good for her celebrating!  Might as well find fun where you can.

Clay  Interesting net apparatus.  Doesn't work.  He said he didn't know much about gill nets. Duck shot fail.  What awful weather.  I'm surprised he hasn't ID'd a deer trail and built himself a nice blind, maybe in a tree.  Finale next week?

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OK.  It's official.  I like Biko now.  He did grow on me, and we did see a lot of him last night.  I wonder if that's because he's really the only one who is giving production interesting footage?  That last bit with Biko talking about his dad concerns me though.  He might be in that "reflecting on life" mode which sometimes brings a tap out.  It was encouraging that he dug up those onions and planted his "garden", those are the actions of someone planning for the future, but his maudlin reflections toward the end might mean he's close to tapping out.  I hope not.  I have made a complete 180 on him, and now I'm invested.

I imagine Clay's footage is pretty boring:  "Yup, eatin' my deer jerky.  Nope, not catching any fish."  I had to laugh at his incredulity at missing the shot at the duck.  Like....that never happens to him!  It's OK Clay, it happens to all guys at one time or another....

OMG.  Colter is filthy.  Filthy.  And even after he noted his filth, he just kind of lovingly stroked the layers of dirt on his face and went on.  Surely it can't be a surprise to him that he's that filthy, he can't see his face but I know he can see his hands, and they are black with dirt.  I'm not sure if, once the dirt gets ground in like that, Colter's face will ever be the same.  He'll at least have polka-dots on his nose from where the dirt is lodged deep in the pores.  He's probably essentially tattooed with dirt!

Production really missed an opportunity here.  They opened with Biko's drafty shelter, and I think even Clay was complaining about drafts.  They should have cut to Theresa's cozy underground house where there are no drafts.  Theresa is hungry, no doubt about that, but she's surviving for the moment.  I think she was one of the ones who brought provisions with her as part of her allowed kit.  And she certainly seems to have the self discipline to ration that very carefully.  She's probably out of anything she brought with her though.  I doubt her rationing plan included subsisting wholly on rosehips and woody roots.  She probably assumed she'd also have fish and bird protein to round out her diet.

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

Amazing to watch them rise up each morning and forge ahead into their nothingness and own personal hell.

Absolutely. And they still manage to sing (Biko), celebrate (Theresa), do mock interviews (Clay) and just keep going. I'm in awe of them. 

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6 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

Surely it can't be a surprise to him that he's that filthy, he can't see his face but I know he can see his hands, and they are black with dirt. 

He literally had dirt on the back of his neck. I'm sure they're all on the dirty side at this point, but Colter's made a hobby of it. 

8 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

It was encouraging that he dug up those onions and planted his "garden

I didn't understand this at all. It's too cold for them to grow. Was he just hoping they'd stay fresh? It was the saddest garden I ever saw, but good for him for staying busy. 

Reading over all the comments, I realize quite a bit actually happened in this episode, including the usual terrifying bear encounter. 

I'm actually not bored, I just don't like watching people suffer so much. 

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50 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

OK.  It's official.  I like Biko now.  He did grow on me, and we did see a lot of him last night.  I wonder if that's because he's really the only one who is giving production interesting footage?  That last bit with Biko talking about his dad concerns me though.  He might be in that "reflecting on life" mode which sometimes brings a tap out.  It was encouraging that he dug up those onions and planted his "garden", those are the actions of someone planning for the future, but his maudlin reflections toward the end might mean he's close to tapping out.  I hope not.  I have made a complete 180 on him, and now I'm invested.

I agree I thought the same thing when he was talking about his Dad.  He even admitted that the mental challenge was starting to get to him.  I hope it isn't the beginning of his tap out.  I have also begun to like him myself and would be disappointed if he left.

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Biko has grown on me also but I do wish he wouldn't sing.  He sounds awful.  I'm really not complaining though if that helps him keep going.  He seems like a good guy at heart.  

How is it that Colter is so much dirtier than everyone else?  Theresa is out wading in freezing water half naked and Colter can't even manage to wash his hands.  I give him credit for the boat and the fishing but I can't excuse the filth.  He must smell like a dumpster.

Clay impersonating a TV weatherman was amusing.  He seems more bored than distressed.  



