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S10.E29: Backslide


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Jade's relationship with Sean 'begins to slip'?  Aw, and I thought those two lovebirds were on track to forever.  It just shows that you never know. 

Bar's education has hit a road block (note to druzy: not black 🙂. Was that MTV's slip or yours?). Who would have seen that coming? It only took him what, five years, to get his GED. Surely it was smooth sailing from here on out.  Like I said before, this is your future Ashley. Take a good hard look. 

You know, that expression 'Jesus God Leah!' just fits her life to a tee. When I was told I could have cancer and we need to biopsy to be sure my response was not well, let's wait and see what it does and let the maybe cancer grow bigger and bigger and spread before we finally do anything. She finally has a storyline and she's milking it for all it's worth but it's her life she's talking about. I like her but she is such a nitwit sometimes.

  • Love 7
40 minutes ago, nytonc said:

I haven’t watched this in ages. Is Kail on her 17th baby yet? 

Shit for brains Leah told her girlses that she has a tumor?!?! WTF is wrong with her?? Those kids don’t need to be worrying that mommy might die! She just gets dumber every year. 

I see Brianna is working on a new baby daddy. 

Nothing ever changes  


Exactly! And she was told they’re cysts. Cysts aren’t tumors. She’s so dramatic. 

  • Love 11

First, Kloie looks so much like Sean it is amazing. Second, although they have their serious parenting issues I do sympathize with them because when my son was Kloie's age I would work eleven hours and then come home to literally (and I mean I timed it) two hours of total meltdown at the tiniest drop of a hat. Absolutely anything would set him off. I remember sitting on my bed crying when my husband came home from work and saying I can't deal with this any more. He grew out of it thank god but it was a very emotionally exhausting time for me. Nothing worked. He was just to flip out on me no matter what I said or did and there was no getting around it during that time. I am more concerned that she is jealous of the dog and apparently tries to hurt the dog because that is not something you can let happen or live with. I hope those two get some parenting help and some couples counseling because they need a lot of help. They are just a trainwreck all the time.

I cannot believe Leah told her girls she might have cancer. Good Lord you don't dump that kind of information on kids like that over dinner, she doesn't even know what is happening yet. She uses her girls as best friends and it is really uncomfortable to watch. She never acts like their mom, she acts like their cool older sister. She needs to grow up. I mean she tries and she means well but she is not acting right with them.

Chris is a complete dick. I'm glad MTV showed him acting like a fool. Those two are so toxic. He's cute but I cannot comprehend what Kail sees in him or why she wound up with two(!) kids with him.  There's the rest of your life, Kail. You're coparenting with a dick. Good luck.

Devoin is so good with Stella. Luis just seems so distant and uncomfortable, no wonder Stella doesn't want to spend time with him. She's little and she wants Nova's loving dad not the ever absent distant uncomfortable Luis. Who can blame her? Devoin is far from perfect but he's a good trade in dad on the menu Stella has been shown in her short life.

Ashley has the patience of Job with Bar. And Holly is so adorable. 'Best mommy! Best daddy!'  Seriously I cannot resist her.

  • Love 15

Khloe seems bored and is in that any attention is good attention mode that little kids get into. Sean wanting a music career seems totally and completely practical. They both snap at Khloe too much. Anger is such a go to emotion for them but I'm glad her parents are out of the picture for now.

Ashley wants a better life for Bar about 30% more than he wants it for himself.

We haven't seen Chris since he threatened to spit on the camera crew so I guess this is a step up? I can't imagine having little kids around him. He seems like an angry teenage boy.

Leah's kids know by now not to take anything she says seriously.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Soobs said:

Khloe seems bored and is in that any attention is good attention mode that little kids get into. Sean wanting a music career seems totally and completely practical. They both snap at Khloe too much. Anger is such a go to emotion for them but I'm glad her parents are out of the picture for now.

Ashley wants a better life for Bar about 30% more than he wants it for himself.

