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S23.E11: Wild Card #4; Nominations #4


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First of all, DereF needs to STFU about Whitney's top. I'm not really sure why it's any of his business why she bought something. Nobody said anything about his big ole' self laying around shirtless the other day.

Secondly, could somebody in this house please do something that resembles making a move? Total snoozefest once again, but I still find myself watching it.

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Ah yes, the old, "But the Black woman is so intelligent!" argument that has been the staple of (mostly white) reality contestants since time immemorial. I almost forgot it existed this year.

I love that the Cookout could save Hannah, and the other three Kings would still have no choice but to stick with the Royal Flush. Who else are they going to align with? Britni?

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You can tell that every time Claire goes into the DR, whichever Production lackey she's talking to has to keep asking her if she could "say that again but with more energy this time". It's very being forced to be extra and it comes off super awkward. On the other hand, there's Britini who really needs to take it down about five notches with the air punches and shouting.

Claire versus any other HG is an interesting comparison, really. You can see the differences in her versus Whitney and Azah during the Wildcard comp. Clearly they were told to dress as if they were going out to a club. Whitney wore a red cocktail dress, Azah wore a summery dress that skewed towards cocktail, and Claire wore a white tank and a skort. None of the choices are right or wrong, just interesting to see how they all interpreted the request. Claire really is the every day audience member dropped into a game filled with Personalities and it's fun to watch. (She'll also be the first one out at jury because of her safety deal but she would have been fucking stupid to choose the other option.)

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So Derek F is not only lazy and bad at the game, but now he's lying about someone who- and this is just from a show only perspective, mind you- has done nothing to him. All I saw this episode was her talking to him & trying to make him feel a bit better after he lost the challenge. I do like Whitney but she hasn't done much so far & I don't think she has any game moves in her.


It's funny to me, it seems like half the house was in the HOH room, all part of that alliance. Then there's the Cookout also, that contains within it players from the other alliance. Has it occurred to anyone that they re quickly going to run out of people to put up that aren't in one group or the other ? This isn't the 'only' season by any means that this kind of thing has happened and I always wonder if they don't consider that at game time.

Edited by willco
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26 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Britini who really needs to take it down about five notches with the air punches and shouting.

Agreed, she needs to ease it back, oh, let's say tenfold. And while I realize she has issues did you SEE her unpacking that gallon-sized ziplock full of drugs?? Man... I'm not making fun of it or people that take meds (*raises hand*) in any way, but I was shocked.

Oooh, a whole half hour debating Whitney vs Hannah, what tension!! I just can't decide which will conquer the game first if left un-nominted! Two powerhouses on the block vs each other?? How long until Wednesday?? I can't take the suspense! *yawns*

Edited by Wandering Snark
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52 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Did I do this right, I have no idea?

Apparently.  😉


52 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I haven't even finished the episode yet but I wanted to say I wish I was there so I could tell Whitney I'd wear that stupid top to the gym.  I hated how all the women told her no.  LOL.  

The only possible contraindication I could see would be workout sweat might make the metal buckles rust.


49 minutes ago, JayDub1987 said:

First of all, DereF needs to STFU about Whitney's top. I'm not really sure why it's any of his business why she bought something. Nobody said anything about his big ole' self laying around shirtless the other day.

Frankly speaking - when DF was going on about Whit’s top in the DR, and how raising her arms might lead to a wardrobe malfunction...?  All I could do was look at that poor overtaxed tank top DF was wearing and think “Dude, you have absolutely NO room to talk”.  
Girl is endowed, yeah, we noticed - but since when does that necessitate a general approval requirement for her clothing choices?  
Or YOUR approval at all, for that matter?

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No suspense there as Whitney  has been floated as a nominee for over two weeks now. I was praying Britini would be nominated just so I could enjoy watching her head explode.  Her obnoxious behavior at the top of the hour is really, really making me dislike her.

Ky and Tiff seem noble now about Clair's safety but never underestimate the power of envy and jealousy. I wouldn't be surprised to see it rear its head and create a divide amongst them down the line say for instance if Clair decided to target a Cookout member.

A couple things about that Wildcard prize. First off I'm shocked because something on the magiatude of safety until jury seems like something that Grodner would trot out for one of her obnoxious faves like Big Jeff or Paul.

Second if Clair wins the whole game she will  be forever notable in that she not only uses that advantage to leap frog until the jury period but never winds up on the jury but instead wins...because she was never supposed to be there in the first place. Imagine that...an alternate last minute substitute taking home the new inflated grand prize. Yes that would be notable. Not as bad as another winner of a certain CBS reality show who sat out the entire game only to come back into win it.