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29 minutes ago, mlp said:

Biko has grown on me also but I do wish he wouldn't sing.  He sounds awful.

Everyone is so different. I keep seeing comments about his awful singing and I'm always surprised because I really like his voice. His songs aren't great but he knows that. I can tell singing is like medicine that lifts his spirits. I wish I felt free to do that. So therapeutic. 

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I'll bet Biko's Dad shed some tears last evening listening to his son express the admiration and love he has for him. 

That ankle of his worries me. When he was making that sheath for his knife it made me wonder why he hadn't come up with a solution for the damage the mouse had done to the ties on his brace. He used something to sew that sheath together, seems he could have used whatever it was to do the same to the brace.  Unless I misunderstood during the prior episode exactly what damage was done. 

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Colton - At least he knows he's dirty. 😄  But I did notice that later in the episode, his face was cleaner.  I remarked that to Mr. Max and he said, "Well, he was in the boat, so he figured why not?"  I would not have eaten that bird, no matter how hungry I was.  That was gross.  But yeah for two big fish!  Did I read the chyron right?  Did he lose 68 pounds?  More than Biko?

Clay - He's still eating that deer!  Dude!  Great idea with the gill net, too bad it didn't work.

Theresa - Fish baskets don't work in big bodies of water like that.  You need a stream or something and even then, I've hardly seen them work.  I don't know how she's going to survive on just roots and berries, especially since it's already November.  Nice of her to give us the exact date.  Her accent doesn't bother me; I work with a guy who was born in Australia, but spent lots of time in Israel and the US.  His accent fluctuates sometimes, but it is predominantly Australian.

Biko - Nice speech about his dad, but I feel like it's the beginning of the end.  And yeah, dude, fix your brace.  I'm really worried about him really messing up his ankle.

@Melina22 - My mom was born in England and came to the US when she was 10.  No accent, except when she gets really emotional.  I used to piss her off when I was a kid to hear it.

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Theresa said she was getting 1500 calories a day of roots and berries. Really?! Cuz that would be a big bucket of roots and berries. She seems in great spirits, and she is tough as nails. But the accent thing was annoying me, too. She mostly has it in the voice-overs where she can think about it more. She doesn't need it, she's bad ass as is!

Next week is the last episode, right? I guess they start dropping like flies.  

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I loved Theresa's parka, or was it pawka, or was it pokka.......anyways it was great, I wonder what it was made out of. If she can get 1400 calories a day out of roots and berries, that is not too bad if she doesn't have to walk to far to get them . and then just spend the rest of the time in your warm shelter.

I hope Colten eats both of those fish with in 2 days and doesn't ration it out. At this point, regain some energy and then put your net out again, it worked!! (although in previews it looks like there is boat trouble), why doesn't he bring his boat up on land at night? I wonder if he will ever be able to get himself clean. I am looking forward to seeing him in the after interview!

It is tough for Biko, not getting any fish, at least Clay still has deer jerky.

How many episodes in total ? 10? Is next week the finale? Has it been down to 4 on the finale episode before?

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8 minutes ago, Blackie said:

l loved Theresa's parka, or was it pawka, or was it pokka.......anyways it was great, I wonder what it was made out of. If she can get 1400 calories a day out of roots and berries, that is not too bad

I'm sure she used all three pronunciations. 😁 But it looked wonderfully warm and cozy. 

I too thought it was surprising if she was getting that many calories out of roots and berries. I thought she said 1500 calories out of half a can. 

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14 hours ago, dizzydame said:

As a big fan of this show since it first came on the air never thought I'd say these words.....this season is boring.

And when Colton comes on I have to switch to closed captioning. His voice hurts my brain. 

I can’t believe Colton is 35. Even before the Hunger Games, he looked as if he was in his 50s. Eating that bird after seeing those worms...🤢. Glad he got the frozen fish though.
I agree about the season being boring. Watching people starve is not exciting.

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Theresa's parka was gorgeous.  And she made it herself!  I'm jealous.   And she explained her accent earlier in the season.  She was born in Wyoming, but she's spent a good many years attending college and working in England.  So I don't think it's a fake accent she puts on only when she thinks about it.  It's not like she's trying to impress anyone with an unusual accent. 