We haven't seen Chris since he threatened to spit on the camera crew so I guess this is a step up? I can't imagine having little kids around him. He seems like an angry teenage boy.

Leah's kids know by now not to take anything she says seriously.

I just can't with Chris. Number one all the times I've seen a video of him, I can't understand wtf he is saying because of the mumbling or just plain stoned. He just always seems to not give 2 fucks about anything and I guess that's why Kail chases him around because he doesn't. The difference between the first 2 dads and Chris just makes me shake my head. Joe and Javi are involved and want to be involved,  with Chris, it's like you're twisting his arm to do anything because if it's not his idea then he isn't going to do it. And then he just walks around thinking he is hot shit for his don't give a fuck attitude. Hey Chris, that's not cool when you have 2 kids. Try to get along and I know it's Kail, but come in you knew how she was before you had kids with her. I just can't with him. He just thinks he is above every fucking thing. Wonder how many shoes he sold from his shoe line? Had it ever slipped where he works? I thought they met at college and he graduated. Am I wrong?

  • Love 9

Leah is as dumb as a box of rocks and that tumor chat with the girls was appalling, but she looks really good with the dark hair and red lippie.

Chris is a total dick. Kailyn should be ashamed for procreating with him TWICE!

I wonder how long it will be before Ashley tires of Bar.

Sean is toxic.

Stella is adorable. Loved how she was reaching up to Devoin (ugh; what a name). He has his own issues, but he is very kind to her.

  • Love 9

I can't remember exactly how she phrased it, but Leah said she was basing all this sharing on the fact that they're all women, and it's something women go through.  Lord.

That whole scene with Chris was confusing, but I gather that Chris didn't want whichever kid that was to stay any longer and put him in the car to go away with Kail.  Swapped one kid for the other.  Nice. 

Kail's immediate response was to go Yay! and tell the kid she's excited that she gets to take him home with her.  I have to give her a little credit for that.  I think she really could be a decent mother if she weren't so fucking crazy.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, politichick said:

Leah is as dumb as a box of rocks and that tumor chat with the girls was appalling, but she looks really good with the dark hair and red lippie.

To me, she looks ridiculously made up all of the time to be at home but I guess that is what happens when you film a reality show. My 19 year old son walked by, glanced at the TV, and said “Why is she wearing so much makeup?” (He has no idea who she is - only knows I watch reality crap on TV. lol )  

I just can’t anymore with her “every-conversation-I-have-with-my-kids-has-to-be -a-learning-moment.” Her interactions with her kids seem so staged and not genuine. That is all she’s got with the show - and that is a good thing. Time to move on. 

Edited by lilmarysunshine
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5 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Wonder how many shoes he sold from his shoe line?

He sold zero.  If I recall correctly, there was a 5 shoe minimum required by the company, and he only got a couple of orders.  On a personal note, I found out there are "vanity" shoe companies that operate along the same lines as private label cosmetic firms that will stick your name on their stock products for a price.

  • LOL 4
5 hours ago, lilmarysunshine said:

I just can’t anymore with her “every-conversation-I-have-with-my-kids-has-to-be -a-learning-moment.” Her interactions with her kids seem so staged and not genuine. That is all she’s got with the show - and that is a good thing. Time to move on. 

You can see it in the girls' eyes:  "Here comes another lecture for the cameras, and we've been told to sit here and be all attentive."

I did love it when Leah was listing all of her healthy lifestyle points, and Addie said "and you vape."  Too funny.