Alyssa shouldn't be so glib as she seems to have forgotten sitting on the block back in week one. And on a side note despite his many flaws it looks like Frenchie called it perfectly when it came to Chris/Alyssa.

Hannah has been showing a bratty side lately.

You know every time some says "I haven't talked game with them" as a detriment...my question is if you know that  it's not good you haven't talked game with them...why not simply make it a point to talk game with EVERYONE even if you don't mean what you are saying?

Edited by North of Eden
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1 hour ago, Maya said:

I don’t know why, but it always seems like the cookout is more loyal to Hannah than Hannah is to the cookout. 

UO...I think Hannah has the propensity to be a mean girl. She hasn't done anything outright mean, but she is regularly shown making faces, rolling her eyes, or saying mean comments. 

I wish Alyssa and SB got their way about evicting Hannah, but alas, The Cookout will save her.

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7 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

First of all, DereF needs to STFU about Whitney's top. I'm not really sure why it's any of his business why she bought something. Nobody said anything about his big ole' self laying around shirtless the other day.

Secondly, could somebody in this house please do something that resembles making a move? Total snoozefest once again, but I still find myself watching it.

At least Whitney goes to the gym. The last time Derek F saw the inside of a gym was…?

And why was he staring so hard at her chest? Isn’t he gay? What’s his concern with her boobs?

Edited by Rosebud1970
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12 hours ago, JayDub1987 said:

First of all, DereF needs to STFU about Whitney's top. I'm not really sure why it's any of his business why she bought something. Nobody said anything about his big ole' self laying around shirtless the other day.

Secondly, could somebody in this house please do something that resembles making a move? Total snoozefest once again, but I still find myself watching it.

What was also annoying was Christian telling Alyssa to say no, when asked if shed wear that to the gym. Wtf? Christian has known Alyssa 30 seconds. She's a grown woman who can answer for her self without help. Alyssa walks around in a bathing suit often, so what the hell's the difference?  Yes, Whitney's outfit looks ridiculous imo and I wouldn't wear it to a gym but these men need to stfu.

The cookout has the votes to save Hannah.  I wouldn't have pushed to not to put her up.


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5 hours ago, Rosebud1970 said:

At least Whitney goes to the gym. The last time Derek F saw the inside of a gym was…?

And why was he staring so hard at her chest? Isn’t he gay? What’s his concern with her boobs?

Not to go too off subject, but...I can't figure out if Kyland is gay.  One other BB site has him listed as one of the LGBTQ players but members there say he's totally straight.  Then again, I think he really enjoyed his 'birthday lap dance' from Travis a few weeks ago - so I'm confused.  Anyone know for certain ? 

4 minutes ago, tableau vivant said:

Not to go too off subject, but...I can't figure out if Kyland is gay.  One other BB site has him listed as one of the LGBTQ players but members there say he's totally straight.  Then again, I think he really enjoyed his 'birthday lap dance' from Travis a few weeks ago - so I'm confused.  Anyone know for certain ? 

I was talking to someone about the lap dance recently . She said the same, that he seemed to enjoy it. I said to her, I don't know if he enjoyed it or not but he didn't react like we've always been used to staight men reacting.  Meaning he didnt act "grossed out" or like he wanted to hide. I don't know if Ky is gay or not. But if he's not, I liked the fact that he sat there and had fun with out having to prove he's straight  by acting a certain way. Does that make sense 😄

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2 hours ago, Cozytea said:

What was also annoying was Christian telling Alyssa to say no, when asked if shed wear that to the gym. Wtf? Christian has known Alyssa 30 seconds. She's a grown woman who can answer for her self without help. Alyssa walks around in a bathing suit often, so what the hell's the difference?  Yes, Whitney's outfit looks ridiculous imo and I wouldn't wear it to a gym but these men need to stfu.

Yeah, there's something about this attitude that really bothers me.  Who is Whitney hurting by wearing that to the gym?  Like she said, she's single. She wants to draw a bit of attention and meet someone. I know some women wear some ridiculous outfits to the gym but they aren't hurting or bothering me so why would I care?  It's weird for these men to care.

It WAS funny that X fell off the couch at what she said but at least the camera didn't show him saying anything weird to her.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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You can tell that every time Claire goes into the DR, whichever Production lackey she's talking to has to keep asking her if she could "say that again but with more energy this time". It's very being forced to be extra and it comes off super awkward. 