I think Clay is slowly going insane.  He had the gill net up for one or two days and decides it doesn't work so he tears it apart.  

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25 minutes ago, Quilt Fairy said:

Theresa's parka was gorgeous.  And she made it herself!  I'm jealous.   And she explained her accent earlier in the season.  She was born in Wyoming, but she's spent a good many years attending college and working in England.  So I don't think it's a fake accent she puts on only when she thinks about it.  It's not like she's trying to impress anyone with an unusual accent. 

I think Clay is slowly going insane.  He had the gill net up for one or two days and decides it doesn't work so he tears it apart.  

And right after saying he was here to show his son how to not give up and to stay focused on the big picture.

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15 hours ago, Melina22 said:

Everyone is so different. I keep seeing comments about his awful singing and I'm always surprised because I really like his voice. His songs aren't great but he knows that. I can tell singing is like medicine that lifts his spirits. I wish I felt free to do that. So therapeutic. 

Please sing! Sing in the shower! Sing outside! Sing in your car! Just sing words about your day and make up a melody! Or borrow one! Think of how, before "Yesterday" became "Yesterday," Paul said he sang the words "Scrambled Eggs"! 

I can't carry a tune in the proverbial bucket (wasn't even in h s. chorus!), but do I let that muzzle me? HAHA, I say!

🎶 Oh, I watch "Alone" alone,

How meta-TV me!

I got my snacks, I got my couch, 

My zone is Grizzly-Free! 🎶

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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Biko...I've just never gotten over that bone in his nose.  I focus on it constantly.

Does it hurt?  Is it dirty? Will he snag it when he sleeps? Does he take it out often!

I'm exhausted with that thing!

I forgot!  If next week is the final should we pick out finalist?

I'm going with Theresa!

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22 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I forgot!  If next week is the final should we pick out finalist?

I'm going with Theresa!


I am gong to go with Colton because of those 2 big fish, that will both physiologically and psychologically bouy him up.  And I cannot believe he is 35!!!!!! but I guess if he was older his beard would have grown out more grey.

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33 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

I forgot!  If next week is the final should we pick out finalist?

I want either Biko or Theresa to win. I think Colter will win. (No offense, Clay). 

In the end, they're all deserving winners. 

13 minutes ago, Blackie said:

And I cannot believe he is 35!!!!!! but I guess if he was older his beard would have grown out more grey

Yes! We thought the same. Some people just never look young. 

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12 hours ago, Melina22 said:

I too thought it was surprising if she was getting that many calories out of roots and berries. I thought she said 1500 calories out of half a can. 

She did say that. To which I was like, wow, that must be a REALLY large can. I watched it three times trying to get clear on what she was saying. She definitely implied she was getting 1500 calories per day with the roots and berries. I did wonder if maybe she was still factoring some rations into that figure, but no way of knowing since they never speak of them.  

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4 hours ago, TVbitch said:

She definitely implied she was getting 1500 calories per day with the roots and berries.

I know she said that, but she definitely mis-spoke.  At best, a half a can of berries (and she did say half a can) would give her 150 calories.  She wouldn't be starving if she was getting 1500 calories per day. 

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I was expecting Biko to tap, with the title of the episode being The Troll.  But he didn't, even though he seemed close to it at times.

On 8/6/2021 at 10:40 AM, Melina22 said:

It's not that I don't enjoy unusual or weird accents - I love them, like the accent of my high school French teacher, born in Paris but learned English in Australia. Loved her accent! But Theresa's accent makes me crazy because it isn't logical. She seems to be making it up as she goes along

I don't think she's faking it.  When I was younger, I used to intentionally change the way I formed my letters, like the e's, g's, j's, k's, m's, n's, r's, s's, etc., often in the same word.  I don't know why I did that exactly, I just liked exploring the options.  It interested me that there were different ways to make the same letter.


On 8/6/2021 at 10:42 AM, Whyyouneedaname said:

rather boring episode, I'm probably in the minority because I am rooting for Colter all the way :)

I'd be fine with any of the four winning it, I don't really have a clear favorite.  I kind of like Theresa, because of her shelter, but I think Clay wins because of the deer.