Edited by Snarky McSnarky
  • LOL 10
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It's really hard to watch Sean and Jade. Really hard. Their interactions with each other always end in a fight. Clearly, they need to separate and move on. Very toxic relationship. Kloie isn't getting the attention or any kind of socialization with her peers...she's bored and acting out. She needs to be in preschool...learning things, playing with other kids, having a structured environment where she's nurtured and can thrive. Staying at home with Sean who has zero patience and probably plops her in front of the TV while he plays around with his MTV $$ computerized music machines. Her world consists of being around adults all day who fight, curse at each other, yell at her and don't offer any kind of healthy, calming place to be a three year old. When mommy comes home she spends the evening in her Lazy boy whining and complaining about her hard day at work. No one is engaged with this child except to reprimand her and throw her in her room...and why does this child never have pants on? She's always in her diaper/pull ups and a shirt...this "family" depresses the hell out of me and I cringe when I think what teenage Kloie is going to be like.

Edited by BrownBear2012
  • Love 12
2 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Right? And I got the impression that Kail would bang him again in a heartbeat and have another one of his kids.

Uuugh it was so gross how she was flirting with him, like, "oh my god shut my door-ahhh!"  And loving that he was giving her ANY attention.  The fuck spell does he have over her??


17 hours ago, zenme said:

Exactly! And she was told they’re cysts. Cysts aren’t tumors. She’s so dramatic. 


It's actually spelled "dramastic." 


17 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

First, Kloie looks so much like Sean it is amazing. Second, although they have their serious parenting issues I do sympathize with them because when my son was Kloie's age I would work eleven hours and then come home to literally (and I mean I timed it) two hours of total meltdown at the tiniest drop of a hat. Absolutely anything would set him off. I remember sitting on my bed crying when my husband came home from work and saying I can't deal with this any more. He grew out of it thank god but it was a very emotionally exhausting time for me. Nothing worked. He was just to flip out on me no matter what I said or did and there was no getting around it during that time. I am more concerned that she is jealous of the dog and apparently tries to hurt the dog because that is not something you can let happen or live with. I hope those two get some parenting help and some couples counseling because they need a lot of help. They are just a trainwreck all the time.


I remember coming home from work to my 2 boys and they were always horrible when I first got home from work.  I called it the Witching Hour.  Does Jade not understand that every working mom comes home exhausted from work just wanting to curl up on the couch... but no one actually DOES IT because there are kids to deal with??

And Jade, it is not a phase... this is how kids are when they are not mentally or physically stimulated and bored as hell all day, and clearly exhausted.  I found that when my kids talked back, it was because they were over-tired.  When they didn't listen, they were over-tired.  Get that kid into school or daycare where they play and paint and sing all day.  


  • Love 10

First of all Chloe can’t go to preschool because she’s not potty trained!  I’m sure changing her poopy diapers is a challenge.   Jade will never be free of turbulence!  That lip of hers goes a flapping at the drop of a cloth. 

I think Chris made his stupid appearance due to Kail and her producer problems and the lawsuit she filed on Brianna.   She probably told him she gets canned and he’ll be paying child support!  Yes he can!

I just can’t with Leah. Everything is a soap opera with her. Her girlseys don’t have to know everything. She has no storyline so it’s super mom, makeup and a lump!  I’m betting odds it’s nothing. They wouldn’t be fooling around if it was something!

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1 hour ago, Jeanne222 said:

First of all Chloe can’t go to preschool because she’s not potty trained!  I’m sure changing her poopy diapers is a challenge.

It's not a diaper it's a pull-up.  Regardless, child care has been a nightmare during the pandemic because most places closed up. Finding a place in the last year or more is not like before. And the prices have quadrupled in most places as well. So I don't really blame her for using Sean as much as possible during this time although Sean is not an ideal caregiver. She isn't rolling in money like the prior Teen Moms and may not even be able to afford child care right now. Seriously, it's a bad national issue last year and up to now.