This is the first time I've seen much of Claire and she was annoying as hell in the DR. Very performative, very fake. I hope it's just production that's prompting her to act like that because it was a real turn-off. 

I thought Whitney's top looked more like something you'd wear to a club than to a gym, but that's just me. 

And I can't believe Whitney's top was the most exciting thing to happen this episode.

Azah is crazy skinny. I'm sure she could have been a runway model. She has done some modeling, yes?

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3 hours ago, Cozytea said:

What was also annoying was Christian telling Alyssa to say no, when asked if shed wear that to the gym. Wtf? Christian has known Alyssa 30 seconds. She's a grown woman who can answer for her self without help. Alyssa walks around in a bathing suit often, so what the hell's the difference?  Yes, Whitney's outfit looks ridiculous imo and I wouldn't wear it to a gym but these men need to stfu.

I have to say, I didn’t take Christian’s “say no” to Alyssa as any sort of male domination exercise; rather, that Christian was playing off the humor of the situation (Whitney not getting any of the other women to agree with her) and simply egging it on for maximum comedic effect - and considering Whit’s reaction when Alyssa did say no, I’d say Christian succeeded.  Wasn’t that the straw that broke the camel’s back and sent Xavier rolling off the couch?  😄

Edited by Nashville
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15 hours ago, Blissfool said:

UO...I think Hannah has the propensity to be a mean girl. She hasn't done anything outright mean, but she is regularly shown making faces, rolling her eyes, or saying mean comments. 

I agree.  I'm no fan of Christian, but I thought her comment about not wanting to get to know him was unnecessary.   I get that a lot of her humor is based on sarcasm/cynicism and honestly, I'd probably laugh at her comments if she was posting here, but it comes off a little harsh in person.  I want to like her, but she does seem a little mean.  That being said, I had to laugh when SB was pushing for her nomination because "no one is saying her name" -- no one, except SB and Alyssa, lol.

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7 hours ago, Nashville said:

Wasn’t that the straw that broke the camel’s back and sent Xavier rolling off the couch?  😄

No, I'm pretty sure it was because Whitney said she wore the hoodie along side the top to "hide some of it".  

1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

If this season wasn't so damn boring and predictable, her top and Deref's reaction to it wouldn't be talked about as much.

Boring and predictable are the last things I find this season.  I watch a lot of reality TV and I've never seen an alliance like The Cookout, and that's just one element of the season so far.  I've also never seen a contestant like Britni.  I could go on.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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52 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

It is just that it makes me feel uncomfortable watching that, and I just don't want to feel like the second coming of Gladys Kravitz.

If it makes you uncomfortable, it's perfectly understandable if you choose not to watch. But to be fair, unlike with Gladys's poor neighbours, the houseguests have given permission for people to watch, and are completely aware of it. In fact, you sometimes hear them discussing whether or not they're being entertaining to the watchers. I don't have the feeds for my own reasons, but if I did, I wouldn't feel like I was crossing any kind of line, I don't think. 

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1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

If there was something else more interesting to show in this episode, I think they would have shown it.

On a side note, I put the personal lives of the house guests in the none-of-my-business bin.  I understand that they open up and talk to each other about their personal lives given all of their free time in the house on the live feeds, but that is something that is none of my business.  That is why I haven't purchased the live feeds.   I know that is a big part of the series and the viewing experience.  It is just that it makes me feel uncomfortable watching that, and I just don't want to feel like the second coming of Gladys Kravitz.

I get that. My wife and I decided to cancel the feeds this year, primarily because this season is so boring. Sorry, but if the only real excitement is found in the racial makeup of an alliance as someone mentioned earlier, this season just isn't very exciting. I understand what you're saying though. I just really don't care about their personal lives in general.

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I LOL'd at Hannah's comments about not wanting to get to know Christian. Nothing about him is appealing and the fact that now I can't unsee SBTB's Screech (RIP DD) when I look at him doesn't help in that regard.

And did anyone catch Alyssa's snarky little greeting to Claire when she came up to the HOH room after the WC comp? "Hi jury! Hi juror!" Like fuck you, you entitled-Christian's-coattails-riding-ain't-all-that-as-you-almost-went-home-Week-ONE-brat.

I would love it if Claire's ends up in the finale. Some could argue it's like a take on the horrible Survivor redemption island comeback but here, she can and will be able to do plenty, winning comps, working on social game etc., to "build her resume" and earn a win.

She, along with Hannah, Azah, and Tiffany are my faves to win, although I wouldn't mind seeing DereX, Xander, or Kyland pulling it out.