On 8/6/2021 at 10:01 PM, TVbitch said:

Theresa said she was getting 1500 calories a day of roots and berries. Really?!

Yeah, there's no way.  It's not unusual for people to live very long term on 1500 calorie diets.  But her diet isn't very balanced.

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According to Wiki, this is going to be an 12 episode season.  I don't know where they got the info since it isn't on the History website, but it looks reasonable.  

August 12:  Ep 10  -  "All In"

August 19:  Ep 11/12  -  "The Reckoning"/ "Ultimate Moments"

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13 hours ago, Quilt Fairy said:

According to Wiki, this is going to be an 12 episode season.  I don't know where they got the info since it isn't on the History website, but it looks reasonable.  

August 12:  Ep 10  -  "All In"

August 19:  Ep 11/12  -  "The Reckoning"/ "Ultimate Moments"

Thanks for the info.  I had been expecting someone to tap this past episode, with the upcoming episode being the last.  I guess they're going to drag this out a little further lol.  I hope they learned something from this season, they've given these contestants nothing to work with.

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7 hours ago, rmontro said:

Thanks for the info.  I had been expecting someone to tap this past episode, with the upcoming episode being the last.  I guess they're going to drag this out a little further lol.  I hope they learned something from this season, they've given these contestants nothing to work with.

Even the grizzly bears feel sorry for the contestants. 

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On 8/6/2021 at 5:29 PM, HurricaneVal said:

OMG.  Colter is filthy.  Filthy.  And even after he noted his filth, he just kind of lovingly stroked the layers of dirt on his face and went on. 

Seriously, dude.  Wash.Your.Face.

On 8/6/2021 at 9:37 PM, madmax said:

Clay - He's still eating that deer!  Dude!  Great idea with the gill net, too bad it didn't work.

I thought that 'clothes line' net launcher was a great idea too.

On 8/6/2021 at 10:01 PM, TVbitch said:

Theresa said she was getting 1500 calories a day of roots and berries. Really?! Cuz that would be a big bucket of roots and berries.

It sure would be.  As someone who tracks their macros on an app, I can tell you that in no way is what she gathering worth 1,500 calories.

On 8/6/2021 at 8:06 PM, Melina22 said:

Biko has grown on me also but I do wish he wouldn't sing.  He sounds awful.

I don't think he has an awful voice (isn't he in some kind of speed/thrash metal band?), but I do find his singing annoying.  No, please don't sing your itinerary for the day.  Really.  Please. Don't


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I think if I were out there totally alone, I'd be telling the entire story of Harry Potter out loud.  I listen to the audiobooks every night to distract me from tinnitus while I fall asleep.  It's amazing how much I know word for word.  

The quiet would drive me insane . . . I'd have to talk out loud or something.

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35 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

I listen to the audiobooks every night to distract me from tinnitus while I fall asleep.

OMG, me too!   I've tried white noise, pink noise, thunderstorms, etc., but I always end up with an audiobook, usually with a favorite narrator. 

PM me if you want to talk about this offline. 

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2 hours ago, AZChristian said:

I think if I were out there totally alone, I'd be telling the entire story of Harry Potter out loud.  I listen to the audiobooks every night to distract me from tinnitus while I fall asleep.  It's amazing how much I know word for word.  

The quiet would drive me insane . . . I'd have to talk out loud or something.

That's how Alan kept himself sane in the first season - he recited poems he remembered and he also sang some.

I'd go bonkers without something to keep me occupied.  

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19 hours ago, LittleIggy said:

Even the grizzly bears feel sorry for the contestants. 

Someone mentioned this before, but it really makes you wonder what the bears are eating.  They must need more calories to maintain their weight than the people.  Maybe they're better at fishing.  But with the salmon blocked off, it's surprising they haven't decided to make a meal out of a contestant.

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8 hours ago, madmax said:

That's how Alan kept himself sane in the first season - he recited poems he remembered and he also sang some.

I'd go bonkers without something to keep me occupied.  

Alan! I fondly remember him. Good times!

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On 8/9/2021 at 3:24 PM, madmax said:

That's how Alan kept himself sane in the first season - he recited poems he remembered and he also sang some.

I'd go bonkers without something to keep me occupied.  

He also did a great Julia Child impression.  

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