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

It's really hard to watch Sean and Jade. Really hard. Their interactions with each other are always end in a fight. Clearly, they need to separate and move on. Very toxic relationship. Kloie isn't getting the attention or any kind of socialization with her peers...she's bored and acting out. She needs to be in preschool...learning things, playing with other kids, having a structured environment where she's nurtured and can thrive. Staying at home with Sean who has zero patience and probably plops her in front of the TV while he plays around with his MTV $$ computerized music machines. Her world consists of being around adults all day who fight, curse at each other, yell at her and don't offer any kind of healthy, calming place to be a three year old. When mommy comes home she spends the evening in her Lazy boy whining and complaining about her hard day at work. No one is engaged with this child except to reprimand her and throw her in her room...and why does this child never have pants on? She's always in her diaper/pull ups and a shirt...this "family" depresses the hell out of me and I cringe when I think what teenage Kloie is going to be like.

Yeah, this was like the Toddler Abuse Episode. It seems that Kloie is expected to entertain (and, I guess, potty train) herself all the time so her parents can focus on their work (or "work" in Sean's case) and themselves. They never seem to play with her or even engage her in positive conversations. It's all, "Stop that! Stop! Why are you doing that?! You're going to your room!" while she's like, being a toddler. Then the whole, "She's making us look like bad parents when, really, she's a demon child!" It's heartbreaking.

And Brianna sees her toddler having an uncharacteristic meltdown over the prospect of being left with the stranger Bri keeps telling her is her dad (so she has to be nice to him!) and chooses to yell at the kid, then force her to be alone with the stranger. Also heartbreaking. Then Bri stages a ridiculous scene with her next baby daddy where she contemplates what she's going to do to legally limit Luis' access to Stella (knowing that he has no legal access to Stella, he only sees Stella (rarely) because Bri allows him to (because it helps to create a storyline for her reality show (even if it's at her toddler's expense)). These people are disgusting.

Edited by TheRealT
  • Love 11
2 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

It's not a diaper it's a pull-up.  Regardless, child care has been a nightmare during the pandemic because most places closed up. Finding a place in the last year or more is not like before. And the prices have quadrupled in most places as well. So I don't really blame her for using Sean as much as possible during this time although Sean is not an ideal caregiver. She isn't rolling in money like the prior Teen Moms and may not even be able to afford child care right now. Seriously, it's a bad national issue last year and up to now.

You know I would agree with you but Jade just flew herself, Sean, Kloie and her parents down to Miami and rented a house for a week so she could get ELECTIVE cosmetic surgery...DURING A PANDEMIC!!!! That wasn't cheap and she didn't seem at all concerned about having these procedures done in the middle of a pandemic. She may not be rolling in the money right now but that didn't stop her from flying and going under the knife. She put her vanity ahead of her daughter's needs and exposed her to a violent, physical altercation between Sean and her "father"...along with the trauma of not being allowed to see her mother, I'm sure that Kloie was confused and scared. Any kid that age would not understand what is going on and be frightened. Even if child care was hard to afford or unavailable, she and Sean should have worked a daily schedule out for Kloie that would include physical activity, healthy snacks, learning time like puzzles, reading a story or doing some arts and crafts. The communication between Jade and Sean is non existent. Sean resents her and feels she's bossy...Jade is pretty self absorbed and doesn't even ask what Kloie did all day when she gets home from work. In the end, Kloie gets neglected. 

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  • Love 12
2 hours ago, TheRealT said:

Yeah, this was like the Toddler Abuse Episode. It seems that Kloie is expected to entertain (and, I guess, potty train) herself all the time so her parents can focus on their work (or "work" in Sean's case) and themselves. They never seem to play with her or even engage her in positive conversations. It's all, "Stop that! Stop! Why are you doing that?! You're going to your room!" while she's like, being a toddler. Then the whole, "She's making us look like bad parents when, really, she's a demon child!" It's heartbreaking.

And Brianna sees her toddler having an uncharacteristic meltdown over the prospect of being left with the stranger Bri keeps telling her is her dad (so she has to be nice to him!) and chooses to yell at the kid, then force her to be alone with the stranger. Also heartbreaking. Then Bri stages a ridiculous scene with her next baby daddy where she contemplates what she's going to do to legally limit Luis' access to Stella (knowing that he has no legal access to Stella, he only sees Stella (rarely) because Bri allows him to (because it helps to create a storyline for her reality show (even if it's at her toddler's expense)). These people are disgusting.