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More "meh", I'm afraid.

Really half-assed nominations, I thought.  If you want Whitney to leave, take advantage of Hannah's offer of safety (after making her broaden it to include Alyssa) and pawn someone else.  Azah volunteered last week;  put her up and thank her for being "mature" and "sensible" about it.

And if you want Hannah to leave, you have to know that Whitney can't be your pawn;  the votes aren't there for her.

Personally, I would have taken Hannah up on her offer.  She's dangerous, yes, but use her for the near-term.  There's time to cut her later on, IMO.   And two shields are better than one.

I would put up Azah and DereF, giving Britini a break for the week.  Tell Royal Flush you don't see a reason to make DereX go against his teammates twice in a row, and if you keep the Jokers beaten down, you're taking away Whitney/Hannah's possible future allies.  Chop the numbers, then go for the big fish.  But JMO.

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19 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

More "meh", I'm afraid.

Really half-assed nominations, I thought.  If you want Whitney to leave, take advantage of Hannah's offer of safety (after making her broaden it to include Alyssa) and pawn someone else.  Azah volunteered last week;  put her up and thank her for being "mature" and "sensible" about it.

And if you want Hannah to leave, you have to know that Whitney can't be your pawn;  the votes aren't there for her.

Personally, I would have taken Hannah up on her offer.  She's dangerous, yes, but use her for the near-term.  There's time to cut her later on, IMO.   And two shields are better than one.

I would put up Azah and DereF, giving Britini a break for the week.  Tell Royal Flush you don't see a reason to make DereX go against his teammates twice in a row, and if you keep the Jokers beaten down, you're taking away Whitney/Hannah's possible future allies.  Chop the numbers, then go for the big fish.  But JMO.

I'd go ahead and throw Britini up there instead of Azah just to try to break her. She's obviously not mentally/emotionally strong enough to be here, and I could toss her out without much residual damage. I mean, she's been vowing her revenge for weeks and is still a non-factor in everything she does. If the house wants to get rid of DereF instead, that's cool too, as he's nothing more than dead weight. 

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Well, it's not that I give a flying fig for Britini's emotional health, but I'd assume that Christian doesn't wish to be thought "mean" and/or a "jerk" by the House at large.  One more reason to target him, after all.

If I can sell "get the Jokers" as a strategy yet reap the benefits of "at least he kept Britini off of the block", I'd do it.  But JMO, of course.

(Subject to change if you think the House hates Britini and wants her to suffer, but that's not the vibe I'm getting.)

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1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

Subject to change if you think the House hates Britini and wants her to suffer, but that's not the vibe I'm getting.

Same here.  The broadcast does tend to consistently portray Britini as exuding a kind of manic-depressive energy which could wear thin on the other HGs over time, but thus far I haven’t seen anybody overtly expressing any GTFOH sentiments in her general direction.

Not from the HGs, at least....  😁

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That was one huge ziploc bag of medications Britini hauled out of her luggage at the top of the show.  From what I could spy, they did look like prescription meds, in pharmacy type bottles. I thought hamster meds were administered by some studio nurse in the diary room?  Maybe Britini's meds schedule is so complex that they threw up their hands and shoved it all back at her and said "you handle it!" 


7 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Well, it's not that I give a flying fig for Britini's emotional health, but I'd assume that Christian doesn't wish to be thought "mean" and/or a "jerk" by the House at large.  One more reason to target him, after all.

If I can sell "get the Jokers" as a strategy yet reap the benefits of "at least he kept Britini off of the block", I'd do it.  But JMO, of course.

(Subject to change if you think the House hates Britini and wants her to suffer, but that's not the vibe I'm getting.)

Not necessarily that I think they want her to suffer. I just think she's made herself an easy target and I'd take advantage of that. 

On 8/3/2021 at 2:17 PM, CountryGirl said:

I would love it if Claire's ends up in the finale. Some could argue it's like a take on the horrible Survivor redemption island comeback but here, she can and will be able to do plenty, winning comps, working on social game etc., to "build her resume" and earn a win.

Yeah, I agree.  I don't think that Claire winning a "free pass to Jury" is all that big of a reward/advantage or that all that exciting.  There's probably only like one or two more evictions after this until Jury anyway, so she's still going to have to do plenty of work to actually make it to the end.  It's not like it was a free pass into the Final Four or Finale Night, or something.  Certainly nothing to the extent of Chris's Edge of Extinction win.  And she would have been stupid not to take it, since Tiffany and Kyland were not in any danger whatsoever from Christian/The Kings this week anyway.

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