Thank you for bringing up Brianna and her awful parenting this episode. OMG! I really felt sorry for Stella...yes, she was acting out but Brianna was forcing Stella to see Luis when clearly she's uncomfortable with him. For me, that's a red flag. Why is she acting out like this? something about Luis makes her very upset. When a child has a meltdown like that the worst thing you can do is yell and intimidate the child. Brianna made it worse. Up in Stella's face calling her obnoxious...why not hold her and get her calmed down and tell her you'll be right in the room when deadbeat Dad comes over...soothe her, don't escalate the situation! Stella picks up on all the bad vibes that Brianna and Brittany spew about Luis right in front of her...it's no wonder she has a response like this when she's told he's coming over.

  • Love 10
31 minutes ago, BrownBear2012 said:

Stella picks up on all the bad vibes that Brianna and Brittany spew about Luis right in front of her...it's no wonder she has a response like this when she's told he's coming over.

Yeah, this too. Brianna constantly talks about what a deadbeat Luis is and negatively compares him to even Devoin in front of Stella, then she turns around and is all, "Why don't you want to see your dad, Stella? You have to be nice to him; he's your dad!" Brianna has pretty explicitly had sex with Luis in order to incentivize him to spend time with his daughter (to no avail), yet she still essentially gaslights Stella about him. "Your dad is meeting us at the park!... Psych!" "Your dad is coming over to spend an hour with you while I run errands! Why aren't you happy and excited?! Stop being so obnoxious!" It's so twisted.

  • Love 7

What gets on my last nerve with Sean and Jade is that they're never in the present.  Sean is preparing to be some sort of music mogul, and Jade is preparing to be a hair salon mogul.  I understand ambition, but sometimes you need to take care of business right now, and sometimes you have to lay a foundation for moguldom.  They seem to think that they just need to putter around a little bit right now and success will follow.

It's kind of like how they're raising Kloie.  They're certainly not laying any foundation there.

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

What gets on my last nerve with Sean and Jade is that they're never in the present.  Sean is preparing to be some sort of music mogul, and Jade is preparing to be a hair salon mogul.  I understand ambition, but sometimes you need to take care of business right now, and sometimes you have to lay a foundation for moguldom.  They seem to think that they just need to putter around a little bit right now and success will follow.

It's kind of like how they're raising Kloie.  They're certainly not laying any foundation there.

Jade wants to expand!  I wonder just how much money she's making in a one stall beauty parlor with rent sky high!  Utilities on top of that!

Could be pouring her MTV money into Pipe Dreams!

Sean with all that fancy equipment in a bedroom!  Lordy.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

What gets on my last nerve with Sean and Jade is that they're never in the present.  Sean is preparing to be some sort of music mogul, and Jade is preparing to be a hair salon mogul.  I understand ambition, but sometimes you need to take care of business right now, and sometimes you have to lay a foundation for moguldom.  They seem to think that they just need to putter around a little bit right now and success will follow.

It's kind of like how they're raising Kloie.  They're certainly not laying any foundation there.

"Moguls"....ha ha ha!!! 

  • LOL 4
21 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

She's always in her diaper/pull ups and a shirt...this "family" depresses the hell out of me and I cringe when I think what teenage Kloie is going to be like.

Sadly, I can see Khloie following in her parents footsteps if her life continues the way it is going. Her parents aren't all that interested in her. They love her, but they don't seem to have any interest in teaching her things, maybe engaging her interests and making sure she has some structure. Once she's a teenager, I can see her finding a Sean of her own and being exactly where her Mom was at her age. Hopefully, someone Jade respects will intervene and suggest that Kloie needs to get out of the house and engage with people her age more often.

  • Love 8
6 minutes ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

Sadly, I can see Khloie following in her parents footsteps if her life continues the way it is going. Her parents aren't all that interested in her. They love her, but they don't seem to have any interest in teaching her things, maybe engaging her interests and making sure she has some structure. Once she's a teenager, I can see her finding a Sean of her own and being exactly where her Mom was at her age. Hopefully, someone Jade respects will intervene and suggest that Kloie needs to get out of the house and engage with people her age more often.

First she needs to dump Sean. This arrangement they have where she works and he stays home with Kloie isn't working. Clearly he isn't cut out for full time babysitting. And the quality of his babysitting seems grossly inadequate. She's going to have to find another way to get Kloie quality daycare or preschool. From the little we've seen of Sean's parenting it is alarming the way he goes from 0-100 on the anger scale with Kloie...yelling at her for acting like a typical three year old. Who knows what goes on after the cameras are off...I don't even want to imagine what goes on. Jade is present but doesn't engage at all with Kloie. She's self absorbed and narcissistic.

  • Love 6
On 7/14/2021 at 12:03 AM, zenme said:

Exactly! And she was told they’re cysts. Cysts aren’t tumors. She’s so dramatic. 

Sickening to listen to her making this something it’s not.  There are thousands of women of every age being diagnosed with cancerous tumors everyday.  If my lump had been non cancerous I would have been dancing and celebrating. I wasn’t as lucky as Leah.   But this very stupid bitch is worried about how she will look and sobbing about it.   

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, zenme said:

Why would Leah tell her children anything about her cyst at this point? Why burden your children with worries? If, God forbid, you find out you have cancer, THEN talk to them. Until then, Leah’s burdening her children for the sake of viewer sympathy and a storyline. I think it’s reprehensible. 

You need to pay closer attention.  She's not doing it just for viewer sympathy and a storyline.  She said this is an issue that women have to deal with, and she's sharing it with the women in her life, including the 8-year-old woman and the two 11-year-old women. 

  • Useful 2
  • LOL 16
On 7/14/2021 at 12:53 AM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

First, Kloie looks so much like Sean it is amazing. Second, although they have their serious parenting issues I do sympathize with them because when my son was Kloie's age I would work eleven hours and then come home to literally (and I mean I timed it) two hours of total meltdown at the tiniest drop of a hat. Absolutely anything would set him off. I remember sitting on my bed crying when my husband came home from work and saying I can't deal with this any more. He grew out of it thank god but it was a very emotionally exhausting time for me. Nothing worked. He was just to flip out on me no matter what I said or did and there was no getting around it during that time. I am more concerned that she is jealous of the dog and apparently tries to hurt the dog because that is not something you can let happen or live with. I hope those two get some parenting help and some couples counseling because they need a lot of help. They are just a trainwreck all the time.


Kloie is neglected.  Her behavior is consistent with a neglected child who is aching for attention.  
So, do they ask themselves why they think that Kloie is “jealous” of the dog?  That maybe it’s watching her father petting the dog lovingly while he pushes her away.  It must be so scary being a small child and having this massive man screaming two inches from your face in a fit of rage.  Maybe she’s full of anger and she’s taking it out on someone smaller than her, just like she’s learned from those humans who call themselves parents.  

And has Kloie ever been dressed appropriately?  She’s either in pajamas or half dressed.  They disgust me.   I hope someone steps in on Kloie’s behalf. 

(Am I the only one who thinks Kloie is pronounced “cloy”)

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, zenme said:

Why would Leah tell her children anything about her cyst at this point? Why burden your children with worries? If, God forbid, you find out you have cancer, THEN talk to them. Until then, Leah’s burdening her children for the sake of viewer sympathy and a storyline. I think it’s reprehensible. 

She’s already said it’s benign and so did her doctor during the visit.   They must have biopsied it last summer when it first appeared.   
I wonder if she told them about the STDs she’s probably had too.  